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World of Warcraft

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mileS said:
Yea just before I quit Survival was getting buffed and it looked like the best raiding spec but looking at all the patch notes since then it seems like they've done nothing but nerf it back down to what it once was. Black Arrow sounds interesting though

Well, marksmanship and bm no longer do 800-1000 dps less than survival, but it's still top. I personally now find it the most fun to play, but it's pretty moot at this point which one you want to choose. That's a solid raiding build though.


Flib said:
Well, marksmanship and bm no longer do 800-1000 dps less than survival, but it's still top. I personally now find it the most fun to play, but it's pretty moot at this point which one you want to choose. That's a solid raiding build though.

Alright cool. Thanks for the help.


man, I missed soloing as ret. I haven't even gone back to my main spec to tank anything/try out the new prot talents yet. but then I don't really mind. I want that Seeker title and I'm only about 400 quests away from it, with most of Icecrown and Storm Peaks left to do. then I guess I do old raid shit or pvp quests.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Magnus said:
I'm hopeful we'll get Ignis and Razor down tonight then, and try out XT.
Razorscale strat from another forum -

My guild got her down after 3 attempts last night.

We split the dps up into three groups and had four tanks, left, right, and middle, facing the way you enter her area. We had one tank roaming around helping with the adds (Watchers then Guardians, btw), until a Sentinal showed up, he'd pull it to the middle (where razorscale lands) and all the ranged would take it down immediately.

We had one person on the turrets. When the fourth turret is popped the first time, a few seconds before she lands, we have the tanks bring all the adds to the middle and pop blood lust. You have to get her to 50% before the third time she lifts off, she has an enrage timer that increases her damage by 900%, I'm not sure how long in minutes, but in takeoffs it's three. The goal is to get her to 70% on first landing and 50% on second.

After 50% it's just a tank and spank. Our MT died during this phase so one of the other tanks picked it up. Then he died, so another tank picked it up. Basically what I'm saying is she's tauntable, so if your MT dies it's not a wipe.

We also got Heroic: A Quick Shave, even though she took off twice.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
vumpler said:
since January
Just sayin'

Anything that's possible to do will be trivialized when you have 5 months of weekly clears of all the previous content because it would be too much of a cockblock otherwise. Frankly, these poopsocker guilds SHOULD be able to beat it in one try, especially since they just went on the PTR and figured out how to do it ahead of time anyways.


Ignis down, god he was a pain in the ass but it's fun to have something challenging. Even the trash before Ignis is fun


The whole server had been saying Ulduar was running fine so the officers broke our little "no progression raids during week 1 of new content to keep the raiders blood pressure low" and called a raid tonight.

We steamrolled the first boss having no idea what the hell we were even doing and as we did loot the server lagged and locked up the instance for the entire server.

Fission Mailed.


finally some updated mods are out. I'm enjoying the new pally prot talents, too. Divinity is great (lots of bonus survivability from 5% increased healing), 6% bonus healing not being tied to devo aura is great for caster bosses, exorcism is a great pull skill (or aggro grabber for the mob avenger's shield doesn't hit), silence on avenger's shield is great, and perma-divine plea is awesome.


Retro said:
Looks like Ulduar, Day 1, is a washout. I expect servers to be live and stable by Friday. I would expect the glitches and bugs to be worked out by May.

Just quoting this for the sake of showing how mighty my powers of precognition are. Hyjal - US's instance servers crashed right as my guild was getting started. Didn't even get to a boss. Now half the guild is trapped in Loading Screen Limbo and Northrend is completely down. Latency is through the roof too, so it looks like we'll be attempting again Saturday.

... Assuming they've managed to stabilize this monstrosity before then....

... I did say May, but I didn't specify a year :lol .


Got first boss down to 25% and the server took a shit. Thought the vehicle combat for the fight would suck, but it was quite the opposite.


Modesty becomes a woman
Got close to killing Razorscale, server takes a shit.

Go to maly, kill him and the loot box doesnt spawn. Sever takes a shit.

Get to patch and get 5 seconds from the "make quick werk of him" achievement, server takes a shit.

woo hoo.
We went in on 10 man got the flame Leviathan down. Then we went to Deconstructor and couldnn't get him and the server crashed so we messed around outside and killied Alliance guys from Fallen. They're like the top guild on the server and like to run around flagged and then jump whoever hits them. They got owned tonight though. :lol


Why can't Blizzard just let you download a fully patched client? Why does their Blizzard downloader give you 3.0, then require you do download 4 patches, log-in, find out there's more patches, then download and install 2 more patches.

It's utterly ridiculous.


We got Razor down after about 7 tries tonight; we got over the fire issue fast, and were dying to the 10-minute enrage, FTL. DPS is weak. Beat it at 9:58 on our kill :lol

XT-002 is a pain in the ass. Light bombs fucking hurt, and a Tantrum + a Light Bomb is 2-second wipe. So painful.
I'm really fucking pissed off at what they did to SV. It's borderline unuseable right now. If a fight needs you to do anything other than plink away at one mob, fucking spec something else. Black Arrow is really fucking terrible.


Aah, the general chat pug scrubs on my server are already complaining VoA 2.0 and Ulduar are too hard and should be nerfed. Delicious, delicious tears. :lol
It's different so it must be nerfed! :lol We got in there last night in 10 man and figured the fight out ourselves in about 5 tries. Move away from the nova, kill the big elemental when he emotes, and that's pretty much it.


fuuuuuck. I just looked at my stone keeper shards and I'm 1 short of the black war mammoth. oh well, I got my heirlooms for my warrior alt.
Xyphie said:
Aah, the general chat pug scrubs on my server are already complaining VoA 2.0 and Ulduar are too hard and should be nerfed. Delicious, delicious tears. :lol
I'm a "pug scrub" now because I can't find any guilds who run a raiding schedule that works with my schedule, so I can feel their pain when the new instances aren't as PuG friendly. How fast are people steamrolling through Ulduar?


Junior Member
zam said:
Flame Leviathan one-shotted and Ignis at 5% after a bunch of wiping. And right now the servers are crashed again.

Ignis on 25man? If so, would you mind sharing how you're managing his melee on the tanks? It's not the adds for us, our MT is taking 43K melee hits from the start. Having people get melee'd in the slag pot isn't fun either, takes a dedicated healer to keep them alive through it.


Oni Link 666 said:
We went in on 10 man got the flame Leviathan down. Then we went to Deconstructor and couldnn't get him and the server crashed so we messed around outside and killied Alliance guys from Fallen. They're like the top guild on the server and like to run around flagged and then jump whoever hits them. They got owned tonight though. :lol

What server are you on?
Had nearly a full raid night on Deconstructor on 25man, didn't get him down. People just weren't focusing and moving out when they needed to. Got him down to around 25% before the enrage kicked in one time, problem is we have too many ranged on the adds and they can't contribute to killing XT-002 past the first time he drops his heart/balls mostly. These encounters are actually fun unlike Naxx though, something that I'm enjoying.

Rogues are also topping the charts 95% of the time, with at least 2 in the top 3 most times (sadly we have 4 raiding rogues, not very optimal), strangely.


funkmastergeneral said:
I'm a "pug scrub" now because I can't find any guilds who run a raiding schedule that works with my schedule, so I can feel their pain when the new instances aren't as PuG friendly. How fast are people steamrolling through Ulduar?
Yogg-Saron has already been droppped by Ensidia.


Junior Member
Orbitcube said:
Rogues are also topping the charts 95% of the time, with at least 2 in the top 3 most times (sadly we have 4 raiding rogues, not very optimal), strangely.

My RL friend / guildie went from like 6th-10th on the meters to 1st overnight on 3.1. Same gear, roughly same spec / rotation.


TomServo said:
My RL friend / guildie went from like 6th-10th on the meters to 1st overnight on 3.1. Same gear, roughly same spec / rotation.

You have a link to their armory? I'm curious to see what Rogues are specing now since the patch, and if the majority are still Assassination, or if they went Combat.


Junior Member
J-Rzez said:
You have a link to their armory? I'm curious to see what Rogues are specing now since the patch, and if the majority are still Assassination, or if they went Combat.

Dantay, Azshara.

Was beating me (affliction lock), an arcane mage, whatever is the spec-of-the-month for hunters, boomkin and an spriest. Our ret pally wasn't in raid.

EDIT: That was only on our Ignis attempts, typically 100%-70%. I might be able to pull ahead when he drops below 35% and death's embrace kicks in.


From the look of things, the first real cockblock we're having is Mirmiron... We were doing well and then, afetr a wipe, we got the dreaded "Instance not found" when trying to zone into Ulduar :(


lol Yogg-Saron down for Ensidia. Hilarious. I swear if they throw out another condescending post about poor difficulty levels and the lack of challenge in 3.1..... lol.

I'm sorry to hear about all of the issues of server instability you guys are facing. :( Suramar, one of the oldest servers, afaik, is doing great, apart from the Instance Limitation problem - "Additional instances cannot be loaded at this time" - cockblocked our 10m from starting after we finished our 25m for the night.


Magnus said:
lol Yogg-Saron down for Ensidia. Hilarious. I swear if they throw out another condescending post about poor difficulty levels and the lack of challenge in 3.1..... lol
Well aren't all these world first kills being done in "Easy Mode" anyway? It'd be kind of hard for people to complain about a lack of challenge until they've at least downed all the bosses in hard mode.


Blizzard didn't even care about easy mode boss fights, as far as server firsts are concerned. The item level of the loot dropped is the same as regular bosses.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Tamanon said:
Yeah, these are the easy mode versions.

Whoa whoa whoa. Now it's "easy mode?" There's just easy and hard now? :lol No "normal?" This normal/hard mode junk is really messing with the community. Yogg wasn't even on the PTR was it?


Oni Link 666 said:
We went in on 10 man got the flame Leviathan down. Then we went to Deconstructor and couldnn't get him and the server crashed so we messed around outside and killied Alliance guys from Fallen. They're like the top guild on the server and like to run around flagged and then jump whoever hits them. They got owned tonight though. :lol

Fallen is horrible at PvP :)

We one shot Flame Leviathan last night (no towers though) and then 3 shot Razorscale. Attempts on Ignis were not going so great and the server pooped.

I think we managed to get Ignis around 70% but our offtanks had a hell of a time getting the golems to go Molten.

Chris R

Kintaro said:
Whoa whoa whoa. Now it's "easy mode?" There's just easy and hard now? :lol No "normal?" This normal/hard mode junk is really messing with the community. Yogg wasn't even on the PTR was it?
Nope, but why would you put the "end" fight of a patch on a PTR? They didn't just throw the idea together and put it in the patch, they had internal testers working on it. I much prefer the days when a patch would come out with little to no PTR testing of the bosses. Make the players work to discover the shit on their own and not read strats already put together on the PTR.


border said:
What's the deal with the Argent Tournament anyway? Is it year-round or only a time-limited event?

It's going to be year-round for now, they'll slowly expand the Coliseum until Icecrown Citadel is opened.


rhfb said:
Nope, but why would you put the "end" fight of a patch on a PTR? They didn't just throw the idea together and put it in the patch, they had internal testers working on it. I much prefer the days when a patch would come out with little to no PTR testing of the bosses. Make the players work to discover the shit on their own and not read strats already put together on the PTR.

Those days were called Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Serpent Shrine Cavern and Tempest Keep and THANKS GOD they are over.

Please no more Vael door locked for 2 months or more, no more weekly changing Huhuran and Twin emps, no more unkillable c'thun, no more unkillable Vashj or Kael.

Yogg Sarron isn't an easy fight but there'S so much you can throw at the cream of the cream of the raiding community.

Hell Mirmiron is hard as fuck and his hard mode is just a speed kill.

Most of the current hard modes are speed kills anyway (Mirmiron, Hodir, Thorim, General)
So any other hunters out there? I'm really at a fucking loss for words when it comes to how we are supposed to deal with multi-mob fights. And it just so happend that mother fucking EVERY new fight in 3.1 is multi-mob.

Survival just feels terrible. It's like if Affliction had cooldowns on every single ability and if they used corruption lifetap wouldn't be useable for 30 seconds. Trying to wiggle around one fights where traps are really useful is just fucking terrible gameplay.
Tamanon said:
It's going to be year-round for now, they'll slowly expand the Coliseum until Icecrown Citadel is opened.
Those two goblin dailies don't contribute to actually building the thing? Lame.


border said:
Well aren't all these world first kills being done in "Easy Mode" anyway? It'd be kind of hard for people to complain about a lack of challenge until they've at least downed all the bosses in hard mode.

Guilds like Ensidia went and did it anyway less than 72 hours after WotlK's launch when they had downed Malygos. It's that attitude I don't care for.


Magnus said:
Guilds like Ensidia went and did it anyway less than 72 hours after WotlK's launch when they had downed Malygos. It's that attitude I don't care for.

Speed kills aren't hard modes (nothing rewards you for killing Maly in 5 minutes or less). They were somethign you could do but outside of Sarth+3D, nothing granted more loot. And they did Sarth+3D on the second reset.

Launch raids were dead easy, even Blizzard realizes that Naxx way way too easy.
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