I'm not arguing that TG is OP. I was just poking at his logic that a flawed dps spec should for some magical reason have priority over another dps spec.
Day 12 is hella-bad.VaLiancY said:WoW Withdrawl, Day 5.
I feel bad.![]()
firex said:you get a mount at 30. for professions (I swear when you said "2 jobs" I was about to ask if you meant to post this in a FF11 thread) I really honestly say just take 2 gathering professions and use them to make money. typically most people take one of mining/herbalism, and the other one is skinning, so they don't have to swap mineral/herb tracking all the time.
If you get quests that are orange or red, either go to a new zone or search elsewhere in your zone for other quests. It's very rare that you get quests that are 4+ levels above you in a zone.
firex said:first aid, cooking and fishing are all "secondary" professions, so you can train them and they don't conflict with the 2 primary professions limit. you can still pick any of the other primary professions. Blizzard really should do something to make it more clear that first aid/fishing/cooking can all be trained without impacting your primary professions beyond making that a loading screen tip. like, say, renaming those.
if you're doing a quest that's yellow in your quest book, and there are mobs that are orange on the way, it's basically time to learn to dodge them. Just look around for an alternate path to avoid those guys en route to your target. what I meant by a quest 4+ levels above you is the color of it in your quest log, though, which you can't see until you accept it. orange/red quests are ones I tend to skip until they're yellow, green quests I do right away, yellow quests I try to do right away, gray quests I ignore (since they give you trivial exp).
:lol This pretty much rings true actually. Most Troll players I know are quite pacifist and tend to be rather mellow for the most part. Tauren can be a bit the same but you'll tend to get an arsewipe or two who wants nothing more than to smear their shit over everyone because they're big and either a Warrior or an Enhancement 2H Shaman.Flesh Into Gear said:I never feel threatened if I'm out doing dillies and there's a troll around. Even if he's in a good horde guild and vastly out gears me, Trolls just don't look like they'd start shit. And usually, they never do.
Tauren are cool too. Undead I kill on sight.
I highly recommend you get Quest Helper or I think it's called LightHeaded. It's a mod that you install in the WoW>Interfaces>AddOns folder and it adds info to your Quest Log, including comments from players on how to best them or locations via wowhead.com in-game. Some people dislike it because it takes away the exploration factor and that much is true, but it still helps a lot out for those who keep bashing their heads against a wall.itxaka said:The missions, I don't get them 4 levels beyond, I just get "kill some x" and those x are like 3 to 4 levels above me, so they always kill me.
Sooo many things to learn yet from this game, it's so fucking huge... yesterday I saw my first big city, goddamn, it's so huge >_>
speedpop said:I highly recommend you get Quest Helper or I think it's called LightHeaded. It's a mod that you install in the WoW>Interfaces>AddOns folder and it adds info to your Quest Log, including comments from players on how to best them or locations via wowhead.com in-game. Some people dislike it because it takes away the exploration factor and that much is true, but it still helps a lot out for those who keep bashing their heads against a wall.
Also I envy you. The first time exploring Azeroth is always the best.
No character can change servers unless it's a designated free-transfer or they have to get paid character transfers. If your friend is just starting out, tell them to just change the realm to yours and then create a character on there. Blizzard doesn't force you to stay to one server at start-up.itxaka said:Also, I got another question. What happens if one of my friends enters the game and get into a different realm than mine? Ca he change it mid-game? does he have to reconnect?
I am trying to get one of my friends to play with me, so I don't feel alone on the game xD
I don't see how you can say that to someone while simutaneously telling him to ruin it all by installing QuestHelper.speedpop said:Also I envy you. The first time exploring Azeroth is always the best.
I was hesitant in telling him to grab it because it does rip out a lot of the soul of the game, but what the heck.border said:I don't see how you can say that to someone while simutaneously telling him to ruin it all by installing QuestHelper.
Just look up quests you are having a hard time with on the Internet, but don't install one of those mods that tells you where to go for every single quest.
It's kinda weird how that happens. My guild was #2 on the server 2 summers ago, and blasted their way through SSC from Hydross to Vashj in just a week or two. We were hitting out head against Vashj for a little while, and all of a sudden we're having attendance problems and officers are fighting over strategies on trash pulls. They tried to save things by instituting a mandatory attendance policy, but that was really just the nail in the coffin and everything broke up shortly after.Xabora said:*sigh*
From as high as my guild got it looks like its on its way out. :/
border said:I don't see how you can say that to someone while simutaneously telling him to ruin it all by installing QuestHelper.
Just look up quests you are having a hard time with on the Internet, but don't install one of those mods that tells you where to go for every single quest.
A lot. When my guild took down Sarth 2D we did it within one hour on the first night of trying. Sarth 3D took a lot, lot longer (as in 1-2 weeks of 4 hour wipe fests several nights a week).BigJonsson said:How much harder is 3d Sarth compared to a 2d Sarth kill where no one died?
Angry Grimace said:Yeah, I know, how lame of us....expecting a class to give out it's signature class-specific, hyper-useful 30 min. non-duplicative buff instead of being fucking lazy....what were we thinking?
It's a "buff", yes. Hunters do not have very many buffs that they can cast on other players but they have some very useful ones that they can cast on themselves. There is one called Aspect of the Cheetah that increases movement speed by 30% (but will slow you down immensely if a monster hits you), so when you are safe on the road you can use it to run very fast. You just have to remember to turn it off when you fight a monster. I think you get it at level 20.itxaka said:Anyway, another quick question. I heard about "bluff". From what I read is to use a power into someone. Just like that? you cross with someone and use one of your benefit powers on him and continue your way?
zam said:A lot. When my guild took down Sarth 2D we did it within one hour on the first night of trying. Sarth 3D took a lot, lot longer (as in 1-2 weeks of 4 hour wipe fests several nights a week).
Sarth 2D is really easy since you can kill the drake that flies down 2nd, so you have a lot of time between the first and the second drake. With 3D there is no gap at all, and an extra debuff (less health, more fire damage and more shadow damage), and after each drake dies Sarth hits harder and harder.
Everyone needs to be flawless on avoiding flame walls and void zones, since they will insta-gib you, as well as watch their health when the 3rd drake has landed (Twilight Torment debuff that will hit you for a ton of shadow dmg when you deal damage) and pop health stones/potions, and have more than decent dps since the first drake needs to die shortly after the second one lands. If you get a second wave of whelps you are screwed.
pretty much. However, hunters don't really have buffs they can cast on other players. Any buffs you have are based upon them being in your party.itxaka said:Actually is pretty useful for me in the city. I don't know why but I keep getting lost and appearing on the other side of it for no reason xD
Thanks to that thing, when I am frustrated I just use it to know where I have to go, and with the map I can make a route to not be lost again instead of losing 20 minutes doing circles :lol
Damn, I just got a damn pet....that is why I was being killed all the time...my hunter needs a pet in order to fully use all his powers from far away...lol what an idiot..I was killed like 15 times in a mission until I got the pet xD
Anyway, another quick question. I heard about "bluff". From what I read is to use a power into someone. Just like that? you cross with someone and use one of your benefit powers on him and continue your way?
I saw this coming, after we lost our kick ass Death Knight tank this started happening.border said:It's kinda weird how that happens. My guild was #2 on the server 2 summers ago, and blasted their way through SSC from Hydross to Vashj in just a week or two. We were hitting out head against Vashj for a little while, and all of a sudden we're having attendance problems and officers are fighting over strategies on trash pulls. They tried to save things by instituting a mandatory attendance policy, but that was really just the nail in the coffin and everything broke up shortly after.
itxaka said:EDIT: Holy fuck at wowinterface, there are hundreds of addonds there! Any recommended ones? I'm getting the expbar one, it looks awesome!
Dina said:Hunderds and thousands more in other places.
But to be fair, you don't need much at all. I can recommend getting a simple map coordinate addon (dunno if Questhelper has it), to determine where some spots are. Questhelper isn't always right, and wowhead comments with coordinates help a lot here. The standard Blizzard UI is fine if you're leveling for the first time. Be sure to turn on the scrolling damage text in the interface options though. In fact, take your time to thoroughly go through those options. Instant quest text is another handy feature turned off by default.
But as a first-time user, Questhelper is what you need. I can also recommend Bartender4 (easy bar mod), FUBAR (little bar on top of bottom of the screen with various information about WoW and your character) and X-perl (easy but pretty user/target/pet/party/raidframes).
itxaka said:I dunno, I checked thos but didn't know what they exactly did so I went with dominos and I gotta say, it's pretty awesome. I rearranged all my bars and it looks as clear as hell + I can see all my bags in one window!
@firex: thanks man, that is a lot of good info that actually clears my mind a lot!
Magnus said:On heroic Sarth-3D, our DPS just can't get the second drake down before drake three lands. It's only been one night of tries though, and we were very close one time (drakes 2 and 3 were down together for over 10 seconds, but we endured the crazy hits on the MT), but a series of screw-ups during the period of time the third drake was up caused a wipe.
We'll get it on a second night of tries next week.
solo outlands is awesome. although that was playing my DK fully rested, so I basically ran out of rest around halfway through level 68, when I was already in Northrend again.funkmastergeneral said:got my Priest to level 64 tonight but just don't have the will to level any longer, god I hate the Outlands. I really wish you could start any toon at level 55, I am really enjoying playing a shadow priest but after powering my way through Azeroth the leveling curve in the Outlands is like putting a nail through my dick. Plus every instance group I try to find has 4 DKs in it :|
firex said:solo outlands is awesome. although that was playing my DK fully rested, so I basically ran out of rest around halfway through level 68, when I was already in Northrend again.
6 months here.VaLiancY said:WoW Withdrawl, Day 5.
I feel bad.![]()
You kill Shadron and then fight Tenebron and Vesperon during the boss encounter.vumpler said:We left up the welp drake, which do you leave up for 2 drake?
cubicle47b said:You don't have to get Shadron down before Vesperon lands or have anywhere near that DPS. Two things matter as far as DPS checks go. Kill Tenebron before a second set of whelps spawn and kill Shadron before your tank and healers run out of cooldowns they can blow to survive Sartharion's breath. If you have a death knight tank, the breath shouldn't be much of a concern.
You should definitely have the kill next time.