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World of Warcraft

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GhostRidah said:
Just had a dk in Heroic UK who couldnt break 700 dps.... I asked him why are you using lots of defense gear you aren't tanking, he said that was the best dps gear for him...


And I feel guilty when I'm only pulling 2000-2500k dps.


I can see 2k dps being reasonable for most people. I do like, 900 as a tank in heroics, so in raids I'd probably do at least 1100 (I have no real idea how much raid buffs would stack to bring my dps up). if I was ret spec with actual dps gear, 2k seems easy to maintain.

and I kind of feel like blizzard could "fix" DW DK (since they're already going to nerf it) by nerfing how much howling blast is boosted by AP. it's almost ridiculous how much stronger it is for me than frost strike, and that's being 2h frost dps (lol joke spec I know, but I just find it way more fun than blood or unholy).


Junior Member
GhostRidah said:
Just had a dk in Heroic UK who couldnt break 700 dps.... I asked him why are you using lots of defense gear you aren't tanking, he said that was the best dps gear for him...


Interfectum said:

And I feel guilty when I'm only pulling 2000-2500k dps.
god I wish I could get dps like that in my groups, heck even 1500, I swear im always second or first top dps in my groups as a prot pally ( not even doing that shield of rightousness bug)
firex said:
I can see 2k dps being reasonable for most people. I do like, 900 as a tank in heroics, so in raids I'd probably do at least 1100 (I have no real idea how much raid buffs would stack to bring my dps up). if I was ret spec with actual dps gear, 2k seems easy to maintain.

and I kind of feel like blizzard could "fix" DW DK (since they're already going to nerf it) by nerfing how much howling blast is boosted by AP. it's almost ridiculous how much stronger it is for me than frost strike, and that's being 2h frost dps (lol joke spec I know, but I just find it way more fun than blood or unholy).
what class are you? as a prot pally im doing at least 1450 on average non raid.


GhostRidah said:
god I wish I could get dps like that in my groups, heck even 1500, I swear im always second or first top dps in my groups as a prot pally ( not even doing that shield of rightousness bug)

I think I'm starting to group with geared people because even when I pull in high DPS, I'm not even #1 on the meters. I grouped with this fury Tank for violet hold that was pulling in some insane numbers... he easily doubled me and I was second place dps. :lol


I'm also a tank pally, hence the ret talk. also fuck if I even have the right numbers, I just go by what recount tells me. the main thing is even at that dps, I still have no problems holding aggro.


Junior Member
Interfectum said:

And I feel guilty when I'm only pulling 2000-2500k dps.

You fuckers kill trash too fast for my DoTs to tick. I hate you :p

Seriously, my trash dps is horrible unless I resort to RoF or seeding everything. I hold my own on bosses, but you still feel shame with sub 2K numbers on trash.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GhostRidah said:
god I wish I could get dps like that in my groups, heck even 1500, I swear im always second or first top dps in my groups as a prot pally ( not even doing that shield of rightousness bug)
Translation of "I feel guilty when I do 2500:"

"I would like to brag that I do 2500 DPS in Heroics."

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I can see 2k dps being reasonable for most people. I do like, 900 as a tank in heroics, so in raids I'd probably do at least 1100 (I have no real idea how much raid buffs would stack to bring my dps up). if I was ret spec with actual dps gear, 2k seems easy to maintain.

and I kind of feel like blizzard could "fix" DW DK (since they're already going to nerf it) by nerfing how much howling blast is boosted by AP. it's almost ridiculous how much stronger it is for me than frost strike, and that's being 2h frost dps (lol joke spec I know, but I just find it way more fun than blood or unholy).
Your tank is a warrior doing 900 DPS? Sounds like a problem with your spec.

Edit: I just read it's a pally tank. (oversight). I haven't rolled a pally tank at 80, so it's hard to say. I cannot break 1300 DPS while tanking on my warrior no matter what I do.


Blizzard snagged the "ghost hit" that was affecting Paladins. FUCK! Which means we now have to gear appropriately for hit now. :(

There goes all my DPS. (Kidding)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
I'd feel guilty if I was only pulling 2-2.5k as well. What's wrong with that?

Pally tanks in my groups are doing in the 1000's DPS wise ... not sure the exact number.
Because you're bragging also? o_O Very very few people can pull 2.5K at a LOW end in a 5 man Heroic. I've run with every caliber of player there is in heroic 5 mans, and never seen more than one break 2800, and that was on a single tank n spank encounter, really. We're not talking about 25-man raids here. DPS ratings don't always tell you that much, really because it's highly dependant on the instance you're in, the make of your group, etc.


I'm rounding down my dps, too, although I probably do need to drop reckoning now that I don't need to level anymore. I don't always get the 969 rotation down perfectly (99% of the time I do, but there's always a point where GCDs catch up) but I'm a tank, not a dps, so as long as they kill stuff and I always hold threat, I don't really care if I'm not breaking 1100 dps or something. It'd go up a lot in a raid anyway.

edit: also, even though I doubt it's that big on dps, I don't use SoV at all. SoW ftw so I never have to worry about mana if the healer is taking a break because of all my avoidance/mitigation.


Angry Grimace said:
Because you're bragging also? o_O Very very few people can pull 2.5K at a LOW end in a 5 man Heroic. I've run with every caliber of player there is in heroic 5 mans, and never seen more than one break 2800, and that was on a single tank n spank encounter, really. We're not talking about 25-man raids here. DPS ratings don't always tell you that much, really because it's highly dependant on the instance you're in, the make of your group, etc.

Sure I'm bragging. Of course I am.

Is there anything wrong with regarding myself as someone who knows how to play their class and play it well?

I've done 3k in 5mans before. Like you said, depends on the group setup and the tank. If he's good, I can go all out.

Hell this is a old SS of a Heroic Halls of Lightning Group. My gear has been upgraded quite a bit since then. Exchange that Ele Shammy with a Enhance Shammy and up goes my DPS. That's me with my Crappy Titansteel Destroyer mainhand instead of The Jawbone that I have now.



Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
Sure I'm bragging. Of course I am.

Is there anything wrong with regarding myself as someone who knows how to play their class and play it well?

I've done 3k in 5mans before. Like you said, depends on the group setup and the tank. If he's good, I can go all out.
That's cool, as long as it's out in the open; I'm all fine with bragging as long as it's not done with that thin layer of insincere self-depreciation like "I feel BAD if I do less than 3K in a 5 man," which serves no purpose other than to try and make other people feel like they're doing something wrong when they're struggling to hit 2K. I would /dance in the streets of Dalaran if I could guarantee even 1800 DPS from every person I knew.

If you're doing 3K DPS in a 5 man, you should rename your toon to "Dr. Badass," because 99% of WoW players have no shot at that, based on class mechanics, skill or gear.

Also, that shot makes my computer look pathetic. When I look out the door where the miniature tornados are, I see fog.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
If you're doing 3K DPS in a 5 man, you should rename your toon to "Dr. Badass," because 99% of WoW players have no shot at that, based on class mechanics, skill or gear.
So I'm McBadass? Haha!


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Xabora said:
So I'm McBadass? Haha!

My point is that it's abnormal to be able to analyze everything to the point at which one could figure all this out.

Most players just don't really know what, or how to do it. It's nice, but I hardly consider it a reasonably target for most players at all. I totally get that nobody want's to get stuck with people who can't break 1K, but I'm perfectly happy with players that do anywhere in excess of 1,800 in a 5 man.



DPS in a 5 man is heavily reliant on your class/spec, as well. Hell of a lot easier to rack it up on a good Death Knight/Retribution Paladin/Moonkin/Hunter, etc than it is as a Rogue, for example.

I'm a healer, so about 35ish% of my offspec Ret gear on my Paladin is blue, rest is Heroic/Badge/10 man Raid rots and I was doing 2900-3200 in our guild group the other day (other Ret was going about the same, 0/32/39 DK was pulling 4000... This was a FAST clear, I rarely had time to even use Hammer of Wrath before shit was dead).

My unbuffed stats are good... but not great. 33% crit, 3100 AP, hit capped, 12 expertiese, Claymore of Ancient Power.

Some classes just need some AoE buffs.

On the subject of 5 mans, one thing I want to implore to people is to get the fuck over random blue loot. If you need it, need it, if you dont then greed it, yell at it, look at it funny, pass it, make fun of it, challenge it to a game of checkers, just keep moving.

90% of this shit, at least on our server, sells for more to the vendor than it does being DE'd as a blue shard. People freaking out over what to do with a blue drop in a pug takes half as much time as the damn instance itself.

Seriously, its just so stupid. I'm talking to one of our primary tanks right now who is laughing his ass off because he rolled greed on some fucking blue feral druid staff and won it over an enchanter and their pug is freaking out over it. That staff sells for 3x as much to a vendor than you can AH a shard for.


Angry Grimace said:
That's cool, as long as it's out in the open; I'm all fine with bragging as long as it's not done with that thin layer of insincere self-depreciation like "I feel BAD if I do less than 3K in a 5 man," which serves no purpose other than to try and make other people feel like they're doing something wrong when they're struggling to hit 2K. I would /dance in the streets of Dalaran if I could guarantee even 1800 DPS from every person I knew.

If you're doing 3K DPS in a 5 man, you should rename your toon to "Dr. Badass," because 99% of WoW players have no shot at that, based on class mechanics, skill or gear.

Also, that shot makes my computer look pathetic. When I look out the door where the miniature tornados are, I see fog.

Wow, one thing... I in no way have an ego about my "dps" and I don't believe I was bragging, just making a point. When I'm 3rd place DPS in a 5 man group but still pulling in around 2k I feel 'bad' like I'm not pulling my weight.... but my point is if I guess I shouldn't be so paranoid about my DPS if there are other DKs pulling in ~700 for their average.


Interfectum said:
Wow, one thing... I in no way have an ego about my "dps" and I don't believe I was bragging, just making a point. When I'm 3rd place DPS in a 5 man group but still pulling in around 2k I feel 'bad' like I'm not pulling my weight.... but my point is if I guess I shouldn't be so paranoid about my DPS if there are other DKs pulling in ~700 for their average.

It really does depend on a lot. But 2k is very solid as a baseline. That's my mark for a good pugger, is just 2k. If you're hitting 1800-2100. Not being really rude/stupid and pissing everyone off. Not standing in AoE. Not carrying on about loot rots. Then you're someone I'd look for when I have to pug!

And yeah, you could do a LOT worse, 2k in a 5 man is by no means even fathomable as bad. If you wanna hear bad we had a "DPS DK" on a VoA 25 pug, yes a heroic raid with heroic raid buffs, who racked up a whopping 1100 DPS. No, he didn't die.
CassSept said:
You haven't enchanted LPC? Sheesh, it's awesome dagger, you should've done it considering how cheap mongoose is now.
LPC > OoR. I would go with Webbed Death/LPC, it's probably best combo for you.
Anyway, take a little while and use spreadsheet
That's probably best way to rank gear for yourself.

I already had the Omen enchanted
Then I bought the LPC
Then I won the Webbed Death and got it enchanted right away

Annnnd I'l see how I do on DPS tonight using both combinations....

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
DPS in a 5 man is heavily reliant on your class/spec, as well. Hell of a lot easier to rack it up on a good Death Knight/Retribution Paladin/Moonkin/Hunter, etc than it is as a Rogue, for example.

I'm a healer, so about 35ish% of my offspec Ret gear on my Paladin is blue, rest is Heroic/Badge/10 man Raid rots and I was doing 2900-3200 in our guild group the other day (other Ret was going about the same, 0/32/39 DK was pulling 4000... This was a FAST clear, I rarely had time to even use Hammer of Wrath before shit was dead).

My unbuffed stats are good... but not great. 33% crit, 3100 AP, hit capped, 12 expertiese, Claymore of Ancient Power.

Some classes just need some AoE buffs.

On the subject of 5 mans, one thing I want to implore to people is to get the fuck over random blue loot. If you need it, need it, if you dont then greed it, yell at it, look at it funny, pass it, make fun of it, challenge it to a game of checkers, just keep moving.

90% of this shit, at least on our server, sells for more to the vendor than it does being DE'd as a blue shard. People freaking out over what to do with a blue drop in a pug takes half as much time as the damn instance itself.

Seriously, its just so stupid. I'm talking to one of our primary tanks right now who is laughing his ass off because he rolled greed on some fucking blue feral druid staff and won it over an enchanter and their pug is freaking out over it. That staff sells for 3x as much to a vendor than you can AH a shard for.
Seriously. I let our enchanter have all of them, unless it's something I want, and I rarely walk into an instance not knowing what's in there I could want. Those Dream shards sell for almost nothing. Just greed, or don't greed. It's something that's *slightly* wrong with the system that D/Eing one green generally gets you 2 to 4 times the gold of D/Eing a i187 blue.


Yeah, DE'ing is flat out broke. I had a level 80 green weapon I DE'd earlier and usually those get me two Cosmics, and Cosmics are abount 25-30g a pop on my server. So hooray! Money!

So I DE it, and "luck" kicks in, and I get a Dream Shard from it. Dream Shards currently sell for about 5g I think atm. So basically a rare proc chance at a blue quality item is a punishment at the moment.

Enchanting mats were redone in 3.0.8, but all they did was reduce shit as far as I can see. They didnt go back and you know... add shards to things!

Edit: That sword is hot! I always wish lately that I did 25 mans, but I'm really happy with the ebb and flow of our little 10 man. The sheer aura of a large raid bugs me these days, for some reason.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
Yeah, DE'ing is flat out broke. I had a level 80 green weapon I DE'd earlier and usually those get me two Cosmics, and Cosmics are abount 25-30g a pop on my server. So hooray! Money!

So I DE it, and "luck" kicks in, and I get a Dream Shard from it. Dream Shards currently sell for about 5g I think atm. So basically a rare proc chance at a blue quality item is a punishment at the moment.

Enchanting mats were redone in 3.0.8, but all they did was reduce shit as far as I can see. They didnt go back and you know... add shards to things!

Edit: That sword is hot! I always wish lately that I did 25 mans, but I'm really happy with the ebb and flow of our little 10 man. The sheer aura of a large raid bugs me these days, for some reason.
Reduce what? The cost of enchantments?


Enchant Chest: Powerful Stats - 15 Infinite Dust/4 Abyss Crystal -> 4 Dream Shard/4 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Chest: Super Health - 20 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 20 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Chest: Greater Mana Restoration - 20 Infinite Dust/8 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 4 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence

Enchant Boots: Greater Assault - 35 Infinite Dust/5 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Abyss Crystal ->12 Infinite Dust/1 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard/4 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Boots: Tuskarr's Vitality - 40 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Abyss Crystal -> 12 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Dream Shard/1 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Boots: Superior Agility - 16 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Boots: Assault - 4 Infinite Dust/4 lesser cosmic Greater Cosmic Essence -> same
Enchant Boots: Greater Fortitude - 3 lesser cosmic Greater Cosmic Essence/3 Infinite Dust -> same
Enchant Boots: Greater Spirit - 12 Infinite Dust/5 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 12 Infinite Dust/3 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Boots: Greater Vitality - 14 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 8 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Boots: Icewalker - 8 Infinite Dust/1 Crystallized Water -> same

Enchant Bracers: Superior Spellpower - 24 Infinite Dust/16 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Abyss Crystal -> 6 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Dream Shard
Enchant Bracers: Greater Assault - 25 Infinite Dust/15 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 24 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Bracers: Expertise - 24 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 14 Infinite Dust/3 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Bracers: Major Spirit - 16 Infinite Dust/12 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Bracers: Exceptional Intellect - 10 Infinite Dust -> same

Enchant Gloves: Armsman - 2 Dream Shard/2 eternal air/2 eternal earth -> 2 dream shard/8 eternal earth
Enchant Gloves: Crusher - 22 Infinite Dust/9 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Dream Shard -> 20 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Dream Shard
Enchant Gloves: Major Agility - 8 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Abyss Crystal -> 4 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 dream shard

Enchant Cloak: Shadow Armor - 20 Infinite Dust/12 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Abyss Crystal -> 12 Infinite Dust/1 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Dream Shard/1 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Cloak: Titanweave - 20 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 tit bar -> 8 Infinite Dust/2 dream shard/2 tit bar
Enchant Cloak: Wisdom - 30 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Abyss Crystal -> 15 Infinite Dust/3 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard/6 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Cloak: Mighty Armor - 20 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 15 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Cloak: Major Agility - 18 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard -> 8 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard
Enchant Cloak: Greater Speed - 24 Infinite Dust/12 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence

Enchant Weapon: Accuracy - 40 Infinite Dust/8 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Abyss Crystal -> 20 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Dream Shard/6 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Weapon: Berserking - 20 Infinite Dust/15 Greater Cosmic Essence/10 Abyss Crystal -> 12 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence/10 Dream Shard/10 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Weapon: Black Magic - 25 Infinite Dust/15 Greater Cosmic Essence/10 Abyss Crystal -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Dream Shard/8 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Weapon: Lifeward - 4 Abyss Crystal -> same
Enchant Weapon: Mighty Spellpower - 40 Infinite Dust/20 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Abyss Crystal -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Dream Shard/6 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Weapon: Superior Potency - 30 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Abyss Crystal -> 10 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard/4 Abyss Shard (supposed to be Abyss Crystal?)
Enchant Weapon: Massacre - 40 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Abyss Crystal -> same
Enchant Weapon: Scourgebane - 20 Infinite Dust/6 Dream Shard -> 6 Infinite Dust/6 Dream Shard
Enchant Weapon: Giant slayer - 8 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Dream Shard -> 2 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Dream Shard
Enchant Weapon: Icebreaker - 4 Dream Shard/4 eternal fire -> same
Enchant Weapon: Greater Savagery - 6 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence -> same

Enchant Shield: Defense - 10 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 6 Infinite Dust/6 Eternal Earth


Yeah don't complain about not getting 2k dps. I'm in H HoL right now, #1 with average of 2100, warrior tank is next with 1k, hunter and dps DK behind him with 700, 800 each

Somehow we're at loken but I don't have good expectations, think we've wiped 6 times or so already in the instance. Yay for mage invis

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
Enchant Chest: Powerful Stats - 15 Infinite Dust/4 Abyss Crystal -> 4 Dream Shard/4 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Chest: Super Health - 20 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 20 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Chest: Greater Mana Restoration - 20 Infinite Dust/8 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 4 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence

Enchant Boots: Greater Assault - 35 Infinite Dust/5 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Abyss Crystal ->12 Infinite Dust/1 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard/4 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Boots: Tuskarr's Vitality - 40 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Abyss Crystal -> 12 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Dream Shard/1 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Boots: Superior Agility - 16 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Boots: Assault - 4 Infinite Dust/4 lesser cosmic Greater Cosmic Essence -> same
Enchant Boots: Greater Fortitude - 3 lesser cosmic Greater Cosmic Essence/3 Infinite Dust -> same
Enchant Boots: Greater Spirit - 12 Infinite Dust/5 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 12 Infinite Dust/3 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Boots: Greater Vitality - 14 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 8 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Boots: Icewalker - 8 Infinite Dust/1 Crystallized Water -> same

Enchant Bracers: Superior Spellpower - 24 Infinite Dust/16 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Abyss Crystal -> 6 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Dream Shard
Enchant Bracers: Greater Assault - 25 Infinite Dust/15 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 24 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Bracers: Expertise - 24 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 14 Infinite Dust/3 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Bracers: Major Spirit - 16 Infinite Dust/12 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Bracers: Exceptional Intellect - 10 Infinite Dust -> same

Enchant Gloves: Armsman - 2 Dream Shard/2 eternal air/2 eternal earth -> 2 dream shard/8 eternal earth
Enchant Gloves: Crusher - 22 Infinite Dust/9 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Dream Shard -> 20 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Dream Shard
Enchant Gloves: Major Agility - 8 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Abyss Crystal -> 4 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 dream shard

Enchant Cloak: Shadow Armor - 20 Infinite Dust/12 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Abyss Crystal -> 12 Infinite Dust/1 Greater Cosmic Essence/1 Dream Shard/1 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Cloak: Titanweave - 20 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 tit bar -> 8 Infinite Dust/2 dream shard/2 tit bar
Enchant Cloak: Wisdom - 30 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Abyss Crystal -> 15 Infinite Dust/3 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard/6 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Cloak: Mighty Armor - 20 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 15 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence
Enchant Cloak: Major Agility - 18 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard -> 8 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard
Enchant Cloak: Greater Speed - 24 Infinite Dust/12 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence

Enchant Weapon: Accuracy - 40 Infinite Dust/8 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Abyss Crystal -> 20 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Dream Shard/6 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Weapon: Berserking - 20 Infinite Dust/15 Greater Cosmic Essence/10 Abyss Crystal -> 12 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence/10 Dream Shard/10 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Weapon: Black Magic - 25 Infinite Dust/15 Greater Cosmic Essence/10 Abyss Crystal -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Dream Shard/8 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Weapon: Lifeward - 4 Abyss Crystal -> same
Enchant Weapon: Mighty Spellpower - 40 Infinite Dust/20 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Abyss Crystal -> 16 Infinite Dust/4 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Dream Shard/6 Abyss Crystal
Enchant Weapon: Superior Potency - 30 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence/4 Abyss Crystal -> 10 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence/2 Dream Shard/4 Abyss Shard (supposed to be Abyss Crystal?)
Enchant Weapon: Massacre - 40 Infinite Dust/6 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Abyss Crystal -> same
Enchant Weapon: Scourgebane - 20 Infinite Dust/6 Dream Shard -> 6 Infinite Dust/6 Dream Shard
Enchant Weapon: Giant slayer - 8 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Dream Shard -> 2 Greater Cosmic Essence/6 Dream Shard
Enchant Weapon: Icebreaker - 4 Dream Shard/4 eternal fire -> same
Enchant Weapon: Greater Savagery - 6 Infinite Dust/2 Greater Cosmic Essence -> same

Enchant Shield: Defense - 10 Infinite Dust/10 Greater Cosmic Essence -> 6 Infinite Dust/6 Eternal Earth
So what you're saying is that Blizzard is collasping my grasp on the Infinite Dust market, and that I should churn out the monies while I can?


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
So what you're saying is that Blizzard is collasping my grasp on the Infinite Dust market, and that I should churn out the monies while I can?
Patch-day = New gear that needs enchanting, which means a short but highly profitable price spike.


Did not ask for this tag
Angry Grimace said:
So what you're saying is that Blizzard is collasping my grasp on the Infinite Dust market, and that I should churn out the monies while I can?

Stack up on Dream Shards while you still can, they'll go up in price. A guy I know has like over 1000 of them waiting :lol


Guilds are dying left and right on my server due to the lack of endgame.

As for 5 man DPS, if you have aoe, you can do that much in a 5 man.

Got my DK to 70. Won't be trying that +strength% build till 80, since it needs all the talent points to get everything.

edit: wtf? How did that dk not do 700 dps? I was doing 800 at 66 with my DK in Underbog.

Though I have seen some strange things. I helped a guild run Kara, and they were all sort of family friendly, so one woman had her 8 year old son's warlock in the raid often. He used a Sithilus quest reward staff because he liked the graphics. He also stacked pure stamina and no spell damage. He did pitiful dps, but it was fine at that point(kara was easy by then). Plus, at 8, he did pretty fine. He didn't do anything stupid or cause wipes. He just liked having a funny looking warlock.


etiolate said:
edit: wtf? How did that dk not do 700 dps? I was doing 800 at 66 with my DK in Underbog.

Not positive, his top 3 damage dealt attacks were:
1) Auto attack
2) Plague Strike
3) Blood Strike

Was unholy mostly and a bit of blood talent-wise
I think all this raiding has burnt me out from wow and my account payment ends tomorrow, so break time..........this game will pull me back in again I know it.


Guilds are dying left and right on my server due to the lack of endgame.

Yup. I can totally see that.

I'm not exactly a hardcore player, but I do heroics and 10 mans, and there's NOTHING to do after about your first week in a competent guild. No one even wants to PvP anymore because its in the worst state it's ever been in.

And to hell with waiting for Ulduar. How many months off is that place? They've had the first, minor, contentless patch on the PTR for how many long now tweaking shit? Ulduar is probably 3 or 4 months off at least. =/

The expansion was real fun up until now, despite being too easy but they're def going to lose some people and get some heavy critique riding on: "HOPE YOU LIKE NAXX!" content for months on end.

On Achievements, if that's peoples idea to extend raiding with some content padding, then barf. My idea of fun is not busting my ass, gutting our raid comp and doing some arbitrary tack on 100 times to be rewarded with...GASP...ANOTHER palette swapped mount! With as much money as this game makes, it'd be nice to see a NEW model occasionally. Instead of "OMFG GREEN DRAGON, RED DRAGON, PINK DRAGON, BLUE DRAGON, TRANSPARENT DRAGON, DRAGON WITH ARMOR ON, DRAGON WITH A HAT, DRAGON WITH NOVELTY GLASSES, DRAGON RIDING A DRAGON, BIG DRAGON , LITTLE DRAGON"


Just did my 2nd guild jump in the span of about 3 days:lol although I would say it was for justifiable reasons. I'm now an initiate on one of my servers top raiding guilds, so I pretty much ahd to leave my freshly joined 10man guild behind.

I do feel a bit bad though because the guild leader gave me a bunch of tanking items free of charge for a naxx10 run that was supposed to happen today, but didn't because no one showed up. I hope he doesn't think I purposely ninja'd or anything :(


onemic said:
Just did my 2nd guild jump in the span of about 3 days:lol although I would say it was for justifiable reasons. I'm now an initiate on one of my servers top raiding guilds, so I pretty much ahd to leave my freshly joined 10man guild behind.

I do feel a bit bad though because the guild leader gave me a bunch of tanking items free of charge for a naxx10 run that was supposed to happen today, but didn't because no one showed up. I hope he doesn't think I purposely ninja'd or anything :(

Lol yes!

Just won Armageddon off 4H Heroic. I am now DW'ing The Jawbone and Armageddon.

God damn it looks awesome.
Tunesmith said:
Afaik, chopper and carpet turned into mounts instead of vehicles as they are now.

That thing is scary atm. Never, ever log out (or crash) while flying around. It doesn't respawn with you as you log back on. Smooth.
SatelliteOfLove said:
That thing is scary atm. Never, ever log out (or crash) while flying around. It doesn't respawn with you as you log back on. Smooth.


I'm a few days away from a Chopper :D

Do people still pay crazy amounts of gold for them? Enough gold that I could make a profit and make another one for myself?


Probably depend on your server heh.

I'm 2k from the vendor-mammoth but still know I'm going to regret not getting my war/druid/shammie epic gryphons instead heh. Oh well

And if someone here has an alt named Aieldrietche on Silvermoon, dieeee =P You're killing the infinite dust market and raising cobalt bars ahhh
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