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World of Warcraft

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I played it a year ago when I was burned out on WoW and got bored of it pretty quickly. I got a Captain to level 12 or 14, and like I said, nearly every other class to level 8, just trying to find one I liked. None of them, and I mean none of them, really held my interest at all. Largely because the combat was so boring, and the only class that felt like it was a real threat to the enemies was the hunter, but that class was boring as fuck because it was like taking the WoW hunter, juicing up all their abilities, and then removing the pets.

I also really hated the progression with characters. Leveling felt slow, way slower than WoW, the UI, again, was atrocious, and most classes felt like you had to jump through 3x the hoops to do the same stuff a WoW class does with a basic ability. Despite this faux-complexity, the game was retarded easy.

And the achievements were a mixed bag. A lot of them were just grinding abilities X-hundred times to unlock a talent that makes said ability stronger/have some secondary function, but some of them were easy enough to naturally progress with and were interesting.

Player housing was good, the barbershop stuff was good, titles were good, and it did look really pretty. But the core game was no fun for me to play. Oh, and lest we forget, crafting was weird and seemed like they did the system purely based on a meeting where they all agreed "we don't like people being able to take whatever pair of professions they liked in WoW." It wasn't really bad, but very weird.

The thing for me is, WoW was fun from level 1. It's still very fun from level 1 for me a lot of the time, unless it's just a class I don't like (rogue/druid). LotRO was fun in the starter instance, but past that, it was very, very meh. If it gets better at higher levels, that's good. It sure as hell needs to get better at the lower levels, because I could not at all find the quests or class mechanics engaging.


Subconscious Brolonging
firex said:
I played it a year ago when I was burned out on WoW and got bored of it pretty quickly. I got a Captain to level 12 or 14, and like I said, nearly every other class to level 8, just trying to find one I liked. None of them, and I mean none of them, really held my interest at all. Largely because the combat was so boring, and the only class that felt like it was a real threat to the enemies was the hunter, but that class was boring as fuck because it was like taking the WoW hunter, juicing up all their abilities, and then removing the pets.

I also really hated the progression with characters. Leveling felt slow, way slower than WoW, the UI, again, was atrocious, and most classes felt like you had to jump through 3x the hoops to do the same stuff a WoW class does with a basic ability. Despite this faux-complexity, the game was retarded easy.

And the achievements were a mixed bag. A lot of them were just grinding abilities X-hundred times to unlock a talent that makes said ability stronger/have some secondary function, but some of them were easy enough to naturally progress with and were interesting.

Player housing was good, the barbershop stuff was good, titles were good, and it did look really pretty. But the core game was no fun for me to play. Oh, and lest we forget, crafting was weird and seemed like they did the system purely based on a meeting where they all agreed "we don't like people being able to take whatever pair of professions they liked in WoW." It wasn't really bad, but very weird.

The thing for me is, WoW was fun from level 1. It's still very fun from level 1 for me a lot of the time, unless it's just a class I don't like (rogue/druid). LotRO was fun in the starter instance, but past that, it was very, very meh. If it gets better at higher levels, that's good. It sure as hell needs to get better at the lower levels, because I could not at all find the quests or class mechanics engaging.

Yeah, the leveling just changed a lot actually. It's a lot more comparable to WoW now. A friend and I started new characters right after the patch came out and went from 1 to 40 in about two weeks of light playing. The original level cap was 50, so 40 is actually pretty far into the game. If you ever get bored again, I'd give it another shot, especially if you can find a buddy to level with you.


Tamanon said:
That's why you have a pet:p
Oh ok, so I'm suppose to be kind of flimsy without my pet. Makes sense.

Spire said:
If you're BM, your pet should be tanking the mobs pretty well, you shouldn't be getting hit. Make sure you have Growl turned on and you're sending your pet in first thing. I'd open up with this macro:

/cast Hunter's Mark

then after your pet is on it, start in with your shots and stings. If you're still having trouble, grab a tanking pet, like a boar. It'll open up with Charge which generates a ton of aggro right off the bat. If all that fails, concussion shot/wing clip/disengage/freezing trap your way out of its melee range. Kiting takes some work to learn, but is fun once you know how.
Yeah, my pets tank just fine, it's only when I'm in those areas with all red monsters and sometimes one(or a few) will gang up on me while I'm focusing on another with my pet and I have to try and make a mad dash while I call my pet over.

It just sounds like I need to learn how to play my hunter better, thanks for the tips.


I might actually try LotRO with the new expansion sometime, because they keep offering that awesome steal of $10/month if you sign up for any kind of multi-month deal, and I do think the game is polished and it's pretty good. but I'd have to see about the new classes. I think my biggest problem is none of the melee classes felt like they had the strength that warriors/paladins/death knights have in WoW, and the other class I like playing beyond melee/tank is a ranged caster, which the world in LotRO doesn't really have (I guess you could claim the loremaster is one, but it's not really a spellcaster, which makes sense within the game world). I guess if the new classes break that mold a little bit, I might like them more.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Spire said:
LotRO, especially the new zones and content they've added in in patches and the expansion, is actually pretty ace. When and how far in did you play? I'd argue that LotRO tops WoW in just about every aspect outside of combat. And I realize that is a very big aspect (the biggest, in fact) but still, LotRO does a lot of things very well. And even combat in LotRO has greatly improved, the latest patch sped up the combat tremendously and now the combat system is probably closer to WoW than any other MMO on the market right now. They also just recently fine-tuned the leveling experience (lowered the hp of mobs, increased the xp you get, re-tooled entire noob zones).

As far as classes go, the two new classes actually are pretty cool. The wardens especially, which uses a combo system that is pretty involved and fun. The old classes aren't nearly as bad as you make them out to be either, especially hunter. Any class that has an entire feat tree dedicated to kiting mobs gets good marks in my book.

LotRO also handles player housing extremely well, has an awesome in-game music system, is probably the best audio/visual experience in any MMO on the market (their art team knows how to use scale in a way WoW's never has. Rivendell is the perfect example of this), did "achievements" long before WoW and still does them better, and has a better crafting system. Their new content, especially from Forochel onward, is pretty astounding. Forochel's art design, atmosphere, and questing structure is probably the best I've ever seen in an MMO and Moria, Eregion, and Lorien aren't far behind it.

LotRO has become a very, very good game over the past two years and I would really encourage anyone to try it. I played it at launch and then quit for quite awhile. It's a vastly improved game now, and one I think anyone who calls themselves a fan of the MMO genre should play.

Not to mention that LotRO has the whole, you know... Middle-Earth thing going for it. That's a HUGE selling point.

I would LOOOOOVE to give LotRO a try, because I'm a total fanboy for the universe, and because I love the game's art style.

But alas... I'm on a mac. So WoW it is ;)


Lebron said:
I don't know, I've played a lot of KMMOs so I guess I'm use to it. I've just never been a real big quest person, really.

Also, is it normal for my hunter to be so soft? Well, I mean, If I get attacked by something up close and my pet isn't there to tank then I often times come close to dying(depends on the creature) since I can't really use my bow and my axe use is eh. Or is my hunter just horrible? :(

The pet is really really an extension of the class in Solo PvE. It gets better if your really geared out, but killing mobs will always be alot slower and alot more annoying if you dont have your pet around to tank it. In other MMO's pets act as just some small free damage not serving much of a purpose. In this game though, as a hunter, your pet is really important for you. Your supposed to feel a bit 'naked' without it.

Its going to stay that way as you level always. Its a good class, but I just thought Id mention it just incase it sounds like something that might make you want to roll a new class. A BM hunter in particular will always be half a character without his pet, no exaggeration.


Puncture said:
Its a good class, but I just thought Id mention it just incase it sounds like something that might make you want to roll a new class.
Hmm, would a Mage be an easy class to role? Well, not easy, but good leveling and what not? I've also tried a Shaman, but didn't really care for it.


Lebron said:
Hmm, would a Mage be an easy class to role? Well, not easy, but good leveling and what not? I've also tried a Shaman, but didn't really care for it.

Mages are pretty easy classes to level, yah. Takes a while to get used to using frost nova and strafing to keep distance when you need it.


Subconscious Brolonging
Lebron said:
Hmm, would a Mage be an easy class to role? Well, not easy, but good leveling and what not? I've also tried a Shaman, but didn't really care for it.

Hunter is actually one of the best to level I've found, but if it's not clicking with you Mages are also pretty good. Speccing Frost makes leveling and AoE farming a breeze.


force push the doodoo rock
Spire said:
Hunter is actually one of the best to level I've found, but if it's not clicking with you Mages are also pretty good. Speccing Frost makes leveling and AoE farming a breeze.

Yeahhh not really.

After level 40 it's not bad to be a mage, before that though its pretty slow and be prepared to die a lot.

AOE farming is no where near as fast as questing anyway.


Subconscious Brolonging
sprsk said:
Yeahhh not really.

After level 40 it's not bad to be a mage, before that though its pretty slow and be prepared to die a lot.

AOE farming is no where near as fast as questing anyway.

I dunno, I never had a problem leveling with frost. Frostbolt spam usually kills stuff before it even gets to you, and if it doesn't you have frost nova and blink. Maybe they've nerfed it since I leveled my mage back during BC, but when I did it I didn't have any trouble at all and I certainly didn't die a lot.


Son of Godzilla said:
Yea, you are really gonna have to explain to me why you think pvp is worse now than it was when season 5 started.

PVP has been in shambles since the "pre-WotLK" patch. With only one class that was massively OP and they wouldn't nerf because they believed it would make them useless in PVE totally, TBC was actually more balanced than what it is now I think.


If you go mage, I'd say go with fire. If you want to play mage, you want to have fun, and there is nothing that spells out fun like putting your enemies on fire.


I always like playing fire mages, but I think mages take awhile to really take off compared to warlocks. Warlock is another good choice if you don't like the hunter. It's more of what you're expecting out of a pet class anyway (one pet can tank, but you can also kill stuff by using the dps pets to add to your damage).
Did a guild 10-man Ulduar for the first time. Killed 7 bosses. Going to try to take that group to 10-man two nights a week and we should get through it pretty quickly. Our focus is still on 25-man, but 10-man is still a lot of fun. Helps with learning things. And it's less intense.
J-Rzez said:
PVP has been in shambles since the "pre-WotLK" patch. With only one class that was massively OP and they wouldn't nerf because they believed it would make them useless in PVE totally, TBC was actually more balanced than what it is now I think.
Oh definitely, season 2 and especially 3 were by far the most enjoyable to me. But so far 6 seems much better than 5 was.


J-Rzez said:
TBC was actually more balanced than what it is now I think.

I agree with that if you mean as a whole. Individually though TBC was a very dark time PvP wise for a hunter. BM being the primary spec with a pet that gets no resilience etc etc. They refuse for some reason to acknowledge pets in PvP, insisting that they must remain semi easy to kill, but wont budge on the fact that they are so important to our classes ability to be functional in PvP. They even tied yet another PvP centric skill to the pet in WotLK (masters call).

PvP got better for us in Wrath, then it got overpowered. Traps + Wyvern + Stun TnT procs + New burst + Mana draining capabilities. It got a bit out of line, and they just eviscerated every aspect of that equation two. Nerfed ES damage + Nerfed Wyvern cooldown and duration + nerfed Draining + nerfed TnT procs, then tossed in Black Arrow to piss all over our traps.

They giveth, they taketh away.
J-Rzez said:
Already explained the only reason I continue to play, and it's wearing thin.

Stockholm Syndrome.

Fact is, this is the most successful MMO of all time. Considering they make so much money, so much profit off of one game, is it asking too much that they put forth a more proper effort into such, and treat it like the most successful MMO to date? In this xpac, they've actually taken a few steps back IMHO. I dno't believe they're giving it as much attention as they should. They have a lot on their table with SC2, D3, and their "new mmo", and it's all detracting too much from their cash machine I feel. Is it seriously too much to ask for different item models between 10 and 25 man? Not having the same one used 4 fucking times? That perhaps the tier sets should be unique like they're supposed to, and not some off-color pieces that drop off that replicate for example the T8 rogue set, that you see hunters, wars, druids, and shammies wearing? That's bullshit to see those shoulders recycled like that. How about those hot new Arena weapon models?

Complain, ask for more. I don't expect perfect balance in a class based game, but not the shit house it is now. And is it too much to ask of them to address glaring issues faster than just waiting for a big patch? Other companies have patched games in 1 to 2 weeks before based on balancing.

I guess you also feel it's cool that they promised things like "New Dances" in their videos and on boxes, yet they should be able to post "yeah, we'll get to that eventually, not soon, but down the road when we feel like it"?

They need to get some heat. They need to treat the game like the success that it has been. Now they're just slacking off I feel. I enjoy how the game plays, I just want them to give a harder look at what they've been doing. I'm not going to blindfaith support them because they made the best to date. I want them to get criticism they need to make it better.

ding fucking ding!

actually I think the reason we are getting fuck awesome versions of starcraft 2 and diablo 3 is because of the WoW money machine, and who the hell knows what their next gen mmo is gonna be like.

still tho, for making as much as they do, and as popular as it is, they have been kinda cutting corners, I wonder if they will ever open up player housing in the stormwind instance (that's been barred off for 4 fucking YEARS NOW :lol ) things like housing would get me interested again, yeah i know its lame for most but hey weve got achievements, who says houses couldnt offer buffs, or some other lame thing the poopsockers would deem worthy,

also its a damn shame pvp has an "ADDON" feel in a game based on a series that is factions fighting each other constantly (the rts games).


i mean if you are no longer enjoying wow just stop playing, seems pretty simple to me

i got bored with the game 3-4 weeks ago, and stopped playing a few days after 3.1 hit, if i feel the need to play again, i can always resub to get my fix

its a fun game, but after playing for 4 years its getting a little stale to me, bring on Diablo 3


I kinda want them to bring back the old PvP system of ranks in Battlegrounds and completely do away with Arena.

Arena sucks ;(


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
ZombieSupaStar said:
ding fucking ding!

actually I think the reason we are getting fuck awesome versions of starcraft 2 and diablo 3 is because of the WoW money machine, and who the hell knows what their next gen mmo is gonna be like.

still tho, for making as much as they do, and as popular as it is, they have been kinda cutting corners, I wonder if they will ever open up player housing in the stormwind instance (that's been barred off for 4 fucking YEARS NOW :lol ) things like housing would get me interested again, yeah i know its lame for most but hey weve got achievements, who says houses couldnt offer buffs, or some other lame thing the poopsockers would deem worthy,

also its a damn shame pvp has an "ADDON" feel in a game based on a series that is factions fighting each other constantly (the rts games).
I agree thats my biggest "want' is housing. Ultima Online did it so fucking good. If you were in your house you were safe, but if you come outside theres no guarantee there's not someone waiting to gank you. Or if you were a thief you could hide outside their house, then when they exit you stealth in and loot up.

They should at least have guild houses. So ever 30 minutes or something you can hearth there at least with a regular hearth. People love decorating etc, and that would be awesome. Also a whole guild waiting outside another guild's house ready for war is one of the most fun things I can remember from UO days.

Ultima Online was almost fully PvP based though so the PvE side of WoW is awesome in comparison. But UO did pvp so damn well. There was a risk! an actual risk to dieing! If you died you lost everything on you (in the good ole days at least.)

Anyway they did a lot right (dye tubs even. Why the F can't we change the color of our gear to what we want? That was done over 15 years ago by UO.)

Just a lot of things that could keep me interested in WoW other than PvE.


Ok, what am I missing Here? I'm trying to get a couple of lvl 70 pvp welfare epics on my Lvl 69 warrior but all I see from the Org pvp vendors are lvl 80 items and the lvl 60 warlord stuff. I also tried the arena vendors in tanaris but also only lvl 80 stuff. I have no idea what is going on, I got the pvp sets for my 70 hunter and warlock fine about a year ago, but cant find them for my warrior. What changed?


Jupiter said:
Ok, what am I missing Here? I'm trying to get a couple of lvl 70 pvp welfare epics on my Lvl 69 warrior but all I see from the Org pvp vendors are lvl 80 items and the lvl 60 warlord stuff. I also tried the arena vendors in tanaris but also only lvl 80 stuff. I have no idea what is going on, I got the pvp sets for my 70 hunter and warlock fine about a year ago, but cant find them for my warrior. What changed?

The welfare pvp gear is now only purchasable with Badges of Justice in the Shattered Sun island.

I was bummed too when I couldn't get anything for my priest.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
yacobod said:
i mean if you are no longer enjoying wow just stop playing, seems pretty simple to me

i got bored with the game 3-4 weeks ago, and stopped playing a few days after 3.1 hit, if i feel the need to play again, i can always resub to get my fix

its a fun game, but after playing for 4 years its getting a little stale to me, bring on Diablo 3

That's exactly what I was saying on the last page. WoW and other MMOs don't need to be "all or nothing." When I feel like I'm grinding instead of playing, or just otherwise not enjoying myself, I just let my subscrip lapse at the end of that month. It saves me money, AND it keeps my enjoyment sustained.

My thinking is that... unsubbing isn't "quitting." I can sign back up and it'll charge my card with just one click. So even if I don't play for 2 days, and then sign back up... why pay for those 2 days if I don't need to? And more often than not it turns into a 4-6 week break from the game. I come back fresh (usually with some new goals), and I didn't pay for a month I didn't play, like most people.

I signed back up last week, and before that, the last time Blizz had charged my credit card was in January. Yet I still consider myself as ever having really "quit" the game. It's a system that works really well, for me. Every time I sign back up, I unsub a few days later, and then play out every month one month at a time.


ZombieSupaStar said:
I wonder if they will ever open up player housing in the stormwind instance (that's been barred off for 4 fucking YEARS NOW :lol ) things like housing would get me interested again, yeah i know its lame for most but hey weve got achievements, who says houses couldnt offer buffs, or some other lame thing the poopsockers would deem worthy

Blizzard has said that they would never introduce player housing until they felt they could do it 'their way' (IE: 'better than everyone else"). I recently had an idea on that; implement a powerful creation tool that is easy to use but offers plenty of depth. Give players a set of pre-built room / hallway / wall sets that 'snap' together at the exits. Each piece has a cost associated with it, and getting more "Build Points" could be a reward for any number of objectives.


For example, at level 40, give players housing; it's an instanced area where they are allowed to spend a limited number of points, adding various amenities for their own personal use. This introduces players to the basic building system in a safe environment.

At level 60, players start generating points towards Guild Housing. Each member contributes to a total pool, and that pool is then spent building a guild hall in the same fashion as player housing. Guild halls have even more amenities. Editing a guild hall is permission based, exactly like guild banking.

At level 80, players can start building dungeons. You start off with a small number of points, but as you beat other players' dungeons (or players beat yours), you earn more. The more points you have, the more you can expand your own dungeon. You may decide to make a large room filled with monsters, a maze; whatever. The loot is automatically assigned based on the point values; the more points you spend on traps, monsters, and bosses the better the loot. These dungeons are presented in an interface similar to battlegrounds.

Like battlegrounds, horde and alliance builders are pitted against each other; horde players enter alliance-made dungeons, and vice versa. As mentioned, the more people who run your dungeon, the more points you get to expand it, so making a really well-done dungeon is important. Putting together an impossible dungeon or a boring loot buffet won't get you very far (at least in theory)

Inevitably, well-designed dungeons would rise to the top of the lists. The loot tables are unique, so you can only get this specific loot in player-crafted dungeons. The eventual goal is to have players trying to build the best dungeons they can. This would create an actual third tier of the game; PVP, PVE, and Player versus Player Dungeons. This would bring in the creative junkies and allow the community to self-sustain between major content patches.

Might even expand it to have guilds make their own raids.

Just an idea. :lol


If they did player housing (which I doubt they'll do in this MMO; maybe their next one) they should tie part of it in to a couple new professions. Have some lumber, mining and stone related professions for making both building materials and also furniture.


Modesty becomes a woman
firex said:
If they did player housing (which I doubt they'll do in this MMO; maybe their next one) they should tie part of it in to a couple new professions. Have some lumber, mining and stone related professions for making both building materials and also furniture.

And we'll call it "Star Wars Galaxies"


Retro said:
I recently had an idea on that; implement a powerful creation tool that is easy to use but offers plenty of depth.

This is actually pretty close to how Runescape implemented housing.


So, I hit 75 and got Frostfire Bolt. I picked up Glyph of FF, but I don't know which of my current equipped major glyphs to ditch: Glyph of Evocation or Glyph of Frost Nova (I'm fire spec, but it helps).


Gloomfire said:
So, I hit 75 and got Frostfire Bolt. I picked up Glyph of FF, but I don't know which of my current equipped major glyphs to ditch: Glyph of Evocation or Glyph of Frost Nova (I'm fire spec, but it helps).

Should probably just ignore Frostfire bolt until 80, it's not that good until you're able to spec for it and gear for it.
Guilds got 5 bosses down in 25-man Ulduar now. Hoping to get Aureyia and Iron Council down this week. We spent about two hours on Aureyia tonight and got the pull down. Had some trouble with retarded Warriors not interupting but we'll definitely get it when we get there again this week. And about half our guild has done Iron Council in 10-man so hopefully it's not too bad.


Gloomfire said:
So, I hit 75 and got Frostfire Bolt. I picked up Glyph of FF, but I don't know which of my current equipped major glyphs to ditch: Glyph of Evocation or Glyph of Frost Nova (I'm fire spec, but it helps).
Evocation is nice for leveling, but more so for arcane specs. Frost Nova's glyph is largely ineffectual. Both of them should be replaced once you hit 80 anyway. Pick up Glyph of Molten Armor regardless of spec.
firex said:
I might actually try LotRO with the new expansion sometime, because they keep offering that awesome steal of $10/month if you sign up for any kind of multi-month deal, and I do think the game is polished and it's pretty good. but I'd have to see about the new classes. I think my biggest problem is none of the melee classes felt like they had the strength that warriors/paladins/death knights have in WoW, and the other class I like playing beyond melee/tank is a ranged caster, which the world in LotRO doesn't really have (I guess you could claim the loremaster is one, but it's not really a spellcaster, which makes sense within the game world). I guess if the new classes break that mold a little bit, I might like them more.
I'd love to give LOTRO a try sometime. You can pick-up the game and the time cards pretty cheap around near me.


Junior Member
Looks like I'm out for the world event Meta, at least until next year.

I had the audacity to schedule a scuba diving weekend without first consulting the world event calendar and the meta details for Children's Week. I was gone Fri, Sat, and Sun so I can't get the "do a daily w/ your orphan for five consecutive days" achievement.

Kind of a relief in some ways. I hear the PvP achievement for Children's Week is hell. I absolutely hated the Love Fool event. It'll be nice to not worry about that stupid 310% drake anymore.


All you have to do for that achievement is turn in 5 dailies with your orphan out. They hotfixed it or whatever so it isn't updated, but I got that achievement (and all the orphan achievements) in one day.


TomServo said:
Looks like I'm out for the world event Meta, at least until next year.

I had the audacity to schedule a scuba diving weekend without first consulting the world event calendar and the meta details for Children's Week. I was gone Fri, Sat, and Sun so I can't get the "do a daily w/ your orphan for five consecutive days" achievement.

Kind of a relief in some ways. I hear the PvP achievement for Children's Week is hell. I absolutely hated the Love Fool event. It'll be nice to not worry about that stupid 310% drake anymore.

The wording is wrong on that one. Blizzard corrected the achievement to just doing 5 dailies with your orphan out instead of the same daily 5 days.


I have to say yet again I really hate the balancing act of tank gear "upgrades" from raids. Almost every time I get something with more health or some kind of avoidance/mitigation, the defense loss means I have to enchant/gem for defense just to stay crit immune. Although my tank gear is not that great (also wtf, armory is missing some kind of stamina bonus or something because unbuffed I'm at 29k hp, not 26.2k) it's still annoying whenever I get upgrades from pug raids (yes, I pug all my raids. my guild is just me and 2 friends I play tf2/l4d with, and one guy who's in grad school so he doesn't play WoW for now) because the items are clearly better than my ilvl200 blues from heroics/instances, but without retarded gemming/enchanting, I can't actually take advantage of them. Gearing up for my offspec was retardedly easy in comparison, and if I just had epic gloves, I could dps any heroic/non-Ulduar pug I wanted, I bet. it's just that people balk at my shitty green quest reward dps gloves (due to me being retarded and vendoring the CoS quest reward gloves like 4 months ago) despite me being more than capable of doing 3k+ dps in a heroic raid.

well, that and lack of tanks for pug raids.

edit: There's no gaf guild. we've tried multiple times in the past, and the end result is basically nobody wants to level alts without money on a new server, and we can't pick a faction/server type to save our lives. Not to mention the scheduling nightmare considering the people who post in this topic are across all kinds of different timezones, and playstyles for that matter.


firex said:
I have to say yet again I really hate the balancing act of tank gear "upgrades" from raids. Almost every time I get something with more health or some kind of avoidance/mitigation, the defense loss means I have to enchant/gem for defense just to stay crit immune. Although my tank gear is not that great (also wtf, armory is missing some kind of stamina bonus or something because unbuffed I'm at 29k hp, not 26.2k) it's still annoying whenever I get upgrades from pug raids (yes, I pug all my raids. my guild is just me and 2 friends I play tf2/l4d with, and one guy who's in grad school so he doesn't play WoW for now) because the items are clearly better than my ilvl200 blues from heroics/instances, but without retarded gemming/enchanting, I can't actually take advantage of them. Gearing up for my offspec was retardedly easy in comparison, and if I just had epic gloves, I could dps any heroic/non-Ulduar pug I wanted, I bet. it's just that people balk at my shitty green quest reward dps gloves (due to me being retarded and vendoring the CoS quest reward gloves like 4 months ago) despite me being more than capable of doing 3k+ dps in a heroic raid.

well, that and lack of tanks for pug raids.

edit: There's no gaf guild. we've tried multiple times in the past, and the end result is basically nobody wants to level alts without money on a new server, and we can't pick a faction/server type to save our lives. Not to mention the scheduling nightmare considering the people who post in this topic are across all kinds of different timezones, and playstyles for that matter.

From what I've noticed ... the armory does not factor in any kind of bonuses you would get from any talents. I'm missing the 5% crit from cruelty along with the AP from AttT.


yeah, I just realized I'm missing my 6% crit and 6 expertise from the combat expertise talent. guess that explains it.
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