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World of Warcraft

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Flib said:
Yeah, they seemed to nerf a bunch of encounters hard. Our 10man run started late last night and we still got Flame Leviathan, Ignis, Razorscale, XT-002 and Kologarn down without any fuss.

They can nerf regular Ulduar for all I care, hard modes is where it's at. We killed the non nerfed versions of those fights, we're fine with it. Let your average wow player see Yogg and enjoy the content, this is good.


Fularu said:
They can nerf regular Ulduar for all I care, hard modes is where it's at. We killed the non nerfed versions of those fights, we're fine with it. Let your average wow player see Yogg and enjoy the content, this is good.
I agree. Let the more casual raiding guilds see the content their paying for and the more hardcore guilds distinguish themselves with the drops from the hard mode fights.


Magnus said:
The nerfs are starting to come too quickly! :lol XT was too easy last night.

Over 20 kills now; no Fragments. Fuck.

I stopped caring about the legendary, its a great weapon for healers but not something I'll lose sleep over for not having.
As a casual player Blizzard really dropped the ball with the Vault raid. My schedule at work fluctuates constantly, so I can only rarely raid with my guild. Before Emalon came out I could very easily pug my way through vault, but now I can't because no one wants to get saved to a vault when we can't kill Emalon. Whats the point of having a tier 7 and tier 8 boss in the same instance? It really screws people over who need the tier 7 upgrades in order to progress to tier 8 content, they should've just made two separate instances.


funkmastergeneral said:
As a casual player Blizzard really dropped the ball with the Vault raid. My schedule at work fluctuates constantly, so I can only rarely raid with my guild. Before Emalon came out I could very easily pug my way through vault, but now I can't because no one wants to get saved to a vault when we can't kill Emalon. Whats the point of having a tier 7 and tier 8 boss in the same instance? It really screws people over who need the tier 7 upgrades in order to progress to tier 8 content, they should've just made two separate instances.

Emalon is retardedly easy. Don't pug with idiots is my only advice. I realise a boss that mixes Murmur and an enraging add is too much to handle for your typical two brain cells dps pug, but still he's basically a free T8 boss.

Emalon is easier than any Ulduar boss.


funkmastergeneral said:
As a casual player Blizzard really dropped the ball with the Vault raid. My schedule at work fluctuates constantly, so I can only rarely raid with my guild. Before Emalon came out I could very easily pug my way through vault, but now I can't because no one wants to get saved to a vault when we can't kill Emalon. Whats the point of having a tier 7 and tier 8 boss in the same instance? It really screws people over who need the tier 7 upgrades in order to progress to tier 8 content, they should've just made two separate instances.

Well you'll be glad to know they just nerfed the Emalon fight. Enraged adds can now be killed by the 6th charge and the Chain Lightning has a limit on the number of players it can hit. The fight is now free epics, just like Archavon.


Fularu said:
They can nerf regular Ulduar for all I care, hard modes is where it's at. We killed the non nerfed versions of those fights, we're fine with it. Let your average wow player see Yogg and enjoy the content, this is good.

Don't let the hardcore players see you admitting this, it's like kryptonite to them. Casuals aren't supposed to enjoy this game at all.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Epix said:
I agree. Let the more casual raiding guilds see the content their paying for and the more hardcore guilds distinguish themselves with the drops from the hard mode fights.

Without Algalon, they are still not seeing the content they are paying for. So, unless they open that up...


Weenerz said:
Don't let the hardcore players see you admitting this, it's like kryptonite to them. Casuals aren't supposed to enjoy this game at all.

I disagree.

The real top end guilds don't give a shit about casuals seeing the game or stuff beeing nerfed AFTER we beat it. Want to see the fight? Cool, it will get you to gear up and join us if you don't suck and we have an open spot.

The Ulduar nerfs were expected, they said it would be harder than naxx, but not a whole lot harder and some of the fights in non nerfed ulduar were sunwell level hard (not M'uru level hard mind you). We'Re glad they are there now for the other people to see and enjoy them.

On the other hand, the people you see the most vocal about "bads, scrubs, casuals..." is your usual shitty guild believing they are badass because they are 4th or 5th of their faction on their server.

Those are a pain in the ass and I absolutely love putting them down. Many of my wow friends are casuals, many of my hardcore raiding friends are now casuals, we have a casual rank in our guild (PvPer) and we respect the need for those people to enjoy the game at their pace.

It's the same for Ensidia, Method, Elitist Jerks, Drama, Premonition and co.

Kintaro said:
Without Algalon, they are still not seeing the content they are paying for. So, unless they open that up...

They can see the content, to do so, they can either :

- Improve their coordination and playing skill
- Cry about it.

Since the achievement's name is "He feeds on your tears" and only spawns for 1 hour a week, that is fine.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Fularu said:
They can see the content, to do so, they can either :

- Improve their coordination and playing skill
- Cry about it.

Since the achievement's name is "He feeds on your tears" and only spawns for 1 hour a week, that is fine.

While as a gamer I love a challenge and in belief, I agree with you. That's just not going to happen.

If Blizzard is content to making the game really easy, why the gamers who are looking for a challenge (without making it themselves with hard modes) haven't moved on to something else is beyond me. Maybe they dig the lore as much as I do. As least they can run through it quickly, enjoy it and unsub until the next patch.
There's no way Iron Council or the stupid tank at the start are harder than Emalon.

But they nerfed him, and his chain lightning was by far the hardest part of the encounter assuming your dps actually had gear. I'd expect pugs to be able to handle that shit no problem now.

I do hope they leave the watchers alone, for a while. Having XT being the cockblock was stupid, especially given the 3 loot pinatas behind him. But the watchers are more than deep enough in for that not to matter.


Iron council with Stonebreaker last is impossible currently, the second dude last is prety hard. Our calculations place it at 2 tanks, 2 healers and 21 DPS doing 7500 dps each. I'm definitely expecting a nerf to stonebreaker, he was overbuffed.

Killing Stonebreaker and Mogwhatever first is easy, true, but that's not how the fight is intended, and the loot reflects it.


Junior Member
You know, I really need to stop being "shy" on WoW, get my arse into a decent/fun guild and enjoy raiding.

I'm missing out. ;_;

By the way, I've just seen something about Algalon... :O

Chris R

Kyoufu said:
Well you'll be glad to know they just nerfed the Emalon fight. Enraged adds can now be killed by the 6th charge and the Chain Lightning has a limit on the number of players it can hit. The fight is now free epics, just like Archavon.
This is true. Where before ALL dps would be required to switch over, now, just in a kill I did today, we had only like 12 dps switch :lol no need to space out anymore either.


We had issues with Razorscale 25 tonight, we were having 4 or 5 drills come up at the same time and usually only on one side of the room. Weird.
Weenerz said:
We had issues with Razorscale 25 tonight, we were having 4 or 5 drills come up at the same time and usually only on one side of the room. Weird.

Not only amidst lag so bad that we had to leave Ulduar on Tuesday, we were having that same problem. We had 5 drills coming up, and we were getting Sentinels out the ass. So I'm not sure what's going on with that. Blizzard said they were reducing it's difficulty but I haven't seen any posts about what they did to change it.
Got 5 bosses down tonight in Heroic Ulduar including Flame Lev with 1 tower up..........

Of course some guildies kept bitching about things getting nerfed and how they want it to be harder and blah blah blah..........then we wipe to bosses and the raid leader and GM tell them to shut the fuck up

2 shotted FL
2 shotted Razorscale
1 shot Ignis
3 shot XT - how about those nerfs eh *facepalm*
5 shot Kolagarn - how about those nerfs eh?

Not a bad night at all though, I was able to bleed almost all the DKP out of the other rogue :lol he got shoulders and dagger, I got a nice throwing weapon for not much DKP......but I also got the Footpads of Silence for no DKP FTW

Hopefully we can bitchslap Auriya tomorrow

Oh and a fragment dropped off Kolagarn and two of the three healers who planned to bid on it were absent tonight LOL
Trying to decide if we should do Razorscale first tonight, even if he is still bugged or go do XT-2000 and Kologarn really quick (We've downed both of those last week, and Razor for that matter) and then go to Ignis and Iron Council. Tuesday was lag city in Ulduar and we were getting 5 drills at a time and back to back Sentinels left and right on Razorscale so...Not sure.


Fularu said:
Iron council with Stonebreaker last is impossible currently, the second dude last is prety hard. Our calculations place it at 2 tanks, 2 healers and 21 DPS doing 7500 dps each. I'm definitely expecting a nerf to stonebreaker, he was overbuffed.

Killing Stonebreaker and Mogwhatever first is easy, true, but that's not how the fight is intended, and the loot reflects it.

It's not impossible.

Fallen on Trollbane has done it. Stonebreaker last done.

Maybe you guys just need to step up your game.


Epix said:
True, and probably would have harder to track.
As if the people getting 1-shotted wouldn't have reported it?

I would have de-guilded and just run everything on my own....maybe it would have been less noticeable then. I also would have had the good sense to unequip the uber-secret developer item before I logged out, so it wouldn't show up on the Armory.


Macattk15 said:
It's not impossible.

Fallen on Trollbane has done it. Stonebreaker last done.

Maybe you guys just need to step up your game.

Should I facepalm or laugh at you? Or both?

25 man, no one cares about the easy 10 man version.

Edit : Stonebreaker last was done by Deus vox (and DV only) before Stonebreaker was buffed. No one has killed it since.


Junior Member
Orbitcube said:
God dang, this reminds me of the CCP/BoB Shenanigans.

Karatechop said:
Hiya all

I am infact Karatechop, Due to this event I have been told to be quiet as its pending investigation here at Blizzard I do infact work for Blizzard Entertainment.

I came in control of such item as a bit of a joke with my guild I was telling them about it once before and none of them believed me, Once I was given the right to equip such item on my GM toon I decided to test it on my Warrior and what better place to test it,

We would have taken it further but the red flags started going off when it was one hardmode after another, Shortly before pulling The Iron Council I was disconnected from server and the ban message was present when I attempted to log back in, Shortly after that the rest of the raid had the same problem.

This is all I have to say at this time

Thank you


Fularu said:
Should I facepalm or laugh at you? Or both?

25 man, no one cares about the easy 10 man version.

Edit : Stonebreaker last was done by Deus vox (and DV only) before Stonebreaker was buffed. No one has killed it since.

You can do whatever you want. You're still an elitist ass in my eyes.

I don't read your posts in too much detail. Excuse my error.


Junior Member
AAARRRRRRGGGHHHH!!! I finally managed to bump into Vyragosa and someone beat me to it! I'm going to cry in a corner now.


The nerfs are only encouraging more shitty players to reach the upper echelons of the game. I have to deal with enough bad players in my guild as it is, and the recruitment pool isn't exactly that deep.

Having 25-man Naxx level gear doesn't necessarily equate to "good player" anymore. :\


Belfast said:
Having 25-man Naxx level gear doesn't necessarily equate to "good player" anymore. :\

It never did as 25naxx was much easier than 10man. You had a greater margin of error for clearing the place itself, but not so much the achievements. But that meant the gear was easy to get even via-pugs.

All it meant was you have a lot of members able to play the same time. Or, your guild helps organize it via filling with pugs.

Player skill itself is equal regardless if you 10man or 25man. Raid difficulty used to be more forgivable on 25man.


J-Rzez said:
It never did as 25naxx was much easier than 10man. You had a greater margin of error for clearing the place itself, but not so much the achievements. But that meant the gear was easy to get even via-pugs.

All it meant was you have a lot of members able to play the same time. Or, your guild helps organize it via filling with pugs.

Player skill itself is equal regardless if you 10man or 25man. Raid difficulty used to be more forgivable on 25man.

As far as I'm concerned even *that* is a symptom of the way things have gone, and this is coming from someone in a guild that is having trouble in Ulduar. I, personally, like things to be tough. We never really got all the way through the BC content, but I feel OK about that. There was always something to strive for, always something to work towards, even if it was unreachable for a good amount of time.

Hard mode mitigate things somewhat, but what they don't do is hold the same mystique as unexperienced content. I'm worried about people getting bored too easily. Let's face it, MMOs depend on carrot and stick means of progression by nature. Remove the carrot and you don't feel like going anywhere.

XT is one of the easier bosses in the instance, but when we finally downed him after a whole night of wiping, it felt SOOOO frickin good. My adrenaline was pumping, my hands were shaking, and I could finally exhale.

Being able to steamroll content (comparative to older-style content or even other games like FFXI) just kills that feeling for me.


Belfast said:
As far as I'm concerned even *that* is a symptom of the way things have gone, and this is coming from someone in a guild that is having trouble in Ulduar. I, personally, like things to be tough. We never really got all the way through the BC content, but I feel OK about that. There was always something to strive for, always something to work towards, even if it was unreachable for a good amount of time.

Hard mode mitigate things somewhat, but what they don't do is hold the same mystique as unexperienced content. I'm worried about people getting bored too easily. Let's face it, MMOs depend on carrot and stick means of progression by nature. Remove the carrot and you don't feel like going anywhere.

XT is one of the easier bosses in the instance, but when we finally downed him after a whole night of wiping, it felt SOOOO frickin good. My adrenaline was pumping, my hands were shaking, and I could finally exhale.

Being able to steamroll content (comparative to older-style content or even other games like FFXI) just kills that feeling for me.

I certainly agree. We have 3 bosses left in Ulduar yet to go, which we should be able to hopefully down on Sun. Since we only raid 2 days a week due to people's schedules, getting all that other stuff out of the way tues should help us finally clear it. I liked the extra challenge. I understand why they did hard mode and all, and that'll be something for us to chip away at soon as we gear up some weapons for everyone in ulduar.

If I'm disappointed at anything, it's the gear in there though. Going from 10mans prior to ulduar, gear upgrades really aren't that significant it seems so far outside of weapons. I even expected 10man Uld gear to be significantly better than 25man priors. But unfortunately that's not how it panned out in most cases. Hell, some classes are using their 10/25gear over Uld stuff, especially when it comes to many of the horrible set bonuses on the new tier stuff. Funny thing is, Blizzard caught onto this and they're going back and nerfing some T7/7.5 set bonuses now LOL.

Every time we loot a boss, people on vent are like, "well, i guess it maybe an upgrade, just slightly". Itemization blows this time around. And for some classes, they were forgotten completely even.


Remember GAFers, don't do your orphan chains until you finish your achievements, I don't think you can drag them along for the week unless the quests are still active (Just guessing, but it kinda makes sense).
Our healers completely zoned out tonight. We downed Razor, XT and Kologarn that we've all done before, and then went to Ignis (We had always skipped it) and they completely zoned out. We're letting the main tank die every attempt with only like two constructs up. And the worst part was...Afterward I found out 2 people went off-spec and were healing so we had 7 healers. On Kologarn (I think it took us four attempts) the healers kept letting the MT and the elemental tank die. Every attempt until we killed it. Don't know what it was. Just...Healers zoning the hell out I guess.


Weenerz said:
Remember GAFers, don't do your orphan chains until you finish your achievements, I don't think you can drag them along for the week unless the quests are still active (Just guessing, but it kinda makes sense).

I turned mine in at Org then just requested an additional whistle since the event was still going on.
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