Epix said:
I've been hearing rumblings that Malygos is bugged atm, which might explain why my guild was having so much trouble with him last week in 25 man. Almost without fail people were getting hit with (and 1 shot by) Arcane Breath immediately following the Vortex. This was true despite the fact that everyone but the tank was running immediately upon hitting the ground.
We have Maly on farm now, just got it that way a few weeks back tho, but I'm normally one of two hunters in our raids, sometimes we have a third. The hunters job is to run Track Elementals so we can see the sparks on the minimap. We ping the incoming sparks on the map continuously so the tank and raid can see where they are coming from.
We also ping HEAVILY during the vortex, all dps and heaelers run towards the pinging as soon as vortex ends, while the tank and ONLY the tank runs AWAY from the ping (the spark) this way only the tank ever gets hit by Malys breathe, and it allows our deathknights to be in perfect position to deathgrip the spark directly into the center of the platform and kill it immediately so we can stack them on top of one another.
Yes the hunters do terrible dps pinging the map all of phase 1. But right now Feign death is broken on Malygos and doesnt drop aggro at all and hunters have zero talents to reduce threat, feign is all we have, 11k Explosive shot
ticks means you pull aggro no matter how amazing your tank is, and no rotating blessing of salv is going to help you.. So we basically are there to help with spark locations and mediocre dps until he gets to 55% then we burn through to 50% and through his speech into phase 2 since you cant pull aggro anymore.
Also Maly only does seemingly two sparks that reach the field per vortex in phase one, so dont bother repositioning for the third spark, because before it gets within range he will vortex the raid. Spend all of the time after the second spark is down dpsing, have your tank ignore the third incoming spark. No need to move Maly away from that one.