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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kinitari said:
The difference between Mutilate and Combat isn't so dramatic that he needs to respec - I have yet to be out DPS'd by a Mut spec rogue - that's a hard rotation to get down, and if he needs to work on his combat spec rotation mutilate won't do him much better.

Dummies are a great way to practice rotations, and just ensure he pops everything as soon as its up, saving 2min cooldowns for bosses only is pointless unless you just want to sit on top of the boss damage meters.

Out of curiousity, what sort of DPS is he hitting, and roughly what level of gear does he have (epics, blues, 213 epics etc.)?
I can't say offhand, but not 80 gear. It's blue, but probably 78 and some 80 epics. he has no clue where to go with the class. I know it can't be fun sucking and just doing 1000 DPS.


Junior Member
lockii said:
Mining / Jewelcrafting.

Can make you great money, and who can say no to having three +27 SP prismatic gems?
Moneymaking is pretty much my goal now after hitting 80 last night. :p
I suppose I better stop buggering around with skinning now then, and I just got it 150 just now too. :lol
You forgot "Old servers sagging under the stress of alot of people in Wintersgrasp/25-mans (black lining to a silver cloud of more raiding earlier) during prime time. It's impossible to do anything from 6pm EST to 11pm EST in ANY 25 man with any reliability, and it turned us from doing all of Naxx25, Maly25, and Arch25 if he was up, then spend all of Thursday and Sunday working on 3 drake Sarth25. As it stands now, we're on the cusp of server transferring, and about FIFTY other servers are in the same shitheap.

@ Alex: As I stated back a week after release, CoH is broke: it was simple-mindedly expected to be unspammable at 80...but of course, this was coginative dissonance as we also KNEW that Replenishment scaled damn well with INT and general outgearing, making it well, spammable. Go figure: making a six-with-glyph instant cast heal "smart" allowed stupid HPS stupid quick to heal raid damage.

So in other words, with this nerf, its still broken, just every six seconds or so...

@ Tomservo: The thing about DKs is that they're not only faceroll-friendly while leveling, but also faceroll-friendly while PvEing (within reason to do solid damage) and PvPing. Remember, Hunters have that yawning chasm between autoshoting and skilled chart-topping and scoreboard-topping beasting.


Scum said:
Moneymaking is pretty much my goal now after hitting 80 last night. :p
I suppose I better stop buggering around with skinning now then, and I just got it 150 just now too. :lol

Mining is probably one of the greatest money makers in the game, as even low level ores still manage to sell quite well.


Junior Member
Just got PAWN Sync'd up with the current most values for 32/39 DW DKs spec and its right on the dot!

Updated LootRank for my DK: Shorthand URL Link


Xabora said:
Sang the 50 Heroic Token offhand (Grasscutter) and a Fang from Wyrmrest rep (two if you dont have the tokens for a grasscutter).
Good to start off with to get a feel for the spec.

Fang of Truth: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44187
Grasscutter: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40703

hmmm would the 2 fangs output more damage than my titansteel destroyer? I already have revered with wyrmrest, so I can get it right away. I'm saving my tokens to get the T7 chest(already got the T7 hands by collecting tokens) so I can't really spend it on the grasscutter.

And wouldn't 2 reaper of the dark soul-http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44250#comments be better?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
What did you set the Socket values to, and for some reason even with setting MH and OH DPS values they don't seem to be adding towards the total.


onemic said:
hmmm would the 2 fangs output more damage than my titansteel destroyer? I already have revered with wyrmrest, so I can get it right away. I'm saving my tokens to get the T7 chest(already got the T7 hands by collecting tokens) so I can't really spend it on the grasscutter.

And wouldn't 2 reaper of the dark soul-http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44250#comments be better?
It looks like you want fast/fast for DK dual wield, mainly because the strikes don't deal a lot of damage with any 1h (honestly, even with 2h the only ones that do big damage are oblit, blood/heart strike, and scourge/frost strike) and I don't think they're really part of the rotation anyway. and fast/fast leads to more killing machine procs.
Angry Grimace, I could help you out if you posted a link to this rogue's armory. If he's doing 1k dps at 80 it could just be that he's in crappy gear.


Modesty becomes a woman
Last time I asked I got some pretty good feedback here, So I'm gonna try again.

This is what I'm at now. I tanked Four Horsemen on the tank swap, MT'd Patchwerk, and OT'd Gluth. I'm thinking about getting rid of the parry & stam gems and just going straight for This or These when they come out. As a Warrior should I worry about Block/STR over Dodge/AGI and Parry? Or should I try to get every one as equal as possible?

This is my first time doing endgame raiding, I read up on Parry and found that it is much harder to stack then the other two, with it being as much as 10 more points of parry for 1% than Dodge. Stacking Str/Block in theory seems to make more sense to me.

Is there a really in depth tanking guide that anyone knows of? I'd like to know whats the absolute best to stack for my class.


etiolate said:
Gear graphics are probably the worst I've ever seen. It just looks like a lazily done job. If the time they saved on not making interesting gear was spent elsewhere, it sure doesn't show.

What been coming up on the official Druid forums for ages is the Tauren cat model. It's just a fucking hideous looking thing (only surpassed by Druid aquatic form...wow). The fact that they go to all this trouble giving Mages different varieties of polymorph, introducing countless pets and putting untold numbers of different mounts in the game, yet can't even give Druids some choice and variety in their forms kind of gives many Druid players the shits.

And we could have the best looking gear too but wtf is the point if we're constantly stuck in generic bear, generic tree, generic moonkin or generic cat.

This is just part of a larger problem in that the game has very, very little in the way of visual characterisation options period. Oh but there's haircuts now though...I take it all back :/


There was talking around BlizCon that they were "looking at" cat and druid bear forms model change, there was even artwork of a dire bear form. And on the topic of quest and arena gear's aesthetics.

And now I have to find that artwork. It was pretty weird to say the least. :lol

Edit: Found it.


Modesty becomes a woman
xabre said:
What been coming up on the official Druid forums for ages is the Tauren cat model. It's just a fucking hideous looking thing (only surpassed by Druid aquatic form...wow). The fact that they go to all this trouble giving Mages different varieties of polymorph, introducing countless pets and putting untold numbers of different mounts in the game, yet can't even give Druids some choice and variety in their forms kind of gives many Druid players the shits.

And we could have the best looking gear too but wtf is the point if we're constantly stuck in generic bear, generic tree, generic moonkin or generic cat.

This is just part of a larger problem in that the game has very, very little in the way of visual characterisation options period. Oh but there's haircuts now though...I take it all back :/
That's what I've been saying for a while now, give druids some way of changing what their forms look like. Whats the point of all the gear models if I never get to see them?

Back when I played SWG you used to be able to take your armor and use a thing called a coloring kit and change 1-2 colors of virtually every piece of armor in the game. Not counting the non-combat clothes you could wear in more than just the shirt slot when you weren't out in crazy kill mode.

Instead we get the same shoulders with slightly different colors for 10+ pieces of gear. Ridiculous for the amount of resources they have. They focus too much on gameplay and forget that people like something good to look at while they're playing. Making your character unique doesn't hurt either.


That's what I've been saying for a while now, give druids some way of changing what their forms look like. Whats the point of all the gear models if I never get to see them?

Back when I played SWG you used to be able to take your armor and use a thing called a coloring kit and change 1-2 colors of virtually every piece of armor in the game. Not counting the non-combat clothes you could wear in more than just the shirt slot when you weren't out in crazy kill mode.

Instead we get the same shoulders with slightly different colors for 10+ pieces of gear. Ridiculous for the amount of resources they have. They focus too much on gameplay and forget that people like something good to look at while they're playing. Making your character unique doesn't hurt either.

While I agree with you that the game needs more customization, Blizzard has and always will focus on gameplay first. I highly doubt WoW will ever have the customization that other MMOs have because that's simply not Blizzard's focus.

But yeah, Druid forms are the #1 reason I have never rolled that class. I'm not going to stare at a the same bear ass for 80 levels. I believe they will fix a lot of these old classes to entice people away from the badass Death Knights. They even mentioned 6-7 months back that they'll have to rework the other classes to make them feel as 'heroic' as the DK.
Having different forms/colors to choose from would be nice but I DO NOT want to see gear handing off my cat.

Hell just update the damned models to WotLK standards!

Druids are the only class I can stand.


Modesty becomes a woman
Interfectum said:
While I agree with you that the game needs more customization, Blizzard has and always will focus on gameplay first. I highly doubt WoW will ever have the customization that other MMOs have because that's simply not Blizzard's focus.

But yeah, Druid forms are the #1 reason I have never rolled that class. I'm not going to stare at a the same bear ass for 80 levels. I believe they will fix a lot of these old classes to entice people away from the badass Death Knights. They even mentioned 6-7 months back that they'll have to rework the other classes to make them feel as 'heroic' as the DK.

For some reason I just can't accept that from Blizzard at this point. After all the time and money they have for WoW they have no excuse for it to be 100% in all areas. Gameplay and visuals need to be their best.


Junior Member
Okay, guys. Hope someone can give me some sound advice. I'm a lvl 80 Demonology Warlock. I've just taken up Mining & Jewelcrafting for money making purposes too. I'd really like to work towards getting better gear, but I have no idea where to begin. So, I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

Thanks. :)


SatelliteOfLove said:
You forgot "Old servers sagging under the stress of alot of people in Wintersgrasp/25-mans (black lining to a silver cloud of more raiding earlier) during prime time. It's impossible to do anything from 6pm EST to 11pm EST in ANY 25 man with any reliability, and it turned us from doing all of Naxx25, Maly25, and Arch25 if he was up, then spend all of Thursday and Sunday working on 3 drake Sarth25. As it stands now, we're on the cusp of server transferring, and about FIFTY other servers are in the same shitheap..
Oh my god Wintergrasp. It actually was fun at first. Now whenever we raid and WG starts, also MASSIVE lag comes. Not mentioning lags causing raids to be impossible (we had to change our raiding hours to 10pm-12pm because before 10pm its virtually impossible to do anything) and queues, ramping up to 1000+ around 8pm (2 hours to log in, weee!). My guild is playing at launch server and we can't move (it's polish-only guild and most poles play on burning legion, wherever we would move our guild would probably die within weeks due to inability to recruit new skilled people), it's HORRIBLE considering we actually have to pay to play this game. Fucking Blizzard, what is happening lately is just riddiculous -.-''

@Alex: im still waiting for you showing off 10k+ hps on 10man sapphiron as holy paladin.
Frost Resist aura + 3 pieces of frost resist gear (besides the tank) + judgment of light = a raid that doesn't need a lot of direct attention. I'm not saying it's possible (and the scenario is incredibly unlikely) but he wouldn't have to hit anywhere near 10K HPs to do it.


vumpler said:
Anyone know the name of the mod where you can have it auto type all the aspects of boss fights in instances?

Saw this guy just diarrhea at the mouth how to do boss fights before they happened and it was awesome :lol
He was probably just using a cut and paste addon and copying it from a website.

Extended maintenance today so here's to hoping for patch 3.0.8.


cubicle47b said:
Frost Resist aura + 3 pieces of frost resist gear (besides the tank) + judgment of light = a raid that doesn't need a lot of direct attention. I'm not saying it's possible (and the scenario is incredibly unlikely) but he wouldn't have to hit anywhere near 10K HPs to do it.

Even with 3 pieces of FrR and Shaman totems ... I still generally take 700 damage a tick from the pulsing aura around Sapphiron.

And I hope you bring some mages to the raid you're solo healing, otherwise that Life drain coupled with everything else will be a real bitch.
Just did the "Betrayal" quest chain yesterday in Zul'Drak. I wish there were more "epic" chains like that around. I'm glad Blizzard is putting more chains like that in the game though. I don't remember quests like that back before BC really, not including World Events.


Epix said:
He was probably just using a cut and paste addon and copying it from a website.

Extended maintenance today so here's to hoping for patch 3.0.8.

Patch isn't happening as european servers are only getting rolling restarts :(


If the patch is today ... does anyone know if Blizzard will let people who bought the Kirin Tor ring switch to the more warrior friendly ring?


Got my first two Frostfire parts. Now to get the other 2.

Shame I got Sash of Guzbah actually, those 40 emblems would get me close to the third t7 part. Esp since I got an improvement on them yesterday.


Junior Member
Scum said:
Okay, guys. Hope someone can give me some sound advice. I'm a lvl 80 Demonology Warlock. I've just taken up Mining & Jewelcrafting for money making purposes too. I'd really like to work towards getting better gear, but I have no idea where to begin. So, I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

Thanks. :)

The usual. Heroics, crafted items, and rep rewards will get geared you up for 25 man pretty quickly. You'll be hit capped, have decent unbuffed spellpower (1600-1700), crit, and haste before you ever step into a 25 man raid. The down side is that 10 man loot will be a lot less exciting.

Here's the checklist or pre-Naxx gear I made for my 'lock. It's silly to make a checklist, I know, but I got tired of wasting time looking through loot tables online. It took me just over 40 heroic runs to win drops, get the rep, and get the badges for this gear. Got lucky on some (only had to do UP once to get the belt) and was unlucky on others (lost multiple rolls on the UK ring).


EDIT: You can swap some of those around for other badge rewards or crafted items. Ebonweave gloves and robe have a nice amount of +hit which would let you swap out the UP belt for the badge belt, for example.


Junior Member
TomServo said:
The usual. Heroics, crafted items, and rep rewards will get geared you up for 25 man pretty quickly. You'll be hit capped, have decent unbuffed spellpower (1600-1700), crit, and haste before you ever step into a 25 man raid. The down side is that 10 man loot will be a lot less exciting.

Here's the checklist or pre-Naxx gear I made for my 'lock. It's silly to make a checklist, I know, but I got tired of wasting time looking through loot tables online. It took me just over 40 heroic runs to win drops, get the rep, and get the badges for this gear. Got lucky on some (only had to do UP once to get the belt) and was unlucky on others (lost multiple rolls on the UK ring).


EDIT: You can swap some of those around for other badge rewards or crafted items. Ebonweave gloves and robe have a nice amount of +hit which would let you swap out the UP belt for the badge belt, for example.
Sweet. Cheers for the info. I'll get started on thisas soon as I get my bored arse in from work.
Macattk15 said:
Even with 3 pieces of FrR and Shaman totems ... I still generally take 700 damage a tick from the pulsing aura around Sapphiron.

And I hope you bring some mages to the raid you're solo healing, otherwise that Life drain coupled with everything else will be a real bitch.

I'm seeing people taking as little as 400 dps over the whole fight. Just bring a bunch of FR capped dual wield melee and you're set. Need a ret pally for replenishment and a mage to decurse. After the next patch no one would have trouble staying close to the tank for holy light glyph healing. Getting ice bolted would be bad, though.


TomServo said:
The usual. Heroics, crafted items, and rep rewards will get geared you up for 25 man pretty quickly. You'll be hit capped, have decent unbuffed spellpower (1600-1700), crit, and haste before you ever step into a 25 man raid. The down side is that 10 man loot will be a lot less exciting.

Here's the checklist or pre-Naxx gear I made for my 'lock. It's silly to make a checklist, I know, but I got tired of wasting time looking through loot tables online. It took me just over 40 heroic runs to win drops, get the rep, and get the badges for this gear. Got lucky on some (only had to do UP once to get the belt) and was unlucky on others (lost multiple rolls on the UK ring).


EDIT: You can swap some of those around for other badge rewards or crafted items. Ebonweave gloves and robe have a nice amount of +hit which would let you swap out the UP belt for the badge belt, for example.

Why would you get the healing trinket over the damage trinket? I mean sure it has 98 SP ... well I guess if you're affliction crit is useless, but then again ... then near 600 sp proc on the Sundial would outweigh the 98 passive SP on the Egg imo.


cubicle47b said:
3 pieces of frost resist gear (
Lolol, frost resist gear? Way to lose gold on useless crap filling your bags :<

stealth-edit to add something more
Just did the "Betrayal" quest chain yesterday in Zul'Drak. I wish there were more "epic" chains like that around. I'm glad Blizzard is putting more chains like that in the game though. I don't remember quests like that back before BC really, not including World Events.
Yeah, it's nice they added these chains. Angrathar in Dragonblight, Betrayal of Drakuru in ZD, sons of hodir in Storm Peaks, matthias lehner in Icecrown. Epic quests, also other ones exploring and expanding lore (even some minor quests, for horde players for example when you get mail from saurfang in Agmar's hammer)... the only bigger chains in TBC were manaforges in netherstorm, hero of the maghar (and that was horde only) and chain for TK key... and wotlk ones are by far more memorable imo


CassSept said:
Lolol, frost resist gear? Way to lose gold on useless crap filling your bags :<

I have three pieces, though I only wear 2 ... sometimes only 1.

And I had it easy with the cheap and easy Plate FrR gear mats :D
CassSept said:
Lolol, frost resist gear? Way to lose gold on useless crap filling your bags :<

This is a theoretical discussion about how it would be possible to kill Sapphiron with only one holy paladin healing. Thanks for being a douchebag, though. You fit in well with the rest of the WoW population. *thumbs up*


CassSept said:
Lolol, frost resist gear? Way to lose gold on useless crap filling your bags :<

ya i just joined a raiding guild a few days ago, and we cleared 25 man naxx for the first time last night, nobody wore any FR gear for saph


cubicle47b said:
This is a theoretical discussion about how it would be possible to kill Sapphiron with only one holy paladin healing. Thanks for being a douchebag, though.
He called palas in my guild subpar, just defending them :p This whole thing started with him accusing our healers to be weak, you know, not being able to overheal whole sapp dmg in 2 holy palas.
And about frost resist gear, well tbh i forgot it exists for 80. Still, even with whole raid in fr gear i doubt single holy pala would be able to overheal whole damage, there are other sources of damage in this fight, you know.
CassSept said:
He called palas in my guild subpar, just defending them :p This whole thing started with him accusing our healers to be weak, you know, not being able to overheal whole sapp dmg in 2 holy palas.
And about frost resist gear, well tbh i forgot it exists for 80. Still, even with whole raid in fr gear i doubt single holy pala would be able to overheal whole damage, there are other sources of damage in this fight, you know.

I'm well aware of the other sources of damage. It would have to be a raid stacked in the paladin's favor but if it was I think 6K hps would be sustainable over the fight (including judgment ticks, of course).


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Why would you get the healing trinket over the damage trinket? I mean sure it has 98 SP ... well I guess if you're affliction crit is useless, but then again ... then near 600 sp proc on the Sundial would outweigh the 98 passive SP on the Egg imo.

It procs off of fel armor.


I'm no longer sure about DW anymore. respecced to 32/39 got a pair of 1h swords from wyrmrest, and tested both specs on the dummy(my 2h spec was 17/0/54) and my 2h spec won by a fairly large margin....2.3kdps vs 2.0kdps, a 300 dps drop respeccing to DW.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
onemic said:
I'm no longer sure about DW anymore. respecced to 32/39 got a pair of 1h swords from wyrmrest, and tested both specs on the dummy(my 2h spec was 17/0/54) and my 2h spec won by a fairly large margin....2.3kdps vs 2.0kdps, a 300 dps drop respeccing to DW.
It's a gear dependent spec for sure.

Here comes a n00bish question from a raid virgin; If I'm say, Obsidian Sanctum, and there are four trash mobs, am I supposed to tank all four of them, or assign the OT bear to two of them, or what? How exactly do I go about this? It seemed to be awfully chaotic trying to do it this way and we wiped on trash (I know!) a couple times in a PUG. assume the correct strategy is to pull my skull target with heroic throw, blow my AoE effects (thunderclap/shockwave) to prevent healer aggro, and switch to single targets on my two targets, and allow the bear to taunt/gain aggro on the other two. I can't figure out why this wasn't working consistently, but perhaps I'm overlooking something obvious.

I'll probably just PUG it again this week, but I'd rather not look like I have no clue what I'm doing on trash mobs.


Junior Member
In OS specfically, I always hear the tank and OT call out which targets they're tanking (based on raid markers) on the trash four-packs. Two each.


Junior Member
onemic said:
I'm no longer sure about DW anymore. respecced to 32/39 got a pair of 1h swords from wyrmrest, and tested both specs on the dummy(my 2h spec was 17/0/54) and my 2h spec won by a fairly large margin....2.3kdps vs 2.0kdps, a 300 dps drop respeccing to DW.
Were you in blood presense or unholy? This can either boost or lower your DPS?
Also you want 2 fast weapons for proccing KM and your MH + OH Rune Enchants.
I have a night elf on Stormscale. Would it be possible to start an undead DK on the same server?

If not, could I start one on a different server even if I don't have a 55+ on that specific server?


Xabora said:
Were you in blood presense or unholy? This can either boost or lower your DPS?
Also you want 2 fast weapons for proccing KM and your MH + OH Rune Enchants.

I'm in blood spec and i'm using 2 fangs of truth

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
In OS specfically, I always hear the tank and OT call out which targets they're tanking (based on raid markers) on the trash four-packs. Two each.
I could have sworn I was doing that. In retrospect, I think I personally need to just raid target the caster mobs that do the AoE flame attack to die first, and tank those myself. I was able to tank all four in Heroic Dungeon AoE style when I got annoyed by a wipe, but required popping Shield Wall and Last Stand :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Lamonster said:
I have a night elf on Stormscale. Would it be possible to start an undead DK on the same server?

If not, could I start one on a different server even if I don't have a 55+ on that specific server?
First quesiton, depends on server type. On PvP servers, no, on PvE servers, yes.

Second question, for now, you can only start one on a server where you have a 55+. 3.0.8 allegedly is changing that.
Angry Grimace said:
First quesiton, depends on server type. On PvP servers, no, on PvE servers, yes.

Second question, for now, you can only start one on a server where you have a 55+. 3.0.8 allegedly is changing that.
Got it, thanks!

and I roll PvP cuz I'm a badass
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