Xabora said:Type /console SkyCloudLOD 3 in your chatbox and hit enter.
You'll be amazed.
Heh... i tried it, and the ugly clouds are even more visible. /cry
Xabora said:Type /console SkyCloudLOD 3 in your chatbox and hit enter.
You'll be amazed.
doesn't work on Gilneaszam said:Best moneymaking scam ever, Im buying Borean Leather on the AH cheap, turning it into Heavy Borean Leather and selling it for twice what I bought the Heavy Borean Leather for. Can't believe people are buying it :lol
zam said:Best moneymaking scam ever, Im buying Borean Leather on the AH cheap, turning it into Heavy Borean Leather and selling it for twice what I bought the Heavy Borean Leather for. Can't believe people are buying it :lol
Grats. I've been farming it on and off for a bit (22 kills), and still haven't got anything. I'm starting to dislike the mount though, and I'm more in favor of just farming ZG for the mount (takes more time I guess, just more spaced out). Hopefully my group will get lucky and a mount will drop for the second time in a row (HA!).JoeFu said:I've been on a mount hunt for the past few days. Been farming Strat for Rivendare's mount and it finally dropped today!
Have yet to even see this drop. 10 kills and counting...yacobod said:got my betrayer of humanity tonite woot
Epix said:Have yet to even see this drop. 10 kills and counting...
IcedTea said:Hah, grats. We have gotten like six Turning Tides and 0 Betrayers so far.
Dead as a doornail. With Howling Blast at 51 pts, Necrosis only on Main hand and BCB with a 3 second C/D there's absolutely no benefit to Dual Wielding.ToyMachine228 said:So what's the state of dual-wield builds for Death Knights on the PTR? I know they've made a ton of changes so I'm asking anyone who's been on the PTR and tried it out.
After avoiding Betrayer until everyone got one (my stupid idea of passing all weapons except Armageddon just because it IS A GODDAM BUSTER SWORD), I finally got mine two weeks ago. EXCITE!Epix said:Have yet to even see this drop. 10 kills and counting...
Key-rectburgerdog said:Is 10man Ulduar dropping 213 items and emblems of valor?
Maxrpg said:After avoiding Betrayer until everyone got one (my stupid idea of passing all weapons except Armageddon just because it IS A GODDAM BUSTER SWORD), I finally got mine two weeks ago. EXCITE!![]()
Epix said:Are there any mods or tools available to show you quests that you haven't found yet and where they are?
Join a guild. Even if it's a shitty guild they'll be so desperate for active members they'll practically shit themselves showing you the ropes. Will help.letsbereasonable said:So what's the best way for a noob raider to get involved with instances higher than 5-man? I've got a level 65 rogue and have been playing since November with some friends through refer-a-friend, so I've levelled fairly fast just questing and doing the level-relevant instances in Outland.
Some random guy invited me into an Onyxia raid and I was bored, so I said sure and joined up, looking to see what some of the cooler raid instances were like. Well I die at a boss and get the "you cannot re-enter while the fight is going on" message, which I'd never seen before. I ask in the raid chat what it's all about, as there are other dead dudes next me, and one of the 80s starts in on how I obviously bought my account since I'm a noob about WoW. While I don't deny being a noob about WoW, my ignorance is just that, as I've never seen this stuff before! Granted, he said this to a few other people, too, so not sure what was up.
All of the raid stuff is new to me, so is there is a better way I should be going about it? I understand some of this stuff is easier if you're in a guild and have guildies to guide you, but I'm not in one and can't really advertise my noobish services lol.
Any tips?
letsbereasonable said:So what's the best way for a noob raider to get involved with instances higher than 5-man? I've got a level 65 rogue and have been playing since November with some friends through refer-a-friend, so I've levelled fairly fast just questing and doing the level-relevant instances in Outland.
Some random guy invited me into an Onyxia raid and I was bored, so I said sure and joined up, looking to see what some of the cooler raid instances were like. Well I die at a boss and get the "you cannot re-enter while the fight is going on" message, which I'd never seen before. I ask in the raid chat what it's all about, as there are other dead dudes next me, and one of the 80s starts in on how I obviously bought my account since I'm a noob about WoW. While I don't deny being a noob about WoW, my ignorance is just that, as I've never seen this stuff before! Granted, he said this to a few other people, too, so not sure what was up.
All of the raid stuff is new to me, so is there is a better way I should be going about it? I understand some of this stuff is easier if you're in a guild and have guildies to guide you, but I'm not in one and can't really advertise my noobish services lol.
Any tips?
11th kill last night. Still no betrayer......Epix said:Have yet to even see this drop. 10 kills and counting...
Mainline said:Pretty much the exact opposite of my guild, zero Turning Tide and bunch of Betrayer/Journey's End, I'm a mage![]()
Epix said:11th kill last night. Still no betrayer......
Macattk15 said:I've lost both of ours. Makes me sad when worse people get better gear than me (the retadin that got our first died ELEVEN times in fissures on Sartharion, I'm yet to fall to one of them).
yacobod said:that sucks, should prioritize betrayers to warriors tho imo, TG wars do so much more dps than retardins
fail.yacobod said:that sucks, should prioritize betrayers to warriors tho imo, TG wars do so much more dps than retardins
Epix said:fail.
Epix said:fail.
I'm not arguing that TG is OP. I was just poking at his logic that a flawed dps spec should for some magical reason have priority over another dps spec.Macattk15 said:It's rather true. Hence why the are nerfing TG warriors a flat 10%. Maybe you haven't seen the patch notes.
I beat the ret's in my guild without a problem and one of them is a very good player .... typically 500 dps lower than me .... on non-gimmick fights.
Angry Grimace said:Pet peeve of the day:
The amount of time it takes fucking Paladins to put Kings on someone that doesn't have it. You'd swear they have to enter "4 8 15 16 23 42 enter" each time it's applied because it's server wide that it takes like 5 requests before the Paladin in question even considers pressing any buttons.
colinp said:I've got a noob question for ya: at what level can an Alliance char visit Horde cities without getting mauled on site, if ever...?
Being limited to 1 blessing per paladin per class is probably why that happens.Angry Grimace said:Pet peeve of the day:
The amount of time it takes fucking Paladins to put Kings on someone that doesn't have it. You'd swear they have to enter "4 8 15 16 23 42 enter" each time it's applied because it's server wide that it takes like 5 requests before the Paladin in question even considers pressing any buttons.
colinp said:I've got a noob question for ya: at what level can an Alliance char visit Horde cities without getting mauled on site, if ever...?
colinp said:Thanks for the quick response. That's pretty tragic- I really wanted to see the crazy windy streets of Ogrimmar and various sites etc., but I guess I can always just make a Horde character for exploration purposes. Thanks again!
Definitely love interacting with horde in Booty Bay and Ratchet though. One of my fondest WOW memories thus far is dancing with an undead warlock in the hills of the Charred Vale after trying unsuccessfully to speak to one another. Good times indeed :lol
Yeah, I know, how lame of us....expecting a class to give out it's signature class-specific, hyper-useful 30 min. non-duplicative buff instead of being fucking lazy....what were we thinking?cubicle47b said:Every time you complain about not having a blessing in raid chat the paladin cares less. At some point you won't get kings at all unless the raid leader stops the raid until you get your blessing. That's how much they'll hate you.
edit: In 3.1 I'm going to tell PuGs I didn't train kings when they demand it over what I'm already giving them even if it's already on someone else in the group.
firex said:horde is the best side anyway. join up with the good guys and ditch the alliance with their lame king and millions of sweaty manchildren playing female night elves, draenei, dwarves, gnomes, and of course, humans. then you get to play with millions of neckbeards playing male orcs, tauren, undead, and female blood elves (poor trolls lol).
Delete gnomes from the game.TomServo said:If the horde could trade tauren for gnomes, we'd be perfect.
firex said:horde is the best side anyway. join up with the good guys and ditch the alliance with their lame king and millions of sweaty manchildren playing female night elves, draenei, dwarves, gnomes, and of course, humans. then you get to play with millions of neckbeards playing male orcs, tauren, undead, and female blood elves (poor trolls lol).
That's more a complaint about people who don't play trolls. they're awesome and I think if I make a warrior alt, it's going to be a troll. although now that TG is getting nerfed, I don't know that I'll make a warrior alt.VaLiancY said:Don't be dissin' trolls mon'. They're hated for their lack of shoes! Don't discriminate against the shoeless.:lol
If it ain't an Orc, It ain't right.
Angry Grimace said:Yeah, I know, how lame of us....expecting a class to give out it's signature class-specific, hyper-useful 30 min. non-duplicative buff instead of being fucking lazy....what were we thinking?
At least on the Horde side, troll warriors are probably the most frequently mocked race/class combintation (I have one). I'm not entirely sure why - I guess the implication is that you are a tardnoob if you didn't go for the more class-appropriate racial abilities of tauren or undead.firex said:That's more a complaint about people who don't play trolls. they're awesome and I think if I make a warrior alt, it's going to be a troll.