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World of Warcraft

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funkmastergeneral said:
Because I'm dumb and had my fishing pole equipped =/ It's actually 1330 or so, man I'm an idiot.

You'd probably need around 1600 sp to be effective. That's if they actually armory you. You might be able to sneak in if no one checks though.


funkmastergeneral said:
Edit: I am a holy priest and would like to get into raiding. I have 999 spellpower right now, how much should I have to do raids? I got turned down by some guy doing Naxx yesterday, that's why I'm wondering. I know with my warrior tank there was a certain defense I should attain, and didn't know it would be the same with my priest.
This is my armory btw http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Gorefiend&n=Xiuxiu

I started doing Naxx 10 when I had around 1300-1400 SP unbuffed, If you do some heroics you should be able to get your SP up pretty fast. I made a list of some upgrades you can get pretty easily through some HC

War Mace of Unrequited Love - Keristraza ( Nexus ) 408 SP / 19 MP5
Skirt of the Old Kingdom - Herald Volasjz ( Old Kingdom ) 108 SP / 36 mp5
Rod of the Fallen Monarch - Anuberak ( Ajzol Nerub ) 33 SP / 27 Crit rating
Band of Guile - Mal'Ganis ( COT ) 59 SP/ 50 Haste Rating
Overlook Handguards - Tharon ja ( DTK ) - 77 SP
Cuffs of Winged Levitation - Ley Dragon Eragos (Occulus) - 59 SP / 33 Haste
Annhyldes Ring - Ingvar the Plunderer (UK) - 59 SP / 49 Haste
Girdle of Bain - King Ymirron (UP) - 77 SP / 48 Hit

You don't need all those pieces but should be a guideline for what you can get out of heroics, I suggest before heading to Naxx you do VoA 10/25 and Sartharion 10 ( watch vids and read strat) as they are both quite easy and have an easier gear curve then Naxx does. Also given your current Spell power you may have trouble healing some of the more healing intensive Heroics (Gauntlet in AN, Gauntlet in UP, Meathook in CoT, Loken in HoL) if your having trouble, run a couple of the normal higher level instances to get some upgrades.

Edit : I missed the fishing pole :lol, the biggest problem your going to have with getting into Naxx is that most will ask for achievement (at least this is how it works on my server)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sebulon3k said:
I started doing Naxx 10 when I had around 1300-1400 SP unbuffed, If you do some heroics you should be able to get your SP up pretty fast. I made a list of some upgrades you can get pretty easily through some HC

War Mace of Unrequited Love - Keristraza ( Nexus ) 408 SP / 19 MP5
Skirt of the Old Kingdom - Herald Volasjz ( Old Kingdom ) 108 SP / 36 mp5
Rod of the Fallen Monarch - Anuberak ( Ajzol Nerub ) 33 SP / 27 Crit rating
Band of Guile - Mal'Ganis ( COT ) 59 SP/ 50 Haste Rating
Overlook Handguards - Tharon ja ( DTK ) - 77 SP
Cuffs of Winged Levitation - Ley Dragon Eragos (Occulus) - 59 SP / 33 Haste
Annhyldes Ring - Ingvar the Plunderer (UK) - 59 SP / 49 Haste
Girdle of Bain - King Ymirron (UP) - 77 SP / 48 Hit

You don't need all those pieces but should be a guideline for what you can get out of heroics, I suggest before heading to Naxx you do VoA 10/25 and Sartharion 10 ( watch vids and read strat) as they are both quite easy and have an easier gear curve then Naxx does. Also given your current Spell power you may have trouble healing some of the more healing intensive Heroics (Gauntlet in AN, Gauntlet in UP, Meathook in CoT, Loken in HoL) if your having trouble, run a couple of the normal higher level instances to get some upgrades.

Edit : I missed the fishing pole :lol, the biggest problem your going to have with getting into Naxx is that most will ask for achievement (at least this is how it works on my server)
I might add the Mortal Essence Egg and Temple Gardens Girdle from badge turn ins.
Angry Grimace said:
Because PUG tanks can't seem to hold him still long enough for my Warrior to stay in Melee range. They have a bad tendency to walk off and move around all the time. Unlike, say, Sapphiron, his hit box isn't ginormous.

I didn't say he's "hard" for melee, anyways, just that melee damage on Archavon isn't keeping up with ranged in most cases. Archavon is just a lottery e-peen boss anyways.
Ah that explains so much. I always appreciate a heads-up mobile tank that can adjust and kite but man do the ones with happy feet annoy me. This prot pally we recruited like a month ago was tanking the Naxx spider boss where you mind control one of her minions to dispell her frenzy and was doing NASCAR laps around the place for seemingly no reason. Thankfully a real good guy and he has been way more considerate of melee raid members since then.


What do you guys do in between raid lock out periods on your mains? I need nothing from heroics and I usually clear all my raids with a couple days left before reset.
Sebulon3k said:
What do you guys do in between raid lock out periods on your mains? I need nothing from heroics and I usually clear all my raids with a couple days left before reset.
Dailies, old raids for shits and giggles, TF2. Hell, heroics are still good if you want to make some money. 10 badges = ~100g from the gems you can buy.

Shame I can't find a competent BT/SWP group on my realm very often, and TK/SSC doesn't come around too often. Hyjal is pugged surprisingly frequently, however.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sebulon3k said:
What do you guys do in between raid lock out periods on your mains? I need nothing from heroics and I usually clear all my raids with a couple days left before reset.
Real Life™


Sebulon3k said:
What do you guys do in between raid lock out periods on your mains? I need nothing from heroics and I usually clear all my raids with a couple days left before reset.

I made 10k gold since Thursday night. Raiding took me down to 160g so I had to put on my farming goggles on.


Angry Grimace said:
Real Life™

College dorm, my room is the hangout room everyone is always in here :<

Kyoufu said:
I made 10k gold since Thursday night. Raiding took me down to 160g so I had to put on my farming goggles on.

Please do share your secrets, I can't seem to get anywhere near paying for artisan flying


How do I make a priority macro for my Ret paladin? I want it to cast Judgment first, then CS, then DS, and so on but always cast the spell before it if it's available to be cast.


Sebulon3k said:
Please do share your secrets, I can't seem to get anywhere near paying for artisan flying

No secrets, just go to storm peaks and farm Relic of Ulduar. 200 of them (full stack) go for 600-700g. Takes 2 hours at most to farm them, plus you get a shitload of Frostweave Cloth (I get even more because I have Tailoring bonus skill) and a good amount of greens which you can DE for Infinite Dust/Cosmic Essence.

Thats just one way. Since I have tailoring+JC I crafted epics and sold them for profit on AH.


vumpler said:
/cast Crusader Strike

This is NOT what I'm looking for. I need something like:

/castsequence Judgment of Wisdom, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, Consecration, Exorcism

BUT I want it to always try and cast Judgment first if it's off CD. If I type it that way it won't cast Judgment until it's casted everything else in the list first.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Epix said:
BUT I want it to always try and cast Judgment first if it's off CD.
Yeah that's most definitely not possible. You're a pally just mash your 3 buttons at the same time over and over and hit concecrate every 6...


Epix said:
/cast Crusader Strike

This is NOT what I'm looking for. I need something like:

/castsequence Judgment of Wisdom, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, Consecration, Exorcism

BUT I want it to always try and cast Judgment first if it's off CD. If I type it that way it won't cast Judgment until it's casted everything else in the list first.

You can't do that, so what you should do is have Judgment on a seperate button with this as your macro:

/castrandom Crusader Strike,Divine Storm,Consecration,Exorcism


Junior Member
Sebulon3k said:
What do you guys do in between raid lock out periods on your mains? I need nothing from heroics and I usually clear all my raids with a couple days left before reset.

I'm also in the Real Life camp. Alts and BG's are played when I'm on waitlist. If it's not a raid time, I'm usually not online.


Junior Member
Kyoufu said:
Thats just one way. Since I have tailoring+JC I crafted epics and sold them for profit on AH.

Tailoring epics don't sell for squat on my server. Deathchill was a nice revenue stream when not many people had Northrend Loremaster. Now it's like everything else - it sells for about the same price as the mats.

I noticed I'm sitting on ~5K worth of ebonweave, spellweave, and moonshroud. I've used every cooldown since December, and since it's not worth it to craft anything from it, it just sits there. Wondering if it'll be worth more or less when 3.1 comes out and there are new tailoring patterns.
I ran my first WotLK raid yesterday, vault 10 and vault 25. Can someone explain how the tiers work in this game? I raided in vanilla WoW but don't really get how it's set up now, as I saw PvE and PvP gear from Archavon. Do I get Tier 7 with Emblems of Heroism and Tier 7.5 with Valor? And does Archavon drop Tier 7? Thanks.

Edit: And why on earth does that Archavon guy have such a massive loot table? I thought Blizz was doing a token system now. I saw two epics DEed :[


funkmastergeneral said:
I ran my first WotLK raid yesterday, vault 10 and vault 25. Can someone explain how the tiers work in this game? I raided in vanilla WoW but don't really get how it's set up now, as I saw PvE and PvP gear from Archavon. Do I get Tier 7 with Emblems of Heroism and Tier 7.5 with Valor? And does Archavon drop Tier 7? Thanks.

10 man Archavon drops random pieces of Tier 7 gear ... including PvP Items (maybe? haven't done 10 man Arch in FOREVER).

25 man Archavon drops random pieces of Tier 7.5 gear ... including PvP Items.

Every 10 man raid, each boss will drop a set number of Heroism badges, every 25 man raid boss will drop a set number of Valor badges.

With Heroism badges you can buy 2 pieces of Tier 7 (Heroe's gear) and with Valor Badges you can buy 2 pieces of Tier 7.5 (Valorous gear).
Macattk15 said:
10 man Archavon drops random pieces of Tier 7 gear ... including PvP Items (maybe? haven't done 10 man Arch in FOREVER).

25 man Archavon drops random pieces of Tier 7.5 gear ... including PvP Items.

Every 10 man raid, each boss will drop a set number of Heroism badges, every 25 man raid boss will drop a set number of Valor badges.

With Heroism badges you can buy 2 pieces of Tier 7 (Heroe's gear) and with Valor Badges you can buy 2 pieces of Tier 7.5 (Valorous gear).

Thanks, that makes some sense then. The naming convention for all the items kind of threw me for a loop since they all seemed similar, and after taking a look at the Emblem of Valor and Heroism vendors I was very confused as to what was going on with these sets.


TomServo said:
Tailoring epics don't sell for squat on my server. Deathchill was a nice revenue stream when not many people had Northrend Loremaster. Now it's like everything else - it sells for about the same price as the mats.

I noticed I'm sitting on ~5K worth of ebonweave, spellweave, and moonshroud. I've used every cooldown since December, and since it's not worth it to craft anything from it, it just sits there. Wondering if it'll be worth more or less when 3.1 comes out and there are new tailoring patterns.

Well I was simply buying Ebonweave for 50-55g each and then crafting them into Ebonweave Robes and selling them for 900-1000g on the AH. That was pretty nice profit, but I've only sold 2, not bothered to make any more.

And yeah, save the cloth for 3.1


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
Edit: And why on earth does that Archavon guy have such a massive loot table? I thought Blizz was doing a token system now. I saw two epics DEed :[

Archavon is the lottery boss. Free epics. If he actually dropped tokens that would devalue actual raiding even more.

Word on the street is that the new Archavon (whatever his name is) that serves as the lottery boss for Tier 8 should be unpuggable.

Kyoufu said:
Well I was simply buying Ebonweave for 50-55g each and then crafting them into Ebonweave Robes and selling them for 900-1000g on the AH. That was pretty nice profit, but I've only sold 2, not bothered to make any more.

Ebonweave goes for around 100g a piece on my server, with the robes and gloves going for just over the cost of the ebonweave itself. You usually eat the cost of the orb and other mats. At that level it's all people trying to recoup the money spent on leveling tailoring to 450 since those patterns are the only thing that get you there.

Not sure why anyone cares about having tailoring at 450 anyway. I've been a 449 for months because there's no incentive to make anything. I do like some of the changes coming in 3.1, I may actually replace the haste enchant on my cloak with Lightweave.


TomServo said:
Not sure why anyone cares about having tailoring at 450 anyway. I've been a 449 for months because there's no incentive to make anything. I do like some of the changes coming in 3.1, I may actually replace the haste enchant on my cloak with Lightweave.

Same here, but I think I may drop Tailoring for Inscription since I don't really feel like grinding Hodir rep again.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Archavon is the lottery boss. Free epics. If he actually dropped tokens that would devalue actual raiding even more.

Word on the street is that the new Archavon (whatever his name is) that serves as the lottery boss for Tier 8 should be unpuggable.

Ebonweave goes for around 100g a piece on my server, with the robes and gloves going for just over the cost of the ebonweave itself. You usually eat the cost of the orb and other mats. At that level it's all people trying to recoup the money spent on leveling tailoring to 450 since those patterns are the only thing that get you there.

Not sure why anyone cares about having tailoring at 450 anyway. I've been a 449 for months because there's no incentive to make anything. I do like some of the changes coming in 3.1, I may actually replace the haste enchant on my cloak with Lightweave.
I think Emalon is up for testing but I haven't seen.

The reason crafting professions beyond JC don't make any money is because Blizzard made it too easy to go 430-450. Remember what a fucking cockblock it was to take Blacksmithing from 350-475 and 275-300? Putting shit that sells and is easy to craft as a recipe that turns orange at max level pretty much destroyed the ability to make money in early WotLK.

When new patterns come out, we will definitely start seeing ways to make Blacksmithing and Tailoring money, since anything above ilvl 200 sells for crazy dough.


Kyoufu said:
Same here, but I think I may drop Tailoring for Inscription since I don't really feel like grinding Hodir rep again.

That is the sole reason I took inscription on my mage, hate those hodir dailies :lol


J-Rzez said:
That is the sole reason I took inscription on my mage, hate those hodir dailies :lol

Dude, those dailies are HORRIBLE to do on a PvP server lol. Storm Peaks is a warzone for me, so F those dailies!

btw, :lol :lol :lol @ these:




:lol :lol :lol

*wipes tears*

Chris R

Kyoufu said:
Same here, but I think I may drop Tailoring for Inscription since I don't really feel like grinding Hodir rep again.
I've been thinking of doing the same thing. Hodir rep is such a pain to get up on my server :lol You travel in packs or you die alone, ganked by the roaming alliance squads.

Chris R

Tamanon said:
Beware though, Inscription is expensive as fuck to level up. Especially before you get to Outlands herbs.
I don't really think its that bad. I have one alt already with it at 200. Only thing that is stopping me from doing it on my "main" is the fact that I'd have to drop mining as well to pick up herbing because only one of my chars has an epic flying mount, and I'm not going to try to farm all the stuff with regular slow ass mounts (and yes, I do farm all the mats for myself instead of buying them off the AH, saves me THOUSANDS of gold when I brought up JC to 425).
3d night 3 is tonight, if we can't get it tonight I am going to be raging on people

Hopefully our Pally add tank can make it so our DK can DPS


holy shit I had no idea they made unleased rage give expertise now. thank god. I am probably going to go back to enhance because I got bored of elemental after awhile. 3.1 is making enhance look very competitive as more than just a leveling build. although I haven't quite figured out the best talent build. it's either 1/3 call of flame and 3/3 static shock or swap the amount of points spent.

Figures the attempt we win the RL and I actually died to a VZ and a shammy who never dies died early

Go figure lol

I freaked out when WoW froze after I died and I was DCed..........thank god I came back in time :D


Sick, we got Sarth 3d tonight! After only 2 nights of tries, about 30-ish attempts altogether. I ran as Disc for pretty much the first time ever and enjoyed it.

We cleared all content back in early December, 3rd on the server (alliance or horde), but then just sat on our ass not caring about Sarth 3d forever and just decided to gun it this week. Great success.
Magnus said:
Sick, we got Sarth 3d tonight! After only 2 nights of tries, about 30-ish attempts altogether. I ran as Disc for pretty much the first time ever and enjoyed it.

We cleared all content back in early December, 3rd on the server (alliance or horde), but then just sat on our ass not caring about Sarth 3d forever and just decided to gun it this week. Great success.

Thats funny, it was our 3rd night of trying tonight and one of our priests went disc and ultimately we won


We've got Sarth3D a few weeks back, but since then we cba to do the achievement. Our tanks have been slacking, healers have been down.

Take naxx last night for example. Only 1 true tank (of the 5 we have), 1 semi-geared paladin offtank and 4-specced healers. Sure the dps was through the roof, but I hope activity picks up when Ulduar hits. Can't wait tbh.
Man, I love being a priest. I'm getting group invites all the time despite my not so great gear. My only problem is in 25 man Naxx I was getting about 5 FPS on fights due to all things going on at once, even with all my visual settings on the lowest possible. Is there any way I could further optimize it so I get a better framerate, because it was very difficult to heal through that.


funkmastergeneral said:
Man, I love being a priest. I'm getting group invites all the time despite my not so great gear. My only problem is in 25 man Naxx I was getting about 5 FPS on fights due to all things going on at once, even with all my visual settings on the lowest possible. Is there any way I could further optimize it so I get a better framerate, because it was very difficult to heal through that.

Time for an upgrade if you can't get more than 5fps on the LOWEST settings.

I'm on max settings and in Naxx25 when shit hits the fan I get about 15-20fps. You really should upgrade.


Anyone know how much defense a feral druid tank needs now at 80? Ive been out of the game for a long time and everything changed on me!


phinious said:
Anyone know how much defense a feral druid tank needs now at 80? Ive been out of the game for a long time and everything changed on me!

None, Survival of the Fittest is enough to make you crit immune.


defense cap for warriors/DKs/paladins is 540, but I'm sure it's way less for druids since you get -6% chance to be critted from talents. I tried looking at EJ and there is like no real tank gear listed. for all I know you don't even need defense anymore since crit immunity is all you would really get (outside of a little dodge/chance to be missed) from def. gear and there is enough leather with dodge on it that you can use that instead.


firex said:
I have yet to do naxx25 but any other instance I've done is basically max fps, on maxed settings.

I don't understand my computer and WoW honestly. Quad Core overclocked to 2.6Ghz, 8 GB of RAM, Vista 64 bit, 2x 8800GT.

I drop into the 20 FPS range in Naxx 25 amidst all the AE and such. Whether I'm running in SLI or not.

If you're having Max FPS all the damn time, you must be running some sort of super computer. If you're not, wtf is wrong with mine?

Have you done Sartharion 25, is your FPS there awesome? Though I guess that is only going to be a hit to your FPS with multiple drakes still active during the fight.


BigJonsson said:
Thats funny, it was our 3rd night of trying tonight and one of our priests went disc and ultimately we won

Yeah, before we even attempted Sarth 25. We made our best Holy priest respec Disc and MT heal the whole fight. Made it quite a bit easier.


Macattk15 said:
I don't understand my computer and WoW honestly. Quad Core overclocked to 2.6Ghz, 8 GB of RAM, Vista 64 bit, 2x 8800GT.

I drop into the 20 FPS range in Naxx 25 amidst all the AE and such. Whether I'm running in SLI or not.

If you're having Max FPS all the damn time, you must be running some sort of super computer. If you're not, wtf is wrong with mine?

Have you done Sartharion 25, is your FPS there awesome? Though I guess that is only going to be a hit to your FPS with multiple drakes still active during the fight with all settings pushed past max
I'm running Quad Core OCd to 3.2 with a 8800GTS. In 25 mans im around 100fps with nothing going on and around 55 during boss fights with settings past max (via macros). Check your latency as it will have an effect on your fps. If you don't mind giving up about 5-10% of DL speed for ftp type downloads then you can try an TCP optimizer designed just for WoW (FasterPing - WoW Booster, for example) to decrease your latency. Mine went down about 50%.
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