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World of Warcraft

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They nerfed titansteel guardian. It was ridiculous for a BoE crafted weapon but without the excessive spellpower it's a badly itemized weapon barely better than the revered wyrmrest mace. Blizzard should give it a 4th stat to help make up for the 82 spellpower reduction. Nothing like throwing 6 titansteel bars and 2 frozen orbs down the drain.
Evlar said:
They've nerfed Circle of Healing with a 6 second cooldown, which will be a relief to anyone competing with Holy Priests for raid healing spots (including Disc priests). There will never be an end to the bitching about it, though. Levitate (and Slow Fall) are now castable on others, which makes Glyph of Levitate the new hot-selling Inscription item. Now we need to start the campaign for a "Prayer of Levitation" party-wide version of the spell. Mana Burn got a weird little nerf for some reason and SPriests got a couple nice changes, like removing all mana cost from Vampiric Embrace and adding the ability to shift to Shadowform while mounted.

The difference between having your heals sniped and overheal going thru the roof vs people going diededed from multiple kinds of raid damage is the arguement here.

Think. Now its still sloppily OP, but only at times, and now is unreliable; an inelegant solution to an inelegant problem.

I wonder if this will put more emphasis in multiple Resto shaman with +haste out the wazoo again like in Ye Olden Days after Hpriests made it past 1900 Healing but it was limited to group.

Speaking of group, I know its some kind of wierd dogma at Blizzland that group-but-not-raid-benefitting spells and skills are bad 'n stuff, but hell, we already had VE, PoH, and HoH as party only. Still not sure why they dont reset this (then again, only in pitchfork and torches situations will an MMO developer actually do this).

Now comes the Crit&Powah vs. Haste&Int debate on regen mechanics...


SatelliteOfLove said:
The difference between having your heals sniped and overheal going thru the roof vs people going diededed from multiple kinds of raid damage is the arguement here.

Think. Now its still sloppily OP, but only at times, and now is unreliable; an inelegant solution to an inelegant problem.

I wonder if this will put more emphasis in multiple Resto shaman with +haste out the wazoo again like in Ye Olden Days after Hpriests made it past 1900 Healing but it was limited to group.

Speaking of group, I know its some kind of wierd dogma at Blizzland that group-but-not-raid-benefitting spells and skills are bad 'n stuff, but hell, we already had VE, PoH, and HoH as party only. Still not sure why they dont reset this (then again, only in pitchfork and torches situations will an MMO developer actually do this).

Now comes the Crit&Powah vs. Haste&Int debate on regen mechanics...

Man ... all my guild has for healers right now is Priests. Malygos is going to suck even more now ....
Macattk15 said:
Man ... all my guild has for healers right now is Priests. Malygos is going to suck even more now ....

I could show you WIERD WWS reports from our 25 man content. I almost feel like a fool for speccing more G.Heal specced (helps with heroics and tossed together guild 10 mans anyways) as another Hpriest in the guild is ENTIRELY CoH and will often pull 40% plus healing, even with 5 other healers, as thats ALL he does other than keep PoM bouncin' and SoL Flash.

Let's review:

G. Heal is still great, but rarely a long-fight substitute for Holy Light unless you need Inspiration or the incoming damage isnt fierce enough to warrant constant casting. With Hpallies going back to that realm of constant mana, I dont see this as our spot much later, either.

F. Heal is getting better as more healin' power enters, but without CoH spam, SoL procs are RARE. No Priest will gem or enchant for +crit, and rarely take it over +haste unless mitigating circumstances arise. Glad I glyphed for it...

Renew is flat busted, even with 100% spell power coefficient and 3/3 Imp. renew, its soooooo sloooooooooooow to heal up and is barely noticable; it's wierd as hell when you religate it to moments when CoH ISNT needed just to toss it on a tank "just cuz".

Binding is ok, but pricey now with % based cost and a love of INT now.

PoH is I guess getting more of a frontline application, but it's still sloooooooow and pricey, so I rarely use it more than once a fight, and thats Inner Focused cuz it costs a truckload.

PoM is great but is random and gravy, hardly a way to guarentee someone wont bite it.

No buffs, just restrictions. Pshaw.


StoOgE said:
Ok, so I settled on a Blood Elf Warlock. I find their storyline pretty cool, it feels a bit like Morrowind (the once great society that is largely in ruins)

I'm up to level 9 again, though I will say, there are less people hanging around the starting area for blood elves than my old cow guy. Probably because of people playing the free beta not being able to select them.

What?! If you want Morrowind you should play Orc, definitely. The dry, harsh wastelands of Durotar remind me a lot of the Ashlands, a lot of the dungeons you enter right away will remind you of some of the demonic caves and crypts in both Morrowind and Oblivion, plus the Orcs are hated just as much as in the Elder Scroll games.


Brilliant. More Warlock nerfs in the PTR notes :lol

Sure glad I have a Druid as well, Blizzard have no idea what to do with Warlocks it seems.


Junior Member
Kweh said:
Brilliant. More Warlock nerfs in the PTR notes :lol

Sure glad I have a Druid as well, Blizzard have no idea what to do with Warlocks it seems.
Warlocks were the love child during TBC, at least DKs got that now in WoTLK! :D
It's weird that the mage changes that Ghostcrawler was talking about aren't in the notes. It's awesome that they're trying to make arcane a viable PvE spec, because it's just about the most fun I've ever had with my mage. I'm really curious about some of the bullshit I've seen people throw about regarding mages though. Arcane mages OP in PvP? They're still not as viable as frost is in pvp, no matter how much damage they're doing.


Junior Member
Kweh said:
Brilliant. More Warlock nerfs in the PTR notes :lol

Sure glad I have a Druid as well, Blizzard have no idea what to do with Warlocks it seems.
Huh? All I see is this:

* Drain Mana: Now drains a percentage of maximum mana.
* Emberstorm: Now works with Conflagrate.
* Ritual of Summoning: Will now create a summoning portal object which can be re-used for multiple summons for 5 minutes.
Then the big one:
* Tapping: All player spells which cause a creature to become aggressive to you will now also immediately cause the creature to be tapped.
EDIT: As for Druids, I guess you didn't notice that Wild Growth (and priest CoH) is getting a 6s cooldown.


Wow, I just did Wintergrasp with Tenacity buff x20. Yes, I may do like 6k holy shocks, but 20 alliance doing 2k dps just doesn't balance out.


Junior Member
Evening, lads. Anyone got any advice for me about flying mounts? Should I bother with one and if so, where can I go or what can I do to achieve a "decent" one?
Its amazing how this guy in my raid group constantly pulled aggro as a rogue back in TBC

Now he pulls aggro as a warlock


I can't stand it
Been leveling an unholy DK for the past few days since there is nothing at all for pvpers to do at 80 since the queues are so long.. Wow this class is strong in pve o.0 So far I'm 69 and I've soloed every single group quest except Ring of Blood and Durn which I 2 manned o.0


Worships the porcelain goddess
Protection Warrior is pretty damned fun now. You can just revenge and shield slam the fuck out of fools.

The only downside is leveling through the old world and outland...again. I honestly don't think I can do it. So fucking boring.
I had a great WoW day today. :lol I got exalted with Argent Crusade and got the leather boots boots, I ran (10 man) Obsidian Sanctum, cleared it, and got my Rogue T7 gloves with the badges. Then I got a Polar Bear mount from the dailies in Stormpeaks.


If you think Fear is overpowered now you're forgetful of how the game played in years past or weren't in WoW at launch.
So I ran Heroic Azjol Nerub yesterday. It was actually my first time in the instance in general. It was awesome! Took like a total of 20 minutes once we all got there and started.


onemic said:
why haven't they nerfed fear yet? fucking op as shit.
Fear has seen at least 3 separate nerfs. Not to mention that it seems like almost every class has a way to get out of it plus their trinket, so if you even get to do a 3rd Fear you're hitting diminishing returns pretty hard.


SatelliteOfLove said:
I could show you WIERD WWS reports from our 25 man content. I almost feel like a fool for speccing more G.Heal specced (helps with heroics and tossed together guild 10 mans anyways) as another Hpriest in the guild is ENTIRELY CoH and will often pull 40% plus healing, even with 5 other healers, as thats ALL he does other than keep PoM bouncin' and SoL Flash.

I ran naxx with a priest like that. I was amazed at how much he was out healing me. Which is what my post above is implying. :lol

What do you think the best rotation is going to be now?


Scum said:
Evening, lads. Anyone got any advice for me about flying mounts? Should I bother with one and if so, where can I go or what can I do to achieve a "decent" one?
If you just turned 70 and plan to quest in the new content right away, I'd wait until level 77 because you need Cold Weather Flying to fly in the new content.

Expert riding will cost 800g and the 60% mounts are 100g. Artisan riding will cost 5000g and the 280% mounts are 200g. Cold Weather Flying will cost 1000g.

In the link replied to you above.. you can find rare mounts and rep mounts in various places.
border said:
Fear has seen at least 3 separate nerfs. Not to mention that it seems like almost every class has a way to get out of it plus their trinket, so if you even get to do a 3rd Fear you're hitting diminishing returns pretty hard.
Has fear been touched since season 3? Warl/Rog was such a mother fucking horsedog combo back then it made me nuts.

Chris R

Ran Nexus last night, and it wasn't really that bad. Don't know if it was our group make up (DK/Lock/Pally/Mage/Rogue) but the entire thing took ~35 mins and we only stopped to mana up twice.

Though my DPS was kinda poor. Don't know what I was doing wrong but by the end of the instance the DK had about 35% of the DPS done, and everyone else split the remainder, with me being dead last (but only by like 1-2%).
rhfb said:
Ran Nexus last night, and it wasn't really that bad. Don't know if it was our group make up (DK/Lock/Pally/Mage/Rogue) but the entire thing took ~35 mins and we only stopped to mana up twice.

Though my DPS was kinda poor. Don't know what I was doing wrong but by the end of the instance the DK had about 35% of the DPS done, and everyone else split the remainder, with me being dead last (but only by like 1-2%).

You weren't doing anything wrong. DKs are just massively OP.


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
You weren't doing anything wrong. DKs are just massively OP.
Well, unless it is heroic nexus, DKs are OP in the beginning, but in the end game the other classes do come out higher on the DPS scale with more utility.

Shaddup Xabora. 8D


Son of Godzilla said:
Has fear been touched since season 3? Warl/Rog was such a mother fucking horsedog combo back then it made me nuts.
Fear breaks after a certain amount of damage (with a chance to break on every dot tick), and has a maximum 10 second duration. It's not really fun to PVP as an Affliction Warlock anymore.


Pack Mule ?

* Pack Mule -- Summons a pack mule, giving you access to any bank items for 3 min. The mule may only be summoned once.
* Summon Faithful Mule -- Summons your faithful pack mule, giving you access to any bank items for 3 min.

This rocks hard!


Did not ask for this tag
Alright, I had to come post this screenie here, was the most epic Patchwerk kill ever!

Click the picture for a bigger picture if you want.

Basically what happened was, that our main tank dropped dangerously low right before the frenzy, and he had to pop his "oh shit too much damage"-button early. After it was done, he died from the berserking rage, and finally I was the last one alive. I popped Deterrence and you can see what happened :lol

Man, if I had this on video with ventrilo sounds recorded..


First tragedy, then farce.
So, my lowly bloodelf is up to level 11 and almost done with the first section of map.

I'm really having fun and have been playing with other people around my skill level. I kinda get the feeling that this is basically the training area for the real game though once you start mixing it up with the other races.

Also, I like having a minion, I have used him as an escape hatch more than once.. I take off running and leave him to deal with my train :D


Reading the changes to the Holy Light and Flash of Light glyph make me pretty happy. I'll have to get the Flash of Light glyph now (if the changes make it live).
Osaka said:
Alright, I had to come post this screenie here, was the most epic Patchwerk kill ever!

Click the picture for a bigger picture if you want.

Basically what happened was, that our main tank dropped dangerously low right before the frenzy, and he had to pop his "oh shit too much damage"-button early. After it was done, he died from the berserking rage, and finally I was the last one alive. I popped Deterrence and you can see what happened :lol

Man, if I had this on video with ventrilo sounds recorded..

hoooooooooooly shit
DeathNote said:
I ran naxx with a priest like that. I was amazed at how much he was out healing me. Which is what my post above is implying. :lol

What do you think the best rotation is going to be now?

We're debating it, whether to go Powah+Crit and try to beast thru the damage, or Haste+INT for IO5SR regen, longetivity, and super fast FH and PoHs.

Although, I feel that we're both under and over thinking it atm. Overthinking in that we have 2 Truids, and 3 Hpriests that can be called on (unless we're going for timed acheivements), so mutiple CoHs and Wildgrowths is enough, in addition to all those heals we're sniping from any Restoshammies now counting, AND the new revitalized Hpally Holy Light glyph now being non-shitty.

Underthinking as in "now I have to trade as much of one stat for another to see a benefit" in haste vs. crit, as it was once "go mostly Haste". Now, its having to roll on stuff like this to replace this that you picked up cuz it was just fine to have a +crit instead of +haste as, although haste was more valuable to a priest in 3.0, you didnt EXCLUSIVELY select +haste over +crit, as they both had value (crit coming mostly from synergy with talents).

At least gemming will be only a larger leaning towards Luminous instead of some crazy complete regemming that some other min/maxxers had to deal with at 3.0. :p


I think I need stop my clicking habits and start using some macros. PvP is serious business while I can still use BW + Readiness.:lol


I have my semester break coming up and have almost a month break and no travel plans/since i broke up with the gf. I was thinking of picking up WoW, because I heard about the recruit program and 3x the EXP for 90 days (if i understand it correctly) seems like it will get me caught up on the level side of things anyway. My friends are not gamers, so I have nobody that will recruit me. What do you guys suggest?


Worships the porcelain goddess
You know, any time I have any hope of really getting to liking this game, people have to screw it up. I can't find a decent guild on my server that will do things together, any PUG turns into a clusterfuck over the littlest of things, and Blizzard's mantha of "bring the player, not the spec" falls on completely deaf ears 95% of the time.

Hop on my DK, put myself in LFG, stated my spec (50/11/3 so far) and noted I will tank with the warning that I'm very inexperienced at it. I figure if your LFM, you see that, I tell you this, you will understand it. Oh no. I'm summoned, I get there, I prep myself up to try to take on the burden, and some how, 2 out of the 5 people are douchebags and bitch about me not being frost (sorry, I tried it for leveling and I hate it). Ditch the group. Leader goes emo, the other two log off, and I'm stuck in Dragonblight.

How much clearer can I make it? I'm as honest as possible, and people still flip. This shit is supposed to be casual? Are you fucking kidding me? Something tells me casuals wouldn't flip a bitch over something like this.

I dunno what I have to do to try to enjoy the game's content. I've played for four years and I just can't seem to find the success I had in FFXI in terms of having a quality group of good, fun players to have fun in the game with. 11 million players and I can't fit in. I don't understand it.

Sorry, I had to rant.


I'm unguilded and I could find any great guild to roll with, but I don't need to because I'm an awesome healer. Pugging around and getting to know people on the server, some which I knew already from a while ago, let's me in on who's good and who's not. That's the whole aspect of WoW's community. Now, I have 8 uber tanks with me on their list, 2 guilds getting me into Naxx and OS. I just pugged Archavon who's a pushover, but had great people to work with.

So I don't know how you're not finding the good people. There's tons of them out there. Maybe you're just unlucky or you really don't get with it with the players.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Farnack said:
So I don't know how you're not finding the good people. There's tons of them out there. Maybe you're just unlucky or you really don't get with it with the players.

I'll wager unlucky. I try to be easy going, I try to learn, I'm upfront with my inexperience and try to improve. It's really not hard to be a cool dude in this or any MMO. However, it just seems like ONE thing happens to a group, and everything falls apart. "OH NOES HE'S BLOOD." was it this time.

Perhaps it's the server, however, I'll be damned if I have to reroll all over again. Maybe I should have transferred.


Kintaro said:
Perhaps it's the server, however, I'll be damned if I have to reroll all over again. Maybe I should have transferred.

It is. I used to play on Illidan (one of the most popular and crowded servers) and it was a complete cesspool in the way you described, no real 'casuals'. Transferring to a medium server was the best thing I did. The progression server wide isn't as good, but the people are much more laid back toward the game. There are always gonna be fucktards in the game, no matter what server, but some of the servers are much more laid back than others.


Kintaro said:
Hop on my DK, put myself in LFG, stated my spec (50/11/3 so far) and noted I will tank with the warning that I'm very inexperienced at it. I figure if your LFM, you see that, I tell you this, you will understand it. Oh no. I'm summoned, I get there, I prep myself up to try to take on the burden, and some how, 2 out of the 5 people are douchebags and bitch about me not being frost (sorry, I tried it for leveling and I hate it). Ditch the group. Leader goes emo, the other two log off, and I'm stuck in Dragonblight.

How much clearer can I make it? I'm as honest as possible, and people still flip. This shit is supposed to be casual? Are you fucking kidding me? Something tells me casuals wouldn't flip a bitch over something like this.

One thing you should know about the WoW playerbase (and more or less the whole MMO playerbase) is that it can be hard to relearn them stuff. People are used to the concept of tank/dps/etc talent trees and it will take a bit of time till the players understand the DK and how the class works.

Beside that: On what kind of server do you play? I personally enjoy the game the most since I play on a RP server. (but I also have a small awesome guild) Full of nice people.^^
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