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World of Warcraft

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so I'm sure it's already been said, but I get the feeling unholy DKs will get nerfed pretty bad one of these days. I don't think they're really op, especially not in pvp, but they do some titanic dps and have great dps abilities for every situation, while a lot of their dps abilities are also great for tanking. my own DK is going with a frost pvp build, but that's because no one suspects the frost DK inquisition! I mean, no one suspects hungering cold in pvp. although frost aura will probably give it away to the more clever players.

on my prot pally I'm still not defense capped, but I'm basically a couple normal instance drops/quest chain rewards away from being heroic defense capped (535) and then it's just getting enchants and some more socketed gear I can stick tank gems into to be completely capped. I'm already "unhittable" with redoubt and holy shield. fucking tank belts are a pain in the ass. nobody sells the crafted level 74 one, every time I run reg oculus I don't get the one off the mage-lord boss (or the tank helm), so I seriously might get 40 emblems first and buy the tank belt from the emblem vendor before I get a blue one that's an upgrade over my shitty level 70 belt.

only problems I'm really having are there's like no good tank glyphs outside of righteous defense (which isn't that good, but it means when I'm hit capped for all my melee stuff, I'll be hit capped for RD too) and I guess spiritual attunement. I don't like the expertise one for seal of corruption because it's so easy to hit the expertise "cap" (6.50%) using tank gear/enchants already.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
so I'm sure it's already been said, but I get the feeling unholy DKs will get nerfed pretty bad one of these days. I don't think they're really op, especially not in pvp, but they do some titanic dps and have great dps abilities for every situation, while a lot of their dps abilities are also great for tanking. my own DK is going with a frost pvp build, but that's because no one suspects the frost DK inquisition! I mean, no one suspects hungering cold in pvp. although frost aura will probably give it away to the more clever players.

on my prot pally I'm still not defense capped, but I'm basically a couple normal instance drops/quest chain rewards away from being heroic defense capped (535) and then it's just getting enchants and some more socketed gear I can stick tank gems into to be completely capped. I'm already "unhittable" with redoubt and holy shield. fucking tank belts are a pain in the ass. nobody sells the crafted level 74 one, every time I run reg oculus I don't get the one off the mage-lord boss (or the tank helm), so I seriously might get 40 emblems first and buy the tank belt from the emblem vendor before I get a blue one that's an upgrade over my shitty level 70 belt.

only problems I'm really having are there's like no good tank glyphs outside of righteous defense (which isn't that good, but it means when I'm hit capped for all my melee stuff, I'll be hit capped for RD too) and I guess spiritual attunement. I don't like the expertise one for seal of corruption because it's so easy to hit the expertise "cap" (6.50%) using tank gear/enchants already.
Must be a server thing. I have an unreal number of Tempered Saronite Belts and Eternal Belt Buckles just sitting around my bank :lol

Just grab 6 Cobalt Bars and 5 Saronite Bars off the AH and shout for it in Trade Chat :D


Junior Member
New mount.
So awesome on my DK. :D


44 Kills. >_<

Snazzy. :D


Subconscious Brolonging
My account got hacked and I really have no idea how. The only WoW-related sites I visit are Wowhead, Worldofraids, and tankspot. I only had a couple add-ons and they were all fairly popular ones from curse (recount, x-perl, etc.). Does anyone know if any of those sites had a security breach recently? I stopped visiting after my account got fucked.


finally, finally, finally got the timed boss in strat today with my usual heroic group. It was incredible, my bro won the roll on the drake. We downed him with like 10 seconds to go :lol

So yeah obsidium is insanely easy, we got it done in less than a hour, and for half the people there it was there first time. Also downed the boss in wintergrasp today, first time I was there. Easy. Had a DK OT and his tanking pants dropped so that was cool to see. Cleared out the spider wing again tonight as well. Here's what upset me.

So I get enough emblems and bought my T7 chest, and hey look I'm not d capp'd anymore. So I change a couple of gems to the green ones that are 8 def. 12 stam. So I get back to 540 defense, then I get the tanking ring in obsidium. Hey look I'm not d cap'd anymore. Gotta change another gem, and in doing that I had to make sure not to screw up my meta gem. So I lost 11 stam in the deal =/ After all this raiding lately, I told the guild that I'm taking a break from raiding tomorrow. That i'll be on my DK and don't even ask me to tank anything.

Incase anyone was wondering http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Hydraxis&n=Luthorde


Junior Member
Spire said:
My account got hacked and I really have no idea how. The only WoW-related sites I visit are Wowhead, Worldofraids, and tankspot. I only had a couple add-ons and they were all fairly popular ones from curse (recount, x-perl, etc.). Does anyone know if any of those sites had a security breach recently? I stopped visiting after my account got fucked.
World of Raids gets spammed by Ad Trojans ALL THE TIME.


Son of Godzilla said:
People are so dependent on buffs that all this qqing is just retarded. Rogues can top the charts. Period, they can. End of statement. If someone is having issues, it's on them.

Ghostcrawler said:
Hunters of all specs, and particularly Beastmaster, are doing too much damage in PvE.

We tested this a lot internally in beta and knew hunters were high but we hoped other classes would be able to catch up in a way they have as yet been unable to do. We want to be careful not to hurt hunter dps too much in PvP, so we’re taking most of the damage out of Steady Shot and Volley. Beastmaster hunters are in addition losing some of their pet dps. We still want BMs to have the best pets, but pet dps numbers are a little high at the moment. We are also still concerned about hunter survivability in PvP and taking the opportunity to jazz up Deterrence into something that looks and plays a little more interesting.

These are not all of the changes we are working on for hunters, but those changes we feel are ready for testing. We hope to get these changes up on the PTR so players will have a chance to test them out and respond before they go live.

1) Steady Shot – now only gains 10% of attack power as damage (down from 20%).
2) Volley – reduced the damage by about 30% for all ranks. Note that AE damage from many classes is very high right now and we are looking at all of them. Volley in particular had reached the point where some hunters were using it to the exclusion of most other attacks.
3) Readiness – no longer affects the cooldown of Bestial Wrath.
4) Deterrence – has been completely overhauled. It now allows you to deflect 100% of incoming melee or spell damage for 5 seconds, but prevents you from attacking while active. You still must be facing the attacker to deflect the damage (this is a limitation we are trying and might end up removing). 60 sec cooldown.
5) Kill Shot – cooldown reduced to 15 sec (from 35 sec).
6) Kindred Spirits – now only grants 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage.
7) Serpent’s Swiftness – now only grants 2/4/6/8/10% bonus attack speed to pet. (EDIT: Still grants the current bonus to the hunter.)
8) All hunter pet abilities with a cooldown longer than 30 sec have been moved off the global cooldown.
9) Growl— threat generation increased by 20% (same for Voidwalker Torment).
10) Call of the Wild – now benefits only the hunter and his or her pet.
11) Rake and Scorpid Poison – slightly nerfed to bring them into line with other pet abilities.
12) Spirit Strike – reduced the period on the dot so it will work better with Longevity.
Improved Tracking – now benefits damage to all included creature types as long as you are tracking one of them. You don’t have to swap around what you are tracking as much.
13) Aspect of the Wild – now raid-wide.

EDIT: The "only" on Serpent's Swiftness meant 10% pet attack speed instead of 20%. The hunter bonus is unchanged.

[ Post edited by Ghostcrawler ]
Avatar of Ghostcrawler
2008-12-09 10:59:54
Re: Upcoming Hunter Changes
I did say these are not all the hunter changes we're working on. Some we haven't quite worked out yet and others (one exciting one in particular concerning ammo) won't be ready until Ulduar or so.

We think MM was too high and BM was way too high. Survival is probably a little low. We are looking at buffing Survival, possibly through Explosive Shot, but we haven't finalized that yet.

The Deterrence change is defintely something we'll need to see in action on the PTR.

I don't want to do a disservice to all the good PvP feedback by attempting to boil it down too much. However, in general a lot of hunters were concerned about being able to do damage as much as they were concerned about being able to survive damage. We don't expect the Deterrence change to solve the former problem obviously. We're still working on that one, but we wanted to go ahead and announce what changes we have now so that you guys can be chewing on them.

Nerfing classes is never fun. It means that our initial tests and estimates didn't play out in the real world, which is a failing on our part, not anything the players did wrong. While buffing is a lot more fun, we think we'd get to crazy land too quickly by trying to make current BM dps the new benchmark. That would mean touching virtually every other class and spec as well as many encounters. While it might produce more positive PR in the short-term, it's a ton more work in the long-term that we would rather spend on new content or other problem areas.

Also, the sky is not falling. We're posting here so we can get feedback. Threats of rerolling or that sort of melodrama aren't really giving us any information we need. I can understand while you might want to vent a little bit, but posts with nothing but QQ aren't helpful. :)

Yup. It was so possible to top the charts as a Rogue that they had to nerf Hunter DPS! Wait a second...
Hero said:
Yup. It was so possible to top the charts as a Rogue that they had to nerf Hunter DPS! Wait a second...
Are you kidding? Blizz admits to screwing up so you all of a sudden trust them? All that railing about how they have their head up their ass thrown out the window? What? You can't have it both ways.

Do note, Hunters do have issues that should be fixed. The biggest being CotW stacking and Scorpid Poison. Pets in general are handled stupidly too. They scale too poorly with the actual hunter and too godly with random raid buffs. Fix those and they are easily beatable by other classes. And by other classes I only half heartedly mean rogues.

The notion that SV hunters are doing too much damage is flat out preposterous though. And of course they bludgeon Readiness instead of making Beast Mastery worth a damn. That's has such ridiculous pvp repercussions there are no words.

Also I'd bet money that steady shot nerf doesn't make it in as stated or is quickly changed.


Son of Godzilla said:
Are you kidding? Blizz admits to screwing up so you all of a sudden trust them? All that railing about how they have their head up their ass thrown out the window? What? You can't have it both ways.

Do note, Hunters do have issues that should be fixed. The biggest being CotW stacking and Scorpid Poison. Pets in general are handled stupidly too. They scale too poorly with the actual hunter and too godly with random raid buffs. Fix those and they are easily beatable by other classes. And by other classes I only half heartedly mean rogues.

The notion that SV hunters are doing too much damage is flat out preposterous though. And of course they bludgeon Readiness instead of making Beast Mastery worth a damn. That's has such ridiculous pvp repercussions there are no words.

Also I'd bet money that steady shot nerf doesn't make it in as stated or is quickly changed.

Who said I trusted them? I was just using evidence that even Blizzard's development team agrees that Hunter DPS is out of control compared to other pure DPS classes when you stated that Rogues can "easily" top meters when that possibility doesn't exist if there's a marginally competent Hunter or Mage in the raid.
Okay how about "
assuming a number of circumstances that put other classes at a significant disadvantage,
rogues can easily
perform about the same as other classes and
top the meters."

I actually meant that in the first place anyways. It was like... implied.


Prot/holy pallies are getting some nice buffs incoming that I read in the prot pally megathread on EJ:
1) new single target taunt for pallies
2) no more attack speed penalties on divine shield/divine protection
3) bigger stamina bonus to Sacred Duty as a result
4) apparently all of the current forbearance abilities will be on a 30 second linked cooldown, but still useable after the previous effect fades. unless I read that wrong. I just rememberreading linked cooldown and forbearance still had an effect, but you could use more than one in a fight now.

now they just need to give us better glyphs. Glyph of SA/RD/Judgement is what I use, and Judgement is just for extra dps, since it's not like I need extra threat. I'd love a glyph either for holy shield or hammer of the righteous, even if they did nothing but lower mana costs or add more charges to holy shield or something.

I know those buffs mostly affect prot, but if the linked cooldown thing works the way they made it sound, holy could actually use avenging wrath and divine shield in the same fight now. and I could use avenging wrath and divine protection in the same fight!


:lol @ the Hunter "changes". Some of these are nerfs and a few are buffs and they're understandable. Bestial Wrath + Readiness, I can see being a problem despite how cool it is, Volley is fucking ridiculous OP'd and I've seen Hunters DPS everything with it down. Nerfing Steady Shot is something I can't agree with on any grounds, I think it should be left alone. I'm not going to say I want to reroll because of these changes(I wanted to before hand since I'm tired of spamming SS as BM) I'm going to stay optimisic on future changes because Blizzard did fix our mana problems despite it took a few tries.:lol Hopefully after these changes, the top priority will be given to fixing Survival, pet survivability and wondering why we still Aspect of the Wild.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yeeha, got the Epic Tabard for Exploring Northrend.

I want that title, but man, exploring Kalimdor and EK might be undoable unless I have 8 hours with nothing to do.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
Yeeha, got the Epic Tabard for Exploring Northrend.

I want that title, but man, exploring Kalimdor and EK might be undoable unless I have 8 hours with nothing to do.
Do EK from south to north, and Kalimdor north to south.
Goes easier that way.


I got the explorer stuff pre-WotLK launch, so it was just a matter of hitting 77 for me. Outland is easy as hell to do if you have an epic flying mount. It was the old world that sucked.



ive been playing WoW for 4months or so and i just looked into it and it doesn't appear that ive actually ever paid for a month. when i log into my account via the web it says its a trial account and can't be cancelled.

should i continue to play for free or email them and let them know so i don't potentially get stung for a huge bill if they ever catchup with me?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
qwerty2k said:

ive been playing WoW for 4months or so and i just looked into it and it doesn't appear that ive actually ever paid for a month. when i log into my account via the web it says its a trial account and can't be cancelled.

should i continue to play for free or email them and let them know so i don't potentially get stung for a huge bill if they ever catchup with me?
Trial Accounts can't trade, LFG or talk in general chat. Also, they have a level cap of 30.

I would strongly recommend upgrading your account if you want to play the "actual" game.

Xabora said:
Do EK from south to north, and Kalimdor north to south.
Goes easier that way.
Thanks for the tip.

One thing it has me thinking is, while I can understand from a developer's standpoint why Flying Mounts are not happening in the main continents of Azeroth (i.e., testing areas such as Mt. Hyjal or open world instanced areas such as Zul'Farrak), is why Blizzard doesn't do ground mounts faster than 100%. Even the mega ultra 20 grand mammoth mounts are 100% increase mounts.

Is there some developer-side reason or just a gameplay restriction to prevent you from completely blazing past mobs in your way?


im playing the full game...i can trade, ive got the dvd's of the actual game and have played for 4months, i have a level 31 paladin too!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
qwerty2k said:
im playing the full game...i can trade, ive got the dvd's of the actual game and have played for 4months, i have a level 31 paladin too!
Then you obviously don't have a trial account....I don't know if they'll "come after" you.

Assuming you don't have BC, you'll probably have to pay the piper come upgrade time.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
Is there some developer-side reason or just a gameplay restriction to prevent you from completely blazing past mobs in your way?

In my experience with MMOs, it's neither. Travel times are simply a timesink, a way to throttle your consumption of content.

Watch what happens when an MMO starts to die. Often the first things to go are travel timesinks. They're doing it in a move to attract players who won't deal with timesinks as the players that would have moved on.


Angry Grimace said:
Trial Accounts can't trade, LFG or talk in general chat. Also, they have a level cap of 30.

I would strongly recommend upgrading your account if you want to play the "actual" game.

Thanks for the tip.

One thing it has me thinking is, while I can understand from a developer's standpoint why Flying Mounts are not happening in the main continents of Azeroth (i.e., testing areas such as Mt. Hyjal or open world instanced areas such as Zul'Farrak), is why Blizzard doesn't do ground mounts faster than 100%. Even the mega ultra 20 grand mammoth mounts are 100% increase mounts.

Is there some developer-side reason or just a gameplay restriction to prevent you from completely blazing past mobs in your way?

Really what I think they need to do is allow flying mounts in oldworld but not allow them to fly above a certain height (20 yards or something)


They should just make some of the zones no-flying zones, so you can't go into Hyjal (by way of Felwood/Winterspring/etc. giving you a no-flying zone when you get close enough). but realistically, if they even did that, it'd come in a point where they're at a lull before putting in any new content. And we all know that isn't happening anytime soon.

Anyway, I'm wondering how I should glyph my DK for pvp frost. Icy Touch is like a no-brainer to glyph, and Frost Strike seems good (again, for pvp only) but what about for that third glyph? Blood Strike? Icebound Fortitude? anything else? minors are pretty obvious (pestilence and horn of winter, then I don't know what for the third) but I don't know about the rest. I should again be clear that I mean for a pvp frost build, since I wouldn't use Glyph of Frost Strike for pve.


I think they disallow flying/faster than 100% mounts in Old Azeroth because all the newbie gardens and lower leveling areas are there, and on PvP servers the griefing potential of a handful of 80s on 300% mounts picking off level 10 toons is just too high. They want high level characters to get out of Azeroth most of the time and the mount speed/flight restriction is one great disincentive.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
They should just make some of the zones no-flying zones, so you can't go into Hyjal (by way of Felwood/Winterspring/etc. giving you a no-flying zone when you get close enough). but realistically, if they even did that, it'd come in a point where they're at a lull before putting in any new content. And we all know that isn't happening anytime soon.

Anyway, I'm wondering how I should glyph my DK for pvp frost. Icy Touch is like a no-brainer to glyph, and Frost Strike seems good (again, for pvp only) but what about for that third glyph? Blood Strike? Icebound Fortitude? anything else? minors are pretty obvious (pestilence and horn of winter, then I don't know what for the third) but I don't know about the rest. I should again be clear that I mean for a pvp frost build, since I wouldn't use Glyph of Frost Strike for pve.
I'm waiting for Present-Hyjal to open up so I can take a look around. :lol

My guess is: We'll get into Hyjal once "Embrace of the Emerald Dream" or whatever the hell they call Ex-Pack 3 opens, and the portal to do so will be in that area. That's assuming, of course, the Emerald Dream is the new area for the next X-pack in 2 years. (Which I still believe it will be.)

That or it will be a starting area for a new class/race. I'm crossing my fingers for playable Pandaren.
firex said:
I got the explorer stuff pre-WotLK launch, so it was just a matter of hitting 77 for me. Outland is easy as hell to do if you have an epic flying mount. It was the old world that sucked.
The newer parts of the old world were the worst. Bloodmyst Isle can eat a dick.


Bloodmyst Isle, like everything associated with the abortion that is the Draenei race in WoW, sucked hardcore. I still can't believe that major discoveries for that zone are on places where you will have the map already uncovered, in obscure little spots. but then again I guess that's just punishment for playing such a retarded race.


venison crêpe
Patchwerk on Naxx 25 is a nightmare :lol

We got spanked on him 3 times. So gave up, did the spider wing, and downed them all first time.


Wes said:
Patchwerk on Naxx 25 is a nightmare :lol

We got spanked on him 3 times. So gave up, did the spider wing, and downed them all first time.

We were having trouble with him until we switched from a 3 tank setup to a 2 tank setup. It was much easier for our healers to keep 2 tanks getting hit by trucks up than 3 tanks getting hit by trucks.


Yeah the new DK changes are awesome, especially with them removing every negative effect from DK glyphs and adding new emblem sigils. My DK should be 80 by the time it goes live, and it looks like blood tanking is now going to be a viable option. Improved pestilance damage being moved, heart strike being changed to a cleave, and blood basically getting ardent defender. It looks like though that unholy is kinda getting the raw end of the deal though. Though it should still be the best dps, which is all I plan on doing on my DK, not going to have two tanks.
firex said:
Bloodmyst Isle, like everything associated with the abortion that is the Draenei race in WoW, sucked hardcore. I still can't believe that major discoveries for that zone are on places where you will have the map already uncovered, in obscure little spots. but then again I guess that's just punishment for playing such a retarded race.


Oh come on, the only thing wrong they did was make all the cool Ally people who rolled Dwarf reroll spacegoat instead of the other 3 races changing over to something cool.


First tragedy, then farce.
Ok, so I settled on a Blood Elf Warlock. I find their storyline pretty cool, it feels a bit like Morrowind (the once great society that is largely in ruins)

I'm up to level 9 again, though I will say, there are less people hanging around the starting area for blood elves than my old cow guy. Probably because of people playing the free beta not being able to select them.


Junior Member
Did OS today, our guild tank thought that the adds wouldn't agro (something I knew in beta but didn't bring up during the run).

And now the official WoTLK OH SHIT Pic:


Junior Member

Xabora said:
NeoGAF exclusive:

From what I can tell, you can only change:
Skin Color
Face Type
Hair Color
(Basically Any Character Geometry)

You cannot change Class or Race.

Looks like the Warrior Buffbob can change from a Buff Male Orc to a Female Orc and then change the name Buffbob to Hottychick with a Name change.
I can see this being a FUN prank... not much to the prankee.


Location - Interface\BUTTONS\UI-PaidCharacterCustomization-Button.blp

PAID_CHARACTER_CUSTOMIZE = "Click to customize your character";
I was right. ;)

Lord Phol

Woah, these new Death knights changes are awesome.

"We have talked about making some of these changes and wanted to provide more details. You should be able to try these out yourselves on the PTR before they go live.

Our reason for most of these changes should be obvious, but some common themes are:
-- Making tanking still rely on cooldowns, but rely on them a little less.
-- Make Blood a more attractive spec, and particularly for tanking.
-- Chill out some of the defensive capabilities all DKs have in PvP.
-- Avoid having to use Death and Decay as an out-of-combat runic power generator."

1) Rune Strike -- damage decreased from 200% to 150% but threat increased to 150% from 100%.
- never liked this ability, doesen't feel like it belongs to the class, glad to see it nerfed
2) All multi-rune abilities generate 15 runic power.
- even though dks mostly don't have any trouble with generating runic power, this is a pretty great boost anyways
3) Anti-Magic Shell -- cooldown lowered to 45 sec from 60 sec.
- just awesome
4) The healing of Blood Aura, Blood Presence and Death Pact has been doubled.
- groovy, now the healing might actually be noticeable
5) Bone Shield -- mitigation reduced from 40% to 20%.
- it's a nerf but probably a needed one, less spikiness is good in my opinion
6) Icebound Fortitude – now reduces damage by 20% instead of 50%. The amount of damage reduced increases with bonus Defense (to about 35% for 540 Defense, but it can go higher). The stun immunity is intended to be its primary role in PvP.
- this will hurt a bit, but like stated earlier if it means less spikiness it's a nerf for the better
7) Frost Presence -- bonus armor increased from 60 to 80% and magic damage reduction increased from 5 to 15%. We wanted to reduce the effectiveness of cooldowns but bring up base mitigation to reduce damage spikiness.
- this is just awesome, pretty much what I felt was needed when tanking as a DK, less squishiness, and 15% Mdmg reduction is pretty badass coupled with all the other Mdmg reducing talents
8) Corpse Explosion -- damage increased substantially, added 5 sec cooldown, and changed cost to 40 runic power.
- glad to see they didn't forget about this talent, wonder how it till turn out
9) Heart Strike – we overhauled this ability. It no longer has a haste debuff but will now be able to strike two targets like a cleave. It still hits for more than Blood Strike, but you can still use Blood Strike if e.g. you don’t want to break CC.
- probably my favourite change of all, I always loved cleave so can't wait to try this out, was orginally going to go frost but this just might make me stay blood at least for a little while longer.
10) Horn of Winter -- now has no cost and grants 10 runic power in addition to its stat buff, but has a 30 sec cooldown.
- would have been nice if it lasted longer than 2 minutes, but the changes are welcome
11) Night of the Dead -- now grants 40/70% passive area spell avoidance to your pet in addition to its current effects.
-nothing special but nice all the same
12) Outbreak – this talent no longer receive bonus damage from Pestilence. The bonus from Plague Strike and Blood Boil has been increased slightly.
- Neither here nor there
13) Bloody Strikes – the bonus damage from Pestilence has been moved here to help Blood AE slightly.
- ditto
14) Pestilence -- no longer has a 10 sec cooldown.
- yes! can't mention all the times I've waited to use this ability because it was on cooldown
15) Raise Dead -- now split into two spells: Raise Dead now raises a ghoul or pet ghoul (if talented). Raise Ally now raises a fallen party member (at no reagent cost).
- could be fun I guess, seems more like a utility buff for Unholy
16) New runeforge rune -- Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle (two-handed only) now grants 25 Defense and 2% Stamina.
- rawr, moar runeforging!
17) Shadow of Death -- duration reduced from 45 seconds to 25 seconds.
- No idea why this was nerfed, pretty useless ability once people learn to just avoid it, wouldn't bother picking it up anymore if it wasn't for the strength/stamina boost and no durbility-loss bug (though guess that will be fixed as well) :(
18) Unholy Blight, Dancing Rune Weapon and Hungering Cold – cost reduced from 60 to 40 runic power.
- wonder if this will increase the uptime of Dancing Rune weapon, still feels like it isn't worth the points to get it though
19) Vampiric Blood -- in addition to its current effects, also adds 20% health temporarily.
- yay
20) Will of the Necropolis -- now reduces the damage of any attack that takes the DK below 35% health by 5 /10/15% instead of boosting armor when wounded,
-much better
21) Many death knight glyphs have been changed. In many cases the negative consequences were removed.
- ooo this will be fun :eek:
22) New death knight sigils are now available, primarily from vendors, including a tanking-oriented sigil.
- more variety is always welcome!

All in all I'm more than happy to see these changes go through, funny seeing this after everyone crying for nerfs.
Happy dk is happy :D.

Oh an that re-customization thing is just silly, can't believe they are actually charging money for that, not that it's suprising though.


PTR is up and the notes are out.

My favorite?

# Racial restrictions on mounts have now been lifted. Night elves on mechanostrider? Tauren on raptor? You’re not seeing things.

Also in regards to the DK changes: Very nice overall, however I think the Bone Shield nerf was a little too much. It was overpowered as it was but I think 25% or 30% would've been an appropriate amount.

Lord Phol

Death Knights have access to unique death-knight only facial textures and skin tones. These can be selected at the character creation screen.

What? :eek:
Are those additional to those already in the game, or have blizzard gone senile :s.


Where are the patch notes posted at, havent been able to find them today it seems.

But the Dk changes look fantastic, not completely happy about the nerfs to IF and BoneShield since I would use both of those pretty damn regularly, but hopefully the increased mitigation will more than make up for it.

But once again it seems PvE gets a nerf to make PvP happy.

Lord Phol

Kletian said:
Where are the patch notes posted at, havent been able to find them today it seems.


Kletian said:
But the Dk changes look fantastic, not completely happy about the nerfs to IF and BoneShield since I would use both of those pretty damn regularly, but hopefully the increased mitigation will more than make up for it.

But once again it seems PvE gets a nerf to make PvP happy.

Actually it's pretty much the other way aroud, PvPers are the ones whining the most about the IB and boneshield nerf, while PvErs seem fairly optimistic. Funny things is, I PvP more than PvE and I'm really not seeing it as such a big deal. Maybe they went a little bit overboard, how much is yet to be seen, but overall i rather have less spikiness than having to pop 3 different cooldowns just to not get 2shotted.


Lord Phol said:

Actually it's pretty much the other way aroud, PvPers are the ones whining the most about the IB and boneshield nerf, while PvErs seem fairly optimistic. Funny things is, I PvP more than PvE and I'm really not seeing it as such a big deal. Maybe they went a little bit overboard, how much is yet to be seen, but overall i rather have less spikiness than having to pop 3 different cooldowns just to not get 2shotted.

Yeah that's what I'm saying. If the mitigation from frost Pressence is enough then super, but if that's still not enough and they nerfed the cooldowns so much that they dont even matter I'ma be pissed.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Death Knights have access to unique death-knight only facial textures and skin tones. These can be selected at the character creation screen.
Was this always the case?

Lord Phol

Ikuu said:
Was this always the case?
Yup, I've got it on my scrapped Human DK, which is why I'm wondering if they've added extra options to this or are just reminding people.
A bit convenient of them adding this at the same time they get the pay-to-re-customize your character thing running.

There's also DK unique haircolors (dark blue for humans, teal for belves etc.). Also note that Barbershop is bugged at the moment so if you didn't choose one of the special haircolors upon creation you won't be able to change to them either in the barbershop.


They've nerfed Circle of Healing with a 6 second cooldown, which will be a relief to anyone competing with Holy Priests for raid healing spots (including Disc priests). There will never be an end to the bitching about it, though. Levitate (and Slow Fall) are now castable on others, which makes Glyph of Levitate the new hot-selling Inscription item. Now we need to start the campaign for a "Prayer of Levitation" party-wide version of the spell. Mana Burn got a weird little nerf for some reason and SPriests got a couple nice changes, like removing all mana cost from Vampiric Embrace and adding the ability to shift to Shadowform while mounted.


Wow ... removing the -5% hit on Titan's Grip? I can drop all that excess hit that I have to make up for that 5% and actually gain DPS stats such as STR & Crit? Wooooooooo.

Bloodsurge will proc off any Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst and Whirlwind instead of just 100% on BT crits? Woooooo.

I see my 4k DPS on Patchwerk last night going nowhere but up!
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