Dina said:Where are your FFB mages?
We don't have many mages, maybe 2 per raid and they aren't very geared yet
And I only remember the fights where melee wins like patchwek, thaddius, loatheb
Dina said:Where are your FFB mages?
If you wanna stay combat i would recommend picking up Calamity's Grasp and Webbed death from Naxx and changing your spec around. Why would you want to take away your talent points in Expertise? If you are low on expertise the boss will dodge your attacks and you will lose dps. You are right at the expertise cap right now so I wouldn't lower your expertise, since it will effectively lower your dps.Kinitari said:While the server is down, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on my rogue
He is getting to the point where he is almost as geared as he could possibly get, and I can usually stay near the top of the DPS charts - but now I am getting gear that lowers one stat by a lot, and raises another stat by a lot. For example, pair of boots right now that would make me lose 66 hit (I'm hurting for hit) but gain almost 1.4% crit and 1% haste. That is a big bump, but I don't think I can afford that loss. Anyone have any tips, any gear I should be shooting for?
Also I plan on respeccing soon (putting the point from vigor into relentless strikes) and I think I want to put my 2 weapon expertise points somewhere else, but where?
I AM a properly specced and geared warrior with deep wounds and on normal fights it never ticks above 5k (and for a BRIEF period of time at that).Puncture said:If you don't know about rolling deep wounds then ignore that part, but for a properly specced warrior deep wounds is 30% of their damage done in a boss fight completely unmitigated. Which is exactly the reason they announced today that they are nerfing it.
You need to be SELLING the dust. Not just turning it into the actual helms. Meaning, go nuts on it THIS weekend. I don't know when Patch comes out, but think of it this way:Flambe said:So I should probably use the 500 cobalt stockpile and make helms sooner rather than later? hehe
Angry Grimace said:You need to be SELLING the dust. Not just turning it into the actual helms. Meaning, go nuts on it THIS weekend. I don't know when Patch comes out, but think of it this way:
Take a look a page back; the amount of Infinite Dust required for an enchant has been slashed by about 1/2 for everything, as well as the numbers for Greater Cosmics. Add in that you won't be able to make enough of it at patch time for any kind of reasonable profit. Should be selling.
However, I wouldn't recommend putting more than 8 stacks of 5 on at once. You'll get underpriced by someone else if you put too much up at once because if you price well below everyone else, if you don't have a lot up, people will just hope that you don't have a large enough supply to disrupt them.
There's *always* an angle. People just play them close to the vest because letting even your own WoW friends in on it will ruin a handy money making scheme lightning fast. My guildmates have no idea how I'm making money.Flambe said:Oh I am selling dust, I was sitting on the 500 cobalt because I have 20 stacks of dust to sell already and didn't feel like drowning in 30 more stacks >.<
Since I started the whole helm/de/profit thing 4 or 5 days ago, prices of dust went from 4 to 5g each to around 2.5 to 3.5 most of the time now because another dude is selling dust for almost a gold less than other people in batches of 60 dust at a time -_- Genius. I was making a handy profit before he showed up. Still making a profit because the Greater Cosmics make you break even at least, so dust is just gravy I guess. Getting thinner and thinner *sigh*
Now would be a good time. Weekend prices will drive it down but beware of the Tuesday.Flambe said:So I should probably use the 500 cobalt stockpile and make helms sooner rather than later? hehe
zam said:If you wanna stay combat i would recommend picking up Calamity's Grasp and Webbed death from Naxx and changing your spec around. Why would you want to take away your talent points in Expertise? If you are low on expertise the boss will dodge your attacks and you will lose dps. You are right at the expertise cap right now so I wouldn't lower your expertise, since it will effectively lower your dps.
Haste at the moment is pretty worthless. At the moment you have 267 hit which puts you well past the special and poison hit cap with raid buffs.
Also you have 2 points in Throwing Specialization, which is pretty much worthless in PvE.
I would recommend going 7/51/13 so you can pick up Serrated Blades in the Sub tree, giving you even more damage to your rupture. Something like this though until you pick up a good fist and dagger you can put those 5 points in CQC into Sword Spec instead, but at high level gear the swords in the game arent really that good since armor pen is a crappy stat, and that sword spec got nerfed to only proc on autoattacks.
If you have the money for it I strongly recommend collecting the Nobles deck so you can get Darkmoon Card: Greatness, by far the best trinket you can get at the moment.
Other than that there are still a bunch of pieces you can switch out just by doing 25-man naxx (ring, feet, legs, cloak, neck etc). You should pretty much be shooting for gear with more Agi, Crit or AP. Ignore Haste and Armor Penetration, they are nice secondary stats but not as valuable to you.
If you want you could switch from combat to muti, I personally like playing combat, but intend to try muti out as soon as I get another good dagger.
Slice and dice and rupture should be your main finishers, it's very hard for eviscerate to pass rupture in damage, since rupture ignores armor, and if you ahve a ferl druid or arms warrior in the party/raid you will get 30% extra damage to rupture. You should make sure that SnD never drops, and that 5cp rupture is always up, and then doing eviscerates in between keeping those two up.Kinitari said:Yeah I'm dumb with the expertise cap, I was under the impression I only needed 14 expertise - but thats 14 AFTER I get the 10 from talent.
The two points in Throwing spec are really just there to get me 51 points - I wasn't really paying too much attention to it when I put it in, but there's not really much else I can put in it's place - soon as I get a good offhand dagger (Im shooting for webbed death) i'll switch out some points till I get 5/5 in CQC.
Yeah I kinda realize that armor pen and haste are pretty much useless to me - hence why I have so few points in them, although I hear haste isn't TOO bad. Still not something I'm aiming for. The real things I'm pushing are AP and Crit.
I've been wondering about that other Combat spec - my only worry is that I don't rely too much on Rupture, so I worry if my DPS will go down without all the extra combo points and crit bonus - but I might try it out~.
I didn't realize I had so many more upgrades though - is the 4 piece T7 worth keeping for rogues?
Without Deep Wounds, I'm going from a very respectable 1250 DPS while tanking to a pathetic 1000 at best. Deep Wounds isn't the be all end all, but it's very important for prot-warriors. It's so aggravating that every time you get your thing down, they go ahead and nerd <random skill> into the ground so you have to do something totally different for no good reason.Macattk15 said:I AM a properly specced and geared warrior with deep wounds and on normal fights it never ticks above 5k (and for a BRIEF period of time at that).
Quit just taking what Devs say about a skill to assume it applies to all fights when they infact say SOME fights. Ones that come to mind are Thaddius, Loatheb and Malygos. You show me where on a NORMAL fight Deep Wounds is 30% of someones damage. You can't.
I don't have any WWS of me personally as I just downloaded the Client today but look at this Warrior. Decently geared, 17k Deep Wound, Avg. 5k ticks on Thaddius (which ended up being 34% of his total damage). Then look at his Noth percentages .... 3472 max tick, average 837 (ended up being 18% of his damage).
This is what ALL warriors Deep Wounds will look like, it is only out of control on bosses where we get RETARDED buffs ... such as the three I stated above. Hell I don't even find this warrior to be good, he must fuck up his rotation because Whirlwind should be higher than it is.
Same with this guy below. Look through all the fights, Deep Wounds is only crazy in certain fights.
Ghostcrawler is an idiot. Every warrior on the forums will tell you so.
"Deep Wounds is causing too high a percent of damage for Fury and Arms, 20 or 30% of total damage on some fights, and often above white attacks. Since it is unmitigated damage we are eventually going to have balance problems here if we don't already. "
They can nerf DW if they want, but I see no need besides making it possibly end up doing maybe 5% less in normal fight situations than it currently does. It's not as big of a deal as you make it out to be where it's 30% of our damage every fight.
And quit acting like I'm making a personal assault against you by saying I think it takes less skill to play a BM hunter than another spec. It's an opinion. I'm entitled to those.
I was working on a post of my own with some of my critiques now that I've seen the end of PvE content. I think it's not only the lack of content, but the content itself is lacking. The biggest chunk of the raiding (Naxxramas) just feels dated to me. Yeah it was probably so awesome at the time (I wasn't even 60 when it came out), but now post Burning Crusade and Wrath it feels just above average and pales in comparison to Karazhan and even the Heroics now. Aesthetically it is very identical to the many smaller necropolis' I have quested through in numerous zones. Almost every boss has their unique wrinkle but only a few I found really interesting (Gluth, Sapphiron, Loatheb).Alex said:Yup. I can totally see that.
I'm not exactly a hardcore player, but I do heroics and 10 mans, and there's NOTHING to do after about your first week in a competent guild. No one even wants to PvP anymore because its in the worst state it's ever been in.
And to hell with waiting for Ulduar. How many months off is that place? They've had the first, minor, contentless patch on the PTR for how many long now tweaking shit? Ulduar is probably 3 or 4 months off at least. =/
The expansion was real fun up until now, despite being too easy but they're def going to lose some people and get some heavy critique riding on: "HOPE YOU LIKE NAXX!" content for months on end.
On Achievements, if that's peoples idea to extend raiding with some content padding, then barf. My idea of fun is not busting my ass, gutting our raid comp and doing some arbitrary tack on 100 times to be rewarded with...GASP...ANOTHER palette swapped mount! With as much money as this game makes, it'd be nice to see a NEW model occasionally. Instead of "OMFG GREEN DRAGON, RED DRAGON, PINK DRAGON, BLUE DRAGON, TRANSPARENT DRAGON, DRAGON WITH ARMOR ON, DRAGON WITH A HAT, DRAGON WITH NOVELTY GLASSES, DRAGON RIDING A DRAGON, BIG DRAGON , LITTLE DRAGON"
Angry Grimace said:the odd part is, I think they were planning for as much content as TBC, just slower. they're about 7 raid instances behind, and not moving fast enough to compensate.
Angry Grimace said:Without Deep Wounds, I'm going from a very respectable 1250 DPS while tanking to a pathetic 1000 at best. Deep Wounds isn't the be all end all, but it's very important for prot-warriors. It's so aggravating that every time you get your thing down, they go ahead and nerd <random skill> into the ground so you have to do something totally different for no good reason.
I never understand why they always act like an attack being "high percentage" of damage done is inherently wrong, especially an ability like DW that you have to talent into and isn't based on random procs.
My guess is they felt that Naxx's length made up for the lack of raid instances because it's quite lengthyManick Joe said:I was working on a post of my own with some of my critiques now that I've seen the end of PvE content. I think it's not only the lack of content, but the content itself is lacking. The biggest chunk of the raiding (Naxxramas) just feels dated to me. Yeah it was probably so awesome at the time (I wasn't even 60 when it came out), but now post Burning Crusade and Wrath it feels just above average and pales in comparison to Karazhan and even the Heroics now. Aesthetically it is very identical to the many smaller necropolis' I have quested through in numerous zones. Almost every boss has their unique wrinkle but only a few I found really interesting (Gluth, Sapphiron, Loatheb).
Plus as great as all the questing and storytelling is in leveling up to 80 it is practically nil in raiding. There's literally nothing in game quest-wise to tell you to go to Naxx or even Obsidian Sanctum. Once everything is clear the only thing to go for is gear and achievements. Not even a reputation to grind to keep you wanting to go in (as mundane as they are it is still something).
Now with all the negative out of the way I do give major props to Blizz on Malygos. An awesome fight in every regard from tactics, visuals and changing things up throughout the phases.
The storyline involving Naxx occured back when it was a lvl 60 dungeon. The world even and the quests surrounding provided the story. I just take it that Blizz wanted to get Lich King out with something to keep people occupied until the next big content patch and since Naxx is pretty related to the events occurring in Lich King it was pretty easy to tie the dungeon in without much effort.Manick Joe said:I was working on a post of my own with some of my critiques now that I've seen the end of PvE content. I think it's not only the lack of content, but the content itself is lacking. The biggest chunk of the raiding (Naxxramas) just feels dated to me. Yeah it was probably so awesome at the time (I wasn't even 60 when it came out), but now post Burning Crusade and Wrath it feels just above average and pales in comparison to Karazhan and even the Heroics now. Aesthetically it is very identical to the many smaller necropolis' I have quested through in numerous zones. Almost every boss has their unique wrinkle but only a few I found really interesting (Gluth, Sapphiron, Loatheb).
Plus as great as all the questing and storytelling is in leveling up to 80 it is practically nil in raiding. There's literally nothing in game quest-wise to tell you to go to Naxx or even Obsidian Sanctum. Once everything is clear the only thing to go for is gear and achievements. Not even a reputation to grind to keep you wanting to go in (as mundane as they are it is still something).
Now with all the negative out of the way I do give major props to Blizz on Malygos. An awesome fight in every regard from tactics, visuals and changing things up throughout the phases.
I think they got to the point where they figured no one cared about the stories beyond there being a logical progression from A to B.SleazyC said:The storyline involving Naxx occured back when it was a lvl 60 dungeon. The world even and the quests surrounding provided the story. I just take it that Blizz wanted to get Lich King out with something to keep people occupied until the next big content patch and since Naxx is pretty related to the events occurring in Lich King it was pretty easy to tie the dungeon in without much effort.
There is discussion from NPCs about whats in Naxx.Angry Grimace said:I think they got to the point where they figured no one cared about the stories beyond there being a logical progression from A to B.
Whether they are right, i don't know.
That, or it involved having to do very little programming or thought, because all you have to do is make everyone's level 83 instead of 63 and = profitXabora said:There is discussion from NPCs about whats in Naxx.
(As they talk about their last encounter from being there at L60)
But from what I read, blizzard felt it was a great dungeon to re-introduce in WoTLK since it got so little time Live due to TBC coming out a few months later.
Not exactly.Angry Grimace said:That, or it involved having to do very little programming or thought, because all you have to do is make everyone's level 83 instead of 63 and = profit
YES!DarkAngelYuna said:Is the Titansteel Destroyer worth the 2k gold for a fresh 80 dk? I probably won't be in Naxx for awhile, if at all on this toon. I'm mainly pvp with some heroics and crap when bored. I'm specced 21/0/50 for pvp.
Xabora said:There is discussion from NPCs about whats in Naxx.
(As they talk about their last encounter from being there at L60)
But from what I read, blizzard felt it was a great dungeon to re-introduce in WoTLK since it got so little time Live due to TBC coming out a few months later.
firex said:you guys should have bought multiplayer goty 1b, left 4 dead, since it launched a week after WotLK. between playing that and playing WotLK I have yet to run out of content with either one!
also, I'm 99% positive dual speccing is taking so long because they're having trouble recoding the engine to allow a full spec/glyph/hotkey bar swap at the press of a button. it sounds simple on paper but is probably a big change they never planned on adding.
firex said:afaik the negative they listed was you can't do it in combat or any pvp area. So no hot swapping from shadow to holy for a priest or ret to holy for a pally in arenas, for example.
I think dual spec will be really awesome for classes like rogues and hunters, and I guess mages/locks too. They can have their optimal pve spec with one spec, and their optimal pvp spec with another. for hybrids I think it'll just be a case of saying "what's more useful?" although I think this will lead to a huge rise in the number of resto shamans out there. It's obviously their best spec in terms of odds of getting a group, and there's no real reason to do something like enhance 1, elemental 2 for your 2 specs since they're both good at pvp now.
I know for my pally, I'll just make my alt spec ret, and stay as a tank in groups. Ret will be for soloing/pvp since I cannot stand holy (well, ok, I haven't tried holy post-3.0.2 but I think healing just isn't for me with my pally. maybe I'll like it on my shaman after dual spec comes out).
Scrow said:where should a feral druid get pre-raid/heroic gear?
i'm totally clueless as to what factions give what rep gear and where to get it from. anyone got an idea?
LAUGHTREY said:Holy pallies are: "Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Holy light Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light, Flash of Light."
onemic said:I really don't know how people say being a JC is the most profitable profession, because for me right now its raked me no cash and I'm still as broke as ever. Where exactly do JC's get all their money? Because I don't know how it's from selling gems considering the extremely low drop rate of prospecting them from ore. Not only is the drop rate low, you're pretty much only going to make a profit out of getting a scarlet ruby, monarch topaz or twilight opal. Lowering the rate of which to actually get a worthwhile gem to about 15%. It's pretty much better to just turn all your ore into bars and just sell them. It's going to get even worse with the next patch allowing anybody to get their hands on gems with 10 emblems of heroism, which will of course drop the price of gems down a fair bit.
Enchanting definately looks like the most profitable considering how high in demand infinite dust is and how simple it is to DE items into them, especially if you heavily instance.
Won said:You need to watch and know the market of course. Just as example: I bought a couple of Autumn Glows for 35g and sold them as +16 hit rating gems for 125g. Thats a decent amount of profit and I only walked to the mailbox and back to the AH.
Of course that changes all the time. Today a Autumn's Glow was worth 100g.
LAUGHTREY said:I want to know what the negative on it is. You won't be able to just change specs whenever you feel like it where ever without some sort of downside to it.
Ikuu said:You can charge like 15g+ for a cut and be smart about it, don't say how much you charge until they say which Cut they want, I generally charge 15g for the poorer gems and 30g for stuff like Bold Scarlet, check the prices on uncut gems and generally if someone can buy a gem and get it cut for cheaper than the cut one they will.
Also read EJ and find out the gems people actually use, no point wasting tokens on some crap nobody is going to use. Prospecting Saronite is awesome money if you get lucky, I bought two stacks the other day (30g a stack) and got 1 Monarch Topaz and 2 Scarlet Rubies, which cutting made me like 350g x)
onemic said:15 and 30g for cutting gems? I've never tipped over 5g for any of the gems I've asked to be cut.
Ikuu said:You can charge like 15g+ for a cut and be smart about it, don't say how much you charge until they say which Cut they want, I generally charge 15g for the poorer gems and 30g for stuff like Bold Scarlet, check the prices on uncut gems and generally if someone can buy a gem and get it cut for cheaper than the cut one they will.
Also read EJ and find out the gems people actually use, no point wasting tokens on some crap nobody is going to use. Prospecting Saronite is awesome money if you get lucky, I bought two stacks the other day (30g a stack) and got 1 Monarch Topaz and 2 Scarlet Rubies, which cutting made me like 350g x)
Won said:You need to watch and know the market of course. Just as example: I bought a couple of Autumn Glows for 35g and sold them as +16 hit rating gems for 125g. Thats a decent amount of profit and I only walked to the mailbox and back to the AH.
Of course that changes all the time. Today a Autumn's Glow was worth 100g.
Additional to that you can do quick daily quests for dragon eyes, which are sold for 300-400g on my server. (If you don't care about the recipes)
Xabora said:Soo... for the past 3 months I've been joking about a Plush Murloc Doll. Little did I know that it existed. O_O
MrglmrglmrglmrglmrglmrglmrglXabora said:Soo... for the past 3 months I've been joking about a Plush Murloc Doll. Little did I know that it existed. O_O
EDIT: Removed Scalper Link