Magnus said:
I'm hopeful we'll get Ignis and Razor down tonight then, and try out XT.
Razorscale strat from another forum -
My guild got her down after 3 attempts last night.
We split the dps up into three groups and had four tanks, left, right, and middle, facing the way you enter her area. We had one tank roaming around helping with the adds (Watchers then Guardians, btw), until a Sentinal showed up, he'd pull it to the middle (where razorscale lands) and all the ranged would take it down immediately.
We had one person on the turrets. When the fourth turret is popped the first time, a few seconds before she lands, we have the tanks bring all the adds to the middle and pop blood lust. You have to get her to 50% before the third time she lifts off, she has an enrage timer that increases her damage by 900%, I'm not sure how long in minutes, but in takeoffs it's three. The goal is to get her to 70% on first landing and 50% on second.
After 50% it's just a tank and spank. Our MT died during this phase so one of the other tanks picked it up. Then he died, so another tank picked it up. Basically what I'm saying is she's tauntable, so if your MT dies it's not a wipe.
We also got Heroic: A Quick Shave, even though she took off twice.