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World of Warcraft

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Gloomfire said:
So, pretend you are a dashing level 50 Blood Elf Mage like myself. Would you rather equip:

This AND this OR this alone?

These OR these?

Also picked these up in a BRD run today: Omnicast Boots and Flameweave Cuffs of Fire Resistance. All in all a pretty awesome run for me :D.

On the subject of BRD, I saw Iron Foe drop tonight. Couldn't believe my eyes, a lucky pally picked it up. It's proc is so ridiculously swee.t


Tamanon said:
Use the staff and the Blue pants. They'll be replaced at 58 anyways, but they're really good for your level.

Thanks. I was wondering if the improved armor/spell power on that gear made up for the loss of HP and Mana, and I guess they do.


Junior Member
High Res Texture Info

1: Its only working on some Northrend Gear
2: It replaces the old texture with a new high resolution one, so setting basemip to 1 is the closest to the old the old texture
3: There is a new setting that lowers texture res by about 1/4th of the existing resolution, but only affect player models with the higher res textures and not the old textures on non-northrend gear
4: It looks nice


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
As I said, why farm for 1000g when you can play the AH:


New = Left, Old = Right (sorry about the size, but couldn't be stuffed making it smaller)
Seems like the rogue t7.5 hasn't been updated with the new textures - and the Helm of Vast Legions/the Exodus doesn't really need one. But if everything gets updated like this it's a welcome change by me. Some of the item textures in WoW are just look terrible with the low-res textures.


Angry Grimace said:
As I said, why farm for 1000g when you can play the AH:


Holy guacamole I hate you! :(

That design is currently on my server's AH for 2.5k buyout :(


Angry Grimace said:
As I said, why farm for 1000g when you can play the AH:


Reminds me of our guild priest who was able to find Je'Htze Bell for 200g......it normally goes for 12k....yes, 12 thousand gold on our server.:lol


Junior Member
Orbitcube said:
New = Left, Old = Right (sorry about the size, but couldn't be stuffed making it smaller)
Seems like the rogue t7.5 hasn't been updated with the new textures - and the Helm of Vast Legions/the Exodus doesn't really need one. But if everything gets updated like this it's a welcome change by me. Some of the item textures in WoW are just look terrible with the low-res textures.
Only thing updated was your belt in your pic. :p
My guild leader won the Bell using DKP when it dropped during Naxx

She actually equipped it though

I had no idea it went for that much until a week or so later


Got a Signet of Edward the Odd for 900g for my hunter friend today. Usually it goes for 2k+ so I thought it was a good deal.


Junior Member
Ardhavara said:
3.1 introduced a new setting called textureCacheSize.
What this does from what I can tell is cache in memory textures when they are not in use for quick loading.

By default this is set at 32megs and is not bad for mid/low end systems.
However for multibox or highend systems this might have some draw backs.

Grab your multipass and lets continue.

textureCacheSize is set by default at 33554432 bytes (32megs).
Higher end systems can set this... well higher. :p
Multibox or lowend systems can do the same but by setting it lower depending on your system's ram.

In my case I quadrupled the value to 134217728 (128megs) of texture cache. :D
This is quite easy to do in game by typing: /console textureCacheSize followed by the size of the texture cache in bytes.

128 megs: /console textureCacheSize 134217728
64 megs: /console textureCacheSize 67108864
32 megs (Default): /console textureCacheSize 33554432
16 megs (Multibox/Low End): /console textureCacheSize 16777216
8 megs (Low End Multibox): /console textureCacheSize 8388608

Be sure to restart WoW after you set the values.

Just some basic examples, as of right now I'm 100% unsure how high this goes or what the cap is but I've been fiddling around with it ingame.
I wuv myself. :D


Gloomfire said:
One more question: right now I am fully fire spec. Would it be worth it to re-spec to fully frost to get the elemental?

Both are just fine for leveling. The elemental is good, but he's only out part of the time. Frost has more survival tools, but fire kills quicker. Just depends on your playstyle.

If anything, Ice Barrier is better than the elemental when leveling:p


Shit, this thread kills me. I just started playing wow and all this you all talk about sounds like fucking martian to me.

Will I be able to advance in the game this lately?

Any good advice?



itxaka said:
Shit, this thread kills me. I just started playing wow and all this you all talk about sounds like fucking martian to me.

Will I be able to advance in the game this lately?

Any good advice?


Given how fast one can gear a fresh character, it's never too late :lol My advice is to find a good group of friends and do shit with them.


burgerdog said:
Daaaaaaaaamn, just did 25man Sarth +3D with my weekend pug. :lol :lol :lol
Damn, grats! Pugs on my server are terrible, at least Horde side. We don't even have any that regularly clear Naxx.

Just got 10 man 3DSarth myself, so there's pretty much nothing to do until Ulduar hits. Only need The Immortal and 6 minute Maly for Heroic: Glory of the Raider now, but most of these raiding achievements are stupid garbage so I doubt my guild will put much effort in.


IcedTea said:
Damn, grats! Pugs on my server are terrible, at least Horde side. We don't even have any that regularly clear Naxx.

Just got 10 man 3DSarth myself, so there's pretty much nothing to do until Ulduar hits. Only need The Immortal and 6 minute Maly for Heroic: Glory of the Raider now, but most of these raiding achievements are stupid garbage so I doubt my guild will put much effort in.

Grats on 10man 3D, I've been trying it with a few friends and we're not even close yet. We got Undying this week so all we need is 10man 3D and 6 minute maly(I messed this one up last week, missed it by five seconds without me dpsing at all during drake phase because I turned off my pet bar :l)

Chris R

Gloomfire said:
One more question: right now I am fully fire spec. Would it be worth it to re-spec to fully frost to get the elemental?
I've found fire to be the best spec for leveling. I'd stick with it if I were you.


rhfb said:
I've found fire to be the best spec for leveling. I'd stick with it if I were you.
Frost is the best leveling spec once you get Ice Lance at level 66. Fire is still a fine spec for it too, it just lacks the efficiency of frost. Not to mention that a large chunk of fire's damage comes from Living Bomb, Ignite, and Molten Fury, none of which are very good on mobs that die in 10 seconds.
burgerdog said:
Daaaaaaaaamn, just did 25man Sarth +3D with my weekend pug. :lol :lol :lol
Grats. My server is so terrible even a Maly pug is out of the question, let alone S+3.

Caelestrasz also has one person who constantly runs pug Naxx 25s, but hasn't actually got up to Sapph. He's also notorious for threatening to blow people's computers up among other things, which is a constant running joke for when people DC/lag. He's a pretty amazing being, really.

But back onto Caelestrasz failing, only 6 guilds have actually done S+3 now, and 2 were on the same day last week. It's quite sad, and partially the reason we had some people wanting to merge since they saw an easy way to get server firsts, but didn't have enough people for a full guild and we had enough scrubs to get rid of.

Chris R

IcedTea said:
Frost is the best leveling spec once you get Ice Lance at level 66. Fire is still a fine spec for it too, it just lacks the efficiency of frost. Not to mention that a large chunk of fire's damage comes from Living Bomb, Ignite, and Molten Fury, none of which are very good on mobs that die in 10 seconds.
Meh, I've never liked frost as main much at all, and still leveled just fine as pure fire all the time (but you do get some of the frost talents as well). Never had efficiency issues either. Only thing I think that frost really gives you is superior aoe and maybe the ability to do some 2/3 man quests solo.
neat seeing wow geting higher res textures, are they gonna go back to the old world "world" stuff, the new lighting engine helps that area but imo the whole game could use a few more polys here and there WHILE maintaining their fantasy watercolor look.


We killed 10-man Sarth+3 tonight for the first time with our regular group of friends. We're in different guilds and just run together for fun. It was the most intense thing I've done since C'Thun.

So now I've got the [Glory of the Raider] achievement and a huge smile on my face. I know it's not that special, but I feel like it was a huge accomplishment for our little group.

Group setup was really sub-optimal. The only only two healers were me (resto druid) and a holy paladin. We had no replenishment, no power word:shield for the tank, etc. DPS was half melee, half caster. I have to say, if I can heal 3d sarth as HT glyph spec, then the spec can't be that bad. and I definitely would prefer that spec over any other for that fight.



What mod are you using for that ‘user/target box’ display? I’m trying to overhaul my UI and yours looks slick.


Junior Member
ZombieSupaStar said:
neat seeing wow geting higher res textures, are they gonna go back to the old world "world" stuff, the new lighting engine helps that area but imo the whole game could use a few more polys here and there WHILE maintaining their fantasy watercolor look.
From what I heard, Blizzard has planned to overhaul the old world with the new look (Northrend-esque) poly style with the highres textures and graphical effects.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Xabora said:
From what I heard, Blizzard has planned to overhaul the old world with the new look (Northrend-esque) poly style with the highres textures and graphical effects.

I hope so, i can't stand the sky of old Azeroth with the huge ugly pixels that are supposed to be clouds, when im used to the awesome skies of Outlands and Northrend.
ToddG15 said:

What mod are you using for that ‘user/target box’ display? I’m trying to overhaul my UI and yours looks slick.

Yeah, thats X-Perl Unit Frames.

Thanks for the compliment on the UI, still needs a little work, but I usually don't finalize my UI's until I get that specific toon to 80, too much hassle switching things up when leveling with learning new moves and whatnot.


Junior Member
Bisnic said:
I hope so, i can't stand the sky of old Azeroth with the huge ugly pixels that are supposed to be clouds
Type /console SkyCloudLOD 3 in your chatbox and hit enter. :p
You'll be amazed.
Am I correct in assuming that we'll have new optimization macros when 3.1 hits? If I'm wrong, what can we expect graphically in 3.1?

When will 3.1 hit, anybody have a good guess?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Lamonster said:
Am I correct in assuming that we'll have new optimization macros when 3.1 hits? If I'm wrong, what can we expect graphically in 3.1?

When will 3.1 hit, anybody have a good guess?

Judging by the shittiness of the PTR at the moment, sometime in July.


Junior Member
The Lamonster said:
Am I correct in assuming that we'll have new optimization macros when 3.1 hits? If I'm wrong, what can we expect graphically in 3.1?
Yeah, I'll be producing new ones come this week or next week.
Holy shit, my oracle egg finally dropped a Proto Drake on my mage.. I thought that stuff was bs after all these weeks.. Now to get revered on my 6 other 80s to unlock the eggs :lol This mount is hot and I don't even like green normally.


BloodElfHunter said:
Holy shit, my oracle egg finally dropped a Proto Drake on my mage.. I thought that stuff was bs after all these weeks.. Now to get revered on my 6 other 80s to unlock the eggs :lol This mount is hot and I don't even like green normally.

:( Still not got the mount, I often wonder at what point it's decided what's in the egg. I assumed it was when it hatched or when you opened it but I got Aged Yolk from the same egg when I copied over the PTR. I got the White Polar Bear on my second day of dailies while others have been trying for months.


Junior Member
Torturing my realm is fun. :D

Arthas sipped slowly at his drink and stood firm behind a potted mana tree. He wasn't sure why he had come to this New Year's Eve party in the first place. He was no good at parties anyhow. They always made him feel lonely and he ended up like he was now, hiding and hoping nobody noticed how red his cheeks got when he was nervous.

Well, truth be told, Arthas knew very well why he was at the party: to see Mal'Ganis.

Ah, Mal'Ganis. Just the thought of him, the chance of a glimpse of his mighty pects made Arthas's heart beat like the time he cleansed Stratholme.

But tonight everyone was masked. Arthas peered confoundedly through the crowd, trying to guess which guest was Mal'Ganis. There, he thought, the man over by the cocktails, the buff one with the doomguard mask. It had to be Mal'Ganis. No one else could look so sexy, even in a doomguard mask.

He began to walk Arthas' way and Arthas started to panic. What if he actually talked to Arthas?

Mal'Ganis came right up to Arthas and Arthas thought that he was going to faint.

"Hello," Mal'Ganis said profoundly. "What are you doing over here all alone?"

"Oh, just looking at the potted mana tree," Arthas said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so dull.

Just then, a clamorous voice began to count down. "Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ..."

Arthas's heart leapt. If they were together at midnight, that meant that Mal'Ganis might ...

"Happy New Year!"

Mal'Ganis swept Arthas into his arms, bent him down onto his knee, and kissed Arthas enthusiastically, slipping him the tongue and groping his buttocks.

Arthas could hardly believe it. How wonderful! And now that it was after midnight, it was time to take their masks off. He reached out leisurely and pulled Mal'Ganis's mask off his face. It was Mal'Ganis! "I knew it was you," Arthas said and took his own mask off.

"And it's ... you," Mal'Ganis said. "You know, I'm just going to go get some punch."

Arthas watched him go. He would be right back, Arthas was sure. Just as soon as he had his punch.

And then they would fall in love in Northrend.


Are there any macros or mods that make leveling fishing a bit more bearable? Every few months I get the motivation to raise it. A hour later I've gained 8 skill points and I'm contemplating jumping into the nearest volcano. So is there anything out there that will let me cast/catch with a single button or do I really have to stare at a bobber for the next 3 months?

I'm only at 225ish skill so I can't just toss on some lures and fish the good stuff. I have to fish up some useless stuff for awhile.


Wrekt said:
Are there any macros or mods that make leveling fishing a bit more bearable? Every few months I get the motivation to raise it. A hour later I've gained 8 skill points and I'm contemplating jumping into the nearest volcano. So is there anything out there that will let me cast/catch with a single button or do I really have to stare at a bobber for the next 3 months?

I'm only at 225ish skill so I can't just toss on some lures and fish the good stuff. I have to fish up some useless stuff for awhile.

Nah, Blizz killed off most one-click fishing stuff a while ago. What I do is just toss fishing on the 1 key on a separate action bar. Turn the sound way up, music way down. Then I only briefly have to look at the screen when I recast.


Are there any mods that let you skin Blizzard's buttons? The only one I've found is ButtonFacade but it's only for buttons from other addons.

I'd like something to match the look of PitBull4's frame:
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