The Lamonster
Christmas starts today!
Bisnic said:So i got a friend who just started playing again since he stopped a few months ago, thing is... he is lvl 14 while im in Northrend... i'd like him to reach Outlands as fast as possible since the old Azeroth is pretty much dead and boring, but don't know what would be the best way.... just help him questing, or just do dungeons again and again? Using the RAF system is too late since his account is kinda old. =/
burnfout said:Uh oh I just downloaded the trial.
What am I doing!?!
Kletian said:Has anyone played a DK on the PTR yet (assuming the next patch is up that is) I was wondering what all the new sigils they've added and we're they're sold at.
Edit: Also, I gotta say I'm getting a bit tired of the DK Tank stigma that's been running rampant on the servers (or mine at least anyway) I've tanked every heroic so far and hav edone so successfully, I've tanked the Spider wing of Naxx. But every time a PuG gets together it's the same "oh well I don't really like DK tanks"
It's happened twice so far with two server Naxx-25 PuGs. We're not bad tanks people, just until they patch us you need a healer on his A-game who's not afriad to heal us when our cooldowns are up.
Though I suppose that says something about their faith in their own healers if they don't want us around![]()
Xabora said:What a long strange trip the past few days have been:[IMG]
Oh bloody hell! I'm here, trying to raise funds for fancy riding skills and mounts and...and...and... Congrats. same thing happened to my mate the other day too. Got his arse the bronze drake in a roll. Lucky buggers, the both of you!
Kweh said:Just did the Wrathgate quest and it was awesome. Quetion, I am Horde, is it different for Alliance?Or do they storm the Undercity as well?
Algol ParadoxToyMachine228 said:Thinking of a guild name is the hardest thing I've ever done in World of WarCraft.:lol Been trying for like two weeks.
<LegendaryLegendsOfLegend>ToyMachine228 said:Thinking of a guild name is the hardest thing I've ever done in World of WarCraft.:lol Been trying for like two weeks.
ToyMachine228 said:Thinking of a guild name is the hardest thing I've ever done in World of WarCraft.:lol Been trying for like two weeks.
just achievements. bros before ho ho hos is a pretty stellar one.Evlar said:Anything new for Festivus this year?
Kweh said:The funniest one on my server is <Barry Mana Low> :lol
cubicle47b said:3 is being nerfed in this patch.
How so? You talking about the penalty change from attack speed to damage reduction?cubicle47b said:3 is being nerfed in this patch.
Macattk15 said:So ... what did they patch in today? Besides the new PvP Season.
Anything? Anyone got the notes? Can't browse while at work.
Epix said:How so? You talking about the penalty change from attack speed to damage reduction?
Oni Link 666 said:There's no patch today. Maybe next week.
ToyMachine228 said:Thinking of a guild name is the hardest thing I've ever done in World of WarCraft.:lol Been trying for like two weeks.
Oni Link 666 said:There's no patch today. Maybe next week.
Xabora said:Ugh, server needs to come up so I can buy the Grasscutter for DPS testing on my DK. >_<
EDIT: Btw I'm running with a 32/39 DW Spec on my DK. Getting between 3600 - 4200 DPS now.
With a crappy Offhand :/
I have the ebon blade offhand sword.Macattk15 said:In 25s yes? Don't think those numbers would be possible in a 10 man unless you're talking trash packs .... which no one really cares about.
I can't check your armory here, but why not use that Ebon Blade off hand sword? It's pretty good no?
Xabora said:I have the ebon blade offhand sword.
Better than the Wyrmrest one.
However that dps was on a boss sooo yay.
Right now I have the Titansteel Bonecrusher (1H Mace) and the Ebonblade weapon.
Problem is the ebonblade one-hand sword is slightly faster by .10 than the mace which is leading to some ODD dps at times.
Macattk15 said:Who cares about speed on weapons?
Fast offhand allows me to apply more razerice which in turn boosts my dps.Macattk15 said:Who cares about speed on weapons? DPS is DPS. Do DK's have abilities that hit with the offhand weapon as well as the main hand ... say like Whirlwind?
If not and since you don't need to build rage to do damage, why not just put the fastest highest DPS weapon in your offhand ..... barring it having good stats.
Kinitari said:Ugh, I keep feeling like my Rogue is under performing.
My guild currently tried Naxx for the first time this week, and we cleared it all in 3 days, from the first day to the third day, my average DPS (throughout an entire run) jumped up from about 1200-1700, and I figure when we run it again today, I'll probably be able to sit at 1800-1900 no problem.
But I am reading on the forums, and hearing from friends, that I should be hitting 2500-3000 DPS no problem, in my gear. And I have no idea how I could possibly do that. I figure if I popped a haste potion every time it was on cooldown, and dropped the cash for better weapon enchantments (right now I have two titanium chains until I can get my hit up to 250/300 without them) I could probably swing 2300 tops. And it's not like I think I am a bad player, I do a good job I am almost positive, as I stay in the top 2-3 DPS (and can on the rare occasion, swing 1st) in my 10man runs, and we do good, so its not like my entire guild sucks and I am the king of the sucks.
I guess I just need to freaking get lucky with some heroic drops and change out my 70 epics, or run Naxx a few more times before I'm sitting at 2500+ DPS.
Oh also, they need to freaking itemize Rogue gear better, I don't need so much expertise, I need a lot of hit though!