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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
I actually feel like deep frost has a lot of dps problems, but obviously 0/32/39 doesn't or every DK on my server wouldn't be that spec all of a sudden.

Lvl 79 here so I am obviously rocking blood and have moo idea what's going on here. Mind giving an explanation as to why that spec is so popular?


Junior Member
firex said:
I actually feel like deep frost has a lot of dps problems, but obviously 0/32/39 doesn't or every DK on my server wouldn't be that spec all of a sudden.
0/32/39 SHINES in big groups.
5mans not so much. :/


firex said:
with my DK (2h frost, basically building him up for pvp so not the same dps build as you guys, but similar early talents) I pull with death grip if necessary while soloing, or just straight up run up and aggro, PS, then IT for the 10% bonus damage on diseased enemies. but it's not like I have real raid/group dps info. I'm basically just copying EJ's frost dps rotation of PS->IT->BS->BS->big hitter here (for me it's oblit, for you it's howling blast)->RP dump (FS for me, DC for you)->second big hitter with death runes and then repeat, more or less. It's a pretty simple rotation honestly. but the PS->IT thing is solely to take advantage of more IT damage due to blood plague being on the mob first.

I actually feel like deep frost has a lot of dps problems, but obviously 0/32/39 doesn't or every DK on my server wouldn't be that spec all of a sudden.

That rotation has changed. It's now IT->OB->OB->BS->FS. You need to start the rotation with one death rune, but that's not a problem since you can just rune tap it in.

Chris R

I know, uber slow, but just hit 75, and damn if I ain't happy as a mage now. Sure I can't survive much shit, because I've still only replaced two trinkets from my old TBC gear, and that was mostly crafted and heroic gear, but man 5k crits coming like all the time now :lol I'm going to try to hit 80 by this time next week, and then I decide if I pvp (probably not since i fucking hate arenas) or if I start raiding, or start to level my next 80...
What's better to level a rogue with, daggers or swardz? I really wanna run around with a thrash blade on a level one, but if Mutilate or whatever the fuck is so much better...


Cleared out our other two wings of naxx, the plague and construct quarters. Really fun actually from a MT perspective. Wiped a couple times on some bosses but hey thats what happens when progressing. I did not get anything tonight, there were tank drops but nothing really exciting. Great encounters, really liked them. So after the raid I say in guild chat about how I'm really close to 2k stamina unbuffed, thats a milestone for a tank. And then the MT from our other naxx group just goes grats /plain face. He was like I have over that unbuffed, I reply back in that perfect apples-to-apples comparison to pally tanks called bear form right? I was about to flip out on him (this has been building up over time) then my brother messages me saying don't say anything else cause he kicked another tank from the guild for basically doing the same thing. I just let it drop tonight, but next time I don't care. Only thing that can match this guy's ego is his doucheness.

I'm going back home this weekend until after new years so I let them know that I'll be on but I wont devote the time to raiding. So my little christmas present to myself is that by the end of the week I'll have enough titansteel bars to make my titansteel destroyer. Then I'm going ret during the holidays and just tearing everything up, I'm very curious to see what my ret dps will be in heroics. I have a pretty damn nice ret set so we'll see.
I've been playing ret for the last few days (I'm holy most of the time) and sit at 2K to 2.5K dps in heroics in mostly ilvl 200 blues. It's fun but I'm pretty sure I annoy the shit out of most tanks (aggro whore) and healers (aggro whore + seal of blood). Oh well, I needed a break.


Well I'm a bit pissed today. MT'd Spider Wing and Plague wing last night with the guild, managed to clear them both easily and pretty much gave me a boost in my tanking confidence.

But, 4 out of the 6 bosses dropped Plate DPS gear, all of which going to our DPS DK as he was the only plate DPS in the group last night.

And while that doesn't bother me too much, the T7 shoulders drop last night, and the damn Druid in the group outrolls me, and lose out on the only piece of gear I could get all night. And what's worse is that the bastard already had a pair of Epic Shoulders from one of his previous Naxx runs, and I sit here with some piddly little blue.

Does the 3x XP thing still work? I want to get back into this game soon. I go onto my friend's vent when they raid sometimes and I miss it so much :D

I'm thinking of leveling a Rogue or a Mage. Two classes I have never played.
So when I become a lvl 70, what's the best way to get an epic flying mount? I don't have a lot of gold so are there any quests or anything to get one?


The costly part for getting epic flying mounts is the Artisan flying skill, not really the mount itself. As far as I know there's no way to avoid that 5000g fee. On top of that you'll need Cold Weather Flying to fly in Northrend, which costs 1000g and becomes available at level 77.


An Epic Name said:
Does the 3x XP thing still work? I want to get back into this game soon. I go onto my friend's vent when they raid sometimes and I miss it so much :D

I'm thinking of leveling a Rogue or a Mage. Two classes I have never played.
I think it does, but as usual, only up to level 60.


The Lamonster said:
So when I become a lvl 70, what's the best way to get an epic flying mount? I don't have a lot of gold so are there any quests or anything to get one?

Don't even buy it until you're 77, just keep questing in northrend.


The Lamonster said:
So when I become a lvl 70, what's the best way to get an epic flying mount? I don't have a lot of gold so are there any quests or anything to get one?
There's no other method other than purchasing it. You can't even fly in Northrend until 77. If you're short on money try focusing on a profession (mining ftw).

Cold Weather Flying: 1000g (lvl 77)
Artisan Flying Skill: 5000g
Epic Flying Mount: 200g


Herbalism may be kind of tough to raise in Northrend right now, I'm not sure. But on my DK I made like 450g just selling what I picked up raising it from 1-300, and I didn't even sell everything or go out of my way to farm stacks beyond skilling up. There will probably still be lots of people raising Inscription, so herbs can still sell nicely.


Grandma's Chippy
I was making 1000-1500g a day This week as a tailor/enchanter.

Farming that super high spawn rate runesmith spot in Icecrown I would get 400+ cloth, 12-15 greens, occasional blue occasional recipe, tons of 2-5g selling vendor trash, stacks of pots, and more.

Cloth = $$$ to sell
Ecnhanting Mats from Greens = $$$ to sell


I end up with about 15-20 Greater Cosmics after a while, and on my server they sell 25-30g each.

Usually have 2-3 stacks (20 per) of infinite dust that sell for 7-8g each piece.

Cloth sells for ridiculous amounts...especially if I make bolts, or imbued bolts.

Everyone needs cloth afterall!

BEST part...with the new "phasing" system you can farm pretty much unbothered in some areas because people simply can't see you..lol
Epix said:
There's no other method other than purchasing it. You can't even fly in Northrend until 77. If you're short on money try focusing on a profession (mining ftw).

Cold Weather Flying: 1000g (lvl 77)
Artisan Flying Skill: 5000g
Epic Flying Mount: 200g
So where are the places I can buy a flying mount? And what choices do I have? I found a place in Outland that was selling Gryphons but how do I get a dragon?


The Lamonster said:
So where are the places I can buy a flying mount? And what choices do I have? I found a place in Outland that was selling Gryphons but how do I get a dragon?
Drakes are a special type of Epic flying mount. You can get them different ways. Some are achievement rewards, some are raid boss drops, ect. The guy in Shadowmoon Valley is where the standard epic flyers are sold.


Xabora said:
0/32/39 SHINES in big groups.
5mans not so much. :/



Wow you actually bothered doing the HORRIBLE dailys for netherwing? Tried doing it for an hour before I just decided the dailys were a complete sack of shit and stopped bothering with it. I mean they want you to collect 30 items from creatures that only drop it 30% of the time. That goes completely against what a daily is supposed to be. Quick, not take hours on end to complete.

/end rant


Epix said:
There's no other method other than purchasing it. You can't even fly in Northrend until 77. If you're short on money try focusing on a profession (mining ftw).

Cold Weather Flying: 1000g (lvl 77)
Artisan Flying Skill: 5000g
Epic Flying Mount: 200g

If you're a DK then it's actually 900g for the mount
Epix said:
Drakes are a special type of Epic flying mount. You can get them different ways. Some are achievement rewards, some are raid boss drops, ect. The guy in Shadowmoon Valley is where the standard epic flyers are sold.
So what's the easiest/lowest level way to get a Drake?
Lowest level is 70 for the 50 mounts albino drake. Might even be possible before that, I unno. Kinda expensive and requires a lot of rep though. There's also a drake from the exalted Oracles egg, which can be gotten around 75 I think, but is very rare.

The Wyrmrest drake is probably the easiest if you don't want the ugly ass albino, just get exalted and throw down some cash. It ain't particularly expensive. CoT drake is easy too if you can get to it.

They aren't special. HIPPOGRYPH FOR LIFE.


onemic said:
Wow you actually bothered doing the HORRIBLE dailys for netherwing? Tried doing it for an hour before I just decided the dailys were a complete sack of shit and stopped bothering with it. I mean they want you to collect 30 items from creatures that only drop it 30% of the time. That goes completely against what a daily is supposed to be. Quick, not take hours on end to complete.

/end rant

Easiest rep to get in the game...just do the mine quests, one of the profession quests and look for eggs. Took me like 2 weeks...
Hitting 70 on my Death Knight today in Shadowmoon Valley, then taking my last final tomorrow, going home and finally getting to play WoW on my good computer again. Can't wait to hit Northrend, and be playing on a computer that tops out at 60 frames per second, as opposed to 9.


I jut had a great example of how poorly Ele Shamans scale, even in a 5man.

We're doing the drake run in Heroic Strat, with a feral tank, a mage, enhance shammy and ele shaman(me).

For the overall run, I did second in total damage and top in DPS. Enhance Shammy did tops in total damage.

For the final two bosses, we blew a hero, haste pot and CDs on the drake dropping boss. For the final boss, no heroism, maybe one CD.

Drake boss: Third in dps and not much greater than the feral tank. Mage out DPSes me by nearly 1k. Enhance Shaman does top damage and out DPSes me by 500.

Final Boss: I do 2500 DPS, close to what I had been doing all the time, which turns out to be top damage on the boss and top DPS on the boss.

So if there were never any buffs in WoW, Elemental would be fine.
etiolate said:
So if there were never any buffs in WoW, Elemental would be fine.
I would *love* for this to be the case. Blizz should have manned the fuck up and just removed buffs when they tried to homogenize them. That was pretty much a waste of time.


Junior Member
onemic said:
Wow you actually bothered doing the HORRIBLE dailys for netherwing? Tried doing it for an hour before I just decided the dailys were a complete sack of shit and stopped bothering with it. I mean they want you to collect 30 items from creatures that only drop it 30% of the time. That goes completely against what a daily is supposed to be. Quick, not take hours on end to complete.

/end rant
I mass farmed eggs so I had DAYS of quest items.
Sadly I ended up using 4 days worth. :/


Ramirez said:
Easiest rep to get in the game...just do the mine quests, one of the profession quests and look for eggs. Took me like 2 weeks...

How about the crystals quest that only drops 30% of the time from creatures?


Junior Member
onemic said:
How about the crystals quest that only drops 30% of the time from creatures?
That was rather easy. When your running through the mines. KILL EVERYTHING you see while your mining the nodes & gathering the eggs.
You'll have more than you need for the day. (I had 240+ Crystals when I hit exalted)


Got my first piece of T7 gear for my DK, the Hero's tanking chest. Oh, and got it epic flying, that slow flyer was killing me something harsh doing dailies and farming mining nodes.


I'm probably pretty late to that party, but I finally built my flying machine today. :D


Finally a replacement to my ugly skeleton thingy.

Also got the mechano-hog shematic today and dear god...12500 gold of vendor parts? FU blizz. ^^


i have been enjoying my warrior so far in expansion

havent joined a raiding guild, just hanging out in a friends guild atm, but ppl keep asking me to join various raiding guilds

did Heroic UP today for the daily and the blue proto drake dropped off skaldi, lost the roll of course

did a timed heroic COT later in the day, and actually won the golden drake, so pretty happy about that

here's my warrior http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Twisting+Nether&n=Stallownd
rhfb said:
I know, uber slow, but just hit 75, and damn if I ain't happy as a mage now. Sure I can't survive much shit, because I've still only replaced two trinkets from my old TBC gear, and that was mostly crafted and heroic gear, but man 5k crits coming like all the time now :lol I'm going to try to hit 80 by this time next week, and then I decide if I pvp (probably not since i fucking hate arenas) or if I start raiding, or start to level my next 80...

dont worry ive had it since launch and im only hitting level 71

i really....think i don't like wow at all anymore, I want something new and shiny... sick of lord of the tolkein mmos i guess... everyone wants to slay dragons though :\


I should do this again cause this is pretty old and I've replaced a lot of gear since this shot but I'm hitting some pretty nice AP levels in raids:

25 man Archavon today

Discussion in guild about whether to roll or DKP the loot

I said that it didn't matter since it would be Rogue loot anyway

T7 leggings dropped :p

It was DKP for PVE roll for PVP gear

easy easy T7 pants, w00t

Lord Phol

New PTR changes up at mmo-champion..

Blue said:

* Titansteel 2H Tanking Weapons have been added to the game - Titansteel Defender, Titansteel Deflector.


* New plate goggles have been added to the game - Unbreakable Healing Amplifiers

Death Knight

* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.


* Glyph of Blood Boil - Causes your Blood Boil to slow affected targets for 5 sec. (Old - Also reduced damage of Blood Boil by 20%)
* Glyph of Death and Decay - Targets of your Death and Decay have a 10% chance to cower in fear for 2 sec. (Down from 20%)
* Glyph of Icy Touch - Your Icy Touch generates 10 additional runic power. (Old - Also reduced damage of Icy Touch by 10%)
* Glyph of Death Strike - Increases your Death Strike's damage by 20%. (No longer increases healing)


* Starfall is now cancelled upon shapeshifting into an animal form or mounting. (Old - All shapeshifting, could be a wording change)


* Berserk has been fixed and now causes your Mangle (Bear) ability to hit up to 3 targets. (Up from 1)

Beast Mastery

* Master's Call now remove all root and movement impairing effects from itself and its target, and causes your pet and its target to be immune to all such effects for 4 sec. (Old - Didn't affect pet)


* Arcane Shot mana cost has been reduced from 7% of base mana to 5% of base mana for higher ranks. From 10% of base mana to 7% of base mana for lower ranks.


* Explosive Shot have been greatly increased but the ability doesn't deal AE damage anymore. (Rank 4: You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing [ 18% of RAP + 476 ] Fire damage. The charge will blast the target every second for an additional 2 sec.)


* Spore Cloud (Rank 6) range has been increased from 5 yards to 6 yards.


* Glyph of Mind Flay - Increases the range of your Mind Flay spell by 10 yards, but it only reduces the target's movement speed by 49%. (Old - no longer reduced the target's movement speed.)


* Elemental Oath now has an additional effect, while Clearcasting from Elemental Focus is active, you deal 5% more spell damage. Lasts 15 sec.
* Elemental Mastery now gives your Fire, Frost, and Nature damage spells a 20% increased critical strike chance and reduces their mana cost by 20%. Lasts 30 sec. (Old - Only affected your next spell, increased critical strike chance by 100% and reduced mana by 100%)


* Static Shock has been swapped with Mental Quickness and moved to Tier 8.
* Mental Quickness has been swapped with Static Shock and moved to Tier 9.
* Mental Quickness PTR changes have been reverted and now properly scales from attack power again, increases your spell power by an amount equal to 10/20/30% of your attack power.


* Glyph of Lightning Bolt - Increases the damage dealt by Lightning Bolt by 4%. (Old - Reduces the cost of your Lightning Bolt ability by 10%.)


* Master Conjuror now Increases the combat ratings gained from your conjured Firestone and Spellstone by 15/30%.


* Devour Magic Effect range has been increased to 45 yards, please note that it's only the effect and not the Devour Magic pet ability. It could be related to the maximum healing range of the new Glyph of Felhunter.


* Glyph of Felguard - Increases the Felguard's total attack power by 20%. (Up from 10%)
* Glyph of Felhunter - When your felhunter uses Devour Magic, you will also be healed for that amount. (Old - Increases the critical strike chance of your Felhunter's Shadow Bite ability by 6%.)

*Glyph of Death and Decay - Targets of your Death and Decay have a 10% chance to cower in fear for 2 sec. (Down from 20%)



Why did they have to nerf this glyph of alll glyphs! I've seeen no one complaining, hell I've barely seen anyone use it. But it was just soooo good, not too random, you could expect it to proc 1-3 times at least, but now.. BAh damn you!


Junior Member
Lord Phol said:
New PTR changes up at mmo-champion..



Why did they have to nerf this glyph of alll glyphs! I've seeen no one complaining, hell I've barely seen anyone use it. But it was just soooo good, not too random, you could expect it to proc 1-3 times at least, but now.. BAh damn you!
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
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* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.


Lord Phol

Xabora said:
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.

Well yeh, that's pretty nice as well :D, maybe time to remove Obliverate from the hobar and those 3 talents from "Annhilation" :eek:.
Still feel a bit sour about the D&D glyph nerf though >:/.


Xabora said:
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.


Well lets wait and see, if it goes live. But yeah, this will be great. :D

Not sure how it plays out with my spec. Makes Rime kinda useless. Well here comes the runic power mastery! It also a sign from blizzard that I really should put points into Epidemic. ^^


They nerfed the glyph of death and decay because it was overpowered as hell and turned the spell into very reliable group CC. I mean there's a reason I always looked for this unholy DK I know for running heroics, and it's not just because he knows how to dps.

I'm mainly liking the change to the IT glyph. at this point, I'd almost consider it a required major glyph regardless of DK spec.


Xabora said:
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
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* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.
* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.



This. This. This. This. This.
Mr Pockets said:
I was making 1000-1500g a day This week as a tailor/enchanter.

Farming that super high spawn rate runesmith spot in Icecrown I would get 400+ cloth, 12-15 greens, occasional blue occasional recipe, tons of 2-5g selling vendor trash, stacks of pots, and more.

Cloth = $$$ to sell
Ecnhanting Mats from Greens = $$$ to sell


I end up with about 15-20 Greater Cosmics after a while, and on my server they sell 25-30g each.

Usually have 2-3 stacks (20 per) of infinite dust that sell for 7-8g each piece.

Cloth sells for ridiculous amounts...especially if I make bolts, or imbued bolts.

Everyone needs cloth afterall!

BEST part...with the new "phasing" system you can farm pretty much unbothered in some areas because people simply can't see you..lol

Okay, that spot is awesome. I respec'd my paladin protection and do that area in 2 pulls and by the time the second pull is done the first has respawned. Maybe an hour for 10 greater cosmic, a stack of dust, 4-5 stacks of frostweave, 30 gold, and a bunch of 3.5g grays. I made 1000g yesterday in a couple hours and enchanted the shield from CoS with defense.
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