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World of Warcraft

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They weren't nerfed you dingus, you get XP for them instead of extra gold.

I love how when people don't understand or think the game should work another way, they automatically go into negative mode.

Haha yeah, I was being a dingus. I was just looking forward to some gold income :p

The entire sunwell isle is dead though, NOBODY goes there anymore, which is sad to see since it was always so active.


Alex said:
I think he wants a 2H though. Said along the lines that if DW DPS is just going to be par, then it's pointless excursion. I would have to agree. They should allow Killing Machine to proc off of offhand, IMO as a non-DK.
It did before, so I guess this is part of blizzard raping KM, when instead they should have lowered the coefficient of howling blast/made more frost talents affect frost strike.

I just personally don't even see a point to 2h frost anymore. The nerfs because of op DW spec also hurt 2h, to the point that frost right now is basically good for some mitigation talents and icy talons for your raid and that's about it. I'm just glad I like the new blood, because unholy still doesn't appeal to me beyond permaghoul pet, especially now that they nerfed the gargoyle.

also for the guy wanting to try a new class, I really do recommend paladin, hunter, or even mage. Mage is a little slow going compared to those classes at lower levels, but you won't notice if you start out with it after this long away from the game. And I actually have always liked leveling as fire even though it's not as easy to manage as frost, and requires better gear to kill things more "efficiently" (that is, being able to rely more on ignite/knowing your ignite will kill the mob) than frost does, where you simply use your inexpensive frostbolts and either kill quicker with crits or take an extra frostbolt or two instead. But then, I really like single target killing, even for pve leveling, which fire excels at. You can always mix it up if you prefer to and go frost instead, although I do find in my many times making mages and leveling them up to the 20s that fire is the best starting build (due to, at low levels, fireball/frostbolt having near identical mana costs, but fireball doing a whole lot more damage to the point you will probably need 2 less fireballs to kill a mob than you would frostbolts). But I'm no mage expert as my highest level mage is only 51.

Actually, come to think of it, a shaman isn't a bad class to play, either. They're not ideal but still leagues better now than they were before the 2.3 patch, pretty easy to gear up, and have decent solo survivability once you learn to manage your maelstrom procs if enhance or clearcasting procs if elemental. I do think shamans are kind of weak outside of resto at 80, but getting there, they're pretty good and at least elemental has a decent niche now that allows it to essentially fill the role of 2 other hybrid dps classes (balance druid/ret paladin) at once, while providing a nice buff to other casters via totem of wrath.


The latest patch for the game, version 3.0.8, is now live on the public test realms. The patch notes indicate that World of Warcraft "now supports [NVIDIA's] 3-D imaging

So anyone able to comment on what this looks like?


Oni Link 666 said:
I just went through the last few bosses in Naxxramas that I had not done and beat Kel'Thuzad. I can't help but feel disappointed. Prince Malchezaar was more complicated than Kel'Thuzad. Hell, half the fights in Karazhan were more complicated than Kel'Thuzad. :\ When I saw Kel go below 1 million I was seriously thinking "That's it? That can't be it."

Was this 10 or 25 man? KT is considerably more difficult and hectic on 25 man mode. With the MC's that wipe threat, the many adds, the more melee in general being Frost Blasted.

Prince Malchezaar wasn't complicated at all .... tank and spank with random luck on the stupid meteors.


Combing over EJ, running tests with my DK friend and talking to other DKs I've drawn the conclusion that almost every single Frost/Unholy combo build is putting out sameish DPS at the moment. Weapon type irrelevant. I guess it's the balance Blizzard wanted.

If I played a DK myself, I'd be sticking with 32/39 but moving to slow/fast. 32/39 is a very... I guess "comfortable" build. Tons of AoE utility, tons of pet utility, it's just a nice build with the revamped NotD and Corpse Explosion.

As a healer who doesn't suck ass, I watch pets, I heal pets, and let me tell you that fucking perma ghoul is USELESS without NotD, however with NotD it VERY rarely died and when it did, it came right back out due to the CD reduction with Plague Strike usage.

That Ghoul puts out 400-500 DPS in a decent 10 man. Simply having that thing not die on impact is going to smooth out a giant chunk of the DPS nerf in a lot of cases. NotD also works on Gargoyle and I believe Army of the Dead as well.

Army of the Dead can put out 1200-1400 DPS during it's duration, so if you're smart with it as well, it can be a great boon, and no, before someone says it, it does not taunt raid bosses.

Also: I disagree with KT 25 being more difficult. There's more to it, yes, but if anything it's even easier with the utter DPS rape you can bring with heroic buffs and healer variety. The MC is not a big deal and if anyone ever dies to Frost Blast in your heroic raid, your healers are failures. I solo healed this as a Paladin in 10 man last night after our sissy Priest "needed sleep" and no one died despite having four melee. Glyph of Holy Light FTW.

The only 25 man fight I'd say is legitimately more difficult atm is Patchwerk. Everything else is par or easier, usually the latter. This needs to change or loot needs to be par between the two.

But the moral of the story remains the same: WotLK's Kel'thuzad encounter is a joke. OS+2/3 Drake's aside, Malygos and Sapphrion, while not very difficult, can at least give you a run for your money if you botch things and press you a bit.


Alex said:
Combing over EJ, running tests with my DK friend and talking to other DKs I've drawn the conclusion that almost every single Frost/Unholy combo build is putting out sameish DPS at the moment. Weapon type irrelevant. I guess it's the balance Blizzard wanted.

If I played a DK myself, I'd be sticking with 32/39 but moving to slow/fast. 32/39 is a very... I guess "comfortable" build. Tons of AoE utility, tons of pet utility, it's just a nice build with the revamped NotD and Corpse Explosion.

As a healer who doesn't suck ass, I watch pets, I heal pets, and let me tell you that fucking perma ghoul is USELESS without NotD, however with NotD it VERY rarely died and when it did, it came right back out due to the CD reduction with Plague Strike usage.

That Ghoul puts out 400-500 DPS in a decent 10 man. Simply having that thing not die on impact is going to smooth out a giant chunk of the DPS nerf in a lot of cases. NotD also works on Gargoyle and I believe Army of the Dead as well.

Army of the Dead can put out 1200-1400 DPS during it's duration, so if you're smart with it as well, it can be a great boon, and no, before someone says it, it does not taunt raid bosses.

Also: I disagree with KT 25 being more difficult. There's more to it, yes, but if anything it's even easier with the utter DPS rape you can bring with heroic buffs and healer variety. The MC is not a big deal and if anyone ever dies to Frost Blast in your heroic raid, your healers are failures. I solo healed this as a Paladin in 10 man last night after our sissy Priest "needed sleep" and no one died despite having four melee. Glyph of Holy Light FTW.

The only 25 man fight I'd say is legitimately more difficult atm is Patchwerk. Everything else is par or easier, usually the latter. This needs to change or loot needs to be par between the two.

But the moral of the story remains the same: WotLK's Kel'thuzad encounter is a joke. OS+2/3 Drake's aside, Malygos and Sapphrion, while not very difficult, can at least give you a run for your money if you botch things and press you a bit.

OK with 4 melee that is no problem. They can spread out evenly at the points of a compass where only 1 of them will be frost blasted at a time .... at most 2.

We had 8 melee last night, 11 melee if you count the tanks .... but we told the offtanks to just stay out. There was at least 5 melee usually being frost blasted at once .... not a single one of them died, but it's still harder on the healers.

It's a matter of opinion but I think Patchwerk is 10x easier than Kel'thuzad. We bring 3 tanks and our normal amount of healers and generally one shot him ... as long as the MT doesn't stealth pull the boss without telling anyone to be ready.
Macattk15 said:
Was this 10 or 25 man? KT is considerably more difficult and hectic on 25 man mode. With the MC's that wipe threat, the many adds, the more melee in general being Frost Blasted.

Prince Malchezaar wasn't complicated at all .... tank and spank with random luck on the stupid meteors.

It was 10 man. All I did was kill some adds at the beginning and then stand by KT for the rest of the fight hitting him and kicking some frostbolts. I only had to move once when the red circle appeared under me. At least during Prince I had to watch out for enfeeble and the infernals and run around.


Oni Link 666 said:
It was 10 man. All I did was kill some adds at the beginning and then stand by KT for the rest of the fight hitting him and kicking some frostbolts. I only had to move once when the red circle appeared under me. At least during Prince I had to watch out for enfeeble and the infernals and run around.

Yeah I fall asleep in phase 1. That shit is dumb.

You're the same server as me btw.


funkmastergeneral said:
How do I get titansteel made for me? No one in my guild can do it, and I've been spamming the trade channel asking for someone and getting no replies

Keep doing what you're doing. I see all the time people offering up their cooldowns for around 35g.


I think Patchwerk is 10x easier than Kel'thuzad

Patchwerk is a healer fight and nothing else. It's not hard but it's the only fight on Heroic I currently find to be more challenging than the 10 man.

Four melee + a tank will usually get a 2-3 blast radius. How you can say that 1 person on 10 man equates to EIGHT on 25 is beyond me. Still, in a 25 man you pack at least five healers. One AoE heal will cover an entire group of melee. it isn't a concern.
Alex said:
Patchwerk is a healer fight and nothing else. It's not hard but it's the only fight on Heroic I currently find to be more challenging than the 10 man.

Patchwerk 25 *is* hard but only because half the healers DC when we try and kill him (we had 5).
Epix said:
Keep doing what you're doing. I see all the time people offering up their cooldowns for around 35g.

May have to advertise on the boards if he's on a small server. Alterac Horde-side has a very weak crafting economy, especially for high end consumables and if it aint in-guild, you have to advertise on the boards or talk with someones guildies to set up an exchange.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ok, newb question here. I mean I've been in game since launch but never rerolled a character as seriously as I have with my fighter.. which is better to go with, armorsmith or weaponsmith? does it matter? I'm set to go with either...


borghe said:
ok, newb question here. I mean I've been in game since launch but never rerolled a character as seriously as I have with my fighter.. which is better to go with, armorsmith or weaponsmith? does it matter? I'm set to go with either...


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Epix said:
in other words, which is it usually more beneficial to playing a WAR to specialize in, armorsmith or weaponsmith? Most of the guides around talk mostly pre-BC and only a little BC.. does specialization even still play that big a part in WOTLK?


Check wowwiki or wowhead for what the Bind on Pickup items would best suit your character (armorsmith or weaponsmith wise). Which ever ones seem cooler, go with that.


borghe said:
in other words, which is it usually more beneficial to playing a WAR to specialize in, armorsmith or weaponsmith? Most of the guides around talk mostly pre-BC and only a little BC.. does specialization even still play that big a part in WOTLK?
I'm guess I'm confused about armorsmith and weaponsmith. Are you talking about talent specs (arms,fury)?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
borghe said:
in other words, which is it usually more beneficial to playing a WAR to specialize in, armorsmith or weaponsmith? Most of the guides around talk mostly pre-BC and only a little BC.. does specialization even still play that big a part in WOTLK?
It's best to ignore the specialties entirely. They do nothing and provide nothing other than wasting your time, money and resources.

Even in BC, the items they produced that were epic (of which there are now 0) were BoP; and of semi-equal value to much more easily obtained raid items.

At some later patch, the specialization stuff will return but I doubt at that point it will be "better" than comparable raid gear.


Has problems recognising girls
Alex said:
As a healer who doesn't suck ass, I watch pets, I heal pets, and let me tell you that fucking perma ghoul is USELESS without NotD, however with NotD it VERY rarely died and when it did, it came right back out due to the CD reduction with Plague Strike usage.
I thought I was the only idiot who healed pets :lol


Nooo, they already hotfixed in a nerf to my stupidly overpowered Glyph of Holy Light!

Goddamn that was a fast nerf.


Alex said:
Nooo, they already hotfixed in a nerf to my stupidly overpowered Glyph of Holy Light!

Goddamn that was a fast nerf.
The Glyph just increased the range right? What was the nerf?


It gave 10% of the heal ammount to 5 players within 20 yards. It was overpowered as heck, they changed it to 8, which is ok, 10 wouldve been a lil better, but 20 was just way too much. It kicked the shit out of circle of healing and its not even a damn aoe spell, its just a passive bonus on my main heal :lol


Well, went on my second ever 25 man Vault run and did much better, I think. I re-tweaked a few things so my threat was a lot higher this time around, and nothing bad happened outside of a few people getting stomped by the cloud add.

I was about 400-500hp behind the tank (I had like 35k buffed, the other tank about 35.5) my threat was about 2k higher than my last try, which was pretty astounding to me honestly...though it might be an indication that I went overboard trying to compensate.

Going to have to farm VoA for a bit, hoping to get at least my legs or hat out of it.

In a way I'm proud of my little DK, I managed to stay somewhat competitive with others while doing it all without a guild. I'm trying to work out how to get one more good tanking ring to pretty much graduate myself from 5 mans to something a bit harder.

Though it's almost inevitable I'll have to be guilded again to do more raids, but based on what I've been told, there's quite a lot of PUG raids going on right now too.


cubicle47b said:
Seal of Wisdom, Holy Light, and Flash of Light. I never use seal of light because (single target) throughput is never a problem and seal of wisdom has other advantages like costing half the mana and restoring mana on hit. Divinity is nice but I rarely use lay on hands and it's an oh shit spell, not something you use when you go out of mana (and how often does that happen?).

That's the same way I was thinking as well, so went with FoL. Thanks for the input.

Alex said:
It gave 10% of the heal ammount to 5 players within 20 yards. It was overpowered as heck, they changed it to 8, which is ok, 10 wouldve been a lil better, but 20 was just way too much. It kicked the shit out of circle of healing and its not even a damn aoe spell, its just a passive bonus on my main heal :lol

When did that happen? My glyph still says 20yards. Is it because i play on a EU realm and the hotfix still isn't out on it?
I agree 20 is a bit too much, but 8 would be a bit too small imho. 10 would be better indeed (altho I'd prefer 12 given the way the glyph works for determining how much heal it will give to the people around and since it isnt a smart heal).


we did a full clear of naxx 25 man last night, tried to knock out maly and sarth tonight but the instance servers were basically unplayable, after wiping for 90 minutes on maly we called it a night

the lag was horrible, we should have called the raid earlier imo, anyone else experience horrible lag today in raids?


Regarding 10 vs 25 difficulty, Malygos is much, much more difficult on heroic. On 10 man he doesn't breathe immediately after the vortex, so the dps/healers can stay in the center for the entire first phase.


yacobod said:
we did a full clear of naxx 25 man last night, tried to knock out maly and sarth tonight but the instance servers were basically unplayable, after wiping for 90 minutes on maly we called it a night

the lag was horrible, we should have called the raid earlier imo, anyone else experience horrible lag today in raids?
That sucks bad man. Last week we had the bugged Malygos, so this week we sniped him hard and we then did 2 drake.

Got the Obsidian Greathelm :D


So healer ragequit because I wasn't following healer... but I'm a tank. I don't get it. It was on violet hold. Whenever the mobs appear on the upper part I always tank up there. My guildies always heal me up there, but I was pugging it tonight. The priest stops for some reason, calls me stupid, doesn't heal me and lets me die. SO AWESOME


JoeFu said:
So healer ragequit because I wasn't following healer... but I'm a tank. I don't get it. It was on violet hold. Whenever the mobs appear on the upper part I always tank up there. My guildies always heal me up there, but I was pugging it tonight. The priest stops for some reason, calls me stupid, doesn't heal me and lets me die. SO AWESOME

Maybe he/she expected you to bring them down and tank them in the middle. At least that's how I usually do it in VH.


Yeah, but... I went up, is it hard to walk two steps up so I can be in range of their heals? I tank by the portal, always have done it that way, never wiped/died.

EDIT: And it was on 15/18. I was tanking by the portal for every single one, and he walked to me, even when it was on the upper tier. But for some reason on the lastone, he thought he was awesome, left me alone while he was just standing around...


From his perspective, it's mostly a line of sight thing.

Healers/casters usually try and drink between waves while the tank and any other melee are charging to meet the next portal. If you let the mob come down the stairs, healer only has to run (depending on portal locations) 10-15 feet to heal you, rather than 30-40 up the stairs to get in los. This also helps caster dps.

I've done it both ways and if people are decent it has always worked fine. But it's nice not to have to run all the way up stairs to nuke something from 3 feet away hehe. And if the healer isn't super efficient, he needs all the drinking time he can.

I've never seen two portals up at once either way though, so letting them come down stairs (or even halfway down is in los) won't hurt the group either. Unless the dps jump the gun and make aggro a pita.


I don't think it was. I walked up there, he called me stupid, didn't heal me, let everybody die, then called me stupid again and quit. And his mana was fine, that's one thing I look at, the dude was just doing a poor job.

Eric WK

You should bring them down, dude.

Having to deal with line of sight because you can't pull even to the steps is ridiculous. He should have asked you to begin bringing them down before freaking out, but at the same time, I don't understand why you wouldn't in the first place.


They changed something on one of the top pulls, they split up now. I was just trying to keep them together before they all ran in different directions. It wasn't really a line of sight thing. I was right by the rubble, he was like 2 feet from it. He just didn't want to walk a bit. When I play with my guild, we always do it that way, they never said anything, we never wiped, no one ever dies. I was doing what I do by habit. If he didn't want me there, he should say something. The fact that we did pretty much the whole instance, and I have tanked them in that spot earlier and he healed it without saying anything is what pissed me off. Calling someone stupid, refusing to walk up a bit and heal when he did it before was just dumb.
yacobod said:
we did a full clear of naxx 25 man last night, tried to knock out maly and sarth tonight but the instance servers were basically unplayable, after wiping for 90 minutes on maly we called it a night

the lag was horrible, we should have called the raid earlier imo, anyone else experience horrible lag today in raids?

Bloodscalp is basically unplayable now if ANYONE else is in a 25 man instance. We got out while the getting was good.

@VH Horror Story: That's not good teamwork on his part, people in the group gotta work with each other, not be rigid. Fuck him; I had some undergeared tank and shitty DPS pug try that shit couple nights back. Apparently two 1300ish DPSers expected a Drake on H. CoS and the tank (their guildmate) would run straight for the next pull immediately after the last mob hit the cobblestones in order to keep time. I had fun rubbing Recount reports in his face as he nerdraged BS hard.


if you made it to 15/18 on heroic I would assume the healer wouldn't leave you to die and then ragequit, if only because they're losing out on an emblem. but hey, what do I know.

I do know VH can be annoying with all of its stupid LOS issues (seriously, how the fuck is the top of the stairs on the right side out of LOS for anyone?) and that god-awful ethereal kite boss.


The healer was lame for abandoning you in a heroic to which you all were saved. Especially VH where you have to repeat it all after a wipe for no loot. But I have to testify for LOS being a complete bitch if you dont pull them down or let them get to the floor before picking them up. Im a Hunter and its just a pain positioning yourself to dps without losing LOS in there. If he just freaked out and bailed like that, it probably was more of him finally boiling over from lots of runs fighting LOS then it was you. He should have asked you to pull them down.
yacobod said:
we did a full clear of naxx 25 man last night, tried to knock out maly and sarth tonight but the instance servers were basically unplayable, after wiping for 90 minutes on maly we called it a night

the lag was horrible, we should have called the raid earlier imo, anyone else experience horrible lag today in raids?

I'm on Drak'tharon and 25 mans have been basically unplayable for 2 weeks. We tried Naxx 25 this week and 10+ people disconnected on the first spider wing pull so we immediately called it. Last night even the 5 man instance server was lagging. On some of the wave pulls in CoS I'd lag for 3 seconds after the pull and some people in the guild were getting the "unknown" tag over mob's heads. Still made the timed run, though, which amused me. I love tanking that run on my paladin. 2K+ dps.

Alex, what was the name of your warlock and paladin in Reason on Kael'thas? You were in that guild, right? We (ex-Dominus players) merged with ex-Reason players to form Greff Squad and I'm playing with Croak and Tingles among others.

edit: Also, fuck that glyph nerf. 20 yards was awesome.


Puncture said:
The healer was lame for abandoning you in a heroic to which you all were saved.

Had a tank the other day walk out on us mid-CoS because we wiped due to his fuck up and weren't going to make timed. I sent him a whisper calling him a lousy prick.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Yeah I fall asleep in phase 1. That shit is dumb.

Phase 1 is less of a snoozefest if someone in the raid needs the acheivement. Otherwise as a caster I do nothing but wait for banshees and burn them down.

EekTheKat said:
Though it's almost inevitable I'll have to be guilded again to do more raids, but based on what I've been told, there's quite a lot of PUG raids going on right now too.

Good luck. PUGs on my server are an absolute nightmare. Even the semi-competent PUGs that down bosses do it at a snail's pace, and usually with a wipe or two per boss.

Flambe said:
From his perspective, it's mostly a line of sight thing.

As others have said, LOS in VH is a pain. You can be near the top of the steps with the mob 10 yards from you but you won't have LOS. Really is better to pull them down, even if it's just beyond the threshold of the steps.


I really would have appreciated it if the dude just told me that line of sight was a problem. I don't get how we could pretty much do all the dungeon without any difficulty and where he has healed me there before and just bailing out and calling me stupid.
Healer sounds like an ass.

I always tank mobs on the stairs; so once the mobs start running down the stairs I charge in to ensure everyone has los

I did VH on heroic a couple days ago. First heroic I've finished; I had tried UK and Old Kingdom before. Had no problems holding aggro but I didn't have enough health. Since then I've gotten an epic legplate drop (VH) and the tanking trinket that drops off Loken


Defense rating is fine. I want more health and armor
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