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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
Sullen said:
follow-up question for you Xabora, since I've never tried dual-wielding on my DK: What runes do you put on your weapons?
My first try was Cinder (MH)/Razer (OH) [2200 Test DPS No Raid Buffs]
Second try was RotFC (MH)/Razer (OH) [2500ish Test DPS No Raid Buffs]
Third try was RotFC (MH)/RotFC (OH) [2850 Test DPS No Raid Buffs]

This was with Fast/Fast.

Macattk15 said:
Meh show me raids.

I'm trying to get all of our DK's this spec. More dps is good dps.
Thats the info I want but I dont have raids till sat.

So I'm running with guesstimate dps right now.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Friend got his Paladin to 80 so we've just been dicking around in Onyxia, MC and ZG for the past few hours now. ZG was pretty interesting, especially since a few of them were impossible to duo and I had to solo them.


Dummy Testing is hard! :lol


I almost kill myself in the process!

Woo our guild just finished clearing all 25 man content. Go us!

Now it's time to farm for Ulduar!


Ikuu said:
Friend got his Paladin to 80 so we've just been dicking around in Onyxia, MC and ZG for the past few hours now. ZG was pretty interesting, especially since a few of them were impossible to duo and I had to solo them.
I really can't wait until the upcoming mini-patch so my resto shaman friend, hunter friend and I can go 3 man all of MC. I soloed Ony on sunday and that was pretty awesome, since I made like 200g. 3 manning MC would be incredible, though.


but ever so delicious
Started leveling my rogue a few nights back. It's so awesome to have 2m+ rested experience :lol . Makes things go a little bit quicker. Hopefully have him at 80 over the next week with xmas and a few days off work.

My holy priest is still my main though :(

Also picked up the train from dalaran, will use that alot in raids :lol


Weenerz said:
Guildie and I decided to reroll on Ner'zhul horde US, any GAFers on there? We're using RAF xp, so we'll be flying.

Ah man, did you get any of the BoA heirloom shoulders that give you 10% extra EXP.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Weenerz said:
Guildie and I decided to reroll on Ner'zhul horde US, any GAFers on there? We're using RAF xp, so we'll be flying.

How can you be using RAF if none of you are new players? I thought RAF was reserved for people who play for the 1st time + one of their friend already playing.


Bisnic said:
How can you be using RAF if none of you are new players? I thought RAF was reserved for people who play for the 1st time + one of their friend already playing.
You can start a new account. Then, when you're done with levelling, transfer to your other account if you want to.
Okay so my music and sound effects stopped working (ambient sound works though for some reason), and I used the repair tool and it said I had to reinstall.

What's the most efficient way to do this? Do I have to uninstall everything first, then install classic, then BC, then WotLK, then download all the patches? Is there a better way to do it??


If you need to reinstall just uninstall then use the wotlk dvd. It has almost everything you need. You'll have to download 1 or 2 patches afterwards.
Rambar said:
If you need to reinstall just uninstall then use the wotlk dvd. It has almost everything you need. You'll have to download 1 or 2 patches afterwards.
If I don't have to use the other two discs, that's great news. Thanks.


I already have WoW and BC (Though my account isn't active). If I were to buy WotLK, do I get any free playtime? I'm guessing not. :(

I like the idea of buying WotLK to ease the installation pain.


Rambar said:
If you need to reinstall just uninstall then use the wotlk dvd. It has almost everything you need. You'll have to download 1 or 2 patches afterwards.
Only problems these patches are huuuuuge :(

PS. Woot, got my Red Proto-Drake today!



man, I had like the worst heroic UP group ever yesterday. it was all pugs, and here's basically what happened:
1) Enhance shaman was the best DPS by a longshot (I came in second, and I'm a tank pally)
2) BM hunter/shadow priest never contributed shit to the group really. Every fight seemed to take 3x longer than usual, and we had to do the respawn trick on Skadi
3) Resto druid and I pretty much carried the rest of the group, although the druid either lagged or I lagged; either way I took a lot of spike damage, and I'm way past the crit immune cap for heroics and I'm basically only about 10% hittable with holy shield up
4) Enhance shaman bitched about the rest of the dps to me in tells the entire fucking run, which led to me having to give him cursory responses because he was right, but it was still annoying
5) It took like 90+ minutes, although we only wiped on Skadi once so it wasn't that bad

I can't believe I may have to turn into a borderline elitist about dps in heroics or something. I only did it because it was the regular dungeon daily + heroic daily, and it was my jewelcrafter daily. but I went from enjoying pugs on my server to being ultra-cautious of them. although I really did basically just get a case of 2 dps that don't know how to play, at all. I really don't mind when people aren't like min/maxing their rotation and talents and shit, but the shadow priest was wearing a bunch of level 70 blues/epics and like nothing that was level 80, and the BM hunter was basically a fresh 80. I didn't think that'd be a problem since hunters are easy to play now and BM is the spec blizzard calls op, but that guy... ugh. even my relatively newb hunter friend is about 50x better than that guy will ever be.


Junior Member
CassSept said:
Only problems these patches are huuuuuge :(

PS. Woot, got my Red Proto-Drake today!

:mad: I want one.

In other news: I hate 44/27.
300 less DPS than 32/39.

[Target Dummy DPS, I know how my raid group runs so I can plop multipliers when making decisions]
I love how server maintenance renders my server unplayable for 2 days. Every week it's the same damn thing. Server maintenance = server is fucked until Thursday.


CassSept said:
Nerf TG :p

PS. Where are the rogues?
Rogues are shitty this expansion. They have almost no AOE damage, and their single target is lackluster - they have to maintain a hard as fuck rotation to do sub par DPS. It's really that bad for them.
No45 said:
I already have WoW and BC (Though my account isn't active). If I were to buy WotLK, do I get any free playtime? I'm guessing not. :(

I like the idea of buying WotLK to ease the installation pain.
This is now confirmed. Took about 20 mins total. Patch data was saved and I didn't have to re-download. Game settings and addons were wiped out, but macros and screenshots were saved.


The Lamonster said:
This is now confirmed. Took about 20 mins total. Patch data was saved and I didn't have to re-download. Game settings and addons were wiped out, but macros and screenshots were saved.
That's awesome news. Now I just need to hold my resolve... because I promised myself I wouldn't start up again until I've replaced this shitty laptop. :(
is there any lich king prot pally tanking guides around? I played holy and ret but I really want to try prot and not suck, hate being a burden on a group. Any tips rotations or anything like that will be helpful, I pretty much know the gear I need.
Ok, here's what happened.

I started playing Starcraft, because I saw a Starcraft II video, played through all three campaigns in like 3 days, got a hankering for more, accidentally reinstalled Warcraft III so I could get more RTS goodness without thinking

Played through so many iconic Warcraft areas, saw so many iconic Warcraft abilities and characters, experimentally went to the WoW website again, saw there was a WotLK 10 day offer, remembered my 70 warlock...

Oh god no, I'm back on the stuff when the download finishes. Ah, hell. Hopefully, I remember what it feels like to play Alliance on a Horde server and beat it back to the hills before I start paying for this monster again.

Just thought I'd share.

Eteric Rice

How the eff did you get that proto drake?

Oh, and the quest where you fight that iron giant collosus thing is the most bullshit quest in the universe.


With the patch making certain frost attacks for DK's instant(forgot the name) I better start rolling on one handed swords, as DW will most likely be the premier DK DPS spec until blizz nerfs it again.


Maxrpg said:
Rogues are shitty this expansion. They have almost no AOE damage, and their single target is lackluster - they have to maintain a hard as fuck rotation to do sub par DPS. It's really that bad for them.
You have shitty rogues, seriously.
I play a rogue and even without exploiting HaT bug (which makes rogues best single target dps) I hardly ever fell down behind Top 5 (in single target of course, in AoE fights it is of course kind of different).
And I'm saying this especially because he linked Sartharion without any drakes which is just a tank and spank. I sadly don't have any WWS before all rogues in my guild went HaT, but if your rogues can't reach even 3k dps they must have hardly any skill :<

Eteric Rice said:
How the eff did you get that proto drake?
3 people in my guild have proto-drake, 1 still can't get lockdown, few other can't do Gotta Go!, so tbh getting Red Proto-Drake is all about doing Anub'arak in 2 minutes, rest is eaz mode.


firex said:
5) It took like 90+ minutes, although we only wiped on Skadi once so it wasn't that bad

So what are you complaining for? You cleared the place, you succeeded. Complain when your group wipes on the few trash in the instance and the main healer has a sook and rage quits on the spot. You know, complain for an actual tangible reason.


xabre said:
So what are you complaining for? You cleared the place, you succeeded. Complain when your group wipes on the few trash in the instance and the main healer has a sook and rage quits on the spot. You know, complain for an actual tangible reason.
You know, 90+ minutes WotLK heroic is imo good reason for complaining :p


xabre said:
So what are you complaining for? You cleared the place, you succeeded. Complain when your group wipes on the few trash in the instance and the main healer has a sook and rage quits on the spot. You know, complain for an actual tangible reason.
what, I can't complain that I had to deal with 3 annoying as hell dps (for different reasons) in a heroic that took 2.5x longer than it usually does?


firex said:
what, I can't complain that I had to deal with 3 annoying as hell dps (for different reasons) in a heroic that took 2.5x longer than it usually does?

Very well.

On another note feral druids are the new rogues. And by new rogues I mean old rogues, when rogues used to carve nearly anything up with ease.


Can anybody link decent tanking gear for a frost spec DK I've decided to stick with the tree and this will be my first prime tank so I have no clue to what I'm doing really I'm used to hunters thanx in advance :D


CassSept said:
You have shitty rogues, seriously.
I play a rogue and even without exploiting HaT bug (which makes rogues best single target dps) I hardly ever fell down behind Top 5 (in single target of course, in AoE fights it is of course kind of different).
And I'm saying this especially because he linked Sartharion without any drakes which is just a tank and spank. I sadly don't have any WWS before all rogues in my guild went HaT, but if your rogues can't reach even 3k dps they must have hardly any skill :<

3 people in my guild have proto-drake, 1 still can't get lockdown, few other can't do Gotta Go!, so tbh getting Red Proto-Drake is all about doing Anub'arak in 2 minutes, rest is eaz mode.

Luckily they aren't nerfing TG ... they are buffing it.

I am usually top dps / damage on every boss we pull. I range from 3k-5k on most fights. Crazy numbers on Thaddius and Loatheb (I had a deep wounds tick for 5349 last night).

Fact of the matter is though that most rogues cannot play their class. We don't bring them. All the ones we have do subpar damage and are basically not allowed to raid until they figure out their stuff.
Gamble said:
Can anybody link decent tanking gear for a frost spec DK I've decided to stick with the tree and this will be my first prime tank so I have no clue to what I'm doing really I'm used to hunters thanx in advance :D


That's what I got right now. Don't know if that helps.


Macattk15 said:
Luckily they aren't nerfing TG ... they are buffing it.
Let's say luckily ;p

I am usually top dps / damage on every boss we pull. I range from 3k-5k on most fights. Crazy numbers on Thaddius and Loatheb (I had a deep wounds tick for 5349 last night).
Yeah well TG is a bit op, and they are still buffing it. Sad that after 3.0.8 hybrid class will be, by far, best dps :( And pulling crazy numbers on Thaddius and Loatheb isnt anything surprising, if retards dont die on Thaddius or ninja your spores.
Fact of the matter is though that most rogues cannot play their class. We don't bring them. All the ones we have do subpar damage and are basically not allowed to raid until they figure out their stuff.
Yeah, that is probably the case. Generally rogues as a class don't have too good reputation due to many retards choosing this class (assasins from shadows, keeewl!). My guild can be different because most of our rogues are more or less veteran raiders (i play shortest, and that's 1.5 years, raiding since one year progressing through whole TBC from attumen up to Twins before 3.0, KJ after it) that know how to play their class.
My memory might be bad, but on first 25 Patchwerk when most of my gear was still BT/SWP leftovers (aka around 80 blues, except for jewelery and MoT) I pulled out, ummm, 3.7k dps? Can't remember exactly and WWS expired. Anyway, rogue under 3k dps.... it's abysmal, really. Especially on singletarget like Sartharion without any drakes.


Gamble said:
Can anybody link decent tanking gear for a frost spec DK I've decided to stick with the tree and this will be my first prime tank so I have no clue to what I'm doing really I'm used to hunters thanx in advance :D

They're making 2 great tanking weapons in the next patch for one.

Anyways, the best gear is obviously the variety with the stats dumped into def, parry, dodge. Block is absolutely worthless for obvious reasons. Depending what you want to do, you're gearing up accordingly. If you want to tank heroics, you'll want 535 Defense so you're uncritable. If you're looking into raids, you'll want to be 540 Defense. It's a bit harder to hit Def caps on a DK than it is with the other tank classes for now, that's for sure. At first I was forced to go into TBC content to get a defense trinket. Now I got the HoL regular tanking trinket thankfully.

Right now I'm sitting at 24k hp unbuffed and 541 def. I forget the exact dodge and parry stats, but they'll shoot up when I make myself that sweet Titansteel Deflector when they implement it. Right now, I have no issues with aggro, and tanked the vault no issues, so DK's can be good tanks.

I'd link my armory, but I sit in PVP gear most of the time :D

Fact of the matter is though that most rogues cannot play their class. We don't bring them. All the ones we have do subpar damage and are basically not allowed to raid until they figure out their stuff.

It's not that they can't play their class, it's that the class is broken. That is a fact. The only way they do damage in raids right now is if they all spec HAT, and you have 3-4 Rogues in the group. And they do a ton of damage that way since every CD is basically a 5pt finisher due to it being "glitched".

Blizzard really fucked that class up good. And that so-called Fan of Knives tweak is supposed to fix them? Right.


xabre said:
Very well.

On another note feral druids are the new rogues. And by new rogues I mean old rogues, when rogues used to carve nearly anything up with ease.
yeah, I actually wish I had more feral dps druids on my server. took one along a few weeks ago and he just dominated. I think most of the druids on Kilrogg horde are either resto or boomkin (not that there's anything wrong with that).
firex said:
yeah, I actually wish I had more feral dps druids on my server. took one along a few weeks ago and he just dominated. I think most of the druids on Kilrogg horde are either resto or boomkin (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Yea, it's really annoying. Every fuckin druid wants to go Boomkin instead of feral.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Loving JC now, nothing better than buying two stacks of Saronite Ore and then Prospecting them into 200g worth of uncut gems and then (if I had better plans) cutting them into something even better. Not to mention buying gems on the AH for 50g, cutting them and selling them for 90g.

I probably should save my the daily tokens for some plans, but I've just been getting the Dragon's Eye and selling it for 300g. Went from 200g to 1700g with another 1000g of stuff sitting on the AH in just over two days.

Might make one the Boar figurine,http://www.wowhead.com/?item=42418, and then slap in two +27 Str gems for a 200ATP trinket.


I've mostly bought plans with my JC dailies, but now I'm buying Dragon Eyes so I can make my tank ring. Then I'm gonna buy the caster and dps ring forms and see what I can do to craft those, too. JC is just so good in this expansion. Eventually I'll learn all the forms, but it doesn't even matter to me right now beyond epics and metas (of which I have lots of good ones).


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I just wish people weren't so stupid when selling stuff to be honest, if you have an Exalted JC plan that isn't easy to farm (Sons of Hodir) then don't sell the gems for like 90g. Basically ruins it for everyone.

Also wish the AH worked more like EVE Online, would be awesome if I could just setup some buy and sell orders.
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