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World of Warcraft

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Interfectum said:
Yeah there are way too many DKs in WoW now. It's funny seeing so many of them looking in the LFG channel begging for a group. Battlegrounds are funny as well. There's like 3 of every other class and then 20 DKs per BG. Major overpopulation.

I enjoyed it as everyone stopped crying for nerfs to ret for a while to focus on herding them to dks. I just rolled over them in pvp too.


I'm kind of glad I made my DK specifically for pvp (and even more specifically, wintergrasp/BGs and not arena) but having so many of them means I doubt I can do instances, so I won't be getting shiny new weapons for awhile I guess.

oh, that reminds me, I'm only 62 so this is by no means complete, but I was thinking something like this (http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=jf0MZGgxtIxdoGRVcst) as a frost pvp build. but that might be too deep into frost really. It's just that, honestly, there's not a single thing I'd want out of unholy for pvp except the gargoyle, but I'm not going to invest 20 points into talents just for one cooldown. and even though a lot of the tank talents are taken, I figured gearing up for dps/resilience would make it so those would be more survivability. I guess my only real question is should I bother with runic power mastery, toughness, or acclimation? because if not then I can dump more into blood and maybe pick up rune tap for self/group healing (with the glyph) or bladed armor/dark conviction. also, if deathchill is as useless in pvp as I find it is in pve (only way I could make it good is an obliterate macro maybe) I could drop that for a different talent cooldown, like maybe unbreakable armor, if that's actually a good pvp talent.

and even though that's a lot of tank talents, I really don't want to tank with him like I do on my pally. I personally kind of hate having two of the same role even though I like both classes. I'm also kind of figuring blizzard's apparent secret plan to have survivability come back into play when people get their resilience will make my talent build more useful than just going for as many crit talents as possible.


So I'm playing WoW again, but I'm not in the loop as far as level 80 PvP gear is concerned. I checked out a few vendors in Stormwind and couldn't find any body/head pieces. I hear stuff costs 60k honor + badges but I didn't see those either. Whats the deal there?

Also, my RAF buddy and I were levelling last night (level 37) and this 36 pally fucked us up numerous times.

Nerf Paladin :p


Still Tagged Accordingly
lockii said:
Trash will be a very different beast in 3.0.8, particularly AOE trash (which is 99% of trash). All you'll need to do then is get savage roar up and swipe away.
is it better to do a single CP savage roar and then swipe until SR drops off and simply mangle for a single CP to SR and rinse and repeat?

or is it better to get the full five combo points for SR?

lockii said:
Against bosses I don't really have a rotation, in as much as there is a 'priority' system. Savage Roar up all the time, Rake up at all times, Rip up at all times, and if there's no arms warrior, Mangle up at all times; When all of those things are fulfilled, Shred.
yeah, that's pretty much what i thought. again with SR, is it better to do that finisher as a single CP? does use of that finisher change between trash and bosses?

i haven't really used SR, so i'm trying to figure it out.


Flesh Into Gear said:
I enjoyed it as everyone stopped crying for nerfs to ret for a while to focus on herding them to dks. I just rolled over them in pvp too.

Honestly right now is the best time to be any other class at 80, especially in quick raids like Wintergrasp (arch 10/25 man). I've seen epic drops for Warlocks, Rogues, Hunters, etc and since there was only one of each in the group they automatically got it. Whereas if there is an epic DK drop you have like 10 people rolling on it. :lol

Get your non-DK geared now while DKs are fotm.


Thats what happens when a four year old game with an already very anemic, very basic set of classes adds in a single new class (ESPECIALLY a melee class) and hypes it to high hell.

I keep saying it, but they should've held off and released at LEAST 2, and probably better off doing 3 at once. Bitch to dev that way when your sub base is that large and that picky? Yes, but the welfare of the game would've benefited on the whole.

I regret making ours now. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun class, it's potent, we got it just where we want it at the moment but I'm just sick to death of seeing them.


Alex said:
Thats what happens when a four year old game with an already very anemic, very basic set of classes adds in a single new class (ESPECIALLY a melee class) and hypes it to high hell.

I keep saying it, but they should've held off and released at LEAST 2, and probably better off doing 3 at once. Bitch to dev that way when your sub base is that large and that picky? Yes, but the welfare of the game would've benefited on the whole.

I regret making ours now. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun class, it's potent, we got it just where we want it at the moment but I'm just sick to death of seeing them.

Same. I'm also shocked at the drop in hunters in the game. They used to be everywhere now I'm surprised when I'm grouped up with one.


Alex said:
Thats what happens when a four year old game with an already very anemic, very basic set of classes adds in a single new class (ESPECIALLY a melee class) and hypes it to high hell.

I keep saying it, but they should've held off and released at LEAST 2, and probably better off doing 3 at once. Bitch to dev that way when your sub base is that large and that picky? Yes, but the welfare of the game would've benefited on the whole.

I regret making ours now. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun class, it's potent, we got it just where we want it at the moment but I'm just sick to death of seeing them.

I've also returned to WoW and I'm shocked (but not surprised) at the surplus of DKs.

I'd love to play mine but I know I'll never get a group with him. Nothing but DKs LFG.

Worse thing right now is the massive queue my server (Zul'jin) has every night at peak hours. 30+ minute wait.


the real problem is who the hell would need another hero class unless it was supposed to be a healer, and even in that case everyone would still play it as dps just like they do with the DK. The only other thing they could do is make some CC based hero class, and then all the instances would have to be CC reliant, or it'd be the most overpowered pvp class ever.

I kind of agree that they should let you start alts at 55 (or even at level 50) if you already have a level 80. although if they would add more heirlooms so you could cover all the major gear slots, then alts wouldn't be bad even from level 1. Or do like someone else in the thread suggested, and allow you to get the RAF triple exp up to level 60 if you have a level 80 or two already.


One of the best things about DKs is they are so much fun to level and pvp with. I'm trying to get my Warlock out of the 50s and it's so hard after playing a death knight. You can tell the different design philosophy between the old classes and this new class.


firex said:
I don't know any reason why you couldn't do 10 mans with any 2 healers as long as they're good enough. but I haven't bothered to pug any wotlk raids yet, so I wouldn't really know either way.
I think Sapphiron would be very tricky to pull out with only 2 healers.
But most of Naxx, if you have skilled healers, sure why not.
Two weeks ago we've actually went with 2 holy paladins and cleared most of the naxx, but after that our resto shammy came and that's how we went on. Was same this week.
Most of Naxx is possible, but Sapphiron would be tbh close to impossible I think (though with 2 resto druids... maybe if they are skilled)


CassSept said:
I think Sapphiron would be very tricky to pull out with only 2 healers.
But most of Naxx, if you have skilled healers, sure why not.
Two weeks ago we've actually went with 2 holy paladins and cleared most of the naxx, but after that our resto shammy came and that's how we went on. Was same this week.
Most of Naxx is possible, but Sapphiron would be tbh close to impossible I think (though with 2 resto druids... maybe if they are skilled)

My guild regularily does Sapphiron with just 2 healers ... from our first kill wayyyy back when to last night. Did it last night with 1 priest and 1 druid also.

Two well geared, well played priests. We use them mostly for all our 10 mans, never used 3 healers, even Malygos.


Junior Member
zam said:
Hailstorm looks awesome, but the stats are kinda meh, armor pen blows at the moment. Also sucks to be a sword rogue right now, since going combat swords with the two best swords (Silent Crusader and Hailstorm) is inferior. Got Calamity's Grasp and Webbed Death on my rogue and CQC and it does so much more dps than swords. Hoping they put in some better swords in Ulduar, and change sword spec back to proccing on special attacks, not just autoswings.

All I need left for my rogue now is a ring from 10-man Malygos and the thrown from 25-man Noth. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Shattered+Halls&n=Lummox :D
Well for DKs its all about weapon speed for BKB Procs, KM Procs, Rime Procs (This one is debatable right now since it breaks rotation), RotFC & CG Procs.

Maxrpg said:
What's it looking like after patch? S/F with that spec you posted earlier in the thread? I'm curious.
Still Fast/Fast but a very different rotation.

Flesh Into Gear said:
anyone know what the de facto DK leveling spec is? looking for a change in pace.
Blood(20)/Unholy(51) [AoE Leveling] or Blood (51)/Unholy(20) [Self Regen Leveling]
Your choice.
lockii said:
Trash will be a very different beast in 3.0.8, particularly AOE trash (which is 99% of trash). All you'll need to do then is get savage roar up and swipe away. Right now it's about quick CP generation and big ferocious bites, It's rare that a single trash mob lives more then 9 seconds, so feral DPS is a little lackluster when something dies that quickly.

Against bosses I don't really have a rotation, in as much as there is a 'priority' system. Savage Roar up all the time, Rake up at all times, Rip up at all times, and if there's no arms warrior, Mangle up at all times; When all of those things are fulfilled, Shred.

You have a nice spec for dps right now, when 3.0.8 hits I'd recommend picking up improved swipe. Cats will be doing some serious damage on aoe packs with swipe, so you shouldn't need improved ferocious bite anymore. You very rarely use bite any other time and that's not worth 5 talent points.

Exactly my mind in CAT raid DPS, lockii. Its not a rotation anymore. I've found that something like the Drood Focus addon helps immensely for tracking the bleeds.

I am drooling at the prospect of CAT AOE dmg with the patch and for sure imp swipe is mine. =)


Macattk15 said:
My guild regularily does Sapphiron with just 2 healers ... from our first kill wayyyy back when to last night. Did it last night with 1 priest and 1 druid also.

Two well geared, well played priests. We use them mostly for all our 10 mans, never used 3 healers, even Malygos.
Yeah, maybe with priests is possible. Overhealing Sapphiron with two holy paladins could be tricky though, you know :p


CassSept said:
Yeah, maybe with priests is possible. Overhealing Sapphiron with two holy paladins could be tricky though, you know :p

I flat out don't like Paladin healers in 10 mans :p

Some situations are much scarier with paladins healing than someone with HoT's and Group Heals.

Not saying that they aren't very good healers, just not my preference.


Then you know subpar Paladins, dude. There's nothing scary at all about it. With a great raid group I could probably solo heal Saph 10. I sure as hell can solo heal every other boss in normal mode Naxx, that's you know, physically viable. Content is just amazingly easy at the moment.

Paladin healing is currently at least slightly overpowered as it stands, but it probably needs to be considering the methods. I will say that I'm I'm running rings around CoH bots in every situation, but even the good ones just totally half ass it now. I used to stick up for Priests so much in BC... Probably because I was one in the second half! But still, that class is so utterly brain dead now, especially once you hit a certain gear level and you don't even have to worry about mana despite your onslaught of "dumbass buttons".

Paladin's are now for the first time ever a skillful healing class though. Sweeping skill gaps aren't going to be uncommon. That shit simply didn't exist in BC and Classic. You had your two buttons and you face rolled CT then Grid. Im pretty proud of Blizzard for making them fun to play again. Never thought I'd abandon my Priest.

Going onto the healer board to look for blue posts is proof enough of that. I want to slam my head against a wall when I hear these moron Paladins who are demanding AoE heals because they're too fail to heal a heroic.

However, what I'm NOT pleased with are the CoH/WG nerfs. Un-fucking-nessecary, especially with a straight cooldown. Dumb, bland design.

I'm also unhappy with the buff to Glyph of Holy Light in conjunction with that nerf. Glyph of Holy Light is now the best fucking AoE heal in the game AND IT'S A PASSIVE ON A PRIMARY HEAL. Just stupid. 10-15 yards with a target reduction would've been more reasonable.


Alex said:
Then you know subpar Paladins, dude. There's nothing scary at all about it. With a great raid group I could probably solo heal Saph 10. I sure as hell can solo heal every other boss in normal mode Naxx, that's you know, physically viable. Content is just amazingly easy at the moment.

Paladin healing is currently at least slightly overpowered as it stands, but it probably needs to be considering the methods. I will say that I'm I'm running rings around CoH bots in every situation, but even the good ones just totally half ass it now. I used to stick up for Priests so much in BC... Probably because I was one in the second half! But still, that class is so utterly brain dead now, especially once you hit a certain gear level and you don't even have to worry about mana despite your onslaught of "dumbass buttons".

Paladin's are now for the first time ever a skillful healing class though. Sweeping skill gaps aren't going to be uncommon. That shit simply didn't exist in BC and Classic. You had your two buttons and you face rolled CT then Grid. Im pretty proud of Blizzard for making them fun to play again. Never thought I'd abandon my Priest.

Going onto the healer board to look for blue posts is proof enough of that. I want to slam my head against a wall when I hear these moron Paladins who are demanding AoE heals because they're too fail to heal a heroic.

However, what I'm NOT pleased with are the CoH/WG nerfs. Un-fucking-nessecary, especially with a straight cooldown. Dumb, bland design.

I'm also unhappy with the buff to Glyph of Holy Light in conjunction with that nerf. Glyph of Holy Light is now the best fucking AoE heal in the game AND IT'S A PASSIVE ON A PRIMARY HEAL. Just stupid. 10-15 yards with a target reduction would've been more reasonable.

We only have one healing paladin and he is rarely ever online so yes, I have not had much experience except for PUG paladins in heroics ... who are ... yeah.

Not many bosses in Naxx are solo healable. Maexx, Faerlina to an extent, Thaddius, Gluth, possibly Patchwerk, Kel, Gothik, 4H ... all those I cannot see being done with one healer regardless of how easy Naxx 10 is. If you could, more power to you.

Then again I don't know. I'm used to Naxx 25. Haven't been to 10 in so damn long lol.


Alex said:
With a great raid group I could probably solo heal Saph 10.
Lol? You would solo overheal Sapp's damage + 10k damage per second from aura (on raid) + ice blocks + occasional single ticks from blizzard as holy paladin?
Niiiice, you must be really skilled paladin then >.>''
It sucks being a DK right now. Its hard to get into groups, even when your chart-topping DPS...

Several people have gotten to know me and they will always invite me, but using the LFG Tool as a DK is a joke. I just hope that I can slowly make a name for myself to get into a semi-decent raiding guild as the DK is my favorite class to play and I've managed to learn how to play it very well.

I guess if all else fails, I'll go back to my Pally.

(That alone should show my dedication to my DK.)


Junior Member
StormyTheRabbit said:
It sucks being a DK right now. Its hard to get into groups, even when your chart-topping DPS

I think it's going to stay that way unless they let people with a current 55+ toon roll any alt as a level 55. Maybe have it so that each account can do that once per server - kind of forgoing the DK if you'd rather use that level 55 start for a priest of other classic class.

There's just too much appeal to (essentially) starting an alt as a level 58 with a full set of blue gear, an epic mount, and some money in the bank.

It also hurts that most DK's are sub-par players. I notice there aren't as many hunters around these days - are they all playing DK's now?

Interfectum said:
Honestly right now is the best time to be any other class at 80, especially in quick raids like Wintergrasp (arch 10/25 man). I've seen epic drops for Warlocks, Rogues, Hunters, etc and since there was only one of each in the group they automatically got it. Whereas if there is an epic DK drop you have like 10 people rolling on it. :lol

Get your non-DK geared now while DKs are fotm.

We had a paladin roll on the DK t7.5 PvE chest when it dropped from 25 man Vault. He won it too. Only time I've ever been in a 25 man raid of anything where loot wasn't set to master. Oh boy was raid chat funny after that.
Just got my first flyer! It's slow, but I certainly don't have 5k sitting around yet.

Any recommendations on places to go, things to see? I was kind of disappointed that the giant mountain in the middle of Shadowmoon has nothing on top of it.

Also, this is a pretty loaded question but I want to make a lot of money really fast. I have mining/skinning leveled to ~350 atm. Is there like a really great place to mine Cobalt or something else over and over? Actually I'd take any money-making recommendations you guys have...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So I just formed my own guild of fairly casual (but pretty hardcore in reality) friends to try and get a 10 man raid group going. It's pretty much the core group of our old guild (which had 70 members, but the same 6 people who actually showed up, and a ton of alts).

What's the best way to go about recruiting some members to fill out a team? I don't really want to be spamming trade chat, and given that it's a 8 person guild so far of non-raid experienced (but fun and friendly) people, I don't really think applications would be appropriate. The problem is, getting into a PUG with our whole group is easy enough, but it's generally uppity people that get pissed off all the time. It's so hard finding a balance of players that are both good, and not angry "I want to one shot everything or I'm logging" types. It's kind of frustrating.

TomServo said:
I think it's going to stay that way unless they let people with a current 55+ toon roll any alt as a level 55. Maybe have it so that each account can do that once per server - kind of forgoing the DK if you'd rather use that level 55 start for a priest of other classic class.

There's just too much appeal to (essentially) starting an alt as a level 58 with a full set of blue gear, an epic mount, and some money in the bank.

It also hurts that most DK's are sub-par players. I notice there aren't as many hunters around these days - are they all playing DK's now?

We had a paladin roll on the DK t7.5 PvE chest when it dropped from 25 man Vault. He won it too. Only time I've ever been in a 25 man raid of anything where loot wasn't set to master. Oh boy was raid chat funny after that.
I'd prefer if they were going to allow one "hero" class per realm, they allow you to pick any class with your Hero slot. They should simply redefine "Hero class" to mean characters that start at Level 55 with a specific quest line for that character's class. I honestly don't think it would be game breaking. Also, I will always pst the Raid leader for master loot, but I generally prefer healers to be set as Raid Leader, because they tend to be less influenced by DPS freaks.
Macattk15 said:
We only have one healing paladin and he is rarely ever online so yes, I have not had much experience except for PUG paladins in heroics ... who are ... yeah.

Not many bosses in Naxx are solo healable. Maexx, Faerlina to an extent, Thaddius, Gluth, possibly Patchwerk, Kel, Gothik, 4H ... all those I cannot see being done with one healer regardless of how easy Naxx 10 is. If you could, more power to you.

Then again I don't know. I'm used to Naxx 25. Haven't been to 10 in so damn long lol.

With really good dps and a smart off-tank I can see how some of those are. I did 75%+ of the healing on Patchwerk this week because we had to PuG a second healer. With better tank gear and dps it's within reach. I don't see any problems with Faerlina or Maexxna (with a decent off-tank). Gluth is possible. I was kiting zombies and only healing myself and right after decimate and our holy priest solo healed the fight until about 20% when he went out of mana. In his spot I think I could have done it.

The only fights I've actually solo healed are Noth and Heigan, though, and they're both incredibly easy. I did about 80% of Grobbulus once but it was our guild's 2nd attempt and there was a bit too much raid fail going on (the PuG healer we had got the first two injections and died).


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
I'd prefer if they were going to allow one "hero" class per realm, they allow you to pick any class with your Hero slot. They should simply redefine "Hero class" to mean characters that start at Level 55 with a specific quest line for that character's class. I honestly don't think it would be game breaking.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. I'd roll a preist or shaman in a heartbeat if I didn't have to level through old Azeroth again. Throw some heirloom shoulders on, only play that toon when rested, you'd be at 80 with hardly any time /played.


Junior Member
As a Warlock, can anyone recommend 2 professions that'd be useful for me? I'm trying to pick, but can't quite make up my mind.


Scrow said:
is it better to do a single CP savage roar and then swipe until SR drops off and simply mangle for a single CP to SR and rinse and repeat?

or is it better to get the full five combo points for SR?

yeah, that's pretty much what i thought. again with SR, is it better to do that finisher as a single CP? does use of that finisher change between trash and bosses?

i haven't really used SR, so i'm trying to figure it out.

I'm sure there is some theorycrafting to be done around this, but generally I really, really, really like to get SR up as soon as possible, even if only off 1 CP. It's such a massive, scaling buff to your damage that I see it as vital to have up as soon as possible.

Exactly my mind in CAT raid DPS, lockii. Its not a rotation anymore. I've found that something like the Drood Focus addon helps immensely for tracking the bleeds.

I am drooling at the prospect of CAT AOE dmg with the patch and for sure imp swipe is mine. =)

I use Elk Buff Bars to track my debuffs. It's typically used as a buff display replacement, but it's highly customizable with separate groups and everything. I have one bar tracking Savage Roar / Berserk, one bar tracking rake, rip, mangle and faerie fire, and another one tracking other classes debuffs that buff my dps, like sunder armor and trauma.

And yeah, I really hope the patch is tonight. Time for some cats to put DK's in their place on trash dps.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
That's exactly what I'm talking about. I'd roll a preist or shaman in a heartbeat if I didn't have to level through old Azeroth again. Throw some heirloom shoulders on, only play that toon when rested, you'd be at 80 with hardly any time /played.
There's just too many problems in my mind with old Azeroth, mostly vanilla-era progress hindrance relics like inability to travel at any kind of speed other than unbearably slow until you reach Outland. 2 Graveyards per zone being one of the most obvious ones.

RAF bonus was awesome, but once it ended I simply couldn't bear to do it again to level a potential healing class. Honestly, just give it to everyone at this point as an equippable heirloom trinket, unless you're gonna change the hero system as above to let more people bother leveling healers.

I honestly can say that I think the lack of some kind of system for increasing the number of healing players is hurting the game; you increase raid accessibility by implementing 10 mans, but at the same time there's no increase in the already small healer population, so people get put off by sitting in LFG for long periods of time. The only reason anyone gets a Heroic group at all without being married to a healer (like me) is because there's a significant number of Ret Pallies who just said "Fuck it" and respecced Holy.


Black Canada Mafia
zam said:
Hailstorm looks awesome, but the stats are kinda meh, armor pen blows at the moment. Also sucks to be a sword rogue right now, since going combat swords with the two best swords (Silent Crusader and Hailstorm) is inferior. Got Calamity's Grasp and Webbed Death on my rogue and CQC and it does so much more dps than swords. Hoping they put in some better swords in Ulduar, and change sword spec back to proccing on special attacks, not just autoswings.

All I need left for my rogue now is a ring from 10-man Malygos and the thrown from 25-man Noth. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Shattered+Halls&n=Lummox :D

I didn't know I had the best MH for Sword Rogues o_O. My rogue has been pretty lucky with drops so far, And his DPS is good - but my girlfriend who is a Mage in gear not nearly as good as mine is matching my DPS. On 10man bosses we both hit about 2700 or so, and in the few 25mans we've run, 3100 is about the highest we'll hit.

It's kinda disheartening though seeing all these people hitting 4-6k DPS easy, with my measily (although usually on top in the raid) DPS =/.


Kinitari said:
I didn't know I had the best MH for Sword Rogues o_O. My rogue has been pretty lucky with drops so far, And his DPS is good - but my girlfriend who is a Mage in gear not nearly as good as mine is matching my DPS. On 10man bosses we both hit about 2700 or so, and in the few 25mans we've run, 3100 is about the highest we'll hit.

It's kinda disheartening though seeing all these people hitting 4-6k DPS easy, with my measily (although usually on top in the raid) DPS =/.

This is a case of 'the grass is always greener'. My absolute best in a non-gimmick fight is 4500dps. I get disheartened when I see DK's hitting 6K DPS on the same fight and all they're doing is basically white swinging with 2 fast weapons.


Xabora said:
Well for DKs its all about weapon speed for BKB Procs, KM Procs, Rime Procs (This one is debatable right now since it breaks rotation), RotFC & CG Procs.

Still Fast/Fast but a very different rotation.

Blood(20)/Unholy(51) [AoE Leveling] or Blood (51)/Unholy(20) [Self Regen Leveling]
Your choice.

I'm looking at going to DW to maximize my DPS, but I odn't know where to start collecting 1h wpns. are there a set of 1h wpns that together would be more powerful than my titansteel destroyer in heroic dungeons?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Picked this up on the AH for 1,000 gold with the intent to resell it (it's average sale value is like $2,500 on my server). I don't suppose this has any use to my death knight does it?

Speaking of swords, I need a bit of advice on an easy rotation/build for a PvE rogue. A friend of mine plays a 80 combat rogue, but his build and rotation are hopeless at best. I'd like to help, but I know very little about rogue. The best advice I could give based on limited research would be keep SnD up at all times, spam sinister strike to 5 pts. then Rupture, then Evicserate at the next 5 pts, repeat.

Can anyone put something into non-rogue terms for me so I can help this poor bastard out?


Yeah DKs and hunters seem to be the ones that most consistently beat my mage in damage done. I'm usually in top 5 and often top mage but yeah, I covet my top spot from the days of yesteryear. =P


Black Canada Mafia
Angry Grimace said:

Picked this up on the AH for 1,000 gold with the intent to resell it (it's average sale value is like $2,500 on my server). I don't suppose this has any use to my death knight does it?

Speaking of swords, I need a bit of advice on an easy rotation/build for a PvE rogue. A friend of mine plays a 80 combat rogue, but his build and rotation are hopeless at best. I'd like to help, but I know very little about rogue. The best advice I could give based on limited research would be keep SnD up at all times, spam sinister strike to 5 pts. then Rupture, then Evicserate at the next 5 pts, repeat.

Can anyone put something into non-rogue terms for me so I can help this poor bastard out?

1. Make sure his spec is good, take a look at the basic Combat spec's and ensure his matches up. Slow mainhand and fast offhand, if its a fist make sure to respec for +5% crit.

2. Be smart with your combo points to maximize damage. If you have 4 combo points, and an enemy is going to die in 5 seconds - don't rupture, just eviscerate. There will always be situations where following the regular rules of rotations need to be altered.

3. Glyphs, make sure he has the right glyphs.

4. If you can, stealth and open with Garrote. But if you spend 15seconds positioning yourself so you can get behind the enemy, its a waste.

5. On trash mobs, where there is a group of 2 or more, pop Blade Fury, and Killing spree - and if you have any trinkets that give additional AP, use those too (do not bother popping trinkets that give additional haste at these times, that is a waste) - do NOT pop Adrenaline rush during a Killing spree, waste waste waste.

There are a lot of other things to consider, but the best advice to give when it comes to rotations, is use common sense and practice on dummies. And ALWAYS stand behind the enemy if you can.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kinitari said:
1. Make sure his spec is good, take a look at the basic Combat spec's and ensure his matches up. Slow mainhand and fast offhand, if its a fist make sure to respec for +5% crit.

2. Be smart with your combo points to maximize damage. If you have 4 combo points, and an enemy is going to die in 5 seconds - don't rupture, just eviscerate. There will always be situations where following the regular rules of rotations need to be altered.

3. Glyphs, make sure he has the right glyphs.

4. If you can, stealth and open with Garrote. But if you spend 15seconds positioning yourself so you can get behind the enemy, its a waste.

5. On trash mobs, where there is a group of 2 or more, pop Blade Fury, and Killing spree - and if you have any trinkets that give additional AP, use those too (do not bother popping trinkets that give additional haste at these times, that is a waste) - do NOT pop Adrenaline rush during a Killing spree, waste waste waste.

There are a lot of other things to consider, but the best advice to give when it comes to rotations, is use common sense and practice on dummies. And ALWAYS stand behind the enemy if you can.
Yeah, basically most people are saying I should have him respec Mutilate, but I think he has his heart set on Combat, so I'm trying to figure out the way to maximize what he has.


Black Canada Mafia
Angry Grimace said:
Yeah, basically most people are saying I should have him respec Mutilate, but I think he has his heart set on Combat, so I'm trying to figure out the way to maximize what he has.

The difference between Mutilate and Combat isn't so dramatic that he needs to respec - I have yet to be out DPS'd by a Mut spec rogue - that's a hard rotation to get down, and if he needs to work on his combat spec rotation mutilate won't do him much better.

Dummies are a great way to practice rotations, and just ensure he pops everything as soon as its up, saving 2min cooldowns for bosses only is pointless unless you just want to sit on top of the boss damage meters.

Out of curiousity, what sort of DPS is he hitting, and roughly what level of gear does he have (epics, blues, 213 epics etc.)?


If there's one thing I wish WoW had from another MMO, it'd be the on the fly job/class swapping from FFXI. If I could go raid and do heroics on my Healer, pick up rot loot, and then swap and level up another class on that character and have it all waiting for me I'd be so happy.


Junior Member
onemic said:
I'm looking at going to DW to maximize my DPS, but I odn't know where to start collecting 1h wpns. are there a set of 1h wpns that together would be more powerful than my titansteel destroyer in heroic dungeons?
Sang the 50 Heroic Token offhand (Grasscutter) and a Fang from Wyrmrest rep (two if you dont have the tokens for a grasscutter).
Good to start off with to get a feel for the spec.

Fang of Truth: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44187
Grasscutter: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40703
The Lamonster said:
Just got my first flyer! It's slow, but I certainly don't have 5k sitting around yet.

Any recommendations on places to go, things to see? I was kind of disappointed that the giant mountain in the middle of Shadowmoon has nothing on top of it.

Also, this is a pretty loaded question but I want to make a lot of money really fast. I have mining/skinning leveled to ~350 atm. Is there like a really great place to mine Cobalt or something else over and over? Actually I'd take any money-making recommendations you guys have...


Junior Member
Scum said:
As a Warlock, can anyone recommend 2 professions that'd be useful for me? I'm trying to pick, but can't quite make up my mind.
Anyone with any suggestions/help? I'm thinking Tailoring/Skinning....


Scum said:
Anyone with any suggestions/help? I'm thinking Tailoring/Skinning....

Mining / Jewelcrafting.

Can make you great money, and who can say no to having three +27 SP prismatic gems?


At this point, WoTLK is a letdown. They did some things well, including interesting zones and improved quests. The 10 man and 25 man versions of raids allow a smoother, faster progression. Achievements, like the special dungeon/raid ones, are nice. Otherwise, many things are a big failure.

PvP is majorly imbalanced. This isn't a resil issue, the game already favored melee and wotlk only makes it worse. The situation is so bad, I sort of wish they'd just nix it all and issue a public acknowledgement of WoW being a PVE game and to get PvP elsewhere. I just don't think Blizz has the people to do PvP right. They don't have the mentality for it. Admit it and move on. Don't make me play your broken arena so I don't get gimped in the world.

So many things brought up during the Beta as problems were ignored, went live, and are just being acknowledged now, months later.

Gear graphics are probably the worst I've ever seen. It just looks like a lazily done job. If the time they saved on not making interesting gear was spent elsewhere, it sure doesn't show.

There just isn't that much content. I've only not done 25 Malygos, and from what I hear, its actually easier than the 10 man version.

Some classes seemed to had been ignored during wotlk development. This again relates to Beta feedback being ignored.

Wintergrasp was a great attempt at bringing back world pvp that is hindered by being way too buggy to ever have been released like it is.

On top of this, Blizzard PR feedback on these problems have been snotty and abusive. The normal response pattern is: 1. Deny the issue exists. 2. Threaten users who continue to bring it up 3. Say "we'll look into it" 4. Wait a month. 5. Either go back to 1 or begin a long, slow "fix"


lockii said:
Mining / Jewelcrafting.

Can make you great money, and who can say no to having three +27 SP prismatic gems?

Aye. Mining/JC is good for any class. Epic gems, make money, etc. Clothies used to go tailoring/enchanting or tailoring/anything, but I don't think theres much BoP tailoring stuff to be worth it anymore. Also, past 300, JC is easy to level.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Anyone know the name of the mod where you can have it auto type all the aspects of boss fights in instances?

Saw this guy just diarrhea at the mouth how to do boss fights before they happened and it was awesome :lol
vumpler said:
Anyone know the name of the mod where you can have it auto type all the aspects of boss fights in instances?

Saw this guy just diarrhea at the mouth how to do boss fights before they happened and it was awesome :lol

prob just macros.
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