I don't think you could be further from the truth. AQ40 sucking massive amounts of dick at 60 is why I quit any real raiding when TBC came out and basically did pug Kara and that's about it. Not only were these vanilla WoW instances poorly designed, they were buggy as fuck and frequently Blizzard left one or two bosses with some retarded broken abilities just to block guilds from reaching the final fight they hadn't gotten a chance to actually make playable yet. This is in addition to MC and BWL requiring fuckloads of fire resist (and BWL requiring farming Ony enough to make 40 fucking capes) and AQ requiring fuckloads of nature resist for a couple fights, and shadow resist for warlocks on twin emps. Oh, and Naxx requiring frost resist for Sapph and Kel. Frost resist that you couldn't create without looting random fucking ground loot in Naxx itself in addition to gathering other mats.xabre said:I did AQ40 the other night (up to twin emps anyway). I thought it was awesome and I can't imagine how epic the whole thing would have been at 60. WoW is on a downward spiral to shit now, too casual, too welfare epic oriented, too much hard mode/easy mode of everything. The games slowly going to shit. Who else sees this?
Resist fights, bugged abilities, terribly tuned content and all that other shit is why vanilla WoW raiding sucked ass. TBC raiding might have been better, I don't know. If it was it's because Blizzard realized only some really thick asperger's motherfuckers would bang their heads against a wall enough to enjoy vanilla WoW raiding.
Now, have they reused a lot of gimmicks from those old raids in newer content? Yes, but this time they're not built retardedly, and they did it because vanilla WoW raiding was seen overall by literally like 10% tops of the entire population that played the game. Even less than that saw the more "final" raids like AQ40 and Naxx40. It was fucking dumb and not fun in the least bit. The problem is most raiders today who raided back then have yet to drop the "must play WoW every waking moment of my life" mentality so they complain that today's raids are something you can clear in a few hours and then not have to log on again until next week. That's a blessing because the alternative will kill any sane person's desire to play the game.