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World of Warcraft

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Yeah, I've done that before too. Hell, I hardly contributed anything to the scholo run I did last night and that was 5 man (although I was just there for kirtonos the herald and some other people swapped out after I left). It was even worse before the cap of people in places like stratholme.

In Molten Core all I did was make a soulstone, and when we pulled mobs, fire shadowbolt over and over again. Not that it will be much different with my mage that I'm working on (just replace shadowbolt with frostbolt) but at least he'll have about the same damage for a lot less mana.


JackFrost2012 said:
There's this myth that raids are "harder" because they require so many more people, but I feel a lot more challenged personally in a small group, because I know that my contributions are helping to make or break the group's success (everyone's are, really, in a 5-person group). Once you get over 5-6 people, things become a bit shakier about who's-contributing-what.

Oh, well. Hopefully they will keep adding stuff like Dire Maul and less stuff like stupid dumb raid dungeon requiring you to defeat Ragnaros first.

I believe they said Medivh's Tower and Zul'Gurub are going to be high level 5 man dungeons. So more are definalty comming.


Also, on raiding. It is harder, but not because the mosters hit for more damage or have bigger moves, but because of the size of it. A 5 man dungeon or boss could be just as hard as some raid content but getting 5 people who can play it right, learn the strategy, and not fuck up is ALOT easier then getting together 40 people who can play it right, learn the stratgey, and not fuck up. When you have 40 people, the chances of someone being the dick and causing the wipe is far greater. That is where the difficulty is, and you are rewarded with the uberist loot for being able to organize and pull that off.

The other thing is, is that the "UBER" loot really isnt that uber. Its purple and it might look really cool. The prestige of having it is what makes it uber. I tell you though, most of that raid and MC,Onyxia stuff isnt that great, and the set bonuses mostly suck. People see a purple con item with a cool name and go "OMFG" its uber, but really you could probably, or almost certainly peice together a set of armor with some random drops/crafted items, and enchantings and still be almost or just as good as the guy decked out in MC gear. Sure, he might look cooler, but that means nothing when it comes down to it. Blizzard did this purposly I think. They didnt leave out the casual gamer. If you never raid MC or Onyxia it wont really matter, your not gimped.


I really disagree, there's a huge difference between the quality of some raid gear (particularly weapons, it's definitely less noticeable as a caster) and regular 5 man gear.


Caydiem seems to be getting more involved on the Warlock thread. Hopefully she mirror her efforts from her Druid and Hunter forums


Not nearly as cool a shot as the last one I posted, but still, the warlock epic mount looks badass.



Yeah, it does look badass.

... if you're undead, human or gnome. I'm about to petition a GM and see if they can just change my race from orc to undead because that shit pisses me off. And I'm not saving up 900g for an epic wolf mount.


JackFrost2012 said:
I haven't even gotten to the raid game yet, but I can tell I'm never, ever going to do it ... being in Japan, the time zone difference precludes regularly weekly meetups. Not to mention, I just can't dedicate that many hours in a week to clearing a huge raid zone. I play a lot of WoW, but I do so sporadically.

You should roll a character on Spinebreaker, it's the unofficial Australian server which would match up better time wise, there's a guy from Japan in my guild too. I think Proudmore also has a lot of Australians. I know it's not a perfect solution though, since you wouldn't be playing with friends, and have to build a new character.


I just got my Rogue to level 43...but now people are telling me Rogues will be useless in High Level Instances...




Don't listen to what other people say. The only problem with rogues at high level, is there are so many of them.

If you like your character, keep playing.


I don't understand why they went to all the raids at the high end. It's like they said "Hey, everyone enjoyed the content from 1-60.. NOW LET"S TOTALLY CHANGE IT!"

It's all my current guild does it seems. Every day the MOTD is something like MC, LUCI 7PM EST tell (name) for invite.

I'm kind of annoyed that somehow Blizzard supposably got rid of over 1000 gold farming accounts but still left the damn "Loly" accounts. The name is damn near infamous and has been posted on the WoW forums a million and one times. I say this because last night "Loly" had the Brightwood up for sale on AH :\

no buyout of course..
AeroGod said:
Also, on raiding. It is harder, but not because the mosters hit for more damage or have bigger moves, but because of the size of it. A 5 man dungeon or boss could be just as hard as some raid content but getting 5 people who can play it right, learn the strategy, and not fuck up is ALOT easier then getting together 40 people who can play it right, learn the stratgey, and not fuck up. When you have 40 people, the chances of someone being the dick and causing the wipe is far greater. That is where the difficulty is, and you are rewarded with the uberist loot for being able to organize and pull that off.

The other thing is, is that the "UBER" loot really isnt that uber. Its purple and it might look really cool. The prestige of having it is what makes it uber. I tell you though, most of that raid and MC,Onyxia stuff isnt that great, and the set bonuses mostly suck. People see a purple con item with a cool name and go "OMFG" its uber, but really you could probably, or almost certainly peice together a set of armor with some random drops/crafted items, and enchantings and still be almost or just as good as the guy decked out in MC gear. Sure, he might look cooler, but that means nothing when it comes down to it. Blizzard did this purposly I think. They didnt leave out the casual gamer. If you never raid MC or Onyxia it wont really matter, your not gimped.

Amen, brother. All my (newly minted 60) UD Priest has on except for ST and BRD rewards or drops is green "of the Eagle" or something similar like it with heavy STM/INT bonuses. On Bloodscalp, I've almost given up filling up on gear here and there from the AH; like you said, anything blue is easily 7x a comparable green of the same type of stats, and purple an insane 20x. Spirit-heavy Epic cloth robes, (no +Shadow, either), going for 150g. WTF?


ROFL at the new armor. The Dreadmist Helm looks HILARIOUS, and the Paladin helmet is funny.

God damn though, Devout looks bad ass on humans.

/roll Priest


Hunters kicking up another shit storm over nerfs.

Apparently we got nerfs to pet damage

as well as nerfs to the way our to hit is calculated; so now we're calculated to hit against defense skill rather than level...

which makes a warrior with +40 defense the equivalent of an 8 level boost...


Everyone is bitching about the new armor looks. Its hilarious. I love it all and I hope they keep it. These people obviously never played a warcraft game or looked at Warcraft art before. This is all classic, over the top, comicy Blizzard stuff. Keep it! Its looks hilarious and its awesome. I love the Shamen shoulders, although they could be a bit more gaudy, they look bare. :/


I couldn't get some of the new stuff to load except for the new dreadmist helm, which I think is pretty cool actually when you pair it up with the shoulders and robe.


Some pictures:







new skullflame shield (epic) graphic:




Personally I love the new dreadmist mask, and the succubus. Bit disappointed in the Epic horse though ...


The honour part will introduce a Trinket that can be obtained at honour rank two (of fifteen) that makes the wearer immune to fear/polymorph/mind control. Allthough noone is yet sure as to whether this trinket is unique to rogues (on the official screenshot a rogue was wearing it, and the item info said "Class: Rogue"), or whether anyone will be able to wear it at honour rank 2, this will unarguably have a huge impact on how casters PVP.

A couple of questions:

Where do I train lock picking after 100...I went to the wetlands but my skill isn't high enough to pick those?

How the hell can I grind enchanting and get a mount and train skills? Now my skills are 1 Gold each, before I picked up enchanting I was getting at least 5-7 gold from selling and grinding now I'm lucky to get 10 silver.

For what and when should I sell enchantments?

Where ado I got for Enchanting and tailoring after 150?


Seems like Blizz is really getting it together, damn those new mounts and the new succubus model rox.
By the by, if anyone wants to check out a new mount for themselves, or is a couple arcane bars short of an omgbar, or whatever, you can copy your character over ad nauseum and just name it something different, and send your gold/bars/whatever to yourself.


Dont remove soul shards, just improve and expand upon the system. Let us get soul shards from everything we kill, even if it doesnt grant XP. Let us get soul shards from PvP kills.

Problem solved.


That would be pretty much the same as removing soul shards, except it keeps the tedious farming aspect of them intact.

I agree, remove soul shards entirely. Every single thing that uses them is balanced in some other way without them to the point that it's just a tedious, unnecessary reagent system that's more frustrating than any other class's reagents.


firex said:
That would be pretty much the same as removing soul shards, except it keeps the tedious farming aspect of them intact.

I agree, remove soul shards entirely. Every single thing that uses them is balanced in some other way without them to the point that it's just a tedious, unnecessary reagent system that's more frustrating than any other class's reagents.

If you removed Soulstones entirly warlocks would be too powerful. Endless amount of pets(this would be crazy if you specced demonology), endless free healthstones for everyone, endless magic shields, endless summons(a group of warlocks could summon the entire realm anywhere in 2 minutes), endless Shadowburns. They have cooldown timers, but they arnt that long.

Soul Stones should NOT be removed they should be IMPROVED. Let us get them in PvP and add new abilitities that use them. When you say "get rid of soul stones" you basically are saying "Make us underpowered mages with pets". No thanks. Fix up soul shards and expand upon this to make warlocsk stand out from mages further. Its a unique feature to Warlocks and should remain that way.

If its broken fix it, dont get rid of it. Dont remove things from the game, add things to the game. Its simple to understand and even eaier to fix, they just seem to be taking there sweet time doing it.


Sweet fucking Christ, I tried to give it another shot tonight since I still had time on my subscription.

I can't play the fucking game for more than 10 minutes without the dreaded error 132 crashing me to the desktop. I give up, I'm not paying for a game that doesn't fucking work.
AeroGod said:
If you removed Soulstones entirly warlocks would be too powerful. Endless amount of pets(this would be crazy if you specced demonology), endless free healthstones for everyone, endless magic shields, endless summons(a group of warlocks could summon the entire realm anywhere in 2 minutes), endless Shadowburns. They have cooldown timers, but they arnt that long.

Soul Stones should NOT be removed they should be IMPROVED. Let us get them in PvP and add new abilitities that use them. When you say "get rid of soul stones" you basically are saying "Make us underpowered mages with pets". No thanks. Fix up soul shards and expand upon this to make warlocsk stand out from mages further. Its a unique feature to Warlocks and should remain that way.

If its broken fix it, dont get rid of it. Dont remove things from the game, add things to the game. Its simple to understand and even eaier to fix, they just seem to be taking there sweet time doing it.

The problem is soul shards are in no way unique or difficult to acquire. They are tedious. Were some other class of had the abilities that require soulshards they'd be balanced through timers, mana costs, rarity, and reagent cost. Hell, there's almost no difference between a soulstone and any other regeant aside from the farming required to get them. That might actually be a decent enough way of balancing soulstones, allowing them to be bought from vendors.


AeroGod said:
If you removed Soulstones entirly warlocks would be too powerful. Endless amount of pets(this would be crazy if you specced demonology), endless free healthstones for everyone, endless magic shields, endless summons(a group of warlocks could summon the entire realm anywhere in 2 minutes), endless Shadowburns. They have cooldown timers, but they arnt that long.

Soul Stones should NOT be removed they should be IMPROVED. Let us get them in PvP and add new abilitities that use them. When you say "get rid of soul stones" you basically are saying "Make us underpowered mages with pets". No thanks. Fix up soul shards and expand upon this to make warlocsk stand out from mages further. Its a unique feature to Warlocks and should remain that way.

If its broken fix it, dont get rid of it. Dont remove things from the game, add things to the game. Its simple to understand and even eaier to fix, they just seem to be taking there sweet time doing it.

Pets take 1372 mana at level 60 and 10 seconds (6 if you get the talent from demonology) to summon. the soul shard requirement for everything but the imp just further puts the warlock on a stupid timer in pvp (and contributes to them having shit for bag space, which is also a problem for hunters).

Healthstones? Don't get me started on that, mages can conjure mana gems that are similarly powerful for a mana cost. The 3 minute timer before you can use another healthstone (and the fact that they're unique) is more than enough to balance them. Spellstones eat every single positive effect on you for what's essentially a gimpy PW:S that can be purged and dispelled.

Shadowburn is the worst DPS instant spell in the game and is tied into the shard gimmick so you never even get the real full power of it anyway (unless, again, you want to burn shards that you'll need elsewhere). Soul fire does less DD than pyroblast and has no DOT component, and is otherwise totally identical in cast time and cooldown.

And as for summoning, it would still require 2 other people in your party to help out. That should be more than enough.

If you removed soul shards it wouldn't do shit to make us underpowered mages with pets, we're already that as it is. It'd just remove the tedious farming you have to do if you want to pvp for an extended amount of time, without stupid shit like "drain soul a guy you just used 6 shards to kill to get one back." There's no strategy or effort or anything involved with soul shards. Just a pointless timesink.
firex said:
If you removed soul shards it wouldn't do shit to make us underpowered mages with pets, we're already that as it is. It'd just remove the tedious farming you have to do if you want to pvp for an extended amount of time, without stupid shit like "drain soul a guy you just used 6 shards to kill to get one back." There's no strategy or effort or anything involved with soul shards. Just a pointless timesink.



Unfortunately, I don't see Blizzard removing Soul Shards entirely, but giving us a pathetic Shard Pouch. Gonna shelf my 'lock and lvl up my Priest for a bit I think, at least until some solid information on future warlock changes are announced.


Yeah, I don't think soul shards will be removed either. They really should, though. IMO that's the best solution. of course, I also think that ammo pouches and quivers shouldn't take up a bag slot either...
I wonder if making soulshards stack would help any? It wouldn't take away from the tedious process, but you could at least hold more without taking a huge dent in your pouches.


I have yet to run out of shards while doing PvE and having the odd PvP encounter in between. Granted, I am only lvl 44, but I try to keep at least 15 shards on me at all times - very annoying when Shadowburn doesnt return a shard to you, but thats another issue.

Its when you come to wanting sessions of PvP for the honour system and friendly duels outside Orgrimmar it will get annoying, pouches wont be much cop, you're still gonna have to farm the shards before you can help your guild/friends out. That is more of the issue for me than ever running out of them.


Making them stack would help. Hell, I think if they made them stack in like 20s it would be a big improvement if only because then it'd take forever to run out of shards in pvp. But just removing them altogether really is the better idea even if it's just a pipe dream. They balance absolutely nothing because a warlock with shards is equal to other classes in pvp. Without it they're a lot weaker.


I just started a warrior recently with some friends, and I'm finding this class pretty fun in a trio. Of course our group is warrior, paladin and hunter, but still. It's fun! Tough, and I don't even try to solo unless it's a green quest, but fun nonetheless. I like that it's a lot more tactical than just about every other class in the game. Maybe shaman has the same level of tactics if you want to play it to the fullest. But it doesn't require it like warrior does.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Heres my solution to shards, take them away from enslaving, and vw, felhunter, succubus initial summon. Still require shards for utility such as healthstones, soulstones, spellstones, firestones, ritual of summoning. BUT, allow us to get shards outside of IF ferchristsakes. I'm sick of flying to the plaguelands to get a shard or two.

Not sure what to do about shadowburn and soulfire. The spells arent overpowered without shards, soulfire is a 6sec cast and shadowburn has a cooldown. Shadowburns cooldown might have be increased a bit without a shard requirement though.


What I find suprising is the lack of cool down, I doubt that'll be the end product, since I can see rogues flicking it on and off while fighting casters. Anyway, a nice ability for rogues to have regardless of whether or not it has a cooldown.


It's listed as a permanent effect, also classified as an aura, so maybe this is their idea of opening up heavier party use for a Rogue.

Either way, if it works as listed it's ridiculously overpowered. Energy is so efficent on the whole that the tradeoff for such a potent effect would be a nobrainer in the situations you'd be forced to choose. There's likely a deterrent for it, however, as there's no way Blizzard is that shortsighted. My guess would be that it'll wind up like evasion, and on the evasion timer.

But still, all things considered it's basicly another anti-cloth ability on an anti-cloth class. While I'm all for more abilities being added, IMHO Blizzard is REALLY, REALLY picking an awkward thing to add so early.
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