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World of Warcraft

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Keyboardturning, backpedalling and clicking is stuff you're better off unlearning as fast as you can imo.

The earlier you adjust, the easier your time will be.


Junior Member
Dina said:
Keyboardturning, backpedalling and clicking is stuff you're better off unlearning as fast as you can imo.

One of the greatest feelings in WoW as a clothie is killing keyboard-turning melee in BG's / world PvP.


TomServo said:
One of the greatest feelings in WoW as a clothie is killing keyboard-turning melee in BG's / world PvP.

lawl. This reminds me of someone in AB trying to run away from me [a Hunter], so I send my pet after them, and then turn around and disengage and catch up with them. :lol :lol It's hilarious. Explosive shot to the face!
Ripclawe said:


Dina said:
Keyboardturning, backpedalling and clicking is stuff you're better off unlearning as fast as you can imo.

I've clicked for a long time and I'm actually a decent player. I don't PvP, but as far as raiding goes I'm definitely decent.


Kyoufu said:
I think the point is that while you may be decent or even good with just clicking, you could be much better with hotkeys.


Healers; look into Clique too. Every one I've recommended it to wants to blow me now. It's just that good.


Magnus said:

Healers; look into Clique too. Every one I've recommended it to wants to blow me now. It's just that good.

Yup. X-perl, Grid or any other raid frame + Clique = godsend for healing.


hell, I use Clique as a pally tank. bind cleanse to shift-left mouse, bind righteous defense to shift-right mouse, and I can spend a GCD pulling something off other players or curing debuffs.


Epix said:
Does X-perl support status indicators like incoming heal, aggro, Hot is up, ect the way Grid does?

Yeah, but the HoT indicator is kinda difficult to see when in a raid (its fine in a group). Might have to tweak that one but yeah, it does everything you need it to.

Its what I use and I prefer it to Grid because its more friendly on my eyes. Plus it looks cooler and supports Ora2 Main Tank frames.


I tried Grid out briefly last year. I can definitely appreciate how useful it can be, and was literally overwhelmed with information, so much so that I found it was detrimental to my healing. I became less reactive and started trying to manage all the information instead of getting my heals out, if that makes any sense, so I went back to xperl. I plan to try Grid again in the future though.

Honestly, the one feature that I thought would be a godsend turned into a nightmare. Incoming Heals being marked. I found that with this turned on, myself and several other healers would notice that our current target was getting a sizeable heal from someone else, and we'd all invariably cancel our heals. Then the target would die. :lol What's the solution here? Have only some people turn on said feature? Honestly, I operate better without it.


Magnus said:
I tried Grid out briefly last year. I can definitely appreciate how useful it can be, and was literally overwhelmed with information, so much so that I found it was detrimental to my healing. I became less reactive and started trying to manage all the information instead of getting my heals out, if that makes any sense, so I went back to xperl. I plan to try Grid again in the future though.

Honestly, the one feature that I thought would be a godsend turned into a nightmare. Incoming Heals being marked. I found that with this turned on, myself and several other healers would notice that our current target was getting a sizeable heal from someone else, and we'd all invariably cancel our heals. Then the target would die. :lol What's the solution here? Have only some people turn on said feature? Honestly, I operate better without it.
I guess it depends on how you're marking incoming heals. You can do it with a square indicator in the corner or you can do it as a part of the health bar, meaning it will estimate the amount of the heal and add it to the health bar (with a slightly different color). I think using this method you should be able to easily tell if you should add your heal in or not.
I'm trying to configure Grid right now and I agree with Magnus, too much information. I may go back to X-Perl, but for some reason X-Perl's range indicator is simply not working for me. It's the one reason I've been trying to get into Grid, because I don't know how many times I've wanted to heal someone, only to realize too late I've been trying to heal someone 45 yards away.


keeblerdrow said:
I'm trying to configure Grid right now and I agree with Magnus, too much information. I may go back to X-Perl, but for some reason X-Perl's range indicator is simply not working for me. It's the one reason I've been trying to get into Grid, because I don't know how many times I've wanted to heal someone, only to realize too late I've been trying to heal someone 45 yards away.
I would suggest first that you disable all the indicators. Then go back and add back in only the one's specifically interesting to you (no point in seeing debuffs that you cant dispell).

Also, there's a range setting in Grid that you can modify.


Not Wario
It's per week. Blue post confirmed.

And of course people go straight to saying this is Blizz's way of artificially making the encounter hard; there's no way to create the hardcore encounter they want- with the best guilds in the world trying for more than a single night- without some sort of artificial barrier, whether it be gear, a ridiculously precise class makeup requirement, or this. MMO design is built on artificial barriers.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
traveler said:
It's per week. Blue post confirmed.

And of course people go straight to saying this is Blizz's way of artificially making the encounter hard- there's no way to create the hardcore encounter they want- with the best guilds in the world trying for more than a single night- without some sort of artificial barrier, whether it be gear, a ridiculously precise class makeup requirement, or this. MMO design is built on artificial barriers.

As though putting ridiculous gear checks on the original Sapphiron where you had to collect resist gear within Naxxramas itself wasn't the exact same thing!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Nakazato said:
so im deciding to do the 10-day free trail do we have a server that most of gaf plays on ?
There is no GAF server; play on one with someone you know or another GAFer that wants to do a Refer a Friend.

Also, trial accounts suck, just pay the 20 bucks to get the free month :lol


Angry Grimace said:
There is no GAF server; play on one with someone you know or another GAFer that wants to do a Refer a Friend.

Also, trial accounts suck, just pay the 20 bucks to get the free month :lol
lol i would but i just want to try it out with out having to spend money im not going to devote my self to this game its just to see y everyone loves it after ive played ffxi for so long.


Has problems recognising girls
Well re-subbed. Going to transfer my main character off onto a more local timezone as I figured that was my big gripe towards having a set amount of fun in WoW - the times when I was having fun were when I was gaming during the peak hour US hours which I haven't been able to do since Burning Crusade was released.

Thinking of starting up a Hunter seriously for the first time too.


The BBB is weird, there's no possible way that Blizzard should get an F and Comcast an A.

And if Blizzard is an F at the BBB, then what is Square Online?:lol


Tamanon said:
The BBB is weird, there's no possible way that Blizzard should get an F and Comcast an A.

And if Blizzard is an F at the BBB, then what is Square Online?:lol

They'd have to create a new rank for the level of suck that Square online's customer service is, gosh after playing final fantasy 11 and all the nonsense they put us through I'm very wary to purchase the next Square MMO.
Guild killed Razorscale and did really well in just two attempts on XT-2000 before people went to bed. Definitely going to get it on Thursday and then move on to Iron Council and Kologarn.
Guild managed to take down 8 bosses in the first week during 4 nights.
Flame Lev., XT-002, Razorscale, Iron Council, Ignis, Auriaya, Kologarn, and Hodir.

The only one we had struggled to survive through was Hodir. Mainly because Frozen Blows is the biggest pain in the ass to heal through; which i ended up with less than 20% mana on my priest with all cooldowns and trinkets popped.

Oh; and Holy Priests. Please say that its not only me that is in love with the new Guardian Spirit glyph. Throwing out GS reguarly instead as a last resort, has become the raid saver.

Lord Phol

Freaking hell Wow-players can cry.
Paladins had an Imbalanced Exorcism ability for 1 week, Blizzard decides they made it too Powerful in PvP and makes it unusable on players until they can come up with a better solution.
And Holy flamewars of Alderaan are there some serious Ret Paladin tears going on, people actually saying "WE NEEDS IT OR WE ARE DOOMED!". The saying 'once you go god mode it's hard to go back' sure has its merits.

Arena really is among the worst thing to happen to an mmo, surely brings out the child/douche/ass/shithead/idiot etc in every person.

Ah man, wow is getting old, a fresh mmo-experience sure is looking tempting.
Where art thou, perfect world-pvp mmo?

traveler said:
It's per week. Blue post confirmed.

And of course people go straight to saying this is Blizz's way of artificially making the encounter hard; there's no way to create the hardcore encounter they want- with the best guilds in the world trying for more than a single night- without some sort of artificial barrier, whether it be gear, a ridiculously precise class makeup requirement, or this. MMO design is built on artificial barriers.
It's not even an artificial barrier. If you get good practice in, you do better. So they don't let people spend 10 hours in a row on it, who cares.


Got up to Hodir tonight, pretty cool fight finally, really keeps everyone active. Hopefully we'll clear out the rest on Sunday.

One thing that's funny though is that some of the trash fights are like mini-bosses that they have some real mechanics to them. :lol


speedpop said:
Well re-subbed. Going to transfer my main character off onto a more local timezone as I figured that was my big gripe towards having a set amount of fun in WoW - the times when I was having fun were when I was gaming during the peak hour US hours which I haven't been able to do since Burning Crusade was released.

Thinking of starting up a Hunter seriously for the first time too.
If you have a guy near level 80, I seriously recommend just dpsing heroics or something until you can get at least heirloom shoulders. I've got heirloom shoulders/2h axe/melee trinket on my warrior alt and he's only died when I've been like "hmm, am I overpowered enough to solo this elite for a 5 man quest at this level?" But just the shoulders alone make leveling go by 10% faster, which makes them the best shoulders to have, period, until you're level 80.
Lord Phol said:
Freaking hell Wow-players can cry.
Paladins had an Imbalanced Exorcism ability for 1 week, Blizzard decides they made it too Powerful in PvP and makes it unusable on players until they can come up with a better solution.
And Holy flamewars of Alderaan are there some serious Ret Paladin tears going on, people actually saying "WE NEEDS IT OR WE ARE DOOMED!". The saying 'once you go god mode it's hard to go back' sure has its merits.

Arena really is among the worst thing to happen to an mmo, surely brings out the child/douche/ass/shithead/idiot etc in every person.

Ah man, wow is getting old, a fresh mmo-experience sure is looking tempting.
Where art thou, perfect world-pvp mmo?


I miss old AV :(

stupid arena


We only spent like 3 hours in Ulduar last week, so last night was our first main push, though we are reforming our casual guild into a more streamlined raiding guild, so we're only doing 10 man right now.

Killed Flame Leviathan and got the Pyrite Infuser on my hunter, then after a few tries we knocked out XT-002 only to get killed pretty quickly by Kologarn (people had to log off and wanted to see that guy before bed, tomorrow we'll work on the bosses we skipped).

I'm so impressed with Ulduar though, such a well designed instance overall, and the boss fights are infinitely more satisfying than Naxx.


So hard to find a decent mage on my server. We're progressing pretty decently in Ulduar 25 FL, Razor, XT and Kolo down .... Up to Vezax in 10 man.

Yet every mage that we "try out" in Ulduar ends up doing horribly. I'm talking like 2.8k DPS on XT. Dying on trash pulls nonstop. Not being able to kite mobs (such as XT's trash spider bots).

Any good horde mages here looking for a new home on a East Coast server?!?


Junior Member
We got Leviathan, Ignis, Razorscale, XT, and Council down last night in 25man. I'm impressed at how we're quickly repeating kills that took us wipe after wipe to learn last week.

Kologarn should be a total pinata with the nerfs to his grip, and hopefully we've remember the pull on Auriaya. It'd be nice to be back to Hodir within an hour or so of tonight's start time.

I am getting a bit burnt out though. I did 10man Ulduar on our two off nights last week, so I've raided for seven nights in a row now, with three more ahead. We're going back to our regular schedule next week (four nights scheduled, 75% attendance required to maintain loot priority), but I think I need to take a week off to detox after this reset.

Fatigue was really setting in last night after XT. I died on just about every trash pull, and on our Council kill I managed to run myself into a corner and get gibbed by the last guy's lightning storm. Fail.


TomServo said:
Any nerfs to paladin PvP are fine by me. Nerf them into the ground, IMO.
wow are you kidding me?

I hope i dont find out you're a ranged class or healer, because if you are and can't kite a ret paladin to death you have no right to ask for them to be nerfed imo I would be ok with the exorcism nerf if we where compensated in some way like being able to pop wings and bubble again, or if we could get some kind of snare or gap closer, or hell even if they let vengeance stack 5 times for 6%. It was already impossible to kill a good freaking healer. I don't know i guess i wouldn't be so pissed off if i didn't have to arena for the only libram worth a damn. Either way if you're QQing about ret paladins instead of holy pallys..... :(


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
If you have a guy near level 80, I seriously recommend just dpsing heroics or something until you can get at least heirloom shoulders. I've got heirloom shoulders/2h axe/melee trinket on my warrior alt and he's only died when I've been like "hmm, am I overpowered enough to solo this elite for a 5 man quest at this level?" But just the shoulders alone make leveling go by 10% faster, which makes them the best shoulders to have, period, until you're level 80.
Thinking about doing this instead of joining a guild actually. Every guild around me is wanting a Resto Shaman for raiding but the problem is I am running around in some real shitty blues and maybe a purple or two at lvl 80. It's kind of off-putting to join a guild that is stepping into Ulduar and I'm wearing quest junk.

Is it even worthwhile to think about jumping into a raiding guild if I'm running on shit armor/weapons?


Junior Member
Carl2282 said:
wow are you kidding me?

I hope i dont find out you're a ranged class or healer... QQ... :(

You can't do that while stunned.

Nerf ret to the ground. To the ground, baby.

BTW, I don't arena, so I don't know / care who's OP in arena. Only BG's and world PvP. Ret is stupid in both instances.


Some of our raid members are complete fail at dodging Kologarn's lasers. 4% on our best attempt of 7 or 8 tries last night, FTL.


Just tell everyone that if a laser is anywhere near them ... start running away from it ... then look and see if it's chasing you or staying still ... or tailing after someone else.
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