yeah, I just checked EJ. haste is pretty useless now, armor penetration also useless due to judgements, SoB and HoW damage. looks like you want to get hit capped, expertise capped, and then gear up for STR above all else with crit rating upgrades coming from gear and not gems/enchants (aside from enchants where you can't get STR). makes sense, but it kind of sucks that haste only benefits the following DPS classes: warriors, hunters, mages, warlocks, shadow priests. ok, so that's technically half the classes, but it's only 1/6 of the DPS options. Meanwhile like every single DPS class needs hit and crit, and every melee needs expertise. I'm not sure anybody benefits from armor penetration aside from warriors and maybe blood DKs, which is an even worse ratio than the haste benefiters.
This is only tangentially related, but I finally looked hard at raid tank drops and I have one simple question: Blizzard, what the fuck did you do? "upgrading" to raid epics will put most tanks under the defense cap, even gemmed and enchanted, compared to instance drops/rep rewards. Yes, I'd get a hell of a lot more block rating with a lot of Naxx gear, but at the cost of dropping below crit immune? I know they don't want people to stack defense too high, but it's not even that wasted to go over the cap by 10-15 points. They should at least be comparable to fucking rep blues and heroic drops so you're not losing defense by taking raid drops. What a clusterfuck. They're going to have to rebalance/reitemize entry level raid gear, honestly, because it makes no sense that getting higher quality loot from instances is going to actually nerf your survivability as a tank. I mean, unless there's something really huge that I'm missing, nearly every piece of raid tank gear lowers your defense over other stuff.