flsh said:
Angry Grimace, can you honestly say that DK are NOT overpowered to hell right now?
If being overpowered is your idea of fun, drop WoW and start playing off line games with cheats. It's not fun when it's easy. They have their reason and if you honestly believe that DK don't need a huge overhaul you are either blind or lack any ability to play.
I could see that unholy was a seriously imbalanced tree just by fiddling with it before WotLK came out. I don't have a DK and I advised a friend to use unholy if he wants fast leveling. It was THAT obvious that this class is overpowered. Nerf it, and nerf it good, or change the way to play it. Blizzard is doing the best thing they can, they make DK not overpowered by changing the way you play.
Because if a tree is great for leveling, it must be OP at 80, amirite.
Try reading the patch notes. For every spec except DW, and the plague strike fix, death knights are getting some pretty nice buffs.
Outbreak now buffs SS's damage by 30% at max rank, black ice by 10%, base SS damage has been increased. Plague Strike not only hits much harder now, but the glyph is an extra 60% damage.
Master of Ghouls moved up the tree.
Base disease duration buffed for all specs to 15 seconds.
Frost strike gaining BotN damage multiplier, chilblains as a 50% snare, hungering cold at 31 points.
Blood gets passive 10% armor pen, death strike as an almost obliterate-replacer in pvp, and greater bonus damage coefficients for heart strike (with diseases up)
And that's not even all of it.
Moreover, bad death knights will get facerolled by good players of almost any class. On my enhancement shaman main (FROZEN POWER FTW), I could kill death knights by playing smart, avoiding melee range, healing, and cleansing diseases immediately to rob strikes of bonus damage.
Death knights are a very strong class, but they are also quite cooldown-oriented. Death gripping a mage before blink or having leap/gnaw on autocast or blowing strangulate as an opening move are all bad decisions made by inexperienced players.
Granted, death knights have a wider variety of powerful tools than almost every other class for dealing with a wide variety of situations, but none of them are "I win" buttons. Rune management and cooldown timing are all still essential.
Obviously, if a good death knight is facing a terrible player, that player is going to get facerolled, but lack of skill is hardly a good reason to yell "OMG NERF DKS OP."
Same thing goes for survival hunters.
Yes, their burst is really, really potent. However, it's also avoidable to a certain extent if you play smart.
Again, on my enhancement shaman I cleanse serpent string/viper sting, ground the traps I can and avoid others, shield/shamrage on approach before taking out my offhand weapon again, and save maelstrom weapon for big heals.
I save ES for Lick your wounds when killing pets, stormstrike outside windfury's 3-second rule, and pop feral spirit offensively as a finisher or defensively to buy myself some quick heals.
I have a mage friend who constantly complains about death knights - he also has total 3K HKs.
So, if you're going to try and justify nerfs...
1) be familiar with which aspect of the class is being nerfed and
2) L2P.