Oni Link 666
Sebulon3k said:My mains are a Holy Pala and an Arc Mage just needed a change of pace :<
The stuff people are talking about here wouldn't affect you as a low level Rogue. So, go ahead. Rogues are a lot of fun to play.
Sebulon3k said:My mains are a Holy Pala and an Arc Mage just needed a change of pace :<
Oni Link 666 said:The stuff people are talking about here wouldn't affect you as a low level Rogue. So, go ahead. Rogues are a lot of fun to play.
I'd only use ready check on the first pull and each boss. Let your mana users know to let you know if they need to stop and drink.PhoenixDark said:Did H UK earlier today. Had no problems holding aggro and my gear/health held up nicely. No good drops tho
It was a guild run except for me. It was odd because a third through the instance they started complaining about me marking targets and using ready check. So I stopped marking for a bit, as expected people were targeting the wrong mobs, cc was being broken, etc. No one died because of it but the group's dmg taken went up. Finally a couple people admitted that yes, marking is cool.
So yea, since when is marking and using ready check noobish? It ensures everyone's on the same page and eliminated frivolous wipes. It's not like I use ready check on every mob, but if we're about to engage 4+ mobs or a boss, I use it.
Thing is rogues can't even out dps people with muti, which is our highest dps spec at the moment, and requires a little more thinking than combat to use effectively..Oni Link 666 said:If you're going to a fair weather, FOTM chasing anything, don't even bother. :\
Don't pity Rogues for not being able to out DPS everyone with one the easiest raiding specs to play this side of steady shot spamming hunters. It's not keeping me out of groups. And if it's keeping you out of groups, you need a new guild.
Congrats! We did 2 drakes last week, this week we have been trying for 3 drakes and it's definitely a challenge. People complaining about wrath raids being easy-mode should really try it outXabora said:Holy Shit we finally did it.
*Server First for Madoran!
Readycheck is both a blessing and a curse, in my opinion. It obviously has a benefit to make sure everyone is actually ready before pulling, but there are some tanks that don't realise that it does not take a minute of drinking/eating/fapping to be ready and it does not take a readycheck to be ready. Just pull in heroics. They're not hard. Not that I can remember, anyway.Beq said:Marking should always be used. Ready check, in my experience I only used it on bosses/minibosses.
If readycheck is having to be used on regular mobs, that means the group is going too slow... But if its your playstyle, and it works for you, more power to you.
ah... no. that would be retarded. people just need to learn when it's appropriate to use it.Orbitcube said:The command should have a cooldown of about 5 minutes. That should do the trick.
Alex said:Getting the title from the Heroic version is equivalent to putting a sign on your back saying you can wipe your own ass.
yacobod said:10 mans are easier than 25 mans, you can keep spewing your rhetoric to say otherwise, but 10 mans are a joke
your posts are :lol
yacobod said:10 mans are easier than 25 mans, you can keep spewing your rhetoric to say otherwise, but 10 mans are a joke
your posts are :lol
Weenerz said:Go back to farming Naxx 10.
cubicle47b said:edit: Of course, I PuG 10 mans and therefore have to do most of the healing. On Sapphiron I maintained 5K hps (without judging light) for 10 minutes and had to solo heal Loatheb when the resto druid got locked out on the pull.
Puncture said::lol :lol Amazing feat though solo healing Loatheb, even on 10 man that couldnt have been a cakewalk. 1 healer for the dps and the tank on Loatheb? Nice especially if you kept everyone up somehow and didnt just let 5 dps die and 4 man it with 1 tank you and 3 dps.
Thats what it came down to on our first 10 man Loatheb kill lol.
firex said:I barely even mark mobs anymore, but that's just because as a pally I tank them all too easily and the dps pretty much blasts them. I mean even in heroics there's no real need for CC for me anymore because I overgear them, so all I can really do is maybe put a skull on the guy I'm targeting to pull or something.
yacobod said:excluding 10m sarth with 3 drakes up, i stand by my post above, 10 mans are a bigger joke than 25 mans
i raid 2 nights a week on my warrior, clear all content, i'm 5/5 t7.5 on my warrior thanks
I mark before bosses, and only noobs don't have marks hotkeyed for quick marking. =POrbitcube said:Readycheck is both a blessing and a curse, in my opinion. It obviously has a benefit to make sure everyone is actually ready before pulling, but there are some tanks that don't realise that it does not take a minute of drinking/eating/fapping to be ready and it does not take a readycheck to be ready. Just pull in heroics. They're not hard. Not that I can remember, anyway.
I once pugged a few heroics with a tank that did a readycheck every second pull. He was a great tank, it just got tedious clicking yes every few minutes. The command should have a cooldown of about 5 minutes. That should do the trick.
EDIT: A few posts of mine ago I had meant to link my armory. Well, here it is.
Alex said:2x drake can be pretty easy on 10 man if you pop Heroism and just fucking explode the first drake before the second even has a chance to fly in.
3x is just something I'll likely never do, too much raid gutting, too much nonsense. The point of WotLK raiding is supposed to be to get more people in and to allow more class combos, not fucking start sitting people again and having to force gear up alts and offtanks because the mains are just not good enough for it.
Getting the title from the Heroic version is equivalent to putting a sign on your back saying you can wipe your own ass.
General Raiding, yes.Puncture said:Yeah... about that....
Your kinda way wrong. I know that we are conditioned to think 25man is harder than 10 but 3D is the exception friend. If your not doing it yet, you will undoubtedly agree once you all start. Feels like a goddamn 5 man arena team, your having to bench people to come up with the correct raid class composition on 10man.
Lot of hurt feelings when people miss out on the guild first 3D. Bitching galore, but we didn't fucking design so....
1st week we cleared all wings except abomination and got stuck on patchwerkvumpler said:So our guild went into Naxx 25 again this week. We're going to finish up monday but right now we're at kel thuzad. We owned that fight last week but we were to tired to down it in the first 2 tries last night.
My question is: How long is it taking you guys to clear Naxx 25? We do a hard 4 hour cutoff and are trying to get it done within that time. Our guild DPS is at least 20% higher than last week now.
This is our 4th week in.
- 1st week: Stuck on patchwork (cleared all other wings)
- 2nd week: Stuck on Gluth (cleared all other wings)
- 3rd week: Cleared it but took 10.5 hours
- 4th week: Got to Kel Thuzad in 8 hours
So we're making progress but I'm wondering what our best time will be in there. So please let me know how long it took you guys when you started and how quickly you're moving now.
nice! Something to look forward to.zam said:1st week we cleared all wings except abomination and got stuck on patchwerk
2nd week everything except thaddius
3rd week cleared it
Now clearing Naxx in one night (4 hours)
Lain said:With my guild, we now clear Naxx25 in 2.5 days (2 days to clear all wings, 1 hour of the next day to do Sapph/Kel), raiding 3 hours each day. Our DPS aren't all that great tho. I mean, this week we killed Thaddius after he enraged, with only 2 people dead during the fight and a BL used....
lockii said:Yikes. How do you kill Patchwerk with that kind of dps? Thaddius' enrage is much more lenient then Patchwerk's.
Naxx is a three hour clear for us. Your tanks and healers will get geared up to the point that running with six or more healers will bore them to tears, so you can start swapping out healers for dps, which will speed everything up.vumpler said:My question is: How long is it taking you guys to clear Naxx 25? We do a hard 4 hour cutoff and are trying to get it done within that time. Our guild DPS is at least 20% higher than last week now.
Patchwerk in Wrath is healing check, not a dps check. Raid dps needs to be 3K more than Archavon, the lottery boss that's PUG'd every week by people in greens.lockii said:Yikes. How do you kill Patchwerk with that kind of dps? Thaddius' enrage is much more lenient then Patchwerk's.
Nah, they were funVaLiancY said::lol :lol :lol
Good grief, those fake 3.1 patch notes were horrible. People aren't even trying anymore.
xabre said:So my account was hacked and I was banned for a day. Dunno why, dunno how.
Any experiences here? When I log on tomorrow what should I expect to find? Deleted characters? Deleted items? No money (not that I had much anyway)?
CassSept said:Nah, they were fun
Kick's damage reduced significantly
Who cares Kick doesn't do any damage since 3 months!
TomServo said:We had a rash of hacked accounts in the guild. Expect all items to have been vendored and all money mailed out. Possibly deleted accounts. At worst the account was server transferred, renamed, then deleted.
While not experienced with teh 25 man version of Thaddius, if you simply call the charge changing on Vent, nobody has an excuse to not move (I do it for healers that aren't watching the cast bar on the enemy).Puncture said:I disagree here, Thadd is harder IMO because its possible to lose people to (sigh) not making the jump, then jumping smack into the middle of charged folks after the run around and make the jump the second time (which gets them killed if they dont have a positive or negative charge) Or if people are just so caught up in their dps rotations that they miss the ir charge changing and get killed and kill others.
Lose a few folks on Thadd and your raid dps suffers from not only a loss of that persons personal dps, but from the additional 10% damage that they would provide the people they were standing next to. Its brutal having 3 tards miss the jump and another 2 die. Thank god for slow fall being castable on others now. Assign mages to the more casual guild members and give them slow fall and all is well.
But Patch? Noones going to die on that fight. Everyones alive, everyone has no interruption whatsoever in their dps rotations. Its basically 3 minutes of attacking a target dummy that hits the 3 tanks back.
Angry Grimace said:While not experienced with teh 25 man version of Thaddius, if you simply call the charge changing on Vent, nobody has an excuse to not move (I do it for healers that aren't watching the cast bar on the enemy).
Casuals tend to have crappy computers and moan and groan that about "lag" when they turn on DBM, so I don't force the issue as long as we don't wipe.TomServo said:If you install DBM it warns you of impending polarity shifts, and annouces if your own polarity has shifted.
Regardless, people still die due to crossed polarities.