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World of Warcraft

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More like glass menageries. I'm actually glad I decided to roll a hunt instead of a warlock originally. I don't know of a single one who upon reaching lvl 50+ didn't immediately reroll a warrior or shaman. I guess it's just the constant insecurity of getting destroyed by everything that makes em want a nice big mace to bash shit with.

I'm really glad everyone wants to 5 man instances now. Raiding with 10 people used to put me to fucking sleep. /assist + autoshoot = fuckingyawn. DM totally rocks for hunters, they are only class that can CC everything in place and I'm pretty sure only class that can CC the mage in the king fight. Not to mention theres like 10 different hunter drops in the place that add up to a full set of armor and weapon on level with BS. Still can't stand ubrs, even though it's theoretically short. Has anyone seen someone drag general all the way back to the beasts room while people deal with the adds? It's quite funny, although I'm not sure if it still works.


Well, its an old pic. before the patch. Like I said it was our 3rd ubrs run that day as we were getting a bunch of people through their onyxia quests.
Is the warrior class underrated?

When I started playing wow I wanted a damage dealing melee class. So, I was going to go warrior. There was just one thing, everyone told me "Warriors suck, they do weak damage...they are just terrible, don't be them". I heard this over and over again. Nevermind that Warriors gave me some of the most trouble in dueling, I mean I had beaten warriors higher levels above me...but when I faced one who knew what they were doing I was in for a tough fight.

Then last night I saw something I had never seen before. A tauren warrior absolutely dominating everyone during a raid. His name was Orn, a 60 warrior who carried a huge axe. He was destroying people and chopping off chunks of life for 600+ damage with normal strikes. He was an absolute pain to take down (Hilarity insued when a bunch of gnomes jumped on him), and impressed me the most out of any player there, Alliance or Horde. I actually had another rogue whisper me and say "See that warrior?" I had to reply "yeah, with healing he's basically unnstoppable. Makes you want to work on a warrior". He agreed.

Moral of this story is I think the warrior class is pretty underrated. I thought they were gimped for damage, but that guy was dealing out damage that made me look twice. I'm impressed by this class.


"Is the warrior class underrated?"

In PvP? No, not at all. The doomsayers take it a lil' (a lot) bit too far, but the point sticks for the most part.

You CAN make it work to a decent degree to be sure, but it will require an extremely large ammount of effort to bring it up to an average level compared to what you're probably used to. Just in terms of equipment and sheer skill.

When Blizzard fesses up to the fact that they wrecked the class and rebuilt it out of popsicle sticks and bubble gum, it'll be less of a headache.

Go ahead and make one though, try it for yourself, best way to get a feel for it, of course. But once you hit the midlevels you'll probably be pretty frustrated if you're on a PvP server.


Warriors rock*, and more importantly, are fun to play. They could use a little tweaking, but otherwise, no complaints.


*Based on 43 levels of PvE experience. ^_~


That's hot shit. Honor system being seperated from Battlegrounds and added on a more timely basis has me all giddy...well, maybe not GIDDY, but y'know.

Sai, Warriors do rock in PvE, they rock hardest of them all, I say. Was just was mentioning my PvP experiences, to which point I also offer the extension for any high end Warriors to come in and own me. :(

Also, what Son said. More 5-manners please, less raids altogether.


Are you serious? It wasn't earlier, but I'm sure as hell not going back to double check or anything now. :p

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Eyonix on the official forums, yesterday:

" The art textures for the Dreadmist Mask are being implemented in the next patch, and in my personal opinion it's by far one of the best looking helmets in the game, at least as far as cloth is concerned. Also, additional epic set armor textures are coming soon."



From Blizz:

Be advised that, if you do post patch notes that are not official, we will delete the post and take action accordingly.

Kinda makes you think it's real ...

One things for sure, if it's fake, someone spent a lot of time doing it.

They also came up with a bunch of lame Blizzard inanities like apologizing for sending people through a tree on a FP that would put to question their stability (Not that faking a huge list of feasible patch notes doesn't do this enough).


Alex said:
People will become immune for a period of time after a few back to back uses.

Uh, oh, I can't spam FS anymore :D

Are these legit, do we know? I didn't know that windfury was bugged... that sucks.
Wind was probably bugged in the same way Thrash was, giving an additional two hits instead of just two.

Also diminishing returns blows ass. Hunters got hit with it hard last patch and I still ain't sure how to cope with it.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Hmm... while I kind of hope these notes are true, as I like that the pvp and epic mount stuff is in it, I kind of hope it is false too. The reason being that Warlocks are once again being ignored. Yes they put in some of our late game quests which is nice, but how about a new defensive ability? In fact, now they have finished nerfing fear into the ground it looks like they are starting with seduction, an already limited defense option due to having to have the sucubus out. I really hope seduction is considered a fear effect only in that it has diminishing returns (which I thought it already did) and not in that everything that breaks fear also breaks seduction. If so, warlocks are more fucked than we already are.
If those notes are true, I'm dumping my Warlock. I've about had it with the class. I'm seriously sick of waiting for improvements. Oh great, but we get a Seduction nerf!

My mage alt just became my main.

Wasn't there a post by Bliz in the official forums about the order in which classes would be improved? I remember it about 2 months ago, it going Warriors first(rightfully so), followed by Warlocks, Druids, Hunters, and Priests.

Try this:

Fear someone two times. That should make it immune to fear. Try to seduce it. If it's not immune to seduce then this is what will be changed. Same thing for seduce first. It seems they are putting every mezz on the same global immunity counter, which while decent enough for mass pvp, really really really blows for one on one encounters where classes rely on spamming those individual abilities.


yeah, those patch notes just further make the felhunter the group pvp pet and nerf warlocks for 1v1 pvp (because apparently we were too strong at it... as long as we were willing to use 3-6 shards per fight). I guess I'll get my epic mount to make people cry and then I'll do what I've been doing since the past few patches, go play a class that's actually worth it.


please.. every other classes' crowd control got nerfed earlier.. yours was just overlooked

sorry dont have the pvp armor pics in my cache anymore.. they were pretty good
Good to see Mages got some much-needed buffs!

Thank God my Priest can Levitate longer! toot toot

Well, maybe Prayer of Fortitude Codexes will drop below 200-500g with this patch. Which would be nice, if more helpful for you than me. :)


golem said:
please.. every other classes' crowd control got nerfed earlier.. yours was just overlooked

sorry dont have the pvp armor pics in my cache anymore.. they were pretty good
probably because it was the ONLY FUCKING DEFENSE THE CLASS HAS.


force push the doodoo rock
these could be fake but caydiem did confirm that scatter shot was being fixed and track hidden was getting a buff in the upcoming patch.


New Pet Ability: Dive - Increases movement speed for a short duration.
New Pet Ability: Dash - Increases movement speed for a short duration.

I don't get it. Why?

Kind of interested in coming back to the game just to see what the epic hunter quest turns out to be.


Well, it's a pretty big update. I was wondering why there were 2 unique pet speed up options also.

Dive = Underwater speed?

Priest Holy Tree changes: At least they did something. I don't really think they are going to make a significant boost to Holy overall. Also, the final talent in both Disc. and Holy are both still pretty poor.

Diminishing Returns on cold snares should help with a bit of the laming. It happened to fear it was bound to happen to cold snares eventually.

YAY for getting MC'd not causing you durability loss anymore. This combined with the no rooftop ganking should help clean up a bit of the griefing.

Honor System + Epic Mounts we will have to wait and get a look at.
SyNapSe said:
YAY for getting MC'd not causing you durability loss anymore. This combined with the no rooftop ganking should help clean up a bit of the griefing.

Using MC Hat and FD on some poor lvl 40 inside gad/bb is by far the funniest thing ever.



God damn!


Your image is broken! Well, it's replaced with the "too much bandwidth" message.

Anyway... I've come to the conclusion that raiding sucks, and the raid game is retarded. I wish they'd never put this shit into the game. It's boring as fuck because all you do is find the one strategy that works and use that for every encounter.

edit: And while you do that in 5 man content, I think 5 man content is HARDER. Because it requires cooperation between 5 people. And the 5 man content gives me a feel of great fun, like an online meeting of people for a run through a dungeon in a pnp rpg.
firex said:
Anyway... I've come to the conclusion that raiding sucks, and the raid game is retarded. I wish they'd never put this shit into the game. It's boring as fuck because all you do is find the one strategy that works and use that for every encounter.

I haven't even gotten to the raid game yet, but I can tell I'm never, ever going to do it ... being in Japan, the time zone difference precludes regularly weekly meetups. Not to mention, I just can't dedicate that many hours in a week to clearing a huge raid zone. I play a lot of WoW, but I do so sporadically.

The problem is that there is this bizarre mindset that raids are "harder" than 5 man content, and therefore deserve the uberist loots. When, really, a well-balanced 5-man zone can be far more challenging and rewarding for each of the players.

I'd rather see them go through and add more low-level content for when I decided to reroll an alt ... not making nutsoid super-duper-mega raid dungeons that only 0.5% of any server will ever see, anyhow.


I've only barely gone into molten core, but I can't see how it could be fun for anyone (of course, I do play the least fun class in a raid situation, but still). You have mobs who hit you really really hard and drop purple items occasionally. But it really just revolves around finding the one strategy that beats each mob and using it for every fight. I think right now the appeal is the prestige of killing Onyxia or Ragnaros. And to see the story.

Maybe if MC didn't have a shit ton of trash mobs that are some of the dumbest things I've ever fought in the game... I don't know. It might also have to deal with people just turning apeshit retarded in raid areas.

I just like 5 man content because you're limited in what you take, so you form specific strategies with each group (even though all the high level instances revolve around warrior and druid/priest). With a 40 man raid, you bring like 8 priests and/or druids, 5 or 6 warriors and load the rest up with mages and hunters with a warlock or two (for soulstone and to banish one of the few mobs you can banish in MC). And each player in a 5 man group contributes SO much more.

PVP is so much more fun because you don't fight the same mob AI. 5 man instances are so much fun because you don't fight things the same way every time and use far more facets of your class.
firex said:
I just like 5 man content because you're limited in what you take, so you form specific strategies with each group (even though all the high level instances revolve around warrior and druid/priest).

There's this myth that raids are "harder" because they require so many more people, but I feel a lot more challenged personally in a small group, because I know that my contributions are helping to make or break the group's success (everyone's are, really, in a 5-person group). Once you get over 5-6 people, things become a bit shakier about who's-contributing-what.

Oh, well. Hopefully they will keep adding stuff like Dire Maul and less stuff like stupid dumb raid dungeon requiring you to defeat Ragnaros first.


Yeah, I know. having some old EQ players on the development team really doesn't help. I think there's a big difference between the raid content and the regular content, and the problem is that it's just not fun.
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