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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
The badge offhand is ok. The real problem is blizzard doesn't itemize shields for elemental, more for resto/holy paladins. There's no reason not to get a crit/spell power shield though, because you can get hit elsewhere.

I'm a long way from 80, 67 right now, so I'm just looking forward. I really want that voice of reason shield though, no mp5 on that!


Junior Member
Kyoufu said:
lol Holy? yeah its horrible. Only feasible with certain talents and even then its not as good as shadow.

PS: Discipline MT healing is sex sex sex.

Definately want to go Disc at 80. I rolled this toon to heal as an alt (since that's what I did as a resto shaman in vanilla), and the style of disc seems more interesting than holy.

Also, lost The Undying at 0.5% on KT last night. OT got Ice Blocked at the last instant and was gibbed by adds. This set off some really nasty shit in guild chat. OT mad because no one got heals onto him in time, healers mad because they had warned him he was drifting out of LoS. I'm just surprised no one tried to blame the dps, because from what we normally hear everything is our fault.

Oh well, we'll get it next week.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Scum said:
So, I decided to give the Alliance side of things a go and I'm currently trying out a Human Paladin (currently lvl 13). It's fun to be melee for a change. :lol

Can anyone give me some pointers? Perhaps, which weapons will be of good use?? Cheers.
Vertigan's Fist until 80


TomServo said:
Definately want to go Disc at 80. I rolled this toon to heal as an alt (since that's what I did as a resto shaman in vanilla), and the style of disc seems more interesting than holy.

Also, lost The Undying at 0.5% on KT last night. OT got Ice Blocked at the last instant and was gibbed by adds. This set off some really nasty shit in guild chat. OT mad because no one got heals onto him in time, healers mad because they had warned him he was drifting out of LoS. I'm just surprised no one tried to blame the dps, because from what we normally hear everything is our fault.

Oh well, we'll get it next week.

I was close to getting it too, but a mage died on Razuvious somehow :(

No worries though, Undying will be the new Jenkins come 3.1


JoeFu said:
I'm a long way from 80, 67 right now, so I'm just looking forward. I really want that voice of reason shield though, no mp5 on that!
well, it's worth getting the badge offhand for pre-raiding. It's better for dps. Also get the cloth dps belt. A lot of elemental mail from instances is more like crappy hybrid ele/resto mail. Ulduar will hopefully change that.
TomServo said:
Definately want to go Disc at 80. I rolled this toon to heal as an alt (since that's what I did as a resto shaman in vanilla), and the style of disc seems more interesting than holy.

Also, lost The Undying at 0.5% on KT last night. OT got Ice Blocked at the last instant and was gibbed by adds. This set off some really nasty shit in guild chat. OT mad because no one got heals onto him in time, healers mad because they had warned him he was drifting out of LoS. I'm just surprised no one tried to blame the dps, because from what we normally hear everything is our fault.

Oh well, we'll get it next week.

An ice-blocked off-tank on KT goes down so fast, especially near the end of the fight. I prefer having the OT pick them up and drag them to the MT.


Couple questions:

1) I have a small stockpile of Valor emblems and I'm debating what to do with them. Do I save them? Do I attempt to sell the BoE wrists? What's the chances that Blizzard may add a piece or two of T8 gear purchasable with Valor emblems (given that Ulduar 10 will be dropping Valor)?

2) What's the best way to find a 3v3 team assuming my guild's not interested?
Epix said:
Couple questions:

1) I have a small stockpile of Valor emblems and I'm debating what to do with them. Do I save them? Do I attempt to sell the BoE wrists? What's the chances that Blizzard may add a piece or two of T8 gear purchasable with Valor emblems (given that Ulduar 10 will be dropping Valor)?

There's nothing new to buy with emblems of valor on the PTR. I doubt they will add anything. You can either get the PVP gear or try to sell the bracers.


Oni Link 666 said:
There's nothing new to buy with emblems of valor on the PTR. I doubt they will add anything. You can either get the PVP gear or try to sell the bracers.

Ive tried my hand at selling the bracers, but I dont have the patience to pitch wares in trade chat. I just turn them in for heroism and buy the ice orbs to use for the 20 hr cooldown Jewelcrafting glass shard thing that gives you blue gems and dragon's eyes.


Just wanted to say, I spec'd into Disc Priest and the pally in my guild made me heal him in a couple of heroics. I was dreading it since when I first dinged 80 I did some heroics as Disc and hated it due to lack of AoE healing.

Well...now that I have full epic gear...its AMAZING! Keeping the group up with improved Renew + Prayer of Mending and Inner Focus + Prayer of Healing. I can't believe I had over 90% mana the entire time healing. With good gear Disc is just disgusting. 4.9k crits on Penance is fantastic too.

I'm definitely in love with Disc and will never ever go Holy for PVE healing. Going to heal Naxx25 tomorrow so I'll see how that goes but I'm confident I'll be keeping people healed nicely (atleast the main tank anyway!).


cubicle47b said:
An ice-blocked off-tank on KT goes down so fast, especially near the end of the fight. I prefer having the OT pick them up and drag them to the MT.

Wow, that would suck, I never got IB'd when I was tanking/ot adds at KT. I'm starting to see more and more Undying on my server now, so much for my elite title :lol


I get iceblocked every time I pick up the adds, its so infuriating because heals have to be spot on or else you're dead. I've died many times because of it :(


JoeFu said:
I get iceblocked every time I pick up the adds, its so infuriating because heals have to be spot on or else you're dead. I've died many times because of it :(

Get your holy priest to put down a lightwell on the spot you're going to be tanking the adds. When IB'd, click on Lightwell, ???, profit.

Of course holy priests don't usually take Lightwell because they're scrubs, but if you're a good Samaritan you can convince your holy priests to spec into it by telling them it saves raids from wiping.


We smoked 6-minute Malygos in only about 8 tries; the leading guild on our server took 6 raid nights in BiS or close-to-BiS gear.

Add that to the 2-night takedown of Sarth 3d last week, and we're pretty proud.

Going to try Lightwell for the IB'd melee on our Immortal attempt tomorrow; melee chaining that thing always annihilates us on that fight.
Anticitizen One said:
Should I get this game? How much money and time would I be looking at investing in this?
Give WoW a shot at least.

The amount of time and money you'll want to put in depends on how far you want to go in the game. If you want to go do endgame raiding and stuff, you're easily looking at 1000+ hours, and about 6 months or so of game time - I think it'll come out to about $150 after buying the game and expansions, then paying for 5 months of game time at $15.

But yeah, I suggest you'd give leveling a character to 80 a shot at least, there's no significant time investment required at one time; unlike 4 hours of raiding for 4 days a week, then farming consumables.

Magnus said:
Going to try Lightwell for the IB'd melee on our Immortal attempt tomorrow; melee chaining that thing always annihilates us on that fight.
Would that work? I assume by IB you mean KT's Iceblock move, which is randomly cast with no warning. And you need to click on a Lightwell to activate it and get the HoT, which isn't really possible with the Iceblock.

I guess you could get the melee to have a Lightwell buff up at all times, but the spell has charges and a 3 min cooldown, so it isn't really feasible unless you stack a lot of priests.


Anticitizen One said:
Should I get this game? How much money and time would I be looking at investing in this?

Here's my experience

I'm big city boy and i was stuck in my small college town over christmas/semester break due to snow. i decided to play wow for the 1 free month. WoW and BC was only $15 and i did RAF with a hardcore weirdo guy at work lol. I quit as soon as soon as second semester started. Unfortunately, the only place offering an internship this summer is in this same town =( so i might play wow again now/over the summer.

Don't play if you're in school/something more important requires your attention. Game requires little to no skill, but can be very time consuming (especially if you have OCD personality). Also don't play if you don't have self control. Play WoW don't live it. I don't know if Akim wants to RAF with me, but you're welcome to RAF with me/us. we can go from 1-60 in less than 20 hrs.


Neo Member
Does anyone wanna do RAF with me? Ive been thinking about leveling a new toon..let me know if anyone does. Thanks.

EDIT: I just saw the post above me lol, how does the RAF work? Would I have to buy a new account?


Did not ask for this tag
Thought that this might be worth posting here as well.

My guild is a bunch of my friends, and we've been playing games (wc3, dota, tf2, l4d, war, wow just to name a few) together for years. We've been raiding 10man content from the start of WoTLK, and most of us have been hardcore raiding since the launch of WoW. Now, with the 3.1, we came to the conclusion that we'll want to increase our numbers to a 25man raid guild. And because of that, we're now recruiting any classes, except druids.

Here's the recruitment post

Why So Serious was started by a group of people that have played games together for years. The guild was started as a 10 man guild, the goal was to do all dungeons up to and including Lich King. Our goal hasn't changed, but we feel that by limiting ourselves to 10 man instances we dont get to experience a big part of the available content. So here we are.Currently we're looking for all classes. As we recruit I'll update this post to specify.
Our raiding schedule isnt as severe as top guilds, usually we raid:

* Friday: 21:00 - 00:00
* Saturday: 16:00 - 20:00
* Sunday: 16:00 - 20:00
* (Server time)

We only have five requirements:

* You must be level 80
* You must be atleast 18 years old.
* Your gear must be atleast heroic or naxx quality.
* You must be able to formulate a coherent sentence.
* Some raiding experience.

Members that are joining the guild will be put on trial status until they are accepted. How long this trial lasts is individual and the decision to promote members is up to the officers.
We've cleared all the 10 man content in the game except Sartharion 3D and are currently building up the guild for Ulduar 25.
We've got a pretty drama-free environment going right now and we want that to continue. Primadonnas, whiners, drama-mongers and selfish players need not apply. As a guild we do not aim for server firsts, however, this doesn't mean that we do not want progress. We have a fairly limited raiding schedule and as such we expect members to not screw around during raids.
If you are interested, but want to know more, contact Plothole, Jus, Eykah or Lairek in-game. This thread or our own forums is fine too.
Applications are handled through our temporary website at www.bluefriday.se - A new site will be available shortly (Register on the front page to gain access to the forum).

If any of you European WoW-gaffers is interested (or if you have any friends that might be), feel free to contact me in PM, or in the wow forum thread, or on our own forums. My character is Eykah.

Sorry if this advertisement annoys anyone.


if it wasn't EU WoW I'd consider it at least. all I can really do on my server is pug raids. although I'd have to convince my other (2) friends to transfer with me. or at least convince one of them. oh well, good luck!


Did not ask for this tag
firex said:
if it wasn't EU WoW I'd consider it at least. all I can really do on my server is pug raids. although I'd have to convince my other (2) friends to transfer with me. or at least convince one of them. oh well, good luck!

Thanks! We already recruited 2 druids, which is why we arent taking them anymore :lol

25% of our guild is currently druids.


You know what would be a great April Fool's joke? Have BoP epic items drop off every trash mob in the game, but give them 0 vendor resale value and a 12-24hour duration.


Is there an Emblem of Conquest vendor in Dalaran on the PTR? If so, what T8 pieces are available for purchase with Emblems?


Orbitcube said:
Would that work? I assume by IB you mean KT's Iceblock move, which is randomly cast with no warning. And you need to click on a Lightwell to activate it and get the HoT, which isn't really possible with the Iceblock.

I guess you could get the melee to have a Lightwell buff up at all times, but the spell has charges and a 3 min cooldown, so it isn't really feasible unless you stack a lot of priests.

I assumed it wouldn't work, but a poster above me implied it would, so I'd like to try it now, since I've always had LW and it's been fucking awesome in so many situations for just one talent point. My theory that having it out all the time would eventually train my guild to get bored with consuming its charges as a prank, and start using it properly, worked. :D

Zul'jin back in the day was the perfect use for it.


Yes you can click on a lightwell even when IB'd, Feared, Stunned, Incapacitated or whatever.

So a well placed Lightwell can save the raid provided people actually click on it.

Lightwell is really useful for other bosses too, not just KT!


Kyoufu said:
Yes you can click on a lightwell even when IB'd, Feared, Stunned, Incapacitated or whatever.
Are you 100% sure about this? I don't want to bring this up to my guild and get fucking laughed at.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Hey, you guys seen the new Dance Battle System on the US website? :lol

And take a look at the forums too. Every single posts have turned... EPIC.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
Couple questions:

1) I have a small stockpile of Valor emblems and I'm debating what to do with them. Do I save them? Do I attempt to sell the BoE wrists? What's the chances that Blizzard may add a piece or two of T8 gear purchasable with Valor emblems (given that Ulduar 10 will be dropping Valor)?

2) What's the best way to find a 3v3 team assuming my guild's not interested?
The BoE wrists started showing up as "For Sale" a little while ago. There's usually a pretty set price they go for, and it's less than what people try and stick them on the Auction House for. (around 2 to 2.5K on my server).

If you don't want to hold onto your Valor Emblems I would sell NOW given that the market for ilvl 213 anything will plummet once Ulduar 10 is offering ilvl 219 shit on every boss.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
Is there an Emblem of Conquest vendor in Dalaran on the PTR? If so, what T8 pieces are available for purchase with Emblems?
Head piece and I want to say Leggings. I know it's definitely the headpiece since I was checking out my frost spec a little while ago. It cost some weird amount of emblems like 48.

Edit: It looks like it's the chestpiece, not the legs.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
If you don't want to hold onto your Valor Emblems I would sell NOW given that the market for ilvl 213 anything will plummet once Ulduar 10 is offering ilvl 219 shit on every boss.

Meh, they're good for alts. It'll be nice to ding 80 with my priest and main a bunch of epics over (robe, gloves, and cloak from tailoring; bracers from valor badges).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Meh, they're good for alts. It'll be nice to ding 80 with my priest and main a bunch of epics over (robe, gloves, and cloak from tailoring; bracers from valor badges).

Seems like it would be better to just get the cash now and use it for buying those tailoring BoP crafting epics that are 226 level. :eek:

And here's another interesting DK change:

Death Knight (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Blood Boil range has been reduced from 20 yards to 10 yards.
* Will of the Necropolis now cannot be triggered by damage which deals less than 5% of your health.


* Rime now procs from Obliterate instead of Icy Touch.


* Death Strike damage has been increased and now deals 75% weapon damage (up from 60%) plus 222.75 (up from 178.4) for the max Rank.
* Anti-Magic Shell now absorbs the damage dealt by harmful spells up to a maximum of 100% of the Death Knight's Health. (Up from 50%)
* Summon Gargoyle now lasts up to 40 sec. (Down from 1 min)
* Ghoul Frenzy now Grants your pet 25% haste for 30 sec (up from 15 sec) and heals it for 60% (up from 30%) of its health over the duration.


* Glyph of Heart Strike - Your Heart Strike also reduces the movement speed of your target by 50% for 10 sec. (Up from 5 sec.)

Tier 7 Set

* DPS Set - 2 pieces - Increases the critical strike chance of your Obliterate, Scourge Strike and Death Strike abilities by 5%. (Old - Didn't affect Death Strike)
* DPS Set - 4 pieces - Your Obliterate, Scourge Strike and Death Strike generate an additional 10 Runic Power when used.

I'm not even sure what my rotation will be come 3.1. Either the basic



OB OB OB FS + more HB on procs :lol

Damnit Blizzard, figure your shit out!


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
Seems like it would be better to just get the cash now and use it for buying those tailoring BoP crafting epics that are 226 level.

They all require runed orbs in pretty large numbers from what I've seen. I wouldn't expect to see runed orbs flooding the AH the way abyss crystals have.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
They all require runed orbs in pretty large numbers from what I've seen. I wouldn't expect to see runed orbs flooding the AH the way abyss crystals have.
They won't be cheap; but, I bet the amount of gold you get now for the bracers is probably enough to cover that.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kyoufu said:
Do I have to post it a 4th time?

I don't understand; why not just do a Circle of Healing instead? It's instant and should hit all of your IB'd targets.


Finally upgraded to Black Ice on my hunter, did Sarth with 2 drakes last week and are really close to downing 3, finally. Just finishing the last of the raids we need before Ulduar.
Tonight someone made a bunch of level 1 toons with obscene names making fun of my guild mates and left their corpses in front of the Orgrimmar AH. There were 9 of them there. I put in a ticket and the GM never answered me but she did remove the corpses and sent me an email saying they were investigating it. I am so disgusted by this. I know who it was too. It was a guild named Nepentheum. Apparently they've been keeping tabs on what raids we do and have a grudge against us. Why, I have no clue.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oni Link 666 said:
Tonight someone made a bunch of level 1 toons with obscene names making fun of my guild mates and left their corpses in front of the Orgrimmar AH. There were 9 of them there. I put in a ticket and the GM never answered me but she did remove the corpses and sent me an email saying they were investigating it. I am so disgusted by this. I know who it was too. It was a guild named Nepentheum. Apparently they've been keeping tabs on what raids we do and have a grudge against us. Why, I have no clue.
If they left corpses at your real house I would think it was something to be disgusted about.

This, I think you just need to get a sense of humour about.


Oni Link 666 said:
Tonight someone made a bunch of level 1 toons with obscene names making fun of my guild mates and left their corpses in front of the Orgrimmar AH. There were 9 of them there. I put in a ticket and the GM never answered me but she did remove the corpses and sent me an email saying they were investigating it. I am so disgusted by this. I know who it was too. It was a guild named Nepentheum. Apparently they've been keeping tabs on what raids we do and have a grudge against us. Why, I have no clue.
probably just upset over your talent spec


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
They won't be cheap; but, I bet the amount of gold you get now for the bracers is probably enough to cover that.

I think it'll depend on how puggable Ulduar actually is. If there are no pugs, I don't think you'll see runed orbs on the AH at all for some time.

Besides, the cloth alone is more valuble than the BoE bracers. IIRC the DPS caster belt is 10 ebonweave / 10 moonshroud, plus the six runed orbs. 20 pieces of specialty cloth will get close to 2K gold on my server, while the BoE bracers are already sub 1K.

I'd expect specialty cloth prices to go up as well once there's something worth making. Let me rephrase that - I'm hoping specialty cloth will go up. I'm sitting on about 20 ebonweave, 20 moonshroud, and 15 spellweave ATM. Only have around 7500G in the bank, need more!

Oni Link 666 said:
I'm not disgusted by polygon corpses. I am disgusted by the behavior.

People are just getting bored.

We've got one of the server's oldest guilds fighting with one of the guild's newest. We were accused of "hacking" six minute Malygos because there are a lot of people that can't stand us doing anything first on the server. The alliance guilds on our server are breaking up and reforming once a week, up from their usual once every other week.
firex said:
probably just upset over your talent spec

WoW GAF never forgets.

We killed Malygos in 5:52 on our first attempt of the night on Tuesday so we're now #5 in progression on our server. Not too bad for a guild that only started running 25 mans in January (first heroic KT kill was January 30th) and only raids a maximum of 3 nights a week.

I'm worried about our lack of healers, though. We have 6 who are almost always there (myself included) but 2 are bad and it's not exactly easy to recruit good healers.


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
I'm worried about our lack of healers, though. We have 6 who are almost always there (myself included) but 2 are bad and it's not exactly easy to recruit good healers.

We lost a couple of our better healers, and you're right. It's easy to find bad healers that think they're good though. We've pulled in one who dies on Thaddius every time (we make her stand on the ledge now) and another who repeatedly dies to fissures on Sarth.

They came in late in the guild's progression, and got carried through a lot of stuff. One was complaining that people didn't want to go on the PTR last night, and I was biting my tongue hard not to tell her that one doesn't need to go on the PTR to learn to not stand in the fire.


Angry Grimace said:
I don't understand; why not just do a Circle of Healing instead? It's instant and should hit all of your IB'd targets.

I don't know lol. I guess that works too, but don't underestimate Lightwell in a raid. It can be used in pretty much any boss fight effectively.

Healed Naxx25 last night as Discipline. I'm convinced now I'll never be changing spec again. As far as single-target healing goes, it is unbeatable (and moreso in 3.1).

I just wish the raid healers (druids, pallies, shammies etc) would understand the concept of an MT healer and actually keep the raid alive. You know, like healing the OTs during Kel'Thuzad and not wiping. :(
TomServo said:
We lost a couple of our better healers, and you're right. It's easy to find bad healers that think they're good though. We've pulled in one who dies on Thaddius every time (we make her stand on the ledge now) and another who repeatedly dies to fissures on Sarth.

They came in late in the guild's progression, and got carried through a lot of stuff. One was complaining that people didn't want to go on the PTR last night, and I was biting my tongue hard not to tell her that one doesn't need to go on the PTR to learn to not stand in the fire.

Our bad healers just kind of existed in the background. It didn't matter that they were bad because we didn't need them to be good as we had everything covered. It's obvious now, though. Sarth3D was a painful experience this week. We lost our top resto druid (he quit the game) so raid healing was more hectic than usual. It was usually me or the resto druid who made a cluth heal to save our top resto shaman from add rape. With him gone and raid healing more hectic the shaman died more often (and the shaman also happened to be healing the add tanks) so then I'm covering the drake tank and both add tanks as the DPS slowly die off instead of healing the drake tank while raid healing.

The effective healing went from me competing with the resto druid for the top to, on those kinds of attempts, me doing twice the effective healing of everyone else. It's ugly and if I'm forced to stay on the MT the whole time (in Ulduar) instead of abusing beacon it'll get worse.
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