Rogues were gemming for pure hit in TBC because with sword spec and old windfury white hites were over 60% of our damage. Now it has changed, with a huge rise of poisons contributing to overall damage (crit and spell crit merged, much better scaling with ap), wf change, mutilate finally being useful, it made white hits contribution to overall damage much much lower. It's still more than for DK, but we don't gem for hit, especially after poison hit cap is reached. So if melee is only 25-30% of your overal damage once you reach yellow cap special i guess it's useless to gem for HR
And about yellow hit cap, it seems that hit caps were actually lowered in WotLK
And while spell hit cap is the same, it seems yellow hit cap was lowered from 9% to about 8% (a little bit over it, iirc about 8.1-8.2%) and white hit cap from 28% to 27%.
Just saying cause it was discovered recently and might be useful to GAF melees that didn't know about it
Don't listen to fast MH/slow OH. Originally it was thought to be better, but it was discovered that somehow your OH has double chance to proc the poison. Thus, slow MH/fast OH, with DP on MH and IP on OH gives you much more IP procs than if you switched the weapons. So stick with KoI/OoR, not the other way around.
Oh and I'd recommend you getting Librarian's Paper Cutter from AH. It's awesome dagger (1.3 speed!) from HoL that is BoE. On my server it's usually aruond ~75G so unless you are really in huge need of money, go with it. If you get it, OoR/LPC
Rotation now.
Well, this time you actually have to think! Rotation is basically 4+E/4+R
To quote
this EJ topic
1. Mutilate to 4+ Combo Points
2. Make sure Hunger for Blood isn't going to drop soon. Refresh it if it will.
3. Is Rupture up? If yes, Envenom. Go to step 1.
4. Does Slice and Dice have >12 seconds left? If no, Envenom. Go to Step 1.
5. Rupture. Go to Step 1.
And hit rating, once you reach poison hit cap (237 assuming you have 5/5 precision and Imp FF/Misery) hit rating is obsolete.
Have fun with Mutilate

Im currently kind of stuck with bugged HaT build which is oh-so-boring. Give me back my 51/13/7!