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World of Warcraft

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Great Wasabi Man said:
hahah my friend i all pissed cause now he feels theres gonna be more ganking. Anywho how does a hunter beat a priest. They put up that sheild and do that thing that looks like force lighting and I pretty much fuxxored?!

but i thought the ranking system/honor system was put in place to prevent "ganking"

at least the gay kind...you know...your 19 questing in ashenville and a level 60 comes by and kills you.

also, hunters beat paladins with range. plain and simple......just stay the hell away from the paly...slow him as much as possible....use whatever u can to keep him away and just keep pwning him with arrows while ur pet attacks melees him.

i never played hunter, but this is how ive seen hunters beat pallys....once he uses both of his invulnerabilities.....then he is wide open for the pwn.


pretty easy to beat a hunter as a priest. but get the drop on them, conc shot, and viper sting should always be active. they can't cure it without pots that cure poison (which is like, restorative elixirs and purification potions, neither of which are that friendly on the wallet and also use the health/mana potion timer). it's mostly a matter of range. if they have any clue they won't fear you.

it also helps to aimed shot from max range if you can get the drop on them (and with humanoid tracking, you should).


There is still no penalty for ganking lowbies,which is just absolutely fucking retarded.

And yea the lag was insane today...
what? i thought it was suppossed to be that people you kill who are way lower than you go negatively toward your pvp rank....

thats stupid that there is no penatly....

also, my bad great wasabi, i read your post wrong....

how does a hunter beat a priest?

lol.....pray i guess. :lol


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Mana drain is pretty effective against priests, when fighting them as a hunter.

Man... I really can never decide if I want to play my priest or rogue these days. I've actually skipped on playing entirely a few times because I usually can't make up my mind. =P


I really can't wait until shadow priests get nerfed (same with rogues, but they also need buffs in pve). Both classes are ridiculously overpowered in pvp, far more than any other class. Shadow priest = comparable dps to mage, comparable healing to holy priest (especially if they just spend 10 points into holy for improved renew and spiritual healing). Rogues can be built to literally keep someone permanently stunned the entire fight, yet that hasn't been nerfed, while fear/seduce (the only defenses warlocks have without going cookie cutter soul link build) gets nerfed because it keeps players "out of their control".

I'm so fucking glad I cancelled my account. I just need to get some computer upgrades so I don't have to deal with this bullshit again, because there's literally no need for pvp to be much beyond rogues and shadow priests.

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
Holy shit. The pvp honor system is beyond awful. Blizzard needs to fix this fast. It's going to be damn near impossible to accomplish anything since everybody will be out for the kill. While this might be fine and dandy for those who are level 60 and don't need to quest or grind to earn exp it absolutely sucks for everyone else. Anybody else find it funny that the day after Bungie fixes Halo 2 Blizzard goes and fucks up World of Warcraft?


Yeah, I agree, the honor system bites ass. And I'm on a normal server, not a pvp one. It just encourages people to exploit, gank, and zerg everything.


Oh dear. If Blizz ever offered a PvP -> PvE transfer, I must admit, I wouldn't dismiss it instantly after hearing feedback on the honour system.


The problems are you get honor just for being partied with someone who makes an honorable kill, you only have to contribute some damage to get honor if you aren't partied, and there's no incentive with the system NOT to keep PKing over and over again. And as long as you're green to a level 60 you're dead on a pvp server.

It also totally brings out population imbalances: TM on my server has been completely overrun since the server came back up, almost every town that can be hit quickly (TM, XR, Splintertree Post, even Camp Mojache) is hit by at least 30, if not up to 80, alliance at any time.

And due to the sheer overpoweredness of rogues and shadow priests in pvp (and they seriously are overpowered, far moreso than any other class, shadow priest especially) the alliance's larger options of those 2 classes further tips the scale in their favor.

Any claim by Blizzard that populations are balanced is bullshit and this patch proves it. And since it only encourages ganking, especially large groups vs smaller numbers, I really don't think there's any point to playing any pvp char that isn't level 60. Especially not a gank target like warlocks, who only got nerfed this patch with a bandaid fix/coverup of an epic mount quest (that's as costly and more time-consuming than buying a racial 60 mount, and the dreadsteed even costs mana to summon).


I seriously saw this coming. They've got a ways to go before this is perfected...

...also... I can't see why anyone wouldn't want to be on a PvE server now... esepcailly since it has honor and will have Battlegrounds. Having a 3rd char on PvE seems like a nice, viable option.


Hold on. You can Zerg people and get credit for an "honorable" kill? wtf.. It should at least have to be a one-on-one type fight, and preferrably not one where they jump you while fighting 2 mobs :(
I always thought that hard-ass npc assassins should mercilessly hunt those gankers that target lowbies frequently. You'd have to pay significant g's and stop the cheap gank-action to get back to a neutral status.

There was a lot of raiding and crap bs on Kil'Jaeden yesterday, but I mostly expect it to level off within a week or so. Though, I think the idea of npc assassins or big-money bounties on especially asshole-ish players should be implemented. The bounty bit would give many bored level-60 players something to do.
firex said:
I really can't wait until shadow priests get nerfed (same with rogues, but they also need buffs in pve). Both classes are ridiculously overpowered in pvp, far more than any other class. Shadow priest = comparable dps to mage, comparable healing to holy priest (especially if they just spend 10 points into holy for improved renew and spiritual healing). Rogues can be built to literally keep someone permanently stunned the entire fight, yet that hasn't been nerfed, while fear/seduce (the only defenses warlocks have without going cookie cutter soul link build) gets nerfed because it keeps players "out of their control".

yes i agree, shadow priests are the cheapest strongest class in the game, especially undead ones cause WoF

but, dont hate on rogue's ability to stunlock...it requires you using lots of thistle tea....and alot of rogues are retarded and dont do herb/alchem so they end up spending LOTS of money on swifthistle to get thistle tea.

also.....without stunlock....no way rogues would beat a warlock or priest :D


eh, not really, you can beat a warlock easy without stunlock now. even the soul link build. especially since you can sap them and kill their pet (has like 2k hp at level 60 if it's vw/felhunter/succubus), usually before sap wears off too except maybe in the case of the vw.
Just so everyone knows, HKs do not count towards your weekly ranking at all. It is 100% contribution points. So if you hit some mob once while your party kills it your contribution points are going to be minimal. Therefore, zerging in the long run might net you a lot of contribution points, but it's easily the least efficient way to do so.
firex said:
eh, not really, you can beat a warlock easy without stunlock now. even the soul link build. especially since you can sap them and kill their pet (has like 2k hp at level 60 if it's vw/felhunter/succubus), usually before sap wears off too except maybe in the case of the vw.

yea with healing potions.

but without healing potions rogue dies against a good warlock/priest

its the DoT that really gets to the rogue while being feared constantly and then trying to run back to the warlock

tho....double ambush can beat warlock but then vanish is a must to use, and still it sucks because warlock can detect invis better than any other class especially human warlock...so getting a ambush/sap isnt always 100% garunteed.



pretty much all rogue skills do plenty to destroy any warlock's ability to cast or defend against a rogue. mind numbing poison (double up if you want) and you should never be feared.

of course it's way different in duels where i can see them first and/or have a general idea where they are, in pvp though warlocks are just gank fodder and nothing more.
firex said:
pretty much all rogue skills do plenty to destroy any warlock's ability to cast or defend against a rogue. mind numbing poison (double up if you want) and you should never be feared.

of course it's way different in duels where i can see them first and/or have a general idea where they are, in pvp though warlocks are just gank fodder and nothing more.

lol...not neccessarily...

i only play pvp.....

first of all mind numbing poison isnt 100 percent....usually gotta get a couple of hits in for it to get in there.

ive snuck up on warlocks and pwned them...usually if i can get the first ambush and sneak and start stunning, il win

but ive also snuck up on warlocks who got the drop on me cause they saw me before i could attack.....which ended up with me getting pwned.

so it goes both ways.


in pvp, even if i get the drop on a rogue they still have the odds in their favor to beat me, but that's because i'm not FOTM cookie cutter soul link build. can't take the damage even with 4500+ hp, can't defend in this patch after they nerfed the only lock defenses outside of soul link, and rogues have pretty much every skill they could ever need to kill most classes.

on the other hand, i slaughter rogues 1v1 on my shaman (and would on my warrior and priest if they were at a good level to pvp) just because high armor/damage absorb does a lot more to beat a rogue than anything else.

but really, you're going to have first strike on any warlock out in pvp as a rogue unless you didn't get MOD (but why wouldn't you?) since no warlock is going to grind with the felhunter without abusing paranoia, and not so many know of that (plus it's time consuming and pointless), so mind numbing poison sets you up so well for all the interrupts, stuns, etc. that you can do as a rogue. even if they unstealth you first, you can gouge or blind them before they fear (99% of the time I only see a rogue in stealth with felhunter at about 15-20 yards out, which is generally enough time to interrupt a fear). fear sucks balls now anyway, the ONLY spell that doesn't break it almost every time is corruption. which is so pathetic in damage that you can't kill anyone with it. warlock sucks ass in 1v1 pvp now despite being a great duel class. and i think gankcentral's numbers (even if it's a small portion of the player population) show how poorly off warlocks are at defenses.

still though, stunlock rogue build isn't nerfed (and i doubt it ever will be, rogues have never been nerfed ever since their whiny-ass community in beta kept begging for buffs and godmode all throughout) when it's not nearly as crucial to the class as fear and seduction are to the warlock. blizzard's bullshit line about not wanting to take players "out of their control" pisses me off when there's stuff like stunlock that can keep a class locked out completely with no defense against it. fear/seduction are already really easily countered by a lot of different items, spells and so on.

i just have a feeling this is gonna turn out like a bad war3 hero map where stuns > all.


this curse of tongues nerf is bullshit and removes one of the few things a warlock could contribute to large scale pvp.

if it wouldn't piss off my guild i'd just delete my 60 lock. my account will expire before they ever get around to buffing any class but the trinity + hybrids, so i may as well.
So I decided to log on my lock for the first time since last patch, and they've pretty much been nerfed into uselessness. Fear seems to break on anything, not to mention Seduction being brought in line w/ other crowd control spells.

It's fucking bullshit that locks have to farm shards while every other class is ready to PvP at a moments notice. Either remove shards or make them stack or give us the ability to purchase them from vendors. OR JUST FUCKING REMOVE THE ENTIRE GOD-DAMNED (pun) CLASS!

Bg's better be everything I hope it is, 'cause I'm about done with this game.
i guess this the crying warlock thread.


i dont know, ive faced some really good warlocks at 40+.

(i aint 60 yet)

so i dont know how it is with 60 vs 60...but from what ive played to where i am now it goes either way depending on the skill of the warlock.

i dont and never have played warlock cause i just do not care about that class and have no interest in it so i cant really speak from that perpsective....

but if yall do suck as bad as you claim, well, SUCK IT DOWN


i remember how beast warlock was in beta....

well up urs now sucka! Jk =P

if yall really are nerfed that bad tho, sucks, and im sorry for ya.

either way....the stunlock concept better not get a nerf....its not really cake to pull off, certain talent points to be put in places to truly pull it off and again, requires use of lots of thistle tea ....which isnt easy to come by with non herbalist rogues, and if they are herbalist rogues, they still gotta farm for hella briathorn for swiftthistle.



President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Keep in mind that in addition to stunlock we can kick to interrupt a warlocks spells.

I don't think I've ever died to a warlock, actually. (But I never really die! *flex*)

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I beat a 50 undead rogue with my 60 lock yesterday, it honestly felt like an accomplishment, I had to use the leper gnome ray, rocket boots, curse of exhaustion, dots, fear, and then a death coil to keep from dying.

Theres obviously an imbalance when a 50 rogue has such an easy time with some other class ten levels above, I mean I didnt have a pet out at the time, but still.


dave is ok said:
I beat a 50 undead rogue with my 60 lock yesterday, it honestly felt like an accomplishment, I had to use the leper gnome ray, rocket boots, curse of exhaustion, dots, fear, and then a death coil to keep from dying.

Theres obviously an imbalance when a 50 rogue has such an easy time with some other class ten levels above, I mean I didnt have a pet out at the time, but still.

That's OK, at least you have your end game utility and he doesn't because he's a rogue.

OH WAIT, neither of you are really needed end game. gg blizzard.

The new PvP patch is really frustrating. I'm a 45 Sham on Eredar (who_ARE_you, Aero) and I fail to see the honorable nature of much of the killing. The system should've been kept in Battlegrounds only, rather than releasing something little more defined than a shoddy beta of a system to the well-paying public.

I guess when your game has a heroin-like power over its users, you can abuse them, right?

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
I was questing in Tanaris today (finally hit 47) but the ganking was ridiculous. I'm minding my own business when a lvl 54 NE rogue and lvl 53 human pally ganked me. They must have been happy though. Despite me being 7 levels lower than them and being outnumbered 2 to 1 they still get an honorable kill credit. Thanks Blizzard for making it that much harder for me to hit 60.


TJ Bennett said:
I was questing in Tanaris today (finally hit 47) but the ganking was ridiculous. I'm minding my own business when a lvl 54 NE rogue and lvl 53 human pally ganked me. They must have been happy though. Despite me being 7 levels lower than them and being outnumbered 2 to 1 they still get an honorable kill credit. Thanks Blizzard for making it that much harder for me to hit 60.

I don't mean to be trite, but you are on a PvP server. Why should being ganked surprise you? That's EXACTLY why I chose a PvE server in the first place. I wanted to make the choice when I went PvP, because being ganked all the time would drive me nuts. I expect that in few weeks the mass PvPing and zerging will slow down to a more tolerable level.

Since I'm posting, I'd also like to dispell a misconception that has nothing to do with your post. Blizzard DOES care about their player base. They want to make money, which they do that by selling software and subscriptions. In order to keep selling subscriptions, they need to keep the player base happy. Things that are not working out with the honor system will be fixed, but people need to give it time.

In the mean time, my warrior love continues. I've reached level 50 and find myself getting random instance invites. Something I almost never got with my rogue. I look forward to getting my valor set and will probably get it before I get my full shadowcraft set.


Yeah, I love my warrior. Of the three trinity classes I think it's the most fun to play... priest isn't bad, but you get a lot of shit playing that class unless you group ONLY with people in your guild/friends list.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
SaitoH said:
Since I'm posting, I'd also like to dispell a misconception that has nothing to do with your post. Blizzard DOES care about their player base. They want to make money, which they do that by selling software and subscriptions. In order to keep selling subscriptions, they need to keep the player base happy. Things that are not working out with the honor system will be fixed, but people need to give it time.

I agree with this. If I recall correctly, they have already posted on their boards that they are prepared to make drastic changes to the honor system if necessary. They just want to wait a few weeks to analyze the data to see what changes need to be made. Which probably means they want to see if the mass ganking and the zergs die down naturally, or they will have to step in and discourage it.



Fuck you Blizzard. You make us hunters wait over 2 months and nerf us again while we're waiting for an explanation to the original nerf, for what amounts to a half page of fucking mockery.

Reading the responses the community rep gave us, which by the way went through 4 weeks of bullshit to get responses, 2 weeks to set up a useless 40 minute meeting, 2 weeks to get them written up/confirmed before she posted them, you really can't be blamed for thinking the developers have it out for the hunter class.

I mean basically the deepest most burning questions relate to the spate of DPS nerfs, they don't even acknowledge that, but go far enough to piss on us by telling us that we provide 'encounter management' and 'dps'. FUCK THEM. Fucking everyone else provides encounter management and DPS. We suck the most at doing so. They say we're low maintenance, but really all we have is one skill that has a good chance of failing. In a critical moment such as a wipe, well... fuck we've been more likely to cause fucking wipes because our pets aggro the fuck out of everything as they choose to go the long way around a ledge. SO FUCK YOU BLIZZARD YOU COCK SUCKING MONGRELS. MAY THE HEAVENS SHIT ON THE LOT OF YOU.


Just in case you're wondering what kinda fucked up shit they've been upto.


firex said:
still better off than warlocks by far.

If by that you mean we recieve turds from a much greater height than warlocks, then you'd be correct.

When I was still playing, warlocks were mainly desirable for their soulstone and summoning ability.

Extra warlocks didn't really hurt that equation (not the soulstone bit anyway)...

OTOH, the relatively undesirable hunters (not even one really needed) continue to be more undesirable, as they continue to nerf the core assets they think we bring to groups.


I've been following the hunter mess for a while now, and I must say that dismissive response (though completely expected) was the most pathetic attempt at player feedback I've ever seen.

then I read the warlock forum.


Zaptruder said:
If by that you mean we recieve turds from a much greater height than warlocks, then you'd be correct.

When I was still playing, warlocks were mainly desirable for their soulstone and summoning ability.

Extra warlocks didn't really hurt that equation (not the soulstone bit anyway)...

OTOH, the relatively undesirable hunters (not even one really needed) continue to be more undesirable, as they continue to nerf the core assets they think we bring to groups.
7 hunters on a raid in MC > 7 warlocks. bring 1 warlock with 40 shards for banish/soulstone and summoning every other class that can actually contribute something.

you guys are only worse off in pvp and only if you don't get any survival talents.
Survival is pretty meh for PvP. It's good for soloing though. In large PvP you want to be BM.

MC is the affirmative action program of WoW. Ignoring that place, warlocks do just about everything that you need from a non-tank/healer. Aoe, dps, cc, utility, and a huge hp cushion. Honestly I think warlocks are more reliable than mages, if only because they don't jump around like fucking nimrods and bust out frost nova whenever the fuck.


Last 30 mins for me in WoW :-

Install EU patch.
Fly to Mojache and get ganked 3-4 times.
Zepp to Grom'Gol - ganked a few more.
Fly to Stonard - Alliance attacking no way to escape.
/logout and roll a mage for fun
15s of lag after each ability. Mobs didnt even run to you when attacking.
World server down.

wtg Blizz.

Whats the status of the US version atm? Has the zerging died down at all? I keep telling myself it wont be as bad in the next few days, but...


and I think the reason warlocks get soulstones is because they contribute so little to a group over any other class that it's blizzard's way of saying "look, we know you're asking for a wipe by taking a warlock instead of another mage, rogue, shaman, etc... so this is so you don't have to continually restart the instance."

our aoe is pathetic. It's technically the second best in the game, but that's like having a group of legless people, one normal person, and a guy on crutches and saying the guy on crutches is the second best at walking. I know from experience that I can't be the primary aoe even with talents to make rain of fire and hellfire 70% uninterruptable (although I know I could if I was on easy mode due to pally's overpowered concentration aura). the way the pyroclasm talent works, there's no real use in having it, either, since it's chances of proccing are based upon the whole spell's duration.

dps really isn't TOO bad with a warlock - until you get to raid mobs or are in a really well-equipped group where the debuff limit comes into play a lot. then the other dps classes do a lot better, especially if you aren't the pve cookie-cutter destruction build. the ruin talent makes you feel good, but if you check the dps that hunters/rogues/mages/elemental shamans/shadow priests all put out during an instance, they can do way more without that damn stupid debuff limit (which I personally feel is never going to be changed, or will be changed so late that most of the content is devised around strategies that warlocks are no good for). of course, rogues get the shit smacked out of them in raid areas so they aren't as good there due to being mana sponges, but the kind of work it takes to keep up with a lot of other dps classes (or dps builds with non-dps classes) in the face of the debuff limit and all makes the class definitely the worst of the 4 dps classes (and they'll continue to be this bad as more raid/honor gear comes into play to make rogues/hunters stronger).

CC is one of those things they need to buff the hell out of for warlocks, because seduction is about as good as level 20 polymorph and way more of a hassle to use. banish is ok, but you wouldn't believe how many high level things are immune to banish or are so resistant that it breaks way too early and resists too often. dire maul is the only "endgame" instance of the 5 man content that actually benefits having a warlock over a mage for CC as well, due to all the undead/humanoids.

so yeah, the warlock has a lot of things they bring to a group, like the hybrids. but unlike the hybrids, what we bring is all so pathetic that you're really better off just taking one class dedicated to a couple of the roles of the warlock (or the aforementioned hybrids). the only exception is dire maul maybe, but you could do that place fine with no warlock most likely. we're definitely the least necessary class for raid areas too. take like 2-3 warlocks at most into molten core, any other class you're better off having at least 6-8 of. The thing hunters have going for them in MC is they can unload with damage and they're probably the safest of all classes to do so, and as long as the warrior has 5 points in defiance the hunter shouldn't be stealing aggro (unless it's one of those mobs that likes to reset aggro randomly).

I just know that for the most part, the best 5-man group is the (motherfucking) holy trinity + faction's hybrid + druid/rogue, and I think that's what most of the playerbase plays now. I know I quit my 60 warlock because it's too much goddamn work to make this class work as effectively as any other class in the game. and as you get to know the content better, there's less of a reason to have a warlock along.


It's a bit retarded to underpower our class solely to balance them for MC isn't it?

Moreover, while our DPS is ok in MC, it's not fantastic by any long shot... a mage would do just as well casting direct damage single target spells along with liberal use of their wands. Now that's sad.

The debuff limit is about as retarded as everything else that's happened to the hunter class though.
Zaptruder said:

Fuck you Blizzard. You make us hunters wait over 2 months and nerf us again while we're waiting for an explanation to the original nerf, for what amounts to a half page of fucking mockery.

Reading the responses the community rep gave us, which by the way went through 4 weeks of bullshit to get responses, 2 weeks to set up a useless 40 minute meeting, 2 weeks to get them written up/confirmed before she posted them, you really can't be blamed for thinking the developers have it out for the hunter class.

I mean basically the deepest most burning questions relate to the spate of DPS nerfs, they don't even acknowledge that, but go far enough to piss on us by telling us that we provide 'encounter management' and 'dps'. FUCK THEM. Fucking everyone else provides encounter management and DPS. We suck the most at doing so. They say we're low maintenance, but really all we have is one skill that has a good chance of failing. In a critical moment such as a wipe, well... fuck we've been more likely to cause fucking wipes because our pets aggro the fuck out of everything as they choose to go the long way around a ledge. SO FUCK YOU BLIZZARD YOU COCK SUCKING MONGRELS. MAY THE HEAVENS SHIT ON THE LOT OF YOU.


Just in case you're wondering what kinda fucked up shit they've been upto.

It makes me wonder, what with the kind of changes made to locks and hunters whether they intend to make them "the Soloer's classes", while the other 7 are "the Grouper's classes", who each have a large pool of nice, easily used and understood base abilities that are readily utilized in group-type situations, (PvP, Instances, etc.); whereas the pet classes have unique abilities that range from nice to have but hardly necessary, to a few specific situation-dependant traits like the Soulstones in MC example above.
Haha, man started an alliance character on gilneas, having a lot of fun just hanging out and taking my time.

I love the drunk effect. It was so weird. Totally drunk, NE's playing football, people turning to furbolgs that drink booze. haha. WoW rox.



Um...is there a certain class that levels up the fastest?

I'm a warrior now...and I don't really like it. I think it's because warriors are just plain boring.

I'm thinking of trying a paladin or priest. Agree/disagree?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Zero said:
Um...is there a certain class that levels up the fastest? I'm thinking of trying a paladin or priest. Agree/disagree?

I adore my priest and find him to be very uber at 44... but leveling until the low 30s was really painful and slow.

Soloing my rogue on the other hand from 1-60 took little effort, and was a blast.

Again though, I love both chars. :)

If you don't want to be lame, don't be a paladin or on the alliance! XD


If you didn't like being a warrior, you'll probably find being a pally even worse. Priests are a very cool class ... at least in my opinion.


Some interesting info, if you haven't already read it:

As promised, we met with Lead Designer Kalgan and presented him with the following questions. Please sit back, relax and take a moment to review the information he has provided. As always, you're constructive feedback is appreciated. Enjoy!

Epic Battles = Epic Lag?

Since the Honor System encourages players to take part in player vs. player combat, large scale battles are forming in areas such as Hillsbrad and the Barrens. This has been causing extreme latency, which is frustrating for both those participating and those that aren't. Do you see this as a problem, and are there plans in motion to address this issue?

The current lag being generated by the large PvP battles is unfortunate. Although optimizations are being made to improve the play experience in high-density battles, we suspect that much of the current behavior will be very short lived. The Honor system has sparked great interest, and seeing that areas such as Hillsbrad and the Barrens were already hotspots for player vs. player combat it isn't surprising that players rush to either locations in order to check out the new system.

We feel the largest contributing factor in the reduction to the latency in these hotspots is the fact that Battlegrounds will be ready for release next patch! Yes, that's right, I said next patch, and yes, I said Battlegrounds...plural! The implementation of Battlegrounds will draw players away from towns and into instanced environments designed for either small-scale or epic battles between evenly matched teams (we’ll be sure to get you more information soon about how the instancing works). With many players taking their PvP action into battlegrounds (due to both the fun-factor and the contribution points for completing objectives), we expect that combat in the outdoor world will be of a much more manageable size.

Battlegrounds plural?! What does Kalgan mean?!! Hmm...

Uh, Kalgan?


How Do I Quest at a Grave Yard?

The new Honor system seems engaging, but many times I would prefer to simply quest. How am I supposed to enjoy the other aspects of the game and avoid player vs. player combat when the majority of the population is hunting other players in an attempt to gain honor?

We're fairly certain that once Battlegrounds are released, players will notice that the player vs. player combat taking place in contested zones will be substantially reduced. As described earlier, players will generally find it advantageous to their honor score to fight in battlegrounds. I would also like to make mention that players on a PvP realm should always feel some sense of danger when questing in a contested zone, as such is part of what makes this realm type fun and exciting, assuming it is at a reasonable amount. Once players understand how Honor System works and how they should best be utilizing their time in order to gain its rewards, we expect that you will not be in any more danger than you were before the addition of Honor System (possibly less).

Orcs vs. Human?

Since the Horde vs. Alliance ratio on certain realms is not perfectly balanced, don't you think that the faction with larger numbers will be at a significant advantage?

Despite a very common misconception, Horde and Alliance numbers are pretty well balanced on PvP realms. Since most players will be building up their Honor ranking by fighting in a Battleground environment, where sides are evenly matched, realm imbalance shouldn't factor in to either faction's ability to progress in the Honor system.
That being said we are investigating other solutions in the short to mid term to help the Horde vs. Alliance imbalance. Yet nothing we can discuss at this time.

Why Won't You Punish Us?

You've stated on many occasions that you will analyze the Honor system and only add a system of dishonor if player actions necessitate such. While this is a noble cause, it seems as if having no system of checks and balances in place that punishes players for "unfair" tactics will only result in frequent and unwanted trips to the local graveyard. Now that you've seen the system working on the test realm, have your thoughts on this changed?

We're taking our first step towards a dishonor system upon the release of the next patch. Trivial civilian NPCs such as quest givers and vendors will now give dishonor points to players that prey upon them. We haven't decided upon a specific penalty but it will be enough that the majority of players will not wish to engage in combat with those NPCs. This combined with the fact that upon the release of Battlegrounds most players will not be targeting towns or unsuspecting adventurers nearly as often, should reduce the need to add too much more in the way of a penalty, or dishonor.

With that being said, I would like to reiterate that just as we added this small addition of dishonor as result of seeing the system in action, we will continue to analyze the Honor system and make improvements until we're satisfied with the way it’s working.

Equal Opportunity Classes?

Does each class have an equal opportunity to advance in the Honor system? It seems that the Mage has a greater advantage over the Warrior due to their area effect spells and their ability to dish out a ton of damage in a short space of time.

The initial data has not indicated that any one class has dramatic advantages over another. I believe this train of thought to be spawned from the confusion surrounding how players rise in rank. Keep in mind, an Honorable Kill does not determine the rate at which you progress under this system, only that the kill itself was considered to be fair, and that you received contribution points for that kill. A players total contribution points, which take into account many factors to determine the value of a kill (as described in other previews and FAQs), are the more relevant factor in determining a character’s advances in rank at the end of the week.

Warriors for example, are an extremely durable class that are capable of doing good damage and (depending on the scenario) often have a greater survivability rate than cloth classes. The data we’ve seen thus far indicates that the most important factor lies in how well a player uses the advantages of their class. As a side note, one of the things we're adding in the next patch along with Battlegrounds is a new combat log message which will appear after each kill informing you of your estimated contribution points for a kill when it happens. This number will be slightly crude, as it doesn't factor in players killed under the diminishing return rule but it will provide players with a better understanding of how the system works and how valuable a given kill is.


Blizzard commenting on faction imbalance and constant ganking in Hillsbrad.


"There are no Alliance infidels in Tarren Mill!. Never!"
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