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World of Warcraft

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Well I didn't think it would ever happen to me but I somehow managed to get my account hacked yesterday... I'm guessing it was a random link I ended up going to from the offical WoW forums because i've always been good about keeping my info safe.

Anyone else have a keylogger problem before? Not really sure how to deal with it. Went on my mac laptop to change my gmail info because after having that account for over 4-5 years I would cry if anything where to ever happen to it. So I did the usual, AVG full scan, cleared all my cookies and history shit. One thing i haven't done until today was use a spyware program so today I finally downloaded Spybot and after a full scan of that about 9 different programs showed up. So now that its all cleared up there I'm still kind of scared to type any important pw's on this computer.

I could always format but I'm really not in the mood for that right now. Do you think i'm safe after the Spybot fix or should I suck it up and format anyway?


I downloaded the 10 day Wrath trial and was thinking of playing again but I hear the PVP still sucks. Talked to some oldschool Alliance players from my first server and it's almost depressing listening to everyone talk about how much better PVP used to be before interserver :lol


there's a lot of whining, but the BG system is so much better now than it was at launch. so much better. you can actually queue up for any BG you want and play it within an hour for the worst/slowest one. wintergrasp I'm not sure of, because I hate pvping as a prot pally so I don't even step in there except to turn in stone keeper shards.
Maybe the quality of the groups was better but, the long-ass queues sure as hell weren't. You cant still have your long-ass queues though. Just make a premade. :lol


Yeah the long wait times sucked but there was an actual sense of community before interserver PVP hit so looking back I really didn't mind it. I played on Naz'jatar for about 5 months and couldn't tell you the name of a single person on that server outside of my friends.

I also hate how easy it is to get great PVP gear now. It used to take months and felt like an accomplishment. Now all you have to do is get a few arena wins a week and play a couple battlegrounds and let the honor add up.

...I guess there isn't any point in bitching about it since it's not going to change :lol


mileS said:
Well I didn't think it would ever happen to me but I somehow managed to get my account hacked yesterday... I'm guessing it was a random link I ended up going to from the offical WoW forums because i've always been good about keeping my info safe.

Anyone else have a keylogger problem before? Not really sure how to deal with it. Went on my mac laptop to change my gmail info because after having that account for over 4-5 years I would cry if anything where to ever happen to it. So I did the usual, AVG full scan, cleared all my cookies and history shit. One thing i haven't done until today was use a spyware program so today I finally downloaded Spybot and after a full scan of that about 9 different programs showed up. So now that its all cleared up there I'm still kind of scared to type any important pw's on this computer.

I could always format but I'm really not in the mood for that right now. Do you think i'm safe after the Spybot fix or should I suck it up and format anyway?

Order the Blizzard Authenticator. It's only $6. I've been hacked twice and the computer I play WoW was almost 100% safe (no cracks, bad websites, etc). If you get the authenticator you are pretty much 100% hack free.
I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to use "scroll of resurrection" on me. If I decide to subscribe again you'll get a free month out of it. If anyone's interested please PM me!

EDIT: nm, got one!


I'm going to be back on dialup and unable to do 25-mans (which are lagging now), so probably pretty good knowing my luck :lol


The Lamonster said:
So what are the chances we'll get a patch on Tuesday?

From the blue posts I've been reading it sounds like it'll be coming next tuesday. They have no choice at this point since they are rolling the lag issues of Naxx and WG into the 3.0.8 patch (they said it can't be 'hotfixed') and they can't wait much longer on these issues before subs start dropping.

So yeah, I'd say 90% chance it's coming Tuesday.
Interfectum said:
From the blue posts I've been reading it sounds like it'll be coming next tuesday. They have no choice at this point since they are rolling the lag issues of Naxx and WG into the 3.0.8 patch (they said it can't be 'hotfixed') and they can't wait much longer on these issues before subs start dropping.

So yeah, I'd say 90% chance it's coming Tuesday.
Awesome. I'm mostly just looking forward to the faster death movement speed :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
SatelliteOfLove said:
Gal'darah is already my least favorite Wrath boss. He is FUCKING brutal on fresh 80s even decked out in Sunwell loot (unlike every other boss except loken) and he's so fucking random. Then, I got decked out in T7/T7.5 finery. Then I went with buddies for the Share the Love Cheevo.


He would go after the same person over and over, even after switching tanks off, and he'd do that ugly shit I hated from first go when he'd Charge me (healer) -> Impale me, beat on tank > drop me > STOMP sends me flying > Charged again > IMPALED AGAIN OMGWTF > finishes off tank cuz Enh shaman has weak heals and went flying too. ARGH.

And there we go...Alterac Mountains here we come :(
I got that achievement completely at random the first time I killed him.
Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but for the first time in.. well, recent memory, I'm not sure how long.. Blizz released a brand spanking new non-transfer US PVE realm, good news for all of us on psychotically crowded servers and a possible death knell for those servers which are at "recommended" status. Word is, it's a PST realm out of Seattle. For those so inclined to have a fresh go, I'll be on tonight leveling like a madman and I'll post my char name as soon as I get rolled and then 10'd and decide on a spec. Oh, the realm is called Borean Tundra.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What's the recommended progression after the Spider Wing in Naxx? It's the obvious choice for first since we one shot all three bosses in there in a PUG.

I gave the Military Wing a shot, but 3 wipes on Instructor means I'm unlikely to go with it again tonight as it's really in our best interest to down as many bosses as we can before figuring out who we're stuck on.


Angry Grimace said:
What's the recommended progression after the Spider Wing in Naxx? It's the obvious choice for first since we one shot all three bosses in there in a PUG.

I gave the Military Wing a shot, but 3 wipes on Instructor means I'm unlikely to go with it again tonight as it's really in our best interest to down as many bosses as we can before figuring out who we're stuck on.
In my experience:

Spider < Plague < Military < Construct


Junior Member
Because I can Part II:

Sha'Tar, yeah I'm going to kick your ass.


I killed one!


Epix said:
In my experience:

Spider < Plague < Military < Construct

Yeah, this. Plague is pretty cake. Need priests with good +hit for military wing Razuvious, then Gothik won't be a simple fight for a new raid, etc.

All leading up to the joy that is Abomination wing, culminating in a Darwinesque experience at Thaddius with pickup noobs that can't figure out left from right. :lol


Angry Grimace said:
What's the recommended progression after the Spider Wing in Naxx? It's the obvious choice for first since we one shot all three bosses in there in a PUG.

I gave the Military Wing a shot, but 3 wipes on Instructor means I'm unlikely to go with it again tonight as it's really in our best interest to down as many bosses as we can before figuring out who we're stuck on.

You're talkin 25 or 10 man? Either way what the guys said above is correct. Patchwerk is a pain, Gluth can be a pain, Thaddius is a pain.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flambe said:
Yeah, this. Plague is pretty cake. Need priests with good +hit for military wing Razuvious, then Gothik won't be a simple fight for a new raid, etc.

All leading up to the joy that is Abomination wing, culminating in a Darwinesque experience at Thaddius with pickup noobs that can't figure out left from right. :lol
This is on normal mode; so no Priests needed for Instructor. We had never done it and therefore we had problems getting both tanks on the same page taunt-off wise.

It was pretty late and we had already had a couple people D/C so it didn't bother me too much about the wipes, I'll get it tonight. I was going to go with Plague Quarter first, but I wasn't convinced of my parties' abilities to do the Heigan dance at all. I'll probably just deal with it becuase lack of enrage time will probably make up for the deaths.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
You're talkin 25 or 10 man? Either way what the guys said above is correct. Patchwerk is a pain, Gluth can be a pain, Thaddius is a pain.

Patchwerk I think we could do; DPS is relatively high for a PUG; but someone asked specifically not to do Patch since the only boss his other raid had been able to down was Patch. I wasn't planning on doing that whole quarter however.

I'm pretty set on Plague since our Healers are good and we can probably just deal with half the raid instantly dying by Heigan-dance.


So I'm full-on unholy spec at level 60. I find a group for Blood Furnace. This other DK who is level 61 says I'm too low for the instance. The leader disagrees and we press forward. I was invited to tank so when I announce that the MT is me the 61 frost specced DK says I can't tank because I'm unholy. He says he has to tank. I disagree and say there is nothing wrong with unholy tanking...

So he yells that he is going to tank blah blah blah so I just slap on Frost Presence, rain down Death and Decay upon groups in the instance and bam, frost spec DK has been owned. I win.

I read that people tend to discriminate against non-frost spec DK tanks but I tanked BF and Ramps with my eyes closed with barely any defense/stamina gear.

The funny thing is I'm not even specced for tanking.

On a sidenote, I wish they weren't nerfing Glyph of Death and Decay. Its sex.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Do they hit really hard or something? Is there 30 of them?

16k HP ... I think I could 2 shot that with instants and auto attacks.
Well I had to agro them with my pet, die. Then they go red so I can kill them at will.


Angry Grimace said:
Patchwerk I think we could do; DPS is relatively high for a PUG; but someone asked specifically not to do Patch since the only boss his other raid had been able to down was Patch. I wasn't planning on doing that whole quarter however.

I'm pretty set on Plague since our Healers are good and we can probably just deal with half the raid instantly dying by Heigan-dance.

Well I was talking about 25 man Patchwerk ... 10 man is a pushover, big difference in the 25 man version though. Grobbulus is really easy if people just friggen listen where to run.

And yeah, you can probably kill Heigan with 3 people alive.


Kyoufu said:
The funny thing is I'm not even specced for tanking.

On a sidenote, I wish they weren't nerfing Glyph of Death and Decay. Its sex.
They pretty much have to because it's just too good. proc chance is insane and it's basically free aoe stuns for a couple seconds, so it makes tanking/killing shit trivial.


Angry Grimace said:
Everyone says that in Dalaran, but my GTX 260 always pumps out 45 fps and about 70 -150ms latency on a high pop server. I guess it's because computers that are running integrated or old school graphics cards are seriously feeling the pinch, not becuase the servers are crap.

I'm not sure what's up with it; my GF and I ran Sartharion sitting right next to each other and she (healing) lagged out and ate a bunch of attacks and died, but I was perfectly fine until I died trying to fix her locked up screen :lol all this while some anal PUG hunter is screaming at the dead off tank to pick up the flame adds :lol

I really don't think WoW is that optimized for newer hardware. I mean, seriously, 45FPS with your hardware is quite horrible for a game going on 5 years, when in comparison you'll be getting probably 100FPS or more in warhammer online a game that came out only a few months ago.

My FPS in WoW averages in the low 20's with everything maxed except shadows, while in games like EVE online and warhammer which both use higher end textures, shadowing, etc. I usually get 40FPS+ completely maxed out.(I have an ATI mobility HD3650) And it's not like this is an isolated issue, so many people on the WoW forums complain about how they get low avg FPS in WoW, and all the blue posters say is "maybe it's your hardware" while their dxdiag says otherwise.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Lamonster said:
I have everything maxed and average about 20 FPS in Northrend. It sucks :(
If I turn V-Sync off I get around ~180-215. V-Sync will limit your frames to 60, which looks pretty much the same as 215.

I also don't get lag in WG or Naxxramas, even during times when others in raid say it's unwinnable due to lag. I'm not sure why since everyone says it's server side, but I haven't noticed lag since I upgraded. The only time my frame rate gets anywhere below 60 with v-sync on or off is in Dalaran.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
If I turn V-Sync off I get around ~180-215. V-Sync will limit your frames to 60, which looks pretty much the same as 215.

I also don't get lag in WG or Naxxramas, even during times when others in raid say it's unwinnable due to lag. I'm not sure why since everyone says it's server side, but I haven't noticed lag since I upgraded. The only time my frame rate gets anywhere below 60 with v-sync on or off is in Dalaran.
V-Sync matches whatever your Refresh Rate is set for your monitor.
With v-sync on my PC I cap at 75. :p


Angry Grimace said:
I also don't get lag in WG or Naxxramas, even during times when others in raid say it's unwinnable due to lag. I'm not sure why since everyone says it's server side, but I haven't noticed lag since I upgraded. The only time my frame rate gets anywhere below 60 with v-sync on or off is in Dalaran.

I think you're confusing latency (lag) with framerate chop.

Problem with Naxx is latency, as in you push button to cast spell and 8 seconds later it casts. Now I don't know if this is a server-specific problem or what, but when 25 people in same raid have the same lag, it's not client-side (unless it's bad network code or something on their part?)

I wasn't really checking either, but I don't recall the latency meter going red either during the lag or that being commented on.

Either way, a GTX 260 (which I also have btw) does nothing to reduce lag.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flambe said:
I think you're confusing latency (lag) with framerate chop.

Problem with Naxx is latency, as in you push button to cast spell and 8 seconds later it casts. Now I don't know if this is a server-specific problem or what, but when 25 people in same raid have the same lag, it's not client-side (unless it's bad network code or something on their part?)

I wasn't really checking either, but I don't recall the latency meter going red either during the lag or that being commented on.

Either way, a GTX 260 (which I also have btw) does nothing to reduce lag.
Nobody's ever goes anything but green as far as I can tell and I'm watching it. That was, in effect, my point; I'm not entirely convinced it's a server side problem for a significant portion of what WoW players term as "lag." When most people in WoW say "lag" they generally are referring to a sudden framerate drop, not poor latency. The only time I ever see true lag is during WG battles, and even then not too often (because our pop. balance is pretty abysmal (2:1 A-H).

Generally, I take it when my raid members claim to be "lagged out" to mean something CPU or GPU intensive occured (presumably a graphical effect, or god knows what) which causes them problems.

I'll have 5 guys say they are "lagging," but I'm not seeing a slowed reaction time on my end, but my girlfriend's computer seems to demonstrate somewhat randomly occuring massive framerate drops which have the same effect as bad latency; she'll hit a button and no heal goes off. I have no insight as to why or what the actual problem is, I just know it doesn't seem to happen to my characters. *shrug*


Angry Grimace said:
Nobody's ever goes anything but green as far as I can tell and I'm watching it. That was, in effect, my point; I'm not entirely convinced it's a server side problem for a significant portion of what WoW players term as "lag." When most people in WoW say "lag" they generally are referring to a sudden framerate drop, not poor latency. The only time I ever see true lag is during WG battles, and even then not too often (because our pop. balance is pretty abysmal (2:1 A-H).

Generally, I take it when my raid members claim to be "lagged out" to mean something CPU or GPU intensive occured (presumably a graphical effect, or god knows what) which causes them problems.

I'll have 5 guys say they are "lagging," but I'm not seeing a slowed reaction time on my end, but my girlfriend's computer seems to demonstrate somewhat randomly occuring massive framerate drops which have the same effect as bad latency; she'll hit a button and no heal goes off. I have no insight as to why or what the actual problem is, I just know it doesn't seem to happen to my characters. *shrug*

Well I'm on one of the original servers post-beta (Silvermoon) so our population is enormous which I'm sure doesn't help. Anyways, I'm raiding with some friends who have been around since the beginning of the game so we know what we're talking about when we say it's lag.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flambe said:
Well I'm on one of the original servers post-beta (Silvermoon) so our population is enormous which I'm sure doesn't help. Anyways, I'm raiding with some friends who have been around since the beginning of the game so we know what we're talking about when we say it's lag.
I wasn't trying impugn your the truth of what you're saying or your credibility, I simply was talking about my own guys, who use "lag" and "FPS drop" as synonyms :lol It's made more difficult by the fact that many players don't understand they aren't the same thing. Especially given that I ran this raid at midnight, server time.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Is there anything more aggravating that sitting on one piece of gear that's behind your other pieces, ilvl wise?

I hate being a gear whore....but I could really use some upgraded tanking shoulders. :lol

I don't know why I have such great luck getting multiple pieces of tank gloves, and nothing else. :lol


I also have FPS problems sometimes that I don't understand.

Q6600 @ 2.9Ghz, 4GB of RAM, 8800 GT x2 in SLI (even worse when not SLI'ed) ... i'm getting 31 FPS with everything on high ... minus ground clutter density, radius, shadows and weather.

I feel I should get more than 31 FPS ... even in Dalaran with a computer like this. I'm in the 80's flying in Storm Peaks right now, still should be higher imo.


A reinstall fixed most of my framerate problems.

Running on E6750 @ 2.66, 8800GT, 2GB Ram at Max Settings, the game would decide to periodically freeze from time to time at random. Dalaran was virtually unplayable. After a reinstall however, everything run's fine.

Just make sure you make a back up of all the patches, and have a lot of time to spare. Took me around an hour to reinstall everything, even when I backed up every single patch.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
I also have FPS problems sometimes that I don't understand.

Q6600 @ 2.9Ghz, 4GB of RAM, 8800 GT x2 in SLI (even worse when not SLI'ed) ... i'm getting 31 FPS with everything on high ... minus ground clutter density, radius, shadows and weather.

I feel I should get more than 31 DPS ... even in Dalaran with a computer like this. I'm in the 80's flying in Storm Peaks right now, still should be higher imo.
The "F" key being right next to the "D" makes for an amusing typo. :lol


maybe I still have vsync on but my fps is pretty much always 60 everywhere but Dalaran, and even 60 in Dalaran when nobody's around (which is like, 3am server time... maybe.)
BigJonsson said:

As mentioned before you should try and get your expertise a bit higher, possibly at the expense of hit rating (any balance/feral druids in your raid group? then your hit only needs to be around 240). Malygos drops a nice expertise trinket if your guild is up to there. Aside from that just get some enchants on your gear which currently do not have them (+8 Stats to chest, +44 Attack Power to gloves, Icewalker (10 Hit/10Crit) to Boots and Mongoose or Beserking on your MH dagger depending on your finances). Also an Eternium Belt Buckle for an extra gem socket on your Belt if you haven't already.


You should throw that offhand away and apologize to your raid for taking it (unless there was no one else who could use it) because shamans still go for slow offhands, even with flametongue on their offhand and lava lash. Then buy Pride off the emblem of heroism vendor or get some other kind of one hand 2.4 or slower speed weapon for your offhand if you don't have the emblems for Pride. There's a little theorycrafting on fast offhands, but at this point the math still is in favor of slow offhands, and lava lash was designed with slow offhands in mind. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it's just that you'd probably be doing better dps with a slower offhand even if it was blue.

As far as enchants go, mongoose, berserking, AP, or even the combined crit/hit rating are all good. But dual mongoose is probably the best cheap enchant since it'll buff your AP, crit, and spell power (via mental quickness) all in one. Berserking is probably the best overall, but it's obviously way more expensive.

edit: also, looking at your gear, you have a lot of good stuff but your cloak is a little bad (str's no longer the primary dps stat for enhance shamans) and your pants, while nice and purple, are better off given to a hunter because haste rating is really, really bad for enhance shamans. you really want to gem for more hit until you're at the spell hit cap (which sounds absurd, I know, but you'll do enough spell damage now that it's worth it) and then go for capping expertise. At that point, crit and agi are pretty much the best stats for you to get. If you're wondering why haste is bad, just remind yourself that maelstrom procs fast enough with slow/slow weapon setup to be stacked fully in like 5-6 seconds, and therefore haste rating doesn't benefit you any on any of your spells affected by it. It'd be another matter entirely if you were resto/elemental as those benefit from haste far more. And while your trinkets are good, you may want to replace one with Mirror of Truth if you can.

Not that you need to go out and trash your gear and reroll or anything. I'm just trying to give some pointers since god knows 3.0.2 screwed up the shaman class badly to the point that it's hard to figure out what's good, and the general "take hunter drops" thing doesn't actually apply to a lot of raid gear.


DK tanking is just too much fun. God bless whoever that decided Death and Decay won't just be a carbon copy of Consecration and actually be manually placed.


Angry Grimace said:
Nobody's ever goes anything but green as far as I can tell and I'm watching it. That was, in effect, my point; I'm not entirely convinced it's a server side problem for a significant portion of what WoW players term as "lag." When most people in WoW say "lag" they generally are referring to a sudden framerate drop, not poor latency. The only time I ever see true lag is during WG battles, and even then not too often (because our pop. balance is pretty abysmal (2:1 A-H).

Generally, I take it when my raid members claim to be "lagged out" to mean something CPU or GPU intensive occured (presumably a graphical effect, or god knows what) which causes them problems.

I'll have 5 guys say they are "lagging," but I'm not seeing a slowed reaction time on my end, but my girlfriend's computer seems to demonstrate somewhat randomly occuring massive framerate drops which have the same effect as bad latency; she'll hit a button and no heal goes off. I have no insight as to why or what the actual problem is, I just know it doesn't seem to happen to my characters. *shrug*

I'm on launch server and every evening around 8pm in all instances there is horrid, horrid lag.
Unless you want to call 25ppl unable to cast a spell and 750 people getting disconnected as massive worldwide pc problem:lol

You know, it depends on server. On launch servers like mine, that are also overpopulated (up to 800ppl queue whole week, 1.2k on sunday) it's not only wintergrasp problem (which lags whole northrend, but that's other problem), but also there is only one bigger raiding instance, with both 25 and 10 man version, and every single raiding guild goes there which causes massive Naxx lag, which makes bosses with enrage impossible to kill (others are just easy, but take a lot longer to kill - anubrekhan a week ago took us 8.5 minute lolol).
And what's retarded - we have horrible queues and lag still remains. Sigh -.-


Grandma's Chippy
I too am on a launch server. Lots of people complain about lag in BGs, and instances, and during city raids.

Never affects me. Even Dal has steady framerate.

It USED to be bad for me on my old system, it was bad on my wifes system before I switched her video card, now smooth as butter. It is really bad on one of my guildies systems, and two people I work with have bad lag in Dal.

The common factor in ALL the bad systems....ATI Graphics....specifically mid-range or older Radeon.

Everyone I know with NVidea has no problems. People with higher end ATI cards have very little problems.

All these people have at least 2-4gb RAM as well.

Not sure what it means but just my experience.
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