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World of Warcraft

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Sounds like you want Outfitter. I'm sure the other two work the same (and ClosetGnome and I'm sure a few others). It is no longer supported by the author but it still works perfectly for me so I can easily swap between PvE, PvP and fishing gear.


Man, never ran heroics before until tonight. Healed for the first time today in Violet Hold. I'm dual-specced shadow/disc, so it wasn't bad at all, I really like healing as disc more than being a holy paladin. Healing is so much more pro-active instead of reactive, meaning I can pace myself and my mana much better. That run was smooth, then moved on to the heroic daily, Gundrak......

Yeah, so my group had never run the place, not a single one. So we wiped 3 times on the first snake boss and his farging poison nova. Then we started on the other side and mowed through the bosses. By the time we got back to the snake boss, we wiped another dozen or so times until I finally thought up fighting the boss back by the portal so the adds take longer to get there and we could burn him down. That worked thank god and we cruised through the last boss easy. Not too bad, a learning experience but it let me clear some quests off my log at least!


Where can I find some good guides for Heroics? The general synopsis stuff that gets posted on WoWwiki doesn't help too much.


border said:
Where can I find some good guides for Heroics? The general synopsis stuff that gets posted on WoWwiki doesn't help too much.

Wowhead actually has some decent info in the comments section of the dungeons.


I'll give it a try. Your post reminded me to ask because I recently got rocked trying to tank a Heroic Violet Hold run for the first time. People here said it was one of the easiest Heroics, but damn if you fuck up and wipe you have to face all those waves of enemies again.

I attempted to learn the Heroics by pugging with my warlock, but it's pretty hard to find groups as DPS.


I joined the VH group as dps but finally switched to heal whenever we couldn't find anyone else, and our DK dps switched to tank. That instance is tough at first, just because there's so many LOS issues for such a small zone. But hey we got the Defenseless achievement on the first try, lol.


Broke apart over a Fragment? Good lord, I'd like to hear the details on that one!

Especially after Val'anyr being revealed today to be a fairly mediocre piece of kit. :lol


Alex said:
Broke apart over a Fragment? Good lord, I'd like to hear the details on that one!

Especially after Val'anyr being revealed today to be a fairly mediocre piece of kit. :lol

I dunno, it looks pretty great for a Disc Priest or a paladin.


border said:
I'll give it a try. Your post reminded me to ask because I recently got rocked trying to tank a Heroic Violet Hold run for the first time. People here said it was one of the easiest Heroics, but damn if you fuck up and wipe you have to face all those waves of enemies again.

I attempted to learn the Heroics by pugging with my warlock, but it's pretty hard to find groups as DPS.
VH is easy to tank as far as waves go, but it varies wildly depending upon which bosses you get. Zuramat is almost always a wipe because most people don't remember Jin'do, Xevozz can be tough until you realize he's easy as fuck to kite if you just pull him up the ramp from where he spawns and kite him slowly because the enrage range for his spawned adds is really short, moreso than you would think by looking at them. Everyone else is pretty simple, although I've only gotten Ichoron on normal. But he's basically the slime boss from AQ40 except you don't have to freeze him.

Nearly every other heroic is literally the same shit as normal, with possibly one extra move that won't even come close to wiping your group. I actually think UP is one of the harder heroics now but it's entirely dps dependant. If you have shit dps, good luck getting past that asshole on his blue proto drake. If you have good dps, then the instance is pretty easy, mainly because any naxx10-ready tank can grab 1/3 of the adds on the way to the door and the rest immediately at the spawn.

H-Nexus is a popular one because it's easy and 5 emblems, and keep in mind for the achievement on the last boss you pretty much just jump in place as melee. No real need to run around kiting her, and that includes the tank. H-AN is a gear check for the first boss for tank and healer, so if you aren't def capped and 22k+ unbuffed HP, don't even bother. However, once you can take the first boss easily, the entire dungeon is as much of a joke as it is on normal, typically beatable in less than 30 minutes. Still have yet to get the achievement for him, but good DPS makes the achievements for Anub'arak and Hadronox simple.

H-Old Kingdom has an extra boss off to the side of the cultist area with Jedoga Shadowseeker. This extra boss is easy to beat as long as people aren't retarded, which means 2/3 of your DPS will keep debuffed and do 0 damage the whole fight. Basically it's a mushroom boss, you hit him with single target tank shit, and he will debuff you so you lose your defense and a ton of damage dealt (but not healing) and the only way to break it is to be near one of his healthy mushroom spawns when you kill it. It's kind of like the reverse Loatheb, I guess, in that you break his debuff by killing crap that he spawns, but he doesn't spawn them on waves like that. I mean technically he does, but it's a shitload of mushrooms, both good and bad, and you kill the good ones and ignore the bad ones. V-targeting is all you need for that one because the bad ones are poison mushrooms and the good ones are healthy mushrooms. Anyway, yeah, you break those and you lose his debuff, and go back to killing him normally. That's literally the only thing the dude does that's special.

I can't even remember what's really different about any other heroics. Oh wait, Heroic Oculus has a second phase to the last boss. He banishes himself and summons orbs you have to fly around and avoid. Really simple stuff.
Alex said:
Broke apart over a Fragment? Good lord, I'd like to hear the details on that one!

Especially after Val'anyr being revealed today to be a fairly mediocre piece of kit. :lol

I wouldn't call it mediocre. It's basically an ilvl239 epic with an awesome proc on top of it and it's perfectly itemized for holy paladins. Certainly not worth breaking a guild apart over, of course, but not mediocre.
Just wondering, do tanks still have to target every fucking mob in a pull or is it all aoe shit? I loved oldschool Warrior sundering, but I can't fathom being able to pull that off with how fast people speed pull nowadays.


Son of Godzilla said:
K, I'm ready for triple and quad specs now. I'm a fucking hunter, and two is not enough.

QFMFT, Im sure other classes feel the same also. But as a Hunter I really hope they do flesh out a higher cost for access to more templates in the future. ATM Im running a MM and a SV spec. SV for dps basically and providing another source of replenishment (hey, sometimes other people die......nice to still have a source up when 3 go down) and my MM is pretty much only used when we are missing 10% AP due to an abomination of a raid class split that we probably shouldn't be attempting to raid with anyway, but I paid out the rear to glyph both of them :(. And I love it. Having that option is amazing. But I could use at least one more for a BM spec for PvE and maybe even a fourth for an 3rd dps spec for PVE that forgoes what works out to be about 4% BA damage for the extra 6 yards of range on some of these fight later in Ulduar.

Never thought I would miss the range, but Jesus Christ man...
Alex said:
Broke apart over a Fragment? Good lord, I'd like to hear the details on that one!

Especially after Val'anyr being revealed today to be a fairly mediocre piece of kit. :lol

Well I wouldn't say mediocre, but it's not mind blowing. Regardless, people get hards on for the color orange in this game.

What I don't get is this: Here are the quest rewards for killing Algon


What exactly is mana regen? Is it mp/5 or something? I haven't seen this stat before on an item.
So once my guild gets to the Guardians section of Ulduar, which order should we attempt the bosses there? Preferably the easier encounters first. Any tips?
We got to Mimiron in our 10 man last night.
Holy crap, what a bitch.
Every other boss just took a little to get use to, but there's so much to handle and think about in this fight...
And plasma beam during a nova burst? So lame.


AceBandage said:
We got to Mimiron in our 10 man last night.
Holy crap, what a bitch.
Every other boss just took a little to get use to, but there's so much to handle and think about in this fight...
And plasma beam during a nova burst? So lame.

you just gotta take it one phase at a time, phase 1 you need your tank to pop a survival cooldown for the beam then almost right after it's done you will see him charging up his aoe. you want to keep mim to doing that about 3 times in phase one, Phase 2 is pretty easy. p3 isn't bad as long as you stunlock and unload on the assualtbots. P4.... :lol
Yeah, it wasn't the first 3 phases that gave us trouble, really.
It was phase 4 where he like, bugs out and does a laser barrage but refuses to fire the way he's pointed.


Allow me to QQ for a bit.

Rogues are and will always be overpowered in PvP. There is nothing a Priest can do to escape a rogue. NOTHIIIIIIING! :(


Blah he STILLS does the beam and the nova at the same time? Blizzard was supposed to fix that.

I FINALLY got a Betrayer last night .... now that Naxx is DKP free and ran on offnights lol. Now is better than never I guess!

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Kyoufu said:
Allow me to QQ for a bit.

Rogues are and will always be overpowered in PvP. There is nothing a Priest can do to escape a rogue. NOTHIIIIIIING! :(
It kind of surprises me that the developers have allowed rogues to counter priests and warlocks so hard for so long.

I haven't been able to beat a rogue since level 65, one level before they get Cloak of Shadows


AceBandage said:
Yeah, it wasn't the first 3 phases that gave us trouble, really.
It was phase 4 where he like, bugs out and does a laser barrage but refuses to fire the way he's pointed.
If someone gets killed by laser barrage in p4, he sometimes just goes apeshit and targets a random member, and if he kills him he targets a new one etc, instead of just doing his normal 90 degree sweep.


Eh, it's an ok deal, I mean the mats can be gotten for cheaper and generally most guilds have several folks who can make them. I say don't worry about it right now, wait to see what your situation is at 80.


Kyoufu said:
Allow me to QQ for a bit.

Rogues are and will always be overpowered in PvP. There is nothing a Priest can do to escape a rogue. NOTHIIIIIIING! :(
yeah best counter to a rogue is another rogue :lol
I'll tell you what though, a disc priest with a rogue are a seriously nasty pair. Just started playing our pmr team today and did really well, dks with holy pallys seem less dominant


Noblegarden is pretty cool, altho my head is spinning from all the running in circles while hitting the basket and looking for tiny eggs.


Junior Member
Lain said:
Noblegarden is pretty cool, altho my head is spinning from all the running in circles while hitting the basket and looking for tiny eggs.
Most people are camping egg spawn sites on my new server. :lol
Xabora said:
Most people are camping egg spawn sites on my new server. :lol
Yeah, that's what my server seems to be doing as well. It's so frustrating camping a few eggs by yourself then someone comes up to where you are and starts trying to get the exact same eggs. But I've got a whole week to do Noblegarden so I'll get it done eventually.


ToyMachine228 said:
So once my guild gets to the Guardians section of Ulduar, which order should we attempt the bosses there? Preferably the easier encounters first. Any tips?

Hodir is by far the easiest. I would do Freya next if your DPS can grasp the concept of killing 3 mobs that have to die at the same time. Thorim is a super easy boss, but his gauntlet can be a bitch if your healing, DPS or tanking is lacking in the arena group.

BTW Vezax's trash can go die in a fire. It's not hard, but my god it takes forever to clear and repsawns way too fast when healers are still having to adapt to no mana regen on the boss fight to down him.
Son of Godzilla said:
Just wondering, do tanks still have to target every fucking mob in a pull or is it all aoe shit? I loved oldschool Warrior sundering, but I can't fathom being able to pull that off with how fast people speed pull nowadays.

I just make sure to mark kill orders; I have it mapped to buttons so it's fast, and no one complains; just throw down thunderclap+cleave and some devastates and you'll be fine

I've done Naxx with guild who refuse to mark. It works alright for everyone except rogues


PhoenixDark said:
I've done Naxx with guild who refuse to mark. It works alright for everyone except rogues

that doesnt really make sense, rogues can rape on trash, they can fan of knives and pull 11k+ dps


Tamanon said:
Camp eggs, loot eggs, take some time and poof. It's a real easy one compared to the rest, no time constraints on opening eggs like the halloween stuff.

Sweet. I gotta borrow my BF's laptop cuz my hard drive died [again :(] so maybe it won't take so long! ><
Yep yep. I got my title in about 2-3 hours after getting out of the raid last night. By far the easiest holiday title to get. Children's week doesn't look so easy though.

I got Rising Sun off Flame Leviathan last night too.
got the Noble title on my level 4 mage. Just wanted to get the rabbit polymorph but my drops were so good I said fuck it. It only took a few hours but it was a bitch running to Un Goro and doing the desert quests. I basically went from ashenvale -stonetalon-desolace-feralas-1k needles-tanaris-un goro-and sithilus. Started the journey at level 1, got done about half way through 4 and only took about 80+ deaths
It's by far the easiest and I enjoy the creativity involved in the achievements. However, the mundane effort of collecting the absolute minimum 104 eggs is probably the worst thing I will do (only halfway done my meta) ever in this game. Go to any starting area and little bunny rabbits are camped at each and every spawn point just waiting for "their" egg to repop. People were even selling off their places for money. Hopefully it isn't this bad throughout the week, but I want to get this done as soon as possible in case I do not have the time later in the week.
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