My bad :lol
RecountMr Pockets said:Hey Xabora...What addon is that showing the DPS and the most damage skills etc?
1. Random animals in Sholazaar, for example protodrakes, crocodiles, giraffes or these cats. The ones you know dont have their own meatfirex said:Anyone found a good place to farm chilled meat? Seems like after I hit 415 cooking it just stopped dropping off all the level 75ish mobs I farmed a good 4+ stacks from while questing. I'd actually kind of prefer a high level area if possible, just so I can go aoe grind it.
Haste has lost some of its value compared to TBC. Depending on where you stand with hit rating, you could argue that Agi, Expertise and Crit rating all are more valuable than haste rating.Kinitari said:So I've been reworking my character a bit (I'm the guy who complained about my DPS a little while ago) and I think I'm seeing a little bit of improvement.
Running Obsidian Santcum/Naxx for the second week now, I've seen a marked improvement in my DPS, on trash its not too significant (1900-2000DPS) but on bosses I can seem to keep a 2500DPS average (depending on if the boss is melee friendly). Basically it just ended up with me stacking a little bit of hit, and reworking my cycle a bit (I am a combat spec rogue) and getting some good gear. My hit was waaaaaaay too low. I know there is not nearly as big of a focus on hit now as there was during BC, but I was sitting at 249 hit with 2 Titanium weapon chains. So I was sacrificing Mongoose (no way I can afford Berserking yet) for that 28 hit on ea weapon. Now I am at 289 hit unbuffed, with mongoose on my offhand at least, hoping to sit at around 300+ hit before I pop mongoose on my mainhand as well and hop my DPS jumps up a few hundred points in the process. I also think getting a 2 set bonus with T7 would really really help with my DPS, and now I think I am 30 emblems away from getting T7 chest (I'm still sporting Isle of Quel'Danas Badge chest piece).
All in all, I can decrease the suck with better gear, but I have a question - I seem to keep sacrificing my haste for more crit/hit gear. Is this a big deal? I am not sure just how helpful stacking a lot of haste will be to me. But the 50% chance to get a free combo point on critical strike is really helpful, so I can see an obvious advantage. But I don't really see having 1.4sec on my offhand strike producing a LOT more energy than 1.5sec. Am I blind?
SleazyC said:Haste has lost some of its value compared to TBC. Depending on where you stand with hit rating, you could argue that Agi, Expertise and Crit rating all are more valuable than haste rating.
Oni Link 666 said:I got my Black Bear last night. We did all 4 cities the night before but, I fell off the boat in Darkshore and missed SW so, me and this other dude made a trade chat PUG and did SW. I have to say that the honor given for taking out the leaders is pretty crap compared to what you can get in a half an hour in WG.
Here's a pic of me on all my bears.
Here's my armory link.
I'm still wearing the S3 helm. I just can't bring myself to get rid of it until I get another helm with a meta gem slot. I'll probably get the Savage gladiator's one until I can get the one from H VH or my Bonescythe. And, I'm still wearing the Shadowsong Panther. I guess Blizz stopped doing passive AP with on use AP. I haven't seen any others like that. It still pisses me off that there's no new panther figurine or Shifting Twilight Opal for that matter. My 27 agility dragon's JC's gems will do for those pesky blue slots though. :lol And I got the 8 hit 3 mp5 cut for my hunter's blue slots.
Speaking of my hunter, she is 75 now and completely done with both Boring Tundra and Howling Fjord. I think I can see why we're getting nerfed. I soloed every single quest in both the zones with my cat no problem. I couldn't do that on my Rogue when I was that level and I did the zones in the same order.
It's kind of hard going through these zones again. It's just not nearly as exciting. I can't wait until I get to 76 and can get some quests in Sholazar. I've been saving that zone just for my hunter. Loque will be mine.
:O AWESOME!Macattk15 said:
firex said:But at 20%, it procs constantly on at least one mob if you are aoeing 3+. It's not like a 20% chance over the duration of the whole spell, at least going by how often I saw it working while tanking instances (pally tank). I think it was more like a 20% chance per tick. I mean, it just really trivialized stuff heavily. About the only thing that could be as bad is stacking 3 shamans for Hex spam, and I'm not kidding. This is how death and decay worked to begin with, though, which is why they took the cowering part out and made it into a glyph. I mean, I'd really hardly call it minor CC because the proc was absurdly high on it, even if it was random and uncontrollable.
Besides, it's just a glyph. Now it goes from being essential (and expensive) to something you can probably drop for a more focused glyph, or keep if it fits your playstyle.
Kweh said:What's the addon called to get your chat window to display [G], [R] etc?
Weenerz said:macattack your UI is so nice, what mods are you using?
Scrow said:anyone got some good info on feral druid dps in WotLK?
gear, gems, enchants, stats, rotations etc.
i've done some reading on elitist jerks, but i'm looking for more.
O_OIkuu said:Yay, Deathcharger's Reins on my third running farming it, shame I didn't get any Essence of Undeath, which was the reason I was running Strath.
Has the drop rate increased? Or is he just extremely lucky?Xabora said:O_O
I hate you for getting it so fast.![]()
Mix of both.DeathNote said:Has the drop rate increased? Or is he just extremely lucky?
I never understood how people did that, given that the feared mob will go pull a bunch of other shit most of the time. You can get away with it in low-density areas, but usually it's more hassle than it's worth. Not to mention the number of mobs that will die 25 yards away and you have to waste time running around to loot shit.firex said:or just chain pull/fear mobs after dotting them up (if affliction). It's pretty fast either way, really, because you'll take very little damage yourself, and a full course of dots (if affliction) or like the standard CoE, immolate, shadowbolt/incinerate, conflag rotation will kill a single mob, so you just keep pulling until you've gotta eat/drink, which is after a ton of mobs.
OMG is that real? I still play the shit out of WCIII, so this would be awesome if real...dawg.Xabora said:
Tomorrow I hope.
The Lamonster said:OMG is that real? I still play the shit out of WCIII, so this would be awesome if real...dawg.
Gotta do something on the commute from Teldrasill to Tanaris.Spruchy said:
Tell him to go F/F. (UH Pres)Macattk15 said:Just ran 25 man Sartharion (no drakes). The damage meter is Sartharion alone.
I told Culprit to use your spec Ardhavara ... he likes it a lot more than 2H'er.
Fast/FastIkuu said:F/F is?
IT->PS->HB->BSx2->DCx2Sullen said:What is your rotation like with that build Xabora?
Xabora said:Fast/Fast
Standard for most classes DWing is Slow/Fast (2.6/2.5 + 1.6/1.5) weapons.
HB->IT->PS->IT->IT->Gargoyle (If you have 80-100RP, if not wait till next rotation)
IT->PS->HB->BSx2->DCx1 (Make sure you have exactly 100RP Before you do this or else you risk loosing your Gargoyle)
IT->PS->HB->IT->IT->DCx1/DCx2 (If the Gargoyle is still up, 2 if not)
This is with UH Presence so your working with a 1 second GCD.