Carl2282 said:wow are you kidding me?
I hope i dont find out you're a ranged class or healer, because if you are and can't kite a ret paladin to death you have no right to ask for them to be nerfed imo I would be ok with the exorcism nerf if we where compensated in some way like being able to pop wings and bubble again, or if we could get some kind of snare or gap closer, or hell even if they let vengeance stack 5 times for 6%. It was already impossible to kill a good freaking healer. I don't know i guess i wouldn't be so pissed off if i didn't have to arena for the only libram worth a damn. Either way if you're QQing about ret paladins instead of holy pallys.....![]()
Yeah I have to agree with you. Holy Pally is by far the most indestructible PvP class out there at the moment. Seriously, as a Priest I really envy them.
Ret was OP to begin with, but other classes got substiantial boosts so its mostly on a level playing field. I'd rather QQ about Rogue personally.
Oh and regarding lasers, try this; Have your raid on the left side of the room facing the boss. If a laser pops, just run to the other side, making sure -nobody- is in the center line of the room so you don't have people killing the raid when running with a laser. As a healer I'm always healing the raid on the left side and moving to the right accordingly.