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World of Warcraft

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The Lamonster said:
I'm trying to make this macro that activates both of my Trinkets and also my Rapid Fire ability. However, it only does one Trinket instead of both. What am I doing wrong?

/cast Trinket 1
/cast Trinket 2
/cast Rapid Fire
/use Trinket 1
/use Trinket 2
/cast Rapid Fire


shintoki said:
Pretty much. They will be getting the nerf bat in a bit.

Mage is really the only one who stand a solid chance currently. They have no way to remove slow effects. The Anti Magic shield even though you can't damage them then, it doesn't remove slow or root. So as long as you keep that up there. When they pop it just gain distance. If they decide to death grip silence you. Ice block. CoI doesn't matter if you have mage armour up. Make sure you have that up. Only last 3 seconds then.

Yeah I'm only 66 so I don't have access to the 71+ Mage Armor that reduces DoT effects by 50% or whatever. There is just so much to deal with when it comes to DKs. DoTs, Silence, Movement Speed, Nero's Devil Bringer, Pets and a whole load of other shit that I can list. Thinking of things they can't do is harder than the things they can do.


TomServo said:
There aren't going to be any significant changes. Ghostcrawler has said anything game-changing for 'locks will be likely be released with Ulduar.

I am looking forward to the Ritual of Summoning changes. I'm a pretty nice guy in game, but being expected to summon an entire 25 man raid to Wintergrasp because they're too damn lazy to take a flyer / mount up has set me off a few times. No, it's not quicker to summon 20 people one by one compared to everyone getting their own lazy ass out to the Vault. At least this way I can put down the portal, let someone else deal with it, and not burn through a bag of shards in the process.

Yeah I know, but from what I’ve read from the latest blue, there are still pvp survival changes to be included in this next patch that haven’t been included in the notes. The changes coming in the Ulduar patch are ‘quality of life’ changes. I’m more interested in the survival changes as I like a spot of BG PVP now and again.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Epix said:
/use Trinket 1
/use Trinket 2
/cast Rapid Fire
(I'm a shammy btw)
Oh this sparks a question I have. Would there be any error in creating a macro that casts stormstrike and uses my trinkets?

That would alleviate the neglect i have towards using them. However the trinks are on a 2 minute timer and stormstrike is on a 10 second. Would it cause error if I'm pounding the macro every 10 seconds since my trinks won't be ready? Or will it just breeze on even though the trinks weren't cast?


vumpler said:
(I'm a shammy btw)
Oh this sparks a question I have. Would there be any error in creating a macro that casts stormstrike and uses my trinkets?

That would alleviate the neglect i have towards using them. However the trinks are on a 2 minute timer and stormstrike is on a 10 second. Would it cause error if I'm pounding the macro every 10 seconds since my trinks won't be ready? Or will it just breeze on even though the trinks weren't cast?
It should breeze through and cast Stormstrike and also tell you "I cannot cast that spell" regarding the trinkets.
Safe Bet said:
Just write a program that plays the fucking game for you....

/frustration at my lack of skill
haha dude macros are a gift from God. I've got one that opens all my bags EXCEPT my quiver. Another one that dances and /train at the same time. Another uses my bandages but targets me every time, so no more annoying accidental bandaging pets or NPCs etc.

The most useful macro I have selects the nearest enemy target, pet attack, Hunter's Mark, and begins Auto Shot. If any Hunters out there are interested, I can paste it here when I get home tonight.

Macattk15 said:
I'm guessing there needs to be a minor delay between the trinkets.
How do I add a delay?

Epix said:
/use Trinket 1
/use Trinket 2
/cast Rapid Fire
I'll try this tonight. Thanks!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
xabre said:
Urge to quit...RISING.

Honestly they're a fucking joke. It's a few lousy stat changes like the poster said, like the change on my healing staff from 408sp to 461sp for instance. All the money they make and they can't even fix a few things in a timely fashion. They're lazy, and slow. Too busy counting their money to do their job.
Why would one care so much about a minor balancing patch?

It doesn't suprise me that they change stuff that's not working around soon after releasing an ex-pack.

dave is ok

aztek is ok

Ghostcrawler: There is nothing wrong with the warlock class! They are survivable enough in arenas with a 2000 armor buff!

For the people who don't understand why people are going crazy about the patch - warlocks are horrible in PvP right now.


I'm having some major, major threat issues with my Frost Death Knight tanking for raids. My burst threat is great for the first 2 minutes or so but after that I slowly start to lose ground against others. The paladin I was in the raid with was able to consistantly keep up a higher TPS.

This was in Vault of Archavon (25 man PUG), and it was the first time I've ever tried to tank the place. I was really disappointed with how things turned out for me. The PUG group I went with did manage to finish it though with a bit more DPS (first time we hit the enrage timer since we went with 20 or so).

Granted yeah, my DK currently is unguilded and is on nothing but heroic/badge loot :lol but I honestly thought I'd do better threatwise given how easily I've been blowing through most heroics.

Going to try and tweak my spec a bit for something higher threat generating, though I'm not sure there's much I can do at this point pre-patch. My current spec destroys 5 mans but does seem to have serious issues with threat on fights beyond 2-3 minutes.
EekTheKat said:
I'm having some major, major threat issues with my Frost Death Knight tanking for raids. My burst threat is great for the first 2 minutes or so but after that I slowly start to lose ground against others. The paladin I was in the raid with was able to consistantly keep up a higher TPS.

This was in Vault of Archavon (25 man PUG), and it was the first time I've ever tried to tank the place. I was really disappointed with how things turned out for me. The PUG group I went with did manage to finish it though with a bit more DPS (first time we hit the enrage timer since we went with 20 or so).

Granted yeah, my DK currently is unguilded and is on nothing but heroic/badge loot :lol but I honestly thought I'd do better threatwise given how easily I've been blowing through most heroics.

Going to try and tweak my spec a bit for something higher threat generating, though I'm not sure there's much I can do at this point pre-patch. My current spec destroys 5 mans but does seem to have serious issues with threat on fights beyond 2-3 minutes.

Don't compare yourself to paladins. They're currently bugged and have insane amounts of threat generation. It'll be fixed in the next patch.
My DK has been 80 for a few weeks now and I just noticed I never got an upgrade to my sigil. Anyone know where I can find a good one pre naxx? Thottbot and wowhead won't load atm for me.


trinket macro is pretty simple:
/use 13;
/use 14;
/cast Your Cooldown Spell

I have one set up for basically every cooldown spell I use. on my pally I have this macro for avenging wrath and divine protection. On my DK I (will) have this macro with obliterate maybe. I already tied obliterate to deathchill, and lichborne to icebound fortitude (I named that macro "LOL CC"). on my shaman and hunter I basically tied blood fury and/or other cooldown spells to it along with trinkets. Like I have feral spirit, blood fury, and both trinkets going off at once. my hunter, for now, is just blood fury + rapid fire at once, though I will soon enough add in trinkets too.

The key thing is if none of those items are on global cooldown, or only one of them is, then they will all cast at once. You can do /castsequence macros but I think those are for the supremely lazy (although TotemTimers does a good one for shamans that I can't really call lazy as much as it is simply not-fucking-annoying).

DarkAngelYuna said:
My DK has been 80 for a few weeks now and I just noticed I never got an upgrade to my sigil. Anyone know where I can find a good one pre naxx? Thottbot and wowhead won't load atm for me.
Right now the only sigil I know of at 80 is the shitty emblem of heroism one, which sucks ass and is a genuine downgrade from the starter sigil. Next patch there will be some good new ones added that are upgrades. But right now, the blood/heart strike damage increase sigil >>>>>>> blood/heart strike giving you 173 haste rating.


Not Wario
DarkAngelYuna said:
My DK has been 80 for a few weeks now and I just noticed I never got an upgrade to my sigil. Anyone know where I can find a good one pre naxx? Thottbot and wowhead won't load atm for me.

What is your spec? For Frost and Unholy, the only upgrade till the next patch is the Sigil of Awareness off 25 man Heigan. For dual wield, the badge sigil (Forgot the name; it boosts haste off blood strikes) is the best, but it's being changed to boost crit instead of haste in the next patch and theres a better sigil for dual wield hitting then as well, (Frozen Conscience- it boosts icy touch damage) so I dunno if it's worth spending the badges. For Blood, the one you end the starting zone with is the best one. Lastly, there is no real tanking one in the game yet but they're adding one next patch.

(And, yeah, the game is really lacking in sigils atm. I still haven't replaced the itm lvl 80 one.)
firex said:
trinket macro is pretty simple:
/use 13;
/use 14;
/cast Your Cooldown Spell
So you're saying it will recognize 13 and 14 as the Trinket items, and the semi-colon will add the pause needed to cast both? So in the end it will look like this:

/use 13;
/use 14;
/cast Rapid Fire

Is that correct?


yes. you need the ; at the end and /use 13 and 14 tells the game to use your equipped items in equipment slots 13 and 14, which are the two trinket slots. if you have some other equipment with an on use effect, you have to try /use and then 1-12 to figure out where those go, I guess.
also, if you want to see the tooltip for Rapid Fire, add this line to the beginning of the macro:
#showtooltip Rapid Fire

so the macro winds up being this:
#showtooltip Rapid Fire
/use 13;
/use 14;
/cast Rapid Fire

btw, don't copy/paste this as it will probably get screwed up by forum formatting. type it manually. and if you prefer for the macro's tooltip to show your trinket cooldown, then you want to do #showtooltip Your Trinket Name to start off the macro instead.

I've been using macros like these for months. they're really easy to set up and you don't have to find some place to put your trinkets together, click them, and then click your cooldown spell all at once. The only problem you might run into is a lot of trinkets with similar effects are on a linked cooldown so you can't stack them. by that I mean you can have a trinket with a 2 minute cooldown, and an on use effect of +260 AP in your first trinket slot. your second trinket has a 2 minute cooldown and an on use effect of +60 crit rating. Those trinkets might be on linked cooldowns such that when you use your macro, you'll cast Rapid Fire and only use one of the two trinkets. In that case you'll have to look up your trinkets on wowhead or something to see if they have a shared/linked cooldown.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I cannot get this macro to work for shit. It won't mount my great blue elekk in the nofly zone.

/cast [combat,nomounted][button:2][modifier:alt] ghost wolf
/use [nostance,nocombat,flyable] Swift Blue Gryphon
/use [nostance,nocombat,noflyable] Great Blue Elekk
/dismount [mounted]
/cancelform [stance]

Also is there anyway to get this macro to automate itself instead of me hitting the button 4 times.

/castsequence [nogroup] reset=4 Strength of Earth Totem(Rank 8), Mana Spring Totem(Rank 6)Lightning Shield(Rank 10)
/castsequence [group] reset=4 Windfury Totem(Rank 1), Mana Spring Totem(Rank 6), Strength of Earth Totem(Rank 8), Lightning Shield(Rank 10)


Grandma's Chippy
wow...just got back from a trip and found most of the BIG farming spots (example being Icecrown Runesmiths) have been nerfed to hell...hehe

While I have shared a few farm tips here, never on main boards as that leads to speedy nerfs.

Ah well....thankfully there are spots just as good or better that dodged the nerf. One of which I have never seen another person at. Hopefully the Frostweave market has more demand now.


Mr Pockets said:
wow...just got back from a trip and found most of the BIG farming spots (example being Icecrown Runesmiths) have been nerfed to hell...hehe

While I have shared a few farm tips here, never on main boards as that leads to speedy nerfs.

Ah well....thankfully there are spots just as good or better that dodged the nerf. One of which I have never seen another person at. Hopefully the Frostweave market has more demand now.

Man, was I shocked yesterday. Was a bit bored and tried it out and nothing. Only silver. :lol
And I never saw anyone farming there to begin with. Screw you Blizzard!

On other news:
Finished up my tanking ring for my Paladin!


Needs more stamina!

Safe Bet


I don't know what's going on with my server but I can't AH lvl60+ greens for more than what the vendor is willing to give.

I use to sell lvl30 greens for 15G a pop and now I can't get 5G for a lvl60 +str +sta chestplate?!?!



Most "use" trinkets can't work together, they will have a 30 second cooldown before being able to use the second one. That is probably what is stopping your double trinketing.
firex said:
yes. you need the ; at the end and /use 13 and 14 tells the game to use your equipped items in equipment slots 13 and 14, which are the two trinket slots. if you have some other equipment with an on use effect, you have to try /use and then 1-12 to figure out where those go, I guess.
also, if you want to see the tooltip for Rapid Fire, add this line to the beginning of the macro:
#showtooltip Rapid Fire

so the macro winds up being this:
#showtooltip Rapid Fire
/use 13;
/use 14;
/cast Rapid Fire

btw, don't copy/paste this as it will probably get screwed up by forum formatting. type it manually. and if you prefer for the macro's tooltip to show your trinket cooldown, then you want to do #showtooltip Your Trinket Name to start off the macro instead.

I've been using macros like these for months. they're really easy to set up and you don't have to find some place to put your trinkets together, click them, and then click your cooldown spell all at once. The only problem you might run into is a lot of trinkets with similar effects are on a linked cooldown so you can't stack them. by that I mean you can have a trinket with a 2 minute cooldown, and an on use effect of +260 AP in your first trinket slot. your second trinket has a 2 minute cooldown and an on use effect of +60 crit rating. Those trinkets might be on linked cooldowns such that when you use your macro, you'll cast Rapid Fire and only use one of the two trinkets. In that case you'll have to look up your trinkets on wowhead or something to see if they have a shared/linked cooldown.
Weenerz said:
Most "use" trinkets can't work together, they will have a 30 second cooldown before being able to use the second one. That is probably what is stopping your double trinketing.
Thanks guys, that helps a lot.


Bleh fuck the content of 3.0.8, bring out 25 Nax lag patch >.< Looks like another shitty week of wiping on bosses we shouldn't because of 8 second delays

Maybe it's intentional to offset the ease of the zone =P


Gold Member
Weenerz said:
Most "use" trinkets can't work together, they will have a 30 second cooldown before being able to use the second one. That is probably what is stopping your double trinketing.

Back in the day (with my Shaman), you were able to pop two trinkets at the same time (this was changed pre AQ or just after it). So in BG's and I would use my ZHC and TOEP at the same time and then chain lightning explode some people. It was great fun. Because this was so ridiculously OP at the time, it was changed so you'd get a 30second CD on your unused trinket.
Killdozer said:

Back in the day (with my Shaman), you were able to pop two trinkets at the same time (this was changed pre AQ or just after it). So in BG's and I would use my ZHC and TOEP at the same time and then chain lightning explode some people. It was great fun. Because this was so ridiculously OP at the time, it was changed so you'd get a 30second CD on your unused trinket.
That's weak as fuck dude.


Uggggggh no patch!?!

This is absolutely ridiculous. Not only are server queues at an all-time high and raiding zones extremely laggy, but my Holy Pal/Frost DK 2s will be gimped for yet another week. Unholy DK's and BM Hunters are completely out of control for even longer, hurray!
PatzCU said:
Uggggggh no patch!?!

This is absolutely ridiculous. Not only are server queues at an all-time high and raiding zones extremely laggy, but my Holy Pal/Frost DK 2s will be gimped for yet another week. Unholy DK's and BM Hunters are completely out of control for even longer, hurray!
pally\dk 2v2 gimped? OMFG LOL


Killdozer said:

Back in the day (with my Shaman), you were able to pop two trinkets at the same time (this was changed pre AQ or just after it). So in BG's and I would use my ZHC and TOEP at the same time and then chain lightning explode some people. It was great fun. Because this was so ridiculously OP at the time, it was changed so you'd get a 30second CD on your unused trinket.

Hahaha yep, ZHC/TOEP combo fucking rocked as a 3-minute mage. Huuuuge relative boost to spell damage, arcane power for more, instant pyro and missiles to kill most anyone.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Gah, weapons never seem to drop for me ever, and I missed out on Shoulderguards of Opportunity because I was too busy whispering people. Did manage to win Bracers of Unrelenting Attack and Breastplate of Frozen Pain though, so was alright.
Man, Netherstorm is so much better then Shadowmoon Valley, I can actually get stuff done and there are a shit ton of quests. I think it's my favorite zone in the first expansion along with Nagrand.


Still Tagged Accordingly
The Lamonster said:
So you're saying it will recognize 13 and 14 as the Trinket items, and the semi-colon will add the pause needed to cast both? So in the end it will look like this:

/use 13;
/use 14;
/cast Rapid Fire

Is that correct?
pretty sure you can't activate two trinkets at a time. activating a trinket often triggers a short (30 second) cooldown on your other trinket if their benefits are similar (increases attack power or whatever).

you also can't add delays to macros. you usually have to setup the macro in a way that you press it twice.

basically, what you're trying to do isn't possible with macros.

Chris R

Scrow said:
pretty sure you can't activate two trinkets at a time. activating a trinket often triggers a short (30 second) cooldown on your other trinket if their benefits are similar (increases attack power or whatever).

you also can't add delays to macros. you usually have to setup the macro in a way that you press it twice.

basically, what you're trying to do isn't possible with macros.
You would be correct. I have to +spellpower trinkets, and using one of them causes the other to be put on cooldown as long as the other remains in effect.

And I'm still kinda lost as to what to do at 80. Nobody is running the regular instances, only heroics, and seeing as I won't do arena, all there is to do in the pvp front is the same old shit over and over to get 60000 honor to buy a single piece of gear. I still have 3 zones to go through for quests, but after that I don't know if I'd really have any reason to continue to play.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
rhfb said:
You would be correct. I have to +spellpower trinkets, and using one of them causes the other to be put on cooldown as long as the other remains in effect.

And I'm still kinda lost as to what to do at 80. Nobody is running the regular instances, only heroics, and seeing as I won't do arena, all there is to do in the pvp front is the same old shit over and over to get 60000 honor to buy a single piece of gear. I still have 3 zones to go through for quests, but after that I don't know if I'd really have any reason to continue to play.
If they're all running heroics, why aren't you? I'm not even sure why as 80 you'd even want to run a regular instance. I trampled Heroic Nexus, UK and VH with little trouble fresh to 80, and picked up lots of good gear. Gear is less of a stumbling block in early heroics than knowing what specs and strategies work; if you have the correct spell rotation, you will not be THAT much of a burden. I personally find that more experienced players are very forgiving of lower gear level when the player plays well despite lesser gear.

Honestly, even the intro raid (Obsidian Sanctum) is pretty much a heroic dungeon with twice the number of people.

Chris R

I'd run heroics but I doubt my gear is suitable. I have just under 900 SP, using mostly my heroic epics and crafted gear from TBC. I see other mages saying LFG with 700 more SP and 8% more crit... so why would anyone take me? :lol


rhfb said:
I'd run heroics but I doubt my gear is suitable. I have just under 900 SP, using mostly my heroic epics and crafted gear from TBC. I see other mages saying LFG with 700 more SP and 8% more crit... so why would anyone take me? :lol

You are a damage dealer. Your gear is always suitable.


I've had some trinkets go off simultaneously but I think that's just a perk of being a jewelcrafter. A lot of their trinkets don't seem to be in the linked cooldown category like other on use trinkets are. I still keep my macro like that simply because even if I don't have unlinked trinkets, I might not always keep my on use trinket in the first slot.


Don't "errr....." and "wha?" me! :p

I personally see no reason not to do heroics with horrible gear as a damage dealer. Sorry guys.


the only reason I could see is you'd have low dps and take forever to kill stuff, but if you have level 78+ blue gear (unless it's the crafted pvp set) then there's no reason you can't do heroics as a dps.

although, there are some drops in normal instances that are still good even for people doing heroics. Mostly trinkets, but I think there's a handful of other items people might want.


Won said:
Don't "errr....." and "wha?" me! :p

I personally see no reason not to do heroics with horrible gear as a damage dealer. Sorry guys.

We had a rogue with us doing at heroic nexus doing 600 dps... he might as well not been there. :lol


Won said:
Don't "errr....." and "wha?" me! :p

I personally see no reason not to do heroics with horrible gear as a damage dealer. Sorry guys.

I don't know, but I always armory check guys so I'm very stiff on shitty DPS'ers coming into my group. I'm MUCH more lenient on healers and tanks however simply because of the general lack of both specs.


Not Wario
If you quested and upgraded normally on the way to 80, there is no reason not to jump straight into heroics as DPS. If someone is doing crap DPS, then it's most likely not a problem with gear as the jump from normal instances to heroics is nowhere near what it was in BC. You don't need to gear up like before to do them.


vumpler said:
I cannot get this macro to work for shit. It won't mount my great blue elekk in the nofly zone.

/cast [combat,nomounted][button:2][modifier:alt] ghost wolf
/use [nostance,nocombat,flyable] Swift Blue Gryphon
/use [nostance,nocombat,noflyable] Great Blue Elekk
/dismount [mounted]
/cancelform [stance]
I use this macro and it will use my ground mount in no-fly areas (like Dalaran and WG) and flying mount where I can fly. Don't know about the ghost wolf part.

/script if (not IsMounted()) then if (((GetZoneText()=="Dalaran") and (GetSubZoneText() ~="Krasus' Landing")) or (GetZoneText()=="Wintergrasp") or not IsFlyableArea()) then CallCompanion("MOUNT",X) else CallCompanion("MOUNT",Y) end else Dismount() end

Replace X with ground mount number of choice (the number is the number of the mount in your mount list, e.g the one on the top row farthest to the left is 1, the next is 2 etc) and Y with flying mount of choice. Will even mount your flying mount by the Dalaran flight path.


zam said:
I use this macro and it will use my ground mount in no-fly areas (like Dalaran and WG) and flying mount where I can fly. Don't know about the ghost wolf part.

/script if (not IsMounted()) then if (((GetZoneText()=="Dalaran") and (GetSubZoneText() ~="Krasus' Landing")) or (GetZoneText()=="Wintergrasp") or not IsFlyableArea()) then CallCompanion("MOUNT",X) else CallCompanion("MOUNT",Y) end else Dismount() end

Replace X with ground mount number of choice (the number is the number of the mount in your mount list, e.g the one on the top row farthest to the left is 1, the next is 2 etc) and Y with flying mount of choice. Will even mount your flying mount by the Dalaran flight path.

Too bad that script doesn't work for druids.


EekTheKat said:
I'm having some major, major threat issues with my Frost Death Knight tanking for raids. My burst threat is great for the first 2 minutes or so but after that I slowly start to lose ground against others. The paladin I was in the raid with was able to consistantly keep up a higher TPS.

This was in Vault of Archavon (25 man PUG), and it was the first time I've ever tried to tank the place. I was really disappointed with how things turned out for me. The PUG group I went with did manage to finish it though with a bit more DPS (first time we hit the enrage timer since we went with 20 or so).

Granted yeah, my DK currently is unguilded and is on nothing but heroic/badge loot :lol but I honestly thought I'd do better threatwise given how easily I've been blowing through most heroics.

Going to try and tweak my spec a bit for something higher threat generating, though I'm not sure there's much I can do at this point pre-patch. My current spec destroys 5 mans but does seem to have serious issues with threat on fights beyond 2-3 minutes.

I've seen this pop up many times now. It's mainly from Frost tanks, with some Unholy tanks mixed in there as well. I main tank usually every 10/25 vault I go into and also for 10man Naxx. I don't really have much gear from Naxx yet (unlucky drops) and mainly have Crafted/Heroic/Emblems gear. Twist is I'm a Blood Tank I guess. From what I gather, people that never saw me tank usually ask to /kick me from their raid when they find out my spec. Then people tell them to just watch. They become converts then LOL, always asking me to tank stuff for them including to check if i'm saved for naxx.

Blood's a hell of a tank, just people haven't found out about it yet, and only go with the prior "theorycrafted" specs and never look elsewhere. Unholy is very effective tanking as well though, I'm not sure where threat talk comes from there, though I had noticed I generated a tad bit more threat on single targets as Blood.

Come next patch, Blood is going to be even better though for tanking with the Heart Strike and Vamp Blood changes.

Speaking of next patch, put me in the group about how lazy Blizzard is. Seriously, it's a few class changes, some item tweaks, some fixes. And the thing is, some of the changes are really needed by certain classes. They're not going to imbalance PVP anymore than it is now, so why not release it. The tweaks on PTR are not significant when they update as well, besides screwing starting DKs out of a craftable tanking weapon that would've helped even the gap that Wars/Pallies get with that craftable shield. And the rune will help out greatly as well. But yeah, they just take their sweet time.

The game's a mess right now with balance as is, just release the patch already morons. If it were any other dev, perhaps you can figure they don't have the money and teams to work on it. But this is Blizzard working on a gold mine MMO, treating their customers like rubbish. They've really disappointed me with their piss poor treatment of the players. The way they blew off their beta testers when they complained about Hunters in PVE, Druids/Mages Opness in PVP, and the real OP hero class Paladins, just to all later admit they "underestimated class balance at 80", and are scrambling to fix things shows how far they fell.


To all you DKs out there, mind posting a decent tanking spec? I'm looking to level with a friend who is rolling healer, so during levelling I'll be looking to dual wield. I hear DW isn't as good as 2hander, but I'd still like to try it. Any advice/specs?
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