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World of Warcraft

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Chris R

arena + resil ruined wow's pvp.

I kinda don't like the fact that there aren't being many changes made to mages in 3.1. The only thing that I've seen that I'll use/like is the mana regen included in the fire talent, but I never have mana issues anyways.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Lain said:
Are the nerfs to Infusion of Light and Sacred Shield coming because of Arena?
They make little sense to me otherwise.
why don't they just make it say "can't be used in arena" instead of nerfing for PvE?

Blizzard has to have at least one programmer who can add that tot eh tooltip and skill :eek:


Angry Grimace said:
Frost is just too fun for me to quit regardless of how much they nerf it.


* Howling Blast damage has been doubled (from 259-281 to 518-562 for max rank), cooldown changed from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
* Frost Presence now reduces spell damage taken by 10%. (Down from 15%)
* Guile of Gorefiend now increases damage done by your Blood Strike, Frost Strike, Howling Blast and Obliterate abilities by 5/10/15%. (Old - Critical damage only, 15/30/45%)
* Lichborne doesn't increase the chance of your enemies to miss you anymore.

The change to GoG is a nerf, although in the end it's not huge. These changes might make DW viable again, but it's hard to say without serious testing.
no it's not. You'll do more damage across the board with the new guile of gorefiend.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
How the fuck do you get the achievement on sapphiron 25man with less than 100 frost resist?

Everyone in our guild had 80 before the fight and 80 after... wtf


JoeFu said:
!!!! KT DOWN!!!! :)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Grats man

Xabora said:

Spells should have an alternet modifers for pvp only, so it doesn't affect pve.

Facking this. And this is why I hate the stupid sandbox (arena) as bad as I do, has horrible effects on class balance that adversely impacts PvE.

I swear to god I hope they build a solution to the PvE PvP issues into the base level of their new upcoming MMO.
vumpler said:
How the fuck do you get the achievement on sapphiron 25man with less than 100 frost resist?

Everyone in our guild had 80 before the fight and 80 after... wtf

Don't use any auras or anything that increases resistance..........and inspect everyone when the fight starts to make sure people aren't fucking you all up

The first time we went for it someone wore all their FR gear because they had just gotten it

We got it the next week easily


Junior Member
Puncture said:
Facking this. And this is why I hate the stupid sandbox (arena) as bad as I do, has horrible effects on class balance that adversely impacts PvE.

I swear to god I hope they build a solution to the PvE PvP issues into the base level of their new upcoming MMO.
Hey, I've been pushing this on the forums since they did the whole BALANCE SO ARENA IS FAIR THING. :/


Puncture said:
Grats man

Facking this. And this is why I hate the stupid sandbox (arena) as bad as I do, has horrible effects on class balance that adversely impacts PvE.

I swear to god I hope they build a solution to the PvE PvP issues into the base level of their new upcoming MMO.

:) Thanks! I think everybody was vastly overgeared for 10 man, we just didn't really have the motivation to finish before. Gluth has been our roadblock, but we 1 shotted him along with everybody else other than KT.

And yeah, arena balances are stupid, need to get in on this hate.


vumpler said:
How the fuck do you get the achievement on sapphiron 25man with less than 100 frost resist?

Everyone in our guild had 80 before the fight and 80 after... wtf

If you have a frost DK, they have a talent that increases spell resistance every time a spell is cast, so that probably screwed it up. Its pretty easy to get otherwise, as long as paladins don't use their aura and shaman don't drop that totem.


sp0rsk said:
Take it from someone who went 5 years without the game and started up again out of nowhere.

WoW is something that is hard to get out of your system completely.

I agree.

I was free for two months but the entire time I was like a former crack addict in rehab: "I don't need WoW...I can't stop thinking about WOW, but I don't NEED it. (got any WOW? I'll suck your dick...)"


Has problems recognising girls
I think the best solution to quitting WoW is just relaxing a bit more on raiding/PVPing and continually let it diminish. Having something else to occupy your time helps too, and try to ignore your socialism aspects involved in WoW cause they'll talk you back into doing it.

Hardly ever have a thought about WoW nowadays, I'll definitely re-sub for the next expansion because it is a fun game to wallow around in for a month or two when new content is pumped through the arm. Of course instead I waste hours playing TF2 when I should be studying.


Does anybody know if there is anything peculiar or special about the mine area in IceCrown where you do the "Slaves to Saronite" daily? Oftentimes with my warlock I go there and my system's framerate will plunge, occasionally even freezing up the game. But it's only that one area where there are severe performance issues, and even then it doesn't happen every time I visit.


So Took my first dip into Heroics today, it was god awful. Wipes all around, We tried doing Nexus to start, we had a Frost DK tank that was dying in 2 globals their was nothing I could do to save him at all we killed Telestra but couldn't get past the next 2 pulls so we called it a day. Next I got a group for UK which was much better (Tank was much better) although we had a couple wipes it wasn't that bad we ended up finishing it but got nothing but leather. So I was feeling confident in my abilities and decided to try out AN but couldn't get past the first room with the 3 consecutive pulls :lol .

I really don't know if it's me or the other members of my party but Heroics seemed near impossible to get through. I have 1158 SP and 19.22% crit with 232 mp5 and 15.1k mana unbuffed, so my gear isn't really anything to flaunt but it seems like it's the biggest hindrance to me being able to heal these heroics and the sad thing is I can't get better gear cause everyone just does heroics and not normal instances past 80. Any pointers / Thoughts?


What's the least amount of players that you guys ran with that cleared 25man naxx? My guild cleared 25man OS with 14ppl so now we want to try and run through H Naxx shorthanded for the achievement. Just did 10naxx with 8 the other day.


Val’anyr Hammer of Ancient Kings - Equip Effect — Your healing spells have a chance to cause Blessing of Ancient Kings for 15 seconds allowing your heals to shield the target absorbing damage equal to 15% of the amount healed.

Shockingly, Val'anyr will be a healer legendary:p


Sebulon3k said:
So Took my first dip into Heroics today, it was god awful. Wipes all around, We tried doing Nexus to start, we had a Frost DK tank that was dying in 2 globals their was nothing I could do to save him at all we killed Telestra but couldn't get past the next 2 pulls so we called it a day. Next I got a group for UK which was much better (Tank was much better) although we had a couple wipes it wasn't that bad we ended up finishing it but got nothing but leather. So I was feeling confident in my abilities and decided to try out AN but couldn't get past the first room with the 3 consecutive pulls :lol .

I really don't know if it's me or the other members of my party but Heroics seemed near impossible to get through. I have 1158 SP and 19.22% crit with 232 mp5 and 15.1k mana unbuffed, so my gear isn't really anything to flaunt but it seems like it's the biggest hindrance to me being able to heal these heroics and the sad thing is I can't get better gear cause everyone just does heroics and not normal instances past 80. Any pointers / Thoughts?

The first boss event in AN is the only difficult part, it kills most groups. Don't worry about it. Your frost DK from Nexus was probably not at 535 defense, which is the minimum for heroics to avoid getting crit. If he was dying in less than 3 global cooldowns, that is the only thing I can think that would be killing him so fast, unless he had like 15k hp. Your gear is fine for most heroics, but unless your dps is horrible, AN will be a cockblock.

Edited, got the defense numbers all screwy.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Weenerz said:
The first boss event in AN is the only difficult part, it kills most groups. Don't worry about it. Your frost DK from Nexus was probably not at 353 defense, which is the minimum for heroics to avoid getting crit. If he was dying in less than 3 global cooldowns, that is the only thing I can think that would be killing him so fast, unless he had like 15k hp. Your gear is fine for most heroics, but unless your dps is horrible, AN will be a cockblock.
It's so important to kill the skirmishers with all DPS immediately. Since it doesn't care about agro it will wipe a group.


Puncture said:
Yeah I guess that really is kind of OP. Most dont spec for that talent anymore but 10s additional immunity on that is pretty OP.

It's a must talent for BM due to the pet expertise. If the trees get balanced(doubt it), I don't mind going back to BM since more classes will have Replenishment and I'm an Orc. :)

Angry Grimace said:
Frost is just too fun for me to quit regardless of how much they nerf it.

Frost is fun without a doubt but I rolled Blood cause I wanted to play like a Warrior without rolling one because I don't want to level another toon again. :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Weenerz said:
The first boss event in AN is the only difficult part, it kills most groups. Don't worry about it. Your frost DK from Nexus was probably not at 535 defense, which is the minimum for heroics to avoid getting crit. If he was dying in less than 3 global cooldowns, that is the only thing I can think that would be killing him so fast, unless he had like 15k hp. Your gear is fine for most heroics, but unless your dps is horrible, AN will be a cockblock.

Edited, got the defense numbers all screwy.
Maybe, but the base crit chance is only 5% and most enemy mobs have a 2 second swing timer. The likelihood of getting killed in three seconds is pretty low. Probably had not enough Stam, not enough armor and not enough defense.


J-Rzez said:
What's the least amount of players that you guys ran with that cleared 25man naxx? My guild cleared 25man OS with 14ppl so now we want to try and run through H Naxx shorthanded for the achievement. Just did 10naxx with 8 the other day.

We did both heroic and non heroic Dedicated Few this week, I think we had 18 people for the naxx clear. Naxx10 with 8 people was actually kind of fun, you almost had to try.

Eric WK

speedpop said:
I think the best solution to quitting WoW is just relaxing a bit more on raiding/PVPing and continually let it diminish. Having something else to occupy your time helps too, and try to ignore your socialism aspects involved in WoW cause they'll talk you back into doing it.

Hardly ever have a thought about WoW nowadays, I'll definitely re-sub for the next expansion because it is a fun game to wallow around in for a month or two when new content is pumped through the arm. Of course instead I waste hours playing TF2 when I should be studying.



Junior Member
Had one of the most epic PUGs yesterday in 25-man Obsidian Sanctum. Took the week off from raiding, but thought I'd take 20 min and get a shot at IDS.

After weeks and weeks of killing Sarth + 3D with the guild, I'm pugging w/ no drakes. MT starts off OK, seems to know the fight. Then the first lava wall comes. He turns Sarth on the raid, then proceeds to start running for the entrance portal. He's told to come back, but he has no idea how to control Sarth. We spend the rest of the fight with him kiting (yes, kiting) Sarth around the platform. The mouthbreathers who couldn't be bothered to move with him die in the fire and spend the rest of the time raging in raid chat. Some ragequit the raid. The five or six dps that are still alive manage to kill him, with one of my guildies OT'ing what looked like 30+ fire elementals.

I wish I had fraps going. Would have been perfect with Benny Hill music. May not seem that funny until you consider that I went from highly scripted Sarth+3D kills to total chaos.

Recount was both depressing and hilarious at the same time. It featured a FFB mage that was doing 1K dps before he died.

It even ended with a ninja looting incident. Someone rolled a 6 on the satchel of spoils, then rolled again and got a 100. Master looter didn't realize the same player made two rolls until it was too late.


TomServo said:
Recount was both depressing and hilarious at the same time. It featured a FFB mage that was doing 1K dps before he died.

Man how is that even possible, even if they were the scorch refresher and missing Living Bomb and Hot Streak casts and goddamn.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flambe said:
Man how is that even possible, even if they were the scorch refresher and missing Living Bomb and Hot Streak casts and goddamn.
Why are you surprised that a PUG finds ways to suck?

I ran a PUG *regular* VH and 2 of the people were level 80 DKs, both of whom lost in recount to my level 76 Frost DK on the recount charts by over 700 (I was around 1700, and the lvl 80 tank was at 1000). They literally didn't think it was possible to get 1700 DPS with Frost. They were suspicious I was hacking the game. :lol


hit 75 on my shaman, and while I get where to fit in lava burst into my rotation, it isn't as big of a dps buff as I thought it'd be for now. I guess it'll come more into play in groups than solo. although I can't hate on it because it still is basically a guaranteed crit lightning bolt every 8 seconds, so it gets that huge dps boost from clearcasting/elemental oath going.

edit: I'm also 99% sure it'll be easier to test this shit out when I'm 80 and have the second rank + can actually hit the grandmaster targeting dummy.


firex said:
hit 75 on my shaman, and while I get where to fit in lava burst into my rotation, it isn't as big of a dps buff as I thought it'd be for now. I guess it'll come more into play in groups than solo. although I can't hate on it because it still is basically a guaranteed crit lightning bolt every 8 seconds, so it gets that huge dps boost from clearcasting/elemental oath going.

edit: I'm also 99% sure it'll be easier to test this shit out when I'm 80 and have the second rank + can actually hit the grandmaster targeting dummy.

Do you have the glyph that leaves your Flame Shock on when you LavaB?


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Did they have 32 stacks of whatever dot it is on Malygos or something to achieve that DPS with the drake? I usually get into the 20's before Maly dies and the DPS the drake uis outputting is nowhere near 20k.

"Healing Done"


Dina said:
Do you have the glyph that leaves your Flame Shock on when you LavaB?
yeah, I glyphed for that as soon as I specced elemental. my other glyph is for lightning bolt. I just haven't had it destroy stuff quite on the level that I thought it would yet.

although I just realized I also forgot to equip some new gear so that might help, too.

Chris R

Flambe said:
Man how is that even possible, even if they were the scorch refresher and missing Living Bomb and Hot Streak casts and goddamn.
Its very possible if they were in greens/blues from quests. If they are wearing said gear, then they shouldn't even bother with FFB, seeing as they have super low crit.


Junior Member
rhfb said:
Its very possible if they were in greens/blues from quests. If they are wearing said gear, then they shouldn't even bother with FFB, seeing as they have super low crit.

Given that they were named "Icyhott" and that they spammed duel challenges on me as I was running from the summoning stone to the portal, I'm guessing they were just retarded.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Hey guys,

What dps are the highest in your raids doing? I don't mean to sound like a 12 year old, but I'm really not happy with my DPS. I know there are a ton of upgrades I could still make being as I don't have level 213 items in slot.

But still what are you noticing as highest in your raid? I'm an enhancement shaman and know my class well. I know exactly what I need to hit cap (and have hit it) as well as expertise cap (and have hit it.) Glyphed up etc. I'm not fully enchanted as I dont have anything on boots or wrists and my shoulder enchant isn't the exalted one yet.

I lost the link to the webstats from this weeks naxx, but I was just over 7k dps on thadius. I see people easily over 8k all the time on screen shots. Even a couple posted here...


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
R Squared said:
Checked the first post but it wasn't terribly clear to me, is there a specified GAF server and/or guild?
No. Too many servers/RL friends.

As for the rings question; every lvl 80 epic ring currently in game is unique.


vumpler said:
Hey guys,

What dps are the highest in your raids doing? I don't mean to sound like a 12 year old, but I'm really not happy with my DPS. I know there are a ton of upgrades I could still make being as I don't have level 213 items in slot.

But still what are you noticing as highest in your raid? I'm an enhancement shaman and know my class well. I know exactly what I need to hit cap (and have hit it) as well as expertise cap (and have hit it.) Glyphed up etc. I'm not fully enchanted as I dont have anything on boots or wrists and my shoulder enchant isn't the exalted one yet.

I lost the link to the webstats from this weeks naxx, but I was just over 7k dps on thadius. I see people easily over 8k all the time on screen shots. Even a couple posted here...


I don't think Thaddius is a really good fight to be worried about gauging your dps on. Its heavily dependent on how much you have to move (as a hunter anyway). If I get unlucky and switch every charge I lose a lot of dps, if I get to stand in the same spot damn near start to finish I do well into 8k (never broken 9k, and I really busted my ass to hit that 8k dps, haven't done it again since). Its all luck of the charges so you don't really have alot of control over it. Not to mention no matter how well you play, if 3 of your guildies manage to die on Thaddius, there goes your dps as you lose 3 10% damage charges they would provide for the entire fight.

You cant really control your numbers on him.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
I don't think Thaddius is a really good fight to be worried about gauging your dps on. Its heavily dependent on how much you have to move (as a hunter anyway). If I get unlucky and switch every charge I lose a lot of dps, if I get to stand in the same spot damn near start to finish I do well into 8k (never broken 9k, and I really busted my ass to hit that 8k dps, haven't done it again since). Its all luck of the charges so you don't really have alot of control over it. Not to mention no matter how well you play, if 3 of your guildies manage to die on Thaddius, there goes your dps as you lose 3 10% damage charges they would provide for the entire fight.

You cant really control your numbers on him.
I hate how the "standard" for DPS is a) Patchwerk (fight where you don't have to do anything but wail away, and b) Thaddius, a fight where your DPS's is dependent on other people's skills/DPS. Patchwerk is also of dubious value to me since a really good group can show a recount of absurd levels by simply blowing CDs and a Bloodlust/Heroism so the DPS overall seems higher than what it would be sustained. DPS is vastly overrated IMHO.

Chris R

TomServo said:
Given that they were named "Icyhott" and that they spammed duel challenges on me as I was running from the summoning stone to the portal, I'm guessing they were just retarded.
Or that. We had a "dps" paladin in one of my HVH groups. I was doing 3.1k (ffb mage), the ele shaman was doing 3k, and the DK tank was doing just over 1.8. The pally was doing about 800 :lol We thought about kicking him and just 4manning it, but decided to just let him stay on.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Angry Grimace said:
DPS is vastly overrated IMHO.
This is a poorly chosen statement and isn't congruent with rational thinking. Stating "DPS is overrated" is just as irrational as saying "tanking is overrated" or "healing is overrated." They are all very viable rolls to have concerns about and equally rated.
vumpler said:
This is a poorly chosen statement and isn't congruent with rational thinking. Stating "DPS is overrated" is just as irrational as saying "tanking is overrated" or "healing is overrated." They are all very viable rolls to have concerns about and equally rated.

He was saying that the DPS values that people flaunt are inflated. DPS should get shit on as much as possible, though, if only to keep them in line.


Angry Grimace said:
I hate how the "standard" for DPS is a) Patchwerk (fight where you don't have to do anything but wail away, and b) Thaddius, a fight where your DPS's is dependent on other people's skills/DPS. Patchwerk is also of dubious value to me since a really good group can show a recount of absurd levels by simply blowing CDs and a Bloodlust/Heroism so the DPS overall seems higher than what it would be sustained. DPS is vastly overrated IMHO.

ya a lot of those godly patchwork parses you see are very special cases, and are definitely atypical results,

i.e. warriors with 2x hysteria, bloodlust, recklessness, haste pot, death wish, in a 2:20 second patchwork kill

i think if you are averaging over 4k dps one every boss in naxx then you are doing good in an unoptimized setting
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