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World of Warcraft

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VaLiancY said:
I have to post this fuck awesome article on WoWInsider. I've never played a Warcraft title for the exception of WoW and the lore was always interesting to me.

Varian and Garosh are both douche bags, kill them off and make Jaina the queen of the alliance, problem solved!


Worships the porcelain goddess
funkmastergeneral said:
Varian and Garosh are both douche bags, kill them off and make Jaina the queen of the alliance, problem solved!

Jaina is a coward and the true pussy. Moreso than even Thrall. Varian is badass. :D I read that article earlier and thought it was pretty darn good.


I think Jaina is a huge pussy. Why would she just let Arthas purge Stratholme like that?

All she said was "sorry arthas can't watch you do this lol" and walked away....


Worships the porcelain goddess
Kyoufu said:
I think Jaina is a huge pussy. Why would she just let Arthas purge Stratholme like that?

All she said was "sorry arthas can't watch you do this lol" and walked away....

Then came back "What has he done..." DUR. She also, irrationally, easily believes the words of Sylvanas after the Wrathgate thing. She just sat back and let her people be controlled by a dragon all that time and now that they have a proper King, she's mucking shit up again. Look, if you want to join the Horde so badly, go for it. It'll be easier to be with Thrall that way.

Die in a fire, Jaina.
Kyoufu said:
I think Jaina is a huge pussy. Why would she just let Arthas purge Stratholme like that?

All she said was "sorry arthas can't watch you do this lol" and walked away....

I doubt she could've stopped him if she wanted to, not without Uther's help at least

Kintaro said:
Then came back "What has he done..." DUR. She also, irrationally, easily believes the words of Sylvanas after the Wrathgate thing. She just sat back and let her people be controlled by a dragon all that time and now that they have a proper King, she's mucking shit up again. Look, if you want to join the Horde so badly, go for it. It'll be easier to be with Thrall that way.

Die in a fire, Jaina.

Varian and Garosh should ally together, and Jaina and Thrall as well. They all seem perfect for each other.


Worships the porcelain goddess
funkmastergeneral said:
I doubt she could've stopped him if she wanted to, not without Uther's help at least

What? She was one of the most powerful mages in the world at the time. I honestly don't think she would have had a problem stopping him if she truly wanted to.

Couldn't just sheeped the dumb bastard when he turned around. =P


Kintaro said:
What? She was one of the most powerful mages in the world at the time. I honestly don't think she would have had a problem stopping him if she truly wanted to.

Couldn't just sheeped the dumb bastard when he turned around. =P

Yeah but at the time Paladins were OP with Reckoning Bomb. She wouldn't stand a chance.


Worships the porcelain goddess
funkmastergeneral said:
that would be so sad :(

Would be the only way I care for her. =P

It should be Arthas hard mode. Arthas fight has her, Thrall and Varian helping in the fight, if you let her die, it causes Thrall and Varian to rush Arthas who knocks them out of the fight. Arthas then enters a sort of berserker rage as he tries to separate from Ner'zul.

They should complete it with a speech of her lamenting of what she could have done to prevent all of this before Lich King rips her in two splattering your characters with her blood. Muhahaha!

Fuck Jaina.


Killed Yogg Saron on 10 man.

In 10 man, I'd say the hardest part is friggen Phase 1. Wiped so many times on Phase 1. Maybe twice on Phase 2. Once we got him to Phase 3 we won.

Not as fun as C'thun ... but still quite fun and crazy.


Weenerz said:
Got my nobles title, fun quick holiday.

Same. Got up early and got it done. I was finishing up when people were logging on and deciding that egg camping was probably more efficient than running around. Thank god I didnt have to deal with that.

VaLiancY said:
I have to post this fuck awesome article on WoWInsider. I've never played a Warcraft title for the exception of WoW and the lore was always interesting to me.

Ugh. Terrible article. Doesn't even pretend to try and look at things evenly. I mean, doesn't pretend even a little bit.

"Those horde apologists"

is repeated every other sentence. The tone is horrible, and the author doesn't even ease into it. He just goes full steam in from the get.

Things are going to end badly for both Garrosh and Varian. I really don't see how anyone could think otherwise. Just the story telling alone, and how both of them are depicted in the stories. Varian being the hothead in the UC quest and Garrosh doing the same in the Ulduar cinema. They are both clearly being setup to have a not so happy ending. Meanwhile Thrall and Jaina seem to be set as the calm collected and willing to work things out types for both sides.

I think the author simply wants Varian to come out unscathed an a hero for the alliance after we clear ICrown in 3.3 or whatever, but it seems damn clear that is not going to happen. Garrosh is a goner to, Ill put money on it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Puncture said:
Ugh. Terrible article. Doesnt even pretend to try and look at things evenly. I mean, doesnt pretend even a little bit.

"Those horde apologists"

is repeated every other sentence. The tone is horrible, and the author doesn't even ease into it. He just goes full steam in from the get.

He doesn't need to look at things evenly. It's pretty much an opinion piece taken from Varian's point of view. As such, Varian's attitude is completely justified.

Why not offer some counterpoints not mentioned in the article?
Guild downed Kologarn tonight in 25-man Ulduar. Have to decide to do Ignis or Iron Council first after all the normal stuff next week. Not sure which one we should do.
Iron Council is probably the easier of the two.

We're on Yogg-Saron 10 too. We only got in a couple attempts, though, before we quit for the day (Sat). Hopefully we'll kill him tomorrow night. Then I can stop going to 10 man raids and just do our weekly 25 shit.


Puncture said:
Ugh. Terrible article. Doesn't even pretend to try and look at things evenly. I mean, doesn't pretend even a little bit.

"Those horde apologists"

is repeated every other sentence. The tone is horrible, and the author doesn't even ease into it. He just goes full steam in from the get.
You took it far too seriously. I think it's supposed to be a parody of stupid political editorials, using WoW lore as inspiration. From that angle, it only makes sense that it's horribly skewed and continually rants against an anonymous, amorphous group of "apologists". Think back to all those pro-Bush editorials from Michelle Malkin and Anne Coulter. Then you might get the idea.

I think it's a great as entertainment, but I doubt anyone would really consider it a serious literary analysis of Warcraft. I would love to see a response in favor of The Horde, of course.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah that article is a bit of a laugh. It still comes off as though someone who got cranky over Varian's characteristics in-game; similar to the Alliance players crying over Horde getting Blood Elves back in the day. Garrosh being painted as Thrall's right-hand man is a bit much, and stating Rehgar Earthfury as one of Thrall's most trusted advisers is silly.

However the Horde and Thrall himself are not immune to criticism.


I never played WC1-3 and have read very little WoW lore to start with, but I thought it was pretty much understood that the Forsaken were pure evil. Is there any way to put a positive spin on their attempts to poison and kill everything on Azeroth with a new undead plague? The extent to which this aspiration taints all of the Horde is probably debatable, but I'd hardly categorize the one particular faction as "misunderstood" or whatever. I was under the impression that the Forsaken and maybe even the Blood Elves were openly destructive and self-serving entities.
I dunno, the whole lore in this is really a fucking joke.

The Forsaken are sentient zombies and not much more. They just want to kill Arthas, and don't really care about the rest of the world. The Putress thing was handled stupidly. If it takes sacrificing an army or two to poison Arthas with something that'll actually affect him, why the fuck not?

The blood elves were redeemed by the stupid glyphs at the sunwell.

Fucking stupid.
border said:
I never played WC1-3 and have read very little WoW lore to start with, but I thought it was pretty much understood that the Forsaken were pure evil. Is there any way to put a positive spin on their attempts to poison and kill everything on Azeroth with a new undead plague? The extent to which this aspiration taints all of the Horde is probably debatable, but I'd hardly categorize the one particular faction as "misunderstood" or whatever. I was under the impression that the Forsaken and maybe even the Blood Elves were openly destructive and self-serving entities.

To be honest this is a very stupid part of lore. I don't think the Forsaken should have ever been part of the Horde, as they clearly want to destroy all life. They don't even hide this fact!

Sylvanas is hot though =O


Has problems recognising girls
Since vanilla WoW it's been pretty much set-in-stone that the Forsaken aren't entirely to be trusted due to the amount of quests pertaining to the plague in all of the early Forsaken establishments and even as far reaching as the Tauren camp in Thousand Needles. The Apothecary Society is a sect directly underneath Sylvanas' control, and the Grimtotem clan are conspiring with them, it's as simple as that.

I think Metzen and co. just wanted to try and get rid of this silly plague thing once and for all because they obviously had a lot of quests and lore involved with it. The easiest way to go about it was to write a story about Varimathras wanting to overthrow the banshee queen and the introduction of a guy called Putress (wtf was he during vanilla WoW?) to undermine her and take control of the plague. The Wrathgate event was the peak of it all.

There are rumours and speculation suggesting that there is more to Sylvanas than the others know. Something to do with the Old Gods and Tirisfal Glades, but whether that's rubbish or not we'll never know.


border said:
I would love to see a response in favor of The Horde, of course.

Yeah, that's what I'm waiting for. Some of the comments in the article are pretty interesting to myself, a person who has taken interest in the lore but never committed to playing anyone of the games(I'm bad at RTS). Most information I get my lore from is WoW Wiki. :lol
Yea, I would love to see someone at WoW Insider write a counter article. Everything mentioned there seems about right to me. King Wryrnn definitely has good reasons to be pissed off. Doesn't make me like him or not like the Horde though.


The thing with the undead is they're just as varied as any other society. Some of their quests involve getting relics of their former lives, and you can see them pretend like it doesn't make them sad about what they are now when you turn in the quests. Some of them are about killing people who have ruined their former homes, or getting revenge on people from their former lives. The RAS all act like they're working in Sylvanas's name, but none of the RAS quests ever take you to Sylvanas herself, so for all the player knows it's just bullshit they're using when people would raise any kind of moral objections (similar to protesting torture under the bush administration). The only quest chains specifically linked to Sylvanas are 1) finding the lost pendant from one of her sisters in Ghostlands, 2) taking the note from the Blood Elf leader to her after you kill Dar'Khan, 3) the whole crushridge ogres/crown of will quest chain, 4) going to talk to the undead former ranger in EPL for his chain of kill quests that start out with killing some elite beasts in the zone, then finish with killing some scarlet crusade guys.

Everything else tends to go to individuals or small groups, and they have a mix of mostly angry, bitter people about their former lives being taken from them and being former slaves of the lich king, and a few people who are melancholy about this un-life they're stuck in now.
speedpop said:
I think Metzen and co. just wanted to try and get rid of this silly plague thing once and for all because they obviously had a lot of quests and lore involved with it. The easiest way to go about it was to write a story about Varimathras wanting to overthrow the banshee queen and the introduction of a guy called Putress (wtf was he during vanilla WoW?) to undermine her and take control of the plague. The Wrathgate event was the peak of it all.

Yea, that's probably the best explanation. In the face of all options, assume laziness. The Vari thing is especially annoying because it comes at the expense of Sylvanas' character. What, we are supposed to believe that she can't tell if her mind control is slipping? Or that she's too inept to control her underlings?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Son of Godzilla said:
Yea, that's probably the best explanation. In the face of all options, assume laziness. The Vari thing is especially annoying because it comes at the expense of Sylvanas' character. What, we are supposed to believe that she can't tell if her mind control is slipping? Or that she's too inept to control her underlings?

I don't think it's at the expense of her character at all. Sylvanas knew every single thing that was going concerning that poison and witnessed it's effects. She could have just as easily played everyone against each other to get rid of loose ends but still have the poison in the end for her own means (or someone else's).

I'm more curious why Thrall, when they finally arrived at Undercity, didn't step back and say "Whoa lady, just what the fuck have you been doing in here?!" It's obvious she's responsible for the experiments and the development of the poison. It then ends up on the head of Thrall because hs is responsible for the Horde as a whole. There's no way he can feign ignorance on this matter.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Fuck noblegarden. I've opened 200 eggs and not a single tux piece. Don't worry though, I got 3 dumb dresses and 2 rabbit's feet. Ugh.

You can buy the tux pieces off the AH if you're so inclined. Actually finding them in the eggs isn't part of the meta achievement.


Has problems recognising girls
Kintaro said:
I'm more curious why Thrall, when they finally arrived at Undercity, didn't step back and say "Whoa lady, just what the fuck have you been doing in here?!" It's obvious she's responsible for the experiments and the development of the poison. It then ends up on the head of Thrall because hs is responsible for the Horde as a whole. There's no way he can feign ignorance on this matter.
That's what annoys me the most. Thrall's ignorance and inaction.

It was awesome that he discovered a missing link in Nagrand and discovered his true name but then everything kinda petered out. Yeah we were thrust into him during Warcraft III and such but he's still such an awesome character, and an Orc at that. Anyone remotely interested in Thrall or has a keen interest in Shaman lore then I highly suggest you track down a copy of Lord of the Clans novel or even grab the Lord of the Clans fan-created campaign for WCIII.

I have a feeling that Metzen will eventually want Thrall to drop his Warchief mantle and move on, living the life of a mystical vagabond whilst still maintaining ties to the Frostwolf Clan. Thrall deserves too much to be broiled into another faction war over petty things. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Horde take on an entirely different light considering the strength and aggression Garrosh showed when he dueled against Thrall just before WotLK hit. The older generation are dying off, the new generation of the Horde want to run amok and take everything whilst still trying to keep a dignified stance. At least that's how I felt whilst during the various Horde camps and quests in Northrend.

The problem is that the Warcraft universe is now a MMO system. Affecting things too much will create imbalances and potentially disrupt things a quite deal more than it should. If it were merely Warcraft IV then it'd be simple as pie to create and destroy characters.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
My guilds healers are so horrible

Mimiron 10 man all night, and only got to phase four twice. Most of the time they'd let people die in Phase 1 or Phase 2


dave is ok said:
My guilds healers are so horrible

Mimiron 10 man all night, and only got to phase four twice. Most of the time they'd let people die in Phase 1 or Phase 2

Its not that easy to keep the MT up on Phase 1, but we managed it last night since myself (disc priest) and our holy pally were on the ball with the resto druid and elemental shaman keeping the napalm'd members up.

We never managed to get past phase 3 though. How do you deal with those adds? People died way too easily :(
Kintaro said:
I don't think it's at the expense of her character at all. Sylvanas knew every single thing that was going concerning that poison and witnessed it's effects. She could have just as easily played everyone against each other to get rid of loose ends but still have the poison in the end for her own means (or someone else's).

I'm more curious why Thrall, when they finally arrived at Undercity, didn't step back and say "Whoa lady, just what the fuck have you been doing in here?!" It's obvious she's responsible for the experiments and the development of the poison. It then ends up on the head of Thrall because hs is responsible for the Horde as a whole. There's no way he can feign ignorance on this matter.
What are you even talking about. Sylvanas knew that her big bad demon pet was going to try and kill her and was just playing along? You might as well just start writing fanfiction at that point. She also mind controlled C'thun and used it to kill a bunch of druids, don'tyaknow.
Kyoufu said:
Its not that easy to keep the MT up on Phase 1, but we managed it last night since myself (disc priest) and our holy pally were on the ball with the resto druid and elemental shaman keeping the napalm'd members up.

We never managed to get past phase 3 though. How do you deal with those adds? People died way too easily :(

Put everyone in one section of the circle. 2 tanks for the adds. One on the assault bots (should be killed by the next time one spawns) and trash bots and one blowing up the bomb bots.

There are only two dangerous points in the fight. Plasma blast on the tank during phase 1 which can be dealt with through tank and healer cooldowns. The other is laser barrage in phase 4 because it bugs out and your tank can easily fuck it up for everyone.

Well, I guess we could do Auriaya too...Idk, tough call.

The pull sucks in the 25 man version. It's a very annoying fight to learn compared to the other two but necessary to get to the watchers.


Kyoufu said:
Its not that easy to keep the MT up on Phase 1, but we managed it last night since myself (disc priest) and our holy pally were on the ball with the resto druid and elemental shaman keeping the napalm'd members up.

We never managed to get past phase 3 though. How do you deal with those adds? People died way too easily :(

Our 10 man group had 3 melee decked out in full Naxx 25 and beyond gear ... so it was relatively simple to destroy the Assault Bots. Was Me (Arms), Mutilate Rogue and Feral Druid.

It took us probably 20 tries to kill the bastard the first time .... and then we one shot him on our 2nd week in Ulduar 10.

We only used one Pally tank ... the bombs just kinda ran amuck and people avoided them or the disc priest shields ate most of the blast.

That same Plasma Blast in phase 1 can also be a problem in phase 4. Luckily they uncoupled the shock blast & laser barrage from each other. On our first kill he was doing both at the same time. Had to guardian spirit the tank so he could survive the Shock Blast and still be able to move out of the Laser Barrage as to not wipe the raid.

Iron Council is retardedly easy if you are killing Steelbreaker first and the Lightning guy last. Ignis is much more manageable now after the nerfs .... he beat the bejesus out of us previously.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Son of Godzilla said:
What are you even talking about. Sylvanas knew that her big bad demon pet was going to try and kill her and was just playing along? You might as well just start writing fanfiction at that point. She also mind controlled C'thun and used it to kill a bunch of druids, don'tyaknow.

I know she's not as innocent as you seem to think she is. Not by a long shot. You honestly think she didn't think Varimathas wouldn't try to betray her when he got the chance? She's not that stupid. What's the best way to get rid of him, test your poison which you've been developing for the entirety of WoW, and come out of it all looking like the victim?

Unless they go with the whole "Someone was controlling them!" Schtick, in which case, she still would have knew.
Varimathras did betray the Legion in exchange for his life. You really think Sylvanas didn't think he would try to betray her at some point? He didn't WANT to serve Sylvanas. He did so because he had to or die. She wanted the plague to get her revenge on Arthas even if it meant killing all of Azeroth in the process and Varimathras wanted it to get rid of the biggest threat to the Burning Legion. Once the new plague was finished, it was time for Varimathras to take it and bounce. Maybe the Legion would welcome him back if he had a way to get rid of the Scourge.


So, to get the Noblegarden title, which of the ach or what exactly do you need to do?

BTW, after 200 or so eggs I have:

4 ach
Got enough choco to buy Polymorph: Bunny
4 tuxedo shirts
0 pants
1 flowers
1 circlet
2 spring robes


I actually considered trying this Noblegarden crap out before remembering what dogshit wastes of time most WoW holiday events are.
Narag said:
You can buy the tux pieces off the AH if you're so inclined. Actually finding them in the eggs isn't part of the meta achievement.

Actually the achievement explicitly states that the tux pieces need to be discovered in an egg.


Magnus said:
I actually considered trying this Noblegarden crap out before remembering what dogshit wastes of time most WoW holiday events are.
Even moreso for this one considering that it basically consists of standing next to 14 other people trying to be the first one to click an appearing egg.


Junior Member
Azwethinkweiz said:
Actually the achievement explicitly states that the tux pieces need to be discovered in an egg.

But that discover achievement isn't part of the meta. The only part of the meta that the tux pieces / dress is needed for is the "Blushing Bride" achievement, which just requires that you wear the clothes, not buy them

I got off easy on this one. Woke up at 4AM EST because my sunburn was killing me. I was getting about 10 eggs a minute in Mulgore because not that many people were online. After about 150 eggs I had everything I needed.

Lots of cursing about egg farming in guild chat later in the day.
Magnus said:
I actually considered trying this Noblegarden crap out before remembering what dogshit wastes of time most WoW holiday events are.

WoW holiday events used to be fun before achievements. Doing random crap just for the sake of it instead of omg meta violet proto drake bullshit. I don't remember anyone whining about them, their function was to pick up kooky items for the most part.
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