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World of Warcraft

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Hey all, just a quick question: I've just gotten back into the game (3 year break lol) and for some reason I can't see my character in the Armory or even post in the forums.. It keeps saying "This account has no characters". Is this normal, or do I just have to wait a day or two for the data to be available?


The game engine was obviously not designed with the thought that players would ever be traveling at 300% speed. Increasing draw distance only affects static terrain objects, not NPCs and other players.


border said:
The game engine was obviously not designed with the thought that players would ever be traveling at 300% speed. Increasing draw distance only affects static terrain objects, not NPCs and other players.

But this applies to me using 100% mounts as well. Of course it's not close to as bad as me using a flying mount but it still happens.


Junior Member
Ramirez said:
I always thought that was on their server side? Like you outrun how fast the stuff is being loaded for you or something...I know that back when I had everything maxed and pulling like 90FPS I would still get the same problem.
It is server side, since it controls where the spawns are located on your client.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
finally got my DK to 60.

I know, I know...

I have no clue what I'm supposed to do with the ghoul pet though. Never rolled a pet class. Do I just have him attack everything? Do I have to select all his abilities manually?


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
finally got my DK to 60.

I know, I know...

I have no clue what I'm supposed to do with the ghoul pet though. Never rolled a pet class. Do I just have him attack everything? Do I have to select all his abilities manually?
Defend, (Passive in certain bosses), disable leap in groups.
Good to go really.

Not an active pet class tbh, more passive.

EDIT: And as for my Titansteel Helm...
CassSept said:
Holy crap, 20g for infinite dust? DO WANT prices like that on my server:lol

When you're making it remember to compare Titansteel Bars prices to mats. I bought mats and bought some cooldowns for making it and this saved me few hundred gold.

And you know, happy world of WotLK :p Since I made myself motorcycle (10 days ago) with some lazy farming I made 5k gold (+gold i spent on flasks, food, enchants etc), gave back my 3.5k debt and after buying cold weather flying for my alt I'm farming for Nobles Deck. I have over a month so, pfff. Not like it's anything hard to farm 10k in one month :p

I'm a miner, I got it covered :)

I might try and sell the first bike I make to see if I can make a huge profit and then make another for myself, but I haven't seen anyone try to sell or buy one yet on my server...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Xabora said:
Defend, (Passive in certain bosses), disable leap in groups.
Good to go really.

Not an active pet class tbh, more passive.

EDIT: And as for my Titansteel Helm...
Yeah, that's totally what my prot warrior's Titansteel Helm looks like, but I need the matching shoulders (they're about 5000g if they are on the AH at all)


xabre said:
Also is there any need to go past 425 in enchanting? I know it maxes out at 450 but isn't the highest requirement for an enchant only 425?

You spend Dream Shards at vendor in Dalaran to buy enchants past 425, I think the highest enchants there are for 440 enchanters.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flambe said:
You spend Dream Shards at vendor in Dalaran to buy enchants past 425, I think the highest enchants there are for 440 enchanters.
the really good ones are there, yeah.

At least vendor ones. I don't know if there are 450 drops yet.


Junior Member
The Lamonster said:
There's a macro you can use for optimum settings, can somebody post that?

And has it been updated lately?
It wont be updated until there are new cvars and variable ranges. :p

Simple, but this should allow you to tweak your settings a bit easier.

Make sure you have "/console shadowlod 0" set for the 1st 3 macros.

/console overridefarclip 1
/console farclip 2000
/console horizonfarclip 6226
/console groundeffectdensity 256
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 3
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 4
/console environmentDetail 2

/console overridefarclip 1
/console farclip 1750
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 128
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 2
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 3
/console environmentDetail 1.5

/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 1277
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 96
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 1
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 2
/console environmentDetail 1

NOTE - Make sure you type "/console shadowlod 1" for the following settings.

DEFAULT: - Default for WoTLK
/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 1277
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 64
/console groundeffectdist 70
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 0
/console characterAmbient 0
/console extshadowquality 0
/console environmentDetail 1

LOWEST: - Equiv to Classic WoW / TBC
/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 777
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 32
/console groundeffectdist 35
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 0
/console characterAmbient 0
/console extshadowquality 0
/console environmentDetail 0.5

Additional Tweaks:
m2Faster - Adds additional threads used in rendering models on screen (0 no additon threads, 1 - 3 adds additional threads)
Note: If you have a Duel Core or Quad Core System (Multi Processor too) this will show an increase in performance in situations with lots of models and players/npcs on screen.

ffx - Global Shader Control (0 disables all on screen effects, 1 enables them)
ffxRectangle - Renders effects on a rectangle based polygon (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxGlow - Bloom/Screen Glow and Underwater Wave effect (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxDeath - Death World Screen Glow, Greyish Blue (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxNetherworld - Mage Invis Spell Effect (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxSpecial - Borean Tundra or DK Starter Area Eye Haze (0 for Off, 1 for On)

fixedfunction - This forces the pixel shares in the game to run on the 1.1 path. (1 for FF Shaders, 0 for Programable Shaders)
For some older machines they will receive a decent speed boost.

hwPCF - Enables a new type of terrain based shadow rendering. (0 for Off, 1 for On)

Example usage is:
/console ffxNetherworld 0

Side Note - What does CharacterAmbient do?
Let Dr. Death Knight explain,

/console CharacterAmbient
0 = Default basic ambient lighting on characters.
0.1 - 1.0 controls how bright this ambient lighting is.
1.0 is equiv to when you click a character and they fully highlight.
No Value disables all character model ambient lighting so when they do light up from an external light source it looks far better and not washed out.
No Value tweak was disabled in 8905 and 0 up works now. :/

-Fog Changes in 8905-
It seems like certain zones have a fog limit.
Where it'll draw the fog from this point on no matter what the setting is for Farclip, but will continue to draw terrain behind the fog to the point I have set.

Corrected a typo on shadowlod.
Also added advanced settings.
Added Fog explanation
Corrected extShadowQuality typo. >_<

Example Screenshots

extShadowQuality 0:

extShadowQuality 4:

skycloudLOD 0:

skycloudLOD 3:

farclip 777:

farclip 1277:

farclip 2000:

-Terro Forest-
farclip 777:

farclip 1277:

farclip 2000:

-Searing Gorge & EF-
farclip 2000:

environmentDetail 1:

environmentDetail 2:

Not the best shots for environmentDetail. :/
Hit 79 on my Death Knight today. Going to hit 80 at some point this weekend. Then the game begins...Have to decide on my spec though. I leveled Blood, and I think I want to tank. Blood is getting some good buffs in the next patch too...Hmmm.


Modesty becomes a woman
ToyMachine228 said:
Hit 79 on my Death Knight today. Going to hit 80 at some point this weekend. Then the game begins...Have to decide on my spec though. I leveled Blood, and I think I want to tank. Blood is getting some good buffs in the next patch too...Hmmm.
Please do DPS. All the DK tanks I've seen just can't cut it. Not saying that you couldn't either, just saying that until they're updated DKs do amazing amount of damage and are more welcome in that spot than as Tanks.


Ikuu said:
Not bad just over 17 hours to hit 60 with RAF, could easily get that down to like 12-13 but wasted time dying, getting places, class quests and getting my Druid to 60 first so I could grant the level. Think I'll level a Paladin to 32 and then grant it the levels to 60.

U got a PM :D


Paladins must be someone's idea of a sick joke. What a ridiculous class this has become. They redefine overpowered. Heals, bubbles and putting out dps like a mage? Come on.


Still Tagged Accordingly
xabre said:
Paladins must be someone's idea of a sick joke. What a ridiculous class this has become. They redefine overpowered. Heals, bubbles and putting out dps like a mage? Come on.
just got rolled by one huh?


Please do DPS. All the DK tanks I've seen just can't cut it. Not saying that you couldn't either, just saying that until they're updated DKs do amazing amount of damage and are more welcome in that spot than as Tanks.

My 540 def Dk tank heroics without problem, your DKs probaby were a) bad equipped, b) wrongly specced or c) bad tank players, probably a mix between three.

About spec, make sure you have the first tier defensive combo 5/5/5 (the def talents in the first tier of each tree) and then make sure you get one of the tank specialist talent in each tree (Vampire Blood, Unbreakable Armor and Bones), if you want to play safe you can't go wrong with a Frost focused spec, but until Blizz nerf it in next patch, the favourite build for tanking is bones specced with lots of avoidance.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Macattk15 said:
They are. It's a fact.

Not that I care that much though.
after over 10 years we as MMO gamers should know by now that the "power class" is a constantly moving reference point between various classes in a game. There is no such thing as a perfectly balanced MMO. There is simply turning the havenots into the haves for a period of time, before new havenots are turned into haves. People who stick around with one game for years will experience being both the gods and the heels at some point and time over the game's life.

This shit has been true since UO and is still true today in every MMO out there.
xabre said:
Ahhhhhhhh. Why can they attack me when their bubbled? Fuck.

qtf! Fighting pallies is complete bullshit. They need to fix divine so it's like blessing of protection. Glad that Blizz is going to do at leasdt something with the next patch. Its silly completely destroying another class 3-4 levels higher and maintaining full health.


Now that the paladin fury has slightly subsided (they're still BULLSHIT), I was wondering what stats as a feral dps druid do I need before going into say 25man Naxx? I'm currently around 4.6k ap, 239 hit and 38% crit.

I suppose I'd need a lot more?
Blizzard doesn't know what to do with retribution. They want it to be a viable PVE spec (and it should be) but it's a spec based around melee burst (which is out of control for all melee classes). They're getting buffed and nerfed in the next patch. Decent changes, but it probably won't be enough.


cubicle47b said:
Blizzard doesn't know what to do with retribution. They want it to be a viable PVE spec (and it should be) but it's a spec based around melee burst (which is out of control for all melee classes). They're getting buffed and nerfed in the next patch. Decent changes, but it probably won't be enough.

I feel Fury warriors are fine melee wise. Not very bursty, high sustainability though. In long fights I see ret pallies start to fall off the charts ... but there I am just trudging along .... owning things.
xabre said:
Paladins must be someone's idea of a sick joke. What a ridiculous class this has become. They redefine overpowered. Heals, bubbles and putting out dps like a mage? Come on.

Lay on Hands has absolutely no reason to be in the game. It simply doesn't.


Junior Member
Son of Godzilla said:
Lay on Hands has absolutely no reason to be in the game. It simply doesn't.
Well they could/should nurf it so it acts like the EQ1 Lay on Hands.

Target Only, Restores 50% or 75% health, no mana restoration.
Son of Godzilla said:
Lay on Hands has absolutely no reason to be in the game. It simply doesn't.

It was our only instant cast healing spell that was actually useful (although rarely and on a very long cooldown) until the change to holy shock that made it 40 yards and heal for more. It fits well for holy and prot.


sparkle this bitch
Son of Godzilla said:
Lay on Hands has absolutely no reason to be in the game. It simply doesn't.
Where does Blessing of Freedom fit in at? :lol
You mean immune to impairing effect for 10 seconds(more talented), can be casted on self with some stuns on them, And a ridiculously short cooldown. They also have cleanse.

I think in General immunities needs to be rethought.


I've been saying since in Beta they need to nerf the fuck out of paladins, and I wasn't alone. But Blizzard let them go for months in beta that way, through the PTR, and still to this day they are the most ridiculous OPness this game has ever seen. They have the survivability of BC Resto Druids with the old Buffed high end DMG of a Arms War in BC.

DPS normalization was the lamest thing they have ever done to this game. It's like they said, "lets throw out every bit of balance we strived for, just for the fuck of it".

Paladins could get crushed by the nerf bat Hunters are getting and still do fine. Only chance you have is them not having any cooldowns, no mana, and playing a well geared Mage or DK.

Funniest thing to watch though is a Ret and a Feral fighting. I did a SotA before and these two fought in the same spot for basically the entire first assault round. It was insane they both lived through that and the amount of damage and healing done as well. Which, brings up another class, Druids. Glad to see they made resto non-god-mode now, but they buffed up Ferals to new heights. Just a smidge below Retadins when you find one that knows how to play the class right. Burst you to hell with stuns and everything you got in cat form, root, hot up, bear to death. Doesn't matter if there's more than 1 person there either.

Blizzard really, really went out of their way to buff up Ret and Feral, just look at them in game.

And WTF is with the armor art for T8? This round of armor has probably been the lowest quality of art I have yet seen from these guys. The sheer amount of recycled gear is DISGUSTING first off, and even worse that it's fugly. The DK's had some great looking gear for when they left the starting zone, just to later be wearable by anyone who can wear plate.

Very disappointing in item design investments. Their team that did that and Class Design should be fired on Monday. Their environment/dungeon design team deserve a raise. And their music team should be sat down with. Some of it is much better than Original/TBC, but when you hit those rough tracks, they bomb hard.

ToyMachine228 said:
Hit 79 on my Death Knight today. Going to hit 80 at some point this weekend. Then the game begins...Have to decide on my spec though. I leveled Blood, and I think I want to tank. Blood is getting some good buffs in the next patch too...Hmmm.

Don't listen to people saying no. I've tanked ever heroic I had a chance to go into so far and did just fine, and I'm not even fully optimized for tanking, more of a Blood PVP spec. Let alone come next patch when we're getting buffed up very very nicely. I also tanked both 10 and 25 man vault no issues either. Best part is, I'm still doing 1300dps in full tanking gear in heroics with classes that I get absolutely no beneficial buffs from. That's all while worrying more about my RP and timing for tanking abilities and not an optimized DPS cycle, and having gear that could definitely use upgrades.

I welcome the 2H tanking weapons and tempered titansteel helm buff as well next patch. And our very own cleave in blood/heart strike (i forget which is getting that).
I will say for one, that I like the T8 Mage set, and the many choices of Priest colors. "Look Maw, Imma wearin' red and black like the cool classes!!!" :lol


J-Rzez said:
They have the survivability of BC Resto Druids

Their survivability is still crazy. I was beating on one as a tree the other day, it just kept healing itself and laughing at me :(
J-Rzez said:
Don't listen to people saying no. I've tanked ever heroic I had a chance to go into so far and did just fine, and I'm not even fully optimized for tanking, more of a Blood PVP spec. Let alone come next patch when we're getting buffed up very very nicely. I also tanked both 10 and 25 man vault no issues either. Best part is, I'm still doing 1300dps in full tanking gear in heroics with classes that I get absolutely no beneficial buffs from. That's all while worrying more about my RP and timing for tanking abilities and not an optimized DPS cycle, and having gear that could definitely use upgrades.

Yeah, I'm spec'd Blood and I have tanked every dungeon I've done in Wrath so far. I definitely do it well. I hold agro really well, I'm just trying to decide on the best spec for mitigation. I think that's going to be Blood next patch. Well, survivability. I have a really good tanking set already going. Getting close to the Def cap and I'm not even 80 yet.
Thanks for posting that! I have a couple questions, though:

Xabora said:
It wont be updated until there are new cvars and variable ranges. :p
What are cvars and when would that be updated?

Xabora said:
Additional Tweaks:
m2Faster - Adds additional threads used in rendering models on screen (0 no additon threads, 1 - 3 adds additional threads)
Note: If you have a Duel Core or Quad Core System (Multi Processor too) this will show an increase in performance in situations with lots of models and players/npcs on screen.

ffx - Global Shader Control (0 disables all on screen effects, 1 enables them)
ffxRectangle - Renders effects on a rectangle based polygon (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxGlow - Bloom/Screen Glow and Underwater Wave effect (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxDeath - Death World Screen Glow, Greyish Blue (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxNetherworld - Mage Invis Spell Effect (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxSpecial - Borean Tundra or DK Starter Area Eye Haze (0 for Off, 1 for On)

fixedfunction - This forces the pixel shares in the game to run on the 1.1 path. (1 for FF Shaders, 0 for Programable Shaders)
For some older machines they will receive a decent speed boost.

hwPCF - Enables a new type of terrain based shadow rendering. (0 for Off, 1 for On)

Example usage is:
/console ffxNetherworld 0
Do I have to add /console shadowlod 0 to the beginning of these too? Also, which of all of these do I have to enter every time I log in? I know I have to do the characterAmbient one each time, but is there anything else?


Junior Member
The Lamonster said:
Thanks for posting that! I have a couple questions, though:
Not a problem. :D

The Lamonster said:
What are cvars and when would that be updated?
Console Variables, they are normally updated in large content patches or expansions.

The Lamonster said:
Do I have to add /console shadowlod 0 to the beginning of these too? Also, which of all of these do I have to enter every time I log in? I know I have to do the characterAmbient one each time, but is there anything else?
Don't worry about the shadowlod if you used the bar to set your dynamic shadows.
(Only have to set it once)


Just started playing again on about the 15th of December on a new account so I lost my old 70s, back to about 54 at the moment and playing priest but I have to ask since I've been out of the loop for a while, if Priests are seen as viable DPS units now? Also maybe it's just me/my server but it feels like there's priests everywhere I go, is there any reason that they'd be popular or is it just luck that I keep seeing them everywhere, it'd be awesome if you say it's coz they're overpowered lol.


Cleared Naxx 25 again tonight, got some sweet offspec gear (Holy) and got the best belt in the game! :D

Girdle of Razuvious :D

I'm getting terrible problems with hit rating however. I lost the Bracers of Unrelenting Attack tonight to a friend :(, they gave me much needed hit. I shouldn't have too much problems though.

Our 5v5 got to 1775, we're the #1 rated team on our server and #25 on the whole battlegroup :lol

Gladiator title here we come! LOL


Son of Godzilla said:
Lay on Hands has absolutely no reason to be in the game. It simply doesn't.

Hahaha, oh no, a twenty minute cooldown.

Please do DPS. All the DK tanks I've seen just can't cut it. Not saying that you couldn't either, just saying that until they're updated DKs do amazing amount of damage and are more welcome in that spot than as Tanks.

DK's are more than fine tanks in every single encounter in the game. Pugging with bads in some shitbin heroic is not proof otherwise.


DK tanking is pretty easy, all the trees are viable and have their own niche tanking ability like Vampiric Blood, Bone Shield, and Unbreakable Armor. I would roll one but there are so many and we have some "use to be alts, now mains" and everyone cares about their loot. So I'll just level a Paladin and if I don't like it after the "nerf" I'll roll a Warrior because I don't want to do a rogue.
VaLiancY said:
DK tanking is pretty easy, all the trees are viable and have their own niche tanking ability like Vampiric Blood, Bone Shield, and Unbreakable Armor. I would roll one but there are so many and we have some "use to be alts, now mains" and everyone cares about their loot. So I'll just level a Paladin and if I don't like it after the "nerf" I'll roll a Warrior because I don't want to do a rogue.

Yeah, too many DK's as mains on my server. Switched servers and I am now leveling an enhancement Shaman. My DK is currently on the sidelines, since my guild(made up of co-workers) is taking forever to get geared and 80. I'll probably transfer my DK to the current server Im on, especially since the toon is sitting on 4500 gold.


I finally started liking my DK after I got obliterate. then again, frost 2h is probably not a build many people go with for leveling.


Masta_Killah said:
Yeah, too many DK's as mains on my server. Switched servers and I am now leveling an enhancement Shaman. My DK is currently on the sidelines, since my guild(made up of co-workers) is taking forever to get geared and 80. I'll probably transfer my DK to the current server Im on, especially since the toon is sitting on 4500 gold.

Yeah, My DK is sitting at 67 now. And with the patch you can start one an any server. So I'll transfer him to my friend's server and play with him til he gets shipped out to Kuwait.

firex said:
I finally started liking my DK after I got obliterate. then again, frost 2h is probably not a build many people go with for leveling.

My DK is Frost Leveling and I love it. Free Howling Blast, Obliterate crits and the glyph buff with the next patch. Pop Lichborne and Unbreakable Armor when soloing elite mobs.

my dk is 63 and i've been lvling him with some crazy dw hybrid thing. i'm not even sure whats going on half the time but I've owned every cookie cutter blood and unholy 2hander DK that's tried to jump me
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