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World of Warcraft

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I'm talking about how the Warlock board is supposed to have someone gathering info to present to the devs and the worthless fucker barely posts there...

And honestly, the class just isn't good enough in pvp; neither pet class is. It's like we're weaker than the non-pet classes (because we have pets) but at the endgame our pets are a joke, so we may as well not have them.

Also in mass pvp, good luck avoiding the ambushes and chain stuns from the shit tons of rogues out there, they focus on warlocks first if they know what they're doing, because of the total lack of defense against a melee (without a succubus). Or they just sap you, kick the succubus and destroy her in a few seconds.

Pretty much any class played to their best skill level beats a warlock, except paladins and hunters (mages are a tossup). I mean, if you're beating shamans they must have no fucking clue, tremor totem = for all practical purposes immunity to fear and seduce, grounding totem = extra immunity that can also absorb a DOT or curse of tongues, drain mana can be interrupted (and no shaman in their right mind is going to waste their shock timer on anything else but earth shock against a warlock). Paladins are different since you can drain mana and eat their buffs with felhunter or just use the succubus to seduce them to get range. Warriors easy? Not if they go berserker stance and use berserker rage, then switch to battle and hamstring you. Then you're right in their range and they WILL kill you faster than you'll kill them.

In group pvp, as long as the rogue is a retard (and let's face it, most rogues are) they aren't a problem, but if the person playing them has half a brain? Yeah, have fun on the corpse run, you'll be hit first and it'll take focus fire from everyone else on the rogue for you to survive. It's different if they ignore you, then you DOT them and they can't vanish or bandage and everybody smacks them down.

Mages are different, you can sort of handle them by diverting their attention with curse of tongues/agony and DOTs and hoping they're too focused on dispelling curses to do a lot of offense. And having a felhunter out to dispel polymorph and spell lock them, or a succubus out for seduction instead of spell lock isn't bad. Nuke-wise if they go arcane/fire they don't have much of a problem beating you.

As far as druids go, you're best off using the felhunter (for eating HOTs) or imp, the succubus isn't really worth it. And pray that they focus on dispelling curses as well, it's different if they just spam moonfire (most alliance druids I fight in pvp do this, and you can beat them). Otherwise good luck killing them, they're just too mana efficient as a healer and can melee you if they want, and just root and get out of fear range and heal.

Only hunters are really easy pickings since you can fear the pet and seduce the hunter, and then kill the pet (if you want to be an asshole, and I do every time I see a night elf hunter) and the hunter is pretty much screwed. Even viper sting isn't a problem, since you can just lifetap and hang in the dead zone so they can't harm you. And they're especially easy to kill as an affliction warlock (which is ironic, cause affliction really sucks in pvp for the most part).

Trust me, warlocks really really suck in pvp. I'm not saying you suck, it's pretty obvious by your post that you know what you're doing. But the class's skillset has a lot of counters for pretty much every trick we have, and if you play ANY other class to 60 and pvped with the same kind of micro and just general strategizing that you have to put into your warlock to win, you'll win a lot more of your fights. I do this on my shaman, mage and hunter now (even though hunter really does suck at pvp for the most part despite their damage). I used to think we were great, and in duels we ARE an ok pvp class. But compared to pretty much every other class we just have no real pvp spells aside from seduce/fear/drain mana/soul link (and quite frankly, the soul link build gimps you to hell and back for pve).


I see what your saying. Warlocks could definatly use some buffs, I said that. I think offensivly we do great damage, if you are specced right. If you went demonology your screwed damage wise :p, but if you went into affliction/destruction or mixed the two warlocks do good damage, we just deal it more slowly then other classes. We dont really burst out insane dps on a single target like a rogue or mage, but 4 DoTs does quite a bit of damage and if nightfall goes off thats an easy 700 dmg insta which is always good. And in large scale pvp wars if you are corrupting multiple targets nightfall is going off for me at least once every 10 seconds. If I have the mana to back it up thats alot of insta shadowbolts. In solo fights it usually goes off only once, maybe 2 times if im lucky :p Searing Pain isnt that bad either. I dont use it much 1v1, but in larger wars it makes a good mini-nuke from the backlines. Usuyally, in wars with mutliple people Ill CoT any caster I see, corrupt everyone, and start blasting weakened targets with Searing Pain, which for me does good dmaage and crits quite often too. Then ill hit shadowbolt whenever nightfall goes off. Ill have either the imp or succubus out for a mana battery also. I usually do pretty well with this.

The problem with warlocks, mostly, is our defensive. Our shields suck anyways you look at it. Mages get all these different magic shields and an insta cast AoE root spell. Priests get PWS and if they go Shadow(Shadow Form) not to mention an insta cast AoE Fear and Flay for slowing targets.

Warlocks on the other hand have what? Almost nothing. Demon Armor sucks. For PvE its okay, but in PvP its useless. The armor factor for a cloth wearer is negligible when your getting pounded by warriors and rogues, and the health regen and meager shadow resist is useless. Fear I like, but its not enough and if we get in a tight spot we cant pinch it off quickly like a Priest can. Succubus Seduce is nice, but again you gotta have the Suc out to use it. Voidwalker Sacrifice isnt that bad, but its a waste of a soul shard(not good in pvp) and you wouldnt have a voidwalker out in pvp combat anyways because he brings no useful pvp abilities and his damage output it terrible.

Blizzard forgot we are cloth wearers jut like mages and priests and as such need ways to get ourselves out of trouble like them. In PvE I didnt care becasue the Voidwalker did an excellent job of holding aggro and tanking a mob while you beat it. A good substitue for the skills priests and mages have for soloing. But now in pvp, taunting and aggro holding is useless because other players ignore your pets because they arnt really a significant threat. Now we need a buff, something to help us survive in PvP.

Ive made it pretty good chaining seduce and fear while I kill people in pvp, but its not always so easy, and it helps that alot of the people on my server still suck at pvp. Things will change though. Warlocks need something. A better magic armor ability, a new root or snare spell. Something.

There is also the Shard issue which I know is there but I havnt run into. In 1v1 fights which i do the most, its not a problem because i go into the fight with everything I need. Ive done some larger wars, but never anything so long that the 10-15 shards i usually carry arnt enough. I could see it becoming a problem though once BGs come out maybe.

Basically Blizz needs to look at the warlocks survivability. I think we do great damage, and dont really need a buff there. Its nice to get new attack abilities so I wont complain if they do, but defense is the major issue. It might also be good to do something with the Voidwalker to make him useful in pvp.


The WoW General Discussion forum is the most poorly moderated one I have seen in quite a while. Apparently no one is there at night ...


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Sticked Blue Post

During yesterday’s maintenance, upgrades were made to both the in-game client and to the hardware infrastructure. These changes caused extended downtime for some players.

In addition to providing a one-day time extension for players whose realms underwent extended maintenance, characters on all realms will be receiving a full rest state bonus. In order to apply this rest state bonus to all players, we will need to bring all realms down for approximately three hours, beginning at 3:00 AM PST, Thursday March 31.

In all likelyhood, I won't be renewing my account in two weeks or so. I recently transfered from BH to Crushridge and the lag is utterly unbearable. Loot lag, disappearing npcs, and just straight up terrible lag; it's been a bad experience. Not only that, but it basically dies after midnight, which is when I was used to actually playing.

Plus the continual pillaging of the hunter class isn't exactly encouraging. The new patches have so much shit undocumented it's disgusting. Scatter is now on autoshoot timer, it counts the same as freeze trap as far as immunity goes, meaning after two freezes you become immune to scatter for TWO shots. That so unbelievably gimps hunter pvp. King Banga may or may not have been stealth gimped in the new patch, aimed shot can now be interrupted from damage, not just delayed. Just a whole lotta bullshit. Yay, the same fucking changes to pets that have been in the game but unimplemented since fucking beta might get put in sometime soon. I'm not waiting another fucking 3 months for them to make the class unborked.

I didn't give a shit about the quiver fix. I did notice the speed difference (It's huge), but I didn't care. These bullshit stealth changes to the only way the class can survive in pvp really fucking piss me off though. Yay /vent.


dave is ok said:
What are you wearing? Certainly not a set, but it looks good together

Mostly crafted felcloth. The shadow damage bonuses are awesome, and in most cases I actually prefer it over my Dreadmist.
Son of Godzilla said:
In all likelyhood, I won't be renewing my account in two weeks or so. I recently transfered from BH to Crushridge and the lag is utterly unbearable. Loot lag, disappearing npcs, and just straight up terrible lag; it's been a bad experience. Not only that, but it basically dies after midnight, which is when I was used to actually playing.

Plus the continual pillaging of the hunter class isn't exactly encouraging. The new patches have so much shit undocumented it's disgusting. Scatter is now on autoshoot timer, it counts the same as freeze trap as far as immunity goes, meaning after two freezes you become immune to scatter for TWO shots. That so unbelievably gimps hunter pvp. King Banga may or may not have been stealth gimped in the new patch, aimed shot can now be interrupted from damage, not just delayed. Just a whole lotta bullshit. Yay, the same fucking changes to pets that have been in the game but unimplemented since fucking beta might get put in sometime soon. I'm not waiting another fucking 3 months for them to make the class unborked.

I didn't give a shit about the quiver fix. I did notice the speed difference (It's huge), but I didn't care. These bullshit stealth changes to the only way the class can survive in pvp really fucking piss me off though. Yay /vent.

Come to the MAF server oh lover of Hermione.


Yeah, if you want to avoid lag go to a Low population server. Medium and up is bad.

Feathermoon is usually medium or high and is bad, and Illidan is almost always unplayable.

On the other hand Darkspear and the GAF PVE server are fine.


Yeah, just play on a low pop server. They arnt really that low anyways, just compared to the others. I play on Eredar (PvP) and it is ALWAYS low pop but even at 3am we still have at least 1000+ horde playing, and around 7-12pm peak hours we have like 3000 or so, which is plenty of people. As for the alliance im not sure, but hey outnumber us 2/1 pretty much all time it seems so Im sure they have more.

My server never lags except for the crashes because the alliance are trying to kill thrall after we succesfully trashed our way into the throne room of Storwmind and made short work of the littel bastard king and his guards last weekend.
Started a new character on Eldre'Thalas when the server opened a few weeks ago. A lvl 33 Dwarf Hunter named 'Girth'. I think I'm sticking with this one. I'm loving hunter way more than Warlock. 7 more lvls and I can use Mail. woot

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Heh, they shut down the servers for another 3 hours tonight to give everyone a rested state XP bonus to make up for all of the downtime yesterday. Am I the only one enjoying the irony in that? :p


trippingmartian said:
Started a new character on Eldre'Thalas when the server opened a few weeks ago. A lvl 33 Dwarf Hunter named 'Girth'. I think I'm sticking with this one. I'm loving hunter way more than Warlock. 7 more lvls and I can use Mail. woot

Hunter is actually pretty fun to play in the early levels... post 40+ and you start feeling weaker and weaker though... until you get to 60 where you fill ultra gimped.
I just started an undead rogue (how original...) my 51 human paladin (even more original...) is beginning to bore me. It takes minutes to kill a single same lvl mob. I'm just sitting there yelling at screen for SoC to hit.

The rogue is very fun, but I'm pretty clueless on how to play him well. I build up combo points from Backstab > Sinister Strike. Then I have either Eviscerate, Slice and Dice and Expose Armor to play with. It's hard to build up points before the opponent dies sometimes. Do you have any good tactics?

What is this 30/8/13 you talk of? I get headaches from looking at the talent tree.

edit. here he is !


dave is ok

aztek is ok
The game just gets harder, the first 40 some levels are pretty easy.

I think the first boss I ever had trouble with was Noxxion in Mauradon.

The first boss that actually requires a tank/healer combo is probably Eranikus in Sunken Temple, and you can still get by that without a warrior or priest. Two pallys would even work probably.


dave is ok said:
The game just gets harder, the first 40 some levels are pretty easy.

I think the first boss I ever had trouble with was Noxxion in Mauradon.

The first boss that actually requires a tank/healer combo is probably Eranikus in Sunken Temple, and you can still get by that without a warrior or priest. Two pallys would even work probably.

I found Archaedas (uldaman boss) you really needed a healer for. He didn't hit particularily hard, but it was a long fight with tons of adds. Guess It would depend what level you did it at though ...


Pfft, my warrior has turned into a small god at lvl 40. Mages/Priests become absurdly powerful too (Warlocks don't cuz dey is da gimp).

Anyways, I guess my whining wasn't clear enough. Crushridge IS a low pop server (Which is le bore for my usual playtime, usually from midnight to 4 or 5 AM) and still lags absurdly bad.


AeroGod said:
Yeah, just play on a low pop server. They arnt really that low anyways, just compared to the others. I play on Eredar (PvP) and it is ALWAYS low pop but even at 3am we still have at least 1000+ horde playing, and around 7-12pm peak hours we have like 3000 or so, which is plenty of people. As for the alliance im not sure, but hey outnumber us 2/1 pretty much all time it seems so Im sure they have more.

My server never lags except for the crashes because the alliance are trying to kill thrall after we succesfully trashed our way into the throne room of Storwmind and made short work of the littel bastard king and his guards last weekend.

Yeah Thrall's casting of AoE "Server Shutdown" yesterday was a nice last minute defense against the Alliance on Eredar.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
SaitoH said:
I found Archaedas (uldaman boss) you really needed a healer for. He didn't hit particularily hard, but it was a long fight with tons of adds. Guess It would depend what level you did it at though ...


Oh yeah, forgot about him. He sucks. I had a group with a 55 in it when I fought him I think.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
RonaldoSan said:
I just started an undead rogue (how original...) my 51 human paladin (even more original...) is beginning to bore me. It takes minutes to kill a single same lvl mob. I'm just sitting there yelling at screen for SoC to hit.

The rogue is very fun, but I'm pretty clueless on how to play him well. I build up combo points from Backstab > Sinister Strike. Then I have either Eviscerate, Slice and Dice and Expose Armor to play with. It's hard to build up points before the opponent dies sometimes. Do you have any good tactics?

What is this 30/8/13 you talk of? I get headaches from looking at the talent tree.

edit. here he is !


Here's what I usually do for building combo points with my 33 Rogue:

Ambush -> Gouge -> Backstab -> Sinister Strike -> Sinister Strike -> Eviserate

It woulds quite fast at taking down mobs at the same level, or a couple levels higher than me. I also have disgustingly high AGI, and have used lots of talent points that will up my critical hit chances, so that helps a lot too. Personally, I'm not a bit fan of Slice and Dice, and I only use Expose Armor when the mob's hit points are dropping particularly slowly, or if I'm in a group.


Ive been running every instances from Deadmines-Zul'Farrak solo for a couple days and I must have gotten at least 100 green, 20 or so blue, and 1 purple BoE items that ive either used to power up my alts or sell on teh AH house. Ive also been charging people to run them through the dungeons to do their quests quickly. Ive made alot of money. Im thinking about buying an epic mount but I might wait to see what the warlock gets. I have 6 alts all nearing lvl 40 and my warlock has the money to get all of them their mounts when they do. :lol


AeroGod said:
Ive been running every instances from Deadmines-Zul'Farrak solo for a couple days and I must have gotten at least 100 green, 20 or so blue, and 1 purple BoE items that ive either used to power up my alts or sell on teh AH house. Ive also been charging people to run them through the dungeons to do their quests quickly. Ive made alot of money. Im thinking about buying an epic mount but I might wait to see what the warlock gets. I have 6 alts all nearing lvl 40 and my warlock has the money to get all of them their mounts when they do. :lol

I mean, anytime you want to help a fellow Eredarian out, my 31 Shaman is always accepting charity :D


RonaldoSan said:
I just started an undead rogue (how original...) my 51 human paladin (even more original...) is beginning to bore me. It takes minutes to kill a single same lvl mob. I'm just sitting there yelling at screen for SoC to hit.

The rogue is very fun, but I'm pretty clueless on how to play him well. I build up combo points from Backstab > Sinister Strike. Then I have either Eviscerate, Slice and Dice and Expose Armor to play with. It's hard to build up points before the opponent dies sometimes. Do you have any good tactics?

What is this 30/8/13 you talk of? I get headaches from looking at the talent tree.

edit. here he is !

Too funny, I did the same. I had a human pally all the way up to 58 and got completely bored, and re-rolled a undead rogue who is currently 43.


Mr Nash said:
Here's what I usually do for building combo points with my 33 Rogue:

Ambush -> Gouge -> Backstab -> Sinister Strike -> Sinister Strike -> Eviserate

It woulds quite fast at taking down mobs at the same level, or a couple levels higher than me. I also have disgustingly high AGI, and have used lots of talent points that will up my critical hit chances, so that helps a lot too. Personally, I'm not a bit fan of Slice and Dice, and I only use Expose Armor when the mob's hit points are dropping particularly slowly, or if I'm in a group.
Unless they recently changed it, expose armor is BAD to use in groups because then the warrior can't use sunder armor, and that helps them tank a lot.
So I looked around for a good rogue build and it seems the 30/8/13 combined with two daggers is not a bad idea.

Assassination Mastery: 30

Improved Eviscerate 3/3
Remorseless Attacks 5/5
Malice 5/5
Ruthlessness 3/3
Murder 2/2
Relentless Strikes 1/1
Lethality 5/5
Cold Blood 1/1
Seal Fate 5/5
Combat Mastery: 8

Improved Gouge 3/3
Improved Sinister Strike 2/2
Improved Backstab 3/3
Subtlety Mastery: 13

Camouflage 5/5
Opportunity 5/5
Improved Ambush 3/3

What do you guys think? The 30/8/13 I found had Improved Kidney Shot and Improved Slice and Dice instead of Remorseless Attacks.
I'd definitely switch camouflage for Master of Deception.

The assassination tree is almost exactly like mine, except I didn't go to Seal Fate, I stopped at Cold Blood and started working up the subtlety tree. The rest looks pretty decent to me.


I actually disagree that EVERY class feels weaker post 40 too. Shamans feel a lot stronger, I think warriors do as well (just by virtue of upgrading to plate). Can't say for paladins. But closer to 60 the shaman feels a lot weaker when you are no longer good enough at any of your roles to serve a primary function, unless it's for content trivially below your level (i.e. we had a 60 shaman tank BRD for us, but the group was all 60s with my warlock, a mage, a priest and a hunter).


Scoot said:
I mean, anytime you want to help a fellow Eredarian out, my 31 Shaman is always accepting charity :D

What is your characters name. Ill help you get some phat lewtz. Im farming demonic runes and essence of fire right now for my Robes of the Void.


AeroGod said:
What is your characters name. Ill help you get some phat lewtz. Im farming demonic runes and essence of fire right now for my Robes of the Void.

Character is named Aganathyre, 33 Tauren Shaman, this is my third week with the game, hence the n00bish quality of my character.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
AeroGod said:
What is your characters name. Ill help you get some phat lewtz. Im farming demonic runes and essence of fire right now for my Robes of the Void.
I have 6/8 on my Dreadmist now, and dont feel like running UBRS adnauseum to get my Robe. I have a few questions about Robe of the Void.

As long as you're a 300 tailor, does your class pattern drop from Gandling 100% of the time?

How long does it take to farm the runes/felcoth approximately?


Razoric posted the April Fools joke in the gaming forum, I thought it'd be worth reposting here:


oops, also:

New World of Warcraft Player vs. Player Combat Improvements - Helcon on 4/01/05
You've all seen the sneak-peek articles of the upcoming Player vs. Player Battlegrounds system in our recent web previews. We're now taking Battlegrounds in an entirely new direction. Many players noted that the Battlegrounds resemble some aspects of Warcraft 3. Then it hit us; Why reinvent the wheel? Why waste resources on a project we've already developed and perfected?

The completely redesigned (and yet still very familiar) Battlegrounds system will allow us to better focus our efforts on creating game features that players really want, such as ordering various types of food in-game! You can see a preview of some upcoming intense Battleground PvP combat™ here.

We will continue to refine the implementation of this system over the coming year(s). You can view initial test gameplay screenshots of the Player vs. Player combat system below




Alex said:
Razoric posted the April Fools joke in the gaming forum, I thought it'd be worth reposting here:


oops, also:

New World of Warcraft Player vs. Player Combat Improvements - Helcon on 4/01/05
You've all seen the sneak-peek articles of the upcoming Player vs. Player Battlegrounds system in our recent web previews. We're now taking Battlegrounds in an entirely new direction. Many players noted that the Battlegrounds resemble some aspects of Warcraft 3. Then it hit us; Why reinvent the wheel? Why waste resources on a project we've already developed and perfected?

The completely redesigned (and yet still very familiar) Battlegrounds system will allow us to better focus our efforts on creating game features that players really want, such as ordering various types of food in-game! You can see a preview of some upcoming intense Battleground PvP combat™ here.

We will continue to refine the implementation of this system over the coming year(s). You can view initial test gameplay screenshots of the Player vs. Player combat system below




Sony Online Entertainment announces /smorgasbord!

Due to the success of /pizza launched last month and the introduction of /panda in a competitor's game today, SOE is pleased to announce we are working on /smorgasbord to allow our customers a veritable feast when playing EverQuest II. More details of food items included in /smorgasbord will be coming soon, however we can say that meals will be delivered by baby dragons needing practice with flight. As an added service, they will heat the food at the time of delivery.

(Thanks, Blizzard. You made us laugh.)


oh man. blizzard has added some funny shit to their forums. At random times every shaman's character portrait was a murloc. Also if you browse their forums (at least the shaman forum) you will randomly hear the murloc gurgle sound play.


Friend bought me the game so might as well play it.

Name: Ruggy
Race: Orc
Class: Rougue
Server: Kel'Thuzad (pvp)

Didn't feel like reading through 1000 pages of posts. :p


RuGalz said:
Friend bought me the game so might as well play it.

Name: Ruggy
Race: Orc
Class: Rougue
Server: Kel'Thuzad (pvp)

Didn't feel like reading through 1000 pages of posts. :p

Orc rogue....gross


Saving for a mount sucks.
Will be 36 when I get on tonight, and have a little over 40g.

It's like puberty, something everyone goes through.

Except for pally's and locks, that is.


Yeah I'm at least saving and I won the dreamslayer in SM (no one else rolled because they knew it was a moneymaking run) and I AH'd that for some cash. I need to keep SMing.
Is it wrong to want to run late-game instances to complete quests for rep and rewards rather than raid for PHAT LEWTZ? I've had 3 BRD/DM groups shanghaied out from under me into LRBS/Scholo groups, and the BRD/DM ones are about to go gray.

It's very annoying to be grouped with people who already are planning out a Scholo raid before we've even gotten to the end boss of LRBS. /rant


It's not wrong. Hell, if you want to get your onyxia key, you HAVE to 5 man the warlord's command quest if you're horde. And probably the same for the equivalent quest on the alliance.

In other news, pvping as a warlock is boring, but I did well in a 3 man group with 2 other guildies and simple teamwork in a usual TM/SS zerging. And it was arguably 2 of the weaker pvp classes (warlock and hunter), though we also had a druid. The felhunter now has a purpose! He's the pvp pet. Still almost totally worthless in pve, but a great pvp pet with the new changes. And drink a catseye elixir + paranoia and you can spot 60 rogues from way far out.

And I got ice block on my frost mage (just hit 30 with him awhile ago before the servers went down), and I'm finding this class is way way way more polished and balanced than warlocks are. It's like warlocks are the real glass cannon with no defense (just a ton of hp from stamina gear) while mages (probably just frost spec) are strong offensively and still have a lot of defenses, escapes, and a couple panic buttons.
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