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World of Warcraft

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Worships the porcelain goddess
Xabora said:
Fast offhand allows me to apply more razerice which in turn boosts my dps. :p
MH is Cinderglacier for obvious big hitting reasons once I get a decent offhand.

Are you tnaking with dual-wielding? I figured DKs would gib themselves pretty good this way. Then again, there's no good tanking 2handers yet before the patch...


border said:
Pretty much anyone with instant attack abilities.

Well I'm a warrior, I just DW 2 Handers ... so i don't care lol. And Pre-wotlk soon as they made it so whirlwind hit with 2 weapons .. i just used 2 slow one handers.


Kinitari said:
Ugh, I keep feeling like my Rogue is under performing.

My guild currently tried Naxx for the first time this week, and we cleared it all in 3 days, from the first day to the third day, my average DPS (throughout an entire run) jumped up from about 1200-1700, and I figure when we run it again today, I'll probably be able to sit at 1800-1900 no problem.

But I am reading on the forums, and hearing from friends, that I should be hitting 2500-3000 DPS no problem, in my gear. And I have no idea how I could possibly do that. I figure if I popped a haste potion every time it was on cooldown, and dropped the cash for better weapon enchantments (right now I have two titanium chains until I can get my hit up to 250/300 without them) I could probably swing 2300 tops. And it's not like I think I am a bad player, I do a good job I am almost positive, as I stay in the top 2-3 DPS (and can on the rare occasion, swing 1st) in my 10man runs, and we do good, so its not like my entire guild sucks and I am the king of the sucks.

I guess I just need to freaking get lucky with some heroic drops and change out my 70 epics, or run Naxx a few more times before I'm sitting at 2500+ DPS.

Oh also, they need to freaking itemize Rogue gear better, I don't need so much expertise, I need a lot of hit though!

The Rogues doing big DPS are the one's spec'd HAT, and have 2 other same spec'd rogues in the group with them. There's a glitch in there netting them 5cp's per global cd so they just keep up SnD and spam Evis, that Blizz is going to fix, but at least they admitted Rogues should be doing more DPS, without said glitch. So they're going to try to find a way to buff them without over killing their dmg in PVP. It'll probably take them ages to fix.


Junior Member
Kintaro said:
Are you tnaking with dual-wielding? I figured DKs would gib themselves pretty good this way. Then again, there's no good tanking 2handers yet before the patch...
Ikuu said:
He's talking about Frost/Unholy DW DPS spec.
^- What he said. :lol

Kintaro said:
Then again, there's no good tanking 2handers yet before the patch...

Titansteel Destroyer
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand Mace
507 - 761 Damage - Speed 3.40
(186.5 damage per second)
+124 Strength
+105 Stamina

Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 80
Equip: Improves hit rating by 54 (1.65% @ L80).

Begs to differ.


Xabora said:
Titansteel Destroyer

That's what i'm rocking right now, it's great for DPS, Tanking (which i mostly do on my DK in pve) and it lays a beating in PVP.

Whats the deal with honor gear and arenas? Did those hit today? I am not reading anywhere about prices of items and such.

Yes, Season 5 started today. Items cost at around 32k+ per item. Savage blue 5 piece set is very-very expensive just from honor, chest is 60k honor alone iirc, and vastly cheaper with honor AND arena pts, you have two ways to buy the stuff. Deadly Gladiator "accessories" don't have a rating on them, like the Savage. No Savage or Deadly weapons are available yet for some reason.

Just bought my DK the deadly (or is it hateful? I mix them up) necklace for 38k and the new Medallion of the Horde of 48,900. Next up. Cloak and ring.
Aside from trying to decide on a guild name I'm also trying to decide on Professions for my currently 68 Death Knight. Probably going Mining/Blacksmithing or Mining/Jewelcrafting. Hmmm.


Just killed my first Kel'Thuzad with my guild. It was a pretty cool fight, maybe the one I enjoyed the most along with Loatheb. Icing on the cake, the Hammer of the Astral Plane dropped and I got it. Finally ditched the wyrmcrest rep mace ^^


I just had to share this. Somebody posted it on my guild forum.

The badge gear seems so lacking right now

I have the trinket and the necklace

Don't see much point saving up for the tokens as I they do drop in the raids after all *shrug*


I got the bp token with the badges. To me it looks like a good investment. While you can get them all from raids, you have to hope the right one drops and that you do get it, which might require more time than simply getting 80+60 badges for gloves/bp for the 10man version.

I wonder when they'll fix the Forge Ember trinket. Right now it even procs when making bandages, cooking etc.
Xabora said:

^- What he said. :lol


Titansteel Destroyer
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand Mace
507 - 761 Damage - Speed 3.40
(186.5 damage per second)
+124 Strength
+105 Stamina

Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 80
Equip: Improves hit rating by 54 (1.65% @ L80).

Begs to differ.

How are you capping def cap for heroics and naxx? 530-540 are the special numbers and wielding a 2h is not going to help you achieve that. Let alone most of the heroic tanking drops have %block with shield bullshit which is useless to us.

2H tanking is stupid, unless your healer loves to heal spike damage.


DW tanking is even stupider unless you are hit and expertise capped, which isn't going to happen (expertise maybe, not hit though) so you will get parry-haste killed. That's even more spike damage. It's not like you magically parry more if you DW, as parry chance (outside of the obvious here) is based upon how often the enemy attacks, and not yourself.

The thing is, DKs get tons of health, so they don't need stamina as much as the other tanks (obviously they need it, but I mean they can gem purely for defense/parry/str) to hit 535+ and get enough dodge + parry for decent avoidance. But only warriors and pallies are going to hit the "unhittable" mark due to block rating having no DRs like dodge/parry/miss. What else is a DK going to tank with but a 2h anyway? They're built around parry, and parry hastens their auto-attacks (not that auto-attacks really count for much overall in dps/threat, but it will boost rune strikes) and most of the big threat abilities need to hit hard, so DW is out of the question for all but howling blast/icy touch. And Blizzard doesn't even expect Frost to be "the" tanking tree for DKs - they expect every tree to have valuable tanking/dps tools.

and unrelated, but I don't get why the titansteel bonecrusher isn't one hand instead of main hand. at one hand it remains a worthwhile offhand for a shaman after they get a better main hand, and it doesn't affect anyone that would use a fast offhand.


Raids on Tue/Wed suck. Like real bad. Everyone's in the instance servers and things lag to shit.

You can actually tell when another guild wipes on a boss if there's a significant reduction in lag.

It was so bad on Sarth + 3 drakes that our MT was almost able to kite the boss around back and forth without getting hit. But then, heals would go off every 6+ seconds or so, so groups of people would randomly die.

Fucking Blizzard needs to fix this shit.


SuperAndroid17 said:
How are you capping def cap for heroics and naxx? 530-540 are the special numbers and wielding a 2h is not going to help you achieve that. Let alone most of the heroic tanking drops have %block with shield bullshit which is useless to us.

2H tanking is stupid, unless your healer loves to heal spike damage.

You should check out the DK forums and see all the armories of d cap'd deathknights in emblem/naxx/heroic/rep gear using 2h'ers.. If you're wielding two tanking swords then you're screwed with the parry gibbing yourself.

So took down the military quarter last night and the arachnid and then called it a night. Going back tonight to clear the other two wings. GM was telling us how we need that epic frost resistance gear, the entire plate set goes for about 2k on my server.....I don't even have 500 gold :lol

I'm having an "interesting" bug though. I got the tanking belt off the instructor right, so I get a belt buckle for it, throw in a 24 stamina gem, and somehow I'm losing 25 stamina over my skaadi belt that has 10 less base stamina......Yeah my ticket is opened.


Your GM is wrong, the FrR set is not required for Sapphiron at all. We did it on our 4th try with only a frost DK aura. Got The Hundred Club achievement at well.


Weenerz said:
Your GM is wrong, the FrR set is not required for Sapphiron at all. We did it on our 4th try with only a frost DK aura. Got The Hundred Club achievement at well.

Yeah, you just need a few competent healers focused on raid-wide healing.

Sapphiron is a joke, really. Only frustrating thing is how huge his cleave is. It's big. Like holy shit did he just 1-shot me from 25 yards away big.
witness said:
You should check out the DK forums and see all the armories of d cap'd deathknights in emblem/naxx/heroic/rep gear using 2h'ers.. If you're wielding two tanking swords then you're screwed with the parry gibbing yourself.

So took down the military quarter last night and the arachnid and then called it a night. Going back tonight to clear the other two wings. GM was telling us how we need that epic frost resistance gear, the entire plate set goes for about 2k on my server.....I don't even have 500 gold :lol

I'm having an "interesting" bug though. I got the tanking belt off the instructor right, so I get a belt buckle for it, throw in a 24 stamina gem, and somehow I'm losing 25 stamina over my skaadi belt that has 10 less base stamina......Yeah my ticket is opened.

Im speaking out of my ass then

I just wish the itemization was a bit better though...

On another note , S5 GEAR LOOKS LIKE FUCKING ASS - " AVGN voice "


SuperAndroid17 said:
Im speaking out of my ass then

I just wish the itemization was a bit better though...

On another note , S5 GEAR LOOKS LIKE FUCKING ASS - " AVGN voice "

Itemization isn't even that bad though, the only thing we're missing is a runeforging and a
sigil and we're getting -both- in the next patch

I can't link my armory here but just look up Zalbaag on the Gilneas server. I'm at 539 defense right now, and could easily hit 540 by simply regemming one of my avoidance gems.

And I'm not even wearing the best blues/badge/heroic gear the game has to offer in all slots.

I do wish I could get about 10 points of Def from other places though so I could get the Epic +dodge crafted cloak and the +dodge ring from H.Draktheran.
Yeah, hitting 540 isn't really that hard, although you'll probably have to pass on some stamina for the time being. Here's my armory profile. Note that I have about 2500 more health in frost presence. Still not a lot though. I'm currently saving up for the Titansteel Headpiece and Titansteel destroyer and I'll be pretty good to go.

Armory Profile
Kletian said:
Itemization isn't even that bad though, the only thing we're missing is a runeforging and a
sigil and we're getting -both- in the next patch

I can't link my armory here but just look up Zalbaag on the Gilneas server. I'm at 539 defense right now, and could easily hit 540 by simply regemming one of my avoidance gems.

And I'm not even wearing the best blues/badge/heroic gear the game has to offer in all slots.

I do wish I could get about 10 points of Def from other places though so I could get the Epic +dodge crafted cloak and the +dodge ring from H.Draktheran.

That +65 trinket is a must , dayum. Does it drop frequently?

Im about 535 with my gear , geez. Thats including t7 tank chest , belt from AN Heroic, gear from Wyrmcrest, cloak with +12 def enchant . I definitely need to replace my legs and bracers.. I think those are holding me back. Currently using the ones from heroic COT Drake legs? Dark will bracers? dont remember the name

Yeah your right , my trinket ,bracer and legs suck.

Ive ran H VH for the past week hoping for those epic legs to drop , fucking druid staff drops every time.


Since I'm relatively well geared (Naxx25 Purps), I've taken interest in a melee class, I have level 32 Paladin that I'm lukewarm to, a lvl 5 Rogue which I haven't go in the swing yet and a level 19 Warrior. Most likely I'll PvP like crazy and totally forget about leveling and choosing one of the three.


Also if you're having trouble hitting the 540 defense cap, trying using a flask of resilience. They're pretty cheap (3g per on my server) and give you 50 resilience for two hours, persists through death. It's not as good as defense but the most important thing is for you to be uncrittable. As long as you're at -5.60 chance to be crit you're fine for bosses.
Son of Godzilla said:
That trinket is near impossible to get cuz it comes from damn HoL normal. Who's ever done that?

When I realized I needed it I decided to start farming the instance for it, ended up getting it on my second attempt. Never been back.


Son of Godzilla said:
That trinket is near impossible to get cuz it comes from damn HoL normal. Who's ever done that?

I have, and luckily it dropped on the first run haha.

My DK is sitting at 541 Def via various gear and enchants. Just people are too cheap many times to properly enchant their gear. I have the tanking shoulder inscription (blue) from the Sons of the Hodir, and I'm working on the the Argent Crusade rep for the head glyph. Yes, I use that 2H mace to tank too.

Frost Prescense is getting buffed soon too, 80% armor boost up from 60%, HP buff. Rune strike is getting it's damage nerfed from 200-150%, but it's threat is going up to 150% from 100%. Not to mention they're putting in a 25 def via weapon rune inscription too, along with a couple new sigils for tanks.

I'd link my armory on the tanking rig, but I've been in PVP gear to grind out honor for the new seasons items.


Yeah I've been leveling Mining so I'll be able to have the mats for the Titansteel Destroyer, until then my [Epic Axe of "hey lookit, I have a shitload of axes and Ducktape"] will do well enough. Though I do admit I took the stat hit to get away from that stupid-ass looking [Polearm that looks like a staff] that drops from H.VH. But meh, I'm over it.


witness said:
You should check out the DK forums and see all the armories of d cap'd deathknights in emblem/naxx/heroic/rep gear using 2h'ers.. If you're wielding two tanking swords then you're screwed with the parry gibbing yourself.

So took down the military quarter last night and the arachnid and then called it a night. Going back tonight to clear the other two wings. GM was telling us how we need that epic frost resistance gear, the entire plate set goes for about 2k on my server.....I don't even have 500 gold :lol

I'm having an "interesting" bug though. I got the tanking belt off the instructor right, so I get a belt buckle for it, throw in a 24 stamina gem, and somehow I'm losing 25 stamina over my skaadi belt that has 10 less base stamina......Yeah my ticket is opened.
I can't remember if Skadi's belt has a gem socket or not, but maybe your new belt (if it has a socket besides the prismatic from a belt buckle) is deactivating your meta gem? assuming you have the stamina meta since you're a DK tank I'm guessing, by your post.


What's better for a Ret Pally:

(Naxx Heigan drop)
Binds when picked up
Two-Hand Mace
522 - 784 Damage Speed 3.50
(186.6 damage per second)
+90 Strength
+103 Stamina
Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 80
Equip: Improves hit rating by 45.
Equip: Improves haste rating by 89.

Titansteel Destroyer
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand Mace
507 - 761 Damage Speed 3.40
(186.5 damage per second)
+124 Strength
+105 Stamina
Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 80
Equip: Improves hit rating by 54 (1.65% @ L80).


Oh yeah also don't forget to get an Eternal Belt Buckle for another +Defense gem if you're having a hard time hitting the cap. The mats are pretty cheap.


Anyone recommend a Marksman build for my 76 Hunter? I've been Beast spec (with a little dabbling into Marksman recently at my higher levels), but I'm strongly considering switching to Marks, as I think I’ll be able to deal more total damage. Anyone chime in with advice on a Marks build or why I shouldn’t switch from Beast right now?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Well, the guild my girlfriend thought she could get us into (friends from her work) have dumped their old guild to join an uber guild. Le sigh. Guild killers confirmed and we weren't even in it!

Time to make our own. SoD Part 2!
ToddG15 said:
Anyone recommend a Marksman build for my 76 Hunter? I've been Beast spec (with a little dabbling into Marksman recently at my higher levels), but I'm strongly considering switching to Marks, as I think I’ll be able to deal more total damage. Anyone chime in with advice on a Marks build or why I shouldn’t switch from Beast right now?
Marks is rather obnoxious to level with. Your big shot is on a ten second cooldown and needs a shot on it before. Except it doesn't need need the sting, which means its easy enough to waste the cooldown/mana without the damage. Also your pet won't be able to hold aggro at all. And mana is nasty while leveling, aotv is fucking horrible.

I'd recommend getting a cat and just sticking with BM. It makes the suckitude of AotV sting less too.


Son of Godzilla said:
Marks is rather obnoxious to level with. Your big shot is on a ten second cooldown and needs a shot on it before. Except it doesn't need need the sting, which means its easy enough to waste the cooldown/mana without the damage. Also your pet won't be able to hold aggro at all. And mana is nasty while leveling, aotv is fucking horrible.

I'd recommend getting a cat and just sticking with BM. It makes the suckitude of AotV sting less too.

Thanks for the advice. I’m still somewhat new to wow, played a few months when it first came out and rejoined about a month ago with some friends that have been playing forever and are vastly more experienced than I. They suggested the move to Marks but none of them have leveled a Hunter past 70 (all playing other toons currently) so I wanted some other opinions that have first hand experience. I guess I’ll stick to Beast for leveling and switch to Marks at 80.

Any suggestions on a Beast/Marks build until I hit 80? I’d be interested to see if the “good” builds are similar to my own setup. I’ve tried looking online for builds, but saw mainly 80 builds (which I assume are built more for dps/pvp/raiding and not leveling) and no mid 70s builds.


ToddG15 said:
Thanks for the advice. I’m still somewhat new to wow, played a few months when it first came out and rejoined about a month ago with some friends that have been playing forever and are vastly more experience than I. They suggested the move to Marks but none of them have leveled a Hunter past 70 (all playing other toons currently) so I wanted some other opinions that have first hand experience. I guess I’ll stick to Beast for leveling and switch to Marks at 80.

Any suggestions on a Beast/Marks build until I hit 80? I’d be interested to see if the “good” builds are similar to my own setup. I’ve tried looking online for builds, but saw mainly 80 builds (which I assume are built more for dps/pvp/raiding and not leveling) and no mid 70s builds.

Check out my build, its a great one for levelling as a BM hunter. The only exception is that you should put 5/5 points into Endurance Training for your pet instead of improved Aspect of the Hawk, at least until you hit 80 and you're done with grinding.



Grandma's Chippy
Anyone know a good way to figure out what all the instance accronyms are?

I grinded my way to 80 (wanted o save quests to do with my wife) and I don't know what half of them are. Or even where they are...

Anyway, peopel always ask in chat if anyone needs <insert accronym here> and I get tired of asking what they all mean.


UK = utgarde keep
Nexus = self explanatory (the nexus)
UP = utgarde pinnacle
DTK = drak'tharon keep
AN = azjol'nerub
OK/AK = old kingdom/ahn'kahet: the old kingdom (same instance, but sometimes I see AK instead of OK)
Oc = the oculus
CoS = caverns of time: culling of stratholme
HoS = halls of stone
HoL = halls of lightning
VH = violet hold

I think that's all of them, but I might be forgetting one since it's been awhile since I ran some of those instances.
edit: forgot gundrak, but that's usually not abbreviated. At least not yet on my server. if it is, it'll probably be called gun.


UK-Utgrade Keep
AN- Azjol neub
Drak-Drak'tharon Keep
VH-Violet Hold
HoL-Hall of Lightining
HoS-Halls of Stone
UP-Utgrade Pinnacle
COT4-Culling of Stratholme
OS-Obsidian Sanctum
EoE-Eye of Eternity


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Honestly that looks like a poor spec, where does your main damage come from? The reason Frost/Unholy or trispec work is due to Howling Blast(which can easily crit for 10k+), all the Strikes are off weapon damage and so DW isn't going to cut it. Not to mention something like Toughness is pretty useless in a DPS spec.


It's mainly meant to increase white hits. I want to try it and tweak it out. The toughness is just to boost AP through the blood talents. I gotta mess things around a bit. I just don't want to cookie cutter my DK yet.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
etiolate said:
It's mainly meant to increase white hits. I want to try it and tweak it out. The toughness is just to boost AP through the blood talents. I gotta mess things around a bit. I just don't want to cookie cutter my DK yet.
By all means try it, but there's a reason certain builds become popular.

Would be interesting to see the breakdown of the damage done per ability for that run, not sure how http://wowwebstats.com/ works though.

What sort of rotation are you using anyway, I tend to go IT, PS, HS, HS, HB, DC, not sure if it's just a gear issue, or if I should be tweaking my rotation (paying more attention to Rime procs perhaps).


with my DK (2h frost, basically building him up for pvp so not the same dps build as you guys, but similar early talents) I pull with death grip if necessary while soloing, or just straight up run up and aggro, PS, then IT for the 10% bonus damage on diseased enemies. but it's not like I have real raid/group dps info. I'm basically just copying EJ's frost dps rotation of PS->IT->BS->BS->big hitter here (for me it's oblit, for you it's howling blast)->RP dump (FS for me, DC for you)->second big hitter with death runes and then repeat, more or less. It's a pretty simple rotation honestly. but the PS->IT thing is solely to take advantage of more IT damage due to blood plague being on the mob first.

I actually feel like deep frost has a lot of dps problems, but obviously 0/32/39 doesn't or every DK on my server wouldn't be that spec all of a sudden.
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