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World of Warcraft

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Man, since Friday I've only allowed myself to spend 90 minutes at the most each day playing wow. It feels so good, hell I just spend all that time I've saved reading photography forums with some SF4 mixed but still...while I could be spending that time doing better things than that it still feels so nice not playing wow all day long :)


Angry Grimace said:
I hate how the "standard" for DPS is a) Patchwerk (fight where you don't have to do anything but wail away, and b) Thaddius, a fight where your DPS's is dependent on other people's skills/DPS. Patchwerk is also of dubious value to me since a really good group can show a recount of absurd levels by simply blowing CDs and a Bloodlust/Heroism so the DPS overall seems higher than what it would be sustained. DPS is vastly overrated IMHO.

This post right here can fracture the Elitist Jerks theorycrafters.:lol I agree with you wholeheartedly, there are so many factors that can alter your DPS from Grobbulus to Malygos(Damn tanks can't put him in the right spot. -_-)


rhfb said:
Or that. We had a "dps" paladin in one of my HVH groups. I was doing 3.1k (ffb mage), the ele shaman was doing 3k, and the DK tank was doing just over 1.8. The pally was doing about 800 :lol We thought about kicking him and just 4manning it, but decided to just let him stay on.

That's bizarre. Hell, Tankadins generally do more than that!


vumpler said:
Hey guys,

What dps are the highest in your raids doing? I don't mean to sound like a 12 year old, but I'm really not happy with my DPS. I know there are a ton of upgrades I could still make being as I don't have level 213 items in slot.

But still what are you noticing as highest in your raid? I'm an enhancement shaman and know my class well. I know exactly what I need to hit cap (and have hit it) as well as expertise cap (and have hit it.) Glyphed up etc. I'm not fully enchanted as I dont have anything on boots or wrists and my shoulder enchant isn't the exalted one yet.

I lost the link to the webstats from this weeks naxx, but I was just over 7k dps on thadius. I see people easily over 8k all the time on screen shots. Even a couple posted here...

Dude go enchant that stuff, raiding with unenchanted/ungemmed gear is like raiding with red gear.

Also I wouldn't be too worried about dps. There is a lot more to being a good player than having high dps/healing/etc. We have some people in ou guild who will do great dps on patchwerk/thaddius, but when it comes to Sarth 3D they are the first to get hit by a flame wall/void zone. Knowing you class and how to play it is good, but knowing the encounters and not failing is almost more important.

You also dont need to be too concerned about you dps since you are bringing a lot of buffs to the raid, if you were a dps class with barely any buffs to others (like say rogues) I would be a little more worried about doing low dps.

If you see someone with the same spec and roughly out-dpsing you by a lot maybe you should look for any problems, but I wouldnt be worried about people doing 1k dps more on Thaddius. You have gear upgrades and gear left to enchant so there is still plenty of room for improvement. Also consider that the class-balance is still out of whack right now.


Junior Member
World Of Warcraft [Beta - Gurubashi Catacombs]
Another WoW article, I know there are not many reading this as all WoW nerds (including me) are busy playing the game, but hey, always fun to read, isn’t it? So anyway, back in the vanilla WoW beta there were ANOTHER battleground apart from Azshara Crater (which you also can read about here…) that was cut from the game. This was the ancestor to arenas (!) that was in TBC. It was a 5v5 battleground that was inspired by FPS deathmatches, simply elimination.

Sadly, it was cancelled due to the following reasons:

- WoW is not a FPS game

- Deathmatches doesn’t work as well as in WoW PvP

- It’s not fun being the single healer in Single Elimination DM

- Objectives are the keys to the main cores of battlegrounds.

- Arena idea was cool, but battlegrounds play differently.

- Arena maps needs to be small which Gurubashi was not.

During World of Warcraft Insider insider #9, Blizzard stated, “We realized that we were just going to have to instance the battlegrounds and turn them into a mini-game of their own. But at the same time, we’ve found that during that process you have to make sure that everything in a battleground goes toward that final objective. We actually tried building a battleground internally once, called the Gurubashi Catacombs (we spoke a little bit about it at BlizzCon), and that battleground didn’t actually have any objectives outside of killing the opponents.”


A preview of how it would look like. What’s funny here is how it says “Wrath of the Lich King” under the logo, and we are talking about the WOW BETA here. Probably this picture was taken during a conferance or something when the battleground’s story was revealed to the public.



Tamanon said:

Now THIS is a wand. I wonder when Blizzard is finally going to start adding stats to Sigils/Totems/Librams and the like.

Usually the paladin/druid/shaman ranged slot things modify a baseline ability - I wouldn't expect to see stats on them anytime soon.

That said, the ones for enhancement shaman right now are god-awful, and much worse than the equivalent DPS increase from a throwing weapon or wand.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
unifin said:
Usually the paladin/druid/shaman ranged slot things modify a baseline ability - I wouldn't expect to see stats on them anytime soon.

That said, the ones for enhancement shaman right now are god-awful, and much worse than the equivalent DPS increase from a throwing weapon or wand.
Agreed :( Makes me sad.


funkmastergeneral said:
yea they really need to buff JC, it's so hard making money with that profession.
I actually make a shit ton with it (and mining). Outside of raiding I only play for maybe 30-60min a day and I'm making 200g off JC and 200g off mining in that time.


funkmastergeneral said:
yea they really need to buff JC, it's so hard making money with that profession.

are you serious? my warrior is a BS/JC, i dropped mining to pick up JC 2-3 weeks ago, i've already made 7k+ gold selling gems

dropping mining for JC was one of the best decisions i've made in game in a long time, mining would require tedious farming to make money, where as JC i can buy some ore and cut some gems and sell for pure profit

i guess it might depend on the server, but i'm making a killing with JC, on top of having the best raiding profs on my warrior with BS + JC
yacobod said:
are you serious? my warrior is a BS/JC, i dropped mining to pick up JC 2-3 weeks ago, i've already made 7k+ gold selling gems

dropping mining for JC was one of the best decisions i've made in game in a long time, mining would require tedious farming to make money, where as JC i can buy some ore and cut some gems and sell for pure profit

i guess it might depend on the server, but i'm making a killing with JC, on top of having the best raiding profs on my warrior with BS + JC

I was being sarcastic. JC fucking rules while things like engineering just get nerfed into oblivion :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
vumpler said:
This is a poorly chosen statement and isn't congruent with rational thinking. Stating "DPS is overrated" is just as irrational as saying "tanking is overrated" or "healing is overrated." They are all very viable rolls to have concerns about and equally rated.
No it's not. It's only irrational if you're intentionally ignoring the premise of what's being said, i.e. playing dumb, which is what you're doing in this post. I'm referring to the number specifically as a measure of a man.

Healing and tanking as such are generalized playstyles, whereas the DPS I'm obviously referring to is a specific number used to measure e-peens. DPS doesn't measure whether you're capable of not dying in the fire, but generally judging tanking and healing DOES. That's because you can frequently kill bosses even when shitty players die, or kill Worshippers, etc. because the group can compensate for them.

As for JC nerfs; JC will always be the best profession (for poopsocking min/maxers :lol) when an expansion comes out and then get worse; this is because the value of the Jeweler's Gems will diminish in relation to Epic Gems when they eventually are released. Something I'd like to see Blizzard implement is better/more creative socket bonuses. At this time, there's fairly rarely a good incentive to socket-match; i.e. +6 Crit rating on something with 2 blue sockets or something o_O

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
VaLiancY said:
This post right here can fracture the Elitist Jerks theorycrafters.:lol I agree with you wholeheartedly, there are so many factors that can alter your DPS from Grobbulus to Malygos(Damn tanks can't put him in the right spot. -_-)
I had a DK want to come with my guild's 10 man EoE run that I tanked, and he blamed me for tanking him wrong, even though I put him in charge of calling out the sparks and making sure they were downed in the center; but he managed to down them randomly all over the platform so only half the group had the buff at all, much less getting it stacking. I was blamed for "tanking him wrong"
VaLiancY said:
This post right here can fracture the Elitist Jerks theorycrafters.:lol I agree with you wholeheartedly, there are so many factors that can alter your DPS from Grobbulus to Malygos(Damn tanks can't put him in the right spot. -_-)

Fracture the Elitist Jerks theorycrafters? Do you mean bruise the ego of meter whores because they're not the same thing.

Someone who studies game mechanics should be the first one to tell you why an individual's DPS parsed higher on a shorter kill where cooldowns/bloodlust were available a higher percentage of the time. Have you looked at the better DPS spreadsheets? They are extremely thorough.

Also, the recent backlash against Elitist Jerks is absurd. It's a well moderated forum where game mechanics are rationally discussed. That's all. Well, it also happens to be the home of a very good guild and the raid leader responsible for outlining to Blizzard the changes needed for C'thun to be killable (and as of the BC launch, a character in the game) but that's besides the point. If people sometimes take the word of posters there as gospel or don't accept people who don't min/max it's not EJ's fault.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cubicle47b said:
Fracture the Elitist Jerks theorycrafters? Do you mean bruise the ego of meter whores because they're not the same thing.

Someone who studies game mechanics should be the first one to tell you why an individual's DPS parsed higher on a shorter kill where cooldowns/bloodlust were available a higher percentage of the time. Have you looked at the better DPS spreadsheets? They are extremely thorough.

Also, the recent backlash against Elitist Jerks is absurd. It's a well moderated forum where game mechanics are rationally discussed. That's all. Well, it also happens to be the home of a very good guild and the raid leader responsible for outlining to Blizzard the changes needed for C'thun to be killable (and as of the BC launch, a character in the game) but that's besides the point. If people sometimes take the word of posters there as gospel or don't accept people who don't min/max it's not EJ's fault.
:lol relax dude
Angry Grimace said:
I had a DK want to come with my guild's 10 man EoE run that I tanked, and he blamed me for tanking him wrong, even though I put him in charge of calling out the sparks and making sure they were downed in the center; but he managed to down them randomly all over the platform so only half the group had the buff at all, much less getting it stacking. I was blamed for "tanking him wrong"

Our tank rotates Maly in a certain way so sparks always come from the same area. I don't know how, exactly, and it tends to annoy our hunters who end up in melee range occasionally, but it does make it very easy to stack sparks. We often run without a DK though, if you have a DK dps'ing it definitely makes more sense to have the DK place them with death grip.

Angry Grimace said:
DPS doesn't measure whether you're capable of not dying in the fire, but generally judging tanking and healing DOES.

If you go by damage done and not just damage per second it makes a big difference, so much so that every ElitistJerks DPS article I've read has "Don't die" as the number 1 rule. Damage done also helps show who keeps themselves in a better position to DPS, like not getting caught by tail sweep on dragons.


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
I was just mildly annoyed (and stuck at work).

Well, you bring up a good point. I personally don't understand the backlash against EJ.

I don't play a lot. I do all of the 25 man content in about five or six hours a week, and maybe spend a total of five or six hours a week outside of those raids doing dailies or heroics. I just don't have that much time to play. I want to make the most out of that playtime, and lurking there for fifteen minutes or so at EJ every once in a while can get you the info you need to get 99% of the potential out of your character.

It's frustrating to see people make absolutely basic mistakes in gear / specs / rotation because frankly the "poopsockers" so many people deride have done all of the work for you and are willing to share the results.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Well, you bring up a good point. I personally don't understand the backlash against EJ.

I don't play a lot. I do all of the 25 man content in about five or six hours a week, and maybe spend a total of five or six hours a week outside of those raids doing dailies or heroics. I just don't have that much time to play. I want to make the most out of that playtime, and lurking there for fifteen minutes or so at EJ every once in a while can get you the info you need to get 99% of the potential out of your character.

It's frustrating to see people make absolutely basic mistakes in gear / specs / rotation because frankly the "poopsockers" so many people deride have done all of the work for you and are willing to share the results.
I was unaware there was a backlash against EJ. But, the fact that EJ is right most of the time doesn't mean they aren't a little nutso. :lol
Someone who poops in a sock instead of leaving their computer to use a toilet. The truly hardcore use their toilet as a computer chair, though, so no idea where that term came from.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
I was unaware there was a backlash against EJ.

Oh, there is. Not saying your comments were related, but there's a general sentiment among many of the bad players out there that taking the 15 minutes required to understand what stats and rotation are important to your class is somehow just too hardcore and elitist for any normal person to manage.

Obviously you're dealing with diminishing returns, and I can understand the people that don't want to min/max to the extreme, but it takes hardly any effort at all to learn the basics and get 95% out of your character.

I look down on players who are unwilling to do even that bit of rudimentary (sp?) research. Not because of e-peen, but because they're asking to be carried by the players that are willing to put in just a modest amount of effort.

It's really worse among tanks and healers, from what I've seen on my server. DPS gets constant feedback from Recount while healing meters are less common and there's still a prevailing attitude among the bads that DPS pulling aggro isn't (more often thannnn not) a sign of a crappy tank.


Junior Member
bengraven said:
Oh come on, I need to get an invite to join that site?

I've been trying to find information for the deleted content in vanilla WoW for years. I know about the maps of Undermine or how Hellfire P. was in the alpha before the idea that they would succeed and get an expansion pack was even considered.
I have the old kara files, I've explored Version 1, 2, and 3 of AQ before it was officially released in 1.9. (Still have AQ 1 around here)
Found soo many other things that I cannot remember.


bengraven said:
Oh come on, I need to get an invite to join that site?

I've been trying to find information for the deleted content in vanilla WoW for years. I know about the maps of Undermine or how Hellfire P. was in the alpha before the idea that they would succeed and get an expansion pack was even considered.

That warcraft map viewer can help with some of that.

Zul'Gurub's center pyramid was different, to the point where it would suggest that the fight would have been different.

BWL in an older form was at least 30%, maybe 50% smaller. Like you killed Broodlord, onto Nef.

The gate to AQ40 didn't originally open up to the two entrances. It opened up into a bottom half of the zone, with the entrance to AQ40 at the very south. There is no instance portal visible at either the gate or raid entrance, despite every other instance portal in the map files being present being visible. There was no AQ20.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
unifin said:
999 Top End.

The armor pen on it is nigh-useless for Unholy DK's too (since SS ignores armor). Then again, if you took the ArP and put hit on, it would be way too powerful. Also heard a rumor that something similar to the Sigil of Awareness would be available via Badges. This would make me a happy man.


Background: Rawr is third party application that reads in your character's armory information and attempts to itemize and prioritize all the gear upgrades available to your character. IMO it does a very good job and I've being using it for a while now. The only real (and inherent) problem with it is that all of the stat calculations and buff calculations are often a little off due to the fact that Blizzard changes them often and they can sometimes be difficult to figure out. My question is should Blizzard provide the WoW community with a first party gear itemization application based off the actual stat calculations that are used in the game? Give the gamers a gear primer if you will that will help the casual to the hardcore determine the most efficient path to acquiring the best gear.
yacobod said:
are you serious? my warrior is a BS/JC, i dropped mining to pick up JC 2-3 weeks ago, i've already made 7k+ gold selling gems

dropping mining for JC was one of the best decisions i've made in game in a long time, mining would require tedious farming to make money, where as JC i can buy some ore and cut some gems and sell for pure profit

i guess it might depend on the server, but i'm making a killing with JC, on top of having the best raiding profs on my warrior with BS + JC
My biggest regret for letting my sub expire about two months ago is how much gold I've lost through no opportunity :(.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
TomServo said:
Oh, there is. Not saying your comments were related, but there's a general sentiment among many of the bad players out there that taking the 15 minutes required to understand what stats and rotation are important to your class is somehow just too hardcore and elitist for any normal person to manage.

Obviously you're dealing with diminishing returns, and I can understand the people that don't want to min/max to the extreme, but it takes hardly any effort at all to learn the basics and get 95% out of your character.

I look down on players who are unwilling to do even that bit of rudimentary (sp?) research. Not because of e-peen, but because they're asking to be carried by the players that are willing to put in just a modest amount of effort.

It's really worse among tanks and healers, from what I've seen on my server. DPS gets constant feedback from Recount while healing meters are less common and there's still a prevailing attitude among the bads that DPS pulling aggro isn't (more often thannnn not) a sign of a crappy tank.

Recount has these just right click.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
yacobod said:
are you serious? my warrior is a BS/JC, i dropped mining to pick up JC 2-3 weeks ago, i've already made 7k+ gold selling gems

dropping mining for JC was one of the best decisions i've made in game in a long time, mining would require tedious farming to make money, where as JC i can buy some ore and cut some gems and sell for pure profit

i guess it might depend on the server, but i'm making a killing with JC, on top of having the best raiding profs on my warrior with BS + JC
BTW holy hell at 7k... How long did it take you to level JC? It's the best prof for a hance shammy and was debating rolling it. I currently have mining and no other profession.
Epix said:
Background: Rawr is third party application that reads in your character's armory information and attempts to itemize and prioritize all the gear upgrades available to your character. IMO it does a very good job and I've being using it for a while now. The only real (and inherent) problem with it is that all of the stat calculations and buff calculations are often a little off due to the fact that Blizzard changes them often and they can sometimes be difficult to figure out. My question is should Blizzard provide the WoW community with a first party gear itemization application based off the actual stat calculations that are used in the game? Give the gamers a gear primer if you will that will help the casual to the hardcore determine the most efficient path to acquiring the best gear.
Wow is already ezmode enough for a mmo.


TomServo said:
DPS gets constant feedback from Recount while healing meters are less common

Healing meters are common, but are pretty worthless imho compared to DPS meters.
I mean, sure, I like to see that I pulled a 10k hps on 25m PW while the second on the meter was at 7-8k and then everyone else lagging far behind, or that usually I'm at the top or in the top 3 on boss fights, but it doesn't really tell much about how good of a healer I really am, as far as I'm concerned.

Ktz this week dropped our first The Turning Tides and I didn't have enough DKP to get it over one of our mages. So now I have to hope another drops soon as the next is surely gonna be mine.
It's kinda annoying tho for our tanks. We've had all the weapons drop now (too many maces tho!) except for Last Laugh.


vumpler said:
BTW holy hell at 7k... How long did it take you to level JC? It's the best prof for a hance shammy and was debating rolling it. I currently have mining and no other profession.

i lvld jc to 400 in an afternoon


I'm thinking about replacing Alchemy with Jewelcrafting on my warlock. Is there any reason I should give it to my warrior (eng/BS) instead though?


vumpler said:
Gold dumping or farming mats?

I'm guessing gold dumping. There's only one real bottleneck in Jewelcrafting and that's 270-300 when you're deep in the thorium gems. Farming mats though does take a couple days if you do it that way, especially if you're having to level mining too. Once you get to 350 jewelcrafting you can generally make money leveling to ~400 since the green northrend gems have a couple that tend to be sold on the AH for less than the cut versions vendor for. Like Shadow Crystals might be up there with a stack for 7 gold and if you cut them, they vendor for 10 gold, not event counting if you get perfect ones.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
vumpler said:
Gold dumping or farming mats?
As with every profession that uses mining, the section right around where you need to farm Thorium is brutal on a upper-level character, either farming or otherwise.


vumpler said:
Gold dumping or farming mats?

a little bit of both, i should have farmed more thorium tho in order to prospect the ore for the dumb thorium gems, that is the most expensive portion to lvl JC, its like 250-300 is a bitch to do, but the rest is a joke

i did farm 100 stacks of saronite before dumping mining tho
So, I've been trying out different builds on my rogue on the PTR. Going with a cookie cutter 15/51/5 swords build taking the new lightning reflexes my DPS is around 500 more. That's still not enough for me to catch up to those doing over 4k sustained now though. I don't know what else Blizz would be willing to buff. Maybe if the dual wielding hit cap was lowered or if they buffed precision or maybe added extra damage to imp SS.

Subtlety still sucks with swords. Hemorrhage still hits like a wet noodle and SS without combat talents takes too much energy and only hits a little bit harder. I tried some weird hybrid builds for PVP on the dummy but, I haven't gotten into a BG on there yet. It looks like mut/prep will still be the best PVP spec. I want a good PVP spec I can play with my swords though. I'm thinking a combat/sub build might work well for that.

Assassination is looking kind of weak but then again, I don't really have glyphs for it (I'm just using my regular ones; Rupture, SS, and S&D), I'm not gemmed for it, I don't have very good daggers (A 1.4 with mongoose and a 1.8 with 50 SP. I just had them in the bank and picked up the only 2 weapon enchants on the PTR AH), and I don't usually play assassination. I think I got the hang of it pretty quickly but, my DPS was about 400 less than with combat swords. I think someone with more experience with the spec and better daggers could pull some similar numbers to my combat swords numbers. I'm not so sure assassination will be much more DPS than combat after 3.1.
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