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World of Warcraft

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Going to get on my Pally for a bit tonight, hope to ram out about half a level and ding 54, then work on it tomorrow, hit 55, and start my DK. Damn its been a while since I "legitimately" leveled a toon >_>
Show time.

In other news I made a Death Knight. Why did I have to like playing it? It'll take forever to hit 80 if I keep getting distracted like this.
Hey all, small offer for anyone here who seems trustable.

I am about halfway through level 53 on my pally, trying to get to 55 by tomorrow to roll a DK. I just found out that something just came up in real life and it won't allow for that to happen. So if someone here would be willing to level my toon from 53 to 55 by sometime tomorrow, I'd be willing to trade you something in return for your services.

I know some people might give me shit for this, but its only a level and a half and I really just want to start on my DK. So if anyone here is interested, just send me a PM and we can work something out.



I'm a bit behind, but did my first group as a Death Knight, dpsing in Utgarde Keep with 4 others who had never run the instance. Was a fun time, wiped on every boss naturally, but we muscled through it and it certainly felt like an accomplishment. And then the nice 2-Handed Axe dropped from Ingvar, and I was the only one who could use. So that's very nice.:D


Hit 76 on my paladin, specced (once again) retribution for some faster quest exp (all those dps gears I keep getting from quests seem to work well).
Will have to respec Holy again if I want to keep soloing all those 3/4/5 people quests tho (soloing the last one in New Heartglen at 73 or 74 was challenging... and fun).

Edit: Oh, also did the Battle for the Undercity. Pretty awesome questline, but I'm left wondering who was the master.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I hit 64 on my Death Knight. Still running through Zangarmarsh. Very interesting zone. I feel like I'm leaving money on the table though. All of the mining and skinning I'm not doing (since you need to level it up).

Though I'm wondering if I should try Mining/Jewelcrafting.
78 on my rogue...I am really loving Northerend but the fact that rogues get pwned by all classes except maybe a crappy geared shaman, warlock or hunter in pvp is really discouraging my end game hopes of pvp :( I am mutilate spec now but may try ShS as it seems like it could be a fun change.


Modesty becomes a woman
arts&crafts said:
78 on my rogue...I am really loving Northerend but the fact that rogues get pwned by all classes except maybe a crappy geared shaman, warlock or hunter in pvp is really discouraging my end game hopes of pvp :( I am mutilate spec now but may try ShS as it seems like it could be a fun change.

It really depends on the player, I know a few rogues that can't be beat.

I have the same attitude as you, except with my class vs other classes. That's just how the game works.


Dinged 80 on my warrior. Would have been way faster, but I slept too much and I respecced prot to run a few instances midway through.


I don't comprehend how some of you guys do it lol. I feel burnt out going from 68-71on my rogue let alone 70-80. I think I'm going to dip into some other games and just ride on rested xp.


I’m sticking a new hard drive in my machine tonight, and wondering, can I just copy and paste my WoW folder onto it and it will still work okay? Or will I need to do a reinstall, and then install all the updates? If I do have to reinstall is there anyway I can save my key-bindings?


Kweh said:
I’m sticking a new hard drive in my machine tonight, and wondering, can I just copy and paste my WoW folder onto it and it will still work okay? Or will I need to do a reinstall, and then install all the updates? If I do have to reinstall is there anyway I can save my key-bindings?

You can just copy the folder. No need for reinstall or anything.
Antagon said:
You can just copy the folder. No need for reinstall or anything.

I dunno. I would think there would be registry entries that would still reference the old location. My advice would be to uninstall and install it on the new drive, and then just copy over the old addons folder.


Hit 75 on my DK last night. About 20% into the level already. Yesterday was last day of vacation and now I have to go to work again. :( Leveling will slow down tremendously. Ah well, I did the best I could. :)

I am seriously loving the DK and the expansion so far. Just amazing work Blizz. About 1000 times better than BC.


Azwethinkweiz said:
I dunno. I would think there would be registry entries that would still reference the old location. My advice would be to uninstall and install it on the new drive, and then just copy over the old addons folder.

He's correct about not needing to reinstall.


Saerk said:
Im playing a deathknight right now specced in the blood tree. Im only lvl 61 right now, but I mapped out what I think should be a good talent path. Tell me what you guys think of this.


It seems pretty solid to me, but I'll find out with some trial and error. I also remember reading about having two specs available that you could switch between. Did this feature make it into the game or was it nixed.
Dual spec is coming "when it's ready".


sykoex said:
I just got through Wailing Caverns!

I have sweared on my deahtbed that I will never be cought doing WC, gnomeregan or that damn forsaken instance in the bottom of the mountains south of Ironforge. Those were the worst designed game parts blizard has ever put on the market.

I like wotlk instances. rich and well designed with interesting bosses.


I just hit 75 before maintenance. I actually feel like I'm going too fast, so I'm trying to slow it down.

We did Azjol-Nerub earlier this morning, and I was really surprised at how incredibly short it is. It seems like the shortest instance I've been in so far, but I'm not 100% sure about that. It was fun, though!


Azwethinkweiz said:
I dunno. I would think there would be registry entries that would still reference the old location. My advice would be to uninstall and install it on the new drive, and then just copy over the old addons folder.

First time you load WoW, registry will be updated. Its a game designed to be ran from any directory of any drive. You can switch to your heart desire.


Junior Member
Mareg said:
I have sweared on my deahtbed that I will never be cought doing WC, gnomeregan or that damn forsaken instance in the bottom of the mountains south of Ironforge. Those were the worst designed game parts blizard has ever put on the market.

You forgot ST. Easily the worst instance in vanilla WoW.

Actually, the only problem I had with WC is that it's way to long for an early instance. I've leveled four characters, and only once have I ever had a WC group that stayed together from start to finish.

Macattk15 said:
Every single instance I have ran has been RIDICULOUSLY easy. What did Blizzard do?


I guess I'll wait to see how the heroics are before I really start complaining ... but holy crap this game seems so casual now.

What kind of gear are you in?


Every single instance I have ran has been RIDICULOUSLY easy. What did Blizzard do?

I've ran everything from UK to Gundrak (I'm only 75 mind you) and everything has just been soooooo simple and short. Gundrak (78 bosses) was supposed to be hard but we went in there with a full group of 75's (prot warrior, arms warrior, marks hunter, boomkin and holy priest).

Didn't CC a damn thing, AE'd everything down pretty much and the bosses died FASTER than some of the trash mobs.

I guess I'll wait to see how the heroics are before I really start complaining ... but holy crap this game seems so casual now.

And where the hell can I find Saronite!
Yeah, the game is fairly easy now. I went to Naxxramas last night with a pug group and managed to down all of the Spider Wing and the first boss in the Plague Wing. We had to call it quits because it was getting late, but I couldn't believe how far we progressed in such a short time and most people were still wearing level 70 epics (T5 quality gear). I remember starting Karazhan and having trouble on Moroes for a couple days, but here it only took a couple tries for each boss before they went down. This was for the 10-man version though. 25-man might prove a lot more difficult. I'm kind of disappointed in the game at the moment. In a couple weeks, I could see most, if not all, the content being cleared by a lot of people...


cvkpaladin said:
Yeah, the game is fairly easy now. I went to Naxxramas last night with a pug group and managed to down all of the Spider Wing and the first boss in the Plague Wing. We had to call it quits because it was getting late, but I couldn't believe how far we progressed in such a short time and most people were still wearing level 70 epics (T5 quality gear). I remember starting Karazhan and having trouble on Moroes for a couple days, but here it only took a couple tries for each boss before they went down. This was for the 10-man version though. 25-man might prove a lot more difficult. I'm kind of disappointed in the game at the moment. In a couple weeks, I could see most, if not all, the content being cleared by a lot of people...

Wow ... that is disgusting if PUGs can get through Naxx .... I don't care if it is 10 man or 25 man. Unless every single pug had Naxx experience pre TBC.


Every single instance I have ran has been RIDICULOUSLY easy. What did Blizzard do?

If you're running instances at level 75 and the content has been available for 5 days roughly (With an average of about 4-7 hours per level) then you are not a casual player and obviously have a great deal of experience with the game. The instances are not more difficult or easy then they were at BC imo. The big difference this time is that the gear you had in BC scales a whole lot better then it did from vanilla wow to BC. The gains just aren't as substantial. I imagine heroics won't be difficult either.


Wow ... that is disgusting if PUGs can get through Naxx .... I don't care if it is 10 man or 25 man. Unless every single pug had Naxx experience pre TBC.

All it takes is one person to talk everyone through the fights and tell everyone how it all goes. It's not like these are brand new fights no one has done before. There's no progression or learning period when all the experience is already there.


Some heroics can pose a challenge, I hate heroic violet hold and one part of utgarde pinnacle is crazy on heroic.

So I got to 76 on my paladin last night, did the quest that brings you to Nesingwary grabbed my quests from him and stopped for the night. The area that they start you out in at Sholozar reminds me for feralas.....I hated feralas. I must say though that I've loved these quest lines in northrend and enjoyed the zones a lot. Can't wait to hit 77 and start the argent crusade quests in icecrown (the phased ones), I loved those on beta.

Yeah we got our server first 80 death knight last night, an alliance douchebag.


Neo Member
Ryu said:
If you're running instances at level 75 and the content has been available for 5 days roughly (With an average of about 4-7 hours per level) then you are not a casual player and obviously have a great deal of experience with the game. The instances are not more difficult or easy then they were at BC imo. The big difference this time is that the gear you had in BC scales a whole lot better then it did from vanilla wow to BC. The gains just aren't as substantial. I imagine heroics won't be difficult either.


All it takes is one person to talk everyone through the fights and tell everyone how it all goes. It's not like these are brand new fights no one has done before. There's no progression or learning period when all the experience is already there.

Right. The WotLK instances are balanced for someone who is leveling a character from 1 (or 55) to 80, whose gear is mostly greens/some blues. Anyone who has epic gear from BC is overgeared for these instances.
One or two people did have prior knowledge of the boss fights. But most never experienced the instance, including me. I found it kind of pathetic actually and only went just to see the place and didn't expect to actually down any bosses. Also, the group wasn't exactly optimal either since there weren't many people to choose from at level 80. We had three druids (two tanks and one healer), one rogue, one paladin healer (me), one mage, one shadow priest, one elemental shaman, and two warlocks. I'm sure if we had another healer instead of a dps it would have made the fights much easier. So, not only did a pug manage to kill four bosses in the instance in a couple of hours, they did it with almost no prior knowledge of the place, still geared in level 70 loot, and did it with an unoptimized group. Yeah, I'm worried about the future of WoW. One good thing was that since I was the only plate wearer, I managed to score two pieces of plate melee dps loot.


Neo Member
I tried to level protection with my warrior because I had heard good things. I gave up pretty quickly and am back to fury. I love the fury changes/additions. Titan's Grip, Whirlwind using both weapons, Bloodsurge, Rampage as a proc, all awesome. The WoW addiction is setting back in.


cvkpaladin said:
One or two people did have prior knowledge of the boss fights. But most never experienced the instance, including me. I found it kind of pathetic actually and only went just to see the place and didn't expect to actually down any bosses. Also, the group wasn't exactly optimal either since there weren't many people to choose from at level 80. We had three druids (two tanks and one healer), one rogue, one paladin healer (me), one mage, one shadow priest, one elemental shaman, and two warlocks. I'm sure if we had another healer instead of a dps it would have made the fights much easier. So, not only did a pug manage to kill four bosses in the instance in a couple of hours, they did it with almost no prior knowledge of the place, still geared in level 70 loot, and did it with an unoptimized group. Yeah, I'm worried about the future of WoW. One good thing was that since I was the only plate wearer, I managed to score two pieces of plate melee dps loot.

I'm confused, someone coached a 10-man instance on how the fights worked and people who hit 80 in 5 days (obviously competent players and really hardcore to do such a thing) cleared a few wings of an instance people we're clearing at level 60 and you're worried about the end-game?

Karazhan turned into the new UBRS in BC when all was said and done and that was the first 10-man instance. People were clearing that in an entire week and now do it in two hours. The progression just seems slanted because your gear/experience is better and you're with some hardcore folk.

I'm pretty sure the end-game content will be much more difficult in future patches.
Arp3ggi0 said:
Right. The WotLK instances are balanced for someone who is leveling a character from 1 (or 55) to 80, whose gear is mostly greens/some blues. Anyone who has epic gear from BC is overgeared for these instances.

T4 tops out in the first two zones, T5 in Grizzly, T6 in Storm Peaks, and Sunwell gear finally at Naxx.

Speaking of Naxx, 10 man had very few surprises compared to it being a sawed-off version of 40 man lvl 60 version. First 10 people from my guild smoked the place in one night.


Junior Member
cvkpaladin said:
So, not only did a pug manage to kill four bosses in the instance in a couple of hours, they did it with almost no prior knowledge of the place, still geared in level 70 loot, and did it with an unoptimized group. Yeah, I'm worried about the future of WoW.

Here's proof that you're overgeared for 10-man Naxx. You've got a group of players that leveled to 80, grabbing quest rewards and probably 5-man instance loot along the way that wasn't as good as their 70 gear.

Naxx is an intro raid in Wrath, it needs to be balanced around a toon in Wrath instance gear. Obviously that gear is inferior to what you took in, otherwise you would have replaced your old stuff on the way to 80.
Okay, you make a valid point. Maybe the skill level of the players involved is a bit higher than the average player as well as the how hardcore they are. However, I don't think comparing Karazhan to Naxxramas is apt. Remember, when BC came out, there was an attunement chain to get into Karazhan, not exactly difficult mind you, but it atleast slowed down progression to a certain extent.

Also, even after Karazhan was cleared there were still two outdoor raid bosses to down, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon, SSC, and TK. I don't think Mount Hyjal or Black Temple were out during this time though. Not only that, but Karazhan was fairly difficult from the start before it got nerfed. I realize that the jump in the quality of loot from 60 to 70 was much more drastic than what was found from 70 to 80 and that Kara was tuned for people in 70 gear. That worked in it's favor since it also helped slow down progression.

With WotLK, after Naxxramas there is only Sartharion, Malygos, and the raid boss associated with Lake Wintergrasp. Not much content in my opinion and since anyone can go to Naxx once they hit level 80 and as long as they're wearing T5/T6 equivalent loot, there is no need to farm level 80 instances to gear up before stepping foot in Naxx. Seems a tad bit too easy imo.

And actually, the only reason I'm still mostly geared in level 70 epics is not because I skipped getting loot in 5-man instances. It's because I skipped going to 5-man instances and went straight to Naxx after levelling to 80. As for the quest rewards, it's because I took Ret upgrades rather than Holy upgrades since I was figuring on raiding Ret when I reached 80. It was only because of the raid make-up that I decided to respec Holy to go there.


Speaking of loot, anyone noticed the loot in wotlk is very lackluster compared to BC. I remember replacing my purplez with everything that came from quest rewards in hellfire peninsula.

Might be after the winefest that came from raiders of vanilla wow about their shinny loot that they had worked forever for to get replaced too early in BC.

The lootwhore in me would have liked to have upgrades from quests in wotlk. Just questing for xp is half the fun. I would have liked the full front fun lootwhorish experience...


Old Karazhan was way overtuned. You had to spend weeks in normal level 70 5 mans and Heroics to have a chance with the early bosses and weeks farming those Kara bosses to have a chance at the later bosses.
It wasn't until the never ending series of nerfs that Kara became the joke it is now.

Blizzard wanted a smoother transition from level 80 instances to Naxx.

Yes, it is for the casual players. The players that are just now getting to Ahn'kahet. If you are level 80 or at least cleared Gun'drak then the 10 man raid content is not meant for you.


I got my main (rogue) up to 77 and am currently questing in Zul Drek. So far this expansion has been great! I'm still in most of my badge gear and still rocking my blade of infamy. With that said does anyone here have a macro worked out for putting TotT on a tank in an instance or raid?


Mareg said:
Speaking of loot, anyone noticed the loot in wotlk is very lackluster compared to BC. I remember replacing my purplez with everything that came from quest rewards in hellfire peninsula.

Might be after the winefest that came from raiders of vanilla wow about their shinny loot that they had worked forever for to get replaced too early in BC.

The lootwhore in me would have liked to have upgrades from quests in wotlk. Just questing for xp is half the fun. I would have liked the full front fun lootwhorish experience...

Yeah, I'm kind of annoyed at the lack of upgrades. I've only upgraded three pieces of gear since I got into Northrend, and all three came from instances or instance quests. My gear wasn't even that good... a mixture of badge/Karazhan/heroic stuff. I'm 75 now and I really want new stuff. :mad:
One more note. I love everything else they have done with the game. The new zones, the quests involving vehicles, the new phasing technology, the lore surrounding the Lich King (I think every zone has atleast one quest chain where you interact with the Lich King), and the new 5-man instances (atleast the ones I have seen so far) are all very well done. I just hope that the end game content lives up to everything prior to it and I'm just expressing my concerns about what I have seen so far. That's all.


Junior Member
Mareg said:
Speaking of loot, anyone noticed the loot in wotlk is very lackluster compared to BC. I remember replacing my purplez with everything that came from quest rewards in hellfire peninsula.

Might be after the winefest that came from raiders of vanilla wow about their shinny loot that they had worked forever for to get replaced too early in BC.

I've always looked at it the other way - I've always seen the massive jump in gear from vanilla to BC as a way of resetting the game to remove some of advantage raiders had going in.

Vanilla was much, much more unfriendly to non-raiders than TBC. If you wanted epics in vanilla it was raid, do some insane rep grinds, literally live in BGs, or do some quests that made raid content seem easy. TBC had heroics, badge gear, easier rep advancement, arena epics, etc as altenatives to raid progression. You're not going to have T6/Sunwell quality stuff, but it's nowhere near as big as the chasm between D1/D2 and T3 in vanilla.


I'm really happy with how the early endgame is playing out. Kara was way to overtuned at first (doing Moroes in greens and blues as a healer with shitty regen? ugh). You can't tell me that Kara was properly tuned for an entry level raid before the nerf bats came out in full force (and just for the record, I cleared every instance in vanilla WoW). Naxx is now an "entry level" raid instance and tuned very nicely. I feel that Blizzard finally has done progression right this time. I've got a good feeling the Ulduar raid is going to ramp up the difficulty nicely when it is finally patched in.

And to TwentyFifthNovember, quit yer bitching, you damned poop-sockers.


What makes the best server population-wise and ratio-wise?

My friend wants to go on a 23k Alliance/6k Horde server from a 10k Alliance/8k Horde server. As horde.
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