GhostRidah said:how much would it cost to level JC to atleast 410 with buying the mats? im thinking 4k?![]()
Cost me about 2k when I did it after WotLk launched, the most expensive part was thorium and the pre-tbc gems.
GhostRidah said:how much would it cost to level JC to atleast 410 with buying the mats? im thinking 4k?![]()
onemic said:WORST.SHIT.EVER
I was doing 25man OS, and at the end of it I topped the charts. The loot comes and some nice T7 gloves drop. Me and some other people roll, and to everyone in the raids surprise the worst person in the whole damn raid wins the roll, and for some stupid reason the leader actually gave it to him. When I say he was shit I mean his DPS was 500. 500 DPS wouldn't even get you into heroics, let alone a damn 25man! I have such bad luck with loot rolls, out of the 100's of dungeons I've done now I've maybe won 5 or so loot rolls that I've needed.
I really think loot masters should give loot based on contribution to the raid as well as your roll. Someone that contributes nothing to the raid shouldn't win anything even if they roll a 100 on a loot roll.
SuperAndroid17 said::lol :lol
these people are the people who always win the Deadly/t7.5 shit from Archavon
It happens man , ALL the fucking time.
Interfectum said:Thanks for the info. Also, as frost (for leveling) I'll have a lot of AOE capabilities coupled with reduced mana usage right? I would like to reduce my 'drinking time' as much as possible for quicker leveling.
wow what kind of raid leader is that? lol sorry to hear that.onemic said:WORST.SHIT.EVER
I was doing 25man OS, and at the end of it I topped the charts. The loot comes and some nice T7 gloves drop. Me and some other people roll, and to everyone in the raids surprise the worst person in the whole damn raid wins the roll, and for some stupid reason the leader actually gave it to him. When I say he was shit I mean his DPS was 500. 500 DPS wouldn't even get you into heroics, let alone a damn 25man! I have such bad luck with loot rolls, out of the 100's of dungeons I've done now I've maybe won 5 or so loot rolls that I've needed.
I really think loot masters should give loot based on contribution to the raid as well as your roll. Someone that contributes nothing to the raid shouldn't win anything even if they roll a 100 on a loot roll.
onemic said:WORST.SHIT.EVER
I was doing 25man OS, and at the end of it I topped the charts. The loot comes and some nice T7 gloves drop. Me and some other people roll, and to everyone in the raids surprise the worst person in the whole damn raid wins the roll, and for some stupid reason the leader actually gave it to him. When I say he was shit I mean his DPS was 500. 500 DPS wouldn't even get you into heroics, let alone a damn 25man! I have such bad luck with loot rolls, out of the 100's of dungeons I've done now I've maybe won 5 or so loot rolls that I've needed.
I really think loot masters should give loot based on contribution to the raid as well as your roll. Someone that contributes nothing to the raid shouldn't win anything even if they roll a 100 on a loot roll.
I can do 800 on my GF's level 70 Rogue alt wielding 2 +intellect daggers.onemic said:WORST.SHIT.EVER
I was doing 25man OS, and at the end of it I topped the charts. The loot comes and some nice T7 gloves drop. Me and some other people roll, and to everyone in the raids surprise the worst person in the whole damn raid wins the roll, and for some stupid reason the leader actually gave it to him. When I say he was shit I mean his DPS was 500. 500 DPS wouldn't even get you into heroics, let alone a damn 25man! I have such bad luck with loot rolls, out of the 100's of dungeons I've done now I've maybe won 5 or so loot rolls that I've needed.
I really think loot masters should give loot based on contribution to the raid as well as your roll. Someone that contributes nothing to the raid shouldn't win anything even if they roll a 100 on a loot roll.
They should have kicked him from the raid if his dps was THAT LOW!onemic said:WORST.SHIT.EVER
I was doing 25man OS, and at the end of it I topped the charts. The loot comes and some nice T7 gloves drop. Me and some other people roll, and to everyone in the raids surprise the worst person in the whole damn raid wins the roll, and for some stupid reason the leader actually gave it to him. When I say he was shit I mean his DPS was 500. 500 DPS wouldn't even get you into heroics, let alone a damn 25man! I have such bad luck with loot rolls, out of the 100's of dungeons I've done now I've maybe won 5 or so loot rolls that I've needed.
I really think loot masters should give loot based on contribution to the raid as well as your roll. Someone that contributes nothing to the raid shouldn't win anything even if they roll a 100 on a loot roll.
Tunesmith said:Think I just unlocked God Mode and won WoW at the same time.
only works with the Big Blizzard Bear mount as far as I could test.
Sounds like they 1 shotted it.Xabora said:They should have kicked him from the raid if his dps was THAT LOW!
Xabora said:Oh patch day, how I wait ye so I may increase my profits.
People will buy materials for the new gear, gems slots and new enchants.
Wait I shall.
This grows day by day!
Flambe said:Either fire or frost are decent for levelling (preferred frost, myself because it makes you pretty much untouchable).
At the moment, I wouldn't go arcane, ever, unless you intend to pvp a shit-ton because arcane barrage fucking owns. Even then I'm waiting for dual-spec.
At 80, for raids especially, a frostfire spec is the way to go right now because of how debuffs and whatnot are working. I got a 15k frostfire crit last night, was pretty nice. I believe a fire mage can possibly outdo frostfire spec with torment the weak, but only if there's a full-arcane mage castrating his own dps by casting slow every 15 seconds.
Of course by the time your mage reaches 80, this can all be different so /shrug. Fire or frost when leveling works fine.
^ Here's a quick frost build for up to 60, mostly pretty basic stuff.
go to another zone; it's not that hard. there's at least 2 other zones for your level.StoOgE said:I'm about to quit this game. I want to play PvP because I always had more fun with that mode on past MMORPGs Ive played... but not when a couple of level 60 shitheads think it's fun to sneak into low level territory and camp an area filled with people on quests on level 20-25.
It's not like it's a raid party that is killing me, those I have no problem with. There are two people that every night for the last 4 nights have camped the same area near tarren mill. I will run and grab some high levels who will kill them, but 15 minutes later they are back, and it is far enough from where the higher levels are hanging out that it becomes nearly impossible to combat them unless our high levels are willing to camp the area as well..
I wouldn't even mind if they killed me once had their fun and then left. But last night I tried 3 different times over the course of 5 hours and they are still there. I guess they need to make sure *everyone* sees their e-penis is big. Either that or they hate noobs so much they just assume we all cancel our subscriptions.
I have better shit to do than log on, wait 10 minutes for the server to empty out. spend 2 minutes walking to where I am supposed to go to kill 10 guys. Pray I can kill 1 of them before I die. then do the same thing again.. except oh wait, they are camping my body this time. great. Log Off.
Go do something more productive with my time.
Puncture said:The bolded is wrong, the talent works off of all slows on the enemy. Including your tanks thunderclap that he will likely be keeping up 100% of the fight. Waste no GCD's for any snares, just lay back and enjoy an additional 12% damage modifier.......while you suck your MF mana pool dry quick as hell. Jesus christ even with the 30% regen from the fire tree and clearcasting that build eats mana.
Angry Grimace said:Sounds like they 1 shotted it.
As they should. I don't how it's possible to lose to Archavon.
Angry Grimace said:Sounds like they 1 shotted it.
As they should. I don't how it's possible to lose to Archavon.
Interfectum said:I've been in groups (25 man) that lose to Arch. If your DPS isn't high enough and it takes over 5 (?) minutes he goes into enrage mode and one shots each player until we wipe.
SuperAndroid17 said::lol :lol
these people are the people who always win the Deadly/t7.5 shit from Archavon
It happens man , ALL the fucking time.
Interfectum said:Also, AVOID THE SMOKE PEOPLE.![]()
Macattk15 said:And man ... my guild has the most trouble on Patchwerk in 25 man. I don't know what it is but we just aren't killing him. One offtank drops and then ping pong goes the melee around em .... even though we're at half HP the whole time from the slime.
Jazzy Network said:What's the best spec for DK tanking? I'm leaning towards Frost right now. Alot of good skills in it.
funkmastergeneral said:-My friend at work said that death knights and paladins are both better tanks then warriors now. Am I useless?
funkmastergeneral said:started playing again last night for the first time in well over a year and have a couple questions
-I'm a night elf warrior, and in my spellbook there is a succubus button with some spells? Is this a glitch or something?
-What are glyphs and how do I get them?
-It's cool to see achievements in the game, but are they glitchy? Because for some reason the game doesn't think I killed C'thun or finished AQ20
-what are the best mods to use now?
-My friend at work said that death knights and paladins are both better tanks then warriors now. Am I useless?
TomServo said:I was surprised to find out the raiders in my guild (who clear Naxx25 and Malygos25 in a single night) take eight healers into Naxx. It's total overkill now that everyone is geared, but I can see it helping early on. I fill in spots in other guilds' 25mans since I can't make my guild's raid nights, and I've gotten stuck on Patchwerk with six healers.
Macattk15 said:Yeah I think we've only been trying with 5 healers.
Our 2 priests are RETARDED good though. The druid is decent. The pally and shammy leave more to be desired.
You haven't enchanted LPC? Sheesh, it's awesome dagger, you should've done it considering how cheap mongoose is now.BigJonsson said:Picked up a webbed death in Naxx tonight
I also have an Omen of Ruin and paper cutter
For now I'm going to mainhand the Omen, offhand the Death
Or would it be wiser to mainhand the Death and offhand the Omen or the LPC?
Edit - Actually after thinking about it I think Webbed Death/Omen of Ruin is the best combo
Especially since they both have mongoose and the LPC has no enchant, and I don't really want to bother enchanting it now
Xyphie said:1. Sounds like a glitch, try deleting your WoW\Cache\ folder and see if that helps.
2. Glyphs are "enchantments" for spells. You can have 3 major glyphs and 3 minor ones at level 80. They can all be bought from the auction house and are made with the new inscription profession. The ones available for warriors can be seen here:
3. The achievement system doesn't know you killed them before it was in the game unless you have completed quests or have gear from that instance.
4. I like PitBull for unit frames, Bartender4 for Action Bars, QuestHelper for tracking quests just to name a few.
5. IMO Warrior is still the Main Tanking class in WoW and when specced for it does a better job than DKs/Paladins/Druids just like they should. I wouldn't have one of the other classes tank in a raid for example. But for heroics/off-tanking it's a role they do very good.
Hope that helped.
The Lamonster said:God damn, I just want to run Zul'Aman for that 20 slot bag. I think it's even the first boss. I can't find ANYONE to run it with me. Fucking group shit is the worst thing about this game. Sorry that ZA isn't a lvl 80 heroic or something, sorry it's not part of the new expansion. Stupid game won't even let me enter the place without at least 5 people. I've spammed the city Trade channel, spammed the Ghostlands General channel, used the Looking for Group/More feature, asked guildies, NOTHING.
Guess that means I can't fucking complete the quest. /rant
You know, I could just buy a Frostweave bag, but this isn't really about the bag. This is a bigger problem than just Zul'Aman. I can never find anybody to run instances with me. It seems like the player base is exclusively doing WotLK instances. I want to experience the older ones. The only time I'm able to run an instance is when somebody wants me to run them through Scarlet Monasery or some low-level dungeon.Bisnic said:If you want a 20 slots bag this bad, there's always quite a few made by tailors in the AH![]()
Interfectum said:I've yet to do any Naxx runs (still gearing up with other raids and heroics), how long does a usual Naxx run take and what should my DPS be at before entering?
Xabora said:From a 25man Pug)
Naka said:I did that accidentally in Occulus when I was the dragon vehicles. I love putting on the murloc suite when I ride the big blizzard bear too, as I shrink super tiny!
What are they doing with vehicles in 3.0.8?Tunesmith said:Hahah, this works on flying carpets as well :lol
Now I kinda don't want them to fix the vehicle mounts to behave more like regular mounts in 3.0.8, this is too funny.![]()
The Lamonster said:You know, I could just buy a Frostweave bag, but this isn't really about the bag. This is a bigger problem than just Zul'Aman. I can never find anybody to run instances with me. It seems like the player base is exclusively doing WotLK instances. I want to experience the older ones. The only time I'm able to run an instance is when somebody wants me to run them through Scarlet Monasery or some low-level dungeon.
I'm basically asking you guys if there is another way I haven't thought of yet to find folks that will help me do group quests and instances. And yes, I'm in a guild but again, they're mostly 80's that won't help.
Is the only solution to find a better guild? If so, how would I do that? I've been through many guilds and all of them have been disappointing. Most guilds are full of 80's already and the ones that aren't seem to be a joke with hardly any members.
TomServo said:What that raid needs is more DK's.
Most guilds have the same 6 or 7 guys and 40 alts that don't log on.The Lamonster said:You know, I could just buy a Frostweave bag, but this isn't really about the bag. This is a bigger problem than just Zul'Aman. I can never find anybody to run instances with me. It seems like the player base is exclusively doing WotLK instances. I want to experience the older ones. The only time I'm able to run an instance is when somebody wants me to run them through Scarlet Monasery or some low-level dungeon.
I'm basically asking you guys if there is another way I haven't thought of yet to find folks that will help me do group quests and instances. And yes, I'm in a guild but again, they're mostly 80's that won't help.
Is the only solution to find a better guild? If so, how would I do that? I've been through many guilds and all of them have been disappointing. Most guilds are full of 80's already and the ones that aren't seem to be a joke with hardly any members.