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World of Warcraft

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Ikuu said:
Also read EJ and find out the gems people actually use, no point wasting tokens on some crap nobody is going to use.

There are also a few green gems that are best in slot because the blue version hasn't been released to live.

I picked up a stack of 20 shadow crystals for 20g and had a guildie cut them to purified shadow crystals (+haste and +spirit). These are best in blue slot for warlocks, and you need two blues to activate our best in slot meta. He got six perfect cuts, which should sell for at least 50g each, and the remaining cuts I put up for 5g.


Finally I got another piece of Hateful gear!

I love my 5v5 team. #1 on the battlegroup! WOO!

I also finally got the last two pieces of Valorous I wanted. Now I look like a yellow superhero pally :lol

I can't wait for Ulduar!

We're going to try 3 drakes this week. Get that nice title and mount too. :)


So I'm curious, are haste and armor penetration worthwhile for ret pallies? I would figure armor penetration isn't that great despite divine storm/crusader strike being physical, but haste I thought would be good for dps since I'd imagine a lot of pally dps is still auto attacks + seal of blood. I could be wrong, though. but if so then jesus, blizzard fucked up with haste in the expansion. I think the only dps classes that really benefit from it are hunters and warriors. it makes sense to have it on all the caster gear because every caster benefits, but there is just so much haste on dps gear and it seems like a really wasted stat.



Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Kyoufu said:
15-30? You must be hated on your server :p
Not really, about the going rate on mine, if they want gems they can either pay it or spend all the gold (like I did) to level it.


firex said:
So I'm curious, are haste and armor penetration worthwhile for ret pallies? I would figure armor penetration isn't that great despite divine storm/crusader strike being physical, but haste I thought would be good for dps since I'd imagine a lot of pally dps is still auto attacks + seal of blood. I could be wrong, though. but if so then jesus, blizzard fucked up with haste in the expansion. I think the only dps classes that really benefit from it are hunters and warriors. it makes sense to have it on all the caster gear because every caster benefits, but there is just so much haste on dps gear and it seems like a really wasted stat.

I thought Divine Storm was Holy damage hence the lack of mitigation and how it destroys everything?


Hit 80 finally (been playing other games then with friends on my pally who is nearly 76). Overwhelming amount of content (yes I know its all "easy" and once I do it all there wont be much to do) but im still really satisfied. Dinged during the end of the Zul Drak quest line where your disguised as a ghoul (the whole quest chain is probaly my favorite quest line so far epic last encounter, haven't checked out icecrown or storm peaks yet). Did CoT heroic double daily baby, nexus heroic, and heroic Sarathiron......I really dont mind the lack of difficulty when im able to jump in so quick. The music in Wintergrasp is breathtaking and really feels epic...only had bad expierences with strands of the ancients so far. Gonna jump back in a bit and continue to take advantage of the crazy enchanting mat prices (essences are going for 28g a pop!!!) before its too late.

GOTY 2008 and im happy I let it be a slow burn unlike original / TBC. Sorry for the shitty post just got done working out.


Narag said:
I thought Divine Storm was Holy damage hence the lack of mitigation and how it destroys everything?

It used to be holy dmg when Wotlk came out, but the massive cry by all the bads convinced blizzard to hotfix it to physical dmg.

Also my rerolled pally is 80 finally, dinged it by discovering some piece of Storm Peaks, by accident. Ret for bg/arenas and prot for pve shit, I can't wait.


Weenerz said:
It used to be holy dmg when Wotlk came out, but the massive cry by all the bads convinced blizzard to hotfix it to physical dmg.

Also my rerolled pally is 80 finally, dinged it by discovering some piece of Storm Peaks, by accident.

Wow and it still murders me. :lol
firex said:
So I'm curious, are haste and armor penetration worthwhile for ret pallies? I would figure armor penetration isn't that great despite divine storm/crusader strike being physical, but haste I thought would be good for dps since I'd imagine a lot of pally dps is still auto attacks + seal of blood. I could be wrong, though. but if so then jesus, blizzard fucked up with haste in the expansion. I think the only dps classes that really benefit from it are hunters and warriors. it makes sense to have it on all the caster gear because every caster benefits, but there is just so much haste on dps gear and it seems like a really wasted stat.

I could be wrong here but a ret pally should just be focusing on STR and crit rating as much as possible. the 15 badge libram is a disgrace considering AP and crit rating would help us much more, and it procs off command instead of blood : /


Flesh Into Gear said:
I could be wrong here but a ret pally should just be focusing on STR and crit rating as much as possible. the 15 badge libram is a disgrace considering AP and crit rating would help us much more, and it procs off command instead of blood : /
yeah, I just checked EJ. haste is pretty useless now, armor penetration also useless due to judgements, SoB and HoW damage. looks like you want to get hit capped, expertise capped, and then gear up for STR above all else with crit rating upgrades coming from gear and not gems/enchants (aside from enchants where you can't get STR). makes sense, but it kind of sucks that haste only benefits the following DPS classes: warriors, hunters, mages, warlocks, shadow priests. ok, so that's technically half the classes, but it's only 1/6 of the DPS options. Meanwhile like every single DPS class needs hit and crit, and every melee needs expertise. I'm not sure anybody benefits from armor penetration aside from warriors and maybe blood DKs, which is an even worse ratio than the haste benefiters.

This is only tangentially related, but I finally looked hard at raid tank drops and I have one simple question: Blizzard, what the fuck did you do? "upgrading" to raid epics will put most tanks under the defense cap, even gemmed and enchanted, compared to instance drops/rep rewards. Yes, I'd get a hell of a lot more block rating with a lot of Naxx gear, but at the cost of dropping below crit immune? I know they don't want people to stack defense too high, but it's not even that wasted to go over the cap by 10-15 points. They should at least be comparable to fucking rep blues and heroic drops so you're not losing defense by taking raid drops. What a clusterfuck. They're going to have to rebalance/reitemize entry level raid gear, honestly, because it makes no sense that getting higher quality loot from instances is going to actually nerf your survivability as a tank. I mean, unless there's something really huge that I'm missing, nearly every piece of raid tank gear lowers your defense over other stuff.


Well I got burned out over the break playing my rogue and put the game down for about a week. I came back to playing my death knight....wow. I love him oh so much. An event that happened outside of nexus sealed the deal for me and will inevitably be my second 80.

I love pvp servers. This alliance shaman was trying to take down a rare spawn. So me being the jerk I am (for the horde), I killed her easily (she was a level or two higher than me). I proceed to kill the mob and get a huge upgrade on my gloves :D She comes back while I'm killing the mob, and attempts to lightning bolt me to death. I kill the mob and then kill her even harder for a second time. I feel unstoppable playing this chaaracter, it's unreal. I'm in shyte gear as well and I don't notice it at all. Light and day experience levelling compared to my rogue.


Modesty becomes a woman
Scrow said:

though if they ever bring in dual spec i'd want to have both sets of gear.

uhhhh, why? The Feral Tree is Tank and DPS, as far as I know all you need is a different set of gear to do both. And it may be slight. You'd have two specs that are only different by a point or two, not a whole tree lol.


firex said:
yeah, I just checked EJ. haste is pretty useless now, armor penetration also useless due to judgements, SoB and HoW damage. looks like you want to get hit capped, expertise capped, and then gear up for STR above all else with crit rating upgrades coming from gear and not gems/enchants (aside from enchants where you can't get STR). makes sense, but it kind of sucks that haste only benefits the following DPS classes: warriors, hunters, mages, warlocks, shadow priests. ok, so that's technically half the classes, but it's only 1/6 of the DPS options. Meanwhile like every single DPS class needs hit and crit, and every melee needs expertise. I'm not sure anybody benefits from armor penetration aside from warriors and maybe blood DKs, which is an even worse ratio than the haste benefiters.

This is only tangentially related, but I finally looked hard at raid tank drops and I have one simple question: Blizzard, what the fuck did you do? "upgrading" to raid epics will put most tanks under the defense cap, even gemmed and enchanted, compared to instance drops/rep rewards. Yes, I'd get a hell of a lot more block rating with a lot of Naxx gear, but at the cost of dropping below crit immune? I know they don't want people to stack defense too high, but it's not even that wasted to go over the cap by 10-15 points. They should at least be comparable to fucking rep blues and heroic drops so you're not losing defense by taking raid drops. What a clusterfuck. They're going to have to rebalance/reitemize entry level raid gear, honestly, because it makes no sense that getting higher quality loot from instances is going to actually nerf your survivability as a tank. I mean, unless there's something really huge that I'm missing, nearly every piece of raid tank gear lowers your defense over other stuff.

Wow a lot of ranting!

Blizzard knows that haste and armor pen is absolute BULLSHIT for most classes right now. They are thinking of making haste affect melee global cooldowns. If this goes through, haste would become AMAZING. Armor Pen is getting a look at too. Probably going to tweak it to have a higher value per rating, to make it scale better with less (since you pretty much have to stack for shitty value).


firex said:
This is only tangentially related, but I finally looked hard at raid tank drops and I have one simple question: Blizzard, what the fuck did you do? "upgrading" to raid epics will put most tanks under the defense cap, even gemmed and enchanted, compared to instance drops/rep rewards. Yes, I'd get a hell of a lot more block rating with a lot of Naxx gear, but at the cost of dropping below crit immune? I know they don't want people to stack defense too high, but it's not even that wasted to go over the cap by 10-15 points. They should at least be comparable to fucking rep blues and heroic drops so you're not losing defense by taking raid drops. What a clusterfuck. They're going to have to rebalance/reitemize entry level raid gear, honestly, because it makes no sense that getting higher quality loot from instances is going to actually nerf your survivability as a tank. I mean, unless there's something really huge that I'm missing, nearly every piece of raid tank gear lowers your defense over other stuff.

My personal guess would be that crit immunity is only there as an entry tool for endgame tanking. So while you lack stamina, mitigation and avoidance you at least don't get critted to death. And as soon you get more of that stuff, crit immunity becomes less important, or at least is supposed to become less important.
But yeah it sucks. Already passed on several good tanking pieces or have them sitting in my bank on my DK because of that. It just doesn't work out at the moment.


Still Tagged Accordingly
uhhhh, why? The Feral Tree is Tank and DPS, as far as I know all you need is a different set of gear to do both. And it may be slight. You'd have two specs that are only different by a point or two, not a whole tree lol.
that isn't really the case anymore from what i've read.

there's some really important talents purely for both DPS or tanking, and you can't have them all. and they make all the difference.


Won said:
My personal guess would be that crit immunity is only there as an entry tool for endgame tanking. So while you lack stamina, mitigation and avoidance you at least don't get critted to death. And as soon you get more of that stuff, crit immunity becomes less important, or at least is supposed to become less important.
But yeah it sucks. Already passed on several good tanking pieces or have them sitting in my bank on my DK because of that. It just doesn't work out at the moment.
I don't know. I mean, that makes sense in a "blizzard didn't fuck up their Naxx gear royally" sense but I almost think what really happened is either the gear itemization team somehow didn't know what the defense rating conversion is for level 80, so they thought tanks would be way over the cap but lacking more avoidance (which would be a good thing since it'd make every raid gear an upgrade) or their itemization budget for stuff is just out of whack to the point that defense rating costs too much. I mean, I have never heard of tanks wanting to be below the defense cap before except in the oddest sense in vanilla WoW with a pally tank back when redoubt worked off being critted, which made pally tanks completely useless for raiding (and the prot tree pretty useless overall). It just doesn't make sense to me that going to a new instance with upgrades for basically every slot is a case of "well, I can take this one because it won't make me fall below the cap, but I can't replace this wyrmrest gear" when raid gear is an upgrade in virtually every slot for the other classes/specs.

edit: getting back to the tank dps thing, I redid my build (dropped reckoning for imp HoJ and imp judgements) and recount shows me doing 1100 dps in a non-optimal group, 1400 in a more melee favorable heroic group.
firex said:
I don't know. I mean, that makes sense in a "blizzard didn't fuck up their Naxx gear royally" sense but I almost think what really happened is either the gear itemization team somehow didn't know what the defense rating conversion is for level 80, so they thought tanks would be way over the cap but lacking more avoidance (which would be a good thing since it'd make every raid gear an upgrade) or their itemization budget for stuff is just out of whack to the point that defense rating costs too much. I mean, I have never heard of tanks wanting to be below the defense cap before except in the oddest sense in vanilla WoW with a pally tank back when redoubt worked off being critted, which made pally tanks completely useless for raiding (and the prot tree pretty useless overall). It just doesn't make sense to me that going to a new instance with upgrades for basically every slot is a case of "well, I can take this one because it won't make me fall below the cap, but I can't replace this wyrmrest gear" when raid gear is an upgrade in virtually every slot for the other classes/specs.

edit: getting back to the tank dps thing, I redid my build (dropped reckoning for imp HoJ and imp judgements) and recount shows me doing 1100 dps in a non-optimal group, 1400 in a more melee favorable heroic group.
To follow the logic of why the DPS raid gear is utter shit, "If they gave you crit immunity now, what would they give you later??@???".

So stupid.


I guess this is what I missed by leveling a BE pally after TBC launch and missing out on the clusterfuck raiding was before the first patch in TBC.


Did my first 2 heroics with my Paladin tank today. First Utgarde Pinnacle and instantly got my sword and then Culling of Strat and also got the shield on my first run. :lol Great day!


haha, a few weeks ago I did heroic CoS and got the shield, then heroic VH and got the tank pants, and then a day later got the tank neck.


Won said:
Did my first 2 heroics with my Paladin tank today. First Utgarde Pinnacle and instantly got my sword and then Culling of Strat and also got the shield on my first run. :lol Great day!

God damn you're a lucky one.
Won said:
Did my first 2 heroics with my Paladin tank today. First Utgarde Pinnacle and instantly got my sword and then Culling of Strat and also got the shield on my first run. :lol Great day!
sounds like me, was so lucky and got them my first runs myself

so bored! sub ran out a couple of days ago and no pay until mid next week, ugh!
uhhhh, why? The Feral Tree is Tank and DPS, as far as I know all you need is a different set of gear to do both. And it may be slight. You'd have two specs that are only different by a point or two, not a whole tree lol.

Totally wrong at this point. The talents are almost totally separated. You could try to combine both only to be a gimp tank and gimp DPS.

Those days are loooong past. Effectively, Druids have 4 talent specs.

Spruchy said:
Got T7 gloves at the end of last night, doing last boss of heroic occulus.......annoying instance.

Did that one once for the achievements, NEVER going back.
Time for 25-man Sapphiron and KT......I hope my raid group has read the fights at least......most of us should have done them in 10-man already


Scrow said:
that isn't really the case anymore from what i've read.

there's some really important talents purely for both DPS or tanking, and you can't have them all. and they make all the difference.

I'm going to dual spec resto, since my feral dps spec is fine for OTing, especially with the armor changes next patch.
What is a good raiding/PVE spec for a DK? I've been straight unholy, started to go into blood at 70. I have always charted the tops of the DPS meters as it, so I don't think it gets enough credit for a supposed PVP spec.

So, anyone have any spec suggestions / spell rotations for a raiding DK?
One shotted 25-man Sapphiron

I can't believe it

Thaddius took us 10 tries

Got Murder for minimum DKP..........only rogue there

Now I have Webbed Death/Murder

KT down on 3rd attempt :D


BigJonsson said:
One shotted 25-man Sapphiron

I ran 25 man naxx for the first time the other day (first time naxx period). My gear was pretty mediocre (most blues and a few epics) but eh, that's what I'm there for. We got Sapphiron down on second attempt.

Couldn't get KT down after a bunch of tries because our OT's kept failing to pick up the Icecrown adds in the third phase and they ran roughshot over the whole raid.

Thaddius took us 10 tries

Is this the positive/negative charge guy? Best, most enjoyable boss fight I've had in the game.


Modesty becomes a woman
BigJonsson said:
One shotted 25-man Sapphiron

I can't believe it

Thaddius took us 10 tries

Got Murder for minimum DKP..........only rogue there

Now I have Webbed Death/Murder

KT down on 3rd attempt :D

Opposite for us today. Did thaddius first try, every plague quarter boss without a problem, then couldnt do sapphiron and called it for the night.

Was your tank wearing frost resist gear?


Our GM bailed out on the guild, transferred to a low pop server with his buddies, leaves the rest of us who transferred along with him high and dry. I love it. :lol


Junior Member
VaLiancY said:
Our GM bailed out on the guild, transferred to a low pop server with his buddies, leaves the rest of us who transferred along with him high and dry. I love it. :lol
UGH! That sucks. :(


If your alliance we could use some more for our 25man group.


Xabora said:
UGH! That sucks. :(


If your alliance we could use some more for our 25man group.

Yeah, sucks big time. We're just "rebuilding the guild". I'm leveling a DK for tanking and our new GM is leveling his Warrior to main tank. We still do raids with other guilds who were cool with on the server so ain't a major loss.


witness said:
Isn't that nice when your account gets hacked on the weekend and customer service isn't available to recover your account.....

Get the Blizzard Authenticator. My account has been hacked twice (once on a brand new clean computer, I have no idea how they did it). I urge everyone to grab one from the Blizzard store, they are only $6. Blizzard just restored my items from the latest hacking and I'm still missing a few pieces but I'm not gonna bitch over it.... at least I got my money back. :lol


Wow after having troubles on Patchwerk 25 .... we blazed through the rest of the instance. Wiped once on Gluth and Thaddius then killed them. One shot Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad even though we had craziness going on ... we were unaware of the MC'ing and wiping of threat. Was awesome, but we still got it. Kel dropped the rogue dagger but an enhance shammy won it because it's one of the best offhand items for them. Sucks to be the rogue but oh well, the enhance shammy grossly outdps's him.

I'm also expertise capped and hit capped. It's fun to not have to worry about following the spastic tanks around to always be behind the mob.

Gonna try for 25 man Malygos tonight. Should be fun.


Just had the most epic Kel'Thuzad fight (25-man) the other day. First we went for the achievement to kill 18 abominations during that fight, pretty easy, then when we have gotten KT down to 10% our hunters pet gets Mark of Blood or somesuch and heals Kel'Thuzad back up to 50%. We had him at 10% so the addws that come at 40% had been there a while, yet we still manage to kill KT from 50% again :lol God that hunter got some shit for that :p

Macattk15 said:
I'm also expertise capped and hit capped. It's fun to not have to worry about following the spastic tanks around to always be behind the mob.
You're expertise capped for parries? What class do you play? You know there is a different expertise cap for parry than there is for dodge right?


zam said:
Just had the most epic Kel'Thuzad fight (25-man) the other day. First we went for the achievement to kill 18 abominations during that fight, pretty easy, then when we have gotten KT down to 10% our hunters pet gets Mark of Blood or somesuch and heals Kel'Thuzad back up to 50%. We had him at 10% so the addws that come at 40% had been there a while, yet we still manage to kill KT from 50% again :lol God that hunter got some shit for that :p

You're expertise capped for parries? What class do you play? You know there is a different expertise cap for parry than there is for dodge right?

I'm a warrior. I'm at 24 expertise .... it's at 6% I believe.

What I mean by saying I don't have to worry about getting behind the mob all the time following the spastic tanks is that I don't have to IMMEDIATELY worry about repositioning myself to be behind the mob as soon as the tank moves.

I have a little wiggle room because parries if I ever see them are now VERY rare.


Macattk15 said:
I'm a warrior. I'm at 24 expertise .... it's at 6% I believe.

What I mean by saying I don't have to worry about getting behind the mob all the time following the spastic tanks is that I don't have to IMMEDIATELY worry about repositioning myself to be behind the mob as soon as the tank moves.

I have a little wiggle room because parries if I ever see them are now VERY rare.
Well it's 14% parry chance for boss mobs so you are still a ways from being parry capped, although you shouldnt have to worry that much about repositioning if you have a good tank, spastic tanks that keep moving about (unless it's necessary like on certain boss fights) is a bad tank.


zam said:
Well it's 14% parry chance for boss mobs so you are still a ways from being parry capped, although you shouldnt have to worry that much about repositioning if you have a good tank, spastic tanks that keep moving about (unless it's necessary like on certain boss fights) is a bad tank.

Is being on the side of a mob technically still it's back? I don't think something should be able to parry if you're attacking it's side.
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