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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
Looks like I'm getting popular.
People from other servers are making a level 1 alt and are messaging me during raids. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
Yup. I can totally see that.

I'm not exactly a hardcore player, but I do heroics and 10 mans, and there's NOTHING to do after about your first week in a competent guild. No one even wants to PvP anymore because its in the worst state it's ever been in.

And to hell with waiting for Ulduar. How many months off is that place? They've had the first, minor, contentless patch on the PTR for how many long now tweaking shit? Ulduar is probably 3 or 4 months off at least. =/

The expansion was real fun up until now, despite being too easy but they're def going to lose some people and get some heavy critique riding on: "HOPE YOU LIKE NAXX!" content for months on end.

On Achievements, if that's peoples idea to extend raiding with some content padding, then barf. My idea of fun is not busting my ass, gutting our raid comp and doing some arbitrary tack on 100 times to be rewarded with...GASP...ANOTHER palette swapped mount! With as much money as this game makes, it'd be nice to see a NEW model occasionally. Instead of "OMFG GREEN DRAGON, RED DRAGON, PINK DRAGON, BLUE DRAGON, TRANSPARENT DRAGON, DRAGON WITH ARMOR ON, DRAGON WITH A HAT, DRAGON WITH NOVELTY GLASSES, DRAGON RIDING A DRAGON, BIG DRAGON , LITTLE DRAGON"
the odd part is, I think they were planning for as much content as TBC, just slower. they're about 7 raid instances behind, and not moving fast enough to compensate.


I'm kind of glad I haven't bothered to pug raids now. by the time I get around to doing them, they'll still be new to me and there will be more of them. and people will still be farming Naxx and other stuff.


Angry Grimace said:
If you're doing 3K DPS in a 5 man, you should rename your toon to "Dr. Badass," because 99% of WoW players have no shot at that, based on class mechanics, skill or gear.
Guess I'm in that 1%, isn't hard to to 3-3.5K DPS during 5-man bosses (without an enh shammy), so is the other rogue in our guild, as well as a bunch of the mages. The DPS warriors in the guild are doing stupid high dps.


I start to really hate engineering on my DK. I knew it will be useless, but I see no reason to keep it at all at the moment. I even consider picking up tailoring instead. At least I can make bags then....... :(

Also what are they doing with the damn patch? Tank weapons are out again? Booooo :/


zam said:
Guess I'm in that 1%, isn't hard to to 3-3.5K DPS during 5-man bosses (without an enh shammy), so is the other rogue in our guild, as well as a bunch of the mages. The DPS warriors in the guild are doing stupid high dps.

Good for you, but 3,5k in 5 man is far from the benchmark. Hell, 3,5k per dps is what is required to do Sarth10 with 3 drakes up (4 dps, 3 tanks and 3 healers) and is currently the hardest encounter in the game.

You are definately 1%, maybe 0,5%. Also, saying that it is easy is a gross overstatement. 3,5k in a 25 man is different, but not in a 5 man. I'd also like to see you maintain it over a long fight (usually not happening in 5 mans).


zam said:
Guess I'm in that 1%, isn't hard to to 3-3.5K DPS during 5-man bosses (without an enh shammy), so is the other rogue in our guild, as well as a bunch of the mages. The DPS warriors in the guild are doing stupid high dps.

That's what we do!

I did 5383 dps on Patchwerk 25 last night, using Titansteel Destroyer in my OH. Have Armageddon now.

Friggen BM Hunter outdamaged me .... so i seperated his pet from himself and his PET almost did as much DPS as he did. So dumb.

Give me a brainless minion to add to my DPS plz.


Macattk15 said:
Friggen BM Hunter outdamaged me .... so i seperated his pet from himself and his PET almost did as much DPS as he did. So dumb.

Give me a brainless minion to add to my DPS plz.

You have to look at the pet as an additional weapon. You need to get it somewhere, skill it right etc. like you needed to build a Titansteel Destroyer and enchant it.

Ikuu said:

Hmm, wonder how this will effect DW DPS, kinda sucks they're nerfing it.

Wow, I have absolute no idea how the talent works now. :lol


Junior Member
Alex said:
Yup. I can totally see that.

I'm not exactly a hardcore player, but I do heroics and 10 mans, and there's NOTHING to do after about your first week in a competent guild. No one even wants to PvP anymore because its in the worst state it's ever been in.

There's one thing that's frustrating me about the whole "guilds break up because of lack of endgame"...

I'm a non-raiding member of a progression raiding guild (we're like the friends and family of the raiders). A number of us have asked to fill in spots on raid nights because many of the raiders are getting bored. No one's saying it directly, but we're getting a kind of snooty tone about "non-raiders" being in raids. What cracks me up is that they're recruiting raiders to fill spots now that raider attendence is dropping.

Now, if it was my guild I'd be all for letting the non-raiders fill slots once content is on farm, with the understanding that it's back to the bench when Ulduar is released. What's going to happen now that they've recruited and have 2x or even 3x what they need for some classes / specs and everyone expects a raid slot?

Alex said:
And to hell with waiting for Ulduar. How many months off is that place? They've had the first, minor, contentless patch on the PTR for how many long now tweaking shit? Ulduar is probably 3 or 4 months off at least. =/

There's a lot of misplaced optimism about Ulduar's release. I saw someone post that they thought it will go to PTR shortly after 3.0.8 and would only be there for a week or two before going live. LOL. Ulduar is an April release at the earliest.


Won said:
You have to look at the pet as an additional weapon. You need to get it somewhere, skill it right etc. like you needed to build a Titansteel Destroyer and enchant it.

Wow, I have absolute no idea how the talent works now. :lol

I do not get 2300 dps from letting my Offhand simply autoattack with a mind of its own that I simply have to watch and keep alive.

I wish I did however.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Won said:
Wow, I have absolute no idea how the talent works now. :lol
Just messing around on test, and to be honest the proc rate seems higher now :lol

Edit: Seems like it's up all the time now to be honest, and with the change to Rime, the new IT sigil and some other changes, this is an awesome patch :p Aslong as they don't change anything else.

I love Jewelcrafting, bought Scarlet Rubies for 100g each and sold them for 150g within minutes as Bold Scarlets.


Macattk15 said:
I do not get 2300 dps from letting my Offhand simply autoattack with a mind of its own that I simply have to watch and keep alive.

I wish I did however.

Sorry but I hate people who think like you. Post patch we will still do that same dps as hunter as SV with our pets doing a mere 10% of our damage while using a much more complicated rotation and Ill bet my ass you still wont be willing to give a good player of the class credit, so fuck right on off with that bs. Im sure having a pet dps is so much harder than speccing for rolling deep wounds and having that make up a large percentage of your dps also.


Macattk15 said:
I do not get 2300 dps from letting my Offhand simply autoattack with a mind of its own that I simply have to watch and keep alive.

I wish I did however.

Removing their pet would break beastmasters, hell it would break the entire class, and warlocks with them. Some classes just have more then one dmg output source, but their own dps is lower to compensate. Or they spec so that the pet is low, but they do a lot (MM). Your point is totally moot eitherway.


Junior Member
So, I've started Mining & Jewelcrafting (well, I'm concentrating on Mining at the mo). Nut a friend recommends Tailoring for gear. What do you guys think? Should I take up Tailoring now and pickup Jewelcrafting later?


Junior Member
Scum said:
So, I've started Mining & Jewelcrafting (well, I'm concentrating on Mining at the mo). Nut a friend recommends Tailoring for gear. What do you guys think? Should I take up Tailoring now and pickup Jewelcrafting later?

As a tailor at 441, I can tell you absolutely not.

Tailoring in TBC was great for cloth classes since it had some great BoP patterns. Nothing I make now is BoP, and the leg enchancements can be used by non-tailors (granted with much more expensive pattern).

Tailoring is an absolute mess, at least on my server. The specialty cloth sells for more than the items that are made from it (probably because other tailors are buying the cloth to level up). In fact, all of the epic items I can make sell for less than the mats.

The current cloak embroideries (the other tailor benefit) are no better than the common enchants (i.e. lightweave being a dps loss compared to +23 haste).

Dina said:
Removing their pet would break beastmasters, hell it would break the entire class, and warlocks with them. Some classes just have more then one dmg output source, but their own dps is lower to compensate. Or they spec so that the pet is low, but they do a lot (MM). Your point is totally moot eitherway.

I'm a warlock. I long for the days of the sac'd pet. I'm sure the feltard locks will disagree, but the class was more fun when we didn't have to worry about a pet.


Interfectum said:
Hardly welfare when you only have two tries a week to get a drop. I've killed him 4-5 weeks in a row and have only seen 2 DK drops and won one of them. 1 month for 1 piece of epic != welfare epics imo

I dread the thought of being a DK. :lol

I'm a mage, not 80 yet but disappointed that I can't jump into an epic PVP set after some battlegrounds. :(


Junior Member
Kyoufu said:
I dread the thought of being a DK. :lol

I'm a mage, not 80 yet but disappointed that I can't jump into an epic PVP set after some battlegrounds. :(
I dunno, I've literally been sitting at the top of the world right now.
(Already making plans for adjustments for 3.0.8)


Puncture said:
Sorry but I hate people who think like you. Post patch we will still do that same dps as hunter as SV with our pets doing a mere 10% of our damage while using a much more complicated rotation and Ill bet my ass you still wont be willing to give a good player of the class credit, so fuck right on off with that bs. Im sure having a pet dps is so much harder than speccing for rolling deep wounds and having that make up a large percentage of your dps also.

Deep Wounds is 11% of my DPS on Patchwerk last night. Grats. It wasn't 50%. "Rolling" Deep Wounds huh? I can occasionally get my Deep Wounds to tick for 2k in a raid setting where I have 42% crit on non-gimmick fights (Loatheb ... where I can get ticks in the 20k-30k range if lucky).

Don't know why you're bringing Surivival hunters into this, he is clearly BM.

Regardless, the hunter is a good player ... of the spec. There are other BM hunters who come in the raid and do much less damage than him .... so clearly he is a good player or the others are just horrid. I've seen Marks hunters doing 4.3k DPS ... I give them MUCH more credit than a BM hunter who gets HALF their damage from a pet.

I don't see where I said I discredited him for being a good player, I simply said I wish I had a auto-attacking mindless pet doing about as much DPS as I am.

Quit putting words into my mouth. I didn't say get rid of the pets, I didn't say nerf the pets ... I simply said it's dumb that BM hunters have their pets equaling their DPS. Regardless of spec, I think the character the character controls for the majority should do considerable DPS over their pet. Hell, buff the hunter damage of BM, nerf the pet a little. I don't care, don't make it be so mindless. All the hunter did was spam Steady Shot and keep Serpent Sting up while his pet did a ton of damage.

What I'm saying is that I respect BM hunters a whole lot less than Hunters of other specs. They have to work much less to put out the high DPS numbers that a Hunter of another spec would have to do.


Xabora said:
I dunno, I've literally been sitting at the top of the world right now.
(Already making plans for adjustments for 3.0.8)

Sure if you're a DK that got in a guild early you are lucky. But if you are one that is currently looking for a guild, you're going to have a hard time.

We raid with 4-5 DK's in 25 mans. Luckily 3 of them do a good amount of damage. The others lead more to be desired.


Kyoufu said:
I dread the thought of being a DK. :lol

I'm a mage, not 80 yet but disappointed that I can't jump into an epic PVP set after some battlegrounds. :(
There's going to be wintergrasp epics next patch, as long as you enjoy that. I actually plan on participating in wintergrasp as soon as I'm 78 on my DK. of course, that's like 13 levels to go and god knows I will hit leveling fatigue soon enough.
firex said:
There's going to be wintergrasp epics next patch, as long as you enjoy that. I actually plan on participating in wintergrasp as soon as I'm 78 on my DK. of course, that's like 13 levels to go and god knows I will hit leveling fatigue soon enough.
Does Wintergrasp start at level 78? I went there as a 70 and tried to get a vehicle and it said I had to be an officer or something :(
Angry Grimace said:
the odd part is, I think they were planning for as much content as TBC, just slower. they're about 7 raid instances behind, and not moving fast enough to compensate.

What everyone has to remember is that they tried to release BC with 4, 5, and 6 to mirror 1, 2, and 3 of regular, but it blew up in their faces for many reasons. I am highly pleased with their choice of one tier per big patch this go around.


The Lamonster said:
Does Wintergrasp start at level 78? I went there as a 70 and tried to get a vehicle and it said I had to be an officer or something :(
no, you can't get a vehicle unless 1) wintergrasp is contested and 2) you've been there long enough to rank up to use vehicles. 78 is when I can equip the savage saronite set.
firex said:
no, you can't get a vehicle unless 1) wintergrasp is contested and 2) you've been there long enough to rank up to use vehicles. 78 is when I can equip the savage saronite set.
Okay I'm even more confused now but I assume I will learn when the quests become available to me or something.


there are no quests for wintergrasp except dailies, which you can only get when your faction controls them. although I bet you can't get them until well past level 70 since some of them are "kill other players for drops in this area OR kill mobs in that area" and like everything in wintergrasp is level 78-80.
firex said:
there are no quests for wintergrasp except dailies, which you can only get when your faction controls them. although I bet you can't get them until well past level 70 since some of them are "kill other players for drops in this area OR kill mobs in that area" and like everything in wintergrasp is level 78-80.
I see, cool thanks!


Dina said:
Good for you, but 3,5k in 5 man is far from the benchmark. Hell, 3,5k per dps is what is required to do Sarth10 with 3 drakes up (4 dps, 3 tanks and 3 healers) and is currently the hardest encounter in the game.

You are definately 1%, maybe 0,5%. Also, saying that it is easy is a gross overstatement. 3,5k in a 25 man is different, but not in a 5 man. I'd also like to see you maintain it over a long fight (usually not happening in 5 mans).
I'm a combat rogue, so sustained dps is the name of the game, plus the longer the fight goes on the more dps a rogue can do.

My dps in 10-mans or 25-mans is almost always higher than 3.5k, easily at 4k dps on raid bosses, up to 5k or more on rogue friendly fights like patchwerk. So longer fights aren't a problem.

Looking forward to the 3.0.8 patch, gonna unload all my Relics of Ulduar on the AH :D


I've seen some alternatives for DK Dual Wield already. 10/31/30 seemed to be popular with fast/fast still. 0/44/27 with slow/fast.

DPS didn't seem to take a massive hit. as far as I can tell based on posts.

This whole situation is what happens when you put an aspect of a class in begrudgingly (DK's Dual Wielding) and then don't touch it or converse with your player base at ALL during the beta period.


Macattk15 said:
Regardless, the hunter is a good player ... of the spec. There are other BM hunters who come in the raid and do much less damage than him .... so clearly he is a good player or the others are just horrid. I've seen Marks hunters doing 4.3k DPS ... I give them MUCH more credit than a BM hunter who gets HALF their damage from a pet.

I don't see where I said I discredited him for being a good player, I simply said I wish I had a auto-attacking mindless pet doing about as much DPS as I am.

What I'm saying is that I respect BM hunters a whole lot less than Hunters of other specs. They have to work much less to put out the high DPS numbers that a Hunter of another spec would have to do.

They also have to be a lot more careful that their pet doesn't die to a cleave, poison fog/etc on the ground, all that kind of stuff. Strikes me that it would be more difficult to worry about positioning for two entities, one of them 'mindless' as you say and won't get itself out of bad situations. Because if the pet does die, their overall dps is fucked.

Personally, I'd find it easier sitting in one spot doing a rotation and if pet dies, oh well (or not even bringing them up). A pet (to a good hunter) is far from free unlimited dps.

And my 51 hunter is my lowest-level alt so far from a class I personally care about heh.


Macattk15 said:
What I'm saying is that I respect BM hunters a whole lot less than Hunters of other specs. They have to work much less to put out the high DPS numbers that a Hunter of another spec would have to do.

If you don't know about rolling deep wounds then ignore that part, but for a properly specced warrior deep wounds is 30% of their damage done in a boss fight completely unmitigated. Which is exactly the reason they announced today that they are nerfing it.

As for the above, what I'm saying is respecting a BM hunter a whole lot less is stupid. Fact is, its the highest dps spec we have available to us period. We don't enjoy the 1 button bullshit anymore than anyone else would, but if it s the most effective, then we use it. I brought survival into to it strictly because it will far and away be the most effective AFTER the patch, and will require a rotation even more complicated than your own.

And when that same hunter is able to still do the same numbers regardless of the spec/pet I never see people like you so damn quick to open your mouth and acknowledge that. But your quick to piss and moan, and show less respect to a player who has no control over the class design and NO CONTROL over what spec is the most effective in PvE.

Not interested in your pat on the back, just saying its stupid as hell to respect a BM hunter that plays well less than one of another spec that plays just as well, min/maxers are confined by the game mechanics. I'm not BM because I want to be, and I get sick as hell of people taking your attitude about the class.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Sure if you're a DK that got in a guild early you are lucky. But if you are one that is currently looking for a guild, you're going to have a hard time.

We raid with 4-5 DK's in 25 mans. Luckily 3 of them do a good amount of damage. The others lead more to be desired.
Lemme sum it up for ya.

Classic WoW; I was a good mage, got in a great (but hard knocks) raiding guild early on.
TBC WoW; I was a piss poor mage because I raided with a Classic WoW Mentality, infact my Hunter Alt was miles better than my Mage.
WoTLK WoW; I dropped both for DK because our group needed some and I liked the class. As a bonus from beta I had 4 months of DK Experience which gave me a HUGE boost on our server.

Heck, we just recruited another DK (Damn Fine one at that) and I need to help out our other DK that wants to stick with unholy.
Going to find what he likes in his build and see if we can get a proper rotation and priority system off of that.


Xabora said:
I dunno, I've literally been sitting at the top of the world right now.
(Already making plans for adjustments for 3.0.8)

Out of curiousity, I may give DW a whirl. I mainly tank on my DK now, but there's times we're short good DPS, but have good enough other tanks on so I switch over to DPS. Right now I was using blood and could hit around 1900dps (keep in mind, not really DPS geared as well as tanking), but I wanted to give this DW a whirl, so now it's F/F, then patch is S/F? Are you changing up your build in that patch along with rotation? Can you give some theory crafting on that?

And fuck blizzard for taking out those tanking weapons.


Junior Member
J-Rzez said:
Out of curiousity, I may give DW a whirl. I mainly tank on my DK now, but there's times we're short good DPS, but have good enough other tanks on so I switch over to DPS. Right now I was using blood and could hit around 1900dps (keep in mind, not really DPS geared as well as tanking), but I wanted to give this DW a whirl, so now it's F/F, then patch is S/F? Are you changing up your build in that patch along with rotation? Can you give some theory crafting on that?

And fuck blizzard for taking out those tanking weapons.
Patch it changes up a bit.

It comes Weapon Damage>Stats>Speed.
Thats how you will need to rank your 1H Weapons when it comes to gearing up.

My build is most likely going to change, but I have not gathered enough information to make a direct decision as of right now.


Black Canada Mafia
Man, I'm going to have to jump in on this DK hate bandwagon. I have nothing against the class, and this may be a stereotype, but goddamn do most of them suck or what? Our guild just started it's first week of 25mans, and while we're doing good (Vault/Obsidian and 2 wings in Naxx a night first night wasn't too bad, even though some people do everything in like 5 hours =/) - the 3 DK's in the raid were the lowest DPS - on bosses AND trash. The DPS (on bosses) was about 1400, 1100 and 850. And the 1400 was the tank - so I can understand that! He's actually the only guy I know who can play a DK, when he spec's DPS he can usually skyrocket to the top of any raid. But these other DK's... I mean, they were just really bad. So in an effort to get some good DK dps and to ensure our raids actually kick off on time, we mass recruited like 6 DK's. I just pray a few of them are good.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
If you don't know about rolling deep wounds then ignore that part, but for a properly specced warrior deep wounds is 30% of their damage done in a boss fight completely unmitigated. Which is exactly the reason they announced today that they are nerfing it.

As for the above, what I'm saying is respecting a BM hunter a whole lot less is stupid. Fact is, its the highest dps spec we have available to us period. We don't enjoy the 1 button bullshit anymore than anyone else would, but if it s the most effective, then we use it. I brought survival into to it strictly because it will far and away be the most effective AFTER the patch, and will require a rotation even more complicated than your own.

And when that same hunter is able to still do the same numbers regardless of the spec/pet I never see people like you so damn quick to open your mouth and acknowledge that. But your quick to piss and moan, and show less respect to a player who has no control over the class design and NO CONTROL over what spec is the most effective in PvE.

Not interested in your pat on the back, just saying its stupid as hell to respect a BM hunter that plays well less than one of another spec that plays just as well, min/maxers are confined by the game mechanics. I'm not BM because I want to be, and I get sick as hell of people taking your attitude about the class.
Am I the only one who gets real tired of Blizzard changing how everything plays every other month


Junior Member
Kinitari said:
Man, I'm going to have to jump in on this DK hate bandwagon. I have nothing against the class, and this may be a stereotype, but goddamn do most of them suck or what?
This is something we are going to have to live with. :/


Black Canada Mafia
While the server is down, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on my rogue


He is getting to the point where he is almost as geared as he could possibly get, and I can usually stay near the top of the DPS charts - but now I am getting gear that lowers one stat by a lot, and raises another stat by a lot. For example, pair of boots right now that would make me lose 66 hit (I'm hurting for hit) but gain almost 1.4% crit and 1% haste. That is a big bump, but I don't think I can afford that loss. Anyone have any tips, any gear I should be shooting for?

Also I plan on respeccing soon (putting the point from vigor into relentless strikes) and I think I want to put my 2 weapon expertise points somewhere else, but where?


Are servers down right now? Not being able to connect to anything, even the login.

edit: Nevermind, I guess so.

3.0.8 won't be out for a bit, and Ulduar a good time after that. The PTR build is still buggy and the new Elemental buffs aren't even working.
My guild has 3 DKs that raid

One is the raid leader and he kicks ass at DPS and tanking because he is an awesome player
Another is a tank who is also an officer and he kicks ass also
Next is a DPSer who is always up on the meters

Other people in the guild know that they aren't going to raid with their DK unless its a 10-man and our usual tanks aren't around

Meter usually looks like this

Me with my Muti rogue
TG warrior
Kinitari said:
While the server is down, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on my rogue


He is getting to the point where he is almost as geared as he could possibly get, and I can usually stay near the top of the DPS charts - but now I am getting gear that lowers one stat by a lot, and raises another stat by a lot. For example, pair of boots right now that would make me lose 66 hit (I'm hurting for hit) but gain almost 1.4% crit and 1% haste. That is a big bump, but I don't think I can afford that loss. Anyone have any tips, any gear I should be shooting for?

Also I plan on respeccing soon (putting the point from vigor into relentless strikes) and I think I want to put my 2 weapon expertise points somewhere else, but where?

Try going mutilate as a change of pace! And you could upgrade your blue trinket and some of the 10-man gear to 25-man loot

I'm in the same boat, I could use another Webbed Death, a ring from the 25-mans and 25-man shoulders/head and I'm pretty much done with significant upgrades already


BigJonsson said:
My guild has 3 DKs that raid

One is the raid leader and he kicks ass at DPS and tanking because he is an awesome player
Another is a tank who is also an officer and he kicks ass also
Next is a DPSer who is always up on the meters

Other people in the guild know that they aren't going to raid with their DK unless its a 10-man and our usual tanks aren't around

Meter usually looks like this

Me with my Muti rogue
TG warrior

Where are your FFB mages?
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