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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
xabre said:
The verdict on the damage is...I lost my half epic'd healing set, t7.5 helm, t7.5 chest and t7 legs. They left all my other equipped stuff alone, how thoughtful. My helm, chest and legs were replaced with the three pieces of blue PvP gear I had. Also lost a bunch of other misc items. It isn't a complete disaster but I'm pretty gimp. I've sent a ticket to a gm, hopefully it won't take too long for my stuff to be reinstated.

The worrying thing is I never did anything wrong. Never gave my password to anyone. I have a firewall and anti-virus. If it happens again, that's it.
You might have snagged a keylogger that pops up on sites like worldofwar (And other WoW Sites) from their paper thin ad system.
WIthThaddius even without DMB he does a huge emote in big honkin' bold yellow that the polarity has changed. An easy way to avoid crossing charges is to have people run in a semi-circle around Thaddius rather then through him. That way those with slow reaction time or lag will be away from most of the raid. My guild went from embarrasing wipes to getting the achievement for never getting hit.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Manick Joe said:
WIthThaddius even without DMB he does a huge emote in big honkin' bold yellow that the polarity has changed. An easy way to avoid crossing charges is to have people run in a semi-circle around Thaddius rather then through him. That way those with slow reaction time or lag will be away from most of the raid. My guild went from embarrasing wipes to getting the achievement for never getting hit.
well calling it out let's them figure it out before it happens. It doesn't hurt.

The biggest problem I have isn't people not watching the polarity, it's that ranged has some sort of personal problem with standing with melee.
xabre said:
The verdict on the damage is...I lost my half epic'd healing set, t7.5 helm, t7.5 chest and t7 legs. They left all my other equipped stuff alone, how thoughtful. My helm, chest and legs were replaced with the three pieces of blue PvP gear I had. Also lost a bunch of other misc items. It isn't a complete disaster but I'm pretty gimp. I've sent a ticket to a gm, hopefully it won't take too long for my stuff to be reinstated.

The worrying thing is I never did anything wrong. Never gave my password to anyone. I have a firewall and anti-virus. If it happens again, that's it.

Just buy the password key. Seriously, it's a $6 investment.


Manick Joe said:
WIthThaddius even without DMB he does a huge emote in big honkin' bold yellow that the polarity has changed. An easy way to avoid crossing charges is to have people run in a semi-circle around Thaddius rather then through him. That way those with slow reaction time or lag will be away from most of the raid. My guild went from embarrassing wipes to getting the achievement for never getting hit.

Yep I even found an option in DMB that not only places the big yellow letters on the charge, but pops up this blue large ass arrow right in the middle POINTING for you to move. But like Grimace said, people complain about mods eating memory and lagging them. So as long as its not completely preventing progression our officers dont push it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
Yep I even found an option in DMB that not only places the big yellow letters on the charge, but pops up this blue large ass arrow right in the middle POINTING for you to move. But like Grimace said, people complain about mods eating memory and lagging them. So as long as its not completely preventing progression our officers dont push it.
It's hard enough to recruit members as is without requirements.

Recruitment is impossible because there are 10,000 other guilds with "almost" enough people to do raids, as well as the middling 80s in the big raid guilds that don't actually do any raids and just keep hoping to luck into one.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Just buy the password key. Seriously, it's a $6 investment.
yeah, I bought one after 3.0 came out and the most it's done for me is a little aggravation upon logging in if it slides under my keyboard or something and otherwise it's great.
Angry Grimace said:
It's hard enough to recruit members as is without requirements.

Recruitment is impossible because there are 10,000 other guilds with "almost" enough people to do raids, as well as the middling 80s in the big raid guilds that don't actually do any raids and just keep hoping to luck into one.

My whole point was he does a big on screen raid warning in-game without the use of mods. Not sure how you tank him and such but this is how it works with us. Thaddius' hit box is large enough that everyone of a like charge can be standing within a few feet of each other and be in in their respective range (melee/ranged).


We had the tank stay put and had people /focus the MT. After the polarity shift, you check your polarity and the MT's polarity, and we also call out the MT's polarity in Vent. If you're the same as the tank, and you're standing on him, stay put. If you're the same as the tank and you're behind Thad, run around to the right. If you're not the same as the tank and you're standing on him, run around to the right. If you're not the same as the tank and you're behind Thad, stay put. Easy as pie.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
thatbox said:
We had the tank stay put and had people /focus the MT. After the polarity shift, you check your polarity and the MT's polarity, and we also call out the MT's polarity in Vent. If you're the same as the tank, and you're standing on him, stay put. If you're the same as the tank and you're behind Thad, run around to the right. If you're not the same as the tank and you're standing on him, run around to the right. If you're not the same as the tank and you're behind Thad, stay put. Easy as pie.
the above post is even easier than that.

Chris R

xabre said:
The verdict on the damage is...I lost my half epic'd healing set, t7.5 helm, t7.5 chest and t7 legs. They left all my other equipped stuff alone, how thoughtful. My helm, chest and legs were replaced with the three pieces of blue PvP gear I had. Also lost a bunch of other misc items. It isn't a complete disaster but I'm pretty gimp. I've sent a ticket to a gm, hopefully it won't take too long for my stuff to be reinstated.

The worrying thing is I never did anything wrong. Never gave my password to anyone. I have a firewall and anti-virus. If it happens again, that's it.


6.50$ for some peace of mind


vumpler said:
the above post is even easier than that.

I've never seen it done like that. Looks unnecessary. We tank him in the middle (where the 'tank thadius' writing is on the above pic) and have negative polarity people on the left of this and positive polarity people on the right. On a polarity shift we all run to our left or clockwise.

rhfb said:

I'm going to look into this.


We do the 'obama strategy' for Thad. Tank pulls him to the left side and everyone groups up. Once the charges hit, positive rotates left and negative right. From then on, on each charge the people whose charge changes go right and the people whose charge stays the same rotates left. It's mostly to avoid lag, slow people, or disconnects, since if you don't move then you'll be alone and can't damage anyone.
etiolate said:
We do the 'obama strategy' for Thad. Tank pulls him to the left side and everyone groups up. Once the charges hit, positive rotates left and negative right. From then on, on each charge the people whose charge changes go right and the people whose charge stays the same rotates left. It's mostly to avoid lag, slow people, or disconnects, since if you don't move then you'll be alone and can't damage anyone.


I'm glad I'm not in your guild lol


Junior Member
etiolate said:
We do the 'obama strategy' for Thad. Tank pulls him to the left side and everyone groups up. Once the charges hit, positive rotates left and negative right. From then on, on each charge the people whose charge changes go right and the people whose charge stays the same rotates left. It's mostly to avoid lag, slow people, or disconnects, since if you don't move then you'll be alone and can't damage anyone.

It's unneccessary.

One or two deaths from dc's or lag spikes during Thaddius will not wipe the raid. More than that, and you probably won't have the dps to drop him anyway.

We just run through him if your polarity shifts.


Sheesh we just split two groups on either side of Thaddius where he stands at the beginning and as the charge hits positive is on the left and negative on the right.

Then we go through the whole fight just running through Thaddius if our charge changes or standing still if it stays the same.

Never had a wipe due to shocks ... some people may die from time to time, but generally works without a hinge.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Sheesh we just split two groups on either side of Thaddius where he stands at the beginning and as the charge hits positive is on the left and negative on the right.

Some people like to overcomplicate things.

I filled in a dps slot for a guild one week when I couldn't make my own guild's raids. You should have heard all of the convoluted theories and strats being brought up when we kept wiping to Patchwerk. It was nothing more than a lack of healing in their guild, but they managed to talk themselves into thinking he was bugged, to the point where they were talking to a GM about it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So I'm now on Malygos.

How hard are we talking here, 10 man, wise? The bigger problem being that our 3rd healer decided he can't play with us anymore o_O


As with most bosses, he's hard the first time until you kill him .... then you proceed to 1 shot him wondering why it took you so damn long.


Angry Grimace said:
So I'm now on Malygos.

How hard are we talking here, 10 man, wise? The bigger problem being that our 3rd healer decided he can't play with us anymore o_O

It's going to be damn rough at first because of the bugs with CoH and Wild Growth on the Vortex. Sometimes it just won't hit.


I've been hearing rumblings that Malygos is bugged atm, which might explain why my guild was having so much trouble with him last week in 25 man. Almost without fail people were getting hit with (and 1 shot by) Arcane Breath immediately following the Vortex. This was true despite the fact that everyone but the tank was running immediately upon hitting the ground.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
So I started leveling up my alt again. He was a boomkin (just converted him to a bear) and is level 75. I plan to tank once I hit 80. It doesn't look like we have many abilities to tank with so it looks like this is going to be very straight forward.

Any short, quick bear tanking tips any of you have?


Epix said:
I've been hearing rumblings that Malygos is bugged atm, which might explain why my guild was having so much trouble with him last week in 25 man. Almost without fail people were getting hit with (and 1 shot by) Arcane Breath immediately following the Vortex. This was true despite the fact that everyone but the tank was running immediately upon hitting the ground.
Have the raid run directly south after the vortex. You can position the camera (on the minimap) to point south, then RUN. :)


Epix said:
I've been hearing rumblings that Malygos is bugged atm, which might explain why my guild was having so much trouble with him last week in 25 man. Almost without fail people were getting hit with (and 1 shot by) Arcane Breath immediately following the Vortex. This was true despite the fact that everyone but the tank was running immediately upon hitting the ground.

We have Maly on farm now, just got it that way a few weeks back tho, but I'm normally one of two hunters in our raids, sometimes we have a third. The hunters job is to run Track Elementals so we can see the sparks on the minimap. We ping the incoming sparks on the map continuously so the tank and raid can see where they are coming from.

We also ping HEAVILY during the vortex, all dps and heaelers run towards the pinging as soon as vortex ends, while the tank and ONLY the tank runs AWAY from the ping (the spark) this way only the tank ever gets hit by Malys breathe, and it allows our deathknights to be in perfect position to deathgrip the spark directly into the center of the platform and kill it immediately so we can stack them on top of one another.

Yes the hunters do terrible dps pinging the map all of phase 1. But right now Feign death is broken on Malygos and doesnt drop aggro at all and hunters have zero talents to reduce threat, feign is all we have, 11k Explosive shot ticks means you pull aggro no matter how amazing your tank is, and no rotating blessing of salv is going to help you.. So we basically are there to help with spark locations and mediocre dps until he gets to 55% then we burn through to 50% and through his speech into phase 2 since you cant pull aggro anymore.

Also Maly only does seemingly two sparks that reach the field per vortex in phase one, so dont bother repositioning for the third spark, because before it gets within range he will vortex the raid. Spend all of the time after the second spark is down dpsing, have your tank ignore the third incoming spark. No need to move Maly away from that one.
JoeFu said:
I don't think I'll ever get to 5000g... I'm so poor :( Not even at 1000g right now.

Fortunately for me I found a great market on my server, Earthsiege and Skyfire Diamonds. As an alchemist I could buy the mats for them for around 40g, turn around and sell them for 80g and also get additional diamonds for free with my transmute mastery. Easy money. And doing dailies and herbs and not really spending any gold helped too.


Oni Link 666 said:
So, I've had a lucky week (more like lucky 2days :lol ). I got valorous gloves on my hunter and Loatheb's Web, Heroes shoulders, Pride, and Cloak of Mastery on my Rogue. :D

Hunter - http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Trollbane&n=Sunshot

Rogue - http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Trollbane&n=Kunoichi

My crit went up by about 8% to 35.07% on my Rogue. Is that too much? I'm thinking maybe I should start replacing some agility gems with AP gems.

Wow did you close your eyes and spec randomly on your rogue?

dave is ok

aztek is ok
JoeFu said:
I don't think I'll ever get to 5000g... I'm so poor :( Not even at 1000g right now.
I just got the achievement for making 10,000g in quest rewards. I have no clue where any of that went, I have never had more than 4k gold on me lol.


JoeFu said:
I don't think I'll ever get to 5000g... I'm so poor :( Not even at 1000g right now.

The trick is to grind instances from 70-80 then do all the quests for maximum gold at cap level plus dailies.

Also gathering profs are pretty good money-makers.


Got a couple of phat loots of Heroic Naxx last night. I'm practically best in slot for everything except weapon. I need a new goddam weapon.


Yeah... I don't do that many dailies, which is probably why I have no money. I do love Naxx runs though, some serious cash drops there.


after the rolling restart last night, it appears blizzard stealth nerfed Deep Wounds

elitist jerks and tankspot are saying so at least, and WWS stat reports from raids last night appear to back this up

pretty gay


I did AQ40 the other night (up to twin emps anyway). I thought it was awesome and I can't imagine how epic the whole thing would have been at 60. WoW is on a downward spiral to shit now, too casual, too welfare epic oriented, too much hard mode/easy mode of everything. The games slowly going to shit. Who else sees this?
xabre said:
I did AQ40 the other night (up to twin emps anyway). I thought it was awesome and I can't imagine how epic the whole thing would have been at 60. WoW is on a downward spiral to shit now, too casual, too welfare epic oriented, too much hard mode/easy mode of everything. The games slowly going to shit. Who else sees this?

I still think Ragnaros was the most truly epic fight I ever had in WoW - Weeks of working on getting though Molten Core, getting everyone geared up in fire resistance gear and then finally that all ended in the culmination of the absolutely monsterous Ragnaros, he was waaay bigger and stronger then any mob I had ever seen. It was also the first major boss guilds got to beat and was an important stepping stone.

Twin Emps was ok but was just a cockblock before C'thun - now that fight was fucking epic. So much fun, too.


Never had much sympathy for the people that whine about the "good ol' days" of 40-man raiding. It was never fun being locked out of a good guild because you couldn't get gear up outside of 40-man instances.....never fun building resistance sets......never fun rolling against 5-6 people of your same class for one item.....never fun showing up to endless farm sessions and gaining absolutely nothing for it (no badges). All that shit was just a bunch of dumb cockblocks to prevent you from getting through the content and keep you playing the game longer and longer and longer. Now that it's been removed almost entirely I guess people will whine about a lack of content, but I'd rather have the current content shortage than see everything needlessly locked down by gear/resist checks, attunements, and huge raid sizes.

"Welfare epics" tends to be a codeword for "My e-penis used to be so much bigger".


xabre said:
I did AQ40 the other night (up to twin emps anyway). I thought it was awesome and I can't imagine how epic the whole thing would have been at 60. WoW is on a downward spiral to shit now, too casual, too welfare epic oriented, too much hard mode/easy mode of everything. The games slowly going to shit. Who else sees this?

As someone who did AQ40 back in the day up to C'thun I can only say that WoW today is better than ever and thank god this bullshit is gone.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
Never had much sympathy for the people that whine about the "good ol' days" of 40-man raiding. It was never fun being locked out of a good guild because you couldn't get gear up outside of 40-man instances.....never fun building resistance sets......never fun rolling against 5-6 people of your same class for one item.....never fun showing up to endless farm sessions and gaining absolutely nothing for it (no badges). All that shit was just a bunch of dumb cockblocks to prevent you from getting through the content and keep you playing the game longer and longer and longer. Now that it's been removed almost entirely I guess people will whine about a lack of content, but I'd rather have the current content shortage than see everything needlessly locked down by gear/resist checks, attunements, and huge raid sizes.

"Welfare epics" tends to be a codeword for "My e-penis used to be so much bigger".
The problem is that Blizzard isn't paying attention to what they got right. Accessibility only works when there's something to access. I'm already getting bored with this and it's not gonna change soon given that a) Ulduar's not even on the PTR, and b) Blizzard is too busy making ridiculously minor tweaks across the board in the name of "balancing." It's annoying because your class just ends up changing day to day, but there's still nothing to do with that.

I do agree about the 40 mans. People wax nostalgic for a day in which thier e-dicks were bigger and no one else could even get in. And as for "welfare epics" it's not like in the 40 mans half the damn "raid" wasn't just idiots trying to AFK their way to glory.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
border said:
Never had much sympathy for the people that whine about the "good ol' days" of 40-man raiding. It was never fun being locked out of a good guild because you couldn't get gear up outside of 40-man instances.....never fun building resistance sets......never fun rolling against 5-6 people of your same class for one item.....never fun showing up to endless farm sessions and gaining absolutely nothing for it (no badges). All that shit was just a bunch of dumb cockblocks to prevent you from getting through the content and keep you playing the game longer and longer and longer. Now that it's been removed almost entirely I guess people will whine about a lack of content, but I'd rather have the current content shortage than see everything needlessly locked down by gear/resist checks, attunements, and huge raid sizes.

"Welfare epics" tends to be a codeword for "My e-penis used to be so much bigger".

for the record, I was in the 2nd best horde guild on my original server, and not only in it but IRL friends with all of the officers going back 20 years when we would pen and paper.. I was a charter member (obviously we started as the old PnP crew), dropped out for about a year, and came back.. point being I was in with the heads of the guild and it was STILL a knockdown drag out fight to get geared during all of that. Now I am totally for the DKP system, and agree that people who help advance the guild the most should get the best earliest rewards.. in no way do I think any of that system is flawed. What is flawed though is the way the raid system used to work. By the time our guild was on AQ40 and Nax40 if you weren't already geared with MC and BWL drops you had ZERO chance of joining the guild.. and by this time most guilds on the server were already either farming AQ40 or close to it meaning no one was running MC or BWL and you had no chance of getting in a guild farming AQ40 or higher. In short, by mid-2006 if you weren't already in a guild capable of 40-man raiding, chances are you were going to have a damn near impossible time getting in one. And it's not a delineation between hardcore and casual... you could have someone do 1-60 in 14 calendar days and still have no chance of getting adequately geared to go on AQ40/Nax40 raids for most guilds.

I like what Blizzard is doing now. By the time a new expansion comes out, the highest (or next tier down at least) raid gear is beaten by the top non-heroic gear. It essentially gives everyone a chance to start over, while giving raiders a small leg up at the start of the expansion. It gives players who came in later in the life of the game the ability to gear up and have the same shot at raid content as the ones who have been here since 11/04.

I agree that the only players who have a problem with the setup now are the elitists who enjoyed seeing the newer players locked out from guilds working through Naxx40 due to having no ability on their server to get geared for it. Now that someone can start up an account and within 3-4 months of casual (re: less than 20 hours per week) playing be set to do heroics and shortly after that raid, it takes some of the air out of their sails. Not claiming anyone in this thread falls into this category... but there is definitely a feeling among many of the elitist players in the guild I was a part of that their hundreds of hours being spent particularly in MC and BWL were now turned worthless because at the time with 30-40 hours of grinding chances were likely that someone was going to be equipped in greens and a handful of blues better than the grapes they worked those hundreds of hours to obtain. but what did they think? That blizzard was going to continue scaling raid and non-raid gear along separate paths?
I quit a few months ago and was just wondering if they balanced dk and pallys in arena? Before I would be crit ambushing death knights for 500 and even if I somehow kill them they respawned and hit me for 1k.
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