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World of Warcraft

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You have to kill YS without one watcher helping or more, throw the fragments in his maw when he uses one of his abilities, then kill him and loot it.
AceBandage said:
Though, how long do you think it'll take to get 40 of them?
I mean... geeze...

Edit: I guess they're 100% and you need 30 so I'd say a few months. Probably until the next raid comes out. Most people aren't going to be doing full clears of Ulduar for a while.

Chris R

Kyoufu said:
I'm first in line for the legendary mace but 40 of those fragments is.....well.....lame. I'll never get it :(
Could be worse. You could farm a set of bosses every week for so many weeks you lose count and only see one half of a set of items needed to create a legendary weapon, only to see the second half the single week the person needing it wasn't there.


AceBandage said:
They turned AQ Bosses into regular mobs...
Ulduar is a huge wake up call for all the guilds that thought they were hot shit because they could do Naxx in two hours.

Im generally on the side of liking what Naxx represented. I have no problem with Naxx being the easy raid, but I have to agree with Ace here. After seeing guilds melt themselves on my server ally and hordeside in under a week having meltdowns because its "too hard" Im thinking people perhaps did need a wake up call.

If your not able to make any progress in Ulduar right now, your guild should probably stop playing follow the facking leader and get back into Naxx25 until you best in slot your people before hopping right over into Uld just because the hot-shot guilds R dooin it dude. Just because its out doesnt mean your ready, just because you can clear Naxx doesnt mean your dps know how to play their classes to their potential. You can get away with standing in the fire, not flasking or eating food, using piss poor quality ammo (hunters) and sporting your shiny Lordaeron shield from heroic strath in Naxx. But not here.

Its not meant for you to step into Ulduar until your actually ready, and most people seemed to think killing Kel once a week meant they were ready. Just because you were able to clear the same content as the top guilds on your server doesn't make your guilds coordination, experience, and ability to execute EQUAL to those same top guilds. Get your ass back to Naxx and Sarth 3D and get your people trained. Maybe if you can finish a S3D fight without the "Firewall Failures" mod ringing off 20 names a fight you might be able to get those same goddamn people to stop gravity waving the tank on XT.


How viable is levelling a priest around level 64 as Disc Spec, I want to level at a decent rate but can't stand shadow (A Contradiction I know :D )


It's alright, I mean you can level as Holy even if you wanted to at that level since you have actual spellpower gear. Just make sure you at least get Reflective Shield and you're set.

Chris R

Sebulon3k said:
How viable is levelling a priest around level 64 as Disc Spec, I want to level at a decent rate but can't stand shadow (A Contradiction I know :D )
Should work great, I'm leveling a disc priest, and I'm 73 right now. Just make sure to spend at least 3 talent points in shadow. My current rotation is smite, swp, racial dot, pws, holy fire, wand.


Strangely enough, my warrior keeps getting invited to groups for Fury DPS. Any tips? I haven't looked at DPS meters, but I feel like I'm not really doing jack....just standing around waiting for Whirlwind CD to refresh.


The fragments are not 100% drop from what I can tell. We killed FL and Razorscale on Heroic last week and neither dropped a Fragment.

We've progressed pretty damn well in 10 man though. At General Vezax. Mimiron took a while. Fun fight but very frustrating .... General Vezax just has a stupid mechanic so it's not really a fun creative fight as Mimiron was ... just annoying.

We got him to 31% at our lowest but then with the buggy gas clouds not returning mana but still doing damage ... our healers were OOM and could not keep the tank alive. This happened pretty consistently.

Back into 25 man Ulduar tonight. Hopefully kill Ignis and XT at least.


Junior Member
From what I've seen of Ulduar25 (up to Auriaya) it's not overtuned for a progression raid. The question is whether or not Blizzard sticks to the progression model. Without some serious nerfs PUGs and casual guilds will not get further than killing Flame Leviathan.

Some of the fights in Ulduar10 are laughable. Actually, we did have a good laugh in Vent when we saw that XT's health in 10man is 24% of his health in 25man. Talk about turning a solid DPS race on 25man into a loot pinata on 10man.


Macattk15 said:
The fragments are not 100% drop from what I can tell. We killed FL and Razorscale on Heroic last week and neither dropped a Fragment.

Are they supposed to drop fragments? I didn't think they did.


Ulduar is mostly undertuned. Hence the hard modes. YS is a big step up in difficulty though. The rest is easy and forgiving (except maybe for Mirmiron).

If you think Ulduar in overtuned.. uhh... farm naxx more?


Carl2282 said:

I find all the phases to be easy ... until the 4th. And then it's just a survival fight while killing everything at about the same time.

When I saw Mimiron pop out of the head when he died I shit my pants because I didn't think we were going to kill all the parts at the same time.


How many healers are you guys running with in Heroic Ulduar?

And what kind of composition do you use?

I suddenly found myself leading the crew since 3.1 and am probably going to have to make some changes in assignments or healer composition to get this train rolling. Kologarn presented problems, when he shouldn't have been trouble at all.


Macattk15 said:
I find all the phases to be easy ... until the 4th. And then it's just a survival fight while killing everything at about the same time.

When I saw Mimiron pop out of the head when he died I shit my pants because I didn't think we were going to kill all the parts at the same time.

really? how did you guys handle phase 3? we're working through it on 10 man trying to keep assault bots stunned between prot warrior and my hammer of justice fast enough to kill it and get the head down before we end up with 2 or more assault bots up and running around. It wouldn't even be so bad it if wasn't for the bomb bots


Carl2282 said:
really? how did you guys handle phase 3? we're working through it on 10 man trying to keep assault bots stunned between prot warrior and my hammer of justice fast enough to kill it and get the head down before we end up with 2 or more assault bots up and running around. It wouldn't even be so bad it if wasn't for the bomb bots

We DPS'ed fast enough that there was usually only one assault bot up at a time. DPS on the bots was Arms Warrior, Mutilate Rogue, Feral Druid, Ret Pally, Prot Pally .... DPS on the head was Survival Hunter and a Shadow Priest.

The tank didn't really worry bout picking up the Junkbots .... but would try to grab them up in consecrate. We killed the Assault bots fast enough to usually be able to drop the Head to the ground ... DPS a bit ... and then the next Bot would just be getting to the tank (or be on him for a little bit already).

I think we only brought the head down 3 times? Maybe 2? I don't remember.

The bomb bots were somewhat of a problem. You do have a split second to get away from the bomb before it blows up ... cause it kinda runs up to you ... stops for a second and then blows. You can also just have a high HP person .... like a feral druid or arms warrior taunt the bomb and let it blow up on them. If you're Ret ... I imagine you can just taunt and take the hit ... as long as they know its coming and have heals ready for you since there really isnt any AE damage besides the bombs in that phase.

Our healers were 2 priests and a shaman. One disc, one holy. The disc priest generally just shielded the bombs running at people.


Gloomfire said:
So, I have a question for you guys. Here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Smolderthorn&n=Lateran

I was running AN, and was told by a Pally that DPS at our level should be doing 1K. Now, I was doing 594.1, a 73 Hunter was doing 611. I don't think I've seen anyone, in any of my groups, even getting near 1K, even Locks. So, my question is, is this guy expecting too much, do I (and everyone I've ever played with) suck, or a mixture of the two? FWIW he was an alt from Sad Panda who was in all purples. The 71 Warrior was his friend, and he was only doing 394 as DPS, but only the Hunter and I were getting blamed it seemed.

Update: I made a few adjustments to my spell rotation (no new gear though), and got this up to 754.4 on my last Nexus run.


Junior Member
Gloomfire said:
Update: I made a few adjustments to my spell rotation (no new gear though), and got this up to 754.4 on my last Nexus run.

Don't worry about it until you hit 80.

Leveling has a different set of priorities than heroics / raiding at endgame. You'll sacrifice dps to pick up talents / stats / etc that minimize downtime. Mages spec frost to level. Shadow priests stack spirit to grind nonstop. Warlocks spend points on dark pact and improved drain soul.

Someone who's worried about dps in a low-level instance probably has dps problems of their own in heroics / raids.


TomServo said:
Don't worry about it until you hit 80.

Leveling has a different set of priorities than heroics / raiding at endgame. You'll sacrifice dps to pick up talents / stats / etc that minimize downtime. Mages spec frost to level. Shadow priests stack spirit to grind nonstop. Warlocks spend points on dark pact and improved drain soul.

Someone who's worried about dps in a low-level instance probably has dps problems of their own in heroics / raids.

I hear what you are saying. And, I obviously played it a lot differently, spell rotation wise, than I would have if I was leveling. Still, it feels good to make that big of a jump just from changing around some things I was doing.


Junior Member
Gloomfire said:
I hear what you are saying. And, I obviously played it a lot differently, spell rotation wise, than I would have if I was leveling. Still, it feels good to make that big of a jump just from changing around some things I was doing.

Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm not suggesting you /faceroll through leveling instances. Obviously if you know what to do in an instance you'll burn through quest / grinding mobs faster. But chances are from that initial change you made you got 95% there. Don't sweat the last 5% until you hit 80 (IMHO).

You'll see lots of horrible things at 80, especially if you run in PUGs. I did, since I started out as a casual / friendly member in a raiding guild. I'd look at Recount for other 'locks and saw ever-increasing bouts of stupidity. One warlock was spamming searing pain (low damage, high threat) on boss fights. Another admitted to me that his idea of a spell rotation was clicking (gah!) random buttons until chaos bolt came off of cooldown. I explained a basic rotation to him and he picked up about 20% instantly with no practice.

Have fun out there.


:lol One day soon I will setup some macros, I'm just so lazy. Finally ran Old Kingdom tonight, twice, with an awesome group. Was super fun.


Macattk15 said:
The fragments are not 100% drop from what I can tell.
They aren't. They are only a 100% drop chance if you do a boss hard mode iirc.

Also, fuck Mimiron. We do p1-p3 flawlessly with everyone alive, but p4 is bugged. If someone gets killed to his Laser Barrage he goes apeshit and targets a new raid member and laser barrages him, instead of just doing his normal sweep like he does in p2. One person dies to laser barrage and he wipes the whole raid.

Macattk15 said:
We DPS'ed fast enough that there was usually only one assault bot up at a time. DPS on the bots was Arms Warrior, Mutilate Rogue, Feral Druid, Ret Pally, Prot Pally .... DPS on the head was Survival Hunter and a Shadow Priest.

The tank didn't really worry bout picking up the Junkbots .... but would try to grab them up in consecrate. We killed the Assault bots fast enough to usually be able to drop the Head to the ground ... DPS a bit ... and then the next Bot would just be getting to the tank (or be on him for a little bit already).

I think we only brought the head down 3 times? Maybe 2? I don't remember.

The bomb bots were somewhat of a problem. You do have a split second to get away from the bomb before it blows up ... cause it kinda runs up to you ... stops for a second and then blows. You can also just have a high HP person .... like a feral druid or arms warrior taunt the bomb and let it blow up on them. If you're Ret ... I imagine you can just taunt and take the hit ... as long as they know its coming and have heals ready for you since there really isnt any AE damage besides the bombs in that phase.

Our healers were 2 priests and a shaman. One disc, one holy. The disc priest generally just shielded the bombs running at people.
We'd have a hunter kiting the assault bot, with 2 rogues misdirecting to him and most of the dps killing it. Take the core, use it and the ranged dps attacks the head. One tank takes care of bomb-bots and 2 other tanks pick up all the junk bots. We'd kill an assault bot before the next one would spawn and got the head down.

Then he went into p4 we quickly AoE down the junkbots in one spot before p4 starts.

Also, I smile when I imagine pugs trying to get past Mimiron trash, that shit is insane.


dave is ok said:
Ignis is still overtuned on 10 man, I'd skip him until they lower his hp or something.

One of the worst fights I've ever came across in the game. Great in theory on paper, piss-poor in action. We're skipping this fight tomorrow on reset, instead of wasting time on lucky adds. And if you don't have enough CC for the adds (bring the player not the class!) in the scorch, forget it.

And I have to laugh at a lot of the people think 10man is a joke, of course it is when you have BiS 25 everything. After checking it out in 25 man, it seems like they tuned 10man for 25man geared guilds who just want to do 10man for fun.


J-Rzez said:
One of the worst fights I've ever came across in the game. Great in theory on paper, piss-poor in action. We're skipping this fight tomorrow on reset, instead of wasting time on lucky adds. And if you don't have enough CC for the adds (bring the player not the class!) in the scorch, forget it.

And I have to laugh at a lot of the people think 10man is a joke, of course it is when you have BiS 25 everything. After checking it out in 25 man, it seems like they tuned 10man for 25man geared guilds who just want to do 10man for fun.
We didnt CC the adds, just have the tank get them in the scorch and keep them there. Our problem on 25 and 10-man was Ignis instagibbing the person he picked up if they didn't have enough hp,w hich they ahve now hotfixes (after we killed him 25-man :p )


One thing that I've learned from playing many videogames: Whatever interface you are most use to will yield you more success in spite of what others claim.

Clicking is no big sin. If it is what you are adjusted to then do it. The best guild wars healer I ever knew was a pure clicker. People now are coming to be more comfortable playing FPS on a controller. The best is what you are comfortable with.
Ignis 10 man is pretty easy after the hotfix and with healers who have deadly boss mods. Mimiron phase 4 sucks because of that first laser barrage / shockwave and it being bugged out.


cubicle47b said:
Ignis 10 man is pretty easy after the hotfix and with healers who have deadly boss mods. Mimiron phase 4 sucks because of that first laser barrage / shockwave and it being bugged out.
Yeah, praying for a hotfix to Mimiron soon, right now it's nigh-on impossible to do phase 4 unless noone dies in the laser barrage.





Weenerz said:
New patch tomorrow, they seem to be adjusting the bosses a bit.

Check out the new hot arena weapons? They got so lazy now that they just recolored the current models from this season to be "blue-ish". Incredible.

And I fear these patches, due to track record, I'd due to raid tom, and new bugs will probably occur. If they work as intended to fix, excellent. Buff the "hard" fights, and adjust the 10man raid around 10man naxx/os/maly gear.

Got it on my first try. DK tried to ninja it by switching from dps gear to tank gear for roll; luckily the guild I run with caught his ass. He won roll, I came in second, but luckily they did the right thing.

Didn't stop him from leaving group and bitching about me "ninja'ing" in trade chat.


cubicle47b said:
Ignis 10 man is pretty easy after the hotfix and with healers who have deadly boss mods. Mimiron phase 4 sucks because of that first laser barrage / shockwave and it being bugged out.

So basically I'm a healer and at Ignis last night I announced that I don't use DBM. People were all like wtf? etc etc

......because even without it I'm just so pro. So fucking pro. /flex

Ulduar is really fun. A great wake-up call after the abomination that is Naxx. Good to see raiding is back.


speedpop said:
Contemplating on re-subbing :(

Do it. I'm thinking about doing it even if its for a month. Get my DK geared in some Naxx10 gear then move to Ulduar10. While my Hunter main is still decked out in the finest 25man gear pre-3.1.
Kyoufu said:
So basically I'm a healer and at Ignis last night I announced that I don't use DBM. People were all like wtf? etc etc

......because even without it I'm just so pro. So fucking pro. /flex

Ulduar is really fun. A great wake-up call after the abomination that is Naxx. Good to see raiding is back.

Go watch Twilight for the 50th time and stop bragging about yourself in every post.

Lord Phol

speedpop said:
Contemplating on re-subbing :(

I did D:, leveling a shaman :x. Dunno if I will re-sub when the game time ends though.
The new stuff in the patch is pretty fun, too bad my server feels kind of dead (the lower content at least, but that might be for every server nowdays) :(


Junior Member
etiolate said:
Clicking is no big sin. If it is what you are adjusted to then do it. The best guild wars healer I ever knew was a pure clicker. People now are coming to be more comfortable playing FPS on a controller. The best is what you are comfortable with.

I clicked all through vanilla WoW. I still click some stuff that isn't used frequently.

WotLK has placed a lot of priority on being able to function while moving, and that finally forced me into keybinds. On Hodir25 last night being able to hit a keybind to throw up an instant cast DoT or Life Tap (since the new glyph gives me +300 spellpower from it) kept my DPS up despite moving almost constantly.

It really didn't take long to learn. I actually use ESDF for movement since the nub on the F key gives you a tactile reference. Took me a few nights of running dailies and heroics to get used to it after years of clicking. Doing some BG's has forced me to learn more, so I'm getting used to a shift+ version of each keybind.

Now keyboard turning...
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