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World of Warcraft

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Chris R

Pisses me off to no end trying to get groups for instances. I get in the LFG channel and usually end up getting into a group that is LFTank with a DK and Warrior already in the group...


A friend and I are rolling a pair of new Horde PvP characters. Is any server particularly good for that? Perhaps with a casual GAF or 1UP guild?


1800-2100 seems very solid for Heroic DPS. The DK I partner with is in all dungeon blues except for the epic belt from final boss in Heroic Nexus and he pulls about that. Spikes a little higher on AoE packs, and settles at about 2000 average on bosses. I've been very impressed with his DPS thus far.

Most people I play with can't pull anywhere near that is the problem, even what really seem like decent players in my new guild.

Our last dungeon was Halls of Lightning Heroic, which I was lucky to have a very good pug tank and a very good pug Rogue with me and it went:

DK: 2000
Mage: 1850 (unsure of spec, and he didn't AoE much due to the type of trash in there)
Rogue: 1450-1500 (I consistently let this guy die so he did more damage than that, however he was a royal pain in the ass to keep up for me for some reason).

But this was a fluke, our typical player average is usually like... fucking 1200 on people nuking the whole fight. It's ridiculous how shit/lazy most of the DPSers I'm running into are.

On an off note, holy fucking shit Loken was a beast for me to heal on Heroic as a Paladin. Jesus Christ. God bless DK's because ours kept himself healed from most of the AoE with Death Strike.

Rogue was first to drop, then Mage, then me, the Warrior shield walled and died a little bit after, the DK finished off Loken from 3% and the fight ended with the DK at 18% hp. What an epic fight.

That thing is the anti Paladin, but I'm really excited to go back again and get better at it. (although Im going to say that amount is going to be "not much", since I doubt there's really anything else I can do)


How do you find healing on heroics as a holy paladin?
I healed almost all dungeons on normal, but since my priest and shaman friends got to 80, they went back to healing specs so I've become the manabitch of the party and, doing Heroics with them, I find that I could never do them as a solo healer or, better yet, do them as good as they do but with an ending close to the one you got in HoL Heroic. Namely, HoS Hero and HoL Hero I don't think I could keep more than me, a tank and a dps up for some boss fights.


Alex said:
1800-2100 seems very solid for Heroic DPS. The DK I partner with is in all dungeon blues except for the epic belt from final boss in Heroic Nexus and he pulls about that. Spikes a little higher on AoE packs, and settles at about 2000 average on bosses. I've been very impressed with his DPS thus far.

Most people I play with can't pull anywhere near that is the problem, even what really seem like decent players in my new guild.

Our last dungeon was Halls of Lightning Heroic, which I was lucky to have a very good pug tank and a very good pug Rogue with me and it went:

DK: 2000
Mage: 1850 (unsure of spec, and he didn't AoE much due to the type of trash in there)
Rogue: 1450-1500 (I consistently let this guy die so he did more damage than that, however he was a royal pain in the ass to keep up for me for some reason).

But this was a fluke, our typical player average is usually like... fucking 1200 on people nuking the whole fight. It's ridiculous how shit/lazy most of the DPSers I'm running into are.

On an off note, holy fucking shit Loken was a beast for me to heal on Heroic as a Paladin. Jesus Christ. God bless DK's because ours kept himself healed from most of the AoE with Death Strike.

Rogue was first to drop, then Mage, then me, the Warrior shield walled and died a little bit after, the DK finished off Loken from 3% and the fight ended with the DK at 18% hp. What an epic fight.

That thing is the anti Paladin, but I'm really excited to go back again and get better at it. (although Im going to say that amount is going to be "not much", since I doubt there's really anything else I can do)

Yeah some people just don't do any research into spell rotations etc. and it's crazy how changing up your rotation can affect your DPS. These people probably don't think about it, they just attack it like any other mob when they're soloing, using less efficient spells, etc.

Of course, I don't know what a fresh 80's gear is like, but if they're a fresh 80 it could be that too.
Lain said:
How do you find healing on heroics as a holy paladin?

I haven't played a Paladin at 80, but at 70, I did a lot of healing heroics. There are definitely spots that are difficult to heal through by yourself as a Paladin, and Blizzard has admitted this recently. Not impossible, but more difficult. Beacon of Light should certainly be a helpful tool in these situations. But the nerf to Holy Shock certainly hurts. I used to be the only Paladin I ever saw using Holy Shock for quick emergency heals, but now that they increased it's mana cost so greatly, it's not such a no brainer to use it anymore since it uses such a chunk of mana.

One thing that can help in healing heroics as a Holy Paladin is...Bring a Shadow Priest for dps. They small heals that the groups gets from their doing damage to mobs can definitely help, and requires no additional effort from the Shadow Priest. They do their thing, and it just backs you up.


Alex said:
On an off note, holy fucking shit Loken was a beast for me to heal on Heroic as a Paladin. Jesus Christ. God bless DK's because ours kept himself healed from most of the AoE with Death Strike.

Rogue was first to drop, then Mage, then me, the Warrior shield walled and died a little bit after, the DK finished off Loken from 3% and the fight ended with the DK at 18% hp. What an epic fight.

That thing is the anti Paladin, but I'm really excited to go back again and get better at it. (although Im going to say that amount is going to be "not much", since I doubt there's really anything else I can do)
Yeah Heroic Loken is difficult, but I could probably do it if half my group weren't lagging. That lightning blast isn't forgiving. Probably more bitchy than Heroic Murmur.

Bacon of Light definitely doesn't overcome group healing and HoTs for these situations. Still great and necessary for single target healing.
ToyMachine228 said:
I haven't played a Paladin at 80, but at 70, I did a lot of healing heroics. There are definitely spots that are difficult to heal through by yourself as a Paladin, and Blizzard has admitted this recently. Not impossible, but more difficult. Beacon of Light should certainly be a helpful tool in these situations. But the nerf to Holy Shock certainly hurts. I used to be the only Paladin I ever saw using Holy Shock for quick emergency heals, but now that they increased it's mana cost so greatly, it's not such a no brainer to use it anymore since it uses such a chunk of mana.

One thing that can help in healing heroics as a Holy Paladin is...Bring a Shadow Priest for dps. They small heals that the groups gets from their doing damage to mobs can definitely help, and requires no additional effort from the Shadow Priest. They do their thing, and it just backs you up.
>_> wtf I use Holy Shock all the time and still never run out of mana until I bust out Holy Lights.


Has problems recognising girls
I've heard from the guild that Heroic Loken is a bitch to go up against.

Finally hit 80 earlier tonight. Know of the gear that I want to get through, the only problem is finding the right time to hit the Heroics.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Spent an hour on Heroic Loken the other night, not sure why we did so bad, the tactic seems very simple.


Heroic Loken is a joke if you group pays attention. Everyone has to stack up because he has an aura that does more dmg the further the group is spread out. When he casts Lighting Nova, everyone has to run away together. When hes done casting, the group stands still, don't go rushing back to Loken, wait for him to come back to you. 3-4 Novas and he's dead.


Weenerz said:
Heroic Loken is a joke if you group pays attention. Everyone has to stack up because he has an aura that does more dmg the further the group is spread out. When he casts Lighting Nova, everyone has to run away together. When hes done casting, the group stands still, don't go rushing back to Loken, wait for him to come back to you. 3-4 Novas and he's dead.
Yes, he is a joke if your group has 50 ping and done stuff like Solarian. It's not forgiving at all if you're a second late with moving.


Yeah, unless I am FLINGING Holy Light's nonstop I don't OOM. Shock is a godsend in 5 mans and I have nothing but good things to say about Beacon, I've no real issues with Paladin healing at the moment. It may be more niche, but I'll take that niche.

As for Loken, my group didn't even bunch up. :lol Me and the Mage never budged. Honestly, I just wish we had higher DPS.

Next time I go in I'm just going to put Beacon on myself and have everyone bunch up and try to keep Sacred Shield up on everyone I can, I've heard that tactic works fairly well.


Farnack said:
Yes, he is a joke if your group has 50 ping and done stuff like Solarian. It's not forgiving at all if you're a second late with moving.

Right. If you hesitate at all, you're screwed. I think it helps on Loken to have faster DPS. Caster dps always has a lead in time. Dotters are probably effective, but anything stand-still will be less effective, including pally healers.


Since Cosmos is no more can someone tell me another addon that is similar to it some way?

And another thing that's really been pissing me off about WoW is the performance I've been getting with my laptop. And no my laptop isn't shitty in the least bit. It's a T5750 Core 2 duo with an AT HD 3650 and 4gb of RAM. I've been able to run Warhammer online maxed with an average of around 40 frames. WoW on the other hand I average in the very low 20's, with no shadows on. I've been trying to figure out why it runs so bad especially considering when my old ass desktop with a 7600GT and an X2 3800+ can run it infinitely better with AA on as well.

It seems that when I turn off reduce input lag my frames jump by about 10. It's still not good, but it's much better than my current situation. Only problem is that when I turn it off I lag like crazy. And before you ask my GPU drivers are 8.501.0.0, which is the latest version.


onemic said:
Since Cosmos is no more can someone tell me another addon that is similar to it some way?
Uh, Cosmos was doing many thing and none of them well. What particular part do you want to change? There's practically tons of addons that do better than cosmos.

All, I remember is using it for character frames.
We tried Obsidian sanctum 10 man last night. We tried. :lol We did Naxx the night before and we killed 2 bosses in the spider wing. We just wiped over and over and learned the fights and did it in the end. I know people get frustrated and shit wiping over and over and just want to quit but, I thought that was fun. That's how we all played MegaMan and shit back in the day, right? We sure as hell didn't go read strategies or watch youtube videos. :lol


Farnack said:
Uh, Cosmos was doing many thing and none of them well. What particular part do you want to change? There's practically tons of addons that do better than cosmos.

All, I remember is using it for character frames.

I'd just like to use something that's similar to cosmos, in that it doesn't make the interface look completely different, but makes everything a lot easier.(like DPS charts, etc.)


I did Loken again today and had a much easier time as a Paladin, basically put Beacon on myself, and just stood stationary outside of bolt range and ate the periodic, kept sacred shield up on everyone, things went extremely smoothly.
So I think I'm going to cave with one week of classes, and finals week left and go pick up Wrath after work tomorrow. None of my finals are huge cumulative finals, I do have a few papers to write, but I don't think it'll be a problem handling it all. At least I hope.


And the loot drama continues.

So we run heroic VH, part of our daily heroic gauntlet that we run, and epic mail gloves drop off the last boss. We have a hunter, my younger brother, and an enhance shaman. We're all guildies here except the healer. The shaman has been elemental since 72ish and she had just respec'd to enhance today because the rogue was bitching about not having enhance buffsin raids. So she switched a couple hours before, rolls on the gloves and wins.....I'm sorry but if you're just switching up spec to be someone's banana rider then you should not be rolling on epics that someone else needs much more.

I'm getting sick of being a tank because all I get are guildies going omg you have to tank this cause I have to get this gear, basically being their meat shield so they can get better gear and have fun, tanking is nice and all but when you feel like you're getting used, its not fun. gquit incoming.......

So today I've been leveling up my death knight, almost 67, and about to head to blade's edge. All I have left in nagrand are 7 group quests, ugh. I love that zone I just wish there were more quests. I hate blade's edge to, damnit.


Weenerz said:
If the shaman is staying enhancement for raiding, then they have just as much right as your younger brother.
I agree with this. Main-spec need > off-spec need, and if enhancement is the Shaman's new main-spec then there is no problem.


onemic said:
I'd just like to use something that's similar to cosmos, in that it doesn't make the interface look completely different, but makes everything a lot easier.(like DPS charts, etc.)

You're best off just downloading the elements you want to use. Takes a tiny bit more work than just installing a compilation but I find in the end it's worth it.


How much self buffed spell power should a priest have for heroics? I only have 1290 self buffed.

I've been healing normal 80 dungeons fine and have been to some 10 and 25 man raids as an extra healer.


After posing my question, I had to heal Nexus Heroic for a guild group. I was a bit rusty, but went better than I thought (especially since it was a full melee party: Prot war/2 dk/Enh shaman/Holy pld). Still, had some casualties on frozen dwarf and mage bosses (dorf oneshotted the people that didn't move out fast enough with the whirlwind; for mage there was only an enh shaman that tried to hex the frost image on split and failed as well, so the time stops put me behind on keeping everyone up). Doable and all, but anything that forces more GCDs than I can spare and some people start to drop.
I still don't like Beacon. After playing with it before wotlk and playing with it while doing 70 > 80, I still find it lackluster. Sure it helps, but the short duration is a bitch and not working off any overheal is annoying. I'd really prefer a reversed effect with a lower % of healing for the duration and mana cost it has now (healing the beacon heals the party in X range for a certain % of the casted heal) but it's not gonna happen.


Worships the porcelain goddess
zam said:
I agree with this. Main-spec need > off-spec need, and if enhancement is the Shaman's new main-spec then there is no problem.

Considering they switched just a couple of hours before hand, I wouldn't call it their "main spec" would you?

Edit: I watched 300 on the new set and for some reason, it reminded me of Prot Warrior. Shield Slam and Revenge spam. :lol


Has problems recognising girls
Kintaro said:
Considering they switched just a couple of hours before hand, I wouldn't call it their "main spec" would you?
They switched to appease the guild. It'd be like forcing a Druid to spec Resto or Feral because it's better for guild runs, and then having a piece of equipment dropping off in a run later that day that would benefit the person who has just been forced to re-spec.


Kintaro said:
Considering they switched just a couple of hours before hand, I wouldn't call it their "main spec" would you?

Edit: I watched 300 on the new set and for some reason, it reminded me of Prot Warrior. Shield Slam and Revenge spam. :lol

As soon as they switch it becomes their main spec. Happened to me to. At that time however I was running Nexus for those boots that drop in heroic. Lost them twice to Shaman. They hadnt recently respecced, but even if they had have, the rules still apply. You get to roll on loot for the role you fulfilled during the run. If the shaman was dps during the heroic run, then his contribution to the run gives him the same right to the loot for his current spec as anyone else in the group.

Farnack said:
Uh, Cosmos was doing many thing and none of them well. What particular part do you want to change? There's practically tons of addons that do better than cosmos.

All, I remember is using it for character frames.

Cosmos? :lol You mean that over bloated swiss army knife of 10,000 mods mashed together in a clusterfack of "Hmm, what does this do" that was around at release? Jesus Christ I had no idea that thing still existed. To the guy looking to replace it, I would highly recommend simply getting the mods you want individually. I understand that its a time sink finding out which ones you need, where to get them, and how to configure and install them. But once you do, you will never ever go back to those combo mod packs man.


Worships the porcelain goddess
speedpop said:
They switched to appease the guild. It'd be like forcing a Druid to spec Resto or Feral because it's better for guild runs, and then having a piece of equipment dropping off in a run later that day that would benefit the person who has just been forced to re-spec.

Puncture said:
As soon as they switch it becomes their main spec. Happened to me to. At that time however I was running Nexus for those boots that drop in heroic. Lost them twice to Shaman. They hadnt recently respecced, but even if they had have, the rules still apply. You get to roll on loot for the role you fulfilled during the run. If the shaman was dps during the heroic run, then his contribution to the run gives him the same right to the loot for his current spec as anyone else in the group.

So, you could just flip flop specs needed every day for runs and be entitled to the loot of that same role even if the others have fulfilled that role for quite a longer period of time? I'm not saying you should punish that person who switched specs here, but rolling loot over a person who is more established in that role in the first day? That's acceptable?


Has problems recognising girls
Kintaro said:
So, you could just flip flop specs needed every day for runs and be entitled to the loot of that same role even if the others have fulfilled that role for quite a longer period of time? I'm not saying you should punish that person who switched specs here, but rolling loot over a person who is more established in that role in the first day? That's acceptable?
I've never come across someone who has done this, and I'm sure they wouldn't enjoy dumping 50g every time they feel like ripping their guild off more.

Though I must admit, I'd hate to see your reactions when dual-spec patch arrives.


Worships the porcelain goddess
speedpop said:
I've never come across someone who has done this, and I'm sure they wouldn't enjoy dumping 50g every time they feel like ripping their guild off more.

Though I must admit, I'd hate to see your reactions when dual-spec patch arrives.

No no, don't misunderstand me. I don't know these things, so I'm really just asking questions and learning. I don't mean to sound rude or anything. My prior experience in MMOs has only really been FFXI, and drops were always handled quite specifically and there's a game with 15+ job classes a person has available to them at any given time. However, that didn't entitle them to roll on loot just because they showed up as one job needed over one who has done it for a long time.

That's all.


Has problems recognising girls
I think a lot of that then is up to guild opinions as well as the party leader. I just downed the 10-man raid boss in Winterspring earlier today, Shaman loot drops and I need roll it.. even though I've only been in the guild for a week.

Some guilds are relaxed about it, others aren't and might be more strict about loot.


Junior Member
So far we've finished the Spider Wing and the Plague Wing. (Got the Safety Dance achievement)

And topping the DPS charts. :eek:


Lain said:
I still don't like Beacon. After playing with it before wotlk and playing with it while doing 70 > 80, I still find it lackluster. Sure it helps, but the short duration is a bitch and not working off any overheal is annoying. I'd really prefer a reversed effect with a lower % of healing for the duration and mana cost it has now (healing the beacon heals the party in X range for a certain % of the casted heal) but it's not gonna happen.
LOL! Bacon is the best last tier healers talent.

A holy pally could solo raid heal and main tank heal for Naxx trash mobs. No other class can do that. Blizzard killed downranking, so anything about overhealing is out the window. Holy Pallys WILL always overheal. You really have to learn your class. I suggest looking at the elitistjerks forum for answers.


The numbers my alt Druid can do when specced Boomkin are scary, 5.5k Starfire crits, 3.5k Wrath crits. This is at lvl 74 with just quest rewards, it's ridiculous. My main, a Warlock, has never seen those numbers and he's in Merciless Dreadweave gear, it's not the best gear, but certainly alot better than what my Druid has ever had. I find it fairly ironic the tree is called Balance :lol


Lain said:
I know how to play my class, especially since I played holy for 80 levels, thankyou very much.
Then you would know that Bacon, chain flash heals, and holy shocks you will still be at 100% mana after 1 minute.

Dude, really, Bacon saves so much more mana doing double time healing. 1k mana to save half the mana cost of all bacon heals, that's a fuckton of mana being saved.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I'm still plodding along, getting my priest up to 80, but I'm sitting on the fence as to what I want to do with him when I get there. I don't really want to stay shadow. I'm only using it to level, but I can't decide between holy and discipline. Holy would be nice for instances, but I like discipline after speccing it and running around BG over the summer. I wish Blizz would hurry up and allow dual-speccing so I could just have both. >_<
I'm starting to level my hunter (71 now). I went ahead and got her Engineering maxed out so I don't have to have all that crap around. I already made her goggles and I'm working on the Nesingwary 4000 now.

I also got JC to 450 on my Rogue. It's funny, everyone in the guild keeps asking me to make their tank rings and shit or to sell them Dragon's Eyes dirt cheap. I act nice about it but, I'm thinking "go to hell". :lol It takes 6 dailies tokens to buy a pattern, 4 more for the dragon's eye to make the ring, and one more to socket it and I want both rings for both my Rogue and Hunter. The hell if I'm going to spend the tokens on tank or Str + Stam patterns or sell dragon's eyes to someone for 200g or something.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, I'm playing the demo of this (I ordered the battle chest, it's on the way). I am a lowly level 10 buffalo thing. I'm really enjoying it so far, but I was on a quest that required me to go to Thunderbluff (I think it's my groups main city).. anyway, I get there and there is a giant fucking battle going on in it and I must have died about 20 times just trying to get my corpse and get back out of there. :lol

Really having fun with it though.


Farnack said:
Then you would know that Bacon, chain flash heals, and holy shocks you will still be at 100% mana after 1 minute.

Dude, really, Bacon saves so much more mana doing double time healing. 1k mana to save half the mana cost of all bacon heals, that's a fuckton of mana being saved.

Mana isn't an issue per se for me, mana is an issue with such a short duration and the effect of the spell for me. I simply don't like it as it works right now except for certain situations (patchwerk, for instance).
I've got almost 20k mana without buffs, but with all the stuff I have to cast refreshing another short duration buff get's annoying (because GCDs to spare are very few).

Btw, almost cleared the construct wing in Naxx. Finally we dropped Gluth tonight, then people fucked up on Thaddius jumping down QQ. Also killed the first boss in the DK wing and got myself a pair of plate healing gloves. Almost have the full DK look going as a paladin, pretty neat.


It works in every instance where two people or the entire group takes damage, which is like all the time. So stop hating on the most powerful healer spell in the game. It makes you look stupid.


But I do know pallies, I simply dislike Beacon in its current inception. Why do you have to be so annoying toward people with a different opinion from the one you have?
Wait, you don't need to answer that one, I'm simply not interested in having anymore discussions with you.


In its current form, it's too damn useful and 1 minute is a long time for its kind of spell. What do you want? For it to last 10 minutes?

Something stupid like that would make it inactive and not challenging to keep watch of people's buffs. You really have no idea what you're saying, especially CoH better than Bacon? Give me a break. Holy Shock is better than CoH.


First tragedy, then farce.
Just bought the battle chest.

So much for playing the game tonight. I get to spend the next 10 hours installing patches :lol

and I haven't even touched Burning Crusade yet. :lol
witness said:
And the loot drama continues.

So we run heroic VH, part of our daily heroic gauntlet that we run, and epic mail gloves drop off the last boss. We have a hunter, my younger brother, and an enhance shaman. We're all guildies here except the healer. The shaman has been elemental since 72ish and she had just respec'd to enhance today because the rogue was bitching about not having enhance buffsin raids. So she switched a couple hours before, rolls on the gloves and wins.....I'm sorry but if you're just switching up spec to be someone's banana rider then you should not be rolling on epics that someone else needs much more.

I'm getting sick of being a tank because all I get are guildies going omg you have to tank this cause I have to get this gear, basically being their meat shield so they can get better gear and have fun, tanking is nice and all but when you feel like you're getting used, its not fun. gquit incoming.......

So today I've been leveling up my death knight, almost 67, and about to head to blade's edge. All I have left in nagrand are 7 group quests, ugh. I love that zone I just wish there were more quests. I hate blade's edge to, damnit.

Could I get a link to your tank's wowarmory?

I've done UK about 4 times, there's really nothing in there for my tank (outside of this quest reward which I got a couple days ago: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44377). I constantly get requests to run it with people so they can get stuff. Doubt I'll do it again

A few of the quest rewards for Nexus are amazing for tanks.

I already got this
Caved and got Wrath today and re-activated. One week of class and finals left. Started my Death Knight. Got to 57 and my server crashed:lol
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