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World of Warcraft

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Kyoufu said:
Healed Naxx25 last night as Discipline. I'm convinced now I'll never be changing spec again. As far as single-target healing goes, it is unbeatable (and moreso in 3.1).

I just wish the raid healers (druids, pallies, shammies etc) would understand the concept of an MT healer and actually keep the raid alive. You know, like healing the OTs during Kel'Thuzad and not wiping. :(

Disc = unbeatable single-target healer
Paladin = raid healer



Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
Disc = unbeatable single-target healer
Paladin = raid healer


For Sarth+3D, disc is the best MT healer.

Pain suppression and PW:S can help a DK MT stand up through the fully buffed breaths almost indefinately. We'll usually keep a drood nearby to keep HoTs up, but disc is what takes care of the big hits. Whether or not Sarth+3D is a one-shot for us depends completely on the add tanks being on their game. DPS has grown to the point where we can /faceroll the drakes down, and with that healing setup our MT doesn't die.

We keep the holy paladin(s) on drake and add tank healing. Shaman and CoH priests for raid healing.


Has problems recognising girls
Nothing worse than healer in-fighting and people not knowing the pros and cons to their class.

I remember going toe-to-toe with my guild's other Shaman healer and him insulting me whenever I was offline.. why I have no idea especially since he was planning on leveling up a Death Knight alt. All off a duck's back really but there's a reason why he isn't with the guild anymore (even though I had handed in my hiatus notice weeks beforehand).


TomServo said:
For any boss in the game, disc is the best MT healer.


On that spider boss that webs you (not good with names), Pain Suppression just before 30% = Tank alive afterwards.

In 3.1, Divine Aegis will stack meaning if I get a double or triple crit proc on Penance then thats a shitload of damage mitigation just from that one heal.

Our holy pallies have been deduced to raid healing because of the effectiveness of disc.
It's a fight that plays to the strengths of disc but can still be healed by a single holy paladin. Sarth does fairly light damage outside of the breath and while disc lacks raw throughput it has good burst with penance and PW:S hasted greater heals.

In cases where constant heavy throughput is required a holy paladin will absolutely bury disc. even after taking inspiration into consideration.

The two specs compliment each other well and both are quite good at their primary role of single-target healing. Calling disc unbeatable and pushing paladins to their secondary role is laughable, though.


Just found out today that my guild plans to completely abandon any organized raids into T7 content and move completely into Ulduar25 for each of the 3 raid days. I don't know how to feel about this. Part of me is kind of pissed since I've been saving my dkp (I have the most in the guild now) for BoH to drop from Kel (we've only seen 1 so far). Another part of me is figures that at least I'll get first crack at Ulduar drops, although looking at the most recent loot tables it seems like all of the meaningful drops come from Hard Mode 25man bosses so I don't know how long until we're dropping those guys.
Kyoufu said:

On that spider boss that webs you (not good with names), Pain Suppression just before 30% = Tank alive afterwards.

In 3.1, Divine Aegis will stack meaning if I get a double or triple crit proc on Penance then thats a shitload of damage mitigation just from that one heal.

Our holy pallies have been deduced to raid healing because of the effectiveness of disc.

On Maexxna Paladins can blow Lay on Hands (50% armor buff), use Hand of Sacrifice (redirects 30% of the target's damage for 12 seconds, 2 minute cooldown), or Divine Guardian (reduces raid damage by 30%, attached to Divine Shield).

Here's a question. How long can you heal through Grand Widow Faerlina's frenzy alone?


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
The two specs compliment each other well and both are quite good at their primary role of single-target healing. Calling disc unbeatable and pushing paladins to their secondary role is laughable, though.

Keeping it on Sarth+3D... we have two damn good holy pallys, and keeping the drake tank up when both Shadron and Vesperon are active isn't something that should be overlooked.

We've just found that disc + drood works best for the MT.

Epix said:
Just found out today that my guild plans to completely abandon any organized raids into T7 content and move completely into Ulduar25 for each of the 3 raid days. I don't know how to feel about this. Part of me is kind of pissed since I've been saving my dkp (I have the most in the guild now) for BoH to drop from Kel (we've only seen 1 so far)...

We wipe DKP when moving from tier to tier. Prevents hording. Not saying this is what you're doing, but having people pass on multiple small main spec upgrades while waiting for one drop hurts the overall raid.


TomServo said:
Keeping it on Sarth+3D... we have two damn good holy pallys, and keeping the drake tank up when both Shadron and Vesperon are active isn't something that should be overlooked.

We've just found that disc + drood works best for the MT.

We wipe DKP when moving from tier to tier. Prevents hording. Not saying this is what you're doing, but having people pass on multiple small main spec upgrades while waiting for one drop hurts the overall raid.

Yeah but if they are going to quit all current 25 man content it only seems a bit fair to let their people keep their DKP into the next tier. What we are going to do is make the 3 main raid nights all Ulduar, and others (officer or not) are going to have the ability to put up calender raids for current 25 man content on the other 4 nights of the week. You will still be able to spend your EPGP there but you wont accumulate anything on those nights. At least then people who are waiting on single drops can get them. We still have items that havent dropped for us at all yet.


Junior Member
Puncture said:
Yeah but if they are going to quit all current 25 man content it only seems a bit fair to let their people keep their DKP into the next tier.

Not really, especially as easy as Naxx is.

Getting an entire tier worth of DKP (we actually use EPGP) in a night and half of raiding and having it carry over to a tier where we're going to actually work for progression seems silly.

Puncture said:
What we are going to do is make the 3 main raid nights all Ulduar, and others (officer or not) are going to have the ability to put up calender raids for current 25 man content on the other 4 nights of the week. You will still be able to spend your EPGP there but you wont accumulate anything on those nights. At least then people who are waiting on single drops can get them. We still have items that havent dropped for us at all yet.

That wouldn't work for us because most people only need one or two items. We'd have a hard enough time filling up that raid with non-alts / casuals, and once someone fell far enough in priority to lose out on the drop they wanted they'd never bother with old content again.

We've got enough alts and casuals that we run at least one 25-man pug a week. That'd be the place to go for any Naxx gear you wanted.


Has anyone had a problem of constantly DCing during Naxx? Was doing Naxx today but kept getting disconnected during random trash pulls and on pretty much every boss save for Anubrakan (sp?) and somehow Thaddius. Had all settings on low and disabled all addons but didn't help.


TomServo said:
We wipe DKP when moving from tier to tier. Prevents hording. Not saying this is what you're doing, but having people pass on multiple small main spec upgrades while waiting for one drop hurts the overall raid.
Well with the way my guild (I'm a fairly new member) does DKP is silent bid with each item type having a minimum. With that system I shouldn't be forced to take a marginal upgrade and spend full DKP value on it if I choose not to. If you're going to DE it then give it to me for a discounted rate. Attempting to save DKP for a BiS item should be every player's option and no guild should force you to spend DKP on something you don't want. If someone said to me, "Dude, it's a small upgrade but's it's still an upgrade and we'd rather you have it then to DE it" then I would say fine but don't charge me full DKP for it which would probably drop me below another class going for the BiS item I am.


Junior Member
Epix said:
Well with the way my guild (I'm a fairly new member) does DKP is silent bid with each item type having a minimum. With that system I shouldn't be forced to take a marginal upgrade and spend full DKP value on it if I choose not to. If you're going to DE it then give it to me for a discounted rate. Attempting to save DKP for a BiS item should be every player's option and no guild should force you to spend DKP on something you don't want. If someone said to me, "Dude, it's a small upgrade but's it's still an upgrade and we'd rather you have it then to DE it" then I would say fine but don't charge me full DKP for it which would probably drop me below another class going for the BiS item I am.

I agree that no one should be forced into taking something they don't want. I disagree with the whole idea of discounts because no one else wants it. It's one thing if it's a particular piece that you just happen to be the last one to get but if there's a lot of stuff that only one person wants/needs it's a good indication that person is being carried.

Frankly I don't like off-spec discounts either (under EPGP off-spec bids are half-price). You either want it or you don't. Even worse is when we get mutilate rogues trying to claim off-spec for swords, elemental shaman will try to claim off-spec because they say it's got better healing stats, etc.


TomServo said:
I agree that no one should be forced into taking something they don't want. I disagree with the whole idea of discounts because no one else wants it. It's one thing if it's a particular piece that you just happen to be the last one to get but if there's a lot of stuff that only one person wants/needs it's a good indication that person is being carried.

Frankly I don't like off-spec discounts either (under EPGP off-spec bids are half-price). You either want it or you don't. Even worse is when we get mutilate rogues trying to claim off-spec for swords, elemental shaman will try to claim off-spec because they say it's got better healing stats, etc.
I think you need discounts if you operate under a minimum bid structure. Say I'm sitting with nearly all BiS gear except for perhaps my weapon (which only drops from KT) and my chest piece is T7 and not T7.5. Say I also have 100dkp more than the next closest melee class guaranteeing me the weapon when it drops. Now if the T7.5 chest piece drops and no one wants its (including me because it's a very small dps upgrade compared to the weapon) then the guild should give it too me for a discount (if say the minimum bid is 125dkp). If there is no minimum bid then I'll bid 10dkp or something and pick it up that way. If my guild FORCED me to take it for the minimum bid of 125dkp and consequently dropped me below another player for the BiS weapon then I /gquit.

DKP (or whatever you use) is like cash. It's your pay for devoting your time to the raid and allowing EVERYONE the chance at new and better gear. You should get ultimate say in how it's spent. It's a physical representation of your time. You shouldn't be forced to spend nor should it ever be wiped when moving to a new tier. The time you spent is the time you spent, doesn't matter in which tier it occurred.
I don't think you should be getting discounts or getting shit for free just because no one else wants it. It should be getting sharded if you don't want it and it's not for off-spec. Off-specing on shit you need like that only causes problems. For example, in our guild we're using EPGP and Hunters were off-specing on 1H weapons with agility like swords, daggers, and fists and getting them for free and then using them anyway. How 1h weapons are offspec for a hunter I don't know. The only weapon specialization they have is ranged. Officers got tired of that shit. Now I (Rogue with real melee weapon specializations) can't off-spec on any weapons and they get sharded because of that shit.


Oni Link 666 said:
I don't think you should be getting discounts or getting shit for free just because no one else wants it. It should be getting sharded if you don't want it and it's not for off-spec. Off-specing on shit you need like that only causes problems. For example, in our guild we're using EPGP and Hunters were off-specing on 1H weapons with agility like swords, daggers, and fists and getting them for free and then using them anyway. How 1h weapons are offspec for a hunter I don't know. The only weapon specialization they have is ranged. Officers got tired of that shit. Now I (Rogue with real melee weapon specializations) can't off-spec on any weapons and they get sharded because of that shit.
The discount comment was in response to the comment that if it's an upgrade to someone in any way someone should take it, it makes the guild stronger. I agree with that but if I'm presented with the option of paying full price for something I don't really want (minor minor upgrade) or letting it get sharded I'll go sharded every time. Some guilds don't like to do that if the item will improve anyone no matter how marginally, to which my response is to offer discounts if no one really wants it.
TomServo said:
Frankly I don't like off-spec discounts either (under EPGP off-spec bids are half-price). You either want it or you don't. Even worse is when we get mutilate rogues trying to claim off-spec for swords, elemental shaman will try to claim off-spec because they say it's got better healing stats, etc.

Hey getting that sword does require us (mutilate rogues) to respec to use it effectively! That being said my guild has since clarified that off-spec only counts as roles (Healing, Tank, DPS). So if I want to grab said sword it counts in full against me regardless of my spec.

We used to have a form of DKP and have since moved onto Suicide Kings (everyone is put on a list, when you get something you go to the bottom, we use separate lists for tier and non-tier gear). If no one puts in a claim for an item then it goes to off spec and that won't make you lose your spot in the list. I like it for its simplicity even if it can be exploited a bit (holding out for one of the most sought after pieces at first and then collecting the rest of your upgrades later, "bottom feeding").


Oni Link 666 said:
I don't think you should be getting discounts or getting shit for free just because no one else wants it. It should be getting sharded if you don't want it and it's not for off-spec. Off-specing on shit you need like that only causes problems. For example, in our guild we're using EPGP and Hunters were off-specing on 1H weapons with agility like swords, daggers, and fists and getting them for free and then using them anyway. How 1h weapons are offspec for a hunter I don't know. The only weapon specialization they have is ranged. Officers got tired of that shit. Now I (Rogue with real melee weapon specializations) can't off-spec on any weapons and they get sharded because of that shit.

I dont think thats a problem with the system but more a problem with how you all used it. Pures dont get to roll offspec in our EPGP. Only hybrids that can actually spec to fulfill multiple roles. And if you agree to take offspec items for half the epgp cost you are told that you are volunteering to respec WHENEVER we need your classes alternate role, no whining no nothing. Just take the mages portal to org, get your shit, respec and accept the summon. With that way, no crazy hunters claiming offspec for 1h's.

Hasnt caused us any issues so far.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Just dusted off my WoW accounts. Got suckered talked into it by a friend/ fellow GAFer. sooo any GAF members on Nagrand server?


... @ multiple servers having Northrend and other continents just flat out crash and die, and STAY dead during prime time.

Epic fail.
vumpler said:
oh my god 76 seconds wtf
There's a 72 second kill on WWS now. Strangely it has a hunter doing 3.3k DPS. I don't know why they have him there, and is something they probably could improve on, I guess.

Also of note is how Russians seem to shorten things differently to us. Restor instead of Resto, Dru instead of Drood or whatever (I've never shortened Druid), Pala instead of Pally... the list probably goes on and on.

EDIT: Blackace - I used to play on Nagrand, but xferred off to Caelestrasz when the free ones opened up last year.

EDIT: Also for some self pimpage: if any alliance Oceanic guilds, with raid times around 7/8 to 11/12 ST are recruiting rogues, hit me up and I'll have a look at applying. Pugs are really getting on my nerves.


I think instead of running heroic-oculus (since it's like impossible to find people for it on my server) or getting t7 dps gloves, I'll get the pithy 30 emblems for the blue gladiator gloves. I mean either way it's just something to fill a slot until I get a better drop from pre-3.1 raids. I'll definitely pick up Spiked Titansteel, but I'm going to probably just farm the gold to buy it on the AH instead of farming mats like I did for my 2h mace.


Has problems recognising girls
Blackace said:
Just dusted off my WoW accounts. Got suckered talked into it by a friend/ fellow GAFer. sooo any GAF members on Nagrand server?
Wow, why the hell are you playing on an Oceanic server for? Oh wait, you're in JP right.

I've only got level 30s and a Death Knight on there, but contemplating moving my main Shaman onto there to play with a few friends and my partner's sister if I re-sub.


Junior Member
Puncture said:
... @ multiple servers having Northrend and other continents just flat out crash and die, and STAY dead during prime time.

Epic fail.

We called our Immortal attempt because we were short one healer. I guess we should thank the healers that didn't log on.


thinking about coming back and playing, got bored with warhammer, but i just cant see myself grinding all over again :(

wish there was some faster way *sigh*

not to mention i dont have a guild, and i forgot where all the good gear/whats good and all that


Really Really Exciting Member!
dorkimoe said:
thinking about coming back and playing, got bored with warhammer, but i just cant see myself grinding all over again :(

wish there was some faster way *sigh*

not to mention i dont have a guild, and i forgot where all the good gear/whats good and all that

If you had a character over lvl 55, you can just make a Death Knight, that will save you 55 lvls to do! And you will get from 55 to 58 pretty fast in the DK starting area. And 58-70 isnt so bad too. 70-80 is a bit slower, but the quests are much better than the old ones that it doesnt really bother me.
Epix said:
Got our second Betrayer yesterday and our first Last Laugh. KT is a stingy bitch.

Last week, our master looter wasn't paying attention to the rolls all that much on a Betrayer drop and my ret paladin was the 2nd highest roll. The highest was a non-guild hunter and it got looted to him instead of me. The hunter jammed out of there before anyone noticed and our master looter has been funneling me mats and gems and tons of stuff over the last week to "make up" for his mistake.


keeblerdrow said:
Last week, our master looter wasn't paying attention to the rolls all that much on a Betrayer drop and my ret paladin was the 2nd highest roll. The highest was a non-guild hunter and it got looted to him instead of me. The hunter jammed out of there before anyone noticed and our master looter has been funneling me mats and gems and tons of stuff over the last week to "make up" for his mistake.
Why didnt the hunter make a GM ticket to have the item moved to you? Or was it a pug?

10 people in my guild got the Plagued Proto-Drake yesterday (got all the 10-man raid achievements), I wasnt there when they did 10-man Sarth 3D, but to make up for it I got my Red Proto-Drake today, and been trying for 10-man Sarth 3D with a different group. 10-man is a lot harder than the 25-man.


zam said:
Why didnt the hunter make a GM ticket to have the item moved to you? Or was it a pug?

10 people in my guild got the Plagued Proto-Drake yesterday (got all the 10-man raid achievements), I wasnt there when they did 10-man Sarth 3D, but to make up for it I got my Red Proto-Drake today, and been trying for 10-man Sarth 3D with a different group. 10-man is a lot harder than the 25-man.

bububut 10 man can be killed in 76 seconds!
Finished off the 10man meta achievements tonight and got myself the plague proto drake.

Fuck yea.

Valor items are the Ulduar 10 badges but there is no new gear to buy with them. Yeah, it's pretty stupid that they drop emblems of valor but you can't buy gear that's on the same level as Ulduar 10 gear with them. You might as well buy frozen orbs with your emblems of heroism and bracers with emblems of valor and try to sell them
For the life of me, I can't understand how Blizzard is able to maintain the sheer #'s they've got invested in this game as time goes on. There's too many other good games out there worthy enough to take away another 500,000-1,000,000 more subscribers (for each game) and still leave Blizzard with the lions share of the market.

Yet it still persists with everyone else picking up the scraps.

I left WoW about a month ago after being in it for roughly 4 years. My reasons? It's not that it still didn't have enough to be fun, the challenge of the game had been removed in my eyes. I did everything from PVP to PVE. I raided hardcore for awhile and also stayed casual at times as well. But I knew things were on a slow decline in my eyes when we received expansion packs every 2 years and received less and less each time. I also officially removed any desire to PVP the moment they introduced the 51 point talents & also the Death Knight class. <--- Those 2 factors "permanently broke PVP" for me.

Raiding? Dear God. We're playing a dumbed down version of Naxx40 with the same strats people used 2+ years ago. GG, Blizz. GG. But instead of the "Man, this is hardcore fun..." that was Naxx40, we have "Can we go faster? I got sh*t I need to do." Was saving myself a return once Ulduar came out. Then I started seeing PTR reports come in on the challenges of it in both 10/25 versions. "Hard Modes" don't make it better. It's just an option to bypass because the mentality of the average WoW player has been dumbed down the last 2 years to that akin to George W. Bush. "Can't beat Sarth+3D? No problem. Just burn down Sarth+1-2D and call it a day. Good enough, right?"

Too many other games out there to enjoy than keep wondering "What if.....?" with WoW anymore. G'luck folks. I'll miss my Elemental Shaman (both the Orc and Draenei), but I won't miss what this game is becoming.
keeblerdrow said:
Accessible without ruining one's life?

Most of us who play MMO's such as WoW play it for the sense of accomplishment of doing things. Crafting Epic weapons (or even just blue gear) in the past was a case of "Man, this is some great stuff...." and this took some time to gather up the mats. Now? Just find people with cooldowns, get your epics made and burn through the same content in potentially the same day. Raiding? On Proudmoore, we were pugging Naxx10 when there was enough folks at 80 to do it. Not long after that, the Naxx25 pugs started.

The sense of accomplishment is gone. Achievements can only go so far. The struggle against the mobs in the game was essentially removed. The feeling of entitlement from the masses won over the devs and permanently changed how the game is to be developed from here on out.


Has problems recognising girls
I hate any challenge in games and I never fully understood why people would go through it, especially something as time consuming that WoW can get. My point is that gaming is all meant to be about fun and maybe those like yourself who enjoy the challenge in-game could easily point to that reason for having fun. I know it's a cliche but I gain a bigger sense of accomplishment outside of gaming.


Modesty becomes a woman
DiatribeEQ said:
Most of us who play MMO's such as WoW play it for the sense of accomplishment of doing things. Crafting Epic weapons (or even just blue gear) in the past was a case of "Man, this is some great stuff...." and this took some time to gather up the mats. Now? Just find people with cooldowns, get your epics made and burn through the same content in potentially the same day. Raiding? On Proudmoore, we were pugging Naxx10 when there was enough folks at 80 to do it. Not long after that, the Naxx25 pugs started.

The sense of accomplishment is gone. Achievements can only go so far. The struggle against the mobs in the game was essentially removed. The feeling of entitlement from the masses won over the devs and permanently changed how the game is to be developed from here on out.

That's hard to say when out of the 3 raids that came with Lich King only 2 were new, and 1 of the 2 is not easily pugged.

It's hard to say at the moment, Ulduar hard mode is probably what you're looking for.




seriously I love it when people cry that the "sense of accomplishment" is non-existent so early in an expansion. Its like they were expecting Karazhan level dungeon to be Sunwell instead.
Kyoufu said:


seriously I love it when people cry that the "sense of accomplishment" is non-existent so early in an expansion. Its like they were expecting Karazhan level dungeon to be Sunwell instead.

Actually, if you'd remember:

Karazhan was "Entry Level Raid Content" as you mentioned, yet within weeks of enough people hitting 70th, it wasn't on farm status for most folks. Yet, here we are with Naxx10 (and quick enough, Naxx25).

Let's get a few facts straight:

I do NOT want hardcore raiding. I do NOT want to bash my head against the wall for 2-3 months trying to figure out a single boss in a 13 boss dungeon.

What I DO want, is the ability to say "Man, that was a freaking tough fight, but it's also fun." What I DO want, is not to run a place for a month and say "God...I'm so freaking bored."

Right up until WotLK hit, I was having fun doing BT/SSC/TK runs, even though I'd run SSC/TK for months. Vashj fight? Fun. Frustrating at times? Sure. Still fun. Kael? Little elf prick? Sure. Still fun to watch his pansy ass drop like a sack of potatos. Watching Kel'Thuzad fight happen? "HURRY THE F*CK UP AND DIE, GOD, THIS IS SO F*CKING BORING."

You know what was barely entertaining? 10 man Malygos. Less healers. More spark control needed. People needed to stay on their toes. Dragon phase was the best part there.

But just reading up (and watching fight videos of the PTR), took me from "Soon as 3.1 hits, I'm back..." to "Ummm....jesus...I guess not." As it seems like it's more of the same from Naxx10/25.
Oni Link 666 said:
WoW too easy for you? Go play some MegaMan 9 or Ninja Gaiden then. >_>

I destroyed 1 Xbox 1 controller and seriously injured another one playing that back when NG1 came out. It was fun as all get out....but man....Itagaki had to have made a few spots like that on purpose.
Kyoufu said:
I know what you're saying, but man I never found SSC fun at all. TK was great, so was BT but SSC can die in a fire.
I liked SSC aside from Vashj. Gruul and Mag though? They can die in a fire. They weren't too hard (At least Gruul wasn't, Mag was slightly harder), but I just hate the instances themselves

Obviously TK, BT and SWP are just amazing. I don't think I need to comment on them aside from that I wish I could find pugs for them more often.


DiatribeEQ said:
You know what was barely entertaining? 10 man Malygos. Less healers. More spark control needed. People needed to stay on their toes. Dragon phase was the best part there.
Done Sarth 3D?
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