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World of Warcraft

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Macattk15 said:
Is being on the side of a mob technically still it's back? I don't think something should be able to parry if you're attacking it's side.

Anything not in front of him is considered his back (by the game anyway).


Macattk15 said:
Is being on the side of a mob technically still it's back? I don't think something should be able to parry if you're attacking it's side.
I think it's an area of 180 degrees in front of the boss or something, but I have no data to back this up :p If you're at the mob's side or a little bit behind it's side you should be free from parries. I was just surprised when I thought you said you were parry cap, since the main tank of our pretty hardcore guild (nr1 alliance on the server) isn't parry capped yet :p


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
So is S/F going to be the way to go for DKs in 3.0.8, going Naxx 25man tonight and want to make sure if I take a good slow MH I'll actually use it in the patch.


Well I got my account squared away this morning, everything was changed so its safe now. Whew, whoever hacked took all the money from my alliance characters, over 3k. GM is on it though so w/e I'll get over it.


zam said:
Well it's 14% parry chance for boss mobs so you are still a ways from being parry capped, although you shouldnt have to worry that much about repositioning if you have a good tank, spastic tanks that keep moving about (unless it's necessary like on certain boss fights) is a bad tank.
I think it's pretty much impossible to be parry capped for expertise right now, unless you skipped out entirely on hit/crit.


Junior Member
Ikuu said:
So is S/F going to be the way to go for DKs in 3.0.8, going Naxx 25man tonight and want to make sure if I take a good slow MH I'll actually use it in the patch.
Pretty much if the slow weapon you find has the most DPS.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
zam said:
I think it's an area of 180 degrees in front of the boss or something, but I have no data to back this up :p If you're at the mob's side or a little bit behind it's side you should be free from parries. I was just surprised when I thought you said you were parry cap, since the main tank of our pretty hardcore guild (nr1 alliance on the server) isn't parry capped yet :p
Find a recount of a fight against Sartharion, Keristraza, or any of the 12 or so palette swapped dragons that have frontal cleaves and rear tail cone swipes so that you have to be on thier sides. Would answer that question. Being MT on those fights, I never noticed parry or dodge, but any other melee'r in those fights could probably find out.

* edit for clarity: I mean I don't notice dodges or parries coming from anyone else, of course. I get parried and dodged all the time since I'm looking right at his mug.


Angry Grimace said:
Find a recount of a fight against Sartharion, Keristraza, or any of the 12 or so palette swapped dragons that have frontal cleaves and rear tail cone swipes so that you have to be on thier sides. Would answer that question. Being MT on those fights, I never noticed parry or dodge, but any other melee'r in those fights could probably find out.
I know for dragon bosses (like Nightbane, Sapphiron, Sarth etc) you can stand well on it's side, but dont know how it works with a more humanoid model (that isn't as long as a dragon). Im pretty sure you are right, i usually stand on Kel'Thuzad's side while dpsing him and I font get any parries.
lockii said:
I'm going to dual spec resto, since my feral dps spec is fine for OTing, especially with the armor changes next patch.

That's my plan too. Already have a few purple healie drops, plus a full blue set. =)


Pally experts... What two handed weapon should I go with at level 31? I'm currently using Verigan's Fist and it's been great, but I've been searching around the WoW Armory, and there is a fine axe called the Corpsemaker that looks wicked, but the drop percentage is low. Any suggestions? I'm creating a Retribution Pally btw :D


Viscous Hammer is pretty good. another good weapon for 43 is Bonechewer. I wouldn't bother with any epic unless you can buy Kang the Decapitator as that is so fucking awesome it'll last you until you can get Ice Barbed Spear from AV.

now that I have no more need for emblems for tank gear on my pally (well, heroic/10man emblems) I guess I'm going to stockpile either for t7 (unlikely, though some of the parts are good), dps gear (whenever dual spec gets here, but also unlikely as I'll be doing pretty much a pvp ret spec), or hopefully some t8 equivalent emblem gear if they add it.

Chris R

Anyone got any guides to gearing up at 80 for a mage? Focus will be on light pve, maybe some 25 man raids, and some pvp (NO ARENAS).


I think I'm gonna begin collecting 1h weapons in naxx if I ever come across them and then I'll retry my dps test between DW and 2h, because there's no 2 1h weapons pre-naxx that's better than the titansteel destroyer.


I don't understand how I'm supposed to beat a DK who just silences me and rips me a new one (I'm a mage). What the fuck is this shit? :(


Only thing you can really do against a DK as a caster is snare them and gtfo before they chains of ice and death grip you. But yes they are pretty disgusting in pvp when they know how to play. Even the facerollers kill people pretty easily.


Has problems recognising girls
I had to build a relatively silly talent spec as Resto Shaman just to go up against Paladins and Death Knights, let alone the Rogues who find our class easy bait. The whole thing only works when there is reliable support and I suppose you have to try and play it like a Druid would, i.e. annoy and harass them via healing and running around at the same time. Even if I did get Death Gripped, I was still able to get out.

Earthbind totem and instant cast Ghost Wolf certainly help.
Kyoufu said:
I don't understand how I'm supposed to beat a DK who just silences me and rips me a new one (I'm a mage). What the fuck is this shit? :(

This is the Glory Time for the DK to hype WotLK. They will enjoy it until the massive ban hammer comes into focus.


krypt0nian said:
This is the Glory Time for the DK to hype WotLK. They will enjoy it until the massive nerf bat comes into focus.


Kyoufu said:
What the fuck is this shit? :(

This is MMORPG's. Any expansion in any MMO that introduces a new class or a new race to the game should be expected to do very......well at any and everything it has the ability to focus on. I believe its just good business sense as I have seen it far to many times in far to many MMO's for it to just be a coincidence. I refuse to believe that all of these companies are just incapable of balancing a new class into the game without making them pretty crazy to start off with.

Im not saying DK's are completely off the charts, but they are damn sure the best tank/dps hybrid in the game by far. Just looking at the class and the way it scales currently is pretty wild. But that draw has to be there. They want you to want to play a DK, its a draw of the expansion pack. Down the line however, the new class/race is always brought into line.


I don't know. Blizzard pretty much made paladins the worst class in TBC right after adding them to the horde.

oh wait, they did buff shamans a lot (and then later nerf them, but still, initially they buffed them) at TBC launch after adding them to alliance. I forgot, they pretty much cater to alliance since they probably make up most of the players.
firex said:
I don't know. Blizzard pretty much made paladins the worst class in TBC right after adding them to the horde.

oh wait, they did buff shamans a lot (and then later nerf them, but still, initially they buffed them) at TBC launch after adding them to alliance. I forgot, they pretty much cater to alliance since they probably make up most of the players.
Not true, Paladins were healing gods about 3-4 months in to TBC. And then they got nerfed to fucking hell.


Junior Member
Puncture said:
Im not saying DK's are completely off the charts, but they are damn sure the best tank/dps hybrid in the game by far. Just looking at the class and the way it scales currently is pretty wild. But that draw has to be there. They want you to want to play a DK, its a draw of the expansion pack. Down the line however, the new class/race is always brought into line.
With AotD on a 25man Patchwerk (proper gear too) DKs can achieve 7.2k DPS.


it's funny how so much changes in one expansion. pre-expansion (or I should say pre-3.0.2) I really liked my shaman, and it was maybe my favorite class despite having some utility problems as resto (obviously not an issue if you are a raider, but for 5 mans/heroics and any kind of fight that needs mobility it sucked). now? I'm not sure I'll ever play him. elemental is a joke spec, enhance is good but so boring (and definitely not as good at soloing as my prot pally, much less ret or any DK spec) and while resto is fun, I won't level as it. maybe whenever they add dual spec, I'll like it, but at the moment I've played my DK and even my old hunter alt way more.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
WTB: Patch! God this minor patch with nothing but tweaks and item additions in it is taking eons. =/
You'll be strolling into the emerald dream in the 3rd expack sometime in 2014. Your kids will love it.


Kyoufu said:
I don't understand how I'm supposed to beat a DK who just silences me and rips me a new one (I'm a mage). What the fuck is this shit? :(

Blink his Death Grip or Chains of Ice. A Bad DK will CoI you right after a DG, so your blink removes them both. A good DK will CoI you after you've blinked. IB or Trinket out of CoI. Run away when strangulated.

Also, always keep Slow on them if you're arcane, and keep them chilled when frost. A mage actually has a pretty good track record against a DK, although it is very hard.


They released a new build on the PTR recently, they wouldn't push it to live this soon.

Urge to quit...RISING.

Honestly they're a fucking joke. It's a few lousy stat changes like the poster said, like the change on my healing staff from 408sp to 461sp for instance. All the money they make and they can't even fix a few things in a timely fashion. They're lazy, and slow. Too busy counting their money to do their job.
A few stat changes? Have you seen the patch notes? They're doing some major buffing, nerfing, and balancing here. What they're doing to Hunters alone is huge. They need time to get it right.


eh, it always takes time for the first patch with any kind of balance changes after launch. whether it was the original game launch, or TBC launch, or now WotLK launch.


Oni Link 666 said:
A few stat changes? Have you seen the patch notes? They're doing some major buffing, nerfing, and balancing here. What they're doing to Hunters alone is huge. They need time to get it right.


They could release it now or 10 years from now and still not get it right. They never do.


firex said:
I don't know. Blizzard pretty much made paladins the worst class in TBC right after adding them to the horde.

oh wait, they did buff shamans a lot (and then later nerf them, but still, initially they buffed them) at TBC launch after adding them to alliance. I forgot, they pretty much cater to alliance since they probably make up most of the players.

Uh no, Shamans were way stronger in original WoW than in BC, and now are pretty much bottom of the barrel in WoTLK.

Meanwhile, the weakest Pally spec was finely tuned up at the end of TBC and Holy Pallies had insane healing sustainability up until they changed their crit restore talent. Now with Divine Plea and Beacon of Light, they got that back.

There's like two Shaman specs now. Resto Shaman and Angry Shaman.


firex said:
eh, it always takes time for the first patch with any kind of balance changes after launch. whether it was the original game launch, or TBC launch, or now WotLK launch.

The first minor patch for BC was out within a month.
xabre said:

They could release it now or 10 years from now and still not get it right. They never do.

Yeah, I knew someone would go for that sentence. Even if they do get it horribly wrong like they did with the whole ret mess a few months back, they're doing some major changes and that takes time.


xabre said:
Urge to quit...RISING.

Honestly they're a fucking joke. It's a few lousy stat changes like the poster said, like the change on my healing staff from 408sp to 461sp for instance. All the money they make and they can't even fix a few things in a timely fashion. They're lazy, and slow. Too busy counting their money to do their job.

If you are looking to patches to add the 'fun' then maybe it's time to hang up your WoW account for awhile? This sounds like a WoW forum post.


etiolate said:
Uh no, Shamans were way stronger in original WoW than in BC, and now are pretty much bottom of the barrel in WoTLK.

Meanwhile, the weakest Pally spec was finely tuned up at the end of TBC and Holy Pallies had insane healing sustainability up until they changed their crit restore talent. Now with Divine Plea and Beacon of Light, they got that back.

There's like two Shaman specs now. Resto Shaman and Angry Shaman.
I don't know. elemental was pretty good from 2.0 until 2.3, and in vanilla WoW I only remember early enhance being good, and then later it was resto or bust (just like for pallies/druids). again, like I said, before 3.0.2 the pally was pretty much hot garbage except for tanking. healing was ok but I think it wasn't even 2.1 before they nerfed illumination. I personally just find my shaman boring right now in WotLK, which is why I haven't done anything but powerlevel his engineering. I mean, shamans weren't as good to start in TBC as warlocks, priests, warriors, druids, rogues, mages or hunters, but they were still better than paladins! and I actually found mine fun as resto and enhance in 2.3-2.4. It's just that they sucked after 3.0.2.


sparkle this bitch
krypt0nian said:
This is the Glory Time for the DK to hype WotLK. They will enjoy it until the massive ban hammer comes into focus.
Pretty much. They will be getting the nerf bat in a bit.

Mage is really the only one who stand a solid chance currently. They have no way to remove slow effects. The Anti Magic shield even though you can't damage them then, it doesn't remove slow or root. So as long as you keep that up there. When they pop it just gain distance. If they decide to death grip silence you. Ice block. CoI doesn't matter if you have mage armour up. Make sure you have that up. Only last 3 seconds then.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Man people never seem to be happy, Blizzard takes their time working on the patch "OMG WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG!", Blizzard rushes out a patch "OMG WHAT IS THIS SHIT". I don't even see the big deal about this patch, I could understand if it was adding a new instance or something.


I’m only interested new changes for Warlocks that haven’t hit the patch notes.

I don’t do Arena, but it’s pretty shitty of Blizzard to start Season 5 when Warlocks are in such a terrible state for arena, so I guess those players are wanting the patch out as soon as.


I think the random Blizzard attacks "lazy dev", "overpaid", etc are a bit much. This game is massive, of course some shit is gonna fall through the cracks. I think if anyone is getting to the point to where they feel that kind of animosity towards Blizzard about WoW, it's time to hang up the account for a couple months for just perspective alone.

btw, I'm not singling anyone out here, there are a ton of people who post on the official forums that could use a good 6 months of fresh air and come back and play it as a 'game' instead of a lifestyle. :lol
I'm trying to make this macro that activates both of my Trinkets and also my Rapid Fire ability. However, it only does one Trinket instead of both. What am I doing wrong?

/cast Trinket 1
/cast Trinket 2
/cast Rapid Fire


The Lamonster said:
I'm trying to make this macro that activates both of my Trinkets and also my Rapid Fire ability. However, it only does one Trinket instead of both. What am I doing wrong?

/cast Trinket 1
/cast Trinket 2
/cast Rapid Fire

I'm guessing there needs to be a minor delay between the trinkets.


firex said:
it's funny how so much changes in one expansion. pre-expansion (or I should say pre-3.0.2) I really liked my shaman, and it was maybe my favorite class despite having some utility problems as resto (obviously not an issue if you are a raider, but for 5 mans/heroics and any kind of fight that needs mobility it sucked). now? I'm not sure I'll ever play him. elemental is a joke spec, enhance is good but so boring (and definitely not as good at soloing as my prot pally, much less ret or any DK spec) and while resto is fun, I won't level as it. maybe whenever they add dual spec, I'll like it, but at the moment I've played my DK and even my old hunter alt way more.
Elemental is amazing after patch.

Whenever it comes out...

To all those saying it's funny about people whining about a goddamn patch:

WoW is crack.

If the next line of crack is shitty, we bitch.

If the next line of crack is taking forever to get right, we bitch.

There is a happy medium somewhere, and most patches usually seem to do it right.

It's the equivalent of a woman taking her clothes off and being behind a door that's locked. You know she's naked, she knows she's naked, except she hasn't let you in yet. It's infuriating to wait for something so good.

Actually hunters have been waiting for a while to walk into a room with the fat lady from Deuce Bigolo :lol


Junior Member
Kweh said:
I’m only interested new changes for Warlocks that haven’t hit the patch notes.

There aren't going to be any significant changes. Ghostcrawler has said anything game-changing for 'locks will be likely be released with Ulduar.

I am looking forward to the Ritual of Summoning changes. I'm a pretty nice guy in game, but being expected to summon an entire 25 man raid to Wintergrasp because they're too damn lazy to take a flyer / mount up has set me off a few times. No, it's not quicker to summon 20 people one by one compared to everyone getting their own lazy ass out to the Vault. At least this way I can put down the portal, let someone else deal with it, and not burn through a bag of shards in the process.

Safe Bet

The Lamonster said:
I'm trying to make this macro that activates both of my Trinkets and also my Rapid Fire ability. However, it only does one Trinket instead of both. What am I doing wrong?

/cast Trinket 1
/cast Trinket 2
/cast Rapid Fire
Just write a program that plays the fucking game for you....

/frustration at my lack of skill
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