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World of Warcraft

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Fularu said:
Listen to you, mr "lol do you have a life" prick. We have lives, much more so than people like you who constantly brag about how much of a good life they have when they spend so much more time playing this game than we do. But carry on, soldier! I'm sure you're fighting the good fight. I didn't mention my guild, nor my server, not even my char name. I don'T care if you know our guild, our achievements or not, I'm not doing any kind of publicity. The bronze medal? We could care less. On the other hand, I care A LOT about having wednesday to monday off from the game to enjoy the outside world.

You are creating this little narrative where playing this game is a job and you are better because you have to work less hours. It is not a job to most people. That extra time others spend playing the game? It's spent playing the game.
Macattk15 said:
You're telling me you'll raid once, clear the instance ONCE and then be done playing the game for 6-8 months? Are you fucking serious? Why even play the fucking game if you play it for 3 days? That is NOT enjoyable. I also play the game much more leisurely and casually than you.

If you raid once a week for 8 months ... wtf were you doing posting this on the 8th of April?

Sure I play this game more than you if you do truly play it for 3 days and that's it ... but apparently that's not the case. A hardcore guy like you woulda had Malygos dead way back in January!

They raid hardcore the first week an instance comes out, clear it, then farm it in one night every week until the next content comes out. What's hard to understand about that?

As to why he might not have gotten an item, loot is random and can only be given to one person each time it drops.


I wasn't even trying to start a fight. I just simply asked if they really spend 10 hours raiding and I really wanted to know if he had a job .... because I'd love to be able to spend 10 hours a day playing a video game.

Then he got all butthurt and assumed I was calling him a big loser or something and got into elitist defense mode as he has multiple times in the past.

My guild raids without a care for progression because the progression of other guilds really has no bearing on the progression of our own. I much prefer the easy-going ... but I have no problem with the hardcore ... until they become elitist pricks.


to add some perspective to this thread, i recently joined Blood Legion, one of the top 20 guilds in the US, and most of the players in the guild have alts that are totally geared in best in slot

what Fularu says is true, they clear all the content in a day or so after its on farm, but these guys also ran the instances every week on their alts, so i'd say in general the guild is definitely hardcore

i guess its probably a little bit of both, no need to hate imo


yacobod said:
to add some perspective to this thread, i recently joined Blood Legion, one of the top 20 guilds in the US, and most of the players in the guild have alts that are totally geared in best in slot

what Fularu says is true, they clear all the content in a day or so after its on farm, but these guys also ran the instances every week on their alts, so i'd say in general the guild is definitely hardcore

i guess its probably a little bit of both, no need to hate imo

Blood Legion on Illidan? That is where my first character was. Alliance side though ... till I xferred off due to population issues for free.

Amazing they are still around when they were there at the launch of WoW.


I sleep around 44 hours a week (sleep deprivation ftw!) The number's only notable because it's a little low.

Now, if I slept 36 hours all in one long nappytime that would not be an improvement. I would not expect people to think that was as natural or normal.

It's perfectly fine that some people are able and willing to organize their schedules around WoW patches and dedicate 30 hours in a matter of days to playing the game. Great, glad you can do it. Don't expect other people to laud you for skill or good sense on that basis alone, though. You've found a way to play the game that makes you happy but most emphatically would not make many (the majority) of other people happy.


Has problems recognising girls

I just want to say that in the next expansion I want two new races and a new class. Pandaren and Furbolgs respectively, fuck yeah!

New class can be Brewmaster; a combination of Monk and drunken martial arts. The more you use the drink ability, the more you swagger, the more chances to "dodge", the harder your combo hits become. Of course Panderan and Furbolgs get it because both races seem to have an affinity towards drinking.. Dwarves might cry over it but they only drink ales, not wine.

Heck we could even nickname the expansion Bears.


speedpop said:

I just want to say that in the next expansion I want two new races and a new class. Pandaren and Furbolgs respectively, fuck yeah!

New class can be Brewmaster; a combination of Monk and drunken martial arts. The more you use the drink ability, the more you swagger, the more chances to "dodge", the harder your combo hits become. Of course Panderan and Furbolgs get it because both races seem to have an affinity towards drinking.. Dwarves might cry over it but they only drink ales, not wine.

Heck we could even nickname the expansion Bears.
Combine it with a greatly deepened and enhanced fishing profession and a storyline surrounding Azshara's lair in the Maelstrom and we'll have the best expansion yet: Bear vs. Salmon!


Has problems recognising girls
I was thinking that I'd prefer the Emerald Dream to be the next expansion, but I'm not really keen on trying to fight another Old God that could be corrupting it possibly. Much like how we were given a break away from the Burning Legion for WotLK, it'd be nice to deal with something that doesn't involve demons or the scourge or the Old Gods just once. Just pure and upfront bitch on a stick with millions and millions of Naga, and the unveiling of Undermine finally! I'm sure the Goblins would love to put the Dalaran citizens to shame in terms of a new neutral city.
speedpop said:
I was thinking that I'd prefer the Emerald Dream to be the next expansion, but I'm not really keen on trying to fight another Old God that could be corrupting it possibly. Much like how we were given a break away from the Burning Legion for WotLK, it'd be nice to deal with something that doesn't involve demons or the scourge or the Old Gods just once. Just pure and upfront bitch on a stick with millions and millions of Naga, and the unveiling of Undermine finally! I'm sure the Goblins would love to put the Dalaran citizens to shame in terms of a new neutral city.

Bah! No more of this neutral city bullshit, I'm at war with the alliance, I don't wanna hang out with them all the time in Dalaran
I think it would be cool if you could play as Goblins. Since they are neutral maybe both Alliance and Horde could make Goblins and they could talk to other Goblins regardless of their faction. Or maybe they could just switch between factions whenever they want.


I wonder who has more time to go partying. Guilds ramming their heads at Ulduar for the next three months, or guilds like Ensidia clearing Ulduar in 2-3 nights. I know who probably has a more relaxed time doing it, however.

In a related note, what's irking me is that two other guilds have beaten XT on our realm before us. I know they are worse then us, but are still beating us. If anyone has a pointer on the strat posted in a paint-file on the previous page, I'm open for suggestions. Else our healers just need to shape up.


yacobod said:
to add some perspective to this thread, i recently joined Blood Legion, one of the top 20 guilds in the US, and most of the players in the guild have alts that are totally geared in best in slot

what Fularu says is true, they clear all the content in a day or so after its on farm, but these guys also ran the instances every week on their alts, so i'd say in general the guild is definitely hardcore

i guess its probably a little bit of both, no need to hate imo

This. Well I don't always do alt raids :p and I don't waste time in 10 mans.

We raided 9 PM - 3 AM on tuesday (bugged trash and bosses ftl), raided from 4 PM to 1 AM on wednesday and raided from 5 PM to 1 AM on thursday. Now we just have yogg to kill tonight so that we can revise our strats, our fraps, and clear the place next week in two regular raiding nights (7:30 PM to 12:00 PM) then have it on farm in a single night.

I took two afternoons off from work. I have more than 31 days of overtime alone in the bank. Can't dedicate two afternoon and 4 nights the patch week? Good for you, I can't dedicate 4 nights a week to this game for months.

I used to be in your average joe guild (nothing insulting there, just a missmatch of people of various skills and dedication). We would raid 5 nights a week for 5 hours and get little done, because we didn't enforce proper playing skills. I'm much happier and can spend much more time with friends and co than before while still enjoying the game the same as you (well not the same, I get to see the content before :p)!


Ulduar is so great. I love this place. It may be my favorite raid zone ever already. Two three hour sessions and we've got five bosses down currently in Uld 10 (Flame Levi, Razor, Decon, Iron Council and Kalagorn. I wish I had more time to play, really.

Some of the guilds on our server are just batshit insane. Our servers top guild has six or seven bosses down in 25 man and they apparently raided from 5 PM yesterday till 4 AM. That makes me sick to my stomach to think about. Even when I was playing in classic in my old servers best guild I never raided half that much in a single night and I sincerely regret doing as much as I did/

I wonder who has more time to go partying. Guilds ramming their heads at Ulduar for the next three months, or guilds like Ensidia clearing Ulduar in 2-3 nights. I know who probably has a more relaxed time doing it, however.

I sincerely doubt many members of sponsored guilds like Ensidia are partying types. :p It's fun, challenging content, but not something you're just completely awesome at by default by being a good raider. These are people who spent every drip drop of time possible on the PTR and on live min-maxing nonstop to be able to claim world firsts like this.

It's silly to hate on good guilds, but these round the clockers creep me out, personally. Paid or not.


I'm going to stay out of it on second thought, my tone and language would have probably got me banned. And its really just not worth it.

IMO just stay the hell out of other peoples business, who the hell cares how long he raids, he is a grown ass man. Be a little LESS concerned about peoples personal life over the internet please. Has fuck all to do with you....seriously.


Oni Link 666 said:
I think it would be cool if you could play as Goblins. Since they are neutral maybe both Alliance and Horde could make Goblins and they could talk to other Goblins regardless of their faction. Or maybe they could just switch between factions whenever they want.
I think that'd be pretty badass, myself. Maybe give the goblins their own starting zone a la DKs, and at the end you are given a faction choice.


Has anyone here tanked as a death knight? I have an orc warrior at 70 and a dps dk at 72. Not sure which one I should get to 80 first. The thing holding me back as playing the warrior is that he's an orc, and I can't stand playing him for that reason (weird I know).

Just wondering how DKs are managing as tanks in the end game and whether or not they are any fun to play as the tank role.


I am loving the patch. Me and the other rogue are topping the damage meters on almost every fight, except for the occasional mage, where we used to be 4-5th on the meters. I'm combat atm (to buff the physical dps) and the other rogue is mutilate, I was owning the meters when I was mutilate on Ignis and Council.

Ulduar is an awesome raid, not just the art design of the instance but also the bosses, really makes up for the first tier of content being reused naxx and 2 dragon encounters. The bosses are challenging, fun and don't feel to hard or too easy. Most alliance guilds on my server have done Flame Leviathan and Razorscale and then given up, it really feels like Ulduar won't be lol-puggable like Naxx. My favorite boss fight so far is Hodir, with Iron Council and Auriaya close seconds. There isn't a boss so far that I didn't feel was challenging or fun.

Oh also we killed Ignis pre-hotfixes :D Looks like all the horde guilds on the server are skipping him. (To give a little perspective, 3-4 horde guilds on my server, Shattered Halls EU, were far ahead of us on progression in Naxx, Malygos and Sarth 3D, and now in Ulduar we are keeping well a pace with them, killing some bosses before them, and ahead of several of the guilds :D )
Proc said:
Has anyone here tanked as a death knight? I have an orc warrior at 70 and a dps dk at 72. Not sure which one I should get to 80 first. The thing holding me back as playing the warrior is that he's an orc, and I can't stand playing him for that reason (weird I know).

Just wondering how DKs are managing as tanks in the end game and whether or not they are any fun to play as the tank role.

I tanked as a warrior in tbc / early wotlk and tank as DK now, I find dk more interesting and involved, im dual specced tanking too! :p it's fun

on my server tank DK's are pretty rare, and a well played tank dk even rarer :p shields are for pussies!

just pls dont be a blood elf :(


So, I have a question for you guys. Here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Smolderthorn&n=Lateran

I was running AN, and was told by a Pally that DPS at our level should be doing 1K. Now, I was doing 594.1, a 73 Hunter was doing 611. I don't think I've seen anyone, in any of my groups, even getting near 1K, even Locks. So, my question is, is this guy expecting too much, do I (and everyone I've ever played with) suck, or a mixture of the two? FWIW he was an alt from Sad Panda who was in all purples. The 71 Warrior was his friend, and he was only doing 394 as DPS, but only the Hunter and I were getting blamed it seemed.


PvP as an Elemental Shaman has greatly improved. If people are running around at 15k health, you can empty their health bar all at once quite often. Throw flame shock on to dent and setup the spike, then lavaburst, chain lightning, flameshock/frost shock depending on distance and they're dead. The LvB, CL and Shock tend to hit within the span of a second or all at once. This is nothing new, its just the added rooting of earthbind that lets Eles get distance and survive long enough to do so.

I can see bitching about the burst arising, but in arena the Line of Sight issue will negate this a bit and the bitching will go from being about Eles burst to Earthbind Snare spam. Hopefully it doesn't get destroyed by devs, because dps Shamans are one of the most underplayed types in the game.


Gloomfire said:
So, I have a question for you guys. Here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Smolderthorn&n=Lateran

I was running AN, and was told by a Pally that DPS at our level should be doing 1K. Now, I was doing 594.1, a 73 Hunter was doing 611. I don't think I've seen anyone, in any of my groups, even getting near 1K, even Locks. So, my question is, is this guy expecting too much, do I (and everyone I've ever played with) suck, or a mixture of the two? FWIW he was an alt from Sad Panda who was in all purples. The 71 Warrior was his friend, and he was only doing 394 as DPS, but only the Hunter and I were getting blamed it seemed.

You should be hitting 1k+ with t5 level gear, but you're in Northrend quest gear which is around Kara level I think. You should be aiming for 800 dps at your level and gear. I'm not sure though since I've never really played mage. My DK was doing 1200 at that level, but that was DW Howling Blast spam which was pretty OP.


Gloomfire said:
So, I have a question for you guys. Here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Smolderthorn&n=Lateran

I was running AN, and was told by a Pally that DPS at our level should be doing 1K. Now, I was doing 594.1, a 73 Hunter was doing 611. I don't think I've seen anyone, in any of my groups, even getting near 1K, even Locks. So, my question is, is this guy expecting too much, do I (and everyone I've ever played with) suck, or a mixture of the two? FWIW he was an alt from Sad Panda who was in all purples. The 71 Warrior was his friend, and he was only doing 394 as DPS, but only the Hunter and I were getting blamed it seemed.

Thats pretty normal for your gear / spec. If you went arcane your dps would probably increase as it's better for shorter fights and less gear dependent then fire. I was doing around 700 dps when I was levelling my mage alt in Northrend quest gear as arcane


I'm still enhance because I just didn't really like the ele playstyle (I guess in my case it's also that all the dps from it required better gear, and I like how self-sufficient enhance is in comparison) but man it's pretty badass now. I don't need/use water shield anymore because by the time my mana is really low, either I can drink (after like the 8th mob or so) or I just use shamanistic rage and regen it all in 10 seconds. lightning shield is finally worth using even while soloing, although imo the proc rate of static shock should go up a little bit more maybe. I did a 3 man amphitheater of anguish and lightning shield never used up all 9 charges in any of those fights, but in a tougher fight I bet it could.


yacobod said:
what Fularu says is true, they clear all the content in a day or so after its on farm, but these guys also ran the instances every week on their alts, so i'd say in general the guild is definitely hardcore
It's nothing amazing though, my guild ran Naxx every week and I have almost BiS geared paladin tank >.>

About Ulduar - great instance. I love the Hodir fight, so much fun :D
7/13 so far for my guild, though first day was horrible (flame leviathan gauntlet, ~40 minute lag, flame leviathan gauntlet again, oneshot boss, first razorscale try, lag etc). Prolly we will kill at least three bosses tonight and then the fun begins (Mimiron, Vezax, Yogg) >.>


How does the Yogg-Saron fight stack up to C'Thun so far, from a lore/presentation perspective? That was one of the few things I liked about AQ40 (and BWL) in vanilla raiding. Those last few bosses, and C'Thun himself, were pretty badass.


Gloomfire said:
So, I have a question for you guys. Here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Smolderthorn&n=Lateran

I was running AN, and was told by a Pally that DPS at our level should be doing 1K. Now, I was doing 594.1, a 73 Hunter was doing 611. I don't think I've seen anyone, in any of my groups, even getting near 1K, even Locks. So, my question is, is this guy expecting too much, do I (and everyone I've ever played with) suck, or a mixture of the two? FWIW he was an alt from Sad Panda who was in all purples. The 71 Warrior was his friend, and he was only doing 394 as DPS, but only the Hunter and I were getting blamed it seemed.

I used to pull out between 900/1.1k DPS during the end of BC on my mage, which was fire specced and with a mix of equip from heroics/Kara/PvP. I haven't played her much since wotlk, but I can tell you that you should get more spell hit and spell dmg, going from your armory.
This is my mage btw, altho I haven't even respecced her since the last patch.
As other have said, btw, your dps for the level of gear you have is pretty normal. It would really improve with more hit and some more spell dmg tho.


oh yeah. I did around 1200 dps in a group as an elemental shaman at 71, or maybe it was 72. either way though, I had a shitload more hit rating than that guy's armory has. That's really what I recommend going for. Get enough hit rating to have 8% hit at least, and then go for crit/haste. I'm not really sure which one is more important for dps as a fire mage, I just know haste is great for casters.


Really Really Exciting Member!
You should probably get better glyphs too. You only have Evocation and Frost nova, and those are useless for a Fire mage in PVE.

It's also a matter of spell rotations. I can't really tell you about Fire mage rotation since i've been Arcane for a while. You're also missing alot of Hit rating. One of the early Frost talent gives +3% Hit for all spells and would really help you i think.

Dont bother using gems with Intellect or Stamina only. Go for Spell power or Hit.


Bisnic said:
You should probably get better glyphs too. You only have Evocation and Frost nova, and those are useless for a Fire mage in PVE.

It's also a matter of spell rotations. I can't really tell you about Fire mage rotation since i've been Arcane for a while. You're also missing alot of Hit rating. One of the early Frost talent gives +3% Hit for all spells and would really help you i think.

Dont bother using gems with Intellect or Stamina only. Go for Spell power or Hit.

Which glyphs do you recommend?


Gloomfire said:
Which glyphs do you recommend?
Molten Armor is effectively a requirement for any mage, especially for a fire build that thrives on crit. I'm not terribly familiar with good fire glyphs, but Living Bomb seems like an obvious choice as well. And you should absolutely pick up Slow Fall for one of your minor glyphs, as it will change your life.

edit: I should note that Living Bomb's glyph is new as of 3.1, so prices are rather inflated at the moment.

etiolate said:
PvP as an Elemental Shaman has greatly improved. If people are running around at 15k health, you can empty their health bar all at once quite often. Throw flame shock on to dent and setup the spike, then lavaburst, chain lightning, flameshock/frost shock depending on distance and they're dead. The LvB, CL and Shock tend to hit within the span of a second or all at once. This is nothing new, its just the added rooting of earthbind that lets Eles get distance and survive long enough to do so.

I can see bitching about the burst arising, but in arena the Line of Sight issue will negate this a bit and the bitching will go from being about Eles burst to Earthbind Snare spam. Hopefully it doesn't get destroyed by devs, because dps Shamans are one of the most underplayed types in the game.
Eh, they shouldn't. Earthbind is effectively Earth Nova now, with the extra benefit of a short ranged slow effect. The burst of an elemental shaman isn't much different from that of a mage, and I can assure you that people can and will escape the effects of Earthbind all the time. I'm curious to see how it plays out firsthand once I get my shaman leveled, but in theory it sounds like mage PvP with the benefit of an actual armor rating. So if mage history is any indication, there will probably be bitching, and it will probably not be justified, and you will get whacked with the nerfbat.


Modesty becomes a woman
Gloomfire said:
BTW, does the "Fall 65 Yards without dying" ach only work if you don't use slow fall or something similar?

I bubbled on my pally and did it.

Another easy way is to jump from the top middle thing in Shatt down to A'dal.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
CassSept said:
It's nothing amazing though, my guild ran Naxx every week and I have almost BiS geared paladin tank >.>

About Ulduar - great instance. I love the Hodir fight, so much fun :D
7/13 so far for my guild, though first day was horrible (flame leviathan gauntlet, ~40 minute lag, flame leviathan gauntlet again, oneshot boss, first razorscale try, lag etc). Prolly we will kill at least three bosses tonight and then the fun begins (Mimiron, Vezax, Yogg) >.>
We're really struggling in there. This is most definitely not a "step up" from Naxx 25 or Malygos.

Our guild can get down Sarth 2D but not 3D. We have raided naxx since January and had it on a 3 hour run since Feb. We are in no hurry to try and get it in under an hour with speed pulls.

Ulduar is not scaled properly. It feels like going from Kara straight to BT.

~20 of us are within 1 to 2 pieces BiS with the other 5 being still mostly epics. We didn't stand a chance in there last night. On Leviathan we 1 shotted him like most are, but all the other bosses are fucking insanely hard.

We watched the videos on Tankspot to see the strats and they look completely reasonable. Then you get in there and its the biggest WTF-gear-check ever. I looked at our DPS charts and then looked at Tankspots. Mother fuck, they have their top 9 over 6k dps... That's insane.. Our top 3 float around 4,600 with the rest being above 3k and it just doesn't feel possible.

On XT when he picks up his heart for the first time we have him down to about 56%, but then it just falls apart fast and we don't have a chance.

On Razor you're supposed to have her to at least 75% after the first landing? :lol We didn't come close. Better yet we had healers getting triple hit by comets back to back dead.

I am as big of a fan as any in raids being challenging with complicated boss encounters. But some of this seems gimicky as hell, or scaled way to high. There is no reason a guild with consistent raiders, having the previous 25man on farm for 14 weeks should come into the next raid and get completely ass pounded repeatedly.

Theres a difference between us getting the bosses down to 20 or 30% and just not having it together, and getting ass cleaned like we did last night for 5 hours.


So then it seems like I need to wait until 80 for the ach. I only have around 9K HP, I doubt that's going to be sufficient for a fall of that length.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Gloomfire said:
So then it seems like I need to wait until 80 for the ach. I only have around 9K HP, I doubt that's going to be sufficient for a fall of that length.
Aren't falls on a percentage basis?


Fulleffect said:
I tanked as a warrior in tbc / early wotlk and tank as DK now, I find dk more interesting and involved, im dual specced tanking too! :p it's fun

on my server tank DK's are pretty rare, and a well played tank dk even rarer :p shields are for pussies!

just pls dont be a blood elf :(

Warrior tanks have changed quite a bit since then. It's so much easier to tank now its funny. It's actually a lot more fun now as well.

DK's are still the worst tanks. Not saying they can't do it but when you compare them to the other tank classes they are.
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