firex said:I've mostly bought plans with my JC dailies, but now I'm buying Dragon Eyes so I can make my tank ring. Then I'm gonna buy the caster and dps ring forms and see what I can do to craft those, too. JC is just so good in this expansion. Eventually I'll learn all the forms, but it doesn't even matter to me right now beyond epics and metas (of which I have lots of good ones).
Of all the zones I've "done" (IE completed and got the questing achievement) I'd put it at the top of the list too.ToyMachine228 said:Up to Level 74 on my Death Knight. Really enjoying Wrath so far. Both the instances and the quests and zones. And really enjoying the Death Knight. Both when grinding, and when tanking.
Oh and I have to say...Dragonblight is an awesome zone, especially for lore whore's like myself.
Oni Link 666 said:How did you get him?
onemic said:Being a DK sucks ass if you're not already in a raiding guild. No one wants usAnd I'm pretty much stuck with nothing but pre-raiding gear, and can only do PUGs....and you know how those usually turn out.
onemic said:Being a DK sucks ass if you're not already in a raiding guild. No one wants usAnd I'm pretty much stuck with nothing but pre-raiding gear, and can only do PUGs....and you know how those usually turn out.
Can enchant with ZG shoulder enchants and OMGCRUSADARfirex said:yeah, not many people know how to play DK. In a few months we'll have better DK players on every server as people learn better how to tank/dps with them. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever level mine up though. I got him to I think 60 or 61 and got bored because I hate the Outland grind, but I guess when I can get him some heirloom gear it'll be better. It kind of sucks you can't enchant heirlooms though. They should at least let you runeforge them if you hand them down to a DK, and just have the runeforge disappear when you mail it to someone else.
Kweh said:I see there are quite a few different types of flying drakes now, and I wouldn't mind one, but are they all incredibly hard or time consuming to get? I don't fancy rep grinding. What is the easiest one to get? I'm guessing you can't just buy one from a vendor like other flying mounts.
oh snap, time to farm orbs then. Guess I'll be buying the pvp heirlooms so I can save emblems for when they add new upgrades for my pally.Son of Godzilla said:Can enchant with ZG shoulder enchants and OMGCRUSADAR
ToyMachine228 said:Not only did I just see a Paladin with a Thunderfury for the first time. It was a Blood Elf Paladin.
Angry Grimace said:My only question is "why?"
border said:I've been following James' Horde Leveling guide, but I've made it all the way through Grizzly Hills with both of the characters I'm running. Are there any guides that go beyond that zone (lvl 77+)?
Or can anyone suggest the next best place to go at level 77. I've already done Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Grizzly Hills. Haven't touched any other zones.
border said:I've been following James' Horde Leveling guide, but I've made it all the way through Grizzly Hills with both of the characters I'm running. Are there any guides that go beyond that zone (lvl 77+)?
Or can anyone suggest the next best place to go at level 77. I've already done Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Grizzly Hills. Haven't touched any other zones.
I believe you want a fast/fast combo because all the strikes do pitiful damage with any kind of 1h.Alex said:What kind of weapon speed MH do you need for a DW DK?
Xabora said:Heres the parse for tonight with my 32/39 F/F Build on Patchwerk.
Picked up two new rings, the grobby ring and Ring of Death.![]()
I have a Fury warrior leveling up at 24 so it would be interesting to see the exact difference between the two :lol I don't think I could live without DW though, shit dies so damn fastKintaro said:So, my Prot specced Warrior is now level 23 and I really can't believe how wicked Protection is for leveling up. Slap on a Glyph of Revenge the first chance you get and you're murdering the shit out of everything.
My only question is this (and going forward). What kind of weapons am I looking to equip when it comes to leveling up versus tanking? Mainly, I'm looking for what kind of speed I should be looking for.
rhfb said:I have a Fury warrior leveling up at 24 so it would be interesting to see the exact difference between the two :lol I don't think I could live without DW though, shit dies so damn fast
Xabora said:Heres the parse for tonight with my 32/39 F/F Build on Patchwerk.
Gear and Whatnot:
Picked up two new rings, the grobby ring and Ring of Death.![]()
Two Tanks.onemic said:What's with the 2 really low DPS guys? Dd they just hit 80 or something?
Correct, snag the GC and the Wyrmrest Fang. (both should be 1.5/1.6 weapon speed).traveler said:I was really hoping to avoid going the 32/39 spec as I hate having to manage the Gargoyle and Ghoul (yes, they're relatively simple but one of the reasons I left my lock for the dk was to go petless) but your gear is almost identical to mine and you're putting out ~2000 more dps, so I think what I should do here is pretty undebatable. :lol
I know you mentioned the priority system earlier, and that's really what I've been doing myself, but is there any kind of set rotation you even loosely follow? And what would be a good pair of blades to start dual wielding with? (I'm thinking of saving up for the Grasscutter and pairing that with the Wyrmrest blade, pending any better drops before then)