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World of Warcraft

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Kyoufu said:
To all you DKs out there, mind posting a decent tanking spec? I'm looking to level with a friend who is rolling healer, so during levelling I'll be looking to dual wield. I hear DW isn't as good as 2hander, but I'd still like to try it. Any advice/specs?


This is one variety I use, based on where I'm tanking. As far as dual wielding goes, I did not like it one bit tanking with it. Like the devs said, they've optimized the class to tank with offensively stat loaded 2H weapons. Throw on the nice parry rune on your 2h and go to town.

What's up with Druids in PvP? They're annoying but they haven't been a thorn in my side like Paladins and Mages.

Cat burst, root, HoT up, bear to death, rinse'n'repeat. They really need to reduce healing, damage, or especially dodge in bear form. If you're not a Pally or Mage, you're in trouble against one. If you're a DK you have a chance removing their HoTs at least.

Thankfully, Resto is finally out of God Mode, and into a slightly more containable mode.
So after pretty much completely gearing my Rogue and topping or being near the top of the DPS charts on raids every night, and getting my Chopper, and clearing 25-man Naxx and Sarth......and Malygos will be down this week most likely.....

I'm getting tired of WoW

I don't want to PvP and heroics are meh, I guess I'll work on an alt?

Other than raid nights, not much I want to do now :(


BigJonsson said:
So after pretty much completely gearing my Rogue and topping or being near the top of the DPS charts on raids every night, and getting my Chopper, and clearing 25-man Naxx and Sarth......and Malygos will be down this week most likely.....

I'm getting tired of WoW

I don't want to PvP and heroics are meh, I guess I'll work on an alt?

Other than raid nights, not much I want to do now :(

That's one of the side effects of making the game too easy anymore. You'll clear through the content so much faster, giving you less challenge, and less work to do it too. It will cater to the casuals more making them happier, while the hardcore will be frustrated and quit in due time from sheer boredom.


J-Rzez said:

This is one variety I use, based on where I'm tanking. As far as dual wielding goes, I did not like it one bit tanking with it. Like the devs said, they've optimized the class to tank with offensively stat loaded 2H weapons. Throw on the nice parry rune on your 2h and go to town.

Ah I see. Guess I'll have to go with 2H for tanking. Any cookie cutter dual-wielding specs?
J-Rzez said:
That's one of the side effects of making the game too easy anymore. You'll clear through the content so much faster, giving you less challenge, and less work to do it too. It will cater to the casuals more making them happier, while the hardcore will be frustrated and quit in due time from sheer boredom.
Yea I know


J-Rzez said:
Cat burst, root, HoT up, bear to death, rinse'n'repeat.

That's all they can do really. Druids have been pretty fight or flight with survivability. Switching forms even when spec'd to reduce mana is pretty unforgiving with constant switching. Myself as a Hunter don't see them as an issue, it maybe cause I have the upper hand of a Mortal Strike, Reduce Casting Speed and a Scare Beast alongside a plethora of various traps.


BigJonsson said:
So after pretty much completely gearing my Rogue and topping or being near the top of the DPS charts on raids every night, and getting my Chopper, and clearing 25-man Naxx and Sarth......and Malygos will be down this week most likely.....

I'm getting tired of WoW

I don't want to PvP and heroics are meh, I guess I'll work on an alt?

Other than raid nights, not much I want to do now :(

You know what's Blizzard's answer is to that? Do raid achievements. :lol

Chris R

traveler said:
If you quested and upgraded normally on the way to 80, there is no reason not to jump straight into heroics as DPS. If someone is doing crap DPS, then it's most likely not a problem with gear as the jump from normal instances to heroics is nowhere near what it was in BC. You don't need to gear up like before to do them.
Well thats the thing, there have been VERY few upgrades in my questing, but I've yet to go into the Basin/Peaks/Icecrown other than for exploration/mining.


J-Rzez said:
Cat burst, root, HoT up, bear to death, rinse'n'repeat. They really need to reduce healing, damage, or especially dodge in bear form. If you're not a Pally or Mage, you're in trouble against one. If you're a DK you have a chance removing their HoTs at least.

Thankfully, Resto is finally out of God Mode, and into a slightly more containable mode.

Healing is already shit, I don't know why you keep repeating this as if you're righting a Resto in the bearform overpowered-ness of season 2-4. A feral is the absolute, no competion, worst healer in the game, to the point where a prot warrior has better survivability. I can't even heal myself to full health without going OOM, yet you keep insisting they heal as well as say, ret pallies. They don't.


yeah, I don't get that either. druids are dangerous in pvp, but so is everyone else. But it's no longer lolifebloom like it was from s2-s4. you can actually cut down their healing pretty easily. They're just a genuinely fearsome dps class now.


lockii said:
Healing is already shit, I don't know why you keep repeating this as if you're righting a Resto in the bearform overpowered-ness of season 2-4. A feral is the absolute, no competion, worst healer in the game, to the point where a prot warrior has better survivability. I can't even heal myself to full health without going OOM, yet you keep insisting they heal as well as say, ret pallies. They don't.

Their healing is more than enough in PVP, regardless if they're the worst spec to heal in the game. Their survivability and damage in bear due to dodge/heals, mobility, and cat open burst is OP. Like it or not, it is. No class that can heal itself like that (not speaking instant heals that are on longer than normal cast heals, but even that's a little too strong in PVP, aka Rune Tap), should not be able to do the damage that's up there with the classes that can not heal themselves, period.

Try to tell me: Great Burst = Great Burst + Healing. A heal/couple of hots can hold you over to other cd's or help you get that last shot in to finish off something, period. While these other classes can not do the same, and often wear lesser armors. Ret + Ferals are the most guilty of this, and they need to be put in check.


Kyoufu said:
Ah I see. Guess I'll have to go with 2H for tanking. Any cookie cutter dual-wielding specs?

Why are you assuming that since you're levelling you have to be dualwielding? (least that's the tone I'm picking up) There are plenty of two handers on your way to 80 to keep you busy.

But currently at 80, DW DPS is king, which should be nerfed a bit come the patch, but for levelling just stick with the 2handers.

But I can't link my talents from work, but just Armory Zalbaag on the Gilneas Server for my tanking build. 0/31/40, and I've yet to have problems losing aggro unless its some Rogue/Paladin/Warrior not paying attention to kill order and going balls deep on a target I'm not currently focused on. I'm really happy with this build as it gives me Lichborne, IF, Bone Shield, Anti-Magic Shell and Anti-Magic Zone for cooldowns, so I'm pretty versatile with what I can pop and when :)

And my usual rotation (which I'm assuming is the normal rotation for any DK tank)

IT, PS, HB(if Rime procced), Pest, Blood Tap, BB, HB(if Rime hadn't procced)

By that time I pretty much have established threat on everything, so I just keep up my diseases, HB when it's free, Runestrike when available and even throw in a Corpse Explosion or two.


Druids are awesome now. If they made it so you could have custom forms (instead of everyone looking exactly the same) they would probably be the coolest class in the game. You can pretty much play every aspect of WoW using only a druid (DPS, tank, heals, stealth, easy soloing).


J-Rzez said:
Try to tell me: Great Burst = Great Burst + Healing. A heal/couple of hots can hold you over to other cd's or help you get that last shot in to finish off something, period.

It's hardly that simple. It's not like we can heal in forms. You get caught in caster form as a Druid and you're dead. And a feral's HoTs can easily be burst through, they ain't much. And when they're gone, we have to shift out of cat/bear and cast them again. Fun. But fair. Our major burst damage comes from cat, which gives us Rogue like survivability. We have to constant weigh up the risks and balance of shifting, healing, burst damage, increased survivability in bear etc. Don't even compare us to ret paladins, that class is someone's sick joke. They redefine the concept of overpowered. Plate, decent heals, stuns, dots, bubbles, it goes on and on...I fucking despise them.


Junior Member
dave is ok said:

Ghostcrawler: There is nothing wrong with the warlock class! They are survivable enough in arenas with a 2000 armor buff!

For the people who don't understand why people are going crazy about the patch - warlocks are horrible in PvP right now.

I don't know why any warlock is trying to PvP right now. Frogger provides more excitement.

Nothing like seeing your fear / death coil land and "Immune" pop up, followed by "You can't do that while stunned", trinket, "You can't do that while stunned", death.

I've stopped fighting back in world PvP. I just /clap whenever I get ganked. I do the occasional WG, but even then I'm either in a vehicle or hanging way back hoping no one will notice the free HK that's trying to dps.


TomServo said:
I don't know why any warlock is trying to PvP right now. Frogger provides more excitement.

Nothing like seeing your fear / death coil land and "Immune" pop up, followed by "You can't do that while stunned", trinket, "You can't do that while stunned", death.

I've stopped fighting back in world PvP. I just /clap whenever I get ganked. I do the occasional WG, but even then I'm either in a vehicle or hanging way back hoping no one will notice the free HK that's trying to dps.

Yeah Warlocks need some serious love right now. Whenever I see one in a BG i go straight for them and they usually run away. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Interfectum said:
We had a rogue with us doing at heroic nexus doing 600 dps... he might as well not been there. :lol
Gear is not the problem.

A solid knowledge of the skills and types of gear you should be using is much better. The fact is, any player with even shit gear can do reasonable heroic damage. I'm not saying he's going to top 2000DPS, but I think he can be helpful as long as he knows what to do with his class.


Scrow said:
haven't read this whole topic on druids, but are you talking about Balance or Feral DPS, in regards to PvP?
both. Balance is a really fucking good caster build now and I wouldn't call it op, but they seem like a hard counter to DKs and warriors between monsoon (or whatever their tidal wave knockback spell is called) and roots, without even getting into cyclone, while feral DPS is very, very nice against everything that other melee normally beats. I actually lament the lack of feral DPS on my server because I fucking love their damage output, debuffs (which are also useful in pvp) and of course LotP/Imp. LotP. Balance is more burst than feral, but feral obviously can still tear someone up pretty easily, especially with all their bleed damage. and honestly, even with how burst-heavy pvp is right now, feral will remain pretty awesome since a lot of its damage is easy to sustain.


Tried MH'ing Death's Bite and OH'ing Armageddon last night instead of Jawbone/Armageddon. I lose the expertise cap (still retain 15 exp and I eat expertise food) but gain more crit / hit.

The only thing I cannot stand is that Death's Bite and Armageddon weapon speeds are the same so when I swing it's both at the same time and it just FEELS so slow and choppy. I don't know why, it just doesn't feel as good as when I was using 3.6 / 3.4 instead of dual 3.4's.

I think my DPS is a little higher but it feels like I'm waiting for rage more often.


well i'm not sure if they ever fixed it, but back in the day for fury warriors, it was ideal to have 2 weapons of the same speed, as you gained an extra swing from flurry, it was a bug apparently, but it was in game for a long ass time

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
yacobod said:
well i'm not sure if they ever fixed it, but back in the day for fury warriors, it was ideal to have 2 weapons of the same speed, as you gained an extra swing from flurry, it was a bug apparently, but it was in game for a long ass time
I think most Fury's go for two of the slowest things they can get, right?

I'm clueless when it comes to Fury. Although I've got two "Skull Clad Cleavers" or whatever sitting in the bank, and had to D/E a third since Loken doesn't seem to drop anything else.


Angry Grimace said:
I think most Fury's go for two of the slowest things they can get, right?

I'm clueless when it comes to Fury. Although I've got two "Skull Clad Cleavers" or whatever sitting in the bank, and had to D/E a third since Loken doesn't seem to drop anything else.

The slower the better for whirlwind damage yes and unsure if they fixed the Flurry bug. The speeds don't vary enough for me to care about taking the slower of the two though, .2 is next to nothing I'm sure.

It just feels so much worse when I'm controlling the character using those 2 same speed weapons than when using weapons with differing speeds.


Macattk15 said:
It just feels so much worse when I'm controlling the character using those 2 same speed weapons than when using weapons with differing speeds.

if you get 2 betrayer of humanity's i'm sure you wont be so picky about that


yacobod said:
if you get 2 betrayer of humanity's i'm sure you wont be so picky about that

Oh God, I'm waiting to see a Fury War get that. Cause I'm going to highly doubt they'll win or be allowed to roll on it again.:lol Since Cryptfiend's Bite is bugged, my next upgrade is that or the Black Ice, Hell, the Wraith Spear is a good boost. But what I really want is a ranged weapon that doesn't ugly like the Envoy of Mortality. :(


VaLiancY said:
Oh God, I'm waiting to see a Fury War get that. Cause I'm going to highly doubt they'll win or be allowed to roll on it again.:lol Since Cryptfiend's Bite is bugged, my next upgrade is that or the Black Ice, Hell, the Wraith Spear is a good boost. But what I really want is a ranged weapon that doesn't ugly like the Envoy of Mortality. :(

My guild rolls on items, no dkp. If I win the roll, I win the roll. Helps that I'm an officer and honestly one of the best players in the guild. Some people actually cheer on ventrilo when I win items (I usually have horrendous rolls).

I have The Jawbone, Armageddon, Demise and now Death's Bite. So I might as well gather some more big 2H'ers.


VaLiancY said:
Oh God, I'm waiting to see a Fury War get that. Cause I'm going to highly doubt they'll win or be allowed to roll on it again.:lol Since Cryptfiend's Bite is bugged, my next upgrade is that or the Black Ice, Hell, the Wraith Spear is a good boost. But what I really want is a ranged weapon that doesn't ugly like the Envoy of Mortality. :(

Theres a guy on my server that is the guild leader, so he gets anything he wants. He got the first 2 betrayers, first malygos 10 and 25 necklace quest, as well as many other things. He did the same shit in TBC, got the first cursed vision from illidan, as well as both glaives. Oh, and hes fucking terrible as a dps warrior too.


Weenerz said:
Theres a guy on my server that is the guild leader, so he gets anything he wants. He got the first 2 betrayers, first malygos 10 and 25 necklace quest, as well as many other things. He did the same shit in TBC, got the first cursed vision from illidan, as well as both glaives. Oh, and hes fucking terrible as a dps warrior too.

Wow. :lol I'm an Officer of my guild and I usually pass stuff on to a less geared since I'm top three DPS'er. And if the BoH drops, it's going straight to a melee because I know my guys won't complain but its the pugs we get that will and those pugs are the shit DPS. I just got this attitude that shit DPS shouldn't be rewarded but I'm slowly starting to get over it. Like for instance we had a feral druid clean house over our rogue who was top five and the druid was under the tanks, the only thing he was good for was a BR and Innervate. =\


Is anyone solo'ing Onyxia as a Ret pally? I want to know if I need to respec (i dont want to) before I try this. Any strats?

Does anyone use this to chart their dps? Worth it?


I finally hit 80 last night. I'm now trying to stock up on defense, only need a bit before i'm uncrittable. This is going to be fun... whenever i get there.


Does anyone here do engineering? I just got to about 200 but I can't make anything worthwhile yet. I started doing mining to support this profession but I make a hell of a lot of money mining, and lose money engineering. Is engineering worth it in the end?


NG28 said:
Does anyone here do engineering? I just got to about 200 but I can't make anything worthwhile yet. I started doing mining to support this profession but I make a hell of a lot of money mining, and lose money engineering. Is engineering worth it in the end?

Depends on what you expect from it. Engineering is not about making money, it is about funny gimmicks. Well, I financed my bike with the mote extractor, but even that isn't really profitable anymore.


Weenerz said:
Theres a guy on my server that is the guild leader, so he gets anything he wants. He got the first 2 betrayers, first malygos 10 and 25 necklace quest, as well as many other things. He did the same shit in TBC, got the first cursed vision from illidan, as well as both glaives. Oh, and hes fucking terrible as a dps warrior too.
Dont you roll on loot or use dkp? I couldnt stand to be in a guild where officers or guild leaders get to take all the loot simply because of their position in the guild.


We roll on what we need but at the same time we try our best to make sure we're all equally geared. I'm the officer of my guild and I just got my 2nd piece of T7 yesterday.


Junior Member
BigJonsson said:
DKP is the best

Why are you in a guild where the officers take everything =/
We use % based DKP rules, ends fights and shuts up bitching.

http://www.otsh.dkp4guilds.com/viewnews.php - will be wiped and setup for 25man soon.
DKP System is percent based to encourage turnover and prevent one single person from getting every piece of loot they want in one night because they saved up 2 billion DKP and waited for the next patch's raid instances to come out.

All items purchased cost a percent of your DKP (Minimum 5 pts if first kill)

Regular Items: 50%
Tier Items: 60%
Off-Spec Items: 25% (Off-spec is e.g. your tank set if you are a DPS DK/War/Druid/Pal)

Highest DKP wins with the exception being that any off-spec rolls are low priority. Main specs are always > off specs.

If we require you to bring an alt to a raid, that alt can purchase items with the same rules as above.
Epix said:
Is anyone solo'ing Onyxia as a Ret pally? I want to know if I need to respec (i dont want to) before I try this. Any strats?

Does anyone use this to chart their dps? Worth it?

I was doing it at 70 right after the patch. Walk in with either Seal of Light or Wisdom and 10 minutes later walk out. Phase 2 you need to follow her around and while you can't hit her with white attacks your yellow moves still work.


xabre said:
It's hardly that simple. It's not like we can heal in forms. You get caught in caster form as a Druid and you're dead. And a feral's HoTs can easily be burst through, they ain't much. And when they're gone, we have to shift out of cat/bear and cast them again. Fun. But fair. Our major burst damage comes from cat, which gives us Rogue like survivability. We have to constant weigh up the risks and balance of shifting, healing, burst damage, increased survivability in bear etc. Don't even compare us to ret paladins, that class is someone's sick joke. They redefine the concept of overpowered. Plate, decent heals, stuns, dots, bubbles, it goes on and on...I fucking despise them.

It's not hard to see, the "good" ferals who always top BG charts, who are complained by people in WG, in arena, all do the same thing. Cat burst down, root up for some safety range, HoT up, Bear & Charge, outlast your opponent with no issues. It's the same routine every time because it works nearly always against most classes. You're not as bad as Ret, I can give that much, but the class is up there in OPness, and needs to be addressed. They're not focused on too much though, as people are still blinded by Ret OP. Once and if they get the nerf stick, then you'll see people focus on Druids once again.


VaLiancY said:
It's a damn shame because on my server no one makes the crafted ammo. And we have a lot of hunters on our server so I'm sure some Engineers would make a decent amount.

Leveled my mage and skilled up Engineering to max just so I could make my own bullets, thats how bad it got on our server. Then when I replaced my gun with the voyage crossbow as a stop gap until the freakin GUN DROPS JESUS CHRIST, I had to go and make a crap ton of Saronite Arrow boxes.

Going through at least 150g in mats per raid night in ammo. Its nice to know they finally realized that making us spend so much per night to raid was broken, but i wish they would hurry up and implement it. 600g a week is not cool, and feign death on wipes doesn't even come remotely close to making up the difference once you guys.......don't wipe anymore. I would kill to have the low reagent costs of mages/priests/druids per raid right now.


VaLiancY said:
So Blizzard, Fix raid latency issues please.

Called our raid short today after just 1 wing because the lag was unbearable. Was just stepping foot into the next wing when we started pulling the gargoyles. GM' called it when we had to blow bloodlust + cooldowns to kill it because at about 20% the lag would hardlock the entire raid for about 10s (causing people to start wilding out over vent) and the gargoyles would heal to full. :lol :lol :lol I think the entire raid got to like 19 stacks of that dot before we said F it and stacked dots and bloodlust to FINALLY kill the last one, then we through up a portal to Dalaran and called it quits.

I was crying laughing.


Flesh Into Gear said:
Phase 2 you need to follow her around and while you can't hit her with white attacks your yellow moves still work.

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but if you stand exactly below her, you can hit her with your normal melee hits as well.


Lain said:
Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but if you stand exactly below her, you can hit her with your normal melee hits as well.
yeah, I did that when I soloed her as prot. pretty easy to do honestly.


Puncture said:
Called our raid short today after just 1 wing because the lag was unbearable. Was just stepping foot into the next wing when we started pulling the gargoyles. GM' called it when we had to blow bloodlust + cooldowns to kill it because at about 20% the lag would hardlock the entire raid for about 10s (causing people to start wilding out over vent) and the gargoyles would heal to full. :lol :lol :lol I think the entire raid got to like 19 stacks of that dot before we said F it and stacked dots and bloodlust to FINALLY kill the last one, then we through up a portal to Dalaran and called it quits.

I was crying laughing.

That gave us problems, Loatheb gave us problems, 4HM gave us problems because of disconnects.

Xabora said:
I know, its killing my rotations. ;_;

Yes, its screwing me over royally but we have great DPS this Naxx.
VaLiancY said:
So Blizzard, Fix raid latency issues please.

Biting the bullet this week. We have 3 servers picked out, all from 07. The previous choice (the shittily named) The Forgotten Coast, is from late 05 and is now showing the dreaded signs of server lag since about 2k active players showed up on it since Christmas. At least with these other choices, I keep my name, though, but they're lowish-medium pop with wierd population imbalances though...
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