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World of Warcraft

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xabre said:
I did AQ40 the other night (up to twin emps anyway). I thought it was awesome and I can't imagine how epic the whole thing would have been at 60. WoW is on a downward spiral to shit now, too casual, too welfare epic oriented, too much hard mode/easy mode of everything. The games slowly going to shit. Who else sees this?
I don't think you could be further from the truth. AQ40 sucking massive amounts of dick at 60 is why I quit any real raiding when TBC came out and basically did pug Kara and that's about it. Not only were these vanilla WoW instances poorly designed, they were buggy as fuck and frequently Blizzard left one or two bosses with some retarded broken abilities just to block guilds from reaching the final fight they hadn't gotten a chance to actually make playable yet. This is in addition to MC and BWL requiring fuckloads of fire resist (and BWL requiring farming Ony enough to make 40 fucking capes) and AQ requiring fuckloads of nature resist for a couple fights, and shadow resist for warlocks on twin emps. Oh, and Naxx requiring frost resist for Sapph and Kel. Frost resist that you couldn't create without looting random fucking ground loot in Naxx itself in addition to gathering other mats.

Resist fights, bugged abilities, terribly tuned content and all that other shit is why vanilla WoW raiding sucked ass. TBC raiding might have been better, I don't know. If it was it's because Blizzard realized only some really thick asperger's motherfuckers would bang their heads against a wall enough to enjoy vanilla WoW raiding.

Now, have they reused a lot of gimmicks from those old raids in newer content? Yes, but this time they're not built retardedly, and they did it because vanilla WoW raiding was seen overall by literally like 10% tops of the entire population that played the game. Even less than that saw the more "final" raids like AQ40 and Naxx40. It was fucking dumb and not fun in the least bit. The problem is most raiders today who raided back then have yet to drop the "must play WoW every waking moment of my life" mentality so they complain that today's raids are something you can clear in a few hours and then not have to log on again until next week. That's a blessing because the alternative will kill any sane person's desire to play the game.


It's funny how even Naxxramas had stupid Frost Resistance fights -- at that point they had to know that Burning Crusade was about to ship, so there was really no point in cockblocking players. Yet they did it anyway because it was such an ingrained part of their design mentality that they forgot why they started doing it in the first place. It's amazing to see how things have turned around since then.

Angry Grimace said:
The problem is that Blizzard isn't paying attention to what they got right. Accessibility only works when there's something to access. I'm already getting bored with this and it's not gonna change soon given that a) Ulduar's not even on the PTR, and b) Blizzard is too busy making ridiculously minor tweaks across the board in the name of "balancing." It's annoying because your class just ends up changing day to day, but there's still nothing to do with that.
The time it takes to create a new raid dungeon is probably always going to be outpaced by the time it takes players to beat it, unless they throw in bullshit like resistance fights and attunements or other arbitrary cockblocks.

The obvious solution to a content shortage is just to play another game, or gear up an alt. Like firex said, some people have the mentality that WoW should be able to entertain them for 5 hours every night of the week, but that just isn't going to happen anymore really.


Junior Member
borghe said:
I like what Blizzard is doing now... It gives players who came in later in the life of the game the ability to gear up and have the same shot at raid content as the ones who have been here since 11/04.

I started playing in 5/2005, but with a small guild that took a while to get leveled and run five and 10 mans. We had friends in the larger raiding guilds running MC and BWL, and when we all got decked out in T0 / DM / rep blues we thought we'd be able to progress into raiding with them. Nope. Apparantly we were supposed to have been farming for random greens with fire resist just to get the chance to run MC.

Resistance requirements were the single biggest cockblock to new players. Especially once raiding guilds got established and having FR that could only be obtained from MC gear became a requirement to get into MC in the first place. Start your own raiding guild? Sure, except for the fact that any competent healer got exempted from the FR requirement and pulled into an existing guild.

I sat out BC, so I can't comment on those two years.

Progression is how it should be in WotLK. You level to 80, you farm heroics until there's nothing left, and you move on to the entry level raid. I've seen guilds carrying members in greens and lvl77 blues through 25 man Naxx, but I've also seen first hand how it slows down their progress, even grinding it to a halt in some cases (undergeared healers getting blocked at Patchwerk, undergeared dps getting blocked at Thaddius).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
It's funny how even Naxxramas had stupid Frost Resistance fights -- at that point they had to know that Burning Crusade was about to ship, so there was really no point in cockblocking players. Yet they did it anyway because it was such an ingrained part of their design mentality that they forgot why they started doing it in the first place. It's amazing to see how things have turned around since then.

The time it takes to create a new raid dungeon is probably always going to be outpaced by the time it takes players to beat it, unless they throw in bullshit like resistance fights and attunements or other arbitrary cockblocks.

The obvious solution to a content shortage is just to play another game, or gear up an alt. Like firex said, some people have the mentality that WoW should be able to entertain them for 5 hours every night of the week, but that just isn't going to happen anymore really.
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect Blizzard to have a single raid dungeon ready for the launch of an expansion.

You realize:

* Naxxramas is just the same exact models and bosses as Naxx 40, but at level 83. There's no actual design involved; just "tuning." The fact that "tuning takes time" is a deflection from the reality that it takes significantly less time to retune something old than than to make something entirely new.

* The Eye of Eternity is a single platform, with a tweaked version of the same dragon model they've used since Vanilla.

* Sartharion is a large cave with all enemies who are the same models as other dragons previously in game.

There's really no excuse for having nothing to do; there's just no way they are convincing me it takes many many months to finish a single raid dungeon, especially given that the lead designer said before Wrath even released that Ulduar was "done."

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Grimace, you forgot Lottery Boss!
I'm sure that took more than an hour to plan out. :eek: I mean, the assets in Vault are ripped pretty much straight out of Ulduar and it's just a long corridor, with the lamest raid boss ever inside.


3.1 class change info coming "soon"

Ghostcrawler said:
We are going to be announcing some of our plans for classes in 3.1 fairly soon. The announcements will be prominent. They will not be comprehensive. We are not going to announce every change we are going to make. We are going to risk giving you some insight into a work in progress, even though we may ultimately decide not to make some of the changes. You guys can help me remind other players of that when they get angry because we didn’t deliver a change that they were “promised.”


Angry Grimace said:
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect Blizzard to have a single raid dungeon ready for the launch of an expansion.

You realize:

* Naxxramas is just the same exact models and bosses as Naxx 40, but at level 83. There's no actual design involved; just "tuning." The fact that "tuning takes time" is a deflection from the reality that it takes significantly less time to retune something old than than to make something entirely new.

* The Eye of Eternity is a single platform, with a tweaked version of the same dragon model they've used since Vanilla.

* Sartharion is a large cave with all enemies who are the same models as other dragons previously in game.

There's really no excuse for having nothing to do; there's just no way they are convincing me it takes many many months to finish a single raid dungeon, especially given that the lead designer said before Wrath even released that Ulduar was "done."

I agree. People are giving Blizzard way too much slack here. They cut back in so many areas it's sad. Since they recycled and retuned a prior raid basically you'd think they would of at least had Ulduar in there too considering they did state it was basically done before launch as well.

Blizzard loves to recycle stuff though, as evident with the rabid recycling of weapons, armor, and mobs, but to throw in a basically recycled raid is a slap in the face to it's fans, especially for how bad the latencies are in there on top of everything.

I can't wait for the next expansion where they recycle Kara, saying how players loved it so much and the diversity of the boss battles were so epic, they just had to give the fans what they wanted. :lol


If re-tuning was really that simple, why wasn't it done for any of the other legacy raid dungeons? Not that they should, but it'd be kinda cool.
To be fair on Blizzard's behalf, they could've had Ulduar in if they wanted to, but they didn't, instead focusing on other aspects of the game.

Zarhym said:
After The Burning Crusade's final major content patch, the plan was to space out the new raid dungeons in Wrath of the Lich King so there wouldn't be overwhelming moments or times where several raids are released at once and slightly ill-tuned (as was the case with The Burning Crusade's launch); we also don't want extremely long periods of time where no new raids come out, as was the case after The Burning Crusade's initial launch.

I guess this is referring to the wait between BT and SW, which was about 9 months, if I remember correctly. I'm willing to bet that they want to space out new raids in a more regular time frame (like that'll happen!), so they went with adding a few encounters tuned easy, then will released raids regularly, but not so fast people can't do the raids that were launched in TBC. There's also a problem of releasing them too fast and not allowing anyone to try the thing you worked on for a few months (SSC/TK hadn't even been cleared by any guild at the time BT came out, which in turn meant no one had even set foot into Hyjal).

I wouldn't be suprised if we saw 3.1 in April some time, then 3.2 later this year around October (remember, this will be a full content patch, not like 2.2 with some big, but not major UI changes).
I just can't stand the people in my guild that keep making mistakes on bosses we've downed 10+ times already *facepalm*

I've been so bored lately I've started a mage alt

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
If re-tuning was really that simple, why wasn't it done for any of the other legacy raid dungeons? Not that they should, but it'd be kinda cool.
Because they escaped flack for rehashing one dungeon, but wouldn't if they did it twice.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Orbitcube said:
To be fair on Blizzard's behalf, they could've had Ulduar in if they wanted to, but they didn't, instead focusing on other aspects of the game.

I guess this is referring to the wait between BT and SW, which was about 9 months, if I remember correctly. I'm willing to bet that they want to space out new raids in a more regular time frame (like that'll happen!), so they went with adding a few encounters tuned easy, then will released raids regularly, but not so fast people can't do the raids that were launched in TBC. There's also a problem of releasing them too fast and not allowing anyone to try the thing you worked on for a few months (SSC/TK hadn't even been cleared by any guild at the time BT came out, which in turn meant no one had even set foot into Hyjal).

I wouldn't be suprised if we saw 3.1 in April some time, then 3.2 later this year around October (remember, this will be a full content patch, not like 2.2 with some big, but not major UI changes).
If by "focusing on other aspects of the game" you mean mean endless fucking dicking around with class mechanics that are as fair as they've ever been (for anyone that's not a rogue? And Rogue isn't even that bad if you're any good at Rogue, it's just harder than, say, Death Knight).

If they're planning on waiting till April, me and my whole guild will have quit WoW. I mean, I only bother with 10 mans because it's fun to learn the content, and I'm happy with that. I'm bored. Doing the 25 man versions is just an aggravating version of the 10s. I don't have any interest in sitting around bleeding money every month hoping to dick out another win on the same fucking raids that don't even require any particular gear level.

There's some serious nuts in basically telling the people that pay that they should just "go level an alt or something." I mean, my guild of 8 guys is full of morons and bads and we have nothing but Malygos left (granted, I'm very good, but I also have been nerd for a long time now). I can't even imagine what the good guilds are thinking.


Angry Grimace said:
If by "focusing on other aspects of the game" you mean mean endless fucking dicking around with class mechanics that are as fair as they've ever been (for anyone that's not a rogue? And Rogue isn't even that bad if you're any good at Rogue, it's just harder than, say, Death Knight).

If they're planning on waiting till April, me and my whole guild will have quit WoW. I mean, I only bother with 10 mans because it's fun to learn the content, and I'm happy with that. I'm bored. Doing the 25 man versions is just an aggravating version of the 10s. I don't have any interest in sitting around bleeding money every month hoping to dick out another win on the same fucking raids that don't even require any particular gear level.

There's some serious nuts in basically telling the people that pay that they should just "go level an alt or something." I mean, my guild of 8 guys is full of morons and bads and we have nothing but Malygos left (granted, I'm very good, but I also have been nerd for a long time now). I can't even imagine what the good guilds are thinking.

Honestly, perhaps if their other forms of endgame didnt suck so much ass (yay sanbox arena games where certain classes just BLOW not to mention the laughable BG's) everything would be better. Im fine with the content they have provided so far, but we havent done all of the achievements for Naxx 25 and Maly yet. Once we get those achievements all done (the no deaths ones during a Naxx 25 clear etc) then Ill probably feel the same.

I think the PvP endgame should fill the void that players are seeing after the PvE it complete. But the PvP in the game sucks so badly. Its just a real shame. I played a little AV over the weekend and its just so bad..... its really just bad. Its so old and outdated, its not dynamic at all really, everyone does the exact same thing every fight. If you dont want honor, theres no reason to do it, it just isnt any fun at all.

Edit: Oh shit wrong thread!
Puncture said:
I think the PvP endgame should fill the void that players are seeing after the PvE it complete. But the PvP in the game sucks so badly. Its just a real shame. I played a little AV over the weekend and its just so bad..... its really just bad. Its so old and outdated, its not dynamic at all really, everyone does the exact same thing every fight. If you dont want honor, theres no reason to do it, it just isnt any fun at all.

I agree 100 percent. The only fun I have in pvp is AB but after 4 or 5 I get bored for the day and then it is pointless to keep playing. Keep in mind I am a rogue, so if I was "cool" and rolled a dk then I would be having a blast face rolling to 2000 in arena.
Keep in mind when i first got to 80 me and 9 guys did all 10man including malgyos the 2nd week of raiding. 25man is pointless as it takes hours and if I am lucky I get one piece of gear that is a slight upgrade of my 10man gear. (except weapons which I never win) That being said I will probably come back once the pvp is more balanced so arena is actually fun, or if the raid comes where we have to be in t7.5 and it is still hard to beat.
Anyone have a guild that needs a raiding rogue? My guild wants to xfer to a higher population server and I dunno if I want to go with them

And it pretty much means I need to get off the server since there are like 3 Alliance raid guilds that are any good and I don't think they need me
Well after discussing it a bunch of us ended up going to Eredar, still waiting on a few more, and then some said they need to wait a few days before they make the move......

Our GM and raid leader came from that server so they set up a guild merge with people they know on there and we will have a pretty strong crew now, alot of the unreliable players are gone


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Hey guys, 2 things:

1 - how do i get a parachute? I was in a raid where a tank would jump, pop the chute, and charge :lol was so awesome. How do I get one?

2 - how do i get the potion to turn into the dwarf iron guys from grizzly hills?

Both are cool accessory items.


A real warrior avoids fall damage by hitting "Charge" just a split second before he hits the ground -- using a parachute is for pussies =P

Unless you are an Engineer (or a Mage), the only way to slow your falls is by using the Sky-Witch's Drape....an item obtained through Shatari Skyguard reputation. Engineers can enchant their own cloaks with a parachute feature, but I don't think it works for non-engineers.


Has problems recognising girls
Indeed. Back when I used to fiddle around with my Orc Warrior at 29 in AB, was good times jumping off the cliff of LM or into Mine and charging some poor sod running around nearby.


Puncture said:
Honestly, perhaps if their other forms of endgame didnt suck so much ass (yay sanbox arena games where certain classes just BLOW not to mention the laughable BG's) everything would be better. Im fine with the content they have provided so far, but we havent done all of the achievements for Naxx 25 and Maly yet. Once we get those achievements all done (the no deaths ones during a Naxx 25 clear etc) then Ill probably feel the same.

I think the PvP endgame should fill the void that players are seeing after the PvE it complete. But the PvP in the game sucks so badly. Its just a real shame. I played a little AV over the weekend and its just so bad..... its really just bad. Its so old and outdated, its not dynamic at all really, everyone does the exact same thing every fight. If you dont want honor, theres no reason to do it, it just isnt any fun at all.

Edit: Oh shit wrong thread!
I hope you at least tried SotA. it's by no means revolutionary (shit, it's basically just a constantly under attack wintergrasp) but I still found it a lot of fun. I do think they need to overhaul the pvp game, and I think that may be part of why they keep fucking with class balance and not giving us much details on stuff incoming for the next patch or two. It's pretty obvious the arena focus is no longer what they want to do exclusively for pvp, though. They kind of realized that it became too much of a hassle to fix all the different ways people could mess with the system, is my guess, and also realized most people probably don't want to be a specific class/spec for arenas or some crap, but I think also they realized Warhammer's pvp is good enough that they need to rip off some stuff from that. I'm hoping this means their idea of BG progression through ranked/ladder BG matches would be good. I mean if TF2 can encourage complete strangers to play a fast-paced multiplayer game and use teamwork, then surely a ranked BG system could do the same, even considering how retarded and obnoxiously childish most of WoW's playerbase is.
vumpler said:
2 - how do i get the potion to turn into the dwarf iron guys from grizzly hills?

You can buy it from a vendor in Storm Peaks (either a guy in Frosthold or the crash site, depending on your faction). I believe there is a pre-quest which requires you to give him 10 Relics of Ulduar to open the vendor up, then you can buy the Flask for 10 more Relics (there were rumours of the price increasing to 250 in the PTR, but that doesn't seem to have happened).

You can use it as many times as you like (1 hour CD though), and it stacks with the other raiding flasks (just shares a name).


We are planning a lot of exciting content for patch 3.1.0, and we are doing a three-part preview series on upcoming class changes. This is the first in the series: Priests, Rogues, and Shaman. Please keep in mind, that this list is not at all comprehensive, and subject to change.


* Divine Spirit – this spell is now a core ability available to all priests.
* Discipline has access to a new talent, Power Word: Barrier. (Think of it as Power Word: Shield for your whole group).
* Several area of effect (AOE) heal spells have been improved: Prayer of Healing can be cast on any groups in your raid party. Holy Nova’s mana cost has been reduced. Circle of Healing now heals for more.
* Shadow priest PvP survivability has been improved: Shadow Form now reduces magic as well as physical damage. Dispersion now removes snares.
* Penance – this spell can now be targeted on the priest.
* Serendipity – this talent now reduces the cast time of Greater Heal and Prayer of Healing when Binding Heal or Flash Heal are cast.
* We are also working to give Holy additional PvP utility.


* Hunger for Blood – instead of a self-buff, this ability can only be used when there is a bleed effect on the target. However, it has no stacks and grants a 15% damage bonus.
* Adrenaline Rush – the cooldown on this ability has been lowered.
* Lightning Reflexes – reduced to 3 ranks. In addition to 2/4/6% dodge, this talent now also grants 4/7/10% passive melee haste.
* Killing Spree – while this ability is active, the rogue does 20% additional damage.
* Savage Combat – now causes 2/4% physical damage done.
* Mace Specialization – this talent now grants haste in addition to armor penetration.


* Chain Lightning – now jumps to 4 targets but does less damage. We wanted to make the distinction between Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning more clear.
* Storm, Earth and Fire – this talent now increases all damage done by Flame Shock, not just periodic damage.
* Spirit Weapons – now reduces all threat, not just melee threat.
* Unleashed Rage – reduced to 2 ranks, now also increases your critical strike chance with melee attacks by 1/2%.
* Totem streamlining: The Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems have been combined. The Disease Cleansing and Poison Cleansing Totems have been combined.
* We are also working on giving Enhancement and Elemental more PvP utility.


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
I'm hoping this means their idea of BG progression through ranked/ladder BG matches would be good. I mean if TF2 can encourage complete strangers to play a fast-paced multiplayer game and use teamwork, then surely a ranked BG system could do the same, even considering how retarded and obnoxiously childish most of WoW's playerbase is.
I like the sounds of this, but Blizzard using their brains and implementing it is hopeless.


Has problems recognising girls
Epix said:

* Chain Lightning – now jumps to 4 targets but does less damage. We wanted to make the distinction between Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning more clear.
* Storm, Earth and Fire – this talent now increases all damage done by Flame Shock, not just periodic damage.
* Spirit Weapons – now reduces all threat, not just melee threat.
* Unleashed Rage – reduced to 2 ranks, now also increases your critical strike chance with melee attacks by 1/2%.
* Totem streamlining: The Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems have been combined. The Disease Cleansing and Poison Cleansing Totems have been combined.
* We are also working on giving Enhancement and Elemental more PvP utility.
I could see the Chain Lightning thing being done, judging by the glyphs. It's still a hugely mana-expensive spell and something needed to be done.

As for totem streamlining - it took awhile :lol but still doesn't fix the issue of having roving totems (come on let us place it on our backs or something!)

Should be interesting to see what (if anything) they have in store for Enhancement and Elemental PVP, whether that means offensively or defensively. There's a fine balance between giving Shaman certain talents or spells to the point where it becomes overpowered and they start ripping through people again.

Also.. holy shit at Power Word: Barrier.


man those shaman changes sound good. I'd probably play my shaman again with just the spirit weapons/totem combination stuff (which imo they should've done to begin with).

edit: for paladins there is seriously only two things I want done: 1) forbearance lowered to 1 min or even 30 seconds 2) divine protection no longer causes forbearance, but requires shields.

even though I think ret is probably overpowered in pvp, nearly everything about the class finally feels like it's polished to working properly.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
We are planning a lot of exciting content for patch 3.1.0, and we are doing a three-part preview series on upcoming class changes. This is the first in the series: Priests, Rogues, and Shaman. Please keep in mind, that this list is not at all comprehensive, and subject to change.


* Divine Spirit – this spell is now a core ability available to all priests.
* Discipline has access to a new talent, Power Word: Barrier. (Think of it as Power Word: Shield for your whole group).
* Several area of effect (AOE) heal spells have been improved: Prayer of Healing can be cast on any groups in your raid party. Holy Nova’s mana cost has been reduced. Circle of Healing now heals for more.
* Shadow priest PvP survivability has been improved: Shadow Form now reduces magic as well as physical damage. Dispersion now removes snares.
* Penance – this spell can now be targeted on the priest.
* Serendipity – this talent now reduces the cast time of Greater Heal and Prayer of Healing when Binding Heal or Flash Heal are cast.
* We are also working to give Holy additional PvP utility.


* Hunger for Blood – instead of a self-buff, this ability can only be used when there is a bleed effect on the target. However, it has no stacks and grants a 15% damage bonus.
* Adrenaline Rush – the cooldown on this ability has been lowered.
* Lightning Reflexes – reduced to 3 ranks. In addition to 2/4/6% dodge, this talent now also grants 4/7/10% passive melee haste.
* Killing Spree – while this ability is active, the rogue does 20% additional damage.
* Savage Combat – now causes 2/4% physical damage done.
* Mace Specialization – this talent now grants haste in addition to armor penetration.


* Chain Lightning – now jumps to 4 targets but does less damage. We wanted to make the distinction between Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning more clear.
* Storm, Earth and Fire – this talent now increases all damage done by Flame Shock, not just periodic damage.
* Spirit Weapons – now reduces all threat, not just melee threat.
* Unleashed Rage – reduced to 2 ranks, now also increases your critical strike chance with melee attacks by 1/2%.
* Totem streamlining: The Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems have been combined. The Disease Cleansing and Poison Cleansing Totems have been combined.
* We are also working on giving Enhancement and Elemental more PvP utility.
As I said before; changing a bunch of shit that doesn't need to be changed. It's starting to become a pain in the ass that Blizzard can't stop tinkering.
So does HFB automatically trigger when there is a bleed effect on the target or do you still have to hit it.....

Other than that the Muti spec seems the same

The combat spec will be pretty good though


I'm glad they are changing Hunger for Blood. It will be much easier to maintain with it directly dependent on ma rupture.
Epix said:

* Hunger for Blood – instead of a self-buff, this ability can only be used when there is a bleed effect on the target. However, it has no stacks and grants a 15% damage bonus.
* Adrenaline Rush – the cooldown on this ability has been lowered.
* Lightning Reflexes – reduced to 3 ranks. In addition to 2/4/6% dodge, this talent now also grants 4/7/10% passive melee haste.
* Killing Spree – while this ability is active, the rogue does 20% additional damage.
* Savage Combat – now causes 2/4% physical damage done.
* Mace Specialization – this talent now grants haste in addition to armor penetration.

- Don't really care about assassination.

- AR on a shorter cooldown sounds good.

- This might be cool if what they plan to do with haste will help Rogues a lot more. Right now, it looks lame.

- For a 51 point talent, KS definitely needed a buff. Right now it's just kind of a flashy ability that does do OK damage but, isn't really necessary.

- A 2% damage buff doesn't sound like all that but, whatever. It's a 2 points talent and its effect is being doubled.

- I guess they need to add more maces now. >_> I've only seen one epic Rogue mace besides the PVP ones, the off-hand from Maexxna with haste and armor penetration. I don't see any Rogues going Mace spec for raiding any time soon. Maybe it will help combat mace PVP specs.
Angry Grimace said:
As I said before; changing a bunch of shit that doesn't need to be changed. It's starting to become a pain in the ass that Blizzard can't stop tinkering.

I especially like the left-hand-doesn't-know-what-right-hand's-doing of Serendipity and PoH targetable. "OH GOD, HPRIESTS ARE MORE REGEN-HEAVY THAN EVER! AND NOW THEY SET UP RAID HEALING VIA GROUPS NOW! WE TOTALLY DIDNT SEE THIS COMING WHEN WE MADE THESE CHANGES!" :lol :lol :lol
Did H HoL last night. We wiped once on Loken because people weren't running fast enough, but we wasted him the second time (and got the 2min achievement).

I had heard H HoL was uber hard but imo it's pretty straight forward. Just like in reg mode you can get fucked by bad decisions (like pulling mobs poorly while the first boss runs up on you with the electric buff).

Also did H CoS earlier. Mobs seemed to move a lot faster than in reg, but it's an easy instance imo. I want to attempt to do it in 25min (to get the mount)


I have yet to do AN, Oculus or OK on heroic because nobody runs those on kilrogg but of all the other heroics, the easiest ones for me are, in this order:
HoS (oddly the maiden fight can be bad if your healer doesn't know how to break her group gouge, and tribunal can suck only when the lasers come in because they can target Bronzebeard and instagib him, or you can have really dumb dps that doesn't move out of them)

UP can be annoying because of how dps don't think they need any gear at all now to run heroics. So if you get shit dps for UP, it makes fights like Skadi and even the first boss a pain in the ass.

There is a huge gap between H-VH and H-UP in difficulty, too. I just put H-Nexus and DTK up there because their bosses can actually kill people on heroic and the achievements for all the bosses but the final one are actually kind of tough to get. H-VH varies, but I consider the jin'do boss and the ethereal boss to be pretty frustrating, which can make it into a tougher heroic compared to getting every other boss in there (all pretty easy to fight, honestly).


Oni Link 666 said:
- Don't really care about assassination.

- AR on a shorter cooldown sounds good.

- This might be cool if what they plan to do with haste will help Rogues a lot more. Right now, it looks lame.

- For a 51 point talent, KS definitely needed a buff. Right now it's just kind of a flashy ability that does do OK damage but, isn't really necessary.

- A 2% damage buff doesn't sound like all that but, whatever. It's a 2 points talent and its effect is being doubled.

- I guess they need to add more maces now. >_> I've only seen one epic Rogue mace besides the PVP ones, the off-hand from Maexxna with haste and armor penetration. I don't see any Rogues going Mace spec for raiding any time soon. Maybe it will help combat mace PVP specs.

Angry Dead or Dread from Noth 25 is another mace I believe.


Priest changes were necessary (Shadow Priests have very little survivability atm). Can't wait. Plus the group barrier is fucking awesome.


So I go to log in today and find out my account has been closed. Checking my email reveals it was because of exploiting the economy.

The only thing I could POSSIBLY think that may have triggered this is I gave 1000g to a friend of mine. Other then that, I'm a model WoW citizen.
lockii said:
So I go to log in today and find out my account has been closed. Checking my email reveals it was because of exploiting the economy.

The only thing I could POSSIBLY think that may have triggered this is I gave 1000g to a friend of mine. Other then that, I'm a model WoW citizen.

What the hell is that even supposed to mean? besides possibly gold selling.


Orbitcube said:
To be fair on Blizzard's behalf, they could've had Ulduar in if they wanted to, but they didn't, instead focusing on other aspects of the game.

I guess this is referring to the wait between BT and SW, which was about 9 months, if I remember correctly. I'm willing to bet that they want to space out new raids in a more regular time frame (like that'll happen!), so they went with adding a few encounters tuned easy, then will released raids regularly, but not so fast people can't do the raids that were launched in TBC. There's also a problem of releasing them too fast and not allowing anyone to try the thing you worked on for a few months (SSC/TK hadn't even been cleared by any guild at the time BT came out, which in turn meant no one had even set foot into Hyjal).

I wouldn't be suprised if we saw 3.1 in April some time, then 3.2 later this year around October (remember, this will be a full content patch, not like 2.2 with some big, but not major UI changes).
Vashj was killed two or so months before 2.1, kael exactly one day iirc (kael before any nerfs, daaaamn).

Sure, in TBC they have failed with releasing raids (too many raids in too short time), but in WotLK the current PvE content is easy, unchallenging and boring, simple as that.

It's funny how even Naxxramas had stupid Frost Resistance fights -- at that point they had to know that Burning Crusade was about to ship, so there was really no point in cockblocking players. Yet they did it anyway because it was such an ingrained part of their design mentality that they forgot why they started doing it in the first place. It's amazing to see how things have turned around since then.
FR isn't even needed in naxx :p


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
speedpop said:
I could see the Chain Lightning thing being done, judging by the glyphs. It's still a hugely mana-expensive spell and something needed to be done.

As for totem streamlining - it took awhile :lol but still doesn't fix the issue of having roving totems (come on let us place it on our backs or something!)

Should be interesting to see what (if anything) they have in store for Enhancement and Elemental PVP, whether that means offensively or defensively. There's a fine balance between giving Shaman certain talents or spells to the point where it becomes overpowered and they start ripping through people again.

Also.. holy shit at Power Word: Barrier.
I disagree with everything you said not pvp related..

Chain lighting isn't overly expensive. It's fine, they upped magma which overly compensates. I still don't think it's expensive on raid bosses when I was under geared CL did more damage than Lightning. I would fully spam it (I'm enhance btw) everytime MW5 was up and never have ran out of mana. Totems roaming are you kidding? They're totems not segways. Just repop em, I set a macro and I hit F1 one time and it repops them.


did our 7th full clear of naxx last night in guild, and still 0 2hander drops, in 7 clears we've seen 1 jawbone, our loot seed is so fucked

not even sure what's the point of raiding anymore


Junior Member
yacobod said:
did our 7th full clear of naxx last night in guild, and still 0 2hander drops, in 7 clears we've seen 1 jawbone, our loot seed is so fucked

not even sure what's the point of raiding anymore

Sounds like our guild w/ caster weapons.

We've had zero Turning Tides, one Haunting Call, and two Life and Death. Everyone else is rocking 10man Naxx weapons from Patch or Widow.

It rains plate during our Naxx25 runs.


yacobod said:
did our 7th full clear of naxx last night in guild, and still 0 2hander drops, in 7 clears we've seen 1 jawbone, our loot seed is so fucked

not even sure what's the point of raiding anymore

I feel ya, about 13 Kel'thuzad 25 man kills .... 0 Betrayer of Humanity .... but of course, we have 90 of those Sinister Revenge daggers .... with ONE rogue in the guild ...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I have yet to do AN, Oculus or OK on heroic because nobody runs those on kilrogg but of all the other heroics, the easiest ones for me are, in this order:
HoS (oddly the maiden fight can be bad if your healer doesn't know how to break her group gouge, and tribunal can suck only when the lasers come in because they can target Bronzebeard and instagib him, or you can have really dumb dps that doesn't move out of them)

UP can be annoying because of how dps don't think they need any gear at all now to run heroics. So if you get shit dps for UP, it makes fights like Skadi and even the first boss a pain in the ass.

There is a huge gap between H-VH and H-UP in difficulty, too. I just put H-Nexus and DTK up there because their bosses can actually kill people on heroic and the achievements for all the bosses but the final one are actually kind of tough to get. H-VH varies, but I consider the jin'do boss and the ethereal boss to be pretty frustrating, which can make it into a tougher heroic compared to getting every other boss in there (all pretty easy to fight, honestly).
The Maiden fight is pretty easy if you have a Warrior tank because Berserker Rage breaks the sap effect and the cast time is long enough that you can just stnad in the void zone to break it the second time.



*Improved Shadow Bolt – this talent now provides a 5% spell critical strike buff (similar to Improved Scorch).
*Improved Soul Leech – this talent now provides Replenishment (similar to shadow priests)
*Drain Soul now has a chance to produce Soul Shards even if the target doesn’t die.
*Siphon Life no longer as an active ability but the talent grants the old Siphon Life effect to Corruption.
*Curse of Recklessness and Curse of Weakness have been combined into one spell
*Consume Shadows – this Voidwalker ability is no longer channeled but has a cooldown.
*Several other warlock talents have had their ranks reduced, their effects changed or removed. This list includes but is not limited to Demonic Empathy, Shadow Embrace, *Eradication, Suppression, and Pandemic.
*Additional new talents have been added.


*Savage Defense – this is a new passive ability. When a druid in Dire Bear form deals a melee critical strike, the druid gains a damage shield equal to 25% of their attack power. The next hit completely removes the shield regardless of how much damage was done.
*Survival of the Fittest has had its bonus armor reduced to compensate for the above increase in damage mitigation.
*Faerie Fire (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 5%. See Sunder Armor in the warrior update below for additional details.
*Thorns and Nature’s Grasp can be cast in Tree of Life form.
*Survival Instincts now works in Moonkin form.
*Replenish – to avoid confusion, this talent has been renamed “Revitalize.” It now also works with Wild Growth.
*We are also looking at increasing the sustained (not burst) damage of feral druids in cat form.


*Changing stances now has a much reduced cost: you lose a maximum of 20 rage (10 with Tactical Mastery). For example, if you have 100 rage and change stances, you will have 80 rage remaining. If you have 10 rage and change stances, all of your rage is lost. In addition, we may change the penalties associated with some stances.
*You now gain rage when damage done to you is absorbed, such as through a Power Word: Shield.
*Blood Frenzy now causes 2/4% physical damage done.
*Sunder Armor (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 4% per application, and is now a single rank. Creature armor has been globally reduced so that debuffed targets should take about the same damage from physical attacks that they did before this change. The net effect should be that this debuff is slightly less mandatory in PvE and is not disproportionately more powerful against cloth targets in PvP.
*We are also adding increased damage to Arms, possibly through Overpower or Slam.
*We are also looking at granting rage when the warrior blocks, dodges or parries.



* Improved Shadow Bolt – this talent now provides a 5% spell critical strike buff (similar to Improved Scorch).
* Improved Soul Leech – this talent now provides Replenishment (similar to shadow priests)
* Drain Soul now has a chance to produce Soul Shards even if the target doesn't die.
* Siphon Life no longer as an active ability but the talent grants the old Siphon Life effect to Corruption.
* Curse of Recklessness and Curse of Weakness have been combined into one spell
* Consume Shadows – this Voidwalker ability is no longer channeled but has a cooldown.
* Several other warlock talents have had their ranks reduced, their effects changed or removed. This list includes but is not limited to Demonic Empathy, Shadow Embrace, Eradication, Suppression, and Pandemic.
* Additional new talents have been added.


* Savage Defense – this is a new passive ability. When a druid in Dire Bear form deals a melee critical strike, the druid gains a damage shield equal to 25% of their attack power. The next hit completely removes the shield regardless of how much damage was done.
* Survival of the Fittest has had its bonus armor reduced to compensate for the above increase in damage mitigation.
* Faerie Fire (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 5%. See Sunder Armor in the warrior update below for additional details.
* Thorns and Nature's Grasp can be cast in Tree of Life form.
* Survival Instincts now works in Moonkin form.
* Replenish – to avoid confusion, this talent has been renamed "Revitalize." It now also works with Wild Growth.
* We are also looking at increasing the sustained (not burst) damage of feral druids in cat form.


* Changing stances now has a much reduced cost: you lose a maximum of 20 rage (10 with Tactical Mastery). For example, if you have 100 rage and change stances, you will have 80 rage remaining. If you have 10 rage and change stances, all of your rage is lost. In addition, we may change the penalties associated with some stances.
* You now gain rage when damage done to you is absorbed, such as through a Power Word: Shield.
* Blood Frenzy now causes 2/4% physical damage done.
* Sunder Armor (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 4% per application, and is now a single rank. Creature armor has been globally reduced so that debuffed targets should take about the same damage from physical attacks that they did before this change. The net effect should be that this debuff is slightly less mandatory in PvE and is not disproportionately more powerful against cloth targets in PvP.
* We are also adding increased damage to Arms, possibly through Overpower or Slam.
* We are also looking at granting rage when the warrior blocks, dodges or parries.
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