EekTheKat said:
I'm having some major, major threat issues with my Frost Death Knight tanking for raids. My burst threat is great for the first 2 minutes or so but after that I slowly start to lose ground against others. The paladin I was in the raid with was able to consistantly keep up a higher TPS.
This was in Vault of Archavon (25 man PUG), and it was the first time I've ever tried to tank the place. I was really disappointed with how things turned out for me. The PUG group I went with did manage to finish it though with a bit more DPS (first time we hit the enrage timer since we went with 20 or so).
Granted yeah, my DK currently is unguilded and is on nothing but heroic/badge loot :lol but I honestly thought I'd do better threatwise given how easily I've been blowing through most heroics.
Going to try and tweak my spec a bit for something higher threat generating, though I'm not sure there's much I can do at this point pre-patch. My current spec destroys 5 mans but does seem to have serious issues with threat on fights beyond 2-3 minutes.
I've seen this pop up many times now. It's mainly from Frost tanks, with some Unholy tanks mixed in there as well. I main tank usually every 10/25 vault I go into and also for 10man Naxx. I don't really have much gear from Naxx yet (unlucky drops) and mainly have Crafted/Heroic/Emblems gear. Twist is I'm a Blood Tank I guess. From what I gather, people that never saw me tank usually ask to /kick me from their raid when they find out my spec. Then people tell them to just watch. They become converts then LOL, always asking me to tank stuff for them including to check if i'm saved for naxx.
Blood's a hell of a tank, just people haven't found out about it yet, and only go with the prior "theorycrafted" specs and never look elsewhere. Unholy is very effective tanking as well though, I'm not sure where threat talk comes from there, though I had noticed I generated a tad bit more threat on single targets as Blood.
Come next patch, Blood is going to be even better though for tanking with the Heart Strike and Vamp Blood changes.
Speaking of next patch, put me in the group about how lazy Blizzard is. Seriously, it's a few class changes, some item tweaks, some fixes. And the thing is, some of the changes are really needed by certain classes. They're not going to imbalance PVP anymore than it is now, so why not release it. The tweaks on PTR are not significant when they update as well, besides screwing starting DKs out of a craftable tanking weapon that would've helped even the gap that Wars/Pallies get with that craftable shield. And the rune will help out greatly as well. But yeah, they just take their sweet time.
The game's a mess right now with balance as is, just release the patch already morons. If it were any other dev, perhaps you can figure they don't have the money and teams to work on it. But this is Blizzard working on a gold mine MMO, treating their customers like rubbish. They've really disappointed me with their piss poor treatment of the players. The way they blew off their beta testers when they complained about Hunters in PVE, Druids/Mages Opness in PVP, and the real OP hero class Paladins, just to all later admit they "underestimated class balance at 80", and are scrambling to fix things shows how far they fell.