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World of Warcraft

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Dinged 77 today
Went to Dalaran and got my cold flying training for 1000 gold :(

Then noticed I had a junkbox in my bags so I picked the lock and



Looks like I have an upgrade for my Blade of Infamy when I hit 80 :D
Have any of you gotten the whispers from "An Unknown Voice"? It says things like "Kill them all before they kill you." and "There is no escape. Not in this life. Not in the next.". I thought it might have had something to do with a quest but it's happened 3 or 4 times now. It's been happening since the first day. It seems pretty random but, maybe it's triggered by different places. I'm thinking it's Arthas. I think I heard it the first time but, I haven't heard it again since.


I get the whispers when doing the daily at the saronite cave in Icecrown. Also during the fight with the last boss in Old Kingdom. The whispers should come from those faceless sorta-Bog dudes.
Well, that's not nearly as exciting as what I though. I was hoping Arthas had chosen me to become some kind of death knight rogue. :lol

Edit: I was wondering how any of you who have done 10 man Naxx would compare its difficulty to LK heroics.


BigJonsson said:
Dinged 77 today
Went to Dalaran and got my cold flying training for 1000 gold :(

Then noticed I had a junkbox in my bags so I picked the lock and



Looks like I have an upgrade for my Blade of Infamy when I hit 80 :D

You should sell it instead. It'll probably go for 3k gold or so.


Eric WK said:
I leveled Disc and it was fantastic. Never had a problem soloing - huge mana pool, damage never felt too gimped, etc. I never died from any normal pull and was able to survive a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't have. Downtime was pretty minimal when I used my Shadowfiend intelligently.

Healed almost every leveling instance, as well. I would recommend glyphing for it, though. Glyph of PW:S is a must and you can do whatever you want with the others. I used Glyph of Flash Heal and, at 80, Glyph of Renew, but had I used something else I would have leveled even faster.

I was Holy during that time for all of an hour to play around with CoH in an instance and when I got out soloing was unbearable. I just didn't have the survivability or damage.

I was raid specced, as well. Filled out Disc and began Holy after.


Feel free to try Holy or stay Shadow, but I shall forever swear by Discipline.
You're like my long-lost twin.


Oni Link 666 said:
Well, that's not nearly as exciting as what I though. I was hoping Arthas had chosen me to become some kind of death knight rogue. :lol

Edit: I was wondering how any of you who have done 10 man Naxx would compare its difficulty to LK heroics.
Basically, ten man heroics. It's easy, everything is AOE spam, and the bosses are a joke.


Kintaro said:
If there is one thing I HATE it's that you have to skill up weapons. So, what's the easiest way to skill up a weapon from 1 on a lvl 70? =/

Will the training dummies level them up for you?


I think I'm gonna drop engineering. It's stupid pathetic. They don't have a healing plate goggle and the bike is stupid expensive even after grinding out exhalted faction AND getting max engy. I'm not max, I'm not exhalted warsong offensive, I'm losing much if I switch now. I'll only miss my chopper. ;_;

Should I switch JC? >_>;; after I get exhalted wyrmrest so I can get the red drake mount.

Hey Xabora, you missed my message.
Farnack said:
Hey Xabora, what do you use to quickly check the functionality of an addon? Blizz has that Interface Customization Tool, is it a quick interpreter or do I always have to test it in game?


Junior Member
Eteric Rice said:
How the hell did you do that?

I'm having fun with my DK though. Still not used to tanking. :<

<- Former Warlock
I'm running naxx this sat with it so I'll let you know how well it works.


Junior Member
Farnack said:
Hey Xabora, you missed my message.
Farnack said:
Hey Xabora, what do you use to quickly check the functionality of an addon? Blizz has that Interface Customization Tool, is it a quick interpreter or do I always have to test it in game?
The Interface Customization Tool is just an MPQ dumper blizzard made to reduce the risks of finding a legit MPQ extractor to my knowledge.

Checking the functionality is mostly popping an addon in and seeing if it works.
As for coding, alot of people use notepad.exe or a definetion for Visual Studio.
Eitherway, your work comes out in plaintext for the WoW Engine LUA Interpreter to run it in real-time as you play.

EDIT: FARK!!! that was supposed to be an edit.
Farnack said:
I think I'm gonna drop engineering. It's stupid pathetic. They don't have a healing plate goggle and the bike is stupid expensive even after grinding out exhalted faction AND getting max engy. I'm not max, I'm not exhalted warsong offensive, I'm losing much if I switch now. I'll only miss my chopper. ;_;

Should I switch JC? >_>;; after I get exhalted wyrmrest so I can get the red drake mount.

Eng is such a pain in the ass to level. I would never drop it. It is pretty fucking stupid though. I got it on my hunter. You can ride the mechanohog without eng btw. You would just have to pay all the money you have for one.


Oni Link 666 said:
Eng is such a pain in the ass to level. I would never drop it. It is pretty fucking stupid though. I got it on my hunter. You can ride the mechanohog without eng btw. You would just have to pay all the money you have for one.
Yeah that's the retarded part. Our reason to be engy is now null cuz anyone can use it.
Xabora said:
The Interface Customization Tool is just an MPQ dumper blizzard made to reduce the risks of finding a legit MPQ extractor to my knowledge.

Checking the functionality is mostly popping an addon in and seeing if it works.
As for coding, alot of people use notepad.exe or a definetion for Visual Studio.
Eitherway, your work comes out in plaintext for the WoW Engine LUA Interpreter to run it in real-time as you play.

EDIT: FARK!!! that was supposed to be an edit.
Hmm, so have to keep testing in the game.


Junior Member
Farnack said:
Hmm, so have to keep testing in the game.
best you can do it edit the lua file while the game is running, save it, then type /console reloadui in the chatbox to run the latest version of your LUA file.


Oni Link 666 said:
Also, I'm getting real annoyed at this AOE the shit out of everything strategy every hunter and mage want to use now. I don't think that helps out at all. You may be topping the DPS meter (?) but the mobs are up and hitting the tank (and me) longer.

Im not sure wtf you mean by this, either your AoE is retarded or you all are doing something wrong. The very reason that we pull entire halls of mobs in instances and raids and AoE them down is because its FASTER and the mobs are dead quicker. If its taking you all longer to AoE burn them down than it does to single target focus them one at a time, the problem is with the players, not the strategy. And your comment about the damage meters is just stupid. Noone worth their salt is running a damage meter on trash anyway so your not making any sense.


My guild can't even get 10 people online ... I think I might Xfer servers ... well me and my g/f.

Horde. She's a holy priest, I'm a fury warrior (often top damage and ill defend that claim!) .... any openings anywhere?! Been through everything pre TBC ... to Brutallus in TBC ... and now my guild sucks.


Macattk15 said:
My guild can't even get 10 people online ... I think I might Xfer servers ... well me and my g/f.

Horde. She's a holy priest, I'm a fury warrior (always top damage and ill defend that claim!) .... any openings anywhere?!

Depends on what kind of guild you are looking for...pve or pvp?


border said:
How do you AOE grind as a prot warrior?

Gather up mobs, Thunderclap (3/3 Improved Thunderclap, talent that increases crit strike chance of TC by 15%, Glyph of Thunderclap), Cleave, Shockwave, Conc. Blow, Spell Reflect, etc. Enemies will damage themselves just by hitting you from the deep Prot. shield talent.

Nitsuj23 said:
Just out of curiosity what's wrong with an enhancement shaman? I'm elemental right now and have no problem getting in groups, and doing well.

It's not so much that there's anything "wrong" with it other than the fact that you need three things to do an instance. Tank, DPS and healing. When I see nothing but the healing classes offspecced for DPS it's pretty lame. Most of them bitch about not finding groups too, when they would get all the invites in the world if they just respecced.
Hero said:
Gather up mobs, Thunderclap (3/3 Improved Thunderclap, talent that increases crit strike chance of TC by 15%, Glyph of Thunderclap), Cleave, Shockwave, Conc. Blow, Spell Reflect, etc. Enemies will damage themselves just by hitting you from the deep Prot. shield talent.

It's not so much that there's anything "wrong" with it other than the fact that you need three things to do an instance. Tank, DPS and healing. When I see nothing but the healing classes offspecced for DPS it's pretty lame. Most of them bitch about not finding groups too, when they would get all the invites in the world if they just respecced.
They ARE NOT healing classes. They have an option of healing, they are a hybrid class. If anything shamans are dps, hell 2 of their 3 specs are dps and not heals. So by that logic healing would be their offspec.
Lord Phol said:
Ooo u play on Ahn'Qiraj? :eek:
That's where I got my undead warrior and belf dk. Tell me how is horde vs Alliance ration at 70-80 from your experience (pvp and like, if you have), and also how overpopulated are the dks at that level range at the moment? Don't really feel like playing the same thing as everyone else.

Despite playing on a PvP server my pvp knowledge is pretty limited, don't really like WoW's pvp very much. Anyway theres a lot of Dk's but most of them are 80 already :lol I think theres a 60:40 maybe 66:33 balance in the horde's favour on the server. I could be completely wrong though


DarkAngelYuna said:
They ARE NOT healing classes. They have an option of healing, they are a hybrid class. If anything shamans are dps, hell 2 of their 3 specs are dps and not heals. So by that logic healing would be their offspec.

By that logic then there are no tanking classes either. EVERYBODY IS DPS GUYS WOO!


Please don't bring that Hybrids should be healers BS in here.

I rolled a Druid to heal. I then rolled a Shaman to dps. My Shaman can heal, but why would I have two healers? I rolled a pally to tank. Why would I have three healers? Of course, my Druid can heal, dps or tank, but the time it takes to gear for all three is almost a bigger pain than to just level an alt for it. Plus, I prefer the dps playstyle of Shaman and the tank playstyle of a Pally.


Has problems recognising girls
For what it is worth I'm currently Elemental but hitting Resto soon as I ding 80. That isn't a forced measure or anything, it's due to the fact that I love the playstyle of Resto Shaman the most out of all healing classes.

I however see no reason why an Elemental Shaman, Balance Druid or Shadow Priest cannot save up some sense of healing gear and change equipment before an instance run if it so requires. Not every piece of equipment from quest rewards is suited to your proper spec.


Has problems recognising girls
That was one of the reasons why I never rolled a Druid back in vanilla WoW. The fear of having to carry around all these different sets, not that it did much since I went through all 3 specs as a Shaman from 1-60 - the last 10 levels when I was Resto. Never again.


I'm a lvl 56 warrior,and i completed all the quests in felwood,i have one remaining quest in winterspring. Where should i go after im done with winterspring?.
Puncture said:
Im not sure wtf you mean by this, either your AoE is retarded or you all are doing something wrong. The very reason that we pull entire halls of mobs in instances and raids and AoE them down is because its FASTER and the mobs are dead quicker. If its taking you all longer to AoE burn them down than it does to single target focus them one at a time, the problem is with the players, not the strategy. And your comment about the damage meters is just stupid. Noone worth their salt is running a damage meter on trash anyway so your not making any sense.

It's simple. Three mobs do more damage than 2 or 1. It has nothing to do with how long the encounter lasts and everything to do with how many mobs are up and doing damage. Take the pulls in Halls of Lightning with 2 iron dwarfs doing 4,500 whirlwinds. Those in melee range will be exposed to more damage if the dwarfs are up the whole fight than if you use CC and take out the dwarfs 1 by 1. Why did people chain CC and use kill order on Moroes pre-nerf and not gather everything up and AOE it down like they did post-nerf? Why did an off-tank take Attunemen? Ect.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
Im not sure wtf you mean by this, either your AoE is retarded or you all are doing something wrong. The very reason that we pull entire halls of mobs in instances and raids and AoE them down is because its FASTER and the mobs are dead quicker. If its taking you all longer to AoE burn them down than it does to single target focus them one at a time, the problem is with the players, not the strategy. And your comment about the damage meters is just stupid. Noone worth their salt is running a damage meter on trash anyway so your not making any sense.

See the above post; the fact the overall encounter takes the same amount of time doens't negate that you're making it 3x harder for the tank and healer by refusing to follow the kill order.


yacobod said:
round up a bunch of mobs, TC, shockwave, shield block, spam revenge, plus you have other tools at your disposal like conc blow etc
That sounds less like AOE grinding and more like just surviving an onslaught. :) I imagine you might be able to survive long enough to melee everything to death, but how quickly will mobs go down doing it?


Nooreo said:
I'm a lvl 56 warrior,and i completed all the quests in felwood,i have one remaining quest in winterspring. Where should i go after im done with winterspring?.
Eastern/Western Plaguelands before Winterspring (which is full of level 60 mobs that will be annoying to kill). Maybe Silithus if you wanna hit 60 before going to Outland.

Eric WK

Nooreo said:
I'm a lvl 56 warrior,and i completed all the quests in felwood,i have one remaining quest in winterspring. Where should i go after im done with winterspring?.

Burning Steppes and then the Plaguelands will be both the most efficient and highest overall XP. I'd recommend doing all of that and going to Outland whenever you finish. The Plaguelands are just insane and you could probably hit 62 before finishing. I really don't understand why most people end up skipping it nowadays. If you want to head to Outland at 58, by all means do so, but it's really not the best way to go about it.


If you haven't already seen Plaguelands and Winterspring it's probably worth doing them. They are cool-looking and have some nice quests.

Silithus is just a desert with a bunch of bugs, and a ton of quests where you have to go kill bugs. Probably worth skipping. There are plenty of bug-killing opportunities in Outland.


Oni Link 666 said:
It's simple. Three mobs do more damage than 2 or 1. It has nothing to do with how long the encounter lasts and everything to do with how many mobs are up and doing damage. Take the pulls in Halls of Lightning with 2 iron dwarfs doing 4,500 whirlwinds. Those in melee range will be exposed to more damage if the dwarfs are up the whole fight than if you use CC and take out the dwarfs 1 by 1. Why did people chain CC and use kill order on Moroes pre-nerf and not gather everything up and AOE it down like they did post-nerf? Why did an off-tank take Attunemen? Ect.

Well, pre 3.0 we didn't have the coefficients we have now, we didn't have volley doing such huge amount of damage, we didn't have almost every class having a good aoe ability, we didn't have the aggro changes. That's why it didn't really happen before. As long as the tank and the healer can support the burst, aoe is better than single killing each mob because you end the fight faster amd can move on to the next pull/boss faster.
CC is nice still, but quite frankly, in BC you needed to remove that mob from the fight, in wotlk you don't need to, you can if you feel like it, otherwise just grab it and put it into the grinder.

Did Halls of Lightning Heroic yesterday, started with 4 (Holy priest Prot War Elem Sham and Ret Pally) and we got to the 2nd boss, then added a warlock and got to Loken (and we also got the Shatter achievement)... and then my connection died... =( I was hoping to get the 2H Axe, oh well. At least got Wyrm to Revered and got the healing mace and the tank BP/Boots.


Has problems recognising girls
No Means Nomad said:

I mean...there's like two healing spells you're ever going to use...and one of them is a bigger version of the other one.
I'm not a PVE whore, so most of my love of the class stems from PVP of the real kind - not that hack cesspool of shit they call Arena.

Fuck PUGs.

Did a run of Violet Hold today. Twice. We wiped on both but god damn I laughed so hard on the 2nd run when it fell to pieces.

We had a Death Knight, two Paladins, one Hunter and myself. One of the Paladins was tanking, he kept being miserable if he died.. no fault of my own as I'm not Resto so obviously the heals are not that good.

We wipe first go, portals have just finished opening, the Paladin has died underneath a heap of dragonkins and he's released so I'm skinning like mad to try to find his body so I can click it when I rez him. By the time the dragonkin heap has disappeared, all I see is his skeletal remains and him going "I can't get in, the door is locked!"

A little part of me died inside as the blue dragon was spawned. So we wipe it and reset instance.

Same procedure as above; this time the same Paladin dies during the 2nd boss phase (I have no idea what the hell he is doing at this moment of time) so I tell him "DO NOT REZ YOURSELF". Then I die cause the aggro runs all over me. Reincarnate after the boss disappears, place is empty save for me rez'ing a few of the guys... the Death Knight decides to swim towards the cage that opens up for that water boss, and it promptly closes down locking him inside. The instance has reset itself:

- mobs come out of every corner
- the Death Knight locked in the water is saying "help I can't get out, there is a boss here"
- the Paladin who is tanking runs towards the woman at the entrance to begin the instance in the blind hope to unlock the cage..
- she locks the door once again as she leaves
- DPS Paladin has released and run into the same problem the Tank Paladin did in the 1st run with the locked door - you'd think by now that if it happened once, you wouldn't do the same mistake again
- Tank Paladin runs to the cage only to find it is still locked and then bubble hearths out (at that moment of time I had tears in my eyes from laughter)
- I die and the Hunter lives by using Feign Death and waiting for instance to reset

Glory shot.


So fuck PUGs.
Have I mentioned how much I love the Gnome engineering bonus

I'm at 430 mining and I've smelted 33 Saronite bars so far :p

And I just hit 78

Now to hopefully find some titanium and the epic goggles are in sight


Angry Grimace said:

See the above post; the fact the overall encounter takes the same amount of time doens't negate that you're making it 3x harder for the tank and healer by refusing to follow the kill order.

Umm no wat to you my friend, and get it right the overall encounter doesn't take the same amount of time, it takes LESS time to group them and AE them down. Thats the freaking POINT. So long as theres nothing wrong with your tank (I.E. he can handle building proper AE threat) and theres nothing wrong with your healer (He can support the damage the tank is taking) then there is NO REASON NOT to want to get rid of the trash faster.

Oni Link 666 said:
It's simple. Three mobs do more damage than 2 or 1. It has nothing to do with how long the encounter lasts and everything to do with how many mobs are up and doing damage.

No it doesn't it doesn't have god damn thing to do with how many mobs are dealing damage unless your tank is freaking under geared for it, your healer is under geared and cannot support the damage, or its 1 out of 10 gimmick trash fights that you pulled out trying to act like its the norm (Yeah bring up the mobs in that one instance where it doesn't work, lets ignore the other 95% of WoTLK instances where AEing the trash is a perfectly viable and much faster method genius).

And it has EVERYTHING to do with how quickly you can get them killed. Thats the freaking point. You use CC when it is necessary for efficiency. Im sure EVERYONE uses CC in HoL Heroic but thats an outlier, not the norm. I have stormed through every heroic thus far and the vast majority of them can be sped up substantially by gathering and AEing them. Single targeting them is slower and theres no reason for it. ESPECIALLY in a time like this, when not all of your guild is level 80 yet. In times like this shortly after an expansion you can find yourself in PUGs for heroics. And I dont think anyone would argue that its a shitload easier to tell stupidmage#1 to use blizzard once the tank groups them, than to try and get that same mage to understand kill orders, assist the tank and watch his freaking sheep so it doesn't break and beeline for the healer. This way is just easier, and faster, period.

Not that your opinion on it matters though, its largely based on bullcrap pointless damage meter envy and will dissapear once Blizzard gets around to giving your class as well as others AE abilities to help support this newly popular "AE the trash" mechanic that they themselves fully support. 90% of tanks and healers demand I use volley and demand AE from every other dps class capable in order to speed up the runs anyway because it makes the most f***ng sense. If your group tried to Mass pull and AoE in HoL then you all were either on your first run in, or you yourself failed to speak up and let them know it wouldn't work there, or you were running with bad players, period. But again, thats not a fault of the strategy, it works fine in 90% of the Wrath instance, that one happens to be one where CC needs to be used, but its one of the exceptions not the rule.

No idea why you brought up Moroes and other boss fights in a topic about trash. Makes no sense, so I wont even bother responding to it.

And to Angry Grimace you should read the responses before replying, noone here is talking about bad players spamming volley and blizzard on pulls that are actually marked up with a skull and X and so on. We are talking about pulls where there are no marks because the tank and healer intend for them to be damaged simultaneously anyway. There is no "kill order" in that scenario.

Edited for profanity. :lol
speedpop said:
Fuck PUGs.

VH is the new BM, a deathtrap for idiots. Had two PUGs die under me and a guildie trying to do the daily; tank had blinders on, not only to adds, but also his own health. Seeing me trying to triangulate where I could stand on the first boss to avoid knockback while still keeping near and in LOS was insane with him way the fuck out in the middle of the room and getting wailed on. >_<
1. I don't run damage meters and I haven't since a couple of months into BC. That's why I added the question mark after saying they might be topping the dps meter. I only envy classes with more AOE spells when I'm trying to solo Stratholme.

If we find that AE tank + AE damage strategy (with no sheeping, sapping or other crowd control) is the only way people are running heroics and raids, then we’ll probably make some changes, but for now we’re content to just see what happens.

Doesn't make it sound like they fully support AOEing your way through everything.

3. We'll just have to agree to disagree 'cause I really don't want to argue with you.


Has problems recognising girls
SatelliteOfLove said:
VH is the new BM, a deathtrap for idiots. Had two PUGs die under me and a guildie trying to do the daily; tank had blinders on, not only to adds, but also his own health. Seeing me trying to triangulate where I could stand on the first boss to avoid knockback while still keeping near and in LOS was insane with him way the fuck out in the middle of the room and getting wailed on. >_<
This is kind of the problem I was having. The LOS was stuffing me up a lot so I had to constantly be moving, which during a dragon boss encounter I have no qualms.. but this was against mid-tier mobs and bosses.
I have to drop in and say that toy train set really was the best 250g I ever spent. I have yet to lose on a boss if I drop that shit before the fight.

also, bunch of male gnomes standing at the bank + train set = best thing in this world


Has problems recognising girls
I must say.. the Dragonblight Wrath Gate quest chain is so awesome. Northrend just keeps surprising me with each and every quest, as if they are out to please the lore fanatics like myself due to their disappointment that was The Burning Crusade outside of Nagrand lore.

Whilst I'd still love to see a Warcraft IV mainly due to lore issues, there's nothing that beats the immersion of being involved in the quests that shape a world's tale. Kudos to Metzen and the Blizzard crew for consistently providing excellence in Wrath of the Lich King.
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