Kyoufu said:
seriously I love it when people cry that the "sense of accomplishment" is non-existent so early in an expansion. Its like they were expecting Karazhan level dungeon to be Sunwell instead.
Actually, if you'd remember:
Karazhan was "Entry Level Raid Content" as you mentioned, yet within weeks of enough people hitting 70th, it wasn't on farm status for most folks. Yet, here we are with Naxx10 (and quick enough, Naxx25).
Let's get a few facts straight:
I do NOT want hardcore raiding. I do NOT want to bash my head against the wall for 2-3 months trying to figure out a single boss in a 13 boss dungeon.
What I DO want, is the ability to say "Man, that was a freaking tough fight, but it's also fun." What I DO want, is not to run a place for a month and say "God...I'm so freaking bored."
Right up until WotLK hit, I was having fun doing BT/SSC/TK runs, even though I'd run SSC/TK for months. Vashj fight? Fun. Frustrating at times? Sure. Still fun. Kael? Little elf prick? Sure. Still fun to watch his pansy ass drop like a sack of potatos. Watching Kel'Thuzad fight happen? "HURRY THE F*CK UP AND DIE, GOD, THIS IS SO F*CKING BORING."
You know what was barely entertaining? 10 man Malygos. Less healers. More spark control needed. People needed to stay on their toes. Dragon phase was the best part there.
But just reading up (and watching fight videos of the PTR), took me from "Soon as 3.1 hits, I'm back..." to "Ummm....jesus...I guess not." As it seems like it's more of the same from Naxx10/25.